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Geography: Class 8

The City School

Worksheet 1: Topic: International Trade
Subtopic: Imports and Exports of Pakistan

Answer the given questions.

Q1-a- Define Trade.


b-What do you mean by International Trade?


c-What two important aspects does the trade of any country depend on?


Q2-Generally speaking what role do the exports and imports play for a country?




Exporting and importing in Pakistan:

Q3-What is Pakistan’s rank in the world in terms of;

Imports: ___________________ Exports: _______________________

The City School Academics

Geography: Class 8

The City School

Q4-a-When did Pakistan start exporting products to other countries?


b-Why did the government decide to export more after 1980 and how?


c- Similarly what imports had the government decided to increase?


Q5-Make lists of the major trade (import and export) partners;

a- 2006 b-2022

_____________________ _____________________

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Q6-Define the given term;

i- supply:

ii- demand:

The City School Academics

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