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Starting Behavior of Gathering Lines and
Pipelines Filled with Gelled Prudhoe Bay Oil
T. K. Perkins, SPE-AIME, Atlantic Richfield Co.
J. B. Turner, SPE-AIME, Atlantic Richfield Co.

The discovery of large quantities of oil in arctic the shear resistance along the wall, TDLT, and we
regions has led to a number of unconventional diffi- can calculate a yield strength of the gel.
culties in producing and transporting oil under con-
ditions of low air and soil temperatures. One of the DAp
problems aggravated by low temperatures is that of ‘AT.’””””””””
gelling of oils. Although this difficulty has already
been encountered during transmission of high-pour- Although the theological study described later will
point oils, it is expected that gelling will be much show that this concept is quite oversimplified, yield
more severe or will be encountered more frequently strengths determined this way can reveal the quali-
as ambient temperatures fall far below zero. tative effects of variables on gel behavior.
This paper describes the study of a particular oil, Using this approach, we have found that the follow-
that from the Sadlerochit zone of the Prudhoe Bay ing factors will significantly affect the yield strength
field. Although the gelling and theological behavior of Prudhoe Bay oil: (1) temperature history, (2) shear,
will be described in detail for this oil alone, we believe (3) aging, and (4) composition. Many of these same
. ,
that much of the material presented here wiii be Iactors nave been repoI~-~ r-- UL1lG1
LCU,uI -*I.=..
-:1 h.,
“y ~lu. .V-.

c-- ---~---....xl..-
generally suitable m UIKIGIWWJU15
.La ~nh ht.=havinr
“W..u..w. invesdgators.1-6
of gathering lines and pipelines filled with other
gelled oils. Temperature History
To investigate the effect of any variable, it is necessary
first to return the oil to what is thought to be its
Factors Affecting the Yield reservoir condition. For Prudhoe Bay oil this is
Strength of Prudhoe Bay CM acconipiished by i~h~iitkg it to 1W ‘F (approxi-
The concept of a “yield strength” of a gel has often mately the reservoir temperature) and holding for at
proved useful in understanding the behavior of gelled least 1 hour. After this “beneficiation” treatment, the
oils. If it is imagined that a sample of gelled oil in a oil is relatively insensitive to any thermal treatment
tube will exhibit a specific yield strength, then exper- that it receives at temperatures above about 100”F.
imentally the pressure differential across the length of However, at less than 100”F three aspects of its sub-
tube can be increased until the oil just begins to move. sequent thermal history measurably influence yield
The force pushing the gel, 7D2Ap/4, is set equal to strengths. The lowest value of yield strength is ob-
tained by monotonically cooling the oil at less than tained by monotonically cooling the oil at less than

The apparent yield strength O) Prudhoe Bay crude oil is influenced by its composition
and its thermal and shear history. Laboratory studies were conducted with this gelled
crude to determine yield behavior in compressible and essentially incompressible tubes,
and it is concluded that with proper design, the proposed Trans Alaska pipeline can
be restarted without di#iculty.

