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Corinne Pennock CI 401 Mr.

Hamilton Artifact Reflection #2

This artifact was chosen to due to the fact that it displays my ability to bring a multicultural aspect to my classroom as well as differentiated learning. This lesson plan has a full outline from taking attendance to reviewing class and checking for understanding at the end of the classroom. This artifact addresses some of the most important aspects of being a teacher in that it has a multicultural aspect as well as a differentiated learning aspect. Multicultural aspect is brought in due to the nature of the material covered. The material that is covered is based on race and socioeconomic classes and the hardships faced by the African American race and the lower socioeconomic class. The differentiated learning aspect is where the students get into small groups to act out as the assigned as different socioeconomic classes during the Chicago Black Belt era. By having the students act, I am giving them a chance to put themselves into history and how things were for people and also giving it an emotional aspect. Students that have an emotional connection to certain historical events are usually more inclined to get a full understanding of the significance of that historical event. My artifact addresses human development and learning, diversity, planning for instruction, and learning environment from the Illinois Professional Teaching Standards. Human development and learning is addressed in that as a teacher I understand that every individual learns differently and I want to help them develop all aspects of themselves. Diversity is addressed because as a teacher I want to make sure that my students understand that there are differences between everyone and that their knowledge of diversity is very important. Planning of instruction is addressed for the obvious fact that as a teacher you must have a set plan for the curriculum to the discipline in the classroom. Without these plans, the classroom can turn into chaos and the students will not benefit from being your classroom. Lastly, learning environment is addressed because as a teacher you must understand that there is motivation and behavior that needs to be taken into account when determining the learning environment. This artifact displays many things about me as a developing teacher and these being that I have room for growth, as do all teachers, and that I am developing my own technique that I feel will give my students the best possible education. Growth is key for teachers because without growth, then nothing will be improved upon and the students will suffer. In the ever changing society we live in, there is always room for growth in the classroom like adding technology or even using different ideas that are more relevant to the students that are in the classroom now. As for developing my own technique, I feel that each teacher must create their own signature way to teaching to give them an edge with other teachers. By having a certain technique, you can help other teachers with certain aspects and vice a versa. Being unique will ultimately benefit you as a teacher and also the students in your classroom.

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