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Undoing Draco Malfoy

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Astoria Greengrass
Additional Tags: Infidelity, Harry is a Little Shit, Harry Potter is Bad at Feelings,
Voyeurism, Bottom Draco Malfoy, Top Harry, Minor Astoria
Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Bad Dirty Talk,
Evil Harry Potter, Cheating Harry, Morally Grey Harry Potter, Minor
Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter Has a Large Cock, Harry
Potter is Obsessed with Draco Malfoy, Dom/sub Undertones, Cock Slut
Draco Malfoy, Emotional Manipulation, Unhealthy Relationships, Harry
Potter Being an Asshole, Dubious Consent, Verbal Humiliation, Forced
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of impius
Stats: Published: 2023-09-02 Updated: 2024-06-12 Words: 34,569 Chapters:
Undoing Draco Malfoy
by Blue__31__Z


Draco loves his family.

He loves his son, Scorpius H. Malfoy, more than life itself. He adores his wife, Astoria
Malfoy. For years, he's content with his life, in France, with his family. But then an
opportunity presents itself as the top contender for the position of the Minister.

So he returns in London.

But Harry James Potter returns in his life as well.

Draco's priorities' shift there and then. He realized, that above everything, the need to serve
Harry is more important.

Updates will be once a week or once every 2 weeks.


This is literally just porn T-T And expect Harry to be an asshole and poor Astoria, yeah, but
this is porn, so, there's that. That means we love an asshole!Harry more or else, you won't be
reading this lol.

More tags to be added in the future.

Also, I meant the "Harry Potter is obsessed with Draco Malfoy" this time.

tw: sexual harrassment and sadly, it's between Draco and Harry because Harry is an asshole.

Draco wishes he could deny that he doesn't love his affair with the Saviour. That he doesn't
look forward to meeting Harry. That he doesn't crave Harry's presence the second the man
leaves him. That Draco doesn't want to come crawling into Harry's office and stays on his
lap, coddled in his big arms, while the man goes on about his day.

He wants to deny that being in Harry's arms isn't the best place these past few months, that
their little love nest hidden in Muggle London is not the place he calls home. That he doesn't
want to give everything the man needs, even if that means losing everything he worked hard

He hopes he can deny that he hasn't considered leaving his wife one too many times to be
Harry's wife instead. That he doesn't cry every night, hiding his face away from his wife, at
the thought of Harry with his own wife doing things with her he should only be doing with
Draco. That he doesn't think of a promised future with Harry every single night, and those
thoughts are not the things comforting him to finally sleep at night. That he's not as obsessive
and possessive as Harry is to him, and that he doesn't preen whenever the man claims
ownership of him.

He wants to keep pretending that nothing happened between him and his wife. That they're
still okay. That they're still the same loving couple and normal family when they're still living
in France. That it's not his fault he hasn't made love to his wife for months since their return
to London. That he doesn't see the longing, betrayal, and hurt in Astoria's eyes whenever
Draco turns his back to her. That he's still the same man she loved, the man who knew how to
satisfy a wife. That he doesn't feel uncomfortable with her touches.

That he doesn't feel exhausted and defeated when he goes home to play the role of a loyal,
pureblood husband.

He hasn't been for a while. He's not. And he's sure that he will never be anymore.

Draco wishes he regretted being a cheating prick to his wife, who did nothing but show all
her support and love for him. He wishes he was still the man Scorpius could be proud of.
He wants to deny his involvement and say that he was coerced.

But he isn't.

It's not Harry who begs to come inside him and pound him harder until he no longer thinks of
anyone but Harry's large cock messing with his insides. It's not Harry who sends the Head
Auror letters to come meet him in their love nest. It's not Harry who scrambles to make
himself beautiful for the man as soon as he receives Harry's patronus, demanding him to go
to their love nest. It's not Harry who tells him to wear those skimpy clothes to put on a show
for the man.

Harry doesn't force Draco into anything. Harry doesn't force Draco to fall in love with him.
It's all his doing, or rather, his undoing.

Harry merely shows him the truth about who he really is. And now that he knows this is what
he's supposed to be in life, Draco can't return to who he was when this all started.

He just can't. He wants to end his old life. And by ending it, he needs to begin with his wife.

"Astoria, please," Draco gently holds her hands in his and sobs. "Sign the papers. You know
who I want and need in life, and he is waiting for me outside. Let me go, Astoria, I want to be

Astoria starts crying as well, her face in pure anguish. "We were happy, Draco. Back in
France, we were content, our little family, with our Scorpius. But that despicable man
destroyed us, Draco! He stole you from me."

"What?" Draco growls, his tears stopping almost immediately. He harshly pulls his hands
away, glaring at his soon-to-be ex-wife. "How could you say that?! I belong to Harry! Harry
owned me from the very start, so it's only proper that I return to him. If anything, it's you who
stole me from Harry!"
"What-" Astoria laughs, her tears still streaming down her exhausted face. "You're crazy,
you're no longer the man I knew and loved."

"No, I'm not because I haven't been truthful to myself either, until Harry showed me the real

Astoria sobs. "Draco, what happened? What happened to us?"

Draco bows his head. Would it be cruel if he said that it all started with Astoria herself? That
his affair with Harry wouldn't even begin if not for her?

Astoria who wakes up one day and decides it's time for them to go back to England.

"Look at this!" She exclaims, and despite her excitement, she gently puts down her tea
brought about by years of pureblood practice. "Darling, look."

Draco leans in towards his wife to look at the Daily Prophet she has in hand. Why she still
reads that rag, Draco will never understand, but he knows better than to question his wife.
When he sees the title of the article with his name mentioned, he knows he doesn't need to
read the rest of the article to know that it will leave an unpleasant taste in his mouth.

Everything the Daily Prophet had said about him was written to destroy the Malfoy name,
dragging it more to the mud, leaving him nothing but a zero job opportunity and an empty
Manor and to this day, he's grateful that Astoria fought for him from her parents and married
him still despite being close to a beggar at that point.

This very rag is the reason he decided to leave London with his wife as soon as Astoria got
pregnant. He didn't want to live in a place where his beautiful son would be called nothing
but the son of a Death Eater. His Scorpius and his wife do not deserve any of the hate that
should be reserved for him.

Draco wanted to have a fresh start with his own family, and they did. Draco, through hard
work, has risen in ranks in the Ministry here in France. And now, he's in a position where he
has everyone's respect, and he can safely say he's content.

They are content and happy together, so he can't understand why Astoria wants to come back
to the place that brought nothing but hate and pain to them. To him, most especially.

"Asti, honey-"

"No, Dray, read it, it's not bad, I promise you," she passes the paper into his hand. Upon
seeing her encouraging, sweet smile, Draco sighs and reluctantly accepts the paper, but as
soon as he has it gripped in his hand, his eyes quickly skim the article, curiosity getting the
better of him.

It's an Opinion describing how the Ministry of Wizarding Britain has started to fall into the
hands of different acting ministers ever since Kingsley died. Then, the writer also graciously
and vivaciously details all the work Draco has done for the last several years, explicitly
stating that someone who has that exact set of skills and passion is what they need to rebuild
the Ministry. The writer also said that they must petition for Draco Malfoy fast, or else, the
longer they don't have Draco as Minister, the more possible it is to suffer a consequence they
may never recover from.

Under the article are comments from the readers of the Daily Prophet, and Draco is
astonished to find that the readers agreed with the writer and that there is no single mention
of his past.

The article is well written. And that's the most shocking part. The Daily Prophet doesn't have
the time to be this well-researched, especially when it pertains to one Draco Malfoy, so he
can only utter, "I can't believe it."
Astoria grabs his hand and widely smiles at him. "See? They trust you now. They
acknowledge your work here and they want you as their new Minister, Draco. And believe
me when I tell you there is no one who deserves it more than you, I've seen how you work
and I know where your passion lies. You are far better than those old good-for-nothing people
in the Ministry."

"But Asti, I'm still-"

"No," Astoria says, cupping his cheek, her thumb softly caressing him. Draco softly smiles at
her and intertwines his hand with hers, turning his head to kiss her palm. "I'm telling you, my
love, they no longer think of you like that. Gone were the days that they thought they could
drag you through the mud, they couldn't, not anymore, not when you're all they need. The
Ministry's collapsing and they need your fresh idea, they need you. I believe in you, Dray."

Until now, Draco didn't know what Astoria saw in him that made her trust him so much.

"You always have, love." Draco picks up her hand and places a soft kiss at the back of her
hand. "But what about you, Scorpius? Is it fine if we return to London?"

"Yes, Papa! Mama's right, you're all they need. Actually, I think it's cool that I get to study at
the same school where my parents studied. Besides, Hogwarts' uniforms are way better than
the Beauxbatons!"

Draco and Astoria share looks of amusement. They both know Scorpius is lying. Scorpius
had only gushed for months when he saw the real beauty that is Beauxbatons and told them
how he was very excited to wear their uniforms. Draco can't blame him when he fell in love
with the school's beauty as well and was disappointed he didn't study there instead.

Draco hugs his son. "Thank you, Scorpius. I love you."

"I love you too, Papa."

Draco feels overwhelmed and wants to cry. This family is everything he's dreamed of, and
there is nothing in this world that will make him leave and break his family apart. He'll die
before he lets anything happen to his family. With Astoria and Scorpius beside him, he has
everything he needs in life.

As soon as Draco's done fixing his cuffs, he stands behind his wife, who looks very beautiful
in her yellow dress. Draco picks up her favorite necklace he gave her on their 4th wedding
anniversary and clasps it for her, placing a soft kiss on her bare shoulder. "Are you sure about
this? Us returning to London? With me always in the Ministry to assure the position, I'll be
busy, and we'll have to postpone our plans."

Before everything, Draco and his wife had been in talks about conceiving another child, both
agreeing that it was time to give Scorpius a sibling. While it's hard for the Malfoy lineage to
have another child other than the heir, it's not impossible, although it requires a lot of hard
work, which both Astoria and Draco are more than willing to do.

But with this opportunity, unfortunately, they have to set it aside for a little while.

All their belongings are packed, and all the necessary things they needed to do before settling
for good in London have been arranged, but if Astoria says she changed her mind and doesn't
want to return to London, Draco will not mind. His wife's happiness is more important to

Astoria gives him a smile and leans back onto his chest when Draco wraps his arms around
her waist. "Yes, I am sure. Scorpius is more than enough for us, but we can try again as soon
as you become the Minister, and if Merlin gives us another one, we'll love them

"Sounds like the best plan, love, well, you always know what's best."

She giggles and slowly turns to face him, her arms automatically wrapping themselves
around Draco. "I love you, Draco."
Draco smiles at his lovely, beautiful wife, his eyes forming a crescent. "I love you too, Asti."
With his hand wrapped around her waist, he pulls her closer until he's got her lips locked in a
passionate kiss. Draco feels Astoria smiling, so he pulls back a little just to look at the
beautiful face of his wife and smiles as well.

Before Draco can lean in again, a cough from the doorway makes them both turn their heads
to the side.

"Uhm, hello, the portkey's waiting for us." They slowly separate from each other, chuckling
when they see their son with a playful expression like he's so done with his parents, but
Draco can see a curl forming in his lips.

"Yes, darling. We'll be there in a moment. Let's go, Dray? To another experience?"

"To another experience with you."

Draco takes a deep breath to prepare himself to face the old coots of the Ministry for the
umpteenth time, and court them. It's been a month since they got back from France. Both
Astoria and Scorpius have adjusted pretty well to the Manor, especially Scorpius, who always
sounds excited in his letters as he tells them about Hogwarts and his new-found friends,
especially his best friend named Al.

Draco, on the other hand, doesn't really know what he's supposed to expect. But he will not
lie or say he hasn't been expecting something to happen since he read the article about him.

True, he's not expecting a grand parade or a red carpet welcoming him, but after listening to
Astoria's gushing and reading the opinions of the readers of the Daily Prophet, he's kind of
assumed the journey to being the Minister will be easier. He forgot how dirty the people in
politics are. But Lucius had introduced him to the rules of the game as soon as he could talk,
so he knows how to play it, and now that he's already sacrificed everything, he will make
sure to be the one to bag the position.

He will come out of the top. He will not let his family down.

The elevator chimes then and comes in Harry James Potter.

