Physical and Occupational Therapy (Exercises)

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Answer the following questions:

a. What are the services provided by a physical therapist?
b. What patients need the help of a physical therapist?
c. What are the treatments used by a physical therapist to relieve pain?
d. Does the physical therapist need the help of other professionals? Which?
e. Name the reasons for which the physical therapist’s job can be considered
f. What should a child suffer from in order to need physical therapy?
g. Name several activities for which children might get instructions from a physical
therapist in order to avoid injuries.
h. How can a physical therapist improve circulation around injuries?
i. What is the difference between a physical and an occupational therapist?
j. Describe the environment in which both the physical and the occupational therapists
k. What can an occupational therapist do with/for children?
l. Name some of the work activities performed by an occupational therapist.
m. Is the activity performed by an occupational therapist a temporary or a longer
n. How can an occupational therapist help a child who has trouble eating or writing?

II. Read the text and establish whether the following statements are correct or

True False
1. Physical therapists provide services for accident victims and
individuals with low-back pain, arthritis, heart disease, etc.
2. Occupational therapists only work with children with physical
disabilities and teach them the coordination skills.
3. Physical therapist also uses electrical stimulation, cold packs, hot
compresses and ultrasound to relieve pain and enhance swelling.
4. Therapists teach people how to use crutches and prostheses, and how
much weight they can put on the broken leg.
5. A physical therapist is a person who tells a sportsman when to return
to sports after an accident or an injury.
6. An occupational therapist does not need to know any information about
the patient’s lifestyle or environment.
7. OT deals with pain, strength, endurance and gross motor functioning.
8. PT deals with teaching anxiety management techniques and assisting
people to return to work.
9. Therapists write down for their patients a schedule which will help
them re-build their skills and regain confidence.
10. The therapist’s job can be very fatiguing because he often has to stoop,
kneel, lift and stand for long periods of time.
11. Therapists do not need the help of other personnel, because they can
take the place of physicians, nurses, educators, social workers, speech-
language pathologists.
12. Physical and occupational therapy can include a long process of
recovery, as well as several meetings to revise the ongoing treatment.

III. Word building. The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences
can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

Example: The International Olympic Committee was founded in 1894 on the

INITIATIVE of a French nobleman, Pierre Frédy, Baron de Coubertin.
1. Physical ………………… encourage patients to use their muscles to increase their
flexibility THERAPY
2. ……………………… devices promote greater independence by enabling people with
disabilities to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish.
3. Therapists examine patients’ medical history and then test and measure their
…………………., balance and coordination. STRONG
4. If a child needs help with writing, the therapy might …………………… the pointer
finger by finger painting. STRONG
5. Doctors may recommend physical therapy for children with: developmental delays,
cerebral palsy, head injuries, limb ………………………., muscle diseases.
6. Occupational therapists help people with mental, physical or social …………………...
7. Occupational therapists help people carry out their daily tasks and to do so with more
confidence and ……………………………. DEPENDENT
8. Physical therapy deals with pain, strength, joint range of motion, …………………. and
gross motor functioning ENDURE
9. Therapists write reports and attend …………………………. case meetings to plan and
review ongoing treatment. DISCIPLINE
10. Occupational therapist deals with fine motor skills, visual-perceptual skills, cognitive
skills, and ……………………..-processing deficits. SENSE

