Resumen Ingles B II

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Resumen de Ingles B (2da Parte):


Appropriate technology is a movement (and its manifestations)

encompassing technological choice and application that is small-scale, affordable by
locals, decentralized, labor-intensive, energy-efficient, environmentally sound, and locally

La tecnología apropiada es un movimiento (y sus manifestaciones) que abarca la elección y

aplicación tecnológica que es a pequeña escala, asequible para los lugareños, descentralizada,
intensiva en mano de obra, eficiente en energía, ambientalmente racional y localmente


Wind Pump / Bomba de viento:


• Blades / Cuchillas
• Crankshaft / Cigueñal
• Pump / Bomba
• Tail / Cola
• Tower / Torre

Text: Switch on

1- What is it?

It´s a wind pump

2- What does it do?

It´s use to pump water for under grown

3- How does it work?

When the wind spins the blades, this rotational movement is converted into an up and down
movement by the crankshaft and the piston connected to the crankshaft. then as the blades
rotate, water is pumped from the well.

4- In which parts of the world is it used?

It´s used in developing world countries, as they are India, Kenia,Africa,etc.

5- What's it made from?

It´s made from expensive materials, simple design and it can repaired easily.

Clockwork Radio / Radio de Relojeria:


1. Generator / Generador
2. Pulley / Polea
3. Gears / Engranajes
4. Steel Spring / Resorte de acero
5. Winding Handle / Mango de Enrrollamiento

Vocabulario extra:

• Well Seal / Sellar bien

• Drop Pipe / Tubo de Caída
• Developed/Desarrollado
• Developong / en desarrollo

Numbers and quantities:

• Units / Unidades (se mide en cantidades de unidades)

• Turns / Giros (se cuentan los giros)
• Voltaje / Voltaje (se mide en Volts, se representa con la letra V)
• Weather / Tiempo (se mide en segundos, minutos o horas)
• Years / Años (se cuentan los años)
• Amperage / Amperage (se mide en Amperes, se representa con la letra A)

Texto: “ The clockwork radio”

1- Who is its inventor?

the inventor's name is trevor baylis

2-what problem do i hear?

I hear people in rural Africa have problems with health information reaching them.

3- How do I solve the problem?

I solve the problem by inventing a radio that does not need mains power or batteries, but
consists of a spring, gears and a small generator.

4-how does the clockwork radio work?

the handle on the side of the radio is turned, a spring is wound, giving it 60 turns to fully wind
the spring.

When the spring begins to unwind, the gears engage.

Every time you turn the first gear, the generator turns a thousand times. In turn, it generates
electricity, a voltage of 3 V at approximately 30 mA. which will make the radio work for 30
minutes before you have to wind it up again

5- how many clockwork radios are there in the world?

There are more than 2 million clockwork radios in the world.

6- what other invention does Trevor Baylis have?

He also invented "electric shoes" that charge batteries while you walk.

Time Clauses:


Usamos when para referirnos a acciones que ocurren casi al mismo tiempo. Una acción es
consecuencia inmediata de otra. Tenga en cuenta que cuando la cláusula de tiempo aparece
primero, debe ir seguida de una coma.

En resumen, mostrar acciones en rápida sucesión, usamos when:

Ejemplo 1:

✓ Action 1: the spring starts to unwind

✓ Action 2: The gears engage

When the spring starts to unwind, the gears engage.

Ejemplo 2: When you turn the handle, the wheel starts to move.

Podemos cambiar las dos partes de la oración, pero when siempre debe ir antes de la primera
acción en la secuencia de eventos.

Ejemplo 3: the Wheel starts to move when you turn the handle.

Cuando la cláusula de tiempo viene más adelante en la oración, no usamos una coma para
separar las dos cláusulas.


Usamos as para hablar de dos acciones que suceden en el mismo tiempo. La posición de la
cláusula de tiempo puede cambiar, de la misma forma que para when.

Ejemplo 1:

✓ action 1: You walk

✓ action 2: The electric shoe charges batteries.

As you walk, the electric shoe charges batteries.

Ejemplo 2: As the wheeI turns, it generates electricity.

Ejemplo 3: The wheel generates electricity as it turns.

Tenga en cuenta que en la segunda oración, necesitamos usar un tema the wheel , porque al
cambiar el orden de la cláusulas, ya no está claro a qué se refiere.

Before and After:

Before y After también indican la secuencia de eventos, pero no hay necesariamente una
relación temporal cercana como con when y as. Before y After simplemente indique que una
acción ocurrió en un momento no especificado antes que otra.

