Inglés Comercio - Material de Estudio - U1 - 2021

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UNIDAD DE COMPETENCIA ASOCIADA: Producir descripciones breves en tiempo presente y pasado para comunicarse en
un entorno laboral y social, utilizando complementos gramaticales y vocabulario afín en forma oral y escrita de acuerdo
al nivel CEFR A1.



1. Pasado verbo to be:

• Identifica la estructura gramatical del pasado
del verbo “To Be” para elaborar descripciones
• Uso y estructura. apoyándose en información visual y el contexto según
• Adverbios de tiempo pasado (yesterday,ago, caso dado de acuerdo al nivelCEFR A1.
• Utiliza la estructura gramatical del pasadodel
last, etc.).
verbo “to be” para elaborar descripciones apoyándose
• 2. Indicativos en Presente y Pasado: en información visual y el contexto según caso dado
• de acuerdo al nivel CEFR A1.
• Distingue las distintas conjugaciones y usos
• There is, there are, there was, there were. del tiempo pasado simple para construir párrafos
• Formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. breves descriptivos y de uso cotidiano en el entorno
laboral, según caso dado, de acuerdo al nivel CEFR A1.
• Utiliza estructuras gramaticales presentes y
3. Pasado simple: pasadas más complementos gramaticales, de uso
• Uso y estructura. cotidiano en el entorno laboral para redactar párrafos
breves, según caso dado, de acuerdo alnivel CEFR A1.
• Verbos regulares e irregulares.
• Identifica la idea principal de textos entiempo
• Auxiliar Did Presente y Pasado apoyándose en el contexto para
utilizarlo como fuente de información y opinión según
caso dado, de acuerdo al nivel CEFR A1.
4. Preposiones de tiempo y lugar: • Produce textos descriptivos breves sobre
• In, on, at situaciones de uso cotidiano en el entorno laboral, en
tiempo Presente Simple y Pasado utilizando
complementos gramaticales de acuerdo al nivel CEFR
5. Vocabulario y Expresiones: A2.
• Past work experiences, reports, sales
performances etc.
Business transactions purchase order,importation
and exportation vocabulary.

Aprendizajes actitudinales:
• Ejecuta su trabajo de forma responsable y
autónoma, en base a una planificación previa.


Before we start, let´s remember the present form of VERB “TO BE” (ser o estar en español):
The verb ‘’ To be ‘’ has three conjugations in the present tense; AM, IS and ARE:


Exercise 1: In the dialogue below, Peter Hay is talking to Jane Field and Arnold Weiss at a trade fair. Put the verb
forms in sentences 1-14 into the correct box. The first one is done for you.

Present positive Present negative Present question

Hello, I’m Peter Hay. (1)

PH: Hello, I’m Peter Hay. (1) Where are you from? (2)
JF: We’re from Seattle in the USA. (3)
PH: Oh, are you American? (4)
JF: I am. (5) But Arnold isn’t. (6)
AW: r m from Austria. (7) But we’re from the same company, Inter Corp. (8)
PH: Oh, yes, Inter Corp. What are your names? (9)
JF: My name's Jane Field. (10) This is Arnold Weiss. (11)
PH: Pleased to meet you. Are you in banking? (12)
AW: No, we’re not. (13) We’re in insurance. (14)

Exercise 2: Complete the spaces with suitable pronouns and the correct conjugation of verb to be. Use short
forms where possible.

1. This is Dave King. He's an engineer.

2. My name s Pierre Lapin _______ ____ a Sales Manager.
3. Mary and Hans _____ from my department. computer programmers.
4. This is Naomi Cox_____ ______ a research scientist.
5. Hello. My name__________ Franz Johann and this__________ Tomas Doll.
____ _____ from Salzburg.
6. Ah, Franz and Tomas! you __________very welcome!
7. This is our office. It __________ very big.

Exercise 3: Complete the following text about Axdal Electronics. Use the correct for of verb to be.

Axdal Electronics is a world leader in control systems. We_________ suppliers to the car industry. Car manufacturers
_________ our only customers. We__________ also suppliers to other industries. AE_________ an international company.
Our customers __________in the USA, Japan and Europe. Our Chief Executive_________ Paul Axdal. ‘We _____________ a
family company and business_________ very good’, says Paul.

Exercise 4: Write short sentences about yourself and some friends. Use different present tense forms of verb to be.




The past tense of To Be in English has just two forms: WAS and WERE, but it has the same structure that the verb to be
in present tense.


The past tense of the verb ‘to be’ in English has two forms: was and were.

WAS and WERE meanings in Spanish

The words was and were have 8 meanings in Spanish depending on the context:

WAS = era – estaba – fue
• She was at the office yesterday = Ella estaba/estuvo en la oficina ayer.
• Catalina was my boss three years ago = Catalina fue/era mi jefa hace 2 años.
WERE = eran – estaban – estábamos – estuvieron – fueron – fuimos
• Bianca and Charles were at the bank all day = Bianca y Charles estuvieron en el banco todo el día.
• We were the best company team last year = Nosotros fuimos el mejor equipo de la compañía el año



I was in the garden I was not (wasn’t) in the garden Was I in the garden?

He was in the garden He was not (wasn’t) in the garden Was he in the garden?

She was in the garden She was not (wasn’t) in the garden Was she in the garden?

It was in the garden It was not (wasn’t) in the garden Was it in the garden?

You were in the garden You were not (weren’t) in the garden Were you in the garden?

We were in the garden We were not (weren’t) in the garden Were we in the garden?

They were in the garden They were not (weren’t) in the garden Were they in the garden?

For more information and practice of was and were you can watch:
Verb "TO BE" (How to Conjugate and Contract in the Present, Past, and Future Tenses) - YouTube

Exercise 5: Complete the conversations with the correct past form of the verb to be; was, were, wasn’t or weren’t:
Example: I was an Esucomex student in 2020.