The man has changed a lot, he's no longer the scrawny kid who always looks mad at the
world. He looks exactly like a man one would expect to have the experience of a lifetime. But
Draco notices that beneath his hardened façade is a confidence and a relaxed stance he's
developed over time.

"So, it's true, you're back in London. Malfoy."

Draco straightens his suit and nods amicably to the Saviour, giving him a polite smile.
"Potter." Draco feels nothing for Potter. He doesn't resent him anymore, of course. Years have
passed, and even if Pansy always tells him he's a petty dramatic queen, he can't hold a grudge
that long.

Especially him, who's got Scorpius and Astoria in his life and needs to mature. Besides, he
can't be mad at the man, can he? If not for Potter, until now, he's stuck in Azkaban if he hadn't
rotten yet. Like his Father.

But honestly, he hasn't thought of Potter in years, much less informed himself of what the
Saviour has been up to these days, but one look at his pretigious uniform, he's obviously the
Head Auror now. As expected from him.

Of course, if there's someone who's expected to have everything in life, it's Saint Potter. A
famous wife, a respectable career, and an obviously large and happy family.

But so does Draco. He's got everything he can only dream of having.
"How have you been, Malfoy?" Oh. They're talking now.

Draco smiles again. It won't hurt if he butters the Saviour up. After all, Potter's words still
hold sway in the entire Wizarding World. He's still the powerful man Draco envies. "Great,
Potter. I'm happy with my family," he purses his lips. For a moment, he decides not to be too
direct with Potter, sure that it will turn him off, and Draco's not sure if Potter is still the same
oblivious boy he knew, but he reminds himself, somewhere out there, someone's already
doing this.

Politics is a game of smartly choosing the best person to be on your team, and no one will
fault Draco if he goes directly for the powerful man himself.

"I'm not sure if you heard all the things I did in Fra-"

"I heard, yes." Potter smirks at him, something that shocks Draco for a second. It's odd to see
that in Potter's face, he usually has a boyish smile or a frown if it's Draco he's looking at.
"Minister, huh. That's something." Obviously, Potter is no longer the oblivious boy from

"Yes, I think I have the set of skills and credentials to replace acting Minister Anderson. And,
I also believe that my loyalty lies with the people I'm going to serve, you know, I'm far from
the other candidates." Draco knows he's selling himself to Potter but hey, if that's the only
way to be the Minister, he's willing to do anything.

"I'm sure." Potter smiles.

Draco holds his tongue to stop himself from responding with something scathing. He's sure
being sarcastic with Potter won't help win the man's vote, and he needs Potter in this dirty
game of politics. But Draco is at a loss. Potter has changed, he's no longer the boy Draco can
manipulate, no longer the boy who wears his heart on his sleeve.
Draco looks down, thinking of something to say to Potter to change the tides of their game,
when the elevator suddenly screeches to a halt.

Draco looks up. "What's happening-"

The blonde gasps when he feels Potter launching towards him, pushing him onto the cold
wall. "Potter, what are you-" Draco's eyes widen when he sees Potter leaning in, and then, the
man's forceful lips are moving against his. Due to shock, it takes a few seconds before Draco
finds the strength and the painful reminder of where he is, what Potter is doing to him, and
Draco has a wife!

Draco quickly pushes the man away from him and slaps him as hard as he can. But the man
seems not to have heard him when he continues to assault Draco, raising his face and burying
his face in Draco's neck.

"Potter! Stop! What the fuck are you doing?! Stop this! Potter!"

Draco tries pushing again, but years of the man's physical training clearly outweigh the fact
that Draco only exercises on a weekly basis.

Draco tries to find another way to make the crazy man stop. "Potter?! You have a wife, I have
a wife! Pott-" Potter returns to nipping his lips.

The blonde is stumped by the turn of events. What's happening with Potter? He's supposed to
be the head Auror. He's supposed to be Harry James Potter, the Gryffindor boy who has a
golden heart. He's supposed to be everyone's saviour. He's supposed to be doing whatever
saviours do in their everyday lives.

But definitely not this! And last time Draco checked, he's still the Draco Malfoy, Potter knew.
The same blonde who went to Hogwarts with him, the blonde he's supposed to hate, the
blonde who bullied him—or is this Potter's revenge because Draco bullied him? Isn't he a
little too late, and isn't this too extreme?!
"Potter, I don't know what you're doing, but I'm sorry— Potter!" Draco shrieks when the man
raises him up until his arse is sitting on the railing and spreads his legs, pulling him until
Draco's legs are clasped around the man's waist. Potter continues to make a mess on his neck
and lips.

Everything is happening all at once, and Draco's not sure if this is all a dream. If it is, he
wants to wake up now! One moment he's talking to Potter, whom he hasn't seen for years!
But now, Potter is dominating his lips while the man humps him against the cold wall of the
elevator, the Head Auror's arms tight around him. Draco's hands are also around Potter's neck
for support.

Potter stops a little when a small whine erupts from him, Draco's eyes widen and he bites his
lower lip. Potter smirks and continues to rut against him.

A tear escapes from his eye when he feels a delicious, familiar thrum humming in his lower
belly, feeling Potter's erection. Shit. This can't be happening to him! He can't be close to
jizzing his pants with Potter.

"Potter, stop this, pl—"

He can't be! With Potter! While doing this.

Draco unintentionally tightens his legs around Potter's waist when another feel of Potter's
bulge has him groaning, and he finally reaches his climax.

"Fuck!" Draco sags on the wall, embarrassment coiling in him when he feels his trousers
slowly getting soiled, and he wishes to vanish there and then when his embarrassment makes
itself present on his trousers. Potter finally releases him. Draco scrambles to back away from
the man, but with the tight space the elevator has, he can't possibly escape from said man.

Potter caresses Draco's lips with his thumb, licks that same thumb, and winks. "Sweet."
Draco squeaks when Potter squeezes his arse. "Just a welcoming gift from me. Welcome back
to London, Malfoy. I don't think this is going to be the last time we're going to see each other,
hopefully not." Draco plasters himself on the elevator when he sees Potter leaning in again.
Potter smirks at his reaction but, thankfully, leans back.

Then, the elevator starts running again.

Potter straightens his suit. "See you later, Malfoy."

Draco can only straighten his suit, scourgify his soiled pants, and swishes his wand to fix his

It seems everything has changed. Things are very different from what he knew. Especially

Astoria Malfoy knows she's right to tell her husband that it's time to go back to London.
Their family has perfectly settled in the Manor just as she expected, and she knows it's only a
matter of time before Draco is proclaimed as the Minister. She believes in Draco's abilities
and intelligence. She's sure no one is more perfect to be the Minister than Draco.

It's a fine morning, and Astoria is enjoying a cup of tea as she reads her Daily Prophet,
keeping up with the current news regarding politics, reading opinions of writers and readers
alike about her husband, planning in her head how to instigate more support for him when the
time comes.

But she stops and looks up when she hears the hoot of an unfamiliar owl. It then drops a letter
on her lap.

It's addressed to her, but there's no identification of the sender. She knows better than to open
questionable letters, but curiosity gets the better of her, so she opens it.
She regrets it almost instantly.

Keep your husband on a leash before I do.

Astoria frowns at the letter. It seems that her husband's battle has started.

Astoria Malfoy née Greengrass had once been a dreamer and a secret admirer of her now-
husband, Draco Malfoy.

She was first introduced to Draco when she was 6 and Draco was 8, he was her sister's
acquaintance. Astoria doesn't clearly remember their first meeting, but she does remember
the feeling of warmth the first time she met Draco, a very handsome boy, although, they do
not have any memorable first meetings since Draco would rather play with her sister. Daphne
begs to differ, though. Until now, whenever Astoria reminded her of that, Daphne would
always tell her that she was bossed around and didn't play with the young Draco Malfoy.

She then met him again when she was 10 and Draco was 12. Her memories of that day are
much clearer. Draco looked every bit like his father—same coiffed blonde hair, silver eyes
gleaming with Malfoy pride, and his chin proudly raised as he scanned the Greengrass
Manor. His eyes were shifting, and it spoke of dismay at the lackluster beauty the Greengrass
Manor holds compared to the Malfoy Manor.

That day is very special to Astoria since it was that day when their parents announced their
betrothal. It had been her secret, but since then, she'd been attracted to her future husband,
and her feelings only strengthened when she started Hogwarts.

However, much to her dismay, Draco didn't particularly take a liking to her, nor did he even
notice her. Young Draco was elusive and was rather focused elsewhere—her sister Daphne
told her the blonde was focused on annoying Potter. She understood. They were rivals.

Then, the Dark Lord happened, and Draco became more elusive, doing tasks for the Dark
Lord all the while trying to survive. And when Harry Potter saved the entire wizarding world,
everything went sideways for Draco—their Manor and fortune were seized by the
government, his mother was exiled, and his father was locked up in jail—he had no one and
nothing in his name.

But Astoria was there for him. Astoria who didn't expect anything from Draco in return, and
Astoria, who has the purest love one can offer Draco.
She remembers fighting tooth and nail against her parents to make her marry Draco Malfoy.
Apart from having no one by his side, she worried that if she left Draco, it would make his
life go astray. She thought that marrying her would reset Draco's life. A fresh start.

She considers herself an ally of the blonde and someone who will support him until he tells
him not to, but only if that's what Draco wants, so she asked him first.

"Astoria, good morning." Draco's greeting had been short and simple, as he sat beside her on
the patio of the humble garden of the Greengrass Manor. His eyes quickly roamed around the
garden, but they no longer looked dismayed—instead, they looked sad, remembering, and

Astoria knew he was trying not to think of the Malfoy Manor, so Astoria tried not to voice
out anything that would make him remember their manor for the duration of their talk.

Draco looked offbeat. He wasn't the boy who echoed his father's principles or the boy who
lived behind his father's shadow. He's a boy whose eyes have been opened in the worst ways.
He looked humbled.

"Draco, good morning as well. What are you doing here?"

"Your parents asked to meet me. I reckon it has something to do with our betrothal."

Astoria's eyebrows scrunched. She heard hushed conversations from her parents' bedroom,
talking about the possibility of canceling her betrothal with Draco now that the Malfoy
family had hit rock bottom, but she didn't think they would go through it. She thought they
had her best interests at heart. She thought they knew how she felt for Draco.

"Do you want to?"

Draco hummed and slowly peeled his eyes away from the garden, his silver eyes fixated on
Astoria's. "Want to what?"

"Get married to me?"

"If your parents told me they still want to go with the contract, I will, but I doubt that. I don't
have anything to offer."

"But is that what you want?"

Astoria saw the gears in his head turning. Whether Draco realized what Astoria realized as
well—that Astoria can be a great help to reset his life, or Draco does feel something for her,
even a little, Astoria doesn't know. She never asked him, afraid to hear his answers.

He nodded after a while. "Yes, Astoria, if your parents told me they still wanted to let me
marry you, then I will, that is what I want."

"Let's go talk to them." She offered her hand and he accepted.

She ignored every snide remark her parents threw her way about how there are more
respectable guys out there than Draco, and when her parents' scathing remarks reached too
far, she fought back for Draco because Draco wasn't there to defend himself, so Astoria did it
for him. She too ignored Daphne when she too started telling her how Draco's not the one for
her and there are better guys out there, someone not tainted by any mark.

Finally, after a few months, when Draco and Astoria were in the middle of planning their
wedding, her family caved in, finally realizing that when Astoria set her mind to something,
she'd do her damnest to make it happen.

It was a simple marriage between them, far cry from the agreed-upon and promised lavish
wedding, or what Lucius Malfoy dubbed the 'Wedding of the Century'. The Daily Prophet
called Astoria the manipulated bride and compared their wedding to that of the Saviour's and
his wife, Ginny Potter, citing how far Draco had fallen from grace. Their visitors looked at
her with pity in their eyes and told her that she could do better.

She ignored everything. She was happy with Draco by her side.

It did occur to her, though, that there would be no love between them. It would be a
partnership between them, a friendship at best, like most marriage contracts come to be. But,
it didn't stop her from dreaming that someday, someday, Draco would look at her the same
way she did at him.

Her marriage with Draco was comfortable, some days they would lounge at their small pad,
and they were both content. Astoria was content with what they had.

