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Put the conversations below in the right order: CONVERSATION 1 () Yes? (_) Yes, there is. It's behind the supermarket. (_) Thank you. (_ ) Is there a taxi rank near here? (_) Excuse me. () You're welcome. CONVERSATION 2 () Yes? (_) Thank you. (_) No, there isn't, But there's a swimming pool on the third floor. (_) Excuse me. (_) You're welcome. (_ ) Is there a gym in the hotel? CONVERSATION 3 (_ ) Sure, you have my number (_ ) Hope to see you again soon. (_) Ok, no problem. (_ ) Itwas nice to meet you. (_) Well, I must be going now, I've got a meeting at 2 o'clock and | don't want to be late. (_ ) Lwill, Have a good day. Bye for now. (_ ) Take care. Goodbye (_ ) Yes, it was nice talking to you too. CONVERSATION 4 (_) Thanks. Take it easy. (_) Have a safe trip, Text me when you get there. (_) Ok, Ireally should make a move of I'll miss my flight. (_ ) Itwas great seeing you again. Thanks for having me. (_ ) Don't mention it. You're welcome anytime. (_) Will do. Take care and see you soon. Bye. (_) Next time you must come and visit me, ok? (_) That would be great! CONVERSATION 5 ) Oh, really? What for? ) think its on March 13th. ) When is it? ) Nice, count me in! ) Is her birthday on March 3rd? ) Ok, thank you! ) It's her sweet 16! ) No, | don't think so. ) Keyla's having a big party next month. CONVERSATION 6 (_) Thanks. Do you want to come? (_) Ididn't know you got promoted. Congrats! (_) Ok, I'm off now. (_) Sure. See you next week then. Have fun. (_) That would be great, but I'm going away for the weekend with my girlfriend. (_) Oh, 1 almost forgot. I'm having a little gathering to celebrate my promotion (_) Have a nice weekend. See you on Monday. CONVERSATION 7 (_) Yes, probably. Where do you live, Carlos? (_) I'm 14, Il be 15 next month, So maybe we are in the same class. () Yes, lam, this is my first day here. (_ ) Ilive in Prado, and you? (_) Hil How are you? I'm Nadia. What's your name? (_) So, how old are you? ) Nice to meet you too. ) Hil I'm Carlos, Are you new at school? ) I'm 15 years old. You? ) | am new too! Nice to meet you. ) Ive in Paso Molino, CONVERSATION 8 (_ ) No, that’s not what | said. | just want this one party. (_ ) Its just an excuse to see more of our friends. (_) But why did you say you wanted to have it? (_) 'm not clear about what we're celebrating. (_) We should have a party soon. (_) OK, | can see you're excited about this. But I'm not so sure. (_) Because I think itl be fun (_ ) So, its important for you to have lots of parties CONVERSATION 9 (_) How often do you visit your parents in England, Miriam? (_ ) usually visit them twice a year. (_) Now that you mention it, Ido. Could you water the plants for me? (_ ) Only twice? (_ ) Itis, but the trip is exhausting for them. It takes more than 11 hours. (_) When are you going to England again? (_) I know, it's terrible. | would like to see them more often but plane tickets are so expensive. (_ ) Isn'tit possible for your parents to come visit you? (_ ) Sure. But let me know if you need anything else (_) OK! Thank you. (__) I'm going next month, I'm so excited, | really miss them (_ ) That's great. Do you need any help?

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