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Project allotted

Class -12 Project
Roll Nos.
1 To study the presence of oxalate ion content in guava fruit at 1,24
different stages of ripening.
2 To study the quantity of CAESIN present in different samples 2,25
of milk
3 Preparation of soyabean milk and its comparison with the 3,26
natural milk with respect to curd formation, effect of
temperature and taste.
4 Determination of the contents of coconut water. 4,
5 To compare the rates of fermentation of the following fruit or
vegetable juices a)Apple Juice b)Orange Juice c)Carrot Juice
6 To compare the rates of fermentation of the given samples of 6,
wheat flour, gram, flour, rice & potatoes.
7 To detect the presence of adultrants in food stuffs 7,21
8 Determination of the dosage of bleaching powder required for 8
sterilization or disinfection of different samples of water.
9 To analyse the given samples of commercial antacids by 9
determining the amount of HCl they can neutralize.
10 To study the presence of insecticides / pesticides (nitrogen 10
containing) in various fruits & vegetables.
11 To study the quantity of caffeine present in different brands of 11,23
tea/samples of tea.
12 Determination of amount of acetic acid in vinegar. 12
13 Determination of the contents of cold drinks. 13,5
14 To determine which antacid neutralizes the stomach acid most 14
15 To study the effect of metal coupling on rusting of 15
16 Content analysis of different brands of honey. 16
17 Determination of contents of different brands of toothpaste. 17
18 Determination of amount of ascorbic acid in different citrus 18,27
19 To study the amount of aspirin in dispirin. 19
20. To study the constituents of an alloy 20
21. To determine molecular mass of non volatile solute
22. To find the variation of conductance with temperature in 22

23. To study the effect of pH, temperature on salivary amylase

and study the action of the enzyme on starch

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