Conversation N°1 Conversation N°2

A: Hello, Nancy. How 1 ____________
your weekend? A: 4 ___________ _ James here this morning?
B: Great! Mike and I 2 ____________ in New York. B: No, he 5 ____________
A: That is amazing! A: Where 6 ____________ he?
B: It 3 ____________ my birthday. B: I think he 7 ____________ a meeting with Sue and
A: Happy Birthday Nancy! Rona. They 8 ____________ in Sue’s office.
A: No, they 9 ____________ because I _______ with Sue in her
office all morning!
Conversation N°3 Conversation N°4
A: How 10 ____________ your presentation? A: At first I 15____________ (-) very happy with the changes.
B: It 11____________ really good! B: Yes, I know we 16____________ very worried about the new
A: Great! 12____________ you nervous? procedures.
B: Yes, I 13 ____________ , it 14____________ a really important A: But now, our team works a lot better than before. We
presentation. scared of something new.


Las WH-Question Words son partículas interrogativas que utilizamos para hacer preguntas en inglés. Suelen causar
mucha confusión a principiantes, ya que se escriben de manera muy similar.


• What are their names? • ¿Cuáles son sus nombres?
• ¿Qué, cuál, cuáles?
• What did she say? • ¿Qué dijo ella?
• Dependiendo la pregunta esta
• What did you say? • ¿Qué has dicho?
palabra puede significar “¿qué?” o
• What is the capital of Argentina? • ¿Cuál es la capital de Argentina?
WHERE? • Where were you born? • ¿Dónde naciste?
• ¿Dónde? • Where are you from? • ¿De dónde eres?
• Se usa para preguntar sobre un • Where is the museum? • ¿Dónde está el museo?
lugar o la ubicación de algo.
WHEN? • When is your birthday? • ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
• ¿Cuándo? • When did she arrive? • ¿Cuándo llegó?
WHO? • Who drove the car? • ¿Quién condujo el auto?
• ¿Quién, quiénes? • Who ate the cake? • ¿Quién se comió la tarta?
Regularmente las preguntas con WHO • Who did you see yesterday? • ¿A quién viste ayer?
no emplean un verbo auxiliar. Se usan • Who were those men you were • ¿Quiénes eran esos hombres con
para averiguar quién o quiénes with? los que estabas?
realizaron una acción.
WHO…WITH? • Who do you live with? • ¿Con quién vives?
• ¿Con quién? • Who do you work with?

WHOSE? • Whose is this pen? • ¿De quién es este bolígrafo?

• ¿De quién? ¿De quiénes? • Whose jacket is this? • ¿De quién es esta chaqueta?
• Cuando utilizas whose, • Whose jackets are these? • ¿De quiénes son estas chaquetas?)
normalmente quieres averiguar
sobre quién posee o es el
propietario de algo.
HOW? • How was the trip? • ¿Cómo estuvo el viaje?
• ¿Cómo? ¿Cuán? • How are you? • ¿Cómo estás?
• How was the party? • ¿Cómo estuvo la fiesta?
HOW + ADJETIVO • How big is your car? • ¿Qué tamaño tiene tu auto?
• Se utiliza para pregunta "cómo de", • How tall is he? • ¿Cuánto mide?
"cuán": • How far is it from here to the • ¿Qué distancia hay de aquí al
• how big (cómo de grande, cuán airport? aeropuerto?
grande), • How old are you? • ¿Cuántos años tienes?
• how tall (cómo de alto, cuán alto),
• how far (cómo de lejos, cuán
Como decíamos antes, la traducción de
how variará en función del adjetivo que
lleve detrás e intentaremos que sea lo
más natural posible en nuestra lengua
HOW MANY? • How many friends do you have? • ¿Cuántos amigos tienes?
• ¿Cuánto? (contables) • How many books have you read? • ¿Cuántos libros has leído?

HOW MUCH? • How much is this t-shirt? • ¿Cuánto cuesta esta camiseta?
¿Cuánto? (incontables) • How much water do you drink? • ¿Cuánta agua bebes?

HOW OFTEN? • How often does she go to the • ¿Cada cuánto tiempo va ella a cine?
• ¿Cada cuánto tiempo? cinema?
WHY? • Why did you call me? • ¿Por qué me llamaste?
• ¿Por qué? • Why are you sad? • ¿Por qué estás triste?
a este tipo de preguntas se contesta con • Why didn't you tell me? • ¿Por qué no me lo dijiste?
"because", que significa "porque". • ¿Por qué?
Why is she happy? (¿Por qué está feliz?) • porque
Because she passed her exam (porque
aprobó el examen)
• Which book do you want? • ¿Cuál libro quiere?
• There are four jackets. Which is • Hay cuatro chaquetas. ¿Cuál es la
yours? tuya? (cuál de las cuatro)
• We can take bus 10, 20 or 25. • Podemos coger el autobús número
suele confundirse con what ya que
Which goes to the city centre? 10, 20 o 25. ¿Cuál (de ellos) va al
también significa "qué" o "cuál". La
• Which bus did you take: 10, 20 or centro?)
diferencia es que which se utiliza para
25? • ¿Qué autobús cogiste: el 10, el 20 o
preguntar por algo cuando hay varias
opciones. • Which teacher did you talk to: el 25?
Amanda or Lewis? • (¿Con qué profesor hablaste: con
• What is the tallest building in the Amanda o con Lewis?
world? • ¿Cuál es el edificio más alto del
• Which is taller: The Eiffel Tower or mundo?
The Empire State? • ¿Cuál es más alto: la torre Eiffel o el
Empire State?
• Compara • Which colour do you prefer: red or • ¿Qué color prefieres: rojo o negro?
Which + nombre black?
• What colour are her eyes? • ¿De qué color tiene los ojos?

Exercise 6: Put the following questions in order.

QUESTIONS Wh question Verb to be Subject Complement?

1. How / you / old / are?

2. why/ is/ late Gerry?
3. are / why / upstairs / you?
4. in the pool/ the children / are/ why?

5. were/why/ absent / you /yesterday?

6. your / where / brother / was / last night?

7. were /your /where/ born/ cousins?

8. English / that / is / what/ in?

9. your/ where/ is / teacher?
10. is / where/ my / pencil case?
11. home/ his / sister/ when/ is?
12. were /where / yesterday /you?
13. were /where / your / last month /parents?
14. the children /why / /in the moring/ upset?

