Assessment Criteria - Web Presence Fs24 Tou

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Module: BINF

Assessment criteria
for creation of Web Presence

The following areas are assessed when evaluating the web presence:

1) Content
All areas (about me, tourism information and web link proposals) are present according to the
terms of reference for the web presence:
- My personal information (name, address, photo, etc.), curriculum vitae
- My school / studies (field of study, reason for education, favourite modules, etc.)
- My company / business (where you work or last worked)
- My environment (family, friends, colleagues, pets, etc.)
- My interests, resp. hobbies (sport, culture, etc.)
- My best holiday / trip (country, environment, adventures, people, weather, geography)
and / or other relevant information
- My favourite destination / location (place, region, map, inhabitants, culture, nature) and /
or other relevant information
- My interesting event / experience (area, resort, activity, statistics, specials) and / or other
relevant information
- My favourite hotel / accommodation (name, address, size, style, personal reference) and
/ or other relevant information
- My most popular restaurant / bar (city / village, meals, beverages, own opinion /
assessment) and / or other relevant information
- My recommendations on the web (links to fascinating / exciting / attractive websites)
These do not necessarily all have to be created as separate pages in the web presence. For
example, personal information can be linked to the curriculum vitae (CV) or holiday can be
combined with destination. But all areas should be covered.
Do not create too long texts per each area (a few sentences are enough – use keywords only in
special areas) and do not publish too many images or photos per topic.
A process description (reflection/lesson learned) of the website is enclosed in accordance with
the specifications with the concept, planning, procedure, milestones, etc. as well as the
successes/findings and obstacles/problems. The concept and structure with menus and
organisation (organisation chart) should also be shown in simplified form and the themes,
plugins, widgets, posts / blogs and videos used should be specified with names / designations
in the form of a list or table. The description should be summarised on approx. 2 to 3 pages in
Word or PDF form. It can be prepared as free or structured text, table, process illustration or flow
chart, etc.

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Module: BINF

2) Layout
The web presence should cover the following aspects:
- The design is uniform across all pages (colours, font, arrangements, etc.). Therefore, choose
a suitable correct template (Theme / Sim), which corresponds to your individual presentation
and fulfilled all listed requirements.
- The menu navigation is uniform across all pages and clearly arranged. Use the classic
presentation with pages combined with appropriate submenus (horizontal, vertical or / and
dropdown). Do not use extremely simplified layout – all content on one page with anchor tags.
- Corresponding number of pages (depending on chosen layout and defined structure), most of
them with matching images, photos, etc.
- Supplementary text is present per topic on each page with an appropriate proportion. (Do not
write novels but also no keywords - exception for listings).
- A home / start page is available and directly accessible from all web pages with reference
(link - text, image, icon, etc.).
- The website contains posts / blogs from the school, business, leisure or self-selected
environment. The posts / blogs / not have to be integrated on the home / welcome / start page.
- The websites will be displayed with a well-chosen title in browser tab (own name).
- Suitable and recognizable header (clear identification of the website characterized e.g. with
picture, icon, own logo, etc.) visually supports the information of the presented person and is
present on all web pages.
- Additional visible footer with necessary information about the person and with an email link for
possible contact visible on each web page completes the web presence.
- Also links to social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Xing, etc.) should be
attached (e.g. «Find me on Facebook», with a link to icon ), if available.
- A working personal email address is also built into each web page (e.g. in the footer). This
can also be covered with an email icon .
- A separate contact page is provided to give potential prospects an easy and quick way to get
in touch.
- The web page «My recommendations on the Web» is created as a separate page with min. 3
external links. This contains selected links by means of text as well as picture / graphic and
a short description.
- To the foreign elements such as pictures, photos, videos, audios, etc. as well as texts the
sources are to be indicated (directly with the element or in the picture legend or summarizing
on a web page).
- A design with date display, number of visitors or integration of Google Maps (location) can be
used optionally.
- The creation of an image / photo gallery is optional (in this case, pay attention to the size of
the images / photos, videos, etc. - see under functionality).
- The integration of other parts such as guestbook are also optional.

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Module: BINF

3) Elements
The web presence should include the following components:
- Navigation with at least 5 main menus (e.g. home, 3 contents, web recommendations) and at
least 2 submenus (in total).
- Content presentation with at least 6 pages.
- At least 3 posts / blogs (optionally with categories and keywords) - clear indication or short
remark in the process description.
- Self-compiled texts and / or copied texts with source citations (see under layout).
- Self-made images / photos and / or copied from the Internet with source citations (see under
- Functioning email links to active email client.
- Several text and image links distributed on appropriate web pages (at least 3 external links
on the web page with the recommendations on the web).
- Include at least one PDF document (e.g. resume).
- Integrated media with at least one video or audio (self-created or e.g. from YouTube with
sources – see under layout).
- Some social media details via link icons e.g. in the header or footer.
- Min. 3 useful widgets (suitable gadgets or whole units for interactive use) - clear indication or
short remark in the process description.
- Min. 2 supplementary plugins (supplementary software modules for the display of special
content or extension of useful functionalities) - clearly stated or briefly described in the process
- Additional multimedia content elements such as modern web elements e.g. news tickers,
navigation and menu bars with rollover effect or fold-out menus, graphical buttons, ePapers
with zoom view, photo slideshows and other embedded objects would positively enrich the
web presence but are optional.

