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2. Alphabet (exercises)
3. Sounds English Names 1
4. Question words
5. Personal pronouns
6. Parts of speech
7. “to be”
8. Personal information Types of names
№ English Uzbek Examples
1 First name / given name ism Aziza, Mary, Peter, Dilshod
(forename, Christian name)
2 Middle name otasining ismi Alan Charles Jones or Alan C. Jones;
отчество Dilshod Aliakbarovich Botirov
3 Last name / surname / family name familiya Jones, Edison, Botirov, Smith
4 Full name To`liq ism-sharif Karimova Aziza Abbosovna
5 Nickname laqab, erkalatib Peter – Pete; William – Bill, Will;
chaqiriladigan Anne – Annie, Nancy; Elizabeth –
nom Betty, Liz; Louise – Lou.
Other types of names
6 Birth name tug`ilganda berilgan ism, haqiqiy,
7 Legal name yuridik ism, guvohnomada yozilgan
8 Maiden name qizlik familiya
9 Married name turmush o`rtog`ini familiyasi
10 Patronymic Johnson (son of John), ota-bobolarining ismidan kelib
Macdonald (son of Donald) chiqqan familiya
11 Pseudonym /ˈsjuː.də.nɪm/ (pen name, stage name, taxallus
nickname, aliase, a.k.a. – also known as)
This author writes under a pen name.
He has several aliases. He travels under an alias of Smith.
The police are looking for John Smith, a.k.a. Ben Little.

Male and female names

Feminine gender Masculine gender
A yoki IA bilan tugasa: ER, OR, US (yoki bularsiz A, IA) tugasa:
Alexandra, Antonia, Bertha, Christina, Eugenia, Alexander, Albert, Arthur, Christopher, David,
Frederica, Julia, Maria, Paula, Sophia, Victoria Frederick, James, John, Julius, Paul, Richard, Victor
E bilan tugasa, ko`p holatlarda: Ammo ko'pgina erkak ismlarining oxiri E tugashi
Caroline, Catherine, Charlotte, Christine, Adele, mumkin: Bruce, Clarence, Claude, Clyde, Eugene,
Beatrice, Florence, Francine, Gertrude, Lorraine George, Jerome, Jesse, Lawrence, Terence, Wayne
Juftlik ismlar female male
female male IE va I tugasa: Y tugasa:
Danielle Daniel Nikki, Nickie Nicky
Denise Denis
Gabrielle Gabriel Nicknames that use the endings IE and Y for both
Geraldine Gerald male and female names
Josephine Joseph Billie, Billy, Bobbie, Bobby, Freddie, Freddy
Nicole Nicholas

Male and female names with the ending Y Variants of names
female male Ismlar juda ko'p variantlarga ega
Daisy, Dorothy, Emily, Anthony, Emery, Gregory, Henry, bo'lishi mumkin. Ular alohida
Margery, Tiffany, Valery Jeremy, Percy, Timothy nomlar bo'lib, ular har doim
to'g'ri variantda yozilishi kerak
Other male and female names Alice, Alicia, Alisa, Alissa;
female male Allison, Alison, Allyson, Alyson;
Avis, Doris, Gladys, Iris, Mavis, Davis, Ellis, Elvis, Morris, Gail, Gale, Gayle;
Phyllis, Gillian, Lillian, Marian Willis, Damian, Fabian, Julian Christopher, Kristopher;
Leslie, Lesley;
Steven, Stephen, Stephan, Stefan;
Terence, Terrence.

Agar kimdir sizga o'z ismini yoki laqabini aytsa va siz uni qanday yozishni bilmasangiz yoki bu
laqabning to'liq ismini bilmoqchi bo'lsangiz, quyidagi savollar bilan so'rashingiz mumkin:

How do you spell your name, please? Ismingiz qanday yoziladi, iltimos?
How do you spell your first name? Ismingiz qanday yoziladi?
What is the full name for Allie? Alliening to'liq ismi nima?
What does Ettie stand for? Ettie nimani anglatadi?
Is Nicky Nicole or Veronica? Nicky Nicolemi yoki Veronicami?
Is your name spelled with one L or double L? Ismingiz bir L yoki qo'sh L bilan yozilganmi?
How do you spell your last name? Familiyangiz qanday yoziladi?

