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Three collections of hymns in different hands, only the first being dated.
I (f 1)
An incomplete selection of hymns from the Adi Granth and Dasam Granth, orig-
inally foliated 157-202. There are 10 lines on a page, written in a large hand
with many mistakes. The following items are included:
1 Asa kI V~r [incomplete] (f 1a)
2 7 hymns of Guru Nanak (f 19a)
J Pakhyan Caritr 405 from the Dasam Granth, beginning (f 24a):

4 hymns of Guru Teg_g Bahadur (f 28b)

The colophon (f 52a) , gives the date:

II (f 53)
There are 11 lines on a page, written in a large and crude hand. This
section contains only the apocryphal Par1chia M 5, details of which are given
under item 21 of No 16.
III (f 60)
There are 13 lines on a page, written in a small, neat hand, with some
rubrics. A collection of hymns from the Dasam Granth, containing the follo,ring
1 Japu (f 6oa)
2 Aki! Ustati (f 68a)
3 Bacittar Natak (f 96b)
4 C~qi Caritr I (f 1J2b)
5 Savayye (f 15Ja)
6 Gian Prabodh (f 184a)
7 Ca~qi di Var (f 220a)
8 Shabad Hazare (f 2J2b)
Ff 2JJb-J6 contain verses scribbled in an illegible hand, followed by a
writing exercise on f 2J8a.


MSS Panj. A 4. 507 ff (bound as two vols, vol 1, ff 1-250; vol 2, ff 251-507);
size 11 x 15 cm; 8 lines on a page; Gurmukh1; 19th century.
[H Vansti ttart]


A comprehensive anthology of hymns from the Adi Granth and Dasam Granth,
containing the following items, of which the last is apocryphal:
1 Japu (f 1a)
2 ~ r u (f 2Ja)
3 Sopurakhu (f 29b)
4 Sohila (f J5a)
5 Pakhyan Caritr 405 from the Dasam Granth (f J9b)
6 Dakha~I 0ankar (f 48a)
7 Sidh Gosti (f 73b)

8 Anand (f 101a)
9 Bavan Akharl (f 119b)
10 Sukhman1 (f 157a)
11 Thit1 GaurI M 5 (f 258a)
12 Bilavalu M 1 ThitI (f 270a)
13 Asa M 1 Pati (f 276a)
14 Asa M 3 Pati (f 282b)
15 Asa ki Var (f 286b)
16 hymns of Guru Tegh Bahadur (f 323b)
17 Salok M 9 (f 358b)
18 J~pu, from the Dasam Granth (f 367a)
19 ilil Ustati, from the Dasam Gran th ( f 391a)
20 Cai:i9I di Var, from the Dasam Granth (f 466a)
21 Prichia, attributed to Guru Arjan (f 490a), containing 36 saloks and pauris.

This item is apparently the same as that referred to in .MK, p 564, sv parlcha (2).
It also appears as section II of No 15 . It is written here in a different hand
from that of the rest of the manuscript, with rubrics.
Ends (f 507a):

The manuscript is undated, but a note attached to the fly-leaf reads:

'Holy Book of Bhai Maharaj Sing Gooroo
Captured by H Vanstittart Esq CS Dy Commissioner Julandhar
Dec 28th 1849 1
A further note by H Vanstittart, son of the above and donor of the manuscript in
1926, adds the words 'Never to leave England' (see also Nos 33 and 34 below).


MSS Panj. A 5- 224 ff; size 12 x 16 cm; 9 lines on a page; Gurmukhi; dated
AD 1852.


An untidily written anthology of hymns from the Adi Granth and Dasam Granth,
containing the following items:
1 Japu (f 1a)
2 ~ r u (f 15a)
3 Sopurakhu (f 18a)
4 Sohila (f 21b)
5 Pakhyan Caritr 405, from the Dasam Granth (f 24a)
6 Dakhani 0ankar, wrongly neaded 'Anand M 1 1 (f 30a)
7 Sidh Gosti (f 46a)
8 Anand ~f 64a)
9 B~van AkharI (f 76a)
10 Sukhmanl, beginning in another hand (f 100a)
11 Asa kIVar (f 172b)


MSS Hin . A 9. 9 ff; size 16 x 14 cm; 11 lines on a page; unbound; GurmukhI;

19th century.


An anonymous tract in Hindi, without title, on the duty of obedience to the

teachings of the Gurus.

