English 2

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Course modules

• Basic English Grammar

• Tense 1
• Tense 2
• WH question 1
• WH question 2
• Conjunctions 1
• Conjunctions 2
• Revision
• General lessons
• Modal verbs
• Active & Passive voice
• Revision

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ARTICLES – a, an, the, the
CONSONANTS- b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p ,q, r, s, t, v ,w, x, y, z

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A boy an ass the boy the ass
A girl an eye the girl the eye
A book an island the book the island
A pen an owl the pen the owl
A letter an umbrella the letter the umbrella


Am Is Are
(present tense)

Was Were
(past tense)

Will be Will be
(future tense)

1. Not (-) (+) n / adj /phr /ing /p.p/
2. (?)
3. tense

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pen + s pens
car + s cars
bus + es buses
class + es classes
city + ies cities
baby + ies babies
wife + ves wives
life + ves lives
child + ren children


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Tense 1

singular plural
Does Do
Present tense -

Past tense- Did


Future tense- Will




I am a teacher we are teachers
You are a student you are students
He is honest they are honest
She is kind they are kind
It is on the table they are on the table

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I was a teacher n+n we were teachers
You were a student you were students
He was honest N+adj they were honest
She was kind they were kind
It was on the table N+phr they were on the table


I will be a teacher will be a teacher
You will be a student you will be a student
He will be honest they will be honest
She will be kind they will be kind
It will be on the table they will be on the table

Singular plural Plural Singular
Boy boys learn learns
Girl girls sleep sleeps
Clerk clerks write writes
Dog dogs run runs

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Noun + verb

Singular Plural
Boy learns boys learn
Girl learns girls learn
Clerk works clerk’s work
Dog runs dogs run


DOES (S+V)-(SI)-

(+) (SI) (SI)

S + V
(-) She works in
S + does not + V

DO – (SPV)- (PI)-

(+) (PI) (PI)

S + V
(-) They work in
S + do not +V

DID- (S.P.V)-(SI) and (Pl) PAST TENSE

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(+) Si/pl PAST
S + V
(-) She invited everybody
S + did not + V


(+) SI/PI
S + will + V
(-) He will study hard
S + will not + V


Question words & Questions

Am I handsome? Where did you go?
Was she alone? What will they expect?
Will you be at home? How can I tell you?
Does he work hard?
Did I tell you?
Can I help you?

• What
• Where
• When
• Why which
• Who
• Whose
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• Whom
• How

1. Why is she crying?

2. Where was he going?
3. What does he study?
4. Whom did you meet?
5. Which will they buy?
6. How can I forget you?


1.Where do you live?

• I live in Kandy
• I live at Digana

2. Where do you come from?

• I am coming from Matale

3. Where are you from?

• I am from Matale

4. Are you from ….?

• I am from Matale

5. Are you Mr. Nawaz?

• I am Nawaz (don’t use Mr. here)
6. Where were you born?
• I was born in ……...

7. Where are you educated?

• I was educated at Royal College

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8. Where does this road lead to?
• It leads to Madawala

9. Where did you follow your A/L’s?

• I followed my A/L’s in Colombo and Kandy

10. Where can I follow this course?

• You can follow this course in BFE-LA


Where else did you go?

• I went to Japan
• I went nowhere else.


Where about is your class in Kandy?

• It is at 143 king’s street


• Where the hell did you go?

• Where the hell are you peeping at?
• Where the devil are you gapping at?
• Where the devil are you driving?
• Where the hell are you learning?
• Where on earth are you going?

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1.When will you come back?

• I will come back on Monday
• I will come back in April
• I will come back in 2019
• I will come back on March 3rd
• I will come back om 3rd March
• I will come back next Saturday
• I will come back on time
• I will come back by 10o clock
• I will come back within half an hour
• I will come back soon
2.When were you born?
• I was born in 1997
3.When was your daughter born/?
• She was born….
4.When did you leave school?
• I left from school in 2016
5.When will you go to sleep?
• I go to bed at 11.30 pm
6.what time will you get up/?
• I get up at 5o clock

When & Where

1. When and where can I meet you?
• You can meet me on Monday in Kandy
1. Why do you hate her?
• I hate her because her behavior is bad
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2. Why didn’t you come yesterday?
• I didn’t come because I was tied up. [busy]

3. Why do you follow this English course?

• I follow this course because I want to improve my English

4. Why did he go to Kandy?

• He went to Kandy to meet his uncle

Why don’t you (to advice)

