SE Practicals (2 - 5)

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Experiment 02

Aim: Draw the use case diagram and specify the role of each of the
actors. Also state the precondition, post-condition, and function of each
use case.

A use case diagram in software engineering depicts interactions between
actors (users or systems) and a system to describe its functionality. It illustrates
various scenarios or use cases to capture requirements, aiding in understanding
system behavior and guiding development. It helps stakeholders visualize
system features and requirements.

Aim: Draw the activity diagram.

An activity diagram in software engineering illustrates the flow of activities
within a system, depicting actions, decisions, and parallel activities. It shows
the sequence of steps in a process, clarifying how tasks are executed and
identifying potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies. Activity diagrams aid in
modeling, analyzing, and optimizing workflows in software systems.

Aim: Identify the classes. Classify them as weak and strong classes and
draw the class diagram.

A class diagram in software engineering depicts the structure of a system by
illustrating classes, their attributes, methods, and relationships. It showcases the
static design of objects in the system, including inheritance, association,
aggregation, and composition. Class diagrams provide a blueprint for system
implementation and facilitate communication among stakeholders.

Aim: Draw the sequence diagram

A sequence diagram in software engineering visualizes interactions between
objects or components in a system over time. It shows the order of messages
exchanged between objects, along with their lifelines and activation bars.
Sequence diagrams help in understanding system behavior, identifying
dependencies, and designing system interactions effectively.

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