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‫جامعة الكفيل‬

‫كلية الصيدلة‬

Medical Physics
Ch 2
Nada Almudhafar
1.State of system
The state of a thermodynamics system is specified
by the value of:
(a) The temperature of a system (T)
(b) The pressure exerted by it (P) Called state variables.
(c) The volume it occupies (V)
(a) The Temperature(T)
((When any two bodies are each separately in
thermal equilibrium with third, they are also in
thermal equilibrium with each other)).
This statement is known as the Zeroth law of
( A C) and (B C) A B C
If the boundary consists of a thick layer of a
thermal insulator such as glass wool, the
temperature of the system will change very
slowly, the boundary that has this property is
called adiabatic, and a system enclosed in an
adiabatic boundary can remain permanently
at a temperature different from that of its
surroundings. At the opposite extreme from
an adiabatic boundary is a diathermal
boundary, composed of a material which is a
good thermal conductor such as a thin sheet
of copper.
three important types of
thermometer are:
a) Liquid in glass thermometers, in which the
thermometric property is the volume of a
liquid relative to its container.
b) Resistance thermometers, in which the
thermometric property is the electrical
resistance of a small coil of wire.
c) Thermocouple, in which the thermometric
property is the thermoelectric voltage produced
at the junction of two dissimilar wires.
The units of temperature are:
(1) Kelvin (K), temperatures defined in this way are
called absolute temperatures
and are represented by the letter T.
(2) Celsius temperature (t) is defined by the
𝑡°𝑐 = 𝑇𝐾 − 273
𝑇𝐾 = 𝑡°𝑐 + 273
(3)The unit of Fahrenheit temperature is the degree
Fahrenheit (F) and defined by the equation:
𝑡°𝐹 = 𝑡°𝑐 + 32 𝐹°
𝑡°𝑐 = (𝑡°𝐹 − 32)
Comparison of Kelvin, Celsius and Fahrenheit degrees
(b) Volume (V)
 The total volume of the system is represented by V.
 the specific volume (υ) of an extensive property is
defined as the ratio of the value of the property to the
mass of the system or its value per unit mass (υ = ).
 the density is defined as the mass per unit volume: ρ =
𝑚 1
= υ
 If n represented the number of moles of the system, the
molal specific volume is represented by the following
equation: υ = .
 Pressure is defined as the force per unit
area. So the pressure depends on Force
and Area
 P= F / A
 Pressure = Force / Area
You can increase pressure in two
1. Increase the force

2. Decrease the area of the force

 The pressure P under a column of liquid
can be calculated from the following low:
 P= ρ g h
 Where:
 ρ: is the density of the liquid
 g: is the acceleration due to the gravity
 h: is height of the column
A glass tube containing water. If you know
that the height of the water is 12 cm, what
is its pressure?

P=ρ g h
= 11760 dy/cm2

 Where the density of water is 1 in g/cm3

 And 1000 in kg/m3
Ex:-what height of water will be produced the
same pressure as 120 mmHg.
P=ρ g h= 13.6x980x12
=1.6x105 dy/cm2
For water
P=ρ g h
So h= 163 cm H2O

Or PHg=PH O 2

(ρ g h)Hg=( ρ g h)H2O
ρHg hHg= ρH O hH O
2 2

hH O = (13.6x12)/1 =163 cm H2O

Ex:-Calculate the atmospheric
pressure in N/m2
1 atm =760 mmHg =0.76 mHg
The atmospheric pressure in N/m2 is equal
P=ρ g h = 13600 kg/m3 x 9.8 m/s2 x 0.76 m
= 1.01x105 N/m2
Where 1 N= 1 kg. m/𝑠 2
Pressure types
Gauge Pressure
The excess pressure over atmospheric
Negative Pressure
Any pressure lower than atmospheric
 For example: The lung pressure during
inspiration must be negative, when we
breath inspire the pressure in the lungs
must be lower than the atmospheric
pressure .
 For example a person drink through a
straw the pressure in his mouth must be
Typical pressure in the normal body
 Different parts of the body Typical
 Arterial blood pressure
 Max.(systole) 100 -140
 Min.(diastole ) 60 -90
 Venous blood pressure 3 -7
 Middle ear pressure less than 1
 Eye pressure 20
 CSF inside the brain 5 -12
2. The first law of thermodynamics
In mechanics, the work–energy theorem states that the increasing in kinetic energy ΔEk of a
system equal the work W done on the system:
ΔEk = - W
The internal energy (U) of a system, as well as its Kinetic energy can change in a process and
can change as a result of a flow of heat into the system as well as the work:
ΔU + ΔEk = Q -W
If conservation forces act on a system the system has a potential energy (EP)
ΔU + ΔEk + ΔEp = Q - W
We now define the total energy E of the system as the sum of its internal energy, its kinetic
energy and its potential energy:
E = U + E k + Ep
ΔE = ΔU + ΔEk + ΔEp
ΔE = Q -W
If E2 and E1 represent the final and initial value of the total energy in a process
ΔE = E2 - E1= Q - W
If the heat flow and the work done are both small:
dE = dQ - dW
If the kinetic and potential energy (Ek& EP) are constant, ΔE =ΔU and the last two equations
reduce to:
U2 - U1 = Q -W
dU = dQ - dW
The last two equations are referred to the
general equation form of the first law of
The sign of ΔQ is (+) if the heat is added to
the system, and ( - ΔQ ) if the system
lose heat to the surrounding.
(+ΔW) represented the work done by the
system, and ( - ΔW) is the work done on
the system.
3. Conservation of energy in the
Conservation of energy in the body can be
written as a simple equation:
There are continuous energy changes in the body both when it is doing
work and when it is not.
We can write the first law of thermodynamics as:
ΔU = ΔQ - ΔW
Where ΔU: is the change in stored energy.
ΔQ: is the heat lost or gained.
ΔW: is the work done by the body.
If the body doing no work (ΔW=0) and a constant temperature
continues to lose heat to its surrounding (ΔQ is the negative)
therefore ΔU is also negative indicating a decrease in stored
-ΔU = - Δ Q -(0)
ΔU = Δ Q
(Decrease) - ΔU = (Lost) -Δ Q +(By the system)Δ W
Multiplying by (-1) to get ΔU = Δ Q - Δ W

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