Nuevamente, la posición de la cláusula de tiempo puede cambiar

En resumen, para poner las acciones en secuencia, usamos before o after.

Ejemplo 1:

✓ action 1: The radio plays for 30 minutes.

✓ Action 2: You have to wind it up again

The radio plays for 30 minutes before you have to wind it up again.

✓ Ejemplo 2: Beforey ou operate the machine, you must read the manual
✓ Ejemplo 3: You must read the manual before you operate the machine.
✓ Ejemplo 4: Trevor Baylis developed his clockwork radio after he visited Africa.
✓ Ejemplo 5: After he visited Africa, Trevor Baylis developed his clockwork radio

Before y After puede ser seguido por el -ing form instead of subject + verb.

✓ Ejemplo 6: Before operating the machine, you must read the manual.
✓ Ejemplo 7: After visiting Africa, Trevor Baylis developed his clockwork radio.

Texto : “The two-stroke engine”

1 -What is the correct ratio of gasoline and oil for a 2-stroke engine?

the gasoline and oil ratio is 40: 1

2- What happens in the combustion stroke?

When the spark plug fires, the fuel ignites. The explosion pushes the piston down. As it moves
down,it compresses the fuel in the crankcase on the other side of the piston. As the piston
nears the bottom, it uncovers the exhaust port. The pressurized fuel in the crankcase rushes
into the cylinder.The pressure pushes out the exhaust gas.

When the piston reaches the bottom, it uncovers the fuel intake port.

3- What happens in the compression stroke?

As the piston moves up the cylinder, it compresses the fuel.At the same time,the fuel valve
opens and fresh fuel is sucked in.Just when the piston reaches the top of the cylinder,the plug
fires again and the cycle repeats.

4- what are the advantages and disadvantages of this engine?

Two-stroke engines are powerful for their size but they produce a lot of pollution. They wear
badly and after they have been used for some time, they produce oily smoke.

Text: Tree-wheeled life-saber

Item Quantity
Metre metal of bamboo poles /
Metro de metal de cañas de bambú
Wheel motor / Motor de rueda 3
Rubber Shock Absorber /
Amortiguador de goma
Petrol engine / Motor de gasolina 1
Armour Plate / Placa de armadura 1
Toothed Wheel / Rueda dentada 3
Hydraulic House / Casa Hidráulica 3

1-What is the device called?

The divice is clled dervish.

2 What does it do?

It is a mine-detonating cehicle for clearing anti-personnel mines from farmland in developing

world countries.

3- Why is it suitable for the developing world?

It is suitable dor developing world countries because it has a very simple design and uses
expensives parts.

4 -Why do the wheels have steel teeth?

The wheel have steel theth because to create more pressure.

5-How often does a wheel have to be changed?

The wheel has to we changed after they explode 1500 mines.

6- Why does the machine not miss any mine in its path?

The machine is doesn´t miss any mine in its path because advances in thight circle.

Numbers and Calculations:


Como describer cada numero:

1.793 – one point seven nine three

1/100 - mm one hundredth of a milimitre

0 – nought o zero

• Fraction / Fracción ej: 1/4

• Decimal Places / lugares decimales ej: 0.63
• Rounded up / redondeado para arriba ej: 0.6368≈0.637
• Rounded down / redondeado para abajo ej: 7.5278 ≈ 7.5
• Whole Numbers/ números enteros ej: 8, 26, 154
• Neligible /Despreciable : the error is so small ej: 0.00001%
• Reunding Error / Error redondeado ej: 0.586kg x 9,000= 5,274kg →0.59kg x

Neligible : the error is so small / Despreciable : el error es muy pequeño


• Divided /Dividido • Less / Menos

• Minus / Menos • Multiplied / Multiplicado
• Plus / Más • Square / Cuadrado
• Square root / Raíz Cuadrada • Squared / Cuadrado de
• Subtract / Restar • Sum / Suma
• Times / Multiplicado por


Materials / Materiales:

• Alloy / Aleación • Copper / Cobre

• Rubber / Caucho • Plastic / Plástico
• Steel / Metal • Wood / Madera
• Titanium / Titanio • Aluminium / Aluminio
Processes / Procesos:

• Assembly / Ensamblar • Bending / Plegar

• Bonding / Unión • Welding / Soldar
• Plating / Enchapado • Colour Printing / Pintar de color
• Cutting / Corte • Impact Extrusion / Extrución por

• Injection Moulding / Moldeo por • Painting / Pintar


Prodcuts/ Productos:

• Can of soda / Lata de soda

• Bike/ Bicicleta
• CD Cases / Estuches de CD
• Bread / pan

It´s my Job:

1-What stages are involved in manufacturing bread on a large scale?