MARCH, 1971 “T fT N-)1


about 10/rein to the desired testing temperature. We by quiescent heating. Similarly, throttling a sample of
have called such values tne yield strength of “bene- beneticlated oil is more det.nmental than temperature
Iiciated’ oil. The most dramatic effect of thermal cyctig an equivalent amount by quiescent heating.
history is shown by cycling the temperature to an
intermediate value, back to a higher value (but not
high enough to beneficiate the oil again) and finally Three aspects of aging are of interest. First, it has
to a low testing temperature. Such temperature cycling been found that samples of oil subjected to shear or
can lead to appreciable increase in yield strength. temperature cycling will change with respect to time
A second important aspect of thermal history is when stored at room temperature. Measurement of
the level of the testing temperature. As the testing yield strength shows that an equihbrium condition is
temperature decreases, the apparent yield srength in- apparently reached after about 48 hours. Hence, for
creases. Samples of Prudhoe Bay oil of different yield consistency of results, we believe that samples sub-
strengths have been prepared by subjecting them to jected to extreme thermal or shear histories should
various temperature cycles and then testing them at be stabilized at some convenient, warm temperature
dillerent temperatures. The results are shown on Fig. for about 48 hours before testing.
1 to illustrate the potential effects of thermal cycling Second, tests of stabilized oil have shown that gel
and temperature level. strengths may increase for 8 to 12 hours after reach-
A third important aspect of thermal history is that ing the testing temperature; hence it is necessary to
of cooling rate. We have seen little effect of cooling age the gel attesting temperature for at least 12 hours.
rates less than a few degrees per minute. However, Finally, in a hater section of this paper it is shown
if small tubes containing warm, beneficiated oil are that the gel behavior is thixotropic. Partially degraded
plunged into baths of cold liquid so that the cooling gels have been shown to rebuild gel strength upon
rate of the oil is tens or even hundreds of degrees per quiescent aging at testing temperature for a number
minute, substantial increasesq III
‘- ~IQ,
=’:-ld st.rengttis can be of hours.
observed even though the history has been one of
monotonic cooling.
Finally, the mixing of two streams of beneficiated Gel strengths are sensitive to light-ends content.
oils that are at different temperatures can in some Weathering or removal of light ends can lead to sig-
cases lead to a tenfold or even a hundred-fold increase nificant increases in gel strength. Weathering experi-
in yield strength. This increase is thought to be a ments in the presence of air as well as pure nitrogen
result of the temperature cycling effect on the cold have shown that mild contact with air at room tem-
oil stream, with perhaps a contribution of shock cool- perature causes no oxidation effect on gel strength.
ing of the hot oil stream. The presence of only a fraction of 1 percent of
emulsified water had little effect on yield strength,
Shear History but a high percentage led to a decided increase.
Various experiments have shown that subjecting the Finally, the mixing of a small sample of high-yield-
oil to high shear conditions at temperatures below strength oil with a large quantity of beneficiated oil
about 100”F will increase the yield strength of the at the same temperature will create a mixture with a
gel after it is subsequently cooled to a low testing yield strength very nearly like that of the sample.
temperature. For instance, cycling the oil tempera-
ture by imparting shear energy is more detrimental Theological Study
than increasing the temperature of a similar sample Consider now the rheology of gelled Prudhoe Bay oil.

+ y 3/8’’o.D.


I--2 l/4’’O.D.+




Fig. l—Yield strength of temperature.cycieci Fig, 2—Dimensions of viscometer bobs and cups,
Prudhoe Bay crude.