But their relationship underwent a 360-degree change when Astoria finally conceived and
Draco convinced her to move to France. Astoria saw Draco's change. He was very careful
with her. He was very protective, and he took great care of her.

Draco wept when Scorpius was born, and he profusely thanked her for giving him a miracle,
a blessing as beautiful as Scorpius. Slowly, Draco's feelings changed for her, he loves her, he
said so many times.

And now that she's finally living her dreams, a useless letter will not break her relationship
with her husband. She burns the letter.

She knows how dirty the game of politics is, and this letter is a prime example of how her
husband is already starting to change the tides of the game. She will not react as the sender of
the letter expects her to, she's sure it's one of Draco's detractors. She will be the perfect wife
Draco needs the most right now—level-headed and loyal.

She trusts Draco with her life. She knows Draco. He will not keep anything from her.

Draco didn't tell his wife what happened in the elevator with Potter. He doesn't know how to,
and even he is still confused about what just happened. What happened to Potter? Why

Besides, Potter never goes near him again, but whenever their eyes meet across the Ministry
Hall, the Head Auror does everything to fluster Draco every chance he gets by winking at
him and smirking at him, reminding him of the things Potter did to him. Draco does get
flustered and gets scared. Always on the lookout for any Daily Prophet reporter whenever
Potter does something risqué, he still can't get the idea that this is all Potter's ploy to
embarrass him and keep the Minister position from him out of his head.

Alas, with how small the circle they run in, they meet again at a Ministry party two weeks
after what happened in the elevator.

"Potter," Draco greets first when the man stands beside him, too close for comfort.

"Malfoy, what a sight for sore eyes, you look beautiful." Draco wishes Potter was just back to
scowling at him because this? Draco cannot handle this new version of Potter. It's unnerving.
Potter has no reason to be attracted to him all of a sudden.

Draco rolls his eyes. "Thank you, Head Auror Potter."

"I'm glad to see you here."

"Me too. Please excuse me, I have to talk to-"

Potter stops him by the wrist. "I'm not done talking to you."

Draco pulls his hand away. "But I am. Besides, we don't have anything to talk about, and I
don't want another repeat of what happened in the elevator."
Potter doesn't dare touch him again, so Draco calms down a little, but he doesn't leave the
man yet, he wants to hear Potter's explanation. Potter tilts his head. "Tell me, what happened?
Help me jog my memory because all I remember is me giving you a welcome treat."

"A welcome treat?! A welcome treat is when you give me a nod and ignore my existence for
the rest of your sad life, not the perverted, repulsive thing you did."

Potter suddenly laughs at his face. Draco glares. Does Potter think he's joking?

"Now, now, Malfoy, careful with the words coming out of your pretty mouth. I wonder, how
will the whole wizarding world react once they know that you call their saviour those vile
words? What do you call me again, Malfoy?" Potter smirks. "Saint Potter. Tell me, how can I
do any of the things you accused me of doing? I'm a saint after all."

"Saint?! You're far from it! I take back everything I said about you being a golden-hearted
fool, a saint, or a savior. You're nothing but a devil incarnate."

Suddenly, Potter's expression shifts to a serious one, Draco gasps when Potter wraps his arm
around his waist and pulls him close. Draco suppresses a shiver when he feels Potter's warm
breath against his skin when the man whispers, "Why, Malfoy? Do you have proof of me
being a devil incarnate?"

Draco pushes Potter's hand back on his arse, but the prat just puts it back on him. Draco rolls
his eyes when he feels Potter's thumb rubbing the swell of his arse but doesn't push him
again. "What you did is enough proof for me, and nothing will change my mind."

"You liked it. You did come in your pants, after all."

Draco feels his cheeks warming, but he shakes off the humiliation. "Potter, I don't know what
fucked your brain up and why you are suddenly like... like this!"
"Like what?"

"Like a fucked-up perverted disgusting asshole clearly touched in the head suddenly
harassing their should-be school rivals. I don't know what you saw or what you experienced
as an auror, but stop this!"

"Or else what?"

Surely, Potter is scared to see his reputation tarnished. Draco gives the man, who's still
fondling his ass, a sarcastic smile. "Or else, I'm going to tell on you."

"Tell who?" Potter smirks at him. Draco's own smirk falls. "Go on. Tell everyone. Tell your
wife. Hell, tell my wife. Who do you think she's going to believe? You? Malfoy?" Potter
chuckles. "Do you think Ginny's going to believe you rather than her husband? She's not
going to give you the chance to talk. You haven't opened your pretty mouth yet, and Ginny
already had her famous bat bogey hex sent your way. I'd like to see you try, though."

Potter pulls him closer. Draco looks at the other guests, and they're still busy with their
businesses, not looking in their direction. Potter must have put a notice-me-charm on them.

"Tell me, what are you going to tell your wife, Malfoy? That you came in your pants like a
virgin boy when I ground my prick against you? That you liked my prick rubbing against
your tight ass?"

Draco tenses when Potter moves behind him. Potter's thick arms wrap around his waist, and
Draco feels the familiar feeling of Potter's against him. He hates that Potter's shape is starting
to be ingrained in his mind. Humiliation burns in him when he feels the telltale sign of his
own prick hardening.

Potter's hand wraps around his neck and forces Draco to look up. Potter's lips are warm
against his ear. "Look around you, Malfoy. Everyone around you, I have under my control."
"You're only a Head Auror, Potter, don't kid me."

"Oh? Or am I? I'm only a head auror because that's what I only want, not because that's the
only position I can get. I can be the new dark lord if I want to. I can be the Minister," Draco's
breath quickens when Potter's hand tightens around his neck. "I am Harry Potter, Malfoy. I
killed your Dark Lord, and I knew little about magic then. I'm everyone's saviour."

Potter forces Draco to look at him. His eyes look the same shade of green, but his expressions
are different, he looks dangerous. "I'm your saviour. Without me, you're already dead, don't
you fucking forget that. I could have easily killed you back in 6th year, I could have left you
to burn in the Room of Requirements or left you in Azkaban, but I didn't. The reason you're
alive is because of me, I need you alive. I want you whining and crying under me, begging
me to fuck your cunt," Potter smirks. "And you will be."

Draco shivers when he feels Potter's power wrapping around him. It's significantly stronger,
stronger than Voldemort, more controlled, and laced with potent dark magic. Potter had been
through a lot.

"Potter," Draco whispers.

Breathless, Draco pushes Potter away, his hand trembling against Potter's body.

Potter moves to stand beside him. "Look, I already told you, what I gave you last time was a
welcoming gift from me to you. I'm not going to do anything you don't want, unless you want
me to."

Draco feels his sane, conscious mind returning. "As if I'd ever want to. I have a wife, whom I
love. Besides, I'm not gay."

Potter gives him a Cheshire Cat grin. "If that's what you want to believe," Potter says,
reaching for something from his pocket and giving it to Draco. "Here."
It's parchment. A blank parchment. Draco flips it, but no words are written on the back of the
parchment. Draco raises an eyebrow. "What's this?"

"That is called an option. You have the choice. Throw it. Burn it. Tear it to pieces, I don't
care, it's your choice. If you do those things, I will ignore you for the rest of your sad life."

Draco raises the parchment to Potter's face, his hands ready to tear the parchment to pieces,
but the challenging look in Potter's eyes makes him pause. Potter smirks and puts his hands

"Or, you can wait all day tomorrow. You'll find a message from me, it's my floo address, not
our family home, of course, go there and we'll talk more."

Potter moves away from him and cancels the spell, hiding them from other guests.

"Head Auror Potter, may I talk to you?"

"Sure," Potter regards him with a polite nod. "Malfoy."

Draco stood there for a few minutes. He eyes the trash can at the corner, it's so easy to
crumple up the parchment and throw it away. He looks down and sees his wand on one hand
and the parchment on the other. He can burn it. He should burn it. For Scorpius and Astoria.

He knows Potter, he may be an asshole now, but he's a man of his own words. He knows once
he burns the paper, Potter will not bother him again, but Draco is curious, and he knows that
curiosity is going to bother him until the day he dies. With a sigh, Draco pockets the

Draco waits all day the next day, and his heart is caught in his throat when an address does
appear on the parchment. Draco waits for a few minutes before he floos the address, he
doesn't want to look eager. He's not. The only reason he's meeting Potter is because he's
curious and wants an explanation of why Potter did what he did. He owes him that. Draco
deserves that, at least.

It's a house. A normal house. Nothing of the chains and knives Draco is expecting to see.

Potter is slumped on his couch, watching his telly. Draco frowns when Potter only gives him
a fleeting glance. Potter doesn't look shocked to see him. Potter's expecting him. He knows
Draco is going to come. Frankly, that offended Draco.

"What's this place, Potter? Do you bring your mistresses here? You're a dead man if
Weaslette discovers this."

"She doesn't know this, and she will never know this."

"Oh? You just gave me a piece of very vital information, and you're a fool if you think I won't
run to Weaslette as soon as we're done talking... I will, after what you did to me."

Draco frowns when Potter continues to watch, not a bit panicked. Draco pulls out the paper
from his pocket, and he gasps when it self-combusts.

Potter finally looks up and smiles. "Where?" Potter pats the space beside him. Draco rolls his
eyes and crosses his arms, standing his ground. "Come here, you're already here. I know you
want to hear what I have to say." Draco begrudgingly sits beside Potter and puts a distance
between them.

Potter turns off the telly. "And to answer your question, no, I do not bring anyone here, just
my future mistress."

Draco grits his teeth. "You wish."

"Malfoy, enough of this attitude. You're here. You waited like I asked you to."

"I'm only curious."

"Well, curiosity is better than nothing. You're interested."

"Curious. It's different from being interested."

"If you want to keep this act, fine, I'll enjoy it more once I broke you," Potter's hand raises
and he tries to reach for Draco's chin, but he turns his face to the side before Potter could
touch him. Potter only smiles. "What did you tell your wife?"

The reminder of his wife exacerbates his guilt. He shouldn't be here. He should've thrown the
parchment away. "What Astoria and I talked about is nothing of your concern."

"If you want to know, I told Ginny I have a meeting with the Minister."

"You're an asshole of a husband."

Potter raises an eyebrow, and Draco knows he wants to say, 'Pot, Kettle', but he doesn't. "I'm
not lying. I didn't say who. I'm talking about the future minister, actually."

That gets Draco's attention. Is Potter saying what he's thinking? "What do you mean?"

"Aren't you the second smartest in our batch? Surely you know what I'm trying to insinuate."

"I don't want to assume Potter, so get straight to the point."

"I want to help you, Draco. I want you to be our Minister," Potter softly smiles. "You're right,
there's no one more deserving of the job than you. I've known you for years, and I know
Lucius prepared you right for that job, and I've told you, I've been informed of your work in

"Oh? After what you did, I'm not sure I can trust you anymore, Potter. With your changed
personality, I'm assuming your advertisement will not be for free."

"No, it's not."

"What? Do you want to fuck me? Right here? Right now?" Draco scoffs and rolls his eyes
when Potter's eyes widen a little, and Draco can only assume it's shock on his face. "You're
not exactly subtle about this newfound attraction to me, and Merlin knows I abhor it."

"Will you let me fuck you if I say that's my condition?"

Draco should be able to tell him no do. The Minister position should weigh less than his
family, than his wife—but Draco just stares at Potter.

"That's not what I want, Malfoy. Here's my condition, I'll do everything I want to do to you,
you have the same liberty to do anything you want to me, if you made me come first, you
have my vote and everyone's vote, but if I make you come first, we'll continue every time I
tell us to until my condition is met."

"Wha-" Draco sneers and looks at Potter as if he's seeing him for the first time. "What kind of
fucked up— why do you think I'm going to agree to such a disgusting condition?"

"You're not saying no."

Draco blinks when Potter is suddenly an inch before his face, and Draco unmistakenly closes
his eyes when Potter claims his lips.

Draco almost cries when it's Potter who backs away. Potter has a smile on his face. "You have
a week to decide, Draco."