1. First mixed 225kg of flour, water, yeast, fat, and other ingredients in a steel mixer for
three minutes to make dough.
2. Then the dough is cutting into loaves.
3. Putting in tins.
4. Left for 54 minutes in a proverb for yeast to work.
5. After the loaves are baked in giant gas ovens for precisely 21 minutes.
6. Next they´re left to cooling for 110 minutes.
7. Taken out of their tins using suction.
8. Then they´re spayed with a chemical to keep them fresh longer.
9. The loaves are spliced in high-speed slicer with giant saw blades.
10. Finally, they´re wrapped by the wrapping machirg and sent to the supermarket.

2-What kind of technician is responsible for keeping a plant bakery running?

A manufacturing engineer is in change of keeping the bakery running.

3-How many loaves do they have to produce per hour? and per day?

They have to produce 10,000 loaves per hour and 240,000 per day.

Present Passive:

• Para describir un proceso de fabricación, debemos responder dos preguntas

importantes sobre cada etapa del proceso:
✓ What happens? / ¿Qué pasa?
✓ When does it happen? / ¿Cuándo sucede?

• Podemos responder a las preguntas de What usando el presente pasivo:

✓ The ingredients are mixed

• Podemos responder a las preguntas When numerando las etapas (1, 2, 3, etc.), o
usando palabras de secuencia (first, then, next, after that, finaly) o cláusulas de tiempo
(ver Unidad 5).

1-The ingredients are mixed.

First, the ingredients are mixed.
After the loaves are sliced, they are wrapped

• Cuando sea necesario, también debemos responder a estas preguntas:

✓ Where does it happen? / ¿Dónde sucede?
✓ Why does it happen? / ¿Por qué sucede?
✓ How does it happen? / ¿Cómo sucede?

• Podemos responder las preguntas de When agregando información sobre el lugar

donde ocurre la etapa:
✓ The ingredients are mixes in a steel mixer.

• podemos responder las preguntas de Why usando el infinitivo con to (unidad 4):
✓ The ingredients are mixed in a steel mixer to make dough.

• podemos responder a preguntas de How como esta:

✓ The loaves are taken out of their tins (by) using suction.

Una forma de describir los procesos es utilizar el Present Simple.

✓ Ejemplo 1: The plastic travels through the barrel.

✓ Ejemplo 2: The mould is now cool.

Sin embargo, es más común usar el Passive. Este es porque, cuando se habla de un proceso, a
menudo no es importante o relevante mencionar quién realiza una acción.

Algunos verbos, como los verbos que no toman un objeto, por ej.: travel, or verbs of thinking
and feeling. En cambio, normalmente no se puede utilizar en el pasivo ej.: be.

NOT The plastic is travelled through the barrel.

• Positive:

The dough is cut into loaves

The loaves are left to cool
= Subject + am/is/are + past participle

• Negative:

The plastic isn´t melted by the hydraulic fluid

The screws aren´t pushed back by the ram
= Subject + am/is/are not + past participle

• Questions:

Questions Short answers

Is the hopper filled with plastic? Yes, it is
No, it sin´t
Are the loaves sent to the shops? Yes, they are
No, they aren´t
= Am/Is/Are+ subject + past participle

How is the plastic melted?

= Questions word + am/is/are + subject + past participle

Aunque en contextos generales el Passive puede tener I / you / we como sujeto, cuando se
habla de procesos el sujeto es generalmente el pronombre it o they, o un singular or plural
noun (sustantivo singular o plural).

Nota: El Passive se puede seguir con si es necesario aclarar quién o qué ha provocado la

Manufacturing Process:

Injection molding process:

1. The hopper is filled with plastic.

2. The plastic is fed into the barrel.
3. The plastic is carried through the barrel by the
rotating screw.
4. The plastic travels through the barrel.
5. The plastic is melted by the heaters.
6. There is enough melted plastic in the barrel.
7. The screw is pushed forward by the ram.
8. The hot plastic is injected quickly into the mould.
9. The plastic is left to set before the pressure is removed.
10. The mould is cool.
11. The finished moulding is removed.