The need for aging of gels at testing temperature, If the peak torque is interpreted as an initial yield
together with the need for a mociestiy iow coding ~aftie, fhefl frolqm.- “-.
. . . of such experiments the
rate (and because of the thixotropic behatior of gels, initial yield stress can be plotted as a function of shear
which requires that each experiment be started with rate. For low shear rates, the data were found to fall
a fresh charge of aged gel), leads to an awkward situa- on a straight line on a log-log plot, Thus the behavior
tion when using a conventional viscometer. Long was found to be pseudoplastic and the behavior could
times would be required to make a comprehensive be represented mathematically as
study, and this would lead to the uncertainty of a
7 =AyB, . . . . . . . . . (5)
possible change in oil properties from day to day as
the study of a given oil sample progresses. where A and B are constants and B < 1. Thk rela-
For ~hi~reason, a battery of 12 concentric-cylinder tionship is apparently valid to extremely low shear
. . ---- L.,.,- “ n- ac lny.? ~~
viscometers was constructed that could be loaded, rates; for some expenmems wu uavv SOLLV -. .- .
cooled, and aged simultaneously. Thus the study 10-5 see-’, This same straight-line behavior cannot be
could progress at least 12 times as fast as when using expected at high shear rates. At a given temperature
a single viscometer, with the certainty that at least the oil will have some intrinsic viscosity. At a given
these 12 samples of oil had exactly the same prop- shear rate, the shear stress would have to be at least
erties before yieldlng, sufficient to overcome the viscous resistance. Thus,
Fig. 2 is a drawing of cups and bobs. The drive since the viscous resistance relationship, r = py, has
system permitted the measurement of torque over a a slope of 1 on a log-log plot and since the pseudo-
very wide range of angular velocities. Fig. 3 illustrates plastic relationship has a slope less than 1, it is
a typical run. After the gel is properly aged, the drive obvious that an extrapolation of the pseudoplast.ic
system is turned on at time zero. The torque rises equation to high shear rates would eventually predict
rapidly to some peak value and then diminishes as a shear stress less than that necessary to overcome
the bob turns at essentially constant rate. It is ap- the intrinsic viscous resistance. We must, therefore,
parent that the gel is thixotropic and that its strength anticipate that at high shear rates the slope of the
is degrading as the gel undergoes shear. A variable curve of T vs Y will at least approach unity. Fig. 4
such as time or amount of shear is therefore required shows a plot typical of this behavior. An investiga-
in addition to the theological properties of shear tion of Reynolds number, using the method of Don-
stress and shear rate. Although this variable can be nelly and Simon,i has shown that all of our viscometer
handled in several ways, we have found it convenient studies were cond-ucted Weii wit!!in the iaminar
to express it as shear strain, E, or relative displace- regime.
ment of one layer of fluid with respect to an adjacent For engineering purposes, it is awkward to deal
layer. For the concentric-cylinder system, E equals with a few discrete sets of data. It is desirable, in-
the relative displacement of the two surfaces divided stead, to have a correlation of data so that interpola-
by the gap spacing. Hence, the plot of torque vs time tion is easily made. If T is plotted vs KY (instead of
was converted into the theological parameters, 7, only y), where y is the Newtonian viscosity as deter-
y,ande. mined at high shear rate , ‘5-- “1 ‘a+’
u G1l all u .- =+
.-. hiuh
. ..@-. shear
rates will be brought onto a single curve. Further
T = shear StreSS= T/rh A b , . . . (2)
correlation can be achieved by sliding the various
#=~h~~rrate=vJ8, . . . . . (3) curves along the 450 line until they coincide at some
arbitrary. 10wPva.l~~afif ..-. ~af~: If we define 7~ as
ww“ .chenr
~ = shear strain = (v, t)/8 . . . . (4) the intrinsic yield strength of the oil sample, we

0.1 -h I ,

i 1
0.08 \
GJ 111~’
i, 1
~ 0,06 I
~ i I
? I I
= 0.04
g -.

o >
e 0.02 %
I :lm
I I i
o1 i I
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1,000Io,ooa
Fig. 3—Typical viscometer data. Fig. 4-A typical plot of initial yield strengths showing
change in slope at high shear rates.

