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AN EXPERINENTAL STUDY OF MEMORY. Acomplee at of memory requires ta impressions shal be reine, real, nd recognised a alors ae ing with certain other impress. The perfesace af eo, fol memory depen upon the Lind and testy ot they rstons and ofthe associations between then Tespreaans Be of six kinds, visual, story, motor, cual, oats sllctory, bette thee fest mad are of man perce Iemory” The flowing experiments were mide teen which ofthese thre Linds of impresns are at eee snd to dacover the relation exing between ecll aad see, Aatind—Thirty sames of common obec were chosen and arranged in tree columns a flows car being toe ot {© put topeber words commonly ascesad e 1. desk soot oon tomb fe peel cain ig Ene op hinge shears broom (Son val ck pach Bote id foe thimtie a ime tpectaes post watch Doo ‘The tnt was made upon the pul ofa typical school and college inal gas ro the tied primary op Titan {nColunm , wero pronounced to them att eof tenes very two seconds thane Clea I, having bre even ‘Ftien ‘spon the board were umcovered en ating ed Av expscouesiran sr0DY OF MaaonY, 003 ‘bed oat atabout the mame ite; while the cbects med ia Column 1 were sbows atthe same rate. In each cae alter the ten worde were given the pupils wrote many of them st they ooud remember. Three days later i af eases wo days) atthe se how, the pupts were asked to write a Imany werds of each colomn ar they could member, They ‘ree ten given oly the allowing lists of word W. v. vL oud lack mt ang sparkle spade whisper Yellow sheep Boome re ie ‘pls loom nest ee right smowe ie freee ie hie ite en the Tadow cat eg pink eat ‘They were sed to think of the sound of the is of the ‘sual ppearance sugested by the second is snd of the ob Jets sured in the third. How clesly thy Tollowed these lrections its ips to sy, but thei fee indented oat they were Uylag’ to do so. There were a fev Indication in the pape of alerts to gues the words Ia Core IV and V tht thy coud nt real but tia was tr fen lew ‘unlio—The folowing table shows the average stinker of swords in ach it often ealed A a3 ‘The averages forthe Hat thre Ts of words 5, 9, and 48 respectively, show that objects. wore Tenesed beter than the writen nate, nd the ir eter te he spoken sames, Doubs sme when they say the ween sora thought of the soundh ad’ perp ecieed Che ao ‘ony wards wile ethers thought ofthe vival appearance Gf the spoken words aod retained them ts wel words Many repeated sly the words Both oa ad wit eg felting oto senatons; ad probably ay orned mental Pictures theajecte sameds "Dot howeveydidceaty shy Inay have stored the words in memory tc dferses psy dicing thm, soe thay areal of ese character, tant fave Ben dae ny athe dillon waye in which they were Impresed, The diference would probly have bmn reser a the condos for sexing the writen words and fe 9 Jess shown been a good forall the pps a they wer for ie poken verde y ‘Thearerages lr the lst thre tte of word 682300 248 respectively, show that the vnalqaifsare once fetter than sounds aed lo beter hen ebjeets Sage. In {iss the impressions were al suitoy, bat nse as the purl folowed dren the method Vring mas diferent {n'each cae The ater fo wre as Cneed dutuess Spe conauctin nso een idee her et ‘in general the pap were helped by storing a val mage, 4 wl be seen by comparing the ‘eprauction af the nese ‘oredin their own way with hoe Hored wo. vial image, Av REPERIMENTTAL STUDY OF MBMORY. 60S “The ews of the reproduction after three days were rather aorprsing. Probly the move enthusatic advocste of abject teaching would hardly have dred asset that the ‘ames af ten cotta ceca were pronounced to and writen ‘by is they would alter three days remember but one seventh ao many cf them as Uiey would if they were allowed. {ovicot at each ofthe objects action over © second and trite he name, yet the numbers 91 and dag indiate that sich would be the revule_‘These figures indent ao tha the futhon of memory systems in which the Kinds of associations formed are the only things considered are at fash. Some frond i found for mying "Make the impreaons viva and {he ayiatons wil ake cae of themselves” Tele worthy of ‘ote abo tha thore were few sales in recalling and recog ng he race of the objects see If two papers in Which fi de mates were inthe wrong clutn, probably because the opie made 2 matake in the col, hod beet omitted fa Breragng, the nomber recalled apd the aumber in the right olume would have been praca the mime, This and the set that mental images of objects are remembered etter than er rames ir ot great pedagogical signcane, ndiat fag ta if objects are shown children, or when that i iprac. Leable if they are led to form mental images of them, they