Potter picks up his hand and softly kisses the back of Draco's hand. "The decision is all

Potter turns his hand and puts another blank piece of parchment in his palm. "Next week, a
new address is going to appear, part of this place's charm. I want you here, not a minute later.
If you're not here after a minute, the ward will not let you come in and I'm not going to bother
you again. But if you come here, I will not hear anything from you, I'm going to fuck you
whether you changed your mind in the middle, so," Potter smiles like a predator. "Decide
Chapter Notes

Draco is a pillow queen, cannon. Either he's a power bottom or a pillow queen, for
Harry James Potter, cannon. I just can't believe Draco, spoiled, whiny, and rich af Draco,
will lift a finger to satisfy a GIRL? Also, he's too pretty to be straight. Also, he's too
pretty to be a top. Actually, I was very hesitant to read Drarry because I was scared (yep,
scared is the right term) that all I'll see is Draco being this dom alpha and Harry being a
femboy (my boggart, because wdym?! Harry will never doll up for anyone, man does
not have the time to fix his hair or his penmanship and he has no fashion sense!) omega
(I mean, in films, Draco is taller and Dan is such a charming boy so I understand and tall
people = top also mind yo own business also to each of their own) BUT I CANNOT
JUST SEE IT, YOU KNOW. I CANNOT. It doesn't make sense, at least to me, but
maybe that's why I'm a top!harry truther and bottom!draco truther. Lmao it doesn't have
to be serious but I am.

Also, I just learned that a penis can get locked inside an ass, hm, now what do I do with
that information? Okay but imagine, Drarry, in a secret relationship getting locked
fucking funny man. One way to reveal their relationship. Madame Pomfrey's reason of
early retirement right there. Pansy and Blaise laughing in the background. Ron terribly
horrified. And Hermione shaking her head. Bonus point: Snape is alive and it's him who
got them unlocked HAHAHA.

added tags: gagging (like, for real), feminine terms for draco's genitalia

Draco is always reminded of his talk with Potter whenever his hand gets a feel of that
unmistakable roughness of the parchment. Ironically, the weightless parchment feels so heavy
in his pocket that sometimes he has the urge to leave it at the Manor but he can't—he doesn't
want to.

He doesn't know the reason as well, but definitely not because he's afraid Astoria will find the
blank parchment and throw it away, thinking it's useless. Definitely not.
Potter gave him a week. Draco is not sure whether a week is too long or too short to decide,
but whenever he compares the benefit and the cost of Potter's offer to ultimately come up
with a decision—and that's all he's been doing lately the whole day—he feels like heaving.
His heart thunders, threatening to pound its way out of its cage. He wants to press skip in his
life and live at the time when someone has already decided things for him. He wants
someone to decide for him because he's a coward—he doesn't want to be the one to bear the
consequence or the one to be held accountable.

He realizes he can't decide on something as major as this because, since he was young, he
was stripped of the right to decide on all major events in his life. He followed his parents'
wishes and bowed down to the Dark Lord because it's what his father decided was the best
thing for their family, and when his parents were gone to direct his life, he always had Astoria
to ask, but obviously, he cannot ask Astoria something like this.

He's all alone to decide on this matter.

Most days, he's sane enough to know that he should not accept the Head Auror's offer, for
there's only one benefit he can get from Potter's offer, he'll be the Minister for sure compared
to the long list of adverse effects. Astoria, of course, will be brokenhearted, and even if they
miraculously move on, their relationship will never be the same. Scorpius, his lovely son,
will never look at him the same way again, and Draco's sure he can never face Scorpous
again. He can't be a father to Scorpius if he decides to do something as salacious as hooking
up with a married man.

Another is that if it all gets out in the open, the wizarding world will never trust him, they
will never respect him again, and his being the Minister will be useless. And Ginny, Ginny
Potter will have his head if the Weasley family hasn't killed him yet. And what about Potter's

All the things he worked hard for will be gone. All those years he spent rebuilding his
reputation will be nothing.

The choice is obvious—a dead giveaway for someone who had a hard life—so why is this
hard for him?
It's easy. He can burn the parchment, move on, and never look back, but he can't. He can't.
He's not sure if he wants to.

Why does this piece of parchment have so much power over him? Why does Potter?

A week passed, and the day Draco dreads finally came. He needs to decide.

Like Potter said, a new address did appear on the parchment. Draco came home early and sat
in front of the fireplace, waiting for Potter's new address. Astoria is with her family.

1 minute. That's all he has. The ticking of their grandfather's clock is loud against his ears.
Every second counts. The more it ticks, the farther he is from Potter, from being a Minister,
and from trying to destroy his own life.

30 seconds after, Draco stands up and grabs some floo powder.

He doesn't have the time to gasp or make any sound when he feels a forceful push from the
side, and the only thing he sees is Potter's head moving, his lips insistent on Draco's.

"Potter-" Draco finally gasps when the man pulls back.

"No, none of this 'Potter no', 'Potter, stop'. What did I tell you? I don't want to hear anything
from you because you already decided and this is your decision. Now face it. Just enjoy this."

Potter leans in again, his lips move with the same intensity as earlier. The only difference is
that this time, Draco closes his eyes and slowly kisses back.
He wants to be a Minister for his family and for the whole wizarding world, he tells himself.
The wizarding world needs him away from the people whose only focus is self-interest. And
if this is the sacrifice he needs to make, he'll make it.

Potter has a smirk on his face when he pushes himself away from Draco. Then, he grasps
Draco's wrist and pulls him away, stopping near the couch.

"Potter, your room-"

Potter chuckles and pushes him onto the couch until Draco is lying there. Potter immediately
settles on top of him, his lips quick to attach to Draco's neck. "No, rooms are for couples."

"But- "

"Are you expecting me to make love to you, Malfoy?" No. But Draco deserves a room rather
than spending his first time on a couch that can barely hold him and Potter. "I fuck and I ruin.
I will ruin you, Draco Malfoy, and I will fucking enjoy every second of it. I will make sure
that in the end of this, you don't have any control left in you, and you will just have to depend
on and submit to me. I will not stop until I'm the only one in your system."

Potter is so full of himself that it makes Draco want to laugh at his face. Ruin? Draco is
already ruined and only put back into pieces by Astoria and Scorpius, and Potter will never
be the one to cause his undoing.

Draco stares at Potter, his defiant stare unyielding. "You make me laugh, Potter. You will
never have me like that."

"When we're finally there at that time, I'm going to remind you of this time, and you're going
to laugh at your stupidity."

Then Potter, the uncivilized man that he is, begins tearing Draco's shirt. Suddenly, the man
stops and stares. Draco realizes Potter is staring at the scars he left when he cursed Draco the
Sectusempra back in their 6th year. Draco has the urge to cover himself, shame filling him,
but his shirt is torn into pieces, and Potter has his hands raised to his head.

"It marked."

If Potter was still the sane man Draco knew, Potter would surely be guilty, seeing the proof of
what he did; he'd profusely apologize for sure and would not stop until Draco hexed him.

But Potter has changed.

So, Draco's not shocked anymore when the man before him smirks, his eyes shining with
pride, he sees the scars on Draco as his masterpiece. "See, I marked you, you're mine,

Without waiting for his response, Potter latches onto his nipples, sucking each one in his
mouth. Draco quickly bites his finger to stop any unwanted whine, he doesn't want Potter to
think that he likes this. And maybe, if Potter thinks he's a bore, the man will lose his
attraction towards Draco, so he wants to be as passive as he can be.

It feels weird to be the receiver of something as intimate as this, something Draco only does
to his wife, something Draco only shared with his wife since he never got the chance to sleep
around during Hogwarts.

Draco closes his eyes and imagines that it's his wife doing this to him, as Astoria did once
when they were feeling more risqué. But he can't fool himself because Potter is different; he's
filthy as he groans while Potter continues to suckle on Draco's nubs—his lips perfectly
wrapped around them, and they're rough. Draco feels as if he has tits for milking.

Draco will not deny that it feels good. No, it feels really, really, good, and his hardening prick
seems to agree too. But he doesn't want to give up just yet, so the blonde turns to cover his
mouth when Potter begins to ground his hips onto him, the Head Auror's semi-hard cock
deliciously creating friction against his tented trousers. Draco swallows every whine and
The blonde finally uncovers his mouth when Potter lets go of his nipples with a satisfied
smile. Draco looks down, and his nipples are so red, puffy, and still tingling. Draco whines,
unprepared, when Potter flicks his overstimulated nipples.

"You're so sensitive."

Draco rolls his eyes. "I'm sensitive because you just sucked them," he mumbles the last
words, shame filling his cheeks at the reminder of what he let Potter do to him.

"And I thoroughly enjoyed it."

Draco watches as Potter drops soft kisses on each of his reddened nipples. His stomach
lurches, and Draco doesn't know what to make of it. Fortunately—or rather, unfortunately—
Potter's wandering mouth settles on Draco's scars, the pad of his tongue licking every scar he

It makes Draco uncomfortable. He remembers the first time Astoria saw it. Draco, insecure
about his scars, took a long time to remove his shirt in front of her, but Astoria was patient,
and when he finally did, he told her everything—how Potter came in when he was crying,
seeing Potter stand before him while the boy watched him bleed to death, and how scared he
was to die even when he was ready to give up at that point.

Astoria, his sweet wife, took her time to listen and comfort him. It was a precious moment for
the both of them.

But with Potter, it's different, because it was the same man who put it on him, and the man
views it as his claim on him. It disgusts Draco.

Draco pushes Potter's head further downward to make him stop licking Draco's scars. Potter
smirks. "Well, someone's eager."
Yeah. Eager to finish this.

Draco takes a deep breath when Potter slowly removes his trousers and pants. He moves his
head to the side; the more he sees of Potter, the more he regrets going here. Draco is not like
this. He's changed. He's moved on from his sinful past. He has a family. He loves Astoria and

Draco quickly looks back at Potter when he feels the man's teeth grazing his thighs. "Potter,
do not leave any mark."

"We didn't talk about not leaving any marks."

Draco watches, helpless, as Potter goes back to sucking and leaving bruises on his thighs.
Draco squeaks when Potter's teeth clamp on an unblemished spot of his thigh.


Draco's back arches when he feels warm, tight heat suddenly wrapping around his prick, and
one quick look downwards lets him see a dark-haired man bobbing his head. He should've
known Potter was trying to surprise him and emit some reactions from him, and he succeeds
because Draco is gasping as his hand claws the backrest of the couch while the other holds
onto Potter's head, confused about whether to push the man's head or pull him away.

But Potter makes the decision for him when he hollows his cheeks and starts sucking his soul
through his prick. Draco chokes, his eyes getting a bit cross-eyed, and he can't help but push
Potter's head while he pushes more of his prick into the head auror's mouth, wanting more of
Potter's warmth around his cock.

Draco whines when Potter pulls away, pulling Draco's hand from his head. "Never felt this
with your wife?" Potter's voice sounds rough, and Draco would have laughed and mocked
him if he were not guilty about this arrangement.
"Shut up! Ah!"

Draco squeezes Potter's hand, his claw scratching the man's palm, leaving marks of indents
for sure when the man goes back to sucking his cock.

Of course, Draco had never felt something like this with Astoria. With his wife, they make
love; it's more of comfort, slow intimacy, and passion—not this. It's only with Potter that he
feels this intensity, as if Draco's soul is being sucked out.

"Potter!" Draco cries when the Head Auror suckles on his bollocks. Never felt this with
Astoria, indeed.

It's only been a minute or two when the blonde feels the telltale sign of him cumming in the
pits of his stomach. His legs hooked on Potter's shoulders begin to tremble, and his toes start
to curl, but then Potter pulls away. Draco holds himself back from whining.

The man topples him. "You know, something tells me you want this arrangement to happen
again and again, why, you're not making any effort to make me cum, you still remember our
deal, right? Make me cum first, darling, and you'll be the Minister," Potter smirks. "Or
maybe, you're just a pillow queen,"

Pillow queen? Draco does not know what that means, but it's probably insulting.

"Tell me, does your wife always do the work?" So, it is insulting.

Challenged, Draco pounces on Potter, and yes, maybe he's an idiot to take Potter's obvious
bait. He only realizes it, though, when Potter pushes him down and Draco is suddenly faced
by Potter's tented trousers. Draco blinks when Potter helps him pull his trousers down, and
Potter's cock hits Draco right in the face.

Draco gulps as nervousness rattles him. Potter is big—no, he's so massive that it looks almost
impossible, not only is his length massive, but his girth is also massive. He looks up and
frowns when he sees Potter with a smirk on his face.

"Have you never seen a man this size?"

"Well, I don't make a habit of oggling pricks. I'm not like you."