Modern manufacturing process:

Process What it is? Advantages Aplications

Is a way of making very The coating is thicker Components with
cute parts. A metal so that the form can be precise dimensions.
coating is deposited on removed to loave a
a special form in a solid part. Extremely accurate
electrolytic solution is It is possible obten copies of masters.
Electroforming similar to very presses
electroforming but the dimensions Manufacturing CD.
coating is thicker

Is a high pressure jet of The jet can be ajusted Used to cut cutting
water combined with and the kind abrasive metals, composites,
abrasive substance to changed so that almost and even think
cut through materials any kind of material concrete, and any
can be cut material.
Water Jet Abrasive The materials can be
Cutting cut without changing Used in sugery
its properties in any

Is a way of shaping Operations such as Used in manufacture

materials using fluid stamping and welding of top-of-the-range-
pressure are no longer required sports-cars and motor
Used in the aerospace

Compound Nouns / Nombres compuestas:

Los Compound Nouns se utilizan a menudo en inglés técnico. Consisten en dos sustantivos que
trabajan juntos. Ejemplos:

✓ Car bodies = bodies of cars

✓ Plastic baths = baths made of plastic
✓ Injection moulding = moulding by injection
✓ Gas oven = oven which uses gas
✓ Gas canister = canister for gas


Type of name of
material to
Manufacturing name of process process in Process description
Process Spanish
a cutting tool, typically a non-
Turning (lathe) rotary tool bit, describes a
Torneado y
and Millin Metal helix toolpath by moving more
(milling machine) or less linearly while the
workpiece rotates.
Wasting Metal, Making a small circular hole in
Drilling Perforar
Wood a metal sheet
It is a mechanical operation
that consists of lowering a
Filing Limar Metal
dimension, or widening a gap,
by detaching chips or filing
Cutting a metal sheet into two
Shearing Cizallamiento Metal
using a sharp blade
is a mechanical operation by
Punching and means of which a hole is made
Troquelado Metal
Piercing in a sheet with a certain shape
using a die
It is a forming process without
separation of material and
Bending Doblar Metal
with plastic deformation used
to shape sheets.
is a type of rolling involving the
continuous bending of a long
Roll Forming Perfilado Metal
strip of sheet metal into a
desired cross-section
Shaping steel by hammering an
Forning Forjado Metal
ingot of hot metal
Metal, Forcing aluminium through a
Extrusion Extrusión
Plastic die to make window frames
Fundición en Making aluminium
Sand Casting and arena y components by pouring hot
Die Casting fundición a metal into a shaped container
Metal, is a process for producing parts
Injection Moldeado por
polymers, by injecting molten material
moulding inyección
Plastic into a mould, or mold
Casting and Making plastic bottles by
Moldeado por
Moulding Blow Moulding Plastic bowing air into a hot plastic
It is a process in which a plastic
sheet is heated to a forming
Moldeado por
temperature, stretched over a
Vacuum Forming vacio y Plastic
single-surface mold, and
forced against the mold by

Soldadura de Joining two similar metals
Arc Welding and arco y using heat
Gas Welding soldadura de
is a metal-joining process in
which two or more metal
items are joined together by
Soldadura con melting and flowing a filler
Brazing Metal
bronce metal into the joint, with the
filler metal having a lower
Joining and
melting point than the
adjoining metal
Metal, an adhesive material is used to
Wood, join parts
Using Adhesives Usar adesivos
Usar accesorios consists of using metal
Using mechanical
metalicos ( accessories, which allow
fixings (riverts, Metal,
remaches, joining pieces, adapting to the
screws, Wood
tornillos, surface being worked
Chemical Limpieza It is a cleaning process through
Cleaning and Quimica y the recirculation of chemical
Ultrasonic Limpieza solutions with the ultimate
Cleaning Ultrasonica goal of reaching the optimum
state of operational
Plating Enchapado Applying permanent layer of
Cleaning and Metal chromium to a steel car body
Coating part
Painting Pintar Metal, is a process of applying paint,
Wood, pigment, color or other
Plastic medium to a solid surface
Powder Coating Recubrimiento Spraying a component with
de polvo tiny particles of resin and
colour to make a protective
and attractive covering

Active vs Passive:


Cada Active Sentence (oración activa) tiene al menos dos partes:

A sucject [1] + a passive verb form [2]

Ej: We (1) Normally produce (2) a preliminary analysis

Cada Passive Sentence (oración pasiva) tiene al menos dos partes:

A preliminary análisis is normally produced

[ 1 ][ 2 ]


Usamos la forma verbal activa en el habla y la escritura para describir acciones y eventos.
Podemos utilizar el pasivo en las siguientes situaciones:

• We are not interested in the doer. /No estamos interesados en el hacedor.