MARCH, 1971 303

obtain a dimensionless shear stress and shear rate as was a point function of shear strain and apparently
fofiuw~: not a sensitive function of the path by which the
shear strain is imposed.
(6) In the second set of experiments, 12 sampies of
TD=—>...”’ ““”””
Ti oil were sheared at various rates and for different
amounts of shear strain. Shearing was then stopped
.E (7) and the samples were aged quiescently at the gelling
YD . . . . . . . . ..
temperature for an additional 65 hours. Each cup
Forany oil sample, ,tis arbitrarily defined as that was then sheared further at its original shear rate.
value of intrinsic yield strength that will make 7rJ = 1 These data indicate that the gels had rebuilt very
atY~ = 0.00015 ande = O. Data from a wide variety nearly to their original values upon aging for 65
of experiments, when plotted in this dimensionless hours. Degradation of the new gels more or less fol-
way, will fall on a single curve. Fig. 5 shows, for lowed the same curves established initially.
example, the correlation for a shear strain of zero and From a time point of view, there is some maximum
a wide variety of temperatures and intrinsic-yield- practical shear strain that can be investigated. At high
strength oils. Similar curves were constructed for shear rates, large values of shear strain can be investi-
shear strain values of 100 and 1,000. Additional data gated, but at low shear rates long periods of time are
were available at even higher shear strains at inter- required to even look at small values of shear strain.
mediate and high values of strain rate. The final cor- Eq. 8, however, permits us to extrapolate to extremely
relation is shown on Fig. 6, and it can be expressed large values of strain for any value of strain rate. The
with a simple, empirical equation: present formulation of the equation predicts that as
strain increases towards infinity, the gel structure can
4,1yD””” completely degrade so that its behavior approaches
7D=YD+ (8)
(E + 1)””’’’’’’043043 “ “ “ that of a Newtonian fluid. Another reasonable ex-
pectation might be that an equilibrium gel structure
An additional series of experiments is worth a short could be formed that would not degrade further with
discussion. In one type of experiment, oil was sheared continued shear strain. In one experiment a sample of
at a low shear rate until its trend of declining shear gelled oil was sheared at low rate, then sheared to
strength was noted. The same cups were then sheared a shear-strain value of 2 million at a high shear rate.
at a high shear rate for some period of time before Its behavior was then studied over a range of low
changing back to the original shear rate. A compari- shear rates. After degradation at a high shear rate,
son with data obtained in duplicate cups run continu- there was no apparent tendency for the gel structure
ously at the low shear rates suggested that gel strength to rebuild at a low shear rate in a few hours. The

* 0

9 3---


1 1 I 11(111 I t , II-J

0.000001 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 oo~ 1 10 100

7’ f$$i)

o 1 Q + 6 11
● 2 o

07 0

A 8 0
09 0

x5 ii

Fig. 5—Correlation of viscometer data at zero shear strain ~ = ~ = 0.


behavior fell on the Newtonian line except at the very We define shear strain for the pipe as
lowest shear rates studied. At these very low shear
rates the behavior was in reasonable agreement with
that predicted by the generalized correlation for an
&value of 2 million. e=

. . . . . . (13)

Yielding in an Incompressible Pipe Thus for the pseudoplastic material,

Now consider the yielding behavior of this thixotropic
1, (3B -1- 1)
fluid when gelled in cylindrical pipes. Referring to &= . . . . . . (14)
B r.=
Fig. 6, we see that for any given value of e, TDcan
be related to y~ with reasonable accuracy over an This means simply that Fig. 6 and Eq. 8 are valid
order of magnitude of Yn by the expression for pipe flow as well as for the viscometer if the
theological parameters are redefined as shown by
TD =AyDB, . . . . . . . . . (9)
Eqs. 11, 12, and 14.
if the coefficients A and B are properly chosen. For These relationships have been tested in the labora-
this theological model, the velocity profile within the tory by yielding tubes filled with gelled oils. For a
pipe is readily determined’ to be single experiment, only three variables can be meas-
ured: rate of injection, injection pressure, and time
v (B+l)/B