Potter doesn't respond and simply pushes his prick onto Draco, hitting his nose and lips.
Draco frowns. "Potter, can you not push your prick on my face?!"

Potter chuckles. "I'm going to miss this attitude of yours when I finally break you, but now,
get to sucking."

Draco takes a deep breath. With a glare at the man, Draco slowly licks Potter's head.

"What does it taste like?"

Draco flips Potter a finger. Fucking bastard! Well, it doesn't taste anything, but it doesn't feel
weird either.

"I'm not going to come with you just staring at me, baby."

Better finish this faster then.

Draco holds onto Potter's prick again and continues to lick the underside, tracing his
protruding veins, but Potter makes a show of loudly yawning. So Draco, albeit hesitant,
wraps his lips around Potter's head, not daring to push his head further than he thinks he can.
But, curiosity gets the better of him, so he tries to take a little inch at the same time Potter
pushes his head.
Draco immediately gags. He quickly pulls away and goes running to the kitchen, heaving in
the sink. Draco coughs and quickly washes away the bitter taste left in his mouth. He grips
the sink, lets his head hang limply, and thinks to himself—what the fuck is he doing here?
What the fuck did he do?

The blonde flinches when he feels Potter's presence right behind him, his thick arms wrapped
around Draco's waist, and his bare cock hard against Draco's ass. Fuck. Draco's still naked.
"It's fine, darling. Ginny had the same reaction, but in time, we're going to practice your
mouth until you can suck the entirety of my cock."

It's nice of Potter to talk about his wife like it's nothing before he's about to shag a married
man, but Draco has stopped questioning Potter's sanity at this point.

Draco glares at the man. "Fuck off—hey!"

Potter surprises him by carrying him bridal style and throwing him on the couch. Potter then
stands before him and signals for him to continue his ministration earlier. Draco follows, but
he's more cautious.

"Right, this isn't going to make me come," Potter stops his head and crouches down to stare
at him. "But you know what will?" Potter smiles. "Your pussy."

Draco slaps Potter. "Never disrespect me like that again."

Potter smirks. "You're right, it's too early."

"Too ear-"

Potter cuts Draco off by roughly pushing him onto the armrest of the couch, and his mouth
begins to attack Draco's again. Draco tries to kiss back as much as he can, but he can never
be on par with Potter's intensity. Then, Draco gasps and his eyes widen when he suddenly
feels a lubrication charm inside his hole. It weirds him out that it doesn't feel out of place
inside him, but rather, it feels cold.

Then, Draco feels Potter's forefingers rubbing his twitching hole, so he immediately separates
from Potter's lips and grabs his wrist, wanting to stop him from entering Draco.

"Potter- no- ah!"

But it's too late; Potter has already inserted his fingers inside Draco. It feels thick, and it
should be odd since this is the first time something has entered Draco, but it's not.

"Fuck! N- oh Salazar!"

Potter starts to move his fingers in and out, and Draco uselessly lets the man be. He even
whines when Potter rubs something inside him, something he hasn't felt until now. Seeing
this, Potter continues to rub on the same spot that has Draco mewling. His back arches, and in
a moment of weakness, his hands loosen from holding Potter's wrist. He's not denying Potter
anything, and in the periphery of his mind, he knows he should, but he can't, he doesn't know
how to, and he doesn't even know if he wants it.

Draco sobs, actually sobs, with actual tears running down his face when Potter inserts another
finger in him, and then his movements are faster than Draco can take. It feels so
overwhelming! Draco's grip moves onto Potter's bicep, his sharp nails burying themselves in
Potter's skin and creating angry scratches in the dark-skinned man's arm.

Potter doesn't stop. He only continues to finger the blonde, maintaining the quick pace with
an amused smile on his face, and Draco's hole just keeps on taking and taking, his body
flinching every time Potter's fingers dig dipper inside him.

The blonde bites his lower lip whenever he feels Potter putting more lube inside him, and
because Potter's fingers are still fucking him as quick as they can, the lube inside him gushes
into Potter's hand.
Potter smiles. "Look at that cunt squirting, baby."

Draco wants to deny it, obviously, it's not because of that. It's Potter's doing, which is why
he's 'squirting'. Draco wants to be mad at Potter for his emasculating words, but there's
nothing running through his mind but Potter's thick fingers.

"Pott—ha! Ah! Yes!"

Draco whines when Potter suddenly stops.

"Work on those fingers, baby, ride on them," Potter doesn't have to tell him anything anymore
because Draco's hole is chasing after Potter's fingers. Draco kneels on the couch and rides
Potter's fingers, pulling Potter to a kiss.

"Shit, if I only knew fingering you was going to make you crazy, I'd have fingered you

Draco is about to come. He can feel it. It's near. Then Potter caresses his cock and flicks his
wrist, and Draco is coming.

"Merlin— fuck! Potter!"

Draco's body furiously trembles while he shoots his jizz onto Potter's arm, and Draco has to
wrap his arms around Potter's neck for some balance, but in the end, Draco falls onto Potter's
arm. Draco pants hard as he tries to regain his consciousness, but his body grinds onto Potter,
and Potter's fingers are still lodged inside him, idly moving.

Potter won.

Draco's eyes flutter when he feels Potter's warm lips placing open-mouthed kisses on his
equally flushed skin. "We're not yet done, baby."
"I already came."

"No one said anything about not continuing this."

Potter answers him by pushing him on the couch and spreading his legs. Potter hooks his legs
on the couch's backrest.

Draco's consciousness returns to him, almost knocking him out, when he sees Potter's cock
all lubed up and ready to pound him.

"It's not going to fit, Potter."

Potter moves closer, the head of his cock rubbing against Draco's swollen rim. Potter bites
Draco's earlobe. "We'll make it fit, baby."


When Draco remembers this specific moment later, he'll want to bash his head on the wall
because why the fuck does he let Potter push him and fuck into him just because the dark-
haired man wants to? But at this moment, Draco takes a deep breath to relax because Potter
tells him to, and he watches as Potter's cock slowly tunnels through his quivering inside.

Draco's body further tenses and tightly closes around Potter's cock, half nestled inside Draco,
locking him in place.

Potter groans, his face twitching in pain and discomfort, and Draco would've laughed at him
if he wasn't feeling the same thing. Potter's monstrous cock is making him anxious; he feels
like Potter will rip him in two or cause him lacerations.
Potter picks up his leg and drops open-mouthed kisses on his leg down to his ankle while his
other finger settles on Draco's waist, caressing him. "Relax, baby, I got you."

Draco nods and tries to breathe again, but he can't, and Potter has to engage him in a makeout
just to coax him to finally relax.

"Fuck, Daddy's finally home."

Draco gasps, and his eyes roll at the back when Potter finally bottoms out inside him. The
blonde settles his legs around Potter's waist. "Don't move yet."

Tears unintentionally fall from his eyes.

"I won't."

Potter's really big. Draco feels so full, he feels so stretched. Potter's thick fingers pale in
comparison. The ex-Slytherin does not know how many minutes have passed, but he does
know that Potter does not stop leaving soft kisses on his face and wiping his tears away—
until Draco is nodding and Potter begins to move.


Potter starts off slow, his body waving and grinding on top of the blonde, careful not to
accidentally pull out. Draco, on the other hand, tries to relax his mind and body as he rides
the waves of pain. Guilt and regrets are at the back of his mind right now. At the forefront of
his mind is the desire to make this as painless as possible.

After a few minutes, Draco feels less pain. Maybe Potter's fiery kisses have aroused him so
much, or maybe his body has become accustomed to Potter's dick moving in and out of him.
Draco doesn't know as well, but it puts his body at ease.
Upon seeing him twitching for different reasons, Potter's thrusting turns faster, and Draco
finds out that this pace works well for him when a sliver of pleasure overtakes the pain. His
limp dick starts to harden.

"Potter! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Draco should be ashamed that he's reduced to monosyllabic grunts, but Potter's massive cock
is driving him crazy—dumb. It feels so good! Draco throws his head back when Potter folds
him until his knees are tightly pressed against his chest. The position makes it possible for
Potter's cock to drive deeper inside him.

"Potter! Fucking hell!"

Draco trembles and moans when Potter makes a sharp twist of his hips and hits something
that has Draco gasping for breath. Unshed tears mixed with sweat dripping from him begins
to sting his eyes.

Potter is no different than Draco. He too is loudly grunting as his thrusts turn rougher until
their skins loudly slapping each other are as loud as their shared moans, Potter's nutsacks are
heavy against Draco's skin.

Draco pants against Potter's lips, his teeth trapping Potter's lower bottom lip, and biting them,
when the man makes another particular hard thrust that has Draco seeing stars.

Then, Potter suddenly stops. Draco whines at him.

"Come here, baby. Hold on tight to me."

Draco nods at Potter, his head clouded with lust, and wraps his arms around him.
Potter stands, carrying Draco up with him, and with Potter's hands gripped onto his thighs, he
spreads Draco's legs until he's free to move, and he begins fucking Draco while standing.
Draco holds on tight to Potter's shoulders when the man's pace turns faster. Draco's body
trembles, he can't think of anything anymore beyond Potter's dick deliciously fucking into

"You love this position, yeah?"

"Yeah! Yes!"

Draco squeals when Potter delivers a loud smack on his arsecheek before pulling his head
down for a kiss. Draco supposes Potter's cock isn't as buried inside him as it was when they
were lying down on the couch, but there's something so good about being fucked almost 3
feet from the floor while gripping onto Potter's muscular body.

Potter smiles at him. "Bounce on that cock, baby, fuck my cock."

Draco nods and does as he was told—he begins jumping onto Potter's cock while the man
meets his eager thrusts.

"Fuck! Fuck yes!"

When Potter's movement turns erratic and messy, Draco knows the man is close to reaching
his peak because he feels the same.

Potter suddenly throws him on the couch, but Draco pulls him back to him. Draco's legs
buckle and his toes curl in delight, but he forces them to tighten themselves around Potter's
waist to hug the man tighter and closer to him while Potter's body trembles on top of him, his
cock pulsating inside Draco as he spills his cum inside Draco's gaping hole. Draco cums on
Potter's body.
Draco whines when Potter still continues to move desperately against him, wanting to ride
his orgasm. Draco shakes under him, his body twisting and flinching from overstimulation.
"Fuck, fuck! Fuck! Potter!"

"Fuck, that's hot!"

Potter finally pulls away from him after a peck on the lips.

After a few minutes of heavy breathing, exhilaration slowly leaves Draco's mind, and his
smart reasoning returns to him, full-blown. Draco looks down and sees Potter's cum spurting
from his hole.

Suddenly, Draco feels warm tears when realizations of what he just did, of what he just let
someone do, someone who's not his wife, come to him. Beside him, Potter is zipping up his

Draco mistakenly sobs.

"Oh baby, but why are you crying-"

Draco slaps Potter's hand away as more tears stream down his face. "Shut up, Potter! Don't
touch me!" Draco sobs. He roughly wipes his tears away, but they just keep on falling.

"Don't touch you?" Potter laughs while Draco weeps at how his life has become. "I already
did, I did more than touching you. I just fucked you within an inch of your life and you loved
it and that's why you're crying. You rode my cock just a while ago, you were bouncing on it.
You moaned like a whore while I fingered you. Hell, you can't even let go of me while I cum,
you wanted to make sure that I spill all my cum inside you, wanted to make you get knocked
up like a bitch. So what's this? Why the fuck are you crying now?"

Potter tilts his head and gives Draco a mocking smile. "Are you guilty that you loved it? Or
did you finally realize what I already know? That at the end of all this, you will be begging
me for more. Do not fight the feeling, Draco, baby, come here—"

"I said, don't touch me!" Draco slaps Potter.

"Shit." Potter glares at him, caressing the red hand mark Draco puts on his face.

Draco gasps, and his tears immediately stop when Potter tightly grabs his cheeks with just his

"I gave you all the possible exits and I gave you a long time to decide; you went here in your
own accord; now don't go talking to me like that as if I forced you. You loved it, Malfoy, you
came twice, you were shaking, fucking chasing me earlier. Be honest to yourself, Malfoy,
you're a slut, you're an exclusive Harry Potter slut, that's what you are. The sooner you accept
that, the sooner your life will be easy, believe me."

