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Anglia Examinations

Elementary Level
Speaking Test
2021 Set 1
Instructions for Assessors

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LOCATION: a quiet place in the school.

DURATION: 11−12 minutes.

PARTICIPANTS: two candidates; assessor; usher.

RECORDING: the examination is to be recorded as an MP3. The recording is

sent to Anglia Examinations, Chichester College, for moderation.

BEFORE the candidates enter the room, record their full names,
numbers and level of examination clearly.

AFTER the examination, the usher must ensure that the candidates do not
return to the area where candidates yet to take the test are still waiting.


1. The candidates choose two or three photographs/pictures each to bring to

the exam, such as family or holiday photographs, or pictures from magazines.
These pictures should be vetted by a teacher before the test for their

N.B. Family portraits are not really suitable for this task as there is no
narrative involved.

2. The list of Elementary topics for the candidates to interview each other

3. List of question prompts, which can be used by the assessor to encourage

interaction between candidates.

Task 1: 3 minutes maximum. Introductory warm-up

The assessor welcomes and reassures the candidates. It is recommended that you
begin the speaking test by saying,

‘Hello/Good morning etc. My name is xxxxx and I am your assessor for the
Elementary test today. OK?’

The assessor invites each of the candidates in turn to talk about him/herself by
asking specific questions. If the candidate has clearly prepared a short introduction
and sets off to recite it, allow him/her to start going through it but be prepared to
kindly interrupt if this goes on for too long. Conduct the introduction with three or
four simple, specific question prompts from the suggestions on the next page.

(The trick here is to keep an eye on the candidate’s pictures and the topics
for task 3 and make sure there is no overlap in this warm-up section).

Anglia Examinations Elementary Speaking Test Instructions for Assessors Document 5

Now, I want to ask some questions about you and after that we will talk about
some pictures. Did you bring some pictures to talk about? Can I see? Great. Thanks.
We’ll talk about them later. Right, [<name>], we’ll start with you…….

How many brothers and sisters have you got? Who is the eldest?
Which school do you go to? What’s your favourite class?
Do you have a big house? Tell me about it. Have you got your own bedroom? Can
you describe it to me?
Do you like the town/village where you live?
What sport do you play?
What do you usually do at weekends?

Task 2: 4 minutes maximum.

The assessor invites each of the candidates in turn to talk about the pictures he or
she has brought to the exam.
If, for some very good reason, a candidate cannot produce pictures, the assessor
should provide several magazines or pictures for him or her to choose from. This
should only be an emergency procedure, however. Some examples of photographs
have been included; please see pictures A, B and C.

The assessor says,

‘Let’s move to task two and talk about your pictures. [<name>], we’ll start with
you this time. This looks like a very interesting picture. Tell me about it.’

For a photograph:
Who’s that? Who are those people?
Who took the picture?
When did he/she take the photo?
Tell me about this day/party/person.
Why did you choose this photograph?
Do you go there often? (e.g. picture of family at the beach)

For a picture from a magazine:

Where did you get it?
Why did you choose this picture? (e.g. picture of a famous person)
Would you like to be famous/a pop star/in a band? etc.

[<name>],do you have any questions for [<name>] about the picture?

Task 3: 4 minutes maximum.

They are not expected to talk about the topic on their own first as a monologue.
Try to get them to ask each other questions. They can use the question words
provided, if they need help.

Anglia Examinations Elementary Speaking Test Instructions for Assessors Document 5

The assessor says,

[<name>], what have you chosen? Your favourite sport? OK. Now, [<name>], ask
[<name>] about his favourite sport. Go on… that’s right… What is the name of…?’


 My best friend
 My favourite actor
 How I usually spend my summer holiday
 The best day of the week
 My favourite sport

If the candidate’s partner in the test is happy asking him or her some questions
about it, there is no need to intervene. However, if help is needed, here are some
possible prompts:

My best friend

Possible teacher prompts:

Who is your best friend?