() L.....
. (lo) (or volume injected). Fig. 6, however, shows four un-
knowns: rate of injection, injection pressures, volume
injected and “B”, an exponent relating 7 and y at
Fig. 7 shows the calculated veloci~ profiles for the
two extreme possibilities for Prudhoe Bay crude of any stage of displacement (B is often denoted the
B = 0.162 and B = 1. It is interesting to see that “flow-behavior index”). This problem can be over-
even though mathematically there is no finite gel come by yielding duplicate tubes with all conditions
strength in this fluid, when B is small the flow in a constant except rates of injection, which differ by
pipe will still be essentially “plug” like. twofold to tenfold. If it is assumed that there is some
The shear rate (or velocity gradient) across the average value of “B” that is adequate to describe
pipe will be a maximum near the wall and will in both experiments (at equal values of shear strain),
fact fall to zero at the center of the pipe. Thus, to be then the tube-yielding data can be plotted on Fig. 6
ma~hematicallv. .precise, equations relating flow rate without any prior knowledge of rheo[ogical behavior
and pressure gradient should incorporate the correct m determined in a viscometer. Data of this type have
relationship between ~ and y, between the maximum shown agreement that appeared to be as good as the
value of y (at the wall) and y = O. From a practical original correlation of viscometric data for values of
point of view, however, the velocity profile is insensi- &of about 100 or more.
tive to the relationship between . and y at very low It is now necessary to introduce a new variable —
values of y. Thus, a very useful simplification will be compressibility of the pump system. Any real labora-
to evaluate A and B at the shear rate and shear strain tory pump will have some compressibility resulting
near the pipe wall and then to use the pseudoplastic from compressibility of the fluid it contains, elastic
equations to relate pressure drop and flow rate in the expansion of the pump chamber, elastic flexing of
L -ln.~fi~l nnram~t~.~ .
pipe. Tk r11eu,u51we1~----- for a piape can then the drive system, etc. Therefore, with most “constant-
be approximated as rate” pimp system-~, e!lhent rates are not actually
constant unless the rate of change of pressure is low.
DAp Since the yield pressure of a tube is sensitive to the
. (11) effluent rate from the pump, the measured initial yield
‘D=4LTi’ ”””””””
pressure jor a tube filled with gelled oil is then a
y. = (3 -t l/B)q function oj the nominal injection rate as well as the
. . . . . . . (12)
i7r~~X3ri compressibility of the pump system. Fig. 8 shows

1.0 .

0.8 -

; 0.6 -
& 0.4 -


,.-6 ,.-4 ,.-2 1 100


r max

Fig. 6-Generalized theological correlation Fig. 7-Calculated velocity profiles in a pipe

from viscometer data. for pseudoplastic fiuids.

MARCH, 1971 30s

some calculated examples together with experimental and yielded. Duplicate runs were made in a copper
results that verify this compressibility effect of the tube (essentially incompressible) of the closest avail-
pump system. able size (ID of 0,311 in.) and with all other condi-
tions the same. Results of a typical pair of runs are
Yielding in a Compressible Pipe shown on Fig. 10. We invariably noted different
ln a large pipeline containing a thixotropic fluid, characteristic shapes of the yield curves, and observed
compressibility will play a measurable role in yield- that the initial yield pressure of the compressible hose
ing behavior. This effect results from the compressi- was lower than for the equivalent run in the incom-
bility of the fluid contained in the pipe as well as the pressible tube even though the nominal shear rate in
expansion of the pipe itself, which gives an effect the hose was slightly greater. Calculations show that
equivalent to greater compressibility. The effective the decrease in initial yield strength could not be
compressibility resulting from expansion of the pipeg accounted for by the slight increase in diameter of
is given by Eq. 15. the compressible hose resulting from the pressure
increase. However, it could be accounted for by
~,= D(l– v’)
(15) including the effect of degradation of the gel resulting
hE ””””””” from the compressibility of the system.
The effect of a compressible systeKmis illustrated
on Fig. 9. Because of compressibility, fluid can be Trans Aiaska l?i@ine Behavior
injected at the inlet with a high pressure gradient, Although the design of the proposed Trans Alaska
and it will not immediately flow out of the pipe exit. pipeline is not yet final, the calculated starting behav-
As fluid continues to be injected, the moving gel near ior of one hypothetical section can be used to illus-
the pipe inlet degrades in yield strength as a result trate the present approach. Consider the 100-mile
of thixotropic behavior. Thus as the pressure wave section nearest Prudhoe Bay. Assume that this section
moves through the pipeline, the “effective” yield contains 22 miles of pipeline arranged in segments of
. .. -1 ..,:11 hm c mewhat ]e$s than if the various lengths, alternating surface and buried pipe-
strength or me gtx W1ll “v .c . . . . . . . .

