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Total Positive sequence impedance (ohm/phase/km)-Z1 = 0.49+J1.28=1.37 Ω

Total Zero sequence impedance (ohm/phase/km)-Z0 = 1.14+J4.48=4.62 Ω

CT ratio used = 300/1 A

PT/VT ratio used = 132000/110 v
Impedance ratio(VT/CT) = (132000/110)/(300/1)=4

Consider Arc resistance for Phase-Phase fault(R-arc) = 15 Ω

Consider tower foot resistance for Phase-Ground fault(R- = 25 Ω

Adjacent element details

Short element(in terms impedance)-Zshort NA
2 Nos 132/33KV 20MVA PTR-1&2 of % impedance = 9.15
Actual impedance = (9.15/100)*(132*132/20)=79.72 Ω
Parallel impedance(79.72/2) = 39.86 Ω
Long element (in terms impedance)-Z long NA
Consider only one PTR impedance = 79.72 Ω

Calculation of Zonal reaches

Zone-1 Primary Secondary Value=

value (primay/Imp.ratio)
Z1 Ph.Reach 80% of Z1pl 0.8*1.37 = 1.096 0.274 Ω
R1 Ph Resistive (R1L+Rarc) 0.49+15 = 15.49 3.873 Ω
R1 Gnd resistive (R1L+Rarc+R tower) 0.49+15+25 = 40.49 10.123
tZ1 Delay = 0.00 Sec
Z2 Ph.Reach 100% of Z1pl+40% of Zshort 1.0*1.37+0.4*39.86 = 17.314 4.329 Ω
R2 Ph Resistive 1.25* R1 Ph Resistive 1.25*15.49 = 18.588 4.841 Ω
R2 Gnd resistive 1.25*R1 Gnd resistive 1.25*40.49 = 50.613 12.653 Ω
tz2 Delay 0.30 Sec
Z3 Ph.Reach 100% of Z1pl+80% of Zshort 1.0*1.37+0.8*39.86 = 33.258 8.315 Ω
R3 Ph Resistive 1.40* R1 Ph Resistive 1.4*15.49 = 21.686 5.422 Ω
R3 Gnd resistive 1.40*R1 Gnd resistive 1.4*40.49 = 56.686 14.172 Ω
tz3 Delay 0.60 Sec
ZP Ph.Reach 100% of Z1pl+110% of Zshort 1.0*1.37+1.1*79.72 = 89.062 22.266 Ω
RP Ph Resistive 1.50* R1 Ph Resistive 1.5*15.49 = 23.235 5.808 Ω
RP Gnd resistive 1.50*R1 Gnd resistive 1.5*40.49 = 60.735 15.184 Ω
tzP Delay 1.00 Sec
Z4 Ph.Reach 10% of Z1 Ph.Reach 0.1*1.096 = 0.1096 0.03 Ω
R4 Ph Resistive RP Ph Resistive = 5.808 Ω
R4 Gnd resistive RP Gnd resistive = 15.184 Ω
tz4 Delay 0.30 Sec

Line angle (X1/R1) (1.28/0.49) = 69.05 Deg

KZNn Res Comp (Zo-Z1)/(3*Z1) (4.62-1.37)/(3*1.37) = 0.79
KZNn Res Angle ((Xo-X1)/(Ro-R1))-Line ((4.48- 9.47 Deg
angle 1.28)/(1.14-0.49))-69

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