Spelling names on the phone

Alexey: My name is Alexey Tumanov.
Company: How do you spell your last name, please?
Alexey: That's T as in Thomas, U as in Utah, M as in Mary, A as in Alice, N as in Nellie, O as in
Oscar, V as in Victor. That's Tumanov.
Company: How do you spell your first name, please?
Alexey: That's A as in Alice, L as in Lewis, E as in Edward, X as in X-ray, E as in Edward, Y as in
Young. That's Alexey.

Alice: Can you spell the name of your company, please?

Mary: It's Muzfond. That's M-U-Z-F-O-N-D. [em-yu:-zi:-ef-ou-en-di:]
Alice: Can you spell it again, please?
Mary: That's Mary-Union-Zero-Frank-Oliver-Nick-David. Muzfond.

The Alphabet /ˈæl.fə.bet/ (26) 2
№ Capital Small Uzbek
№ letter letter version
1 A a /eɪ/, /æ/ ey, ea
2 B b /biː/ bi
3 C c /siː/ si
4 D d /diː/ di
5 E e /iː/ i
6 F f /ef/ ef
7 G g /dʒiː/ ji
8 H h /eɪtʃ/ eych
9 I i /aɪ/ ay
10 J j /dʒeɪ/ jey
11 K k /keɪ/ key
12 L l /el/ el
13 M m /em/ em
14 N n /en/ en
15 O o /əʊ/, /oʊ/ eu, ou
16 P p /piː/ pi
17 Q q /kjuː/ kyu
18 R r /ɑː/, /ɑːr/ a, ar
19 S s /es/ es
20 T t /tiː/ ti
U u
21 (ba`zida (ba`zida /juː/ yu
undosh) undosh)
22 V v /viː/ vi
23 W w /ˈdʌb.l.juː/ dablyu
(ba`zida unli) (ba`zida unli)
24 X x /eks/ eks
25 Y y /waɪ/ uvay
(ba`zida unli) (ba`zida unli)
26 Z z /zed/, /zi:/ zed, zi
1. Random letters. Listen and write. (British accent). For online practice:

1. ______________ 14. ______________ 27. ______________ 40. ______________

2. ______________ 15. ______________ 28. ______________ 41. ______________
3. ______________ 16. ______________ 29. ______________ 42. ______________
4. ______________ 17. ______________ 30. ______________ 43. ______________
5. ______________ 18. ______________ 31. ______________ 44. ______________
6. ______________ 19. ______________ 32. ______________ 45. ______________
7. ______________ 20. ______________ 33. ______________ 46. ______________
8. ______________ 21. ______________ 34. ______________ 47. ______________
9. ______________ 22. ______________ 35. ______________ 48. ______________
10. ______________ 23. ______________ 36. ______________ 49. ______________
11. ______________ 24. ______________ 37. ______________ 50. ______________
12. ______________ 25. ______________ 38. ______________ 51. ______________
13. ______________ 26. ______________ 39. ______________ 52. ______________

2. Spelling female names. Listen and write letters. For online practice:
1. ______________ 9. ______________ 17. ______________ 25. ______________
2. ______________ 10. ______________ 18. ______________ 26. ______________
3. ______________ 11. ______________ 19. ______________ 27. ______________
4. ______________ 12. ______________ 20. ______________ 28. ______________
5. ______________ 13. ______________ 21. ______________ 29. ______________
6. ______________ 14. ______________ 22. ______________ 30. ______________
7. ______________ 15. ______________ 23. ______________
8. ______________ 16. ______________ 24. ______________

3. Spelling male names. Listen and write letters then check. For online practice:
1. ______________ 9. ______________ 17. ______________ 25. ______________
2. ______________ 10. ______________ 18. ______________ 26. ______________
3. ______________ 11. ______________ 19. ______________ 27. ______________
4. ______________ 12. ______________ 20. ______________ 28. ______________
5. ______________ 13. ______________ 21. ______________ 29. ______________
6. ______________ 14. ______________ 22. ______________ 30. ______________
7. ______________ 15. ______________ 23. ______________
8. ______________ 16. ______________ 24. ______________