Potter smiles, and Draco almost gets a whiplash at how quick Potter changes his reaction.
"But I'm not as cruel as your previous dark lord," suddenly, a piece of blank parchment
comes flying in his hand. "I'm giving you another 3 days, no more, no less, a new address
will appear."

Draco closes his eyes when Potter licks the tracks of tears on his face.

"Cry for more, honey. No one's going to hear you, and I will see you in 3 days."

Draco goes straight to the master bedroom's shower room as soon as he floos home. Draco
stands under the cold shower with only his pants on. He looks at the marks on his thighs that
Potter left him—at the reminder of his illicit affair, of his betrayal of his beautiful, loyal wife,
of his destroying their family—and he screams in frustration and anger at himself.
"No, no, no, no," Draco sobs and furiously rubs on the marks Potter left him. He can simply
remove them with magic, yes, but he can't lift a finger to remove them. "Fuck! You're so
stupid!" He slowly slides onto the floor. He hugs his knees to his chest, buries his face on his
knees, and cries his heart out.

He cries because Potter's right, he did all those things, and he can remember them vividly. It
was all him, whining and moaning like a fucking slut at Potter. It was him. He liked it—loved
it even—it's so much different with Astoria.

With Astoria, it's always been comfort and sharing a passion of the heat until their hearts
rhythmically beat as one, but with Potter, it's different because he brings filthy sex that has
Draco screaming, whining, and trembling under him and Draco should give up that. It's not

He should. Potter is not good for him. Potter makes him high on sex, the man gives him a
different outlook on sex, and he explores Draco's body as if he owns it. Potter transforms him
into a fiend, and he should stop before he gets addicted with no point of return.

He knows, but it's so easy to surrender everything to Potter because he's the savior and
because he's got powers no one can reach. Draco feels protected beside Potter, and he
shouldn't be because Potter is the same monster he needs protecting from.

Astoria receives another letter.

Your pureblood husband sucked cock like a pureblood virgin, but soon, he'll be sucking and
begging for my cock like a two-knut whore in Knockturn Alley.

But I'll tell you this: he rides a cock like it's a contest.
She frowns and burns the letter without thinking twice. She assumes it's from the same
person, and no matter what their intention is, Astoria will make sure they'll never succeed.

She opens the door to the master bedroom and sees her husband sitting on their bed.


"Asti," Draco smiles at her. Astoria smiles back, his smile bringing warmth and comfort to
her. "How's your family?"

"Just the same, how about you? How's the ministry?"

"I think they're starting to like me."

Astoria chuckles. "Well, you are never hard to love."

Draco smiles at her and suddenly pulls her into a kiss.

How can her husband do that to him? It's impossible. Never Draco. They built their
relationship on trust, and that will never be destroyed by those flimsy letters.
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Potter had given him another 3 days.

Within those 3 days, Draco asks for a sign and it was given to him by his own lovely son. On
the second day, a day before Draco's supposed to meet Potter again, Scorpius sends him a

Just like any other letter he receives from Scorpius, the letter outlines all his stories about his
classes, his favourite teachers including Draco's old classmate Neville Longbottom, and his
fun adventures with his best friend, Al.

The only difference is Scorpius drops his best friend's full name.

Albus Potter. Scorpius wrote.

And as if to mock Draco or more likely, screw in his head how wrong his budding affair with
Potter is, Scorpius also wrote...

Papa! Al's dad is Harry Potter. THE Harry Potter. We were taught about him today at
History of Magic. He's THE Saviour, our teacher told us how he fought Voldemort and that
he was so brave and powerful! Al said you were the same age with him. Maybe you shared a
class with him or saw him at Hogwarts? Do you personally know him, Papa? Maybe I can
talk to him? Maybe? I just want to ask him about his adventures with his best friends. I want
to know how he managed to come back to life. It's also okay if I can't talk to him...

Draco grips the paper in his hand.

While living in France, Draco and Astoria tried to stir Scorpius away from London's
Wizarding World's issues and history as much as possible. And even when Potter is
internationally known for stopping a war, France isn't that obsessed with him. Potter doesn't
graze their news papers all the time.

So, Scorpius didn't have any idea about Potter, the Saviour, or anything about the war but
now that he does, as expected, he's curious, and he wants to meet the man he thought was a
"Saviour". Draco had to laugh. Draco will make sure that will never happen because if
Scorpius happens to talk to that right prat, and Potter will of course manipulate his son to like
him, Scorpius will just obsess over him and Draco will have a hard time getting rid of Potter.

Draco has only realized how entangled their lives are. If this blows up at their faces and
Draco knows it will, not only their relationship with each of their wives will be damaged,
Scorpius and his innocent relationship with his best friend Albus Potter will be good as dead.


He will meet Potter again tomorrow. He's finally decided. But not for the reason Potter
expects him to do. It's only to shame Potter and guilt him, Draco tells himself.

Enough is enough.

If Potter has become insane, then, Draco will be the sane one to remind them both of their

Draco doesn't wait for one second. As soon as the new address appears on the parchment,
Draco floos at Potter's secret house.

Unlike the last time, Potter's already waiting for him in front of the floo. He has a wide smile
on his face. He looks smug. He's very confident that Draco will come to him again.
Draco sees Potter stepping in his space and leaning in, obviously to attack Draco again and
pull him in whatever nasty carnal plans he has for today.


But before that happens, Draco puts up a shield between them. "Aren't you ashamed of

Draco suddenly feels empowered. He finally gets the better of Potter.

Even for a second. Because Potter quickly recovers and his smug smile returns to his face.
Draco doesn't know if that's his way of masking what he truly feels or Potter knows
something Draco doesn't that makes him act smug.

Potter, fortunately, remains his distance from Draco even when they both know Potter doesn't
have any problem breaking Draco's shield into smithereens or forcing himself onto Draco
once again. "What's this again, baby? Aren't you tired of playing hard to get? We both know
what happened the last time. Must I remind you how well you rode-"

"Albus Potter," Draco cuts Potter off. He doesn't want to be reminded from Potter of what
happened last time. His brain does that job already.

That gets a reaction from Potter. If only a little. He tilts his head. "That's my son, what about

"Did you know that he's my son's best friend?"

"Scorpius?" Potter asks. At least he's aware of what's going on with his children. He's not
some deadbeat dad. "That's your son. I should've known you're his father with that posh
name. Only you would-"
"You don't get it, Potter!"

"Get what?"

"Them! Our sons! They're best friends!"

Potter looks genuinely confused and it's frustrating Draco so much. He's not looking at the
bigger picture. All he does is follow his prick. "So you said. So what? Isn't that good?"

"Good?! No! That is a disaster!"

"I'm not following. I think it's good that they are best friends now so they won't have a hard
time adjusting if we settled together-"

"Stop! STOP YOUR NONSENSE POTTER!" Potter finally stops babbling about Scorpius
and his son's relationship.

Draco scoffs. "Settle together?! What the fuck are you on about? Do you honestly think I will
leave my wife for you?"

"It's only a matter of time, Malfoy. I saw how delirious you were while your tight cunt sucks
my fat cock. Can't let it go. So I'm sure you won't be able to fuck-"

"We made love as soon as I got home that day."

Potter smirks, not a bit concerned. "With your hips still aching and your bollocks drained?
Maybe I haven't fucked you enough. I haven't ruined you yet-"
Draco cancels the shield to grab Potter by his collar. "Have you got no shame?" Draco feels
so angered right now. For their families.

"Scorpius and Albus. They are best friends. How do you think they would react if they knew
their fathers whom they idolized are fucking behind their backs?! Do you honestly think they
would be able to look at each other's eyes?! No! This will ruin them."

With Potter still quiet, Draco gets the chance to say whatever he wants to say. "How would
you think our families will recover from this? Potter, you're not thinking. We're both not
thinking," Draco should be accountable as well. He did lov—let what they did. "This is
stupidity," Draco shakes his head. "This is beyond that. Potter, our families are both precious.
You're an orphan, you of all people, should know that. Do you think this is all worth in the
end? You're risking everything, and for what? To have the chance to fuck your bully? Potter,
how can you even be attracted to me? Are you forgetting who I was? Who I am? I am Draco
Malfoy, the bully who always reminded you of your blood status and the death of your

Draco hates being reminded of his past. Especially when he was a bully back in Hogwarts.
He regretted everything but if that's the only way to make Potter see reasons, then so be it.
He's ready to open every traumatic event in his life just so Potter will finally stop this.

"I am the bully who loathed your best mate, the brother of your wife, because of their
financial state, the one who made his life a living hell. I am the bully who called your friend a
mu-" Draco bites his lower lip. He can't say it now. Potter smiles at him. Draco continues.
"Those slurs because of her blood status. I'm a Death Eater, the reason why my fellows got in
Hogwarts. The reason why Dumbledore got killed-"

"He deserved it."

Breath leaves Draco. His grip on Potter's collar loosens. "Wha- what are you saying? It's
Dumbledore- the old man who always favoured you, your mentor-"

"The man who left me and did nothing while I got abused by my own relatives."
Draco takes a step back. "Potter-"

"I know you see me as a devil incarnate now, Malfoy, but I'm telling the truth. That old fuck
did nothing while I got starved and got treated as a slave all because he thought it was good
to let me stay with my so-called relatives for blood protection," Potter sneered. "So yes, he
deserved what he got."

He believes Potter.

Still feeling guilty for all the things he did to Potter back in Hogwarts especially when he's
reminded how he mocked Potter for his underfed stature when he was indeed underfed,
Draco hasn't realized that Potter is already cupping his cheeks, the man's face a few inches
away from Draco's.

"You're right, baby. You were once Draco Malfoy, the bully who once made my life a living
hell. And I was once Harry Potter, the underfed abused boy who loathed you, but we're so
much different today, especially you," Potter drops his voice and he sounds sultry... hypnotic.
"You are a thing of beauty Draco Malfoy,"

Draco won't deny that that makes his heart beat a little faster. He subtly bites his lower lip. He
hasn't received such compliment.

"You're fascinating, enthralling... and with this changed personality, you are more than
enough to make men go crazy, you are exactly the reason why men would want to start a

Draco closes his eyes when he feels Potter's breath ghosting against his flushed skin. He lets
Potter skim his lips on his face.

"I know I will start a war for you, just say the word, honey."
Draco's eyes unintentionally flutter. He feels a pleasant warmth in his gut. He feels so
beautiful, like he's the best beautiful man currently living. He feels so... loved. And to hear
such words coming from someone like Potter, someone whom he knows is very much
capable of making his words a reality–of starting a war—feels addicting.

"And I find it disappointing to see your beauty getting wasted on Astoria..."

Luckily, before Draco could let Potter's addicting words get into his head, Potter mentioned
his wife's name and Draco realizes why he went here in the first place. He needs to stop this
before it gets worse.

Draco moves his head to the side before Potter's lips could kiss him. "Think about our
families, Potter."

Potter snorts. Draco feels Potter's burning stare at him but Draco does not dare look at him.

"Fine," Potter finally steps back. "Fine. You did it, Malfoy. You got what you wanted. I feel
guilty now. Leave."

Draco looks at Potter and nods a little. "That's good to know that you finally realize how
wrong this is. Thank you Potter. I should leave now."

Potter hums. "But like I said, once you did, this will never happen again. You will never get
the dicking you wanted. Once you left, I will never talk to you again. You can also say
goodbye to being a Ministry."

That's okay. Draco has made peace about that even before he went here. He's just not meant
to be the London's Minister of Magic. He can just tell Astoria that there's an issue about his
application. He's sure Astoria will understand why they have to go back to France all of a
sudden without pressing him for issues. His wife is very supportive like that.
Never mind that Scorpius seems like to finally be getting the hang of Hogwarts. Never mind
that he will be leaving his best friend, Albus Potter.

One of the reasons he tells himself why they need to stop this is to preserve Scorpius and
Albus' relationship, but Draco realizes, that they need to be separated whether Draco and
Potter continue their affair ot not, because the complication has already started, and it's all
Draco and Potter's fault.

This is for the better. Before the worst happens.

Draco thought it's okay.

But when Potter turns his back to him, for some reason, Draco feels disappointment. Draco
feels sad. He feels an ache in his heart. He feels tears prickling his eyes seeing Potter walking
away from him.

And before he knew it, Draco has stopped Potter from walking further away from him with
his arms around Potter's waist.

