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SPE 104428

Viscosity Conversion of Viscometer Viscosity to Macroscopic Flow Viscosity of

Non-Newtonian Fluid
Mingxin Liu, Pingping Shen, Bingbo Shi, Tongcui Guo, and Bing Zhu, Research Inst. of Petroleum Exploration and

Copyright 2006, Society of Petroleum Engineers

2. Preparation of the experimental apparatus
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2006 SPE International Oil & Gas Conference Seepage features of Non-Newtonian fluid are not only in
and Exhibition in China held in Beijing, China, 5–7 December 2006.
connection with the rheological properties of Non-Newtonian
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
fluid, but also in connection with the pore configuration
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to features of the rock which is the medium. In rotary rheometre
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at the Non-Newtonian fluid is subject to the shearing stress, but
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
it cannot simulate the affects like machine cutting and
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is stretching etc. of the micron sized pores. (Fig 1). The rotary
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous rheometre has other limitations in measuring rheological
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
properties of the disperse system (emulsion) and the results
related to the viscoelastic behavior and astatization of
Abstract thermodynamics of the emulsion. For the effective
In porous media, fluid flows through mesh structure made up measurement in the rheological measuring of the emulsion,
of micro-braided capillary. Its flow state is similar to the flow lower rate of shearing is generally used. Therefore, the
in capillary. For Non-Newtonian fluid, we considered classical measurement of rheological property can’t meet the
viscosity changes with shear strain rate (transformed to request of this research.
pressure difference) in reservoir simulator. It directly uses Independently designed a rheological properties /seepage
rhelogical relationship measured by viscometers, but it doesn’t features association measuring system to well observe and
consider flow factor in micro-pore. Therefore for Non- research the issue of Non-Newtonian fluid seepage features in
Newtonian fluid we educed viscosity transfer relationship the porous medium. (Fig 2). This system then separately
between macro- viscosity (viscometer rhelogical formula) and makes the capillary rheometerand and the core sample
apparent viscosity (flow in capillary), it can be used in transfusion system functional; also may makes the association
reservoir simulator, and it can reflect the difference between measure functional.
micro-flow and the normal flow. The capillary rheometer (capillary tube) is formed by the
rheometer mold mouth and the system which determines
1. Introduction differential pressure Delta P and the speed of flow Q, the
Nowadays, most oilfields use the Non-Newtonian fluid typal capillary tube cross section area assumes the circular. In the
displacement fluid to displace oil. The seepage of the actually operation establishes the pressure (or differential
displacement fluid in the reservoir, it is the seeping in the pressure) value Delta P, determines the speed of flow Q which
mesh structure made up of micro-braided capillary in porous produced in the operation, or establishes speed of flow Q,
media. The flow modality is similar to that in capillary. In determines pressure Delta P. This way enables it to become
reservoir simulation software, we directly use the flowage the best model of the porous medium transfusion to establish
relationship measured by viscometer to simulate the Non- relations rheological propertyless survey model.
Newtonian seeping in mesh structure made up of micro-
braided capillary in porous media. To the Non-Newtonian
fluid, we use the apparent viscosity of the fluid flow in the
capillary to replace the relationship of the ordinary
macroscopic viscosity of the Non-Newtonian fluid (fluid
meter flowage formula). It is much easier to understand the
difference features of the seepage of Non-Newtonian fluid and
the common fluid flow using this formula. And more accurate
results will be gotten by using this formula in reservoir
2 SPE 104428

Under non-Newtonian flow situation, shear stress τ with shear

speed γ the relations indicated by the complex non-linear
formula. For example, for power law fluid has the following
τ=k γ n (2)
K, n is a constant. According to the definition Viscosity μ is
the Ratio of the shear stress τ with the shear speed γ,
μ=τ/γ= k γ n-1 (3)
Obviously, in the non-Newtonian fluid situation, viscosity m is
the shear speed g nonlinear function. This kind of relations
through using the viscometer to carry on the rheology survey
to the fluid is allowed to obtain.
However, we discovered in the experiment that, to the similar
non-Newtonian fluid sample, under similar experimental
Fig 1 rotary rheometre structure sketch map condition, the determinate results of capillary viscometer and
rotational viscometer are not certainly same. Duplicated were
The reason for this result is the difference of measuring
mechanism between rotary viscometer and capillary
viscometer. Rotary viscometer measures the relationship of
shear strain rate and shear stress when exterior surface
removes to inner surface. While, the later Gets the relationship
of shear strain rate and shear stress by means of measuring the
relationship of rate of flow ‘Q’ and pressure difference
between double ends of isodiametric capillary ,and based on
following formula:
τ=r ΔP/(2L) (5)
γ=4Q/(πr3) (6)
In above formula, L stands for the length of capillary. The
formula is gotten from Poiseuille formula for Newtonian fluid.
So the above formula is applicable for Newtonian fluid. For
non-Newtonian fluid, there is deviation, and degree of the
Fig 2 capillary rheometer and rheological properties /seepage deviation is determined by property of fluid.
features association measuring system So, we can get this conclusion: For non-Newtonian fluid, the
measuring result of rotary viscometer is more exact than
3. Laboratory findings capillary viscometer.
We knew that, regarding in the Newtonian fluid, shear stress τ In order to study the special transfusion issue of non-
has the direct ratio with shear speed γ, the scale-up factor is a Newtonian fluid in porous medium; we lay out the following
constant, that is fluid viscosity μ. test: actually determine the rheological properties and the
τ=μ γ (1) transfusion characteristic of certain non-Newtonian fluid, and
then contrast the result of the rheometer and the capillary
100000 1 0 0. 0
Experimental program:
Experimental core samples: Natural exposure sandstone. One
τ , mPa