4. Spelling last names. Listen and write letters then check.

1. ______________ 9. ______________ 17. ______________ 25. ______________

2. ______________ 10. ______________ 18. ______________ 26. ______________
3. ______________ 11. ______________ 19. ______________ 27. ______________
4. ______________ 12. ______________ 20. ______________ 28. ______________
5. ______________ 13. ______________ 21. ______________ 29. ______________
6. ______________ 14. ______________ 22. ______________ 30. ______________
7. ______________ 15. ______________ 23. ______________
8. ______________ 16. ______________ 24. ______________

Sounds (tovushlar) 44 3
Vowel sounds (20) (unli tovushlar)
Monophthongs (1 ta unli)
long example short example
iː be, see, beach, ski ɪ big, busy, England, myth
uː who, food, music, you, new ʊ full, look, woman
ɜː person, nurse, bird, work, earth e egg, head, any, friend, said, men
aː car, father, are, aunt, heart ʌ sun, money, does, touch, flood
ɔː for, door, saw, walk, warm ɒ dog, watch, because, cough
ə the, brother, doctor, popular, arrive
æ apple, man

Diphthongs (2 ta unli) Triphthongs (3 ta unli)

ʊə tour, jury ɔɪ +ə loyal, royal
ɔɪ boy, voice əʊ+ə lower, mower
əʊ open, coat, grow, although, toe eɪ +ə layer, player
eə hair, share, bear, their, there aɪ+ə lire, fire
aɪ time, fly, high, pie, eye aʊ+ə power, hour
aʊ now, house

Consonants sounds (24) (undosh tovushlar)

Voiced Consonants Voiceless Consonants
(Jarangli undosh) (Jarangsiz undosh)
/b/ back, above /p/ pencil, drop
/d/ day, need /t/ two, wait
/g/ gold, rug /k/ candy, awake
/v/ very, give /f/ find, before
/ð/ the, this /ɵ/ thin, think
/z/ zone, has /s/ see, city, sink
/ʒ/ measure, beige /ʃ/ she, dish
/dʒ/ jeans, enjoy /tʃ/ change, rich
/h/ hat, he
/m/ make, same
/n/ no, town
/ŋ/ sing, pink
/l/ look, believe
/r/ red, crocodile
/w/ wet, what
/j/ yes, year
Question words (So`roq so`zlar) 4

1 Who /huː/ (kim) 6 Whom /huːm/ (kimni, 11 How long (qancha)

2 What /wɒt/ (nima) 7 Which /wɪtʃ/ (qaysi) 12 How many (nechta)
3 Where /weər/ 8 What colour /ˈkʌl.ər/ 13 How much (qancha)
(qayerda) (qanday rang)
4 When /wen/ (qachon) 9 Why /waɪ/ (nima uchun) 14 How old (nechi yosh)
5 Whose /huːz/ 10 How /haʊ/ (qanday) 15 How often
(kimning) (qanchalik tez-tez)

1 What is your favorite movie? 1 Sevimli filmingiz qaysi?

2 What time is it? 2 Soat nechi bo'ldi?
3 What is your favorite hobby? 3 Sizning sevimli mashg'ulotingiz nima?
4 What do you do for a living? 4 Yashash uchun nima ish qilasiz?
5 When is your birthday? 5 Tug'ilgan kuningiz qachon?
6 When will the new restaurant open? 6 Yangi restoran qachon ochiladi?
7 Where do you live? 7 Siz qayerda yashaysiz?
8 Where did you buy that jacket? 8 Bu jaketni qayerdan sotib oldingiz?
9 Why did you choose this career? 9 Nega bu kasbni tanladingiz?
10 Why is the sky blue? 10 Nega osmon ko'k?
11 Why can’t you come to the party? 11 Nega ziyofatga kela olmaysiz?
12 How can I learn a new language? 12 Qanday yangi tilni o'rganishim mumkin?
13 How do you make chocolate cookies? 13 Shokoladli pechenelarni qanday
14 Whose book is this? tayyorlaysiz?
15 Whose dog is barking loudly? 14 Bu kimning kitobi?
16 Which color do you prefer, red or blue? 15 Kimning iti baland ovozda huryapti?
17 Which book are you reading right now? 16 Qaysi rangni afzal ko'rasiz, qizil yoki
18 Which school did you graduate from? ko'k?
19 How many books did you read last 17 Hozir qaysi kitobni o'qiyapsiz?
year? 18 Qaysi maktabni bitirgansiz?
20 How many students are in your class? 19 O'tgan yili nechta kitob o'qidingiz?
21 How much time do you spend on social 20 Sinfingizda nechta o'quvchi bor?
media each day? 21 Har kuni ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda qancha
22 How much coffee do you drink? vaqt sarflaysiz?
23 How much butter do we need for this 22 Qancha kofe ichasiz?
recipe? 23 Ushbu retsept uchun bizga qancha
24 Whom did you see in the morning? sariyog 'kerak?
25 What colour is that? 24 Ertalab kimni ko'rdingiz?
27 How old are you? 25 Bu qanday rang?
28 How long have you been married? 27 Yoshingiz nechida?
29 How often do you go to the cinema? 28 Qanchadan beri turmush qurgansiz?
29 Kinoga qanchalik tez-tez borasiz?
Personal pronouns (kishilik olmoshlari) 5