Exercise 7: Make Wh-questions with to be in Past Simple. Fill in the full sentence.

1) 5)
a) _____________(to be) that noise? a) _____________(to be) they?
b) It_________________ (to be) just the wind. b) They _____________( to be) at the library.
2) 6)
a) _____________( to be) your teacher? a) _____________(to be) you late?
b) Ms. jones _____________( to be) my teacher. b) I missed the bus.

3) 7)
a) _____________(to be) your bags? a) _____________(to be) that on the phone?
b) They _____________(to be) on the train. b) It _____________(to be steven.
4) 8)
a) ___________(to be) they at the hospital? a) _____________(to be) was the movie?
b) Because her son had an accident. b) It _____________(to be) great!

Exercise 8: Read about George’s parents and Yukio’s twin brothers. Are sentences 1–8 true (T) or false (F)?

a) George’s parents were born in the same year.
b) They were from the USA.
c) His mother was at Oxford University.
d) Their wedding was last year.
e) Yukio’s brothers were born on the same day.
f) Their twenty-first birthday was last week.
g) It wasn’t a big party.
h) They weren’t at the same school.

Exercise 9: Complete the sentences with verb to be was/were or am/is/are
• Example: My dog is sick today. (present tense) My dog was sick last night. (past tense)

1. Today, I ______________ happy.

2. Yesterday, they ______________ at home.
3. Now, we ______________ playing football.
4. Last week, she ______________ on holidays.
5. Last year, you ______________ the tallest child in the school.
6. Now, he ______________ at the library.
7. Now, they ______________ cleaning the Windows

Exercise 10: Choose the correct form of "to be" in present tense or past tense.

1. Sarah (be) ________ at the party last night. Pablo 2. Claudia (be) ________ my best friend. She and I (be)
and Rodrigo (be) ________ there too. ________ in the same English class

3. Carla and I (be) ________ at Jenny's house 4. Johan and I (be) ________ in the mountains. We (be)
yesterday. Now, we (be) ________ at Mellissa's ________ on a camping trip together. I hope we don't
house. see a bear!

5. When she (be) ________ young, Andrea (be) 6. Tennis (be) ________ my favorite sport when I was in
________ interested in science. However, she (be, high school. Now my favorite sport (be) ________
not) _____ _____ interested in science anymore. soccer.
Now, she (be) ________ interested in math.

7. My family and I (to be) ________ swimming in the 8. Lenny (be) ________ at the football game last night.
pool when it began to thunder. The lifeguard told He (be) ________ cheering for his favorite team. After
us we had to get out. I (be) ________ upset, but I the game, he came back home and went to sleep. I
knew he was right. think he (be) ________ still sleeping now. Shhhh...
don't wake him up!

9. It rained all day yesterday. I (be) ________ sad 10. Before, Yoko and Kobi (be) ________ enemies. Now
because I could not go outside. However, today it they (be) ________ best friends
(be) ________ sunny. And I (be) ________ happy
because I can go outside!

Exercise 11: Match the questions with the correct answer.

1 Was John at school today? a Yes, I was.

2 Was your sister at the cinema? b Yes, it was. It was very expensive.
3 Was Shrek on television last night? c No, they weren’t.
4 Were the children in the playground? d No, it wasn't.
5 Was your laptop expensive? e Yes, she was
6 Were you at the bank this morning? f No, he wasn’t.

Exercise 12: Write was or were.

1. Your friend _____________ here a minute ago
2. The children at the party _____________ very shy.
3. You _____________ sleepy in class yesterday. Why?
4. There _____________ a good program on television last night!
5. That puzzle _____________ difficult.
6. There _____________ some actors at the theatre on Wednesday.
7. This morning, James _____________ in the toy shop with his dad.
8. My sister and I _____________ at the train station yesterday morning.

Exercise 13: Write was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

1. I________ in Canberra last Spring.

2. My brother and I _________ at school last Saturday. We _______ at the mall.
3. Tina______ at home yesterday, she_______ at work.
4. You________ very busy on Friday, right?
5. Jessica and Kimberly_________ late for school yesterday.
6. My elementary school _________ really big.
7. He ________ in a hurry because there __________ a lot of traffic.
8. Last night you________ angry because your girlfriend__________ at home.
9. My father___________ at work yesterday because he___________ sick.
10. Trixi and Felix ______my cats, they died 5 years ago.

Exercise 14: Write the negatives. Use short forms.

1 I was at home 2 There were a lot of girls in the playground.

3 You were at school. 4 The sandwiches were delicious.

5 My dad was at the post office. 6 We were cold.

7 The programme was good. 8 There was a dog on my towel!

Exercise 15: Read the text and answer the questions.

Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809. He was a British naturalist who became
famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection. In South America, Darwin found that
fossils of extinct animals were similar to modern species. Many people were strongly opposed
to the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious beliefs. Throughout his life,
Darwin was a reserved, thorough, hardworking scholar.

1. Who was Charles Darwin?

2. Where was he born?
3. When was he born?
4. Why was he famous for?
5. Why were people opposed to his theories?
6. What was he like?

Exercise 16: Write the questions for these answers.

1. ____________________________________? He was born in 1916.

2. ____________________________________? It was sunny and hot.
3. ____________________________________? She was friendly and talkative.
4. ____________________________________? I was with my sister.
5. ____________________________________? They were at the beach last summer.
6. ____________________________________? The party was great, I was really happy.
7. _____________________________________? She was happy because it was her birthday.
8. ____________________________________? My best friend was Andy.
9. ____________________________________? Her birthday party was last summer.
Exercise 17: Put the words in the correct order to make questions, affirmative or negative sentences.

1 night / at / home / wasn’t / I / last 4 you / at school / morning / yesterday / Were?

2 ago / was / a / here / My / phone / minute 5 children / three / class / the / in / were / There

3 December / test / in / Was / the? 6 was / night / There / party / last / a

Exercise 18: Put the words in the correct order to make questions for these answers.

1. late / you / this morning / why?

The traffic was horrible.
2. difficult / your exam?
No, it was easy.
3. last week/ where/ they?
They were on holiday.
4. new camera / how much / your ?
It was $ 100
5. angry/ you / yesterday/ why?
Because, you were late to our date.
6. nice/ the weather/ last week ?
Yes, It was beautiful.

