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Name: _______________________________________________________________

→ Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą strony biernej czasowników podanych w


1 Fruit and vegetables ____________________ (grow) on farms.

2 Many things ____________________ (make) from plastic bottles.

3 Some houses ____________________ (build) with wood.

4 A lot of rubbish ____________________ (recycle).

5 Electricity ____________________ (produce) from wind turbines.

6 Glass bottles ____________________ (collect) from recycling bins.

7 Our house ____________________ (clean) every week.

8 Rubbish ____________________ (recycle) in Poland.

9 Electricity ____________________ (produce) for the city.

10 Clothes ____________________ (make) in China.

11 Small pieces of material ____________________ (cut) in this shop.

12 Fruit ____________________ (grow) in my garden.

13 A new house ____________________ (build) in my city.

14 This jewellery ____________________ (make) by artists in Morocco.

15 Many perfumes ____________________ (produce) in France.

→ Napisz zdania, używając podanych wyrazów.

1 Gold / find / in South Africa. _____________________________________

2 Cars / produce / in Europe. _____________________________________

3 The museum / visit / by lots of tourists. _____________________________________

4 The children / teach / at home. _____________________________________

5 Too/ throw / theese / food / days / much. _____________________________________

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