1. Why don’t you have a cup of tea?
2. Why don’t you have a lunch?
3. Why don’t you purchase this shalwar?
4. Why don’t you buy a new car?
5. Why don’t you wind up the class now?
6. A. I am having a headache
B. Why don’t you take two Panadol’s?
1) Thanks a lot for your advice

1. What paper do you read? (All things)
(Common question)

2. Which paper do you read island or daily news?) (Limited question)

3. Which of you]
which of them] can come on Monday?
which of us]
• I/you/he/ravi can come on Monday

4. Which of these] is your pen?

which of those] is your pen?
• Rend color pen is mine

5. Which one do you want?

• I want the new one
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Without subject

1. Who came?
2. Who told?
3. Who like?
4. Who knows?
5. Who took?

With authority
1. Who are you to advice me?
2. Who are they to point out my mistakes?
3. Who is he to follow you?

To ask about somebody

1.Who is that person looking at you?
He is one of my uncles.
2.Who is that baby crying?
3.Who is that?
It is me Ravi / I am Ravi
4.Who and who came?
My brother and sister-in-law came.

Who else
1.Who else came?
My uncle also came
2.Who else know this matter?
I else know
Nobody else knows

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1.Whose is that house?
It is my house
2.Whose house is that?
It is mine
3.Whose suggestion is useful?
My / your / her / his / Mr. Ravi’s suggestion is useful
4.Whose son are you?
I am son of Mr. Silva
I am Mr. Silva’s son

1.How do you come to the class?
I come to the class by bus/train
I come on foot
I come by foot

2.How are you?

How are you getting on?
I’m fine
I am alright
I am okay
I am quite fine
I am quite alright
I am keeping well
I am keeping fine
I am well
I am not well
I am unfit
I am unwell
I am off-color
I am ill
I am sick
I am having a fever
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I am rather ill
I am getting well
I am recovering


• Conjunction is a word that is used to join 2 sentences together

1. She went to the room
2. She began to cry
1+2= she went to the room, and she began to cry

• He has been following English and computer science

• We must respect our parents and teachers
• I have to go early and meet the minister
• She was in the room and reading a novel
• When and where can I meet you?
• They may come and tell you this matter

AND unchangeable expressions

Black and white Pots and pans

Bread and butter Name and fame
Mr. and Mrs. Day and night
Boys and girls Hide and seek
Brother and sister Life and death
Men and women Here and there
Husband and wife
Father and mother
Ladies & gentlemen

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Because (reason)
To tell why something happens and happened
1. I don’t like to marry her
2. Her behavior is bad
1+2= I don’t like to marry her because her behavior is bad

• I must brush up mu English because I plan to continue my higher education in UK

• I couldn’t come to the wedding because my mom was not well
• He didn’t obtain a better result because he didn’t work hard
• Sometimes I think I hate this world because nobody is honest
Because of
Because of (n)/(pro)/tense
• I lost everything in my life because of a woman
• I hate English because of money
• He died because of wife

1. I went early
2. I couldn’t meet the minister
1+2= I went early but I couldn’t meet the minister

• I would like to meet your father, but I am tied up this week

• That may be a good job, but salary is not enough


1. If the first action happens the second will happen

If the first action happens the second will happen.
o If you die, I will also die
o If you touch me, I will shout
o If you shout, I will touch you
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o If you respect your parents, your children will respect you in future
o If everybody works hard we would develop this country.
o If you give me your fullest cooperation, I can complete a successful course
o If you don’t work hard you can’t reach your goal.
o If they need any help I shall do

Conjunctions 2
o He works as an engineer in London
o How long do you work as a manager?
o Most Muslim Girls don’t like to work as nurses
o Boys don’t like to work as teachers
o Do you like to work as my driver?
o As a president Mr.Mahinda did a lot for the country
o As what do you work there?

Fill in the blanks with simple past tense.
1. I ………(meet) an old friend today.
2. I ……….(visit) him in London several times
3. I ……..(see) her in the school but we didn’t speak.
4. He …….(throw) the ball to me.
5. She …….(dry) her hair in the balcony.
6. They …….(run) through the road.
7. He ……(walk) slowly to the school.
8. The science teacher ……(teach) about plants today.
9. The teacher …… (tap) me on my shoulder.
10. I really ……. (enjoy) your party.
While each Verb in the past tense
1. Walk-
2. Jump-
3. Talk-
4. Watch-
5. Look-
6. Laugh-
7. Like-
8. Finish-
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9. Ted …… all the exercises. (complete)
10. The cat …. The mouse. (Chase)