What does your best friend look like?
How long have you known your best friend?
Tell me about your friend.
How often do you see your best friend?
Where did you first meet your best friend?

Extend the topic – Tell me how you and your friend are different.

My favourite actor

Possible teacher prompts:

Who is your favourite actor?

Why do you like XXX?
Where is XXX from?
Tell me more about this person.
What films does this actor star in?
Does your family like XXX too?
What does this actor look like?

Extend the topic – Do you like acting? Would you like to be an actor?

Anglia Examinations Elementary Speaking Test Instructions for Assessors Document 5

How I usually spend my summer holiday

Possible teacher prompts:

Do you usually stay in your country or go to another country?

Where do you usually go?
Who do you usually go with?
If you are at home during the holiday, what do you do?
What do you like doing when the weather is hot?
Who do you see more in the summer- your friends or your family?

Extend the topic –Do you like the summer more than the winter? Why?

The best day of the week

Possible teacher prompts:

What is the best day of the week and why do you like it?
What do you usually do on that day?
What time do you get up on that day?
Do you play any sport on that day of the week? If so, what do you play?
Who do you spend time with on this day?
Do you have to do homework on this day of the week? How much homework do you
usually get?

Extend the topic – What is your least favourite day of the week?

My favourite sport

Possible teacher prompts:

What is your favourite sport?

Do you play this sport or just watch it on TV?
Why do you like this sport so much?
When did you start playing this sport? Are you good at it?
How do you play it?
Are there any sports that you don’t like?

Extend the topic – What other sports or activities do you do at the weekend?

Anglia Examinations Elementary Speaking Test Instructions for Assessors Document 5

Stay cheerful and encouraging, and when the test is over, thank the student and
say, ‘Goodbye’.






How many….?

Do you…..?

Anglia Examinations Elementary Speaking Test Instructions for Assessors Document 5

Elementary, Set 1 2021, Task 2, Photograph A
Elementary, Set 1 2021, Task 2, Photograph B
Elementary, Set 1 2021, Task 2, Photograph C


Communication is effective for
A wide range of vocabulary Candidate confidently uses a range of
the situation even though Shows the ability to
Language of this level is appropriate for the tasks grammatical forms of the level
answers may be short and speak confidently about
very well articulated and at this level. May throughout. There may be
D hesitation may be noticeable. the subjects at this
can easily be understood demonstrate an ability to inaccuracies and inappropriate uses
Within the limitations of the level level. May add personal
throughout. use language beyond this when the candidate attempts
there is fluency and good views.
level. grammatical forms outside the level.
Has the ability to speak An adequate range of
Generally good articulation
There is active participation with some fluency vocabulary at this level is The candidate’s use of the
throughout. However,
during the conversation, even if about the subjects at used to cover all the grammatical forms of the level is
M prompts are needed and there is this level and can
there may be a few minor
subjects discussed, reasonably consistent for all the
mistakes with language of
a lot of hesitation. respond in more than a although there may be a tasks, although there may be errors.
this level.
basic way. few gaps.
Communication with the Words are pronounced well
There may be a number of obvious or
examiner takes place but answers enough to be understood Vocabulary is limited for
Can speak about the basic mistakes, but the use of
are brief and may need repeated most of the time by a the level, but is just
P prompts. Short answers, with
subjects in a basic way,
listener who is prepared to sufficient to cover most of
grammatical forms appropriate to the
but no more than that. level is adequate for understandable
limited scope for active concentrate, even if there the subjects discussed.
exchanges to take place.
participation. are a number of mistakes.
The grammatical structures available
Cannot speak Very poor articulation,
Poor communication with the Vocabulary is not at all to the candidate are insufficient.
R examiner.
intelligibly about the virtually impossible to
adequate for the situation. There are very few accurate
subjects. understand.
structures observed at all.
U Little or no communication in English takes place at all.

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