whole length of gel had to be yielded at one time. iine. H the ~ipelifie IAu.-
~-r- . . . .in for a long period of

This effect can be calculated by breaking the pipeline time, then the temperature in surface sec~ions could
into mathematical segments and allowing the gel conceivably fall to about – 200 F during winter
properties to vary along the pipeline as the transient months. If the pipeline had previously been in opera-
pre~~ure wave advances. tion, then the temperature of buried segments would
The effect of a compressible pipe system has been not fall below 32 ‘F for a very long penod of time.
demonstrated in the laborato~. A reinforced rubber If the pipeline were full of oii when shut in, the dii?er-
hose, 50 ft long, with an ID of 0.335 in. and a com- ence in elevation between the first two pump stations
pressibility of about 0.001 psi-’, was wound in the would cause a static oil head of about 500 psi at the
form of a helix, filled with oil, cooled slowly, aged, first pump station. Thus during start-up, a maximum

9 - ~
z ~-

PISTON SPEED s 0.012 In. /Min.

3.14 Sq. In. PUMP \
PISTON SPEED = 0.00243 In. /Min.
35.8 Sq. In. PUMP
PISTON SPEED = 0.0002 In. /Min.

5 ‘1

CALCULATED WITH ?’i = 230 ~ .
1 ~ -


o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 8-Effect of pump system compressibility on measured yield value.


pressure rise of only about 500 psi could be tolerated Concepts and equations have been developed that
at the first pump station. adequately predict yield behavior of gelled, thixo-
Computer programs have been written that will tropic oils in pipe. The ‘relationships have been veri-
permit the specification of both a maximum injection fied experimentally in laboratory equipment, and it
rate and a maximum inlet pressure rise. Since the has been determined that two additional variables
system is compressible, oil can initially be injected at (besides those generally recognized) must be con-
the specified maximum injection rate. The inlet pres- trolled in order to get consistent initial yield pres-
sure, however, will rise rapidly. If the inlet pressure sures; these are shear rate and compressibility of the
rises to the specified maximum value, then the rate of pump system.
injection will begin to decrease. As the transient pres- The compressibility of a pipeline will irdluence
sure wave moves through the system, and as the yield behavior. Computer programs have been devel-
th~xotropic gel degrades and is displaced out of the oped to calculate this effect, and have been tested
section by i~jected warm oil, the injection rate ‘will ~gain~t iab~rat~~ data that have demonstrated the
reach a minimum value and then increase as further effect of expansion of the pipe.
dkpkmxnent tzdkesplace. Three cases of typical start- Calculations have shown that with proper design
ing behavior are shown on Fig. 11 for oils having the me proposeu-s I---
., a. . .A...
. ... ~.=
niDeline can be restarted
properties shown on Fig. i, Caicttiiatiorl wuch as without difficulty when filled with normally produced
these have shown that with proper design, the Trans Prudhoe Bay oil.
Alaska pipeline can be restarted without difficulty
when filled with normally produced Prudhoe Bay oil. Nomenclature
A= empirical constant describing theological
Conclusions behavior (Eq. 5)
The apparent yield strength of Pmdhoe Bay crude A~ = shearing area of viscometer bob
oil is influenced by its temperature history, shear his- B= empirical constant describing theological
---S bolllp”s,..o...
- m~fi iti n
behavior (Eq. 5)
The gelled crude behaves as a pseudoplastic mate- Cp = apparem - uomple~~lukll.j
- --- --:k~l”f~~~lle
---- m pipe ex-
rial to very low values of shear rate, but its behavior pansion
grades into a Newtonian-like behavior at high shear D= inside diameter of pipe
rates. Its behavior is thixotropic. Degraded gels can E= Young’s modulus of pipe wall
substantially rebuild upon quiescent aging for a num- h= pipe wall thickness
ber of hours. L= length of pipe segment
Over the range studied, it appears that the shear 1= maximum extent of penetration of injected
stren-@h of a given oil at a given temperature is ap- fluid into a pipe
proximately a point function of Shear rate and shear ~D= Pi~t~n-like displacement length of injected
strain. fluid (i.e., volume injected/area)