General lessons
1)It seems to me that ….
o It seems to me that you have cheated.
o It seems to me that you have been cheated.
o It seems to me that general lessons are easy.
o It seems to me that we can easily win.
2)Is it true that….
o Is it true that you are going to fly to UK
o Is it true that she has obtained the best result
o Is it true that she slapped you
3)There is nothing to + Verb
o There is nothing to eat
o There is nothing study/argue/give/speak
o Is there anything to laugh/cry/worry
4)It is difficult to + Verb
o It is difficult to study long hours
o It is difficult to understand a woman
o It is difficult to get a job without English/in Japan
5)mean to + V
o What do you mean to do after the results?
o She means to sit the exam again
o I mean to do CIMA
o What do you mean
o I mean you are wrong
o I didn’t mean to hurt you
6)plan to + V
o He plans to put up a new house
o We plan to go on a trip next week.
7)Intend to + V
o We intend to open a new branch in Jaffna
o Do you intend to buy that building
8)At all
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o I don’t like him at all
o I didn’t expect you at all
o Don’t you trust me at all?
9)It is easy to + Verb
o It is easy to study grammar
o It is easy to find my address
o It is easy to kidnap her
o Is it easy to live without you?
10)would rather
o You would rather sign an agreement
o She would rather divorce him
o We would rather put off the meeting
11)My suggestion is that….
o My suggestion is that you should resign this job
o My suggestion is that you should sit the exam again
12)I have been thinking of…
o What have you been thinking of?
o I have been thinking of my results
o I have been thinking of my future/past life
o My mom has been thinking of my father’s illness
13)part of
o I still remember part of that poem
o I would complete part of the course
14)half of
o Half of the film was very boring
o We have completed half of the course
15)All (of)
o All of you/us/them should be responsible
o All of my students must speak in English
o Will you invite all friend?
16)Each (of)
o Each of you/us/them must work hard
o Each lesson is important
o Each song has Each meanings
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17)Plenty of
o Plenty of people were killed due to the war.
o I must teach you plenty of lessons
18)It doesn’t matter If…
o It doesn’t matter if you can’t come
o It doesn’t matter if you don’t go
o Doesn’t it matter if I don’t pay?
o Shall I take you on trip?
o We took out grandma to hospital
o Did you take your umbrella?
o Shall I bring my friend?
o She brought her husband
o Did you bring my book?
o If we determine we can do anything
o I have determined to become an engineer.
o You don’t have enough determination.
o Since you know English, you can get a good job.
o Since we are tired & hungry we can’t understand anything
o Since you are my students, you must speak English.
23)Due to
o The match was cancelled due to bad weather.
o I couldn’t come due to an important meeting.
24)Owing to
o I got little late owing to an accident
o He got the best result owing to his hardworking
25)On account of
o Most staff didn’t come to the office an account of the train strike
o He is respected by everybody an account of his education.
26)Because of
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o O/L students are busy because of the exam
o She was absent because of illness.

Model verbs
Model verbs are a special kind of helping Verb. A Modal verb helps the main Verb to express
the mood of the subject and at the same time it can indicate possibility, persuasion, ability,
willingness, etc.
o Can
o Could
o Will
o Would
o May
o Might
o Must
o Should
Can – ability, doubt, astonishment, permission, polite request
May- permission, if not prohibition, supposition with doubt
Must- obligation, firm necessity, logical conclusion, probability
Shall- intention, supposition
Will- wish, desire, will, confidence, in the future
Ought to- moral duty, insistent advice, strict recommendation
Need- (un)necessity
Be to- obligation arising out of arrangements or agreement
Have to- unwillingness, forced circumstances
Would- wish (with “to like”), polite request, a habit of the past
Should- necessity, advice, blame, recommendation, reproach, regret
Used to- repeated action in the past

Active and passive voice


Active Passive
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What subject does The focus is on the action

Active: Ram killed Ravan.

Passive: Ravan was killed by Ram.
Active voice Passive voice
Tells us what a person or Tells us what is done to
thing does. someone or something.
The subject performs the The subject is being acted
action (verb) on the object. upon.

Subject + Verb + Object Object + Verb + Subject

Example: Example:
o Anna painted the o The house was
house. painted by Anna.
o The teacher always o The students’
answers the students’ questions are
questions. answered by the
o Ali posted the video teacher.
online. o The video was posted
online by Ali.

Active and Passive Voice

o VOICE indicates if the subject acts or is being acted upon.
o ACTIVE VOICE: Kristen wrote the report (the subject, Kristen, acts).
o PASSIVE VOICE: The report was written by Kristen (the subject, the report, was
acted upon).

Created By: BFE-LA

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