shaxs Singular (birlik) shaxs Plural (ko`plik)

1 I (ai) men 1 We (vi:) biz
2 You (ju:) sen, siz 2 You (ju:) sizlar
3 He (hi:) u (o`g`il) 3 They (ðei) ular
She (shi:) u (qiz)
It (it) u (narsa, hayvon)

I you

he she



5. Write personal pronouns he, she, it or they.

6. Write personal pronouns.

1. Nigora she 9. Cars ______
2. George ______ 10. Pencils ______
3. You and Liza ______ 11. You and Nick ______
4. Mum ______ 12. Mia and I ______
5. Mark and I ______ 13. Book ______
6. Lily and Tom ______ 14. Dad ______
7. Dog ______ 15. Desk ______
8. Mum and Dad ______ 16. Children ______

7. Fill he, she, it, we, you or they as in the example.

1. Helen she 9. Tom and I _______ 17. school _______
2. Damir _______ 10. car _______ 18. apples _______
3. father _______ 11. cats _______ 19. doll _______
4. mother _______ 12. you and Jane _______ 20. Nick and I _______
5. birds _______ 13. ball _______ 21. father and mother _______
6. foot _______ 14. plane _______ 22. Ann and Tom _______
7. clock _______ 15. sister _______ 23. apple _______
8. pen _______ 16. brother _______ 24. Mary ______

Parts of speech (so`z turkumlari) 6

Noun (n.) – ot
Ot – shaxs va narsaning Kim? (Who?), Nima? (What?), Qayer? (Where?)
so`roqlariga javob bo`ladi.

who what where

Amina book Samarkand
mother cat America
Asadbek pen Tashkent

Adjective (adj.) – sifat

Sifat – otning qanday? qanaqa? ligini ifodalaydi.

adjective + noun

red pen (qizil ruchka) pretty girl (yoqimli qiz)

adj. n. adj. n.

Adverb (adv.) – ravish

Ravish – fe’l bildirgan harakat-holatning bajarilish tarzi, payti, o‘rni, maqsadi
va shu kabilarni bildiradi. Qay holatda? Qay tarzda? Qachon? Qanday?
Qanaqa? Qancha? kabi sо‘roqlarga javob bо‘ladi.

verb + adverb

Speak slowly (sekin gapir) run fast (tez yugur)

v. adv. v. adv.

Verb (v.) – fe`l
Fe`l – ish harakatning nima qildi?, nima qilyapti?, nima qilmoqchi?
so`roqlariga javob beradi.

Ingliz tilida fe`llar turiga ko`ra 4 ta turga bo`linadi:

Asosiy Yordamchi Bog`lovchi Modal

O`z ma`nosiga ega 16 ta zamonni hosil Ega va ot-kesimni Insonlarning biror
bo`lib, gapga ma`no- qilishga yordam bog`lash uchun bir ishin qila olish
mazmun beradi. 2 turi: beradi. xizmat qiladi. Ot, qobiliyatini,
1. Harakat – birir bir to be, to do, to have, sifat, son va imkoniyatini,
ish-harakatning will. olmosh ot-kesim ehtimolligini, shart
bajarilishini ifodalaydi. Yordamchi fe`llar bo`lib keladi. to va zaruratini
to go – bormoq, to write gapning qaysi be, become, get. ifodalash uchun
– yozmoq zamonda ekanligini Eng ko`p qo`llanadi. Can,
2. Holat – holat va his- ko`rsatadi, ularning ishlatiladigan could, may, might,
tuyg`uni ifodalaydi. ma`nosi bo`lmaydi, bog`lovchi fe`l bu must, have to/has
to understand – ma`noni ulardan to be (am,is,are / to, need kabilar.
tushunmoq, to know – keyin keladigan was,were).
bilmoq, to love – asosiy fe`llar beradi.