Exercise 19: Read the sentences and write am/ is/ are (present) or was/ were (past) to complete them:

1. Where ____________ Sam and Tom? I don´t know. They ________________here a few minutesago!
2. Don´t buy those sandals. They________________ too expensive.
3. Last year she________________24 years old, so she________________ 25 now.

4. Today the weather ________________nice, but yesterday it ____________________very cold.

5. This time last year. I ________________on vacations in Miami, but now I ________________at work.

6. Where ________________you at 11 ó clock yesterday?

7. I ________________late for the meeting. Can we call an Uber, please?

8. Sandra ________________at the meeting 5 min ago, now she is in her office.

9. Jaime and Liz ________________at Head office yesterday because this week they
________________workingon a new project.

10. The product presentation __________last Tuesday. My boss and I ______________there to talk
about our new brand of soft drinks



YESTERDAY • Is used with morning, afternoon and evening.
LAST • Is used with night.
• Is used with long periods of time (week, month, year)
• Is used with seasons (spring, summer, etc)
• Is used with days of the week.
AGO • Is used with a specific length of time (minutes, hours)


Javy was here… Javy was here… Javy was here…
• Yesterday. • Last night. • Five minutes ago
• Yesterday, morning. • Last week. • Two hours ago.
• Yesterday, afternoon. • Last month. • A week ago.
• Yesterday, evening • Last year. • Six months ago.
• Last summer. • A year ago.
• Last Monday.

Exercise 20: Fill in the blanks below with the correct prepositions of time (yesterday/ last/ ago).

1. My brother found a new job three weeks _______________.

2. What time did you get up _______________ morning?

3. Jack went to bed very late _______________ night.

4. Our class had a very difficult math exam _______________ Friday.

5. We had a picnic at the park _______________ morning.

6. I began to study Spanish _______________ September.

7. Marie felt sick, so she stayed went home _______________ afternoon.

8. Dinosaurs lived on our planet millions of years _______________.

9. You friend just called you an hour _______________, but you were out.

10. Today is Tuesday. What day was it _______________?

11. Our family travelled to Brazil _______________ summer.

12. Did you really finish your science project two days _______________?


We use there is and there are to say that something exists in the present.
In the past tense we use to say that something existed with there was and there were.

Present Past
Singular there is there was
Plural there are there were

There is an economic problem due to the pandemic.
There was a plebiscite in September 2020 in Chile We use there is for singular
and there are for plural.
There are many people looking for a job.
We use there was for
There were violent excesses against peaceful demonstrators in Chile. singular and there were for

• There is one printer in my office.
• There was one printer five years ago too.
• There are three secretaries in the finance department.
• There were five secretaries in the finance department in 2019.
• There is a problem with the supplier.
• There was a problem with the supplier last month.
• There are many people at the bus stop today.
• There were many people at the bus stop yesterday.

We also, use there is and there was with uncountable nouns:

Uncountable nouns can’t be counted and they
always take singular verbs:
There was some information for you in that USB
There is beer in that pitcher
• There is milk in the fridge.
• There was milk in the fridge.
• There is some sugar on the table.
• There was some sugar on the table.
• There is ice cream on your shirt.
• There was ice cream on your shirt.

The negative is formed by putting not after is or are, was or were:

• There is not a laptop in the office.

• There was not a laptop in the office.
• There are not any paper at my desk.
• There were not any paper at my desk.

We usually use contractions when speaking:

The negative contractions are

There is not = There isn't

There are not = There aren't
There was not = There wasn’t
There were not = There weren’t


When we want to indicate a zero quantity of something, we use there aren't any.
Present Past

There aren't any people at the party at the moment. There weren't any people at the party 2 hours ago.

There aren't any trees in my street . There weren't any trees in my last year.

We also use this structure with uncountable nouns:

Present Past

There isn't any water in the swimming pool. There wasn't any water in the swimming pool yesterday.

There isn't any sugar in my coffee. There wasn't any sugar in my coffee this morning.

Is there…?
To form a question, we place is / are in front of there.
We use any with plural questions or uncountable nouns. Are there…?
We also use there is / there are in short answers.
We use contractions in negative short answers

Question Answer
Is there a coffee machine in your office? No, there isn't.
Are there any secretaries at your work? Yes, there are.
Is there a security guard in the shop? Yes, there is.
Are there any invoices to send today? No, there aren't.
Is there any important information? Yes, there is.


Exercise 21: Complete the following sentences with there isn’t / there aren’t – there wasn’t / there
weren’t. Be careful with countable and uncountable nouns.

Example: There is a flight from here to London.

1. __There____were_______ any movies that I want to watch at the cinema.

2. We wanted to go to the concert last night, but __there weren’t___________ any tickets.
3. _____There wasn’t________ any money in my bank account last month so I couldn’t pay the
4. __There__aren’t_________ seventy minutes in an hour.
5. In my neighborhood _there aren’t____________ (-) any children.
6. Henry couldn’t bake a cake yesterday because ____there wasn’t_________ any sugar in the
7. It’s really sunny today __there aren’t___________ any clouds in the sky.
8. I’m sorry, __there aren’t___________ any letters for you today.


If we want to find out the number of objects that exist, we use how many in the following form:

How many + plural noun + are there + complement + ?

How many suppliers are there in your company?

❖ How many products are there in the warehouse?
❖ How many departments are there in your office?
❖ How many designs are there in your store?
❖ How many workers are there in your company?


For more information and practice of there is / there are you can watch:

For more information and practice of there was / there were you can watch:

Exercise 22: ACTIVITIES THERE IS / WAS --- THERE ARE / WERE: Write the missing questions by
looking at the map and reading the answers.

a) Is there a movie theatre near here?

Yes, there is. It is in Gill street, next to the café.

Yes, there is. It is next to the movie theatre.

Yes, there is. It’s in Burton street, behind the café.

Yes, there is. It’s in Long Street.

Yes, there is. It’s opposite the movie theatre

Yes, there is. It’s between the supermarket and the restaurant

Exercise 23: Complete the sentences with there was, there were, there wasn’t or there weren’t.