τ , Pa

10000 has diameter 2.54cm, length approximately 5cm, void volume

4.5ml, another has diameter 3.8cm, length approximately
10. 0
30cm, void volume 50ml(approximately 10 times of the
conventional plunger rock sample),penetration coefficient
approximately 100×10-3μm 2.
100 Polyacrylamide solution: The mean molecular is 13.5 million,
1. 0 solution concentration 5000mg/l, to make up of clear water.
Use revolve rheometer SC50 to determine rheologyical
properties, the result indicated it had the obvious non-
Newtonian fluid characteristic, its viscosity level was 30 mPa·
1 0. 1
s. carrier fluid contains 2500mg/L NaCl,50mg/L
0. 01 0. 10 1 . 00 10 . 00 100 . 00 1000 . 00
-1 NaN3,50mg/L thiourea.
γ a, s
Experiment used the non-Newtonian fluid satisfies blow
Fig 3 comparison diagram condition:
SPE 104428 3

(1) The chemical property (bubble size or distribution) the capillary rheometer is better to describe the property of the
basically has been stable for more than one week, and has high non-Newtonian fluid in the porous medium.
emulsion production rate, to satisfy the transfusion experiment
request; 4 Derivation of formula
(2) Has the obvious non-Newtonian character (higher apparent From above analysis we know the measuring result of rotary
viscosity, obvious viscoelasticity, thixotropy and so on); viscometer is more exact than capillary viscometer. So we
(3) The oil used in experiment has simple nature, which is should adopt the relationship of shear strain rate gotten from
easy to be duplicated; rotary viscometer in general fluid computing, while in process
(4) The emulsifier is easy to obtain, and the different reagent of fluid flow through porous medium, fluid flows in net
nature stable (duplication is good). structure made up of many microcosmic channels, so its flow
The emulsification used in the research is IKA condition is close to flowing in capillary. Capillary viscometer
T25emulsification disperser machine (Germany), through is not enough exact because it is based Newtonian fluid, but
controlling the experiment condition, we may obtain a good flowing in capillary can reflect macroscopic viscosity of fluid
reappearance, and the bubble distributes even emulsions. This flowing through porous medium. Currently, in reservoir
emulsified disperser machine is main constituented by the simulator, although the relationship of viscosity and shear
controller (electrical machinery, engine shaft etc.) and the strain rate (transforming to pressure difference) is considered.
disperser head, disperser head which is composed by the rotor It uses the flowage relationship from viscometer rectly and it
and the stator, the rotor and the stator have some gaps, (Figure does not consider the element of flowing in microcosmic
4). The rotor intakes the liquid from the lower extremity channels. So we think out this method:
vessel, again through the stator putting out the liquid (enters Replacing macroscopic viscosity relationship of non-
vessel) in work. Newtonian (viscometer flowage formula) by apparent
viscosity formula in capillary. By this way, it can display the
difference of fluid flowing through porous medium from
general flowing. First of all, we induce transform-formula of
power law fluid, and then we get transform-formula for other
non-Newtonian fluid by similar method.
For power law fluid, the viscometer flowage formula is:
τ=k γ n (7)
For capillary, lamellar flow in round bar, equation of motion is
∂P/∂x=(1/r)∂(rτ)/∂r (8)
In this formula r stands for radius of capillary, x is flowing
direction, P is pressure.
Consider γ=∂u/∂r, ∂P/∂x=-ΔP/L, (9)
From 3 formulas above,
We have:
-ΔP/L= (k/r) ∂[r (∂u/∂r) n]/∂r (10)
In formula above u stands for velocity of flow in x direction.
Fig 4 emulsity dispersion machine rotator structure
Integrate it we get:
100000 100 r (∂u/∂r) n=-(ΔP/L)(r2/2k) (11)
10000 ∂u/∂r=[ΔP/(2kL)](1/n)r(2/n) (12)
Integrate it again we get formula of velocity of flow:
1000 u=n/(2+n)[ΔP/(2kL)](1/n)r(2/n+1) (13)
τ , mPa

