Task 2 Nhan 1

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It is true that the road or any public building should be have a crucial fees to be paid .

While a number of
people believe that the government should spend a mount of this necessary by taking a range of people
‘s salaries, I would argued that it is better to many people because this high taxes was the bad thing.

On the one hand,there are a variety of reasons why the government should used a part of salaries of
people to pay the fee to improve or maintain the community monument. Firstly, the incomes from the
rich was very big but the fees are very small to compare with them. Furthermore, The rate of people
who must spend their money to this are limited.Secondly, the amount of money in the national budget
are not infinity, which is leading the supportive cash from people in this area.

On the other hand, I belived that some people realize that the figures of income used to pay the public
services are very inconvenient for many reasons. Firstly, the cost of money is daily dropped out in the
world, which caused the increase of many case in life.So that, people don’t need to pay this fee.
Secondly, It would a challenging for people if the fees depended on the salaries from people, which
would the annoying to many people

In conclusion, although both using the a part of incomes from people and the opposite are
advantageous in their own way, it seems to me that it is not important for us to pay this service.

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