Is there a movie theater next to the post office?

a) When I was a little girl __there were_____ five houses here. Now it’s an office block.

b) A: Was there a busy street here?

B: No, _there wasn’t__________________. It was quiet.

c) _There is ____ some shoe shop now but there was a café three years ago.

d) A: Were there houses or skyscrapers?

B: When I was here two years ago, I think ___there were_______ some skyscrapers.

e) A: Were there any trees next to the pond?

B: No, ___there weren’t_________.

Exercise 24: Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Questions Answers


a) Was there a road here? Yes, there was.

b) Was there a market in the square? No, _______________________________________

c) Was there a café next to the bank? ___________________________________________

d) Were there any shops on the left? ___________________________________________

e) Were there two restaurants on the right? ___________________________________________

f) Was there a pedestrian crossing? ___________________________________________

g) Was there an Indian restaurant? ___________________________________________

Exercise 25: Read the text and then match the sentences 1 – 8 with their corresponding part in a – h.

Sentences letter Rest of the sentence
1) Was there a café? b a) there was a playground in the park
2) When I was a student, there b) on the left?
3) Last year there were c) there wasn´t.
4) Two years ago, I d) think there was a bank next to the cinema.
5) When I was a child, e) wasn’t a library here.
6) Were there f) two restaurants on the right.
7) Was g) there a car park here?
8) Was there a shop on the corner? No, h) two bridges across the river?

Exercise 26: Complete the questions with Was there or Were there. Then answer them.

Questions Answers
a) Were there payphones in 1920? Yes, there were.
b) ___________________ computers at schools in 1980? No, _____________________________
c) ___________________ a park in the neighborhood in 1985? Yes, ____________________________
d) ___________________ Internet at homes in 1990? No, _____________________________
e) ___________________ air pollution in 1960? Yes, ____________________________
f) ___________________ astronauts in 1940? No, ____________________________
g) ___________________ hospitals in 1910? Yes, ____________________________
h) ___________________ radio in 1940? Yes, ____________________________


If you already know how to use the Present Tense, then the Past Tense will be easy. Before we start, let’s

remember the

Exercise 27: Complete the chart below with the correct conjugation of the verb.

I / You / We / They speak English at home.
He / She / It speak English at home.

I / You / We / They have / buy/ eat / like etc. cereal for breakfast.
He / She / It have / buy/ eat / like etc. cereal for breakfast.

I / You / We / They have / need/ want a new job?
He / She / It have / need/ want a new job?

For more information and practice of present simple you can visit:

Exercise 28: Complete the sentences with the verbs below in the simple present tense. Make any necessary


1. My company _________________ Internet services

2. They usually _________________ work at 8:30
3. We _________________ an office in Manchester and another one in Newark
4. She _________________ for an engineering company
5. Their head office _________________ in Palmeira, Spain.
6. This company _________________ in phone services
7. This group _________________ on all six continents
8. Our main competitors _________________ in England
9. It _________________ annual sales of €300 million
10. I _________________ in sales

Exercise 29: Complete the following sentences with the correct conjugation of the verb.

1. What ________________ they ___________ in? (to specialize)

2. Where _________________the company _______ subsidiaries? (to have)
3. What time _____________ she ___________ work? (to start)
4. Who ___________ their father ___________for? (to work)
5. My teacher usually_______________ his lesson at 8:10 (to start)
6. What kind of products ________ your company__________? (to sell)
7. Who _______your main competitor? (to be)

Exercise 30: All these sentences are wrong. Correct the mistakes:

1. Coca Cola are based in Atlanta

2. The meeting starts always at 16:00

3. There is 400 employs in our company

4. It don't produce software

5. Where is based that company?

6. It employ 100 people all over the world

Exercise 31: Rewrite this dialogue in the right order:

1. From Dublin. What do you do?

2. I'm a sales manager. I work for a company in
3. I'm from Barcelona. What about you?
4. Excuse me, sir. Is this seat free?
5. Nice to meet you. Where are you from?
6. Yes, it is. My name is Jordi

Exercise 32: Read the questions and choose the correct alternative.

1. Do you ___________________ insurance services?

a) provides
b) provide

2. Our head office is in Portugal, but we ___________________ in many different countries.

are based.
a) operate
b) specialize in
3. We are a quite small company. We only have 15 ___________________
a) employers
b) employs
c) employees

4. What other ___________________ does the company make?

a) products
b) produces

5. ___________________ any of the employees of your company work at weekends?

a) Do
b) Does

6. What do you ___________________? I'm an engineer.

a) work
b) job
c) do


The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterit, is used to talk about a completed action in a time before
now. The simple past is the basic form of past tense in English. The time of the action can be in the recent past or the
distant past and action duration is not important.

USE 1 Completed Action in the Past Examples:

We use the simple past to express the idea that an • I saw a movie yesterday.
action started and finished at a specific time in the past. • I didn't see a play yesterday.
Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the • Last year, I traveled to Japan.
specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind. • Last year, I didn't travel to Korea.
• Did you have dinner last night?
• She washed her car.
• He didn't wash his car.

USE 2 A Series of Completed Actions Examples:

We use the simple past to list a series of completed actions • I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice
in the past. These actions happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so place to swim.
on. • He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the
hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.
• Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the

USE 3 Duration in the Past Examples:

The simple past can be used with a duration which • I lived in Brazil for two years.
starts and stops in the past. A duration is a longer action • Shauna studied Japanese for five years.
often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for • They sat at the beach all day.
five minutes, all day, all year, etc. • They did not stay at the party the entire time.
• We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.
• A: How long did you wait for them?
B: We waited for one hour.

USE 4 Habits in the Past Examples:

The simple past can also be used to describe a habit which • I studied French when I was a child.
stopped in the past. It can have the same meaning as "used • He played the violin.
to." To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we • He didn't play the piano.
often add expressions such as: always, often, usually, • Did you play a musical instrument when you were a
never, when I was a child, when I was younger, etc. kid?
• She worked at the movie theater after school.
• They never went to school, they always skipped class.