FLOWIN ‘––-–––--- –-––-– –-– F1OW OUT

500,000 80PD _— -—__
l_ —-_ —_ —__-—


Fig. 9--Effect of compressibility. 400


30 200 -

~ .1.27 S. C:’

o 1 1 I 0
o 5 10 1s 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a

Fig. 10-Typical pressure behavior during displacement Fig. n--Calculated starth’tg behavior for a hypothetical
of gelled oil from a compressible and incompressible tube 100-mile section of the proposed Trans Alaska pipeline
of essentially the same size. (oil properties as shown on Fig. 1).

MARCH, 1971 307

pressure dtierence across a segment of References
pipe 1. Gill, F. and Russell, R. J.: “Pumpability of Residual Fuel
total flow rate in a pipe ~~~~ Ind. and Eng. Chem. (June, 1954) 46, No. 6, 1264-
radius of viscometer bob 2. Davenport, T. C. and Russell, R. J.: “The Full-Scale
time Pumping of Admiralty Fuel Oil and Its Relation to Lab@
ratory Tests”, J. Institute of Petroleum (May, 1960) 46,
torque hJo, 437, 143-160.
fluid velocity in a pipe at any radius
3. Ackroyd, G. C., Hosk@, D. E. M. and Lowe, A. G.: “The
velocity of a moving surface in a visco- Development of a Test to Predict the Pumpability of Ad-
meter miralty Furnace Fuel Oils”, J. Institute of Petroleufn
shear rate (June, 1960) 46, No. 438, 189-199.
dimensionless shear rate (Eq. 7) 4. Russell, R. J.: “The Yield Value of Admiralty Fuel Oil”,
plate spacing of a viscometer J, Institute of Petroleum (June, 1960) 46, No. 438, 199-
shear strain
Newtonian viscosi~ 5. Ford, P. E., Ells, J. W. and Russell, R. J.: “Pipelining
Poisson’s ratio of pipe wall High-Pour-Point Crude—1. What Troubles Can Be Anti-
cipated—How to Meet Them?” oil and Gas J. (April 19,
shear stress 1965) 88-91.
dimensionless shear stress (Eq. 6)
6. Moavenzadeh, F. and Stander, R. R., Jr.: “Effect of Aging
intrinsic shear stress; a value that will of Asphalt on Its Theological Properties”, J. o/ i“vfateruds,
make ,~= 1 at y~=O.00015 and &=O ASTM ( 1966) 1, 48-65.

Subscripts 7. Donnelly, R. J. and Simon, N. J.: “An Empirical Torque

Relation for Supercritical Flow Between Rotating Cylin-
max = maximum ders”, J. Fluid Meek (March, 1960) 7, Pt. 3, 401-418.
s = surface 8. Chen, S. S., Fan, L. T. and Hwang, C. L.: “Flow Calcula-
Sc = standard conditions tions for non-Newtonian Fluids”, British Chemical Engi-
neering (Feb., 1969) 14, No. 2, 25-28.
Acknowledgments 9, Ludwig, Milton and Johnston, S. P.: “Prediction of Surge
We wish to acknowledge that these data have resulted Pressures in Long Oii-TrrmsrnksiCn L.mes”, API Div. o}
Transportation ( 1950) 30, 62-70. JPT
from cooperative research on the part of the three
original participants in TAPS: British Petroleum Co.,
Ltd., Humble Oil & Refining Co., and Atlantic Rich-
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers
field Co. We wish to thank the owners of the Trans office June 30, 1970. Revised manuscript received Dec. 1, 1970.
Alaska Pipeline System for permission to publish this Paper (SPE 2997) wss presented at SPE 45th Annual Fall Meeting,
held in Houston, Oct. 4-7, 1970. G Copyright 1971 American
paper. Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineer% Inc.


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