Ea HH ~RxJ: )}f1t fum t ¥ r=r1 "A" ~T 11 2 rTTfB

a fap,rqr ~3"T -j ~ 1..[68 ~ •••

JFB provides the following description of the contents:

'Srenika and other Rishis request the saint Suta to inform them how future
salvation may best be attained. In reply the saint narrates the substance of a
discourse between the god Siva and his consort ParvatI, in which the duty of
obedience to the teachings of a Guru is enjoined as being the surest means of
salvation. At the conclusion of the work the author exhorts his brethren in like
manner to practise implicit obedience to the teachings of the ten Gurus, and more
particularly to those of Guru Nanak, who is to be regarded as an incarnation of
the deity . '
Ends with a kabitt in Braj, concluding:

~1 )}fB 3Ttl R~ olocx ~ o 32

R8o1)-f ~To ~ tTclB ~1ti ~ 11


MSS Panj. A 6. 28 ff; size 13 x 15 cm; 11 lines on a page; unbound; crudely

written GurmukhI; 19th century. [H Vanstittar L


A short collection of miscellaneous pieces, containing four items. The first

three are written in Hindi (Braj), and the last in Panjabi.
I ( f 1)
A chronology of the ten Gurus, in verse.

~B ~tr TTJr>G' a1 RmTMm-rrfu II

Rr0 HU R11-8~ ffic5 mll.f ~ T-Kf o:03" Ro-rfE - 11
II (f 12)
Rajni t QTt=fW
A short work, in verse, purporting to be a version of the Ca~akyaniti: it is
divided into eight sections (dhiai) .


q f[' R"lzj_@ 1.JRTR" 11 -»ra Q~. B~'c:F

~ tp 11 mr II
~ RcJ:Q ~ a ))fer ~
RH tftr 11
fi:ru H RH<> 1.J?Hct cN R ~ BB ~ T II

III (f 20)
A series of invocations to the sun, in verse .

ff 24--25 are blank.

IV (f 26)
A list of auspicious days, attributed to Guru Amar Das.

q fl ... BJ ~ ))f}@tTFf HT ar 'Bc53r 11

~ fem ~r<J rF~T ~ 3r lf T3 Brfi:: ri'-r/E 11

Ends ( f 27a):

~ ))f}Rftl'H
Btf3 -:::, HT ar RBaT@ ~R 11
HQB ~ ar n@:rq 31).f I 3r~p fflUJ ri'T 11

A recipe and a magic square are written on f 28b.

A note at the end states: 'Book of Prayers belonging to the Fakeer of the
Grove in which Bhaie Maharaj Sing was taken by Mr H Vanstittart
Dec 28th 1849 Julandhar Doab Punjab'
Another note, attached to this and to No 34, states that they were presented in
November 1959, together with 'a conch shell, a small knife, a ring, needle and
cotton, and two quoits.' (See also the note to No 16, from the same source).

MSS Panj. A 7. 3 leaves in an envelope; GurmukhI; 19th century. [H Vanstittart]


Three miscellaneous items.

I size 22 x 6 cm; 18 lines; clumsily written.
Verses by Guru Nanak included as Sarang ki Var, paurI 7, salok 2 in the Adi
Granth (p 1 1240).
II size 54 x 12 cm; 51 lines+ 18 overleaf; damaged at top; neatly written.
The hymn by Guru Arjan in Rag MarU from the Adi Granth (p 1082), already
noted as item 12 of No 13, and as item 10 of No 14.
III size 26 x 14 cm; 17 lines; clumsily written.
A series of formulas, giving the whereabouts of the jognian on different days
of the month. Written in Panjabi. Cf item IV of No 33.


On the envelope is written:

'Forms of Prayer belonging to Bhaie Maharaj Singh Gooroo'
See also the note to No JJ .

MSS Panj. C 7. 5 ff; size 27 x 19.5 cm; 20 lines on a page; Gurmukhi; dated
Bhadron, S 1914 (AD 1857) . [E PlayfairJ


Described in a note on the envelope as 'verses in question-response fashion,

containing religious and moral truths, composed by Col. Rattan Singh, in the mood
of a soldier as he goes to war.'

ctlf ~ru i:r~foH~T fm J}f~1g 'nri=r1§ 11

-ei?;fo H~:Y BR ~ t:f3T <JH~1 H1§ 11
A short prologue of five dohras is prefixed to the main part of the work,
which consists of 66 verses . A note on the fly-leaf explains that the manuscript
was presented by the author, 'Colonel Ruttun Sing, of the old Sikh Army, and
resident of Otheean, Umri tsur District, Purgh . S owie ean', at Camp Rohalee, on
4 March 1859, to 'Pat Maxwell' (later Major-General Patrick Maxwell), who had
fought in the second Sikh War of 1848-49 and subsequently served as Assistant
Commissioner in the Panjab.

fr:Ji3o1 -~p3T }i fc5B1 rRJ"T o ~o cJ:Bfu 11

Q°3o ffllif fufi::r "813 an"fcS3 3R:1."B rRJ"fu
The poem is composed in a mixture of Panjabi and Hindi. The spelling of the
manuscript, which seems to have been written by the author, is erratic.

"R1-f3 1914 II 3~ J}f}f~ffiJ}fT

3"ao 3 do 1 HH11131 II R5B]l-f Q°3o ffluf URf §o1


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