A Cup of Tea

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Sudipta Phukan
Asst. Professor & HoD, English, PDUAM, Amjonga


Katherine Mansfield

A. State whether these sentences are True or False.

1. Miss Smith was a very rich girl.
Ans: False.
2. Rosemary was a very compassionate woman.
Ans: True.
3. Philip did not want Miss Smith to dine with them.
Ans: True.
4. Rosemary had been married for a couple of years.
Ans: True.

B. Answer these questions in one or two words.

1. Which Russian author influenced Katherine Mansfield?

Ans: Dostoevsky.
2. In which street was Rosemary shopping when she met Miss Smith?
Ans: Curzon Street.
3. How many pounds did Rosemary give to Miss Smith?
Ans: Three pounds.
4. What is the cost of the enamel box that Rosemary wanted to buy?
Ans: Twenty eight guineas.
5. What is the name of the main character of ‘A Cup of Tea’?
Ans: Rosemary Fell.

C. Answer these questions in a few words each.

1. What are the names of the two women characters in the story ‘A Cup of Tea’?
Ans: Rosemary Fell and Miss Smith are the two women characters in the story ‘A Cup of Tea’.
2. What kind of a relationship do Rosemary and Philip share in ‘A Cup of Tea’?
Ans: Rosemary and Philip are a married couple in ‘A Cup of Tea’.
3. How does Philip react towards Miss Smith?
Ans: Philip was not happy the way Rosemary had brought Miss Smith to their home and he
was least bothered about her.
4. Who was Miss Smith? Why did Rosemary send her back?
Ans: Miss Smith was a poor girl begging in the street. Rosemary sent her back because she got
jealous when Philip called her ‘pretty’ and ‘lovely’.
5. Why did Philip disapprove of Rosemary’s decision to keep Miss Smith with them?
Ans: Philip disapproved of Rosemary’s decision since his wife had little knowledge of a
practical world. All she wanted to prove herself superior, kind-hearted and rich by bringing
Miss Smith to her home.
Dr. Sudipta Phukan
Asst. Professor & HoD, English, PDUAM, Amjonga

D. Answer these questions briefly in your own words.

1. Write brief character sketch of Rosemary Fell.
Ans: In the beginning, Rosemary Fell is mentioned as “not exactly beautiful”. However she
lives a happy life with her adorable husband and a lovely child. Unlike normal middle class
women, she leads a delicate and luxurious life style. It seems clear as for shopping, she can go
to Paris instead of local streets. She always buys her things from expensive, exotic shops and
picks whatever she likes without any bargain. She also keeps a habit of collecting antique pieces
and prefers her selective shop. She is educated, modern and throws lavish parties in society.
When first confronted with Miss Smith, Rosemary could not even imagine that people could
beg for a cup of tea. She had never come across such idea as poverty, lack of money, being
hungry. She rather feels it adventurous to take the poor girl home, as she often reads in novels
like doing charity, helping the poor. She would then get chance to boast about her kind deed
among her friend circle. Thus, Rosemary Fell lives a life of fantasy and dream since she had
little idea about the realities of the world around her.

2. Describe Rosemary’s encounter with Miss Smith.

Ans: One winter afternoon, Rosemary visited her favourite antique shop in Curzon Street.
When she was about to leave by car, a young, thin, poor girl approached her in front of the
shop. The girl begged for the price of a cup of tea. Rosemary couldn’t believe that people could
be so poor to afford even a cup of tea. It rather seemed extraordinary for her.

3. How does Katherine Mansfield explore the theme of ‘class difference’ in ‘A Cup of Tea’?
Ans: Katherine Mansfield explores the theme of class difference through two women in her
story ‘A Cup of Tea’. While Rosemary Fell represents the classy, rich and luxurious life style
of the aristocrats, Miss Smith belongs to the poor class. Miss Smith can’t even afford a cup of
tea while Rosemary could, if she wishes buy the most expensive things.

4. Why did Rosemary take Miss Smith home?

Ans: When Rosemary met Miss Smith for the first time, she was astonished to learn that the
girl was very poor. She didn’t have any money to buy a cup tea. So she decided to take the
hungry girl home, as she remembered reading something familiar in Dostoevsky’s novel. It
would be thrilling and adventurous since she would be able to boast her greatness among her
friends afterwards. In the name of charity, Rosemary wanted to showcase her wealth and luxury
to the poor girl.

E. Answer these questions in detail.

1. Examine in detail the various themes explored by Katherine Mansfield in her story ‘A Cup
of Tea’.
Ans: In ‘A Cup of Tea’ Katherine Mansfield explores various themes like materialism, class
difference, female jealousy and insecurity. Rosemary belongs to the high class of society who
never faces poverty, lack of money and hunger. She loves to buy expensive things without
worrying about the cost. Her love for antique pieces is also mentioned in the story.
Dr. Sudipta Phukan
Asst. Professor & HoD, English, PDUAM, Amjonga

The theme of class difference is clearly visible when Rosemary met Miss Smith. While
Rosemary leads a luxurious life, Miss Smith is a poor beggar. Rosemary wanted to showcase
her rich life style to Miss Smith and thus she purposefully brought her home. Her act of
kindness was not from her heart but it was for fame.
However the entry of her husband Philip turns everything upside down. Philip discards
Rosemary’s idea of keeping the girl at home, because it was nothing but her stupidity. To make
her realise, Philip mentioned about Miss Smith as pretty. This was enough to instigate the
female jealousy in Rosemary’s heart who bade the girl adieu with a small amount f money. She
started feeling insecure at her own home in the presence of Miss Smith.

2. Comment on the significance of the title of the story ‘A Cup of Tea ‘.

Ans: The story “A Cup of Tea” by Katherine Mansfield evolves around two women, one is
rich and the other poor. Through the simple title, Mansfield highlights the class difference
existing in society, love for material wealth and female jealousy and insecurity. When Miss
Smith asks Rosemary for the price of a cup of tea, Rosemary proudly brings her home, not to
help genuinely but to boast of her wealth and property. She treats Miss Smith someone lower
than a human but tries to show kindness and greatness. It seems to be thrilling and adventurous
where Miss Smith has no will of her own. Rosemary is fond of reading fictions and she
remembered a similar incident in Dostoevsky’s novel. She feels victorious bringing the poor
girl home like winning a trophy. She serves the poor girl food with tea and finds pleasure in
her own greatness. However her fascination vanishes at once when Philip remarks the girl as
pretty. Rosemary feels that the price of a cup of tea might throw her out of her comfort zone
if her husband shows interest in Miss Smith. So, she decides to send the girl away.


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