Potter's back feels warm. But after a few seconds, Draco realizes that the warmth on Potter's
back are his own tears staining Potter's shirt.

Merlin, now he's pathetically crying. Why is he crying?

"Oh honey, I thought you said you have to think of our families, then why are you stopping
me from leaving?"

Potter's voice sounds mocking and that makes Draco cry more. He feels so ashamed. He feels
sad for his family but he also can't stop following his gut-feeling. He knows he will regret it
forever if he doesn't follow it.
Draco doesn't answer Potter's question. He doesn't know how to answer him without further
embarassing himself.

When his cries have subsided and all Draco does is sniff, Potter finally turns to him, stares at
his tear-stained face, whispers "Fucking beautiful", and surprises Draco by roughly pushing
him on the wall and kissing the daylights out of him.

Draco kisses back and tries to join Potter's intense kissing but he can't. Potter's a beast. So,
after a minute, he gives up. He opens his mouth and lets Potter devour his mouth. Draco
gulps their mixed saliva forming in his mouth.


Draco squeals when Potter suddenly lifts him against the wall and begins dry humping him.
Draco's legs automatically entangle themselves around Harry's waist.

Draco's words from earlier suddenly taste bitter in his mouth but Potter's sweet lips replace
the bitterness in his tongue, that all Draco can think of is Potter.

Then, Potter, the barbarian that he is, begins tearing Draco's clothes and Draco can't do
anything but look, from the corner of his eyes, his clothes—Astoria's gifts—getting shed
from him.

Potter's clothed cock then begins to hump his swell arse.

The ex-Slytherin tighly wraps his arms around the Head Auror's neck and whines in the
man's ears when Potter's still clothed cock begins thrusting faster on his naked arse. Draco
feels melting. He feel salivating at the reminder of that big cock inside him.

Draco feels so hot. The blonde bites his lower lip. Why is this so hot? It shouldn't be. It feels
humiliating on his part that Potter is clothed and he is fully naked. Plus, he has a wife. But it's
so hot.
Draco trembles when he feels Potter's calloused finger rubbing his hole.

"We haven't even started yet, darling."


As if pitying him, Potter carries him to the couch. Of course, because they are not a couple.
Draco doesn't have the right to Potter's room.

Potter deposits him on the couch, forcing his body in an arch, with his upper body leaning on
the back rest of the couch.

"Ah!" Draco squeals and his body twitches when Potter suddenly delivers a powerful smack
on his arse.

Potter wraps his hand around Draco's neck. Draco coughs at the tightness. Potter ignores him.
"That's for trying to deny that you are my slut and for trying to make me jealous by fucking
your wife, but don't worry, I know we're only starting and you're still hard-headed, so I'll be
merciful this time. But as your punishment, this is the only prepping you'll get from me."

Before Draco could ask what Potter meant by that, Draco feels a wet muscle in his hole.
Potter is eating him out. And the man is eating him enthusiastically, complete with
enthusiastic growling and humming that makes Draco feel like he's a full-course meal.

Potter's tongue and lips are restless. His tongue twists and turns in every angle inside his hole
it can reach. It wets his rim. It wiggles inside him at an insanely fast pace. His lips suck him.
Potter spits inside him that he feels like he's dripping almost as if he's lubed as well.

Draco only whines and rubs his hole against Potter's face. It feels so good, uniquely different
from getting fucked by Potter's big cock. It's addicting in its own right.
"Ahhhhhh! Potter!"

Draco lets out a long moan and throws his head back when Potter bites his skin.

"Fucking delicious, your cunt." Potter grabs his hands from the side and placd them on his
arse. "Open them up for me. Spread your pussy lips."

Draco has no problem following Potter if that means having Potter's skillfull tongue back
inside him, fucking him.

The blonde has reached new heights of pleasure when Potter also begins to masturbate his
hard cock.

"I-I'm coming-"

Potter stops eating him out and then the man's hand returms around his neck. "Beg me to eat
your pussy."

"P-potter, please continue eating me ou-"

Potter's hand tightens around him. Draco panics and grabs Potter's hand with both his hands.
"I said, Draco Malfoy, to beg me, to eat your fucking pussy."

Draco stops following Potter. He still has some consciousness left enough to not say those
emasculating words.

"Still can't decide? That's fine," Draco's eyes widen when Potter suddenly inserts his thick
fingers and then the man is fucking Draco's mouth with his his thick fingers. "Once I pull my
fingers out, you're going to beg me to eat your pussy or we'll stop this."
Draco doesn't want to stop. Not when he's about to come.

"You only have 5 seconds... Five... Four... Three... Two..."

Potter accentuates his count down by burying his fingers in Draco's mouth possibly more
until Draco's gagging around his digits.


Potter slowly drags his fingers away from Draco's mouth.

Draco stares at Potter. Draco swallows his pride. "Potter, please, eat my pussy."

Potter smiles and Draco blushes when Potter drops a soft kiss on his forehead but the lust
comes back full force when Potter eats him out again. The delicious thrum in his gut returns
as well.

"I'm coming..." Draco takes a hold of Potter's head and pushes him deeper inside him and
then he comes on the couch. "Fuck!"

Draco drops on the couch, his body still trembling in pleasure but Potter has more idea. He
lets Potter kiss him even when Draco can taste himself on Potter's tongue and lips.

"Not yet done eating your delicious cunt, baby. Come here."

Potter lays on the floor and pulls Draco to straddle his face.
For a moment, Draco is unsure of what to do.

"Ride my face. Come on. Just like what you did to my big cock, I'm sure you still know what
to do."

Trusting what he remembers he did, Draco begins to rub his hole on Potter's mouth until he
feels Potter humming in satisfaction. Soon, Draco is moving up and down on Potter's face,
riding Potter's tongue.

Draco can only scream, "Fuck! Fuck! Faster! More!" when Potter begins fucking him on the
floor while he's on all fours and Draco can only sob in both pleasure and pain from
stimulation when Potter spreads his legs so wide while he's sitting on the couch and Potter is
hovering above him with a smug smile on his face.

He knows he will regret this later. But for now, he's going to enjoy this.

Astoria quickly hides the letter from her family and burns it but not before reading the

Your husband's pussy tastes so good!

If this continues, she may have to report whoever that is to the Aurors.

Chapter End Notes


My inbox is full of bot comments I- T-T how do I rid of them? Ig I just have to off guest
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The third time their dirty and filthy affair happened, it happened a week later. The disdainful
and most reasonable voice in his head scoffed at him—mocking him for his audacity to call it
filthy when he doesn't act out on anything to stop it—a voice that sounds like Pansy.

Pansy who's still unaware of what's happening in his life.

Anyway, it happened a week later. Potter, after their second time, with Draco still laid out on
his couch spent, breathless, stains of cum fastly drying on his flushed naked skin, and fucked
out his mind, folded a blank piece of paper and forced him to grip it with his teeth.

"Don't lose it, doll." Potter whispered at him, licking the strip of sweat.

Draco merely hummed.

Potter didn't give him a specific time anymore, so Draco held onto the paper with all his
heart, waiting with an intensely beating heart until the day Potter decided he'd want to meet
Draco again. But, when Draco felt the magic in his pocket while he's on his way to meet
someone important to get more votes to secure his spot as the Minister, he abruptly pulled the
paper, and no second later, he's flooing to his and Potter's love nest, Draco calls the place.

"Hey, baby. That's fast."

Draco, this time around, merely glared at Potter, who only chuckled and smirked at him. He
never said anything more, he's had enough of eating his words. He knows what they're doing
is wrong. He knows that, and he still feels guilty every time he looks at his wife and while
they still make love at nights, Draco just feels guilty and distracted. He no longer feels
pleased or even satisfied, at least.
Draco feels guilty knowing that he's cheating on his beautiful and supportive wife. And, he
feels guilty that it's taking him a long time before he comes, that he no longer finds his own
wife sexually pleasing, and that he even resorts to faking his own orgasm at one time,
vanishing the empty condom before Astoria notices anything.

Fortunately, Astoria's too content with their lovemaking that the moment Draco pulled out,
she's knackered and blinking sleeping at him, only placing a small kiss on Draco's lips before
succumbing to sleep. She's also too trusting of him to notice that something is wrong with her

It's not helping that he's starting to worry about the future. But what if he gets used to Potter
fucking his insides just to come? What if he doesn't get hard anymore at the mere sight of his
naked wife? She'll notice then. She'll get mad, of course, and demand that he stop seeing
Potter, and since Draco is very unlucky, she'll make sure as well that Draco will never see
Scorpius ever again.

Draco will be alone again. Sometimes, that thought makes him lie awake at night.

But he doesn't do anything to stop Potter. Especially when Potter pushes his big cock inside
Draco and the blonde is reduced to a slobbering mess. He let Potter do anything to him, even
so far as to open his mouth wide when the man told him once, and smiled at the Head Auror
when he spit in him.

He even fucked himself into Potter's cock with no lingering guilt in his head, no thought,
actually but Potter's big, fat cock hitting every angle and spot. He didn't know he did until he
heard Potter grunting out, "Yeah, fuck, that's it pretty, fuck my cock. Pound your cunt."

Draco realized that Potter wasn't thrusting into him anymore, nor was he controlling Draco's
hips but rather, Draco himself was moving and grinding against Potter's cock.

But that thought didn't make Draco stop, if anything, it made him desperate to fuck the man
until Draco's coming, when Potter made him touch his own dick by whispering, "Play with
your clit."
Draco no longer plans on stopping their affair anymore. In his head, he's playing fire with
Potter for the sake of the whole Wizarding World. He's not doing this for himself. He's being
a Saviour in his own twisted ways, he tells himself.

Yes, he knows, and he still remembers that the longer he does this, the more pain he'll give
his family, but he shoulders on, because what he's doing it's for the benefit of more people.

Isn't he still playing a hero? Astoria once told him, that during the war, Draco Malfoy played
a hero in his own way. So maybe, him doing this, is just him being a hero again.

Draco can't do anything appropriate and correct, anyway.

The thought that somehow comforts him and assuages his guilt is the fact that he's not
cheating for the sake of cheating. He's not romantically involved with Potter. He's not fooling
his wife because it's what he wants. Hell, he doesn't even like Potter, nor will he ever like the
bastard. Never.

Soon, Draco tells himself. As soon as Potter comes first and his Minister position is secured,
he will stop this, and he, being the most loyal and loving husband to his wife, will be back.

However, they met two days more the next week, when Draco realized that Potter was not
doing anything to help him. Even a little.

"Aren't you ever going to help me win the position, Potter?" Draco asks. It's Friday night.
Draco excuses himself from having dinner with Astoria, vaguely telling her about a meeting
with someone, leaving his wife alone while he lets the Head Auror fuck him.

They are now lounging on Potter's couch, done fucking, with Draco's mind finally returning
to its sound state, no longer muddled with Potter's deft fingers and fat cock.

Potter chuckles and tries to kiss him but Draco moves his head away. Potter smirks and just
wraps him in his arms. "Well I promised you, didn't I? I never back out on any promise, you
know that," Potter fixes their position until Draco's legs are on Potter's lap and the man has
him trapped against the armrest of the couch.

Potter caresses his naked legs. Draco stops himself from shivering. "Besides, we have a deal,
baby, and I'm afraid you haven't done anything to meet the side of your deal yet, nor are you
making any effort to do anything about it, so I don't think you have the right to demand
anything from me."

"I know that."

Believe Draco when he says that he actually makes an effort to make Potter come first. It's
just, Potter is... something. He's a sex maniac who's great at controlling himself.

"But I just want to be assured that I'll win the Ministry position. Besides, I've already given
you my body you asshole, it's time you do something for me. I just don't want you to do
something and it's already too late."

Potter looks at him, amused. "You don't believe me when I say that one word from me, and
you will have everyone's vote?"

"No. I know you're powerful and still influential, yes, but Potter, you can't control everyone.
I'm sure my rivals are doing everything in their power to make sure they win while I'm
here..." Draco stops, humiliated at himself, when he realizes that he's whoring himself rather
than convincing others to believe in him, in his beliefs and platforms. He's already playing a
dirty tactic, and he doesn't have the position yet.

"Making sure the great Harry Potter has your vote. With your cunt."

Draco rolls his eyes. "I just don't want everything I've done so far to go to waste. I already
sacrificed a lot for this. I can't lose."

