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Regular & Supplementary Winter Examination-2023
Course: B.Tech Branch : Computer Science And Design Semester :V
Subject Code & Name:Database System Design(BTCSD502)
Max Marks: 60 Date:03-01-24 Duration: 3 Hr.
Instructions to the Students:
1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. The level of question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on
which the question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question.
3. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed.
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly.
(Level/CO) Marks
Q. 1 Solve Any Two of the following. 12
A) Explain Three levels of data abstraction in DBMS. Understand/CO1 6
B) Explain ER Model with its components? Understand/CO1 6
C) Define DBMS. Explain advantages of DBMS over file system. Understand/CO1 6

Q.2 Solve Any Two of the following. 12

A) Explain SQL DML Commands with proper examples Understand/CO2 6
B) Write Short note on -1)Set Operation in SQL Understand/CO2 6
2)Aggregate Functions in SQL
C) Explain following types of Joins inSQL with suitable example Understand/CO2 6
I)Inner Join II)Left Outer join III)Right Outer Join

Q. 3 Solve Any Two of the following. 12

A) Explain 3NF and BCNF and give its example. Also enlist their Understand/CO3 6
B) Elaborate the significance of codd’s rule. Explain 12 rules proposed by Understand/CO3 6
C) What are the desirable properties of decomposition? Explain it with Understand/CO3 6

Q.4 Solve Any Two of the following. 12

A) During execution, a transaction passes through several states, until it Understand/CO4 6
commits or aborts. List all possible sequence of states through which
transaction may pass. Explain the situation when each state transition
B) Explain concept of Schedule.Explain view serializable schedule Understand/CO4 6
C) Explain Query processing ?With the help of diagram explain various Understand/CO4 6
steps in Query processing

Q. 5 Solve Any Two of the following. 12

A) Explain Two phase Commit Protocol in Distributed transaction. Understand/CO5 6
B) Explain different Architectures of parallel databases Understand/CO5 6
C) Explain DAC,MAC and RBAC models of database Security Understand/CO5 6
*** End ***
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