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Mechanical Engineering Lab 3

Exercise #2

Familiarization of Steam
Power Plant Components

Submitted by: Aaron, Jeisrael Date Performed: March 28 2024

Course/ Year: BSME - 4 Date Submitted: April 6, 2024

Engr. Rizal M. Mosquera, PhD, PME, RMP

Exercise #2

Familiarization of Steam
Power Plant Components
I. Objectives:
1.1. To become familiar with the steam power plant components.
1.2. To know the functions of a steam power plants components.
1.3. To know the different kinds of steam power plants.

II. Discussion:
2.1. Steam power plant – a plant designed to convert the heat from the combustion of
a fuel into mechanical energy by means of high-pressure steam.

III. Materials:
3.1. Steam Power Plant Books
3.2. Computer
3.3. Paper

IV. Procedure:
4.1. Search and study by Understanding and memorization the components of the
steam power plant.
V. Completed Data Sheet:
Components Definition Image
1. Boiler used in power plants in order to
produce high pressured steam, so that
the plant can generate electricity. The
process that does this is known as the
Rankine cycle. The boiler takes in
energy from some form of fuel such as
coal, natural gas, or nuclear fuel to
heat water into steam.

2. steam device that converts thermal energy

turbine from pressurized steam into
mechanical energy, which can be used
to perform work such as generating
electricity or driving machinery. It is a
key component in many power plants,
particularly in those that utilize steam
as a primary means of generating
3. Condenser convert steam into water. The
changes are made by the steam flow
into a room holding tubes. Steam runs
outside tubes, while the cooling water
flows inside the tubes. This is called
the surface condenser. It is usually for
coolant use of seawater.

4. Generator the electrical energy is produced by

the generator. Function generator
converts mechanical force into
electrical energy in the form of a circle
with the origin of magnetic induction.

The generator consists of a stator and

rotor. The stator consists of the casing
which holds coils and a rotor magnetic
field station consists of a core
comprising a coil.
5. Alternator When the turbine turns the alternator,
electrical energy is produced. This
generated electrical voltage is then
walked up with the help of a
transformer and then transferred
where it is to be employed.

VI. Observations:
-A steam power plant operates on a few essential parts that are highly dependent on
one another. In order for the plant to function correctly and fulfill its intended function
of producing power, they must cooperate. Utilizing every component of the plant is
essential, and maintaining every component is also crucial. The future of steam
power plants is uncertain. On the one hand, steam power plants are a steady and
efficient source of electricity. But steam power facilities can contribute to
environmental problems by releasing additional pollutants and greenhouse gases into
the atmosphere.

VII. Conclusion:
- It is likely that steam power plants will continue to be utilized in the future, but they
will likely be used in conjunction with other kinds of renewable energy, such as solar
and wind power. It will be further improved in order to follow current trends in
supplying energy to support a more environmental approach with less waste and
more efficiency

VIII. References:

IX. Preliminary Data Sheet:

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