Fe`llar shakllariga ko`ra 4 ta turga bo`linadi:

V1 V 2 yoki V+ed V 3 yoki V+ed V + ing

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Present participle
to go went gone going
to do did done doing
to play played played playing

“to be” – bo`lmoq (bog`lovchi fe`li) 7

“to be”- o`zbek tilida “bo’lmoq” “-dir”, “-man” deb tarjima qilinadi
va uning hozirgi zamon shakllari am/is/are bo’lib, gapda “ega” dan
keyin ishlatiladi.

I am I am a student. Men talabaman.

You are a student. Siz talabasiz.
You are
You are students. Siz talabalarsiz.
We are students. Biz talabalarmiz.
They are students. Ular talabalardir.
He is a student. U talabadir.
She is
She is a student. U talabadir.
It is a pen. U qalamdir.

Darak gap formulasi (+) Inkor gap formulasi (-)

S+ am
+ adj./n./number S+ am
+ not + adj./n./number
are are
are are
I am a doctor. I am not a doctor.
They are nice. They are not nice.
He is 26. He is not 26.

So’roq gap formulasi (?)

+S+ adj./n./number ?

AmareI a doctor?
Are they nice?
Is he 26?
Egalar gapda “to be” bilan qisqarib kelishi mumkin.
Short form
Darak gap Inkor gap
I + am = I’m I + am not = I’m not
You + are = You’re You + are not = You’re not / You aren`t
We + are = We’re We + are not = We’re not / We aren`t
They + are = They’re They + are = They’re not / They aren`t
He + is = He’s He + is = He’s not / He isn`t
She + is = She’s She + is = She’s not / She isn`t
It + is = It’s It + is = It’s not / It isn`t

8. Make the present tense positive of 'be'. Don't use short forms.
1. He _____is_____ Japanese.
2. You ___________ very tall.
3. I ______________ hungry.
4. It ______________ on the table.
5. She ____________ at the bank.
6. I ______________ cold.
7. You ____________ French.
8. We _____________ on the bus.
9. We _____________ nearby.
10. She ____________ thirsty.
11. They ___________ at the park.
12. They ___________ late.
13. It ______________ in the cupboard.
14. She ____________ at work.
15. It ______________ hot outside.
16. He _____________ in the car.
17. I _______________ Scottish.
18. You ____________ at home.
19. He _____________ from Madrid.
20. We _____________ ready.

9. Make a negative sentence using ‘be’. Don’t use short forms.

1. She ____is not______ (not / be) on the bus.
2. He ________________ (not / be) my brother.
3. She ________________ (not / be) Italian.
4. He _________________ (not / be) hungry.
5. You ________________ (not / be) late.

6. He __________________ (not / be) tall.
7. She _________________ (not / be) at school.
8. It ___________________ (not / be) warm.
9. He __________________ (not / be) at home.
10. We _________________ (not / be) at the party.
11. You _________________ (not / be) Spanish.
12. It ____________________ (not / be) cold.
13. You __________________ (not / be) bored.
14. I _____________________ (not / be) worried.
15. They __________________ (not / be) students.
16. You ___________________ (not / be) American.
17. We ____________________ (not / be) in the UK.
18. I ______________________ (not / be) a teacher.
19. They ___________________ (not / be) at the restaurant.
20. I _______________________ (not / be) from Paris.

10. Make a ‘yes / no’ question with ‘be’.

1. ________________________ (she / be) a doctor?
2. ________________________ (they / be) students?
3. ________________________ (it / be) cold outside?
4. ________________________ (they / be) in the garden?
5. ________________________ (he / be) a dentist?
6. ________________________ (it / be) two o’clock?
7. ________________________ (they / be) in the car?
8. ________________________ (he / be) a teacher?
9. ________________________ (it / be) in the bag?
10. ________________________ (you / be) on the train?
11. ________________________ (he / be) from Switzerland?
12. ________________________ (he / be) at home?
13. ________________________ (she / be) your sister?
14. ________________________ (you / be) a vegetarian?
15. ________________________ (we / be) in the right place?
16. ________________________ (she / be) at the cinema?
17. ________________________ (I / be) late?
18. ________________________ (she / be) at the library?
19. ________________________ (you / be) Russian?
20. ________________________ (you / be) from Tokyo?