USE 5 Past Facts or Generalizations Examples:

The simple past can also be used to describe past facts or • She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.
generalizations which are no longer true. As in USE 4 • He didn't like tomatoes before.
above, this use of the simple past is quite similar to the • Did you live in Texas when you were a kid?
expression "used to." • People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the


When-Clauses Happen First

Clauses are groups of words which have meaning but are often not complete sentences. Some clauses begin with
the word "when" such as "when I dropped my pen..." or "when class began..." These clauses are called when-clauses,
and they are very important. The examples below contain when-clauses.


• When I paid her one dollar, she answered my question.

• She answered my question when I paid her one dollar.

When-clauses are important because they always happen first when both clauses are in the simple past. Both of the
examples above mean the same thing: first, I paid her one dollar, and then, she answered my question. It is not important
whether "when I paid her one dollar" is at the beginning of the sentence or at the end of the sentence. However, the
example below has a different meaning. First, she answered my question, and then, I paid her one dollar.


• I paid her one dollar when she answered my question.

❖ ADVERBS: The most usual way of talking about habits in the past is to use the simple past tense with an adverb
of frequency or an adverb phrase.
• When I was younger, I went running every day.
• As a student, she got up late every morning. (habit)
• I lived in Austria for several years. (state)

❖ USED TO is used to describe past habits and states, usually in contrast with the present. We use ‘used to’ for
something that happened regularly in the past but no longer happens.
A time expression is not necessary.
• I used to get up at six, but now I get up at eight.
Used to can also describe past states.
• I used to own a horse. (I owned a horse once.)

❖ USED TO can be used in the affirmative, the negative and questions.

Note these forms:
• I didn’t use to like beer.
• Did you use to swim every day?
• I used to read more in English than I do now.
• I didn’t use to waste so much time watching TV.
• Which subjects did you use to like best at school?

Exercise 33: Are these sentences True or False?

We use the past simple for things in the past which have finished. True False

We use the past simple for things that are happening now. True False

We use the past simple for single events or situations in the past. True False

We use the past simple for repeated events in the past. True False

We only use the past simple for things a long way back in the past. True False

We use the past simple for things a long way back in the past and things inthe recent past True False

We use the auxiliary did or didn’t to form questions and negatives in the pastsimple. True False

We use the auxiliary have to form questions and negatives in the past simple. True False


The simple past is formed using the verb + ed. In addition, there are many verbs with irregular past forms.
Questions are made with did and negative forms are made with did not.
• Affirmative: You called Debbie.
• Question: Did you call Debbie?
• Negative: You did not call Debbie.


• Last year we opened an office in Berkeley.

• The company released its report a few weeks ago.
• Sales increased by 40% in the first half of last year.
• You presented all the figures in the morning.
• My boss read the full case study yesterday morning.



I I made a presentation yesterday
You You presented all the figures in the morning.
He/she The manager called upon the person in charge to give us a better response.
It The company’s sales increased by 40% in the first half of last year.
He/she My boss read the full case study yesterday morning.
We We bought the company in 2001 for $5 billion.
You You started the business about a year ago.
They Importers and exporters incurred significant costs due to inefficient control and clearance
procedures at customs and other border authorities.
We Our company decreased from 65,000 in 2004 to 52,500 today.
They The workers considered this corporate behavior as totally unacceptable.

We use the past simple to talk about an activity at a definite time in the past:

• We started the business about a year ago.

• He bought the company in 2001 for $5 billion.
• Last year he joined the company as marketing manager.

We use the past simple with these expressions:

• Last: last night, last week, last month, last year, last century
• Ago: two hours ago, three weeks ago, four months ago, etc.
• Yesterday: yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon, yesterday evening.
• In: in 2010, in the 1980s, in the 18th century
• From/to: From 1992 to 1999 Peter lived in Madrid.


Common Past Time Expressions Example Sentences Similar Expressions

• yesterday morning
• yesterday • I walked to work yesterday.
yesterday evening
(one day before today) • Yesterday, I walked to work.
yesterday afternoon

• Redd bought a house the day • the week before last

• the day before yesterday before yesterday. (week)
(two days before today) • The day before yesterday, Redd the night before last
bought a house. (night)

• Avril travelled to Halifax last • last time

• last night month. last week
(the most recent night) • Last month, Avril travelled to last month
Halifax. last year

• this morning
• Kathleen called me this morning. • this afternoon
(an earlier time on the
• This morning, Kathleen called me. this evening
same day)

• Kenneth and his wife had a baby • one hour ago

• one week ago
one week ago. one day ago
(a specific period of time
• One week ago, Kenneth and his one month ago
in the past)
wife had a baby. one year ago

• Darren finished university in

• in 1990 • in 1970
(a specific point in the in March
• In 1990, Darren finished
past) on Sunday

• when + subject + past • Paul played basketball when he • when I was born
tense verb was a student. • when John finished high
(a specific period of time, • When he was a student, Paul school
event, or point in the past) played basketball. • when I turned 18


Look at the preposition and other words we use with time expression:
EXACT TIME AT I started at 9:30 / at midday / at 5 ó clock

DAYS OF THE WEEK ON Joanna traveled to Brazil on Monday / on Friday

MONTHS IN They arrived in May / in June / in July

YEARS IN They problems started in 1998 / in 2000/ in 2004

With some expression we don’t use prepositions

• yesterday
• last year
• five years ago
• the day before yesterday
• two weeks ago
• last week

Exercise 34: Read the following sentences. Are they in the present or the past?
Online exercise:

1. I was born in Africa ___________ 1970.

2. My parents moved back to England ___________ I was five.
3. We lived in Bristol ___________ three years.
4. I left college three years ___________
5. I found a flat on my own ___________.
6. I usually go home ___________ the weekend.
7. I didn't go home ___________ weekend because some friends came to stay.
8. They arrived ___________ three o'clock in the afternoon.
9. ___________ Saturday evening, we went out to a concert.
10. We got up late ___________ Sunday morning.
11. ___________ the afternoon, we went for a walk.
12. I bought a car a few weeks ___________.
13. I had an accident ___________ last night.
14. It happened ___________ seven o'clock in the evening.
15. I took my car to the garage ___________ this morning.
16. It will be ready ___________ two week.