fin oltain a genuioe knowledge of things more any than they cae be crammed withthe verbal appearance of Know. lee. "Ti table shows an incre, rom the prinary department vp, in the power of immediate reproduction of words ofall Lindh, ut the ference of only about two words between iy nai tele went tat very rest when ie ol mental psp, and thatthe younger pope required looger tne to wrte the words and hence would te more Tikely 1 let some ofthe words dropout of coneiounets Ta the reyroducion ater tree day the college madent show ho supriorty over the eileen. "One reson for tha may be ‘because the experiment was more of an event tothe Younger pupisso that te words were more deply impresed. {In ‘ve rom they discaned i alerwards each tellng how many «s 2 wonerarnie, weit he rember) aod tht he tid dey when {ol hn ht a eed te grammar a catly making an elort te sie fe aul I inp n ca oto cit wi re Kore cil of te memory basen eon thle reenter eae of sptin wordy compared wil ‘wa ahs ee Deol ae sper deny Bocas yeh mer ‘ck praca dang wih va Soe ba This experiment, like others that have en mac, dicate: dlged replat ef wer” This gmetad tite inh span vr mai te thea ien he bys ae sigue Leb sifere wee Wy ate kat pre pepe zewe td menny the tern aka Gry tres sibarade ay and wea ee es iol iy wore gon ot ane tne Nh eet tert bjt ber tse = object, ‘Some rememinred ten Sows weT ell and spoken words very arnt tet tires at gues sumer pede eens erie vomeines the nae of sje ser sag Sey 25 hay could gp jot so many words ead enced {he mode of pronation. Very few gece te SoanE tnd al ae neat Oe fa de Sue meaty tern oder ta appiea hater oc Rerinen the folloiag tat wan ede ene oe hoo student fit thes ba ot wens (att They wrote as many ofthe fia Itt they renee te for fhe second lat they were reqaie! fs Geet ‘mark for each word hey reel When the es fees 4 wxpanincuiras ror or uawony. oy ven they were requested to frm a mental picture of ‘objects named.” ‘The averages were a follows Tray 178% Bor Tomake sure tht ILL was not easier to remember than 1 the'experiment was cevered with hint our eghthegwede puplisThe averages were, M756 1836. Which showed beyond doubt that the names of objects are membered better where mental images ofthe secs oe The day later the normet students were akod to write all of the words they could reel, putting them 9 far osile in the right colames. The average autabur ccd Las, Mx6, UL gat ‘And the numbers correctly placed (recognized) were Liye Ths Mh gga ‘The act of writing evidently bad a very marked ect ex. pecially upon recognition sac but ite more thas Gee ce, tieth of che words not written were recalled ted rocogeoce How much ofthis eet was doe to motor sensations tal neg ‘much to the more prolonged attention necesiy even the words writen itis impesble to ay. "Mowemens ofthe voallongans were probaly ale an importa ici ig retention ofall the words, for inquiry reveled the face tee 17 students repeated all ofthe words ter me; and of thea, ho didnot, 32 repeated, 36 and 1 In order to determine to what extent the power to recog. ze completely or partly might renin when the bet e the power to recall bs been raced, the thingy words sg inal ven mined haphasard with tc cher none 8 ‘common objects were Fed andthe pups tol to wine thos, that they thought were inthe orginal list, puting then ‘the right column as lar at pone "The svergy ueeoats 174s, Th. 60s, Bap s 2 nrwera rarer, ‘Aad the numbers placed in the sight colmas Lays, May, Th bon Aig woud som that onan arerage 297th thicty ere at leat paral recognized.” Since haeenee ae 8 now words were fey recog, iy it mould seem that sie of Natd_were reall cd atrly upon guessing, 18 of then uit ota or mae ofthe Sten tem worda These fe eognie appears therefore tbe forthe weep seat eariy doable thn of reel, In individuals the ference is often much grete. One Young Indy that Thad often noida ale Sec Pe he here could no {Efond laand none inthe fa. "When the words ne owever she corectly recognized seven af the tee iene, 1 ofthe fiteen new won called a grat many words, but placed bat very few of them inthe ight fa ‘There were tome lncdetal ‘Arain,i¢ appears that when sh worde ‘scl’ “thimble” ska,’ were proscunced mart neat sane ChOUEAE of ‘thread neil fork’ wha ee Aetenly amcned with chm Tha ree wen tate? ES those words as belonging tothe Int Th enn ey Let utraton of how things suggeated to prea trey ‘xPeenoe muy be honwty reported by hig aeraen oT t he rita of thse cxperinents are of more special in ‘ero those concerned with pedagogical prions hey oy se orc by lhe som ampion SOY a a ang pe a ry aig, rp rer ron os Cr rs ie whe sn cae he ras aise feed cesar opin in geal an wo ces spec lst nde

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