11. Make a present simple ‘wh’ question with ‘be’.

1. How is he ? (he / be)?
2. Where ________________________ (you / be)?
3. How old ________________________ (he / be)?
4. Why ________________________ (he / be) at the airport?
5. Why ________________________ (she / be) on the bus?
6. Why ________________________ (we / be) awake?
7. Where ________________________ (they / be) from?
8. Why ________________________ (she / be) hungry?
9. Why ________________________ (you / be) here?
10. How much ________________________ (it / be)?
11. How ________________________ (you / be)?
12. How often ________________________ (she / be) here?
13. Who ________________________ (they / be)?
14. Where ________________________ (I / be)?
15. Why ________________________ (it / be) cold?
16. What ________________________ (it / be)?
17. Who ________________________ (she / be)?
18. Where ________________________ (he / be) now?
19. Why ________________________ (you / be) late?
20. When ________________________ (it / be)?

12. Make the present simple with ‘be’. This time it can be positive, negative or a question.
1. Why ________________________ (she / be) late?
2. I ________________________ (not / be) on the train.
3. They ________________________ (be) British.
4. We ________________________ (not / be) students.
5. Who ________________________ (they /be)?
6. He ________________________ (be) a lawyer.
7. ________________________ (he / be) asleep?
8. ________________________ (it / be) dark outside?
9. I ________________________ (be) here.
10. She ________________________ (not / be) in the café.
11. ________________________ (she / be) at home?
12. ________________________ (they / be) in Berlin?
13. We ________________________ (be) on our way.
14. How much ________________________ (it / be)?
15. You ________________________ (not / be) in the right place.
16. Where ________________________ (he / be)?
17. You ________________________ (be) late.
18. ________________________ (you / be) tired?
19. How ________________________ (you / be)?
20. They ________________________ (not / be) French.

Personal Information Questions 8
1. Read the following questions in column A and match them with the right answer in Column B by
writing the right number into the parenthesis.
Column A Column B
1 What’s your first name? ( ) My email is _________________________.
2 What’s your last name? ( ) I was born in ________________________.
3 What’s your surname? ( ) My nationality is _____________________.
4 What’s your full name? ( ) I live in _____________________________.
5 Where do you live? ( ) I am _______________________________.
6 What’s your phone number? ( ) My full name is ______________________.
7 Where are you from? ( ) I am _______________________________.
8 How old are you? ( ) My phone number is __________________.
9 What grade are you in? ( ) I am a ______________________________.
10 What do you do? ( ) My last name is ______________________.
11 When is your birthday? ( ) I am in ________________________ grade.
12 What’s your nationality? ( ) I am from ___________________________.
13 Where were your born? ( ) It is ________________________________.
14 What’s your email? ( ) My birthday is on _____________________.
15 Where do you go to school? ( ) My first name is _____________________.
16 What’s your marital Status? ( ) I go to _____________________________.
17 What’s your ID number? ( ) __________________________________.

2. Read the following dialogue and complete it with the right questions.

Manager: Hello Sir. I am the manager Mr. Jonhson. How may I help you?
Applicant: Hello Mr. Jonhson. My name is Karla. I am here for the job as a secretary.
Manager: Perfect. I just need to ask you some questions. _________________________? (1)
Applicant: My full name is Karla Patricia Andrews Clark.
Manager: Well, Ms Andrews. ________________________? (2)
Applicant: I am Argentinean, but my parents are from England.
Manager: That’s interesting. _______________________? (3)
Applicant: I look older, but I’m just twenty.
Manager: That’s right. ________________________ ? (4)
Applicant: My birthday is on June 10th, 1991.
Manager: _______________________________? (5)
Applicant: I don’t have a cell phone number. But, my house number is 2441- 9867
Manager: ____________________________? (6)
Applicant: It’s
Manager: _________________________________? (7)
Applicant: It’s 7 0 172 0 932
Manager: Finally, Miss Andrews. __________________________? (8)
Applicant: Right now, I am engaged. I’ll marry soon.
Manager: Well, Thank you very much. We’ll call you later for the job.
Applicant: Thanks to you. Have a nice day!

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