IV. Too many words. Replace the words in bold type in the following sentences with
a single or a compound word. The first letter of the word is given.
1. Therapists may use a sustained pull applied mechanically especially to the arm, leg,
or neck (t……………….) or deep-tissue massage to relieve pain and improve circulation
and flexibility.
2. Therapists teach patients how to use assistive and adaptive devices, such as a long staff
of wood or metal having a rest for the armpit, for supporting the weight of the body
(c…………….), prostheses and wheelchairs.
3. Therapists can practice their job not only in different rooms or divisions in a hospital
for the care of a particular group of patients (w………….), but also at home and in
4. Some physical therapists treat a wide range of mild physical or mental disorders/
illness (a……………………).
5. While trying to fight crime, officers will regularly communicate and maintain
contact (l……………..) with residents, shop owners and local councillors.
6. Doctors may recommend physical therapy for children with developmental delays or
complete or partial muscle paralysis, often accompanied by loss of sensation and
uncontrollable body movements or tremors (p………….).
7. Physical therapist also uses electrical stimulation, hot packs, cold soft pads of material
applied with pressure to a part of the body to control haemorrhage
8. The job can be exhausting because therapists often have to bend the body or the top
half of the body forward and downward (s……….), go down on his knees (k………),
lift and stand for long periods of time.
9. Although he lay on his left side, three and four times the hurt of the protuberance
resulting from edema (s……………….) woke him.
10. Occupational therapists can evaluate children’s dexterity/facility of using their hands
or body (s…………) for playing, school performance, and daily activities and compare
them with what is developmentally appropriate for that age group.
11. Therapists work with children and adults of all ages, whose difficulties may have been
present since birth, or the result of the process of growing old (a………………).
12. It was a difficult task, for he held the pencil as one would grasp the hilt of a dagger,
which does not add greatly to the clearness and sharpness of the handwriting
(l…………………) of his confession.
V. Synonyms. Give a synonym for each of the words in brackets in the following
sentences. Choose from the ones below: assist, squirt, environment, evaluate, stamina,
personnel, professionals, conduct, expedite, demanding, alteration, delay.

1. Some areas of work may be stressful and require physical and mental strength, flexibility
and (endurance)………………….
2. If a child needs help with writing, the therapy might be strengthening the pointer finger
by finger painting or (spurting) ………………a water gun!
3. OT advise on home and workplace environmental (changes)…………………., such as
adjustments for wheelchair access
4. They may also show patients how to do the necessary exercises at home to (accelerate)
……………………their recovery.
5. Physical therapist often consults and practices with a variety of other (experts/ a skilled
practitioner) ……………………., such as physicians, dentists, nurses, educators, social
workers, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists and audiologists.
6. Occupational therapists review the treatments periodically, (estimate)
………………progress and make changes to the treatment as needed.
7. The (settings) ………………… which he works includes: hospitals, clinics, private
surgeries that have at disposal specially equipped facilities.
8. Doctors may recommend physical therapy for children with: developmental
(detainment) …………………, genetic disorders, orthopaedic disabilities.
9. Audrey did not think to inform him of the reduction she had made in his (staff)
10. Physical therapists document the patient’s progress, (control) ……………….periodic
examination and modify treatments if this is necessary.
11. This gloomy, (burdensome) …………………love to which he had to return struck the
young man.
12. Occupational therapists (aid/ support) ……………… people to return to work.
VI. Read through the following phrases and fill in the missing letters.

1. __ __ Y __ __ __ __ __ T __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (he treats injury or dysfunction with

exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder)
2. __ A __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (the branch of medical science concerned with children
and their diseases)
3. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ C __ (the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and
treatment of diseases and problems specific to the aged)
4. __ __ __ __ __ __ A __ __ __ __ __ (the branch of medicine that deals with the
prevention or correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated
muscles, joints, and ligaments)
5. __ __ __ S __ __ __ __ __ __ (an artificial device used to replace a missing body part,
such as a limb, tooth, eye, or heart valve)
6. __ P __ __ __ __ T __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (he treats speech defects and disorders,
especially through use of exercises and audio-visual aids that develop new speech habits)
7. __ __ __ HR __ __ __ __ (inflammation of a joint or joints characterized by pain and
stiffness of the affected parts, caused by gout, rheumatic fever)
8. __ __ H __ __ __ __ __ __ __ T __ __ __ (the treatment of physical disabilities by
massage, electrotherapy, or exercises)
9. __ __ X __ __ __ __ (distress or uneasiness caused by fear of danger or misfortune)
10. S__ __ __ __ __ (a rigid device used to prevent motion of a joint or of the ends of a
fractured bone)
11. __ __ __ __ __ L __ __ __ __ __ (he studies hearing, especially the hearing defects and
their treatment)
12. __ O __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (related to the mental processes of perception, memory,
judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes)
13. __ A __ __ __ R __ H __ __ __ (profuse bleeding from ruptured blood vessels)

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