Ancient paper was made entirely of rags; modern paper is made from wood pulp -a faster and
cheaper alternative.

• In process descriptions./ En descripciones de procesos.

First the logs are stripped of bark, cut into smaller sections, and made into chips. The chips are
put into a large tank called a digester and allowed to stew in a chemical mix under pressure.
The Wood pulp that is created by this process is then washed to remove any chemicals and
pressed through screens to remove chunks andforeign objects. Thepulp is then drained of
water to form a mass that is then bleachedand washed again.

Las dos primeras oraciones activas correspondientes serían:

First we strip the logs of bark, then we cut them in to smaller sections, and make them into
chips. We then put the chips into a large tank called a digester and allow them to stew in a
chemical mix under pressure.

• In impersonal language. / En lenguaje impersonal.

Thechemicals in this process are toxic: safety clothing must be worn.

Este es el estilo típico de una orden o instrucción escrita. La oración activa correspondiente

The chemicals are toxic: wear safety clothing.


Transports / Transportes:

• Bullet Train / Tren Bala

• Road Train – Truck / Tren de Carretera – Camióm
• Helicopter / Helicoptro
• Plane – Aircraft – Shutte Carrier / Avión - Aeronave – Portaaviones
• Solar Car / Coche Solar
• Ship – Oil Tanker / Barco – Petrolero

The car of the future:


• Camera to monitor area to rear / Cámara a monitorizar área a trasera

• Communication System Between Vehicules / Sistema de comunicación entre vehículos

• Fire Detector Sensor / Sensor detector de incendios
• Navegation System (GPS) / Sistema de navegación
• Driver Condition Detection Sensor / Sensor de detección de condición del conductor
• Collision Detection Sensor / Sensor de detección de colisiones
• Front Structure to Protect Pedestrians / Estructura frontal para proteger a los
• Road Surface Sensor / Sensor de superficie de la carretera
• Sensor to Detect Obstacles in Front / Sensor para detectar obstáculos en el frente
• Automatic Control Throttle / Acelerador de control automático
• Driver Recorder / Grabadora de conductor
• Device to Release Inside Door Locks / Dispositivo para liberar las cerraduras interiores
de las puertas
• Pneumatic Sensor / Sensor neumático
• Sensor to Detect Obstacles Behind Vehicle / Sensor para detectar obstáculos detrás del

Text : ASVs

1 - What problems does the increase in traffic on the roads bring?

increased traffic on the roads leads to traffic accidents, congestion and pollution

2-How will you solve this problem?

engineers are working on Advanced Safety Vehicles (ASV) that will be much safer for drivers,
other road users such as cyclists and pedestrians

3-what will this vehicle be equipped with?

The vehicle is equipped with electronic sensors to prevent accidents, one sensor will stop the
driver falling asleep and others will warn drivers when they are too close to other vehicles.

4-What type of engine will you use? why?

The car of the future could be electric. Electric motors are very efficient and do not produce

5- Why can't this technology be applied efficiently today?

this technology is not efficient because they require heavy batteries and their range is limited
with current technology

6- what kind of motor could we use?

Advantages Disaventages
1 electric ✓ Are very efficient They need heavy batteries and their
✓ They aren´t produce range is limited with recurrent
pollution technology
2 hydrid (petrol and ✓ The sabe about 15% of
electric) fuel
✓ Don´t have to be changed
They need batteries
overnight as the motor
acts as generator when
the car brakes
3 LPG Are can be converted easily Only cuts down pollution little
4 hydrogen fuel cell They provide clean power Is very expensive

Prediction: Will, may ,might

Cuando hablamos de desarrollos futuros, usamos will para cosas que son ciertas. usamos may
y might para cosas que son posibles (hay poca diferencia entre may y might en inglés escrito).

Tenga en cuenta estas formas cortas utilizadas en inglés hablado:

Won´t = Will not

Mightn´t = might not

NOT mayn´t


Usamos will para hablar sobre desarrollos futuros de los que estamos seguros.

➢ Positive

One sensor will stop The driver falling asleep

= subject + will + infinitive

➢ Negative

Traffic congestion will not be an easy problem to solve

= subject + will not (won´t) + infinitive

➢ Questions

How will the car of future be powered?