Subject To work To live To try

I/you/we/they work live try

Present simple
She/he/it works lives tries
Past simple I/you/we/they worked lived Tried

Regular past tense verbs end in -ed and have special spelling rules.

• Regular past simple forms are formed by adding -ed to the infinitive To start → started
of the verb. To kill → killed
To jump → jumped

To agree → agreed
• If a verb ends in -e, you add -d. To like → liked
To escape → escaped

• If a verb ends in a vowel and a consonant, To stop → stopped

the consonant is usually doubled before -ed. To plan → planned

• If a verb ends in consonant and -y, you take To try → tried

off the y and add -ied. To carry → carried

• But if the word ends in a vowel and -y, you To play → played
add -ed. To enjoy → enjoyed

There are three kinds of pronunciation: /d/, /t/ and /ɪd/. Look at the table below.

/d/ /t/ /ɪd/

arrived asked wanted

failed crossed decided

agreed stopped started

Exercise 35: Write the Past Simple form of the verbs below in the correct column.

to repeat / to worry / to finish / to start / to phone / to call / to miss / to enjoy / to visit / to marry / to listen/ to
cry/ to play/ to hate / to wash / to climb / to live / to arrive / to talk / to look / to stay / to ask / to clean / to
travel / to like / to walk / to carry / to stop

-d -ed Consonant + y = ie Double consonant + ed

Arrived finished Carried Stopped

Exercise 36: Change the following present simple affirmative sentences into past simple affirmative

1. We live in Temuco
_______________________________________________________________________ (in 1997)
2. Tom travel to Rancagua every week
3. I clean my teeth twice today
4. Sue and Pat talk on the phone every day
5. I like my job new job



TO BE WAS /WERE We were at the office all day yesterday.
TO BEGIN BEGAN Last year, we began to export to Brazil.
TO BREAK BROKE I broke my arm in an accident.
TO BRING BROUGHT They brought the new design from Europe.
TO BUY BOUGHT The owner bought a new building
TO DO DID They had a problem but they did nothing about it.
TO DRINK DRANK He drank a lot of water after the match.
TO DRIVE DROVE We drove very fast to the airport.
TO EAT ATE We ate a paella by the beach
TO FIND FOUND I finally found my keys.
TO FLY FLEW We flew to Buenos Aires last summer.
TO FORGET FORGOT I forgot my ID at home.
TO GET GOT She got a lot of present for her birthday.
TO GIVE GAVE I gave her a big bug for her promotion.
TO GO WENT I went to work by bus yesterday.
TO HAVE HAD I had many books as a child.
TO KNOW KNEW We knew that it was a good campaign.
TO LOSE LOST He lost his wallet at the airport.
TO MAKE MADE They made a cake for the party.
TO MEET MET I met my boss at a business conference.
TO PAY PAID She paid a lot for that laptop.
TO PUT PUT They put all their efforts in the project.
TO READ READ I read the report and the sales numbers are great.
TO RUN RAN When the fire started, we ran.
TO SAY SAID She said it was a great company.
TO SEE SAW We saw all the new product last week.
TO SELL SOLD Peter sold all his stocks.
TO SEND SENT People sent a lot of letters in the past.
TO SING SANG Everybody sang “happy birthday” to her.
TO SIT SAT We sat at the sand and looked at the see.
TO SLEEP SLEPT I only slept four hours last night.
TO SPEAK SPOKE We spoke to our colleagues at the meeting.
TO SPEND SPENT The company spent a lot of money in the new cars.
TO SWIM SWAM He swam happy in the river.
TO TAKE TOOK Somebody took my things.
TO TEACH TAUGHT She taught me how to save time and money.
TO TELL TOLD I told him to go home, he looked sick.
TO THINK THOUGHT We thought it was a great idea.
TO UNDERSTAND UNDERSTOOD I understood their decision.
TO WEAR WORE Sara wore a beautiful red dress at the party.
TO WIN WON Who won the match?
TO WRITE WROTE I wrote an e-mail to the manager.

Exercise 37: Write the past tense for the verbs bellow.

Verb Past simple Verb infinitive Past simple Verb infinitive Past simple
infinitive Preterite Preterite Preterite
___Family ___family ___family
To write To read To feel
To drive To put To keep
To ride To cut To sleep
To shine To hurt To sweep
To rise To shut To weep
To freeze To cost To leave
To wake To cast ___family
To wear To broadcast To stick
To swear To hit To hang
To tear To fit To swing
To bear To set To strike
To steal To let To dig
To break To spread To sting
To speak To split ___family
To get To beat To say
To forget To burst To pay
To win ___family To lay
___family To think ___family
To begin To teach To sell
To drink To catch To tell
To swim To bring
To sing To buy To bite
To ring To fight To hide
To sink To seek ___family
To stink ___family To fall
To run To know To hold
To sit To grow ___family
To give To throw To be
To forgive To blow To do
To come To fly To have
To become To draw To go
___family ___family To make
To spend To meet To eat
To send To feed To see
To lend To speed To hear
To build To bleed To find
To learn To lead To forbid
To burn To choose To light
To mean To shoot To lie
To dream ___family
To deal To take
To smell To mistake
To spell To stand
To lose To understand

The past simple negative has two parts: didn’t + infinitive.

• Last year we didn't sell as many products.
• I was disappointed because I didn't reach the target.
• In 2002 the company didn't have the skills it needed to do this.

Exercise 38: Change the following affirmative sentences into negative sentences.

Sentences Subject Auxiliary Main Complement

verb verb
I made a presentation yesterday
You presented all the figures in the morning.
The manager called upon the person in charge to give us a
better response.
The company’s sales increased by 40% in the first half of last
She read the full case study yesterday morning.
We bought the company in 2001 for $5 billion.
You started the business about a year ago.
They prepared a conversion plan for the power plant.
The company decreased from 65,000 in 2004 to 52,500
The workers considered this corporate behavior as totally

Exercise 39: Underline the past simple negatives in the text bellow.

