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T-Test Dependen : Serat

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Pair 1 PRE-TEST 10,91 35 3,484 ,589
POS-TEST 18,17 35 5,322 ,900

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation One-Sided p Two-Sided p
Pair 1 PRE-TEST & POS-TEST 35 -,013 ,469 ,939

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Interval of the ...
Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Lower
Pair 1 PRE-TEST - POS-TEST -7,257 6,400 1,082 -9,456

Paired Samples Test

Paired ... Significance
95% Confidence
Interval of the ...
Upper t df One-Sided p Two-Sided p
Pair 1 PRE-TEST - POS-TEST -5,059 -6,708 34 <,001 <,001

Page 1

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