τ , Pa

Then Get flow quantity formula:

Q=2π∫10(ru)dr=2πn2/[(2+3n)(2+n)] ΔP/(2kL)](1/n)r(2/n+3) (14)
It can write as:
rΔP/(2L)= {[(2+3n) (2+n)]/[ 8 n2 r(2/n) ]}n k [4Q/(πr3)]n (15)
1 0. 1
Finally, we get the formula of relationship between shear
0. 01 0. 1 1 10 100 1000 stress and shear strain rate:
γ a, s- 1 τ=[(3n+1)/(4n)]nkγn (16)
The formula feature is:
Fig 5 polymer stress curve by the different measurement (1) It also is power law shape, only the constant is different;
(2) When n is equal to 1, it is viscometer rhelogical formula.
Because the flow pattern of the non-Newtonian fluid in the
It shows only for Newtonian fluid the capillary rhelogical
rotary rheometer and the capillary rheometer are different, the
properties is same to viscometer rhelogical properties,
measurement of the rotary rheometer and the capillary
therefore the power law fluid viscosity expression is
rheometer are different.(fig 5). Compared with the rotary
⎡ 3n + 1⎤
rheometer,the flow pattern of the polymer solution in the
capillary rheometer is better to describe the flowing of the ν =⎢ ⎥ kγ n −1
non-Newtonian fluid in the porous medium. So the result of ⎣ 4 n ⎦ , if we adopt the above formula in
4 SPE 104428

reservoir simulation software, it will be more reasonable. For Author:

other Non-Newtonian fluid we can drive the relevant formula 1. Mingxin Liu:
using the similar methods. Work department: Research Institute of Petroleum E. &.D. of
5 Conclusions Adress: P.O.Box 910, 20# Xueyuan Road Beijing, P.R.China
(1) As for non-Newtonian seepage , the measurement of Zip: 100083
conventional rheological properties can not meet the Tel: 86-10-62098050
project. Fax: 86-10-62098050
(2) The character of non-Newtonian seepage has relationship E-mail:
with rheological properties and the pore structure of the SPE member No. 1599760
rock. 2. Pingping Shen:
(3) The flow curve of non-Newtonian in natural core is a line Work department: Research Institute of Petroleum E. &.D. of
with intercept (yield stress).The line reflects the yield Petrochina
stress of the system. The slope has relative with the Adress: P.O.Box 910, 20# Xueyuan Road Beijing, P.R.China
viscosity of the solution and the core structure of the rock Zip: 100083
greatly. Tel: 86-10-62097407
(4) The flowing form of the non-Newtonian fluid flow in Fax: 86-10-62097407
capillary rheometer is more approaches the flowing form E-mail:
of the flow in real porous rock; therefore, the obtained SPE member No. 1375658
result even is more suitable in the description of the 3. Bingbo Shi:
nature of the non-Newtonian fluid in porous medium. Work department: Research Institute of Petroleum E. &.D. of
(5) For the Non-Newtonian fluid, the measurements of the Petrochina
rotary viscometer are more accurate. Adress: P.O.Box 910, 20# Xueyuan Road Beijing, P.R.China
(6) Using the apparent viscosity formula of the non- Zip: 100083
Newtonian fluid flow in capillary tube substitutes the Tel: 86-10-62098048
macroscopic viscosity formula (viscometer flowage Fax: 86-10-62098050
formula). May manifest the transfusion and the common E-mail:
fluid flow different characteristic well. No SPE member.
4. Tongcui Guo:
Reference Work department: Research Institute of Petroleum E. &.D. of
1. LIU Ming_xin, SHEN Ping_ping, YUAN Jiang_ru. Petrochina
Numerical calculation of power law non_Newtonian fluid Adress: P.O.Box 910, 20# Xueyuan Road Beijing, P.R.China
flow in plan. ACAT PETROLEI SINICA, 2004,25(3):75- Zip: 100083
78 Tel: 86-10-62093490
2. K.KOCZO, L.A.LOBO, Effect Of Oil On Foam Stability: Fax: 86-10-62098050
Adueous Foams Stabilized By Emulsions, Journal Of E-mail:
Colloid And Interface Science.Vo1.150.and No.2. 1992 No SPE member.
3. Tongcui Guo:”doctor paper_ Using the Dynamic data of 5. Bing Zhu:
Reservoir to Analysis the reservoir heterogeneity”, Work department: Research Institute of Petroleum E. &.D. of
Beijing, (2005) Petrochina
Adress: P.O.Box 910, 20# Xueyuan Road Beijing, P.R.China
Zip: 100083
Tel: 86-10-62097034
Fax: 86-10-62098050
No SPE member.

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