I joined this company five years ago. It was a difficult time. The company was not in a very good
state. We didn’t have a clear management structure. Our local markets were not very good. Our
marketing didn’t include America or the Pacific regions. We didn't have any clear marketing
strategy. Now, things are very different.

Exercise 40: Read the text below and rewrite the text, change the affirmative sentences into negative sentences
and the negatives sentences into affirmative sentences.

New products were cheap to develop. We spent a lot of money on research. Our market
share increased in the early 2000s. The company made many good products. Chemco didn’t
buy the company. There wasn’t a big change in the organization. The new management
didn’t want to change everything. Most of the old management didn’t leave. Things didn’t
improve. Now, we are very optimistic.

Exercise 41: Look at the delivery schedule for an order with Interfood nv, a Dutch frozen foods company.
Unfortunately, the order went wrong. Complete the sentences below. Write what did not happen.

• on January 15, Interfood did not prepare the order.

Delivery schedule for Espofrigo S.A., Vitoria, Spain

Order number: ESP325/0797
Jan. 15 Interfood prepares the order.
Jan. 16 Send goods to Rotterdam Warehouse by train.
Jan. 17 Load goods onto ship to Bilbao.
Jan. 18 Goods arrive in Bilbao. Carretera Trasportes take goods by truck to Vitoria
Jan. 19 Espofrigo to confirm arrival.

1. On January 15, Interfood didn't prepare the order.

2. On the next day, they

3. On January 17, they

4. On the next day, the goods

5. On the same day, Carretera Trasportes

6. On January 19, So Espofrigo

Exercise 42: Change the affirmative past simple sentences into negative past simple sentences.

1. Susan waited in the kitchen.

2. I made the beds
3. They cleaned the classroom.
4. She asked a lot of questions.
5. Christian bought a new guitar


We use the past simple question to ask about an activity at a definite time in the past:
The past simple question has two parts: did + infinitive.

• When did you arrive in England?

• Did you meet the managing director when she was in New York?
• How long did you work for the company?
• What did you say to her?

Exercise 43: Change the following affirmative sentences into interrogative sentences.

Sentences Auxiliary Subject Main Complement

verb verb
I made a presentation yesterday
You presented all the figures in the morning.
The manager called upon the person in charge to
give us a better response.
The company’s sales increased by 40% in the first
half of last year.
She read the full case study yesterday morning.
We bought the company in 2001 for $5 billion.
You started the business about a year ago.
They Prepared a conversion plan for the power
The company decreased from 65,000 in 2004 to
52,500 today.
The workers considered this corporate behavior as
totally unacceptable.

Exercise 44: Match the question on the left with the appropriate answer on the right.

1. When did you arrive here? a) Yes, it was very comfortable.

2. How long did the journey take? b) No, unfortunately I didn’t.
3. Did you come by plane direct from New York? c) Last night at 8 o'clock.
4. Did you have time to see the city last night? d) About 15 hours.
5. Did you sleep we ll in the hotel? e) No, I changed at Amsterdam

Exercise 45: Complete the dialogue with the correct auxiliary and infinitive or past form of each verb.
• Bill Klemens went to Malaysia on a business trip and now he is discussing the trip with a colleague, Joelle Kee.

• Joelle: How many days did you spend (spend) in Malaysia?

• Bill: Only three.
• Joelle: 1)________________ (have) an interesting visit?
• Bill: Yes, I made some useful contacts.
• Joelle: 2)________________ (see) Mr Keitel?
• Bill: No, he was in New York.
• Joelle: And 3)________________ (visit) our colleagues in Sabah?
• Bill: No, I telephoned, but I didn't have time to visit.
• Joelle: 4)________________ (have) time for any tourism?
• Bill: Tourism? No ... only work and more work!
• Joelle: Don’t you like work?
• Bill: Of course I do. I love my job!

Exercise 46: Write sentences in Past Simple:

1- Affirmative
2- Negative
3- Interrogative (Yes / No)

1. She goes to England every summer 2. We live in New York.

(+) (+)
(-) (-)
(?) (?)
3. I work for a research company. 4. The company makes frozen food for supermarkets.

(+) (+)
(-) (-)

(?) (?)
5. Ann buys a new car. 6. We finish work at 2pm every day.
(+) (+)
(-) (-)
(?) (?)
7. He works in Beijing. 8. The company provides nurses and healthcare staff.
(+) (+)
(-) (-)
(?) (?)

Exercise 47: Make past simple ‘wh’ questions:

1. (where / you / go to school?)

2. (when / she / arrive?)

3. (why / he / eat so much?)
4. (what / they / do yesterday?)
5. (who / you / meet at the party?)
6. (how / she / come to work this morning?)
7. (where / I / leave my glasses?)
8. (when / he / get home last night?)
9. (what / you / do at the weekend?)
10. (why / she / get angry?)

Exercise 48: Choose the correct Wh- questions for the underlined phrases bellow.

They reserved a table. What did they reserve?

He stayed at home. Where did he stay?

What Where How What time How long What

Who Why How many How much When Whose

1. yesterday? I posted a letter yesterday.

2. a lot of photographs? She took a lot of photographs in London.
3. home? He came home by taxi.
4. school? He left school at four o'clock.

5. to get here? It took me two hours to get here.
6. her? They gave her some money.
7. ? She phoned her mother.
8. the vase? Tom broke the vase because he was angry.
9. ? The man sold three books.
10. them? We saw them yesterday.
11. ? She borrowed her mother's dress.


Exercise 49: Complete the conversation with the negative, question or short form of the past simple:
Write the simple past form of the verbs in parentheses:

1. It wasn’t until 1998 that they (begin) to diversify their product line.

2. Many companies (bid) on the project.

3. Sam (wear) a blue suit with a red tie.

4. Our manager (tell) us how to handle the situation.

5. Dave and I (meet) when we were seniors in college.

6. The ad campaign (lead) to a 20% increase in sales.

7. I (leave) the office at 9 o’clock last night.

8. The economy (grow) by less than 1% last year.

9. John (bring) his wife and son to the company picnic.

10. After several hours, Logan finally (find) the info he was looking for.

11. His attitude (hurt) his chances of being promoted.

12. Larry (teach) a couple of university courses last year.


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