Will the car of future be very different?
= (questions word +) will +subject + infinitive

May and might:

Usamos may y might cuando tenemos menos certeza acerca de desarrollos futuros, es decir,
cuando pensamos que algo es más posible que definido. May es más formal que might, pero
hay poca diferencia en el nivel de posibilidad que contienen.

➢ Positive

A hydrid car may / might be the best choice

= subject + may/might + infinitive

➢ Negative

A noise-free bike may not /might not be popular with bikers

= subject + may/might + not + infinitive

➢ Questions

Might hydrogen fuel cells get cheaper?

= Might + subject + infinitive

How might the car of the future be powered?

= question word + might + subject + infinitive

Podemos usar la forma corta mightn´t en inglés hablado, pero no existe una forma abreviada
de may not.


Traffic congestión mightn´t be an easy problem to salve

NOT Traffic congestión mayn´t be an easy problem to salve

May no se usa cuando estamos pidiendo a las personas sus opiniones, para evitar confusiones
con may en las solicitudes.

Text: It´s my job

1- What kind of transport is he concerned with?

They´re concerned about the buses, since theirs engines produce a lot of pollution.

2-How does his work improvide life in cities?

Their work improvised life in cities as they modify diesel engine so that pollution less and the
air clean.

3-What other product does his company make?

The company manufactures gas generators, which produce up to 100 kilowatts.

4-What kind of fuel does this product use?

The product use bio-gas as fuel.

5- Why might he have more opportunity to use English?

Has more opportunity to use english, since the company is planning to export its products to
other EU countries, and would have to travel and negotiate in this language

Scale of likelihood:

Form and uses:

Si consideramos que la escala de (likelihood) verosimilitud va del 100% de certeza al 0% de

certeza, podemos identificar los siguientes segmentos. (Los números a continuación son solo
una indicación general. No son exactos valores.)

➢ Certain / cierta (100%)

➢ Probability / Probabilidad (75%)
➢ Posibility / posibilidad (50%)
➢ Improbability / Improbabilidad (25%)
➢ Imposibility / Imposibilidad (0%)

Ahora veamos el idioma de cada una de estas categorías:

I am (absolutely) sure/certain/positive that power requirements will increase.

Certainty Power requirements will definitely/certainly increase.
Power requirements are certain/sure/bound to increase.
It is (very) likely/probable that the pumps will use more electricity.
Probability The pumps are (quite) likely to use more electricity.
They could use more electricity.
Posibility We may/might need more pumps on site.
It is (very/highly) unlikely/improbable that the pumps will use more electricity.

Improbability The pumps probably won't use more electricity.

The pumps are (quite) unlikelyto use more electricity.
The pumps shouldn 't use more electricity.
I am sure/certain/positive that power requirements won't increase.
Imposibility Power requirements definitely/certainly won't increase.
Power requirements can't (possibly) increase.


1) DefinUely and certainly

Note la posición de los adverbios en certeza e imposibilidad:

✓ We wiII definitely / certainly replace thefuses. (after wiII)

✓ The fuses definitely / certainly won't fan. (before won't)

2) Likely and unIikely

Estos adjetivos pueden tener dos construcciones:

✓ It is likely / unlikely that the pumps wiil use more electricity. (adjective + that + clause)
✓ The pumps are likely / unlikely to use more electricity. (adjective + to + infinitive)

3) May and might

Algunos oradores sienten que hay una ligera diferencia en la fuerza de estas dos palabras:

✓ We may need more pumps on site. (50% likelihood)

✓ We might need more pumps on site. (45% likelihood)

Text: Hybrid Cars

1-What two things are combined to make a hybrid car?

To make a Hydrid cars an electric motor is combined with a gasoline engine.

2- When is the petrol engine used alone?

The petrol engine is used when the cars runs at constant speed crusing.

3- When is the electric motor used alone?

The electric motor is used when the car goes slow.

4- When are both motors used?

The cars use both engines to overtake, climb bills and when accelerate from a stop.

5- What advantage does this car have over an electric car?

This car has the aventage that when the batteries of electric motor are low the gasoline engine
drives the electric motor.

6- How is the battery charge?

The batteries are charged when the driver brakes, the wheels turn the motor which then
works a generator, producing electricity to recharge the batteries.

7-What advantages and disadvantages does this vehicle have?

HEVs are more efficient and less polluting than cars with only gasoline engines. They don't
require special fuel like hydrogen cars, and unlike electric cars, they don't need to be plugged
in overnight to recharge the batteries. However, they are heavy from the weight of the


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