4) Functionality
The web presence is fully operational:
- The images and photos on a web page should be integrated only with such size, as they are
then also displayed. Otherwise, this has a negative effect on the loading time of a web page,
respectively the graphic representations build up too slowly. For the reduction or adjustment of
images and photos you can optionally use the image processing tool Gimp (see links in
moodle also with user manual). For the downsizing of the videos or audios you can use the
VLC player (see link in moodle).
- Internal links within the website are available, are opened within their own web presence and
are displayed in the uniformly chosen design.
- Further external links are available on a separate web page («My recommendations on the
Web») with appropriate texts / short texts or images and are opened in a new browser window
or new browser tab. The same applies to any external links on all other web pages.
- All listed email links are fully functional where textually indicated.
- On each web page is available a homelink – link to the starting page / homepage (as a text,
graphic / image or icon).
- A complete functionality is fully guaranteed with the most common browsers (Microsoft
Edge, Google Chrome and Firefox - optionally Safari for Macintosh and Opera).

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Module: BINF

5) Publishing
The web presence is ready for the visitors under following conditions:
- Web presence is published on the FHGR web server. (A delivery on another web server or in
another electronic form is not permitted).
- The functionality of the web presence (images, links, possible animations, etc.) should be
ensured for the most common browsers. Therefore, test your web presence after the website
has been created on the FHGR web server.
- The web pages should be able to be viewed correctly with different resolutions on different
screens. Today common from 1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024 or 1400 x 1280 and more. What
happens if you reduce or enlarge the browser window (e.g. is the scrollbar present when
reducing the size or does the content centering adjust when increasing the size)?
- The website should be displayed correctly and with all functionalities on notebook as well as
on mobile devices such as smartphone and tablet.
- The website contains personal data, therefore it is completely protected on the FHGR web
server with appropriate name and password, i.e. your personal data is not free available on
the internet!

6) Reflection / Review
A process description («lesson learned») of the web presence is creating according to the
specifications with:
- Simple presentation (short text or graphic) of conception, planning, procedure, milestones, etc.
- The structure with menus and submenus - simplified organization in a form of organigram
- Short list of used plugins, widgets, posts / blogs, videos, etc. with their names and web page
- Self-assessment with self-organisation in the management of the work, successes and
problems, positive and negative experiences, what you would do differently next time, etc.
- Brief summary of the practical work - final statement or conclusion
The process description should be summarized on about 2 to 3 pages in MS Word, MS
PowerPoint, MS Excel or PDF form. It can be developed as free or structured text, table, process
map, graphical display with text, flowchart, etc.

7) Submission
The web presence is completed with following specifications:
- The WordPress content is exported to a backup file using Plugin Duplicator and uploaded
to moodle before the deadline - proof or control for the effective timely submission. These
should be uploaded in the topic «Practical Work» and in the folder «Web Presence -
WordPress SUBMIT (before June 7, 2024 until 24:00 o'clock)» (files: installer.php and
- The access information in the data sheet on FHGR web server is exported from Intranet as a
PDF document (no print screens of the data are allowed).
- Pay attention to the size of the files! You can upload in moodle only files with max. 250 MB.
- The data sheet as well as the process description should also be submitted in moodle in
folder «Web Presence - WordPress SUBMIT (before June 7, 2024 until 24:00 o'clock)».
Otherwise I cannot evaluate your web presence, because I will not have any access rights to
do this.
- Overview: you should delivery in moodle following four files:
1. data sheet (PDF access document)
2. & 3. WordPress data backup files (installer.php and – do not change
the file name – keep original description!)
4. reflection / process description (PDF or MS Word lessons learned)

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Module: BINF

8) Grading
The percentage distribution of points is divided into the following areas:
1. content = 16%
2. layout = 16%
3. elements = 16%
4. functionality = 16%
5. publishing = 16%
6. data backup = 10%
7. process description = 10%
Total: 100% of the preliminary grade = 30% of the BINF module final grade

Pay attention to a sophisticated design of the web presence. After all, the created website is your
digital business card! Imagine that the website will be presented to the HR department for
inspection for application purposes during the job search.
A very simplified set-up with only few texts and images as well as the use of the worked-through
example as a template with only replaced / changed content will be rated as insufficient.

The evaluation criteria are not intended to limit the design of the website, but to support the use of
different WordPress elements as well as to understand and to apply the basics of the web

Good luck for your creation of a web presence!

Edith Jesenak
Professor of Business Information Systems

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