"You talk as if you're here because you're forced."

Draco glares at Potter, because what does the man mean by that? Does he think Draco is here
of his own accord? That, if not for Potter's blinding offer, Draco would not get the chance to
kill Potter with his bare hands? "I am forced, Potter. I'm not fucking you because that's what I
want. It's only because this is what I need to do so I can be the Minister."

"Sure, baby, if that's what you believe. And if you want to see something, if that is what you
want, I'll do it," Potter gets his hand in his. "Whatever you want, baby, I'll do it for you, just
say the word."

Potter says it while staring deeply at him, and he says it with such ferocity that Draco can't
help but feel a flutter in his gut.

Touched by Potter's words, Draco sits still when he sees Potter leaning in his space to kiss
him. He only closes his eyes and lets Potter manhandle him to fuck for the third time that

Draco can only apologize and spout some bullshit about how the important person he's
talking to held him back, and because he's very important, Draco had to stay back.
Technically, Draco's not lying. Potter's someone he needs to win. Merlin, Draco notes with a
guilt, Astoria waits for him.

"Have you eaten?"

Astoria hums.

Draco sits on the bed, wincing when he feels his lower back aching. His hole unknowingly
clenches, and Draco quickly rids himself of his thoughts of Potter's cock gaping in his hole
earlier, immediately.

"I'm sorry, darling, I got caught up, and you know he's important-"
"Dray," Astoria says with a lovely smile, innocent of Draco's sins. Fuck. Draco really doesn't
deserve her. "I understand, okay? You need that. Like I told you, I'm with you all the way, I'll
be here all through your journey, I'll be here supporting you; and that's never going to change
just because you had to miss our dinner. I understand, Dray, really."

"But tell me if you need me to stop or... or if I'm doing anything wrong because I don't want
to hurt you, Asti."

You already are.

"Of course, I will. But for now, you didn't do anything wrong, so no need to apologize,
alright? I trust you and I'm with you."

Draco leans in to kiss Astoria, but he pulls back when he feels Astoria deepening the kiss.
"Let's go to sleep."

Draco ignores the hurt he sees in Astoria's eyes. "Yeah."

He doesn't think he can still come anymore. Hell, he doesn't know if his wife's naked body
can make him hard. Potter, the beast that he is, leaves him exhausted.

True to his words, Potter starts to do something, little by little, to let people know that Draco
has the great Harry Potter's vote and that is by acknowledging his presence in a public

Draco almost runs away like a lunatic when he sees Potter suddenly standing in front of him
the next day they see each other at the Ministry.
"Potter! What are you doing here?" Draco says with gritted teeth. "I'll just wait for the new
address, okay? No need to remind me."

"I know. I don't have to remind you because I know you're excitedly waiting for it," Potter
chuckles at him, and Draco feels the need to punch him. Can't he see that Draco's already
panicking? "Relax, baby-"

Merlin, Potter is such an asshole. "Potter, what the fuck?! Stop calling me baby! Someone
might hear."

"Baby, you were the one who told me that I should do something. I reckon, if people start
seeing us together, being decent and civil, they will trust you more, yeah?"

Oh, yeah, that's actually a smart plan.

"Oh." Draco blinks.

"Yeah, oh. Why are you so panicked, baby? Are you thinking of me fucking stupid your
cunt? We can, you know, let's go to my office. Are you getting wet, baby? Will you let me see
your pussy?"

Draco's eyes widen when he feels Potter's thick arm around his waist, pulling him. Draco
resists. "Potter! Are you out of your mind? Someone might see us, stop this!"

"We're not doing anything wrong, unless you want me to fuck you right here, right now."


"Head Auror Potter!" A voice says.

Draco quickly pushes Potter away from him.

They both look up and see Alfred Adamson, a Wizengamot member, one of the most
important members from what Draco hears as his words sway the majority of their decisions.

Alfred raises an eyebrow seeing him. "... and Mr. Malfoy, this is a surprise. I didn't know you
two are... acquaintances."

Before Draco could deny that, Potter put on his charming mask. "We're friends, you see,"
Potter shows this by putting an arm around his waist and pulling Draco closer to him. Draco
doesn't push him again because that will surely be an issue, and if the Prophet gets a hold of
this story, that he's being violent towards their Saviour, he can kiss his chance goodbye.

"Sure, we had that little animosity back when we were stupid schoolboys, but that's all in the
past. Actually, I was talking to Mr. Malfoy here about how they snuff out those corrupt
officials in France."

"Oh yeah!" The man perks up, eyes twinkling. "Tell us more about it."

Draco's brain scrambles to remember more information about this man. This man is known to
convict Ministry officials of corruption, it's what he's known for. This is the perfect topic to
reel him in, the news that made France an international sensation, how they snuff out corrupt
officials through a complex charm. It's not accurate, sure, but the charm can be the basis of
the investigation.

"Well, I-"

"It's actually him who leads the research team."

"I actually just suggested the idea."

Potter chuckles. "He's just being humble."

Draco's not being humble. Sure, he's part of the team, but he didn't contribute that much, just
the general idea and some information they need, but it's his colleagues who did the majority.
Draco's just a small part of it, he's not even the leader.

"I was asking him how they did it, maybe we can adapt it here. Merlin knows we need to
snuff out our own corrupt officials."

Draco wonders, will Potter be one of those corrupt officials?

"That's a great idea, Head Auror Potter! Maybe we can also modify it here, you know? We
just need to speak to our Unspeakables, I like that!"

"Maybe if Mr. Malfoy is finally our Minister, we can adopt all his great ideas here."

The man smiles. Potter is too straight-forward, but Alfred doesn't seem to mind. "That's true.
Anyway, Mr. Malfoy, may I excuse Mr. Potter for a second?"

"Of course."

Potter smiles. "Later, Malfoy." Potter cops a feel before he completely leaves him. Draco
wants to kill him.

At the end of the day, almost everyone at the Ministry knows that Draco is friends with the
great Harry Potter, and he knows that leaves his competitors panicked and desperate to talk to
Potter as well, but Draco, smugly notes, that they're too late, he's already got Potter.

Almost everyone knows except the Unspeakables. Specifically Unspeakable Granger, Potter's
own best friend.

They are in a deserted hall, with Potter trying to kiss his neck and with Draco, with his weak
push, trying to push the man away.

Everyone knowing they're friends, has a disadvantage. It gives the right to Potter to do
whatever he wants to do with Draco, even when they're at the Ministry, still. Like yesterday,
Potter suddenly pulled him into a supply room, forced the blonde to make out with him and
humped his groin while whispering filthy things such as "I can't wait to fuck your desperate
cunt tonight". Draco, that night, teased out and desperate, couldn't wait to get Potter's cock
inside that he was the one who pushed Potter and rode him fast until he's coming.

Today is not different. Potter's out to tease him again.

"Potter, stop!"

Potter smirks at him. "But you were giggling when I did this last Tuesday."

Draco emits a surprised giggle when he feels Potter's growing 5 o'clock shadow against his
clean-shaved neck. "That was then. Potter!" He squeals.

"Last Tuesday when you had your tight pussy warm my cock, I remember. So, do I need to
put my cock in your pussy again?"

Draco blushes at the reminder of him being cocksleeve to Potter while the man edits out
some paperwork in the kitchen. Draco sat on his lap with Potter dropping kisses on his
shoulders and neck from time-to-time and Draco giggling everytime he did so, all while his
well-lubed hole was caging Potter's cock, not moving, until the man told him he could move.

Fortunately, Draco hears the footsteps of someone coming, so he pushes Potter away from
It's Granger. Fuck, it's Granger. The smartest witch in their year. Does she notice something?
Is she going to deduce everything from what she saw and tell everyone how Draco is stealing
Harry Potter from her sister-in-law? Will she tell Potter to leave Draco? Will Potter listen to
him? And why does Draco suddenly feel sad?

But, Granger only smiles, although she still looks unsure of him, but Draco is sure it's not
because she saw something.

"Malfoy, I finally saw you. I heard that you were back in London with your family since a
month ago."

"Yeah... nice to meet you, and uhm Granger, about all the words I told you and the things I
did, I apologize-"

"Malfoy, it's all in the past. We were just stupid kids, caught up in the war, really, I don't hold
any grudge anymore, okay? I know how much you've changed, Harry told us. Besides, it
evens out when I punched you, so."

Draco chuckles at that. "Yeah, you did give me a nice punch."

Potter clears his throat.

"Harry! I've been looking for you. Will we still have our lunch outside?"

They both look at Draco then. The blonde feels uncomfortable. "You can go, Potter. We'll just
talk, later-"

"Or, you can eat with us." Granger invites.

"Oh, uhm, okay sure."

At the end of their lunch, Draco discovers a lot. One, Granger truthfully has no grudge
against him anymore because she laughs at his side comments, much to Potter's ire, if the
squeezing of his thigh under the table is anything to go by. Two, Potter talks to Granger and
Weasley about Draco, telling them nice things about him, especially his good deeds in
France. Three, Granger believes in his platforms, and Draco is almost sure that he has
Granger's vote.

Four, he's not sure if Potter is as close to Granger and Weasley as they were in Hogwarts.

This is evident when, after Potter settles their bill, Granger looks at him with sadness in her
eyes. "Harry, are you going to eat dinner with us later? You know, Ron misses talking to you.
Molly as well-"

"I have something to do Hermione," Draco feels Potter's hand caressing his inner thigh under
the table. Draco pretends that he's okay in front of Granger. "You know about the case we're
handling. I need to stay for a bit, and Lily of course needs me."

"Alright, but if you have the time-"

"I will tell you."

'Have something to do', of course, pertains to Draco. Potter can't meet with his second family
because he chooses to fuck Draco instead. Draco honestly doesn't know how to feel about
"Are you still close to Granger and Weasley? Do you still talk to them?" Draco asks as soon
as they're done, curiosity eating him since he noticed earlier, when they're eating, that there's
a distance between Granger and Potter.

It's subtle, but it's there. Granger looked at Potter as if he were a hard puzzle to answer.

"Not that much."

"Why not?"

"I grew up, baby. I just realized that I shouldn't tell everything to them, you know, I have the
right to keep something about myself to myself. I should be the one to decide for me and deal
with my problems, not Hermione. I just don't want them to meddle in my life anymore, I
want to live my life the way I want it. I'm done listening to other people."

"But you're still friends with them?"

Potter only hums and continues to pepper kisses on Draco's flat stomach. It's Potter's habit
that's starting to grow on Draco.

"What about your wife?"

It's the first time Draco starts a topic with Potter's wife.

That stops Potter, surprise etched on his face. "What about her?"

"How is your relationship with her?"

"Hm, we're okay."

"Then what made you start doing something like this?"

Because Draco has his own reasons. Potter has not.

Potter sits beside Draco. "Something like this? I'm only doing this with you. I already told
you why, it's because you're very pretty, baby, only a stupid man can reject a pretty face like

Draco cups Potter's cheeks. "You're not telling me something, Potter."

Potter's expression suddenly closes. "It's a complicated story, Gin and I. It's a long story."

"I'm listening. I'm here. I want to know, Potter. Please?"

"Fine. If that's what you want, doll."

This is the start of Draco's downfall when they begin talking about their personal lives.

Chapter End Notes

Wish I could have the time to write chapters for this because I finally know my plot. I
can't lose my momentum T_T
Chapter Notes

added tag: Ginny Weasley bashing

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Gin and I," Potter starts as he winds his arm around Draco's waist. "We were okay."

Draco scoffs. "You two were perfect. A love story that gets told to children at bedtimes, the
one others only dream about."

Potter looks at him. "Seems like you know a lot about our story, observing us a lot, haven't

"No, but I did see how you two act back in 8th year," During 8th year, Draco was lost in his
head, but not lost in the background. With only Pansy by his side, he accepted all the
beatings, hexes, and insulting words thrown at him.

He actually didn't remember most of what happened back in 8th year but even he couldn't
escape Potter and the Weaslette's relationship unfolding in front of him. In front of the
Wizarding World's eyes. It was a breath of fresh air after the darkest days in the Wizarding
World. It was so loving, hopeful, a very great story between two heroes. It was a Prophet-
favorite topic, aside from Harry Potter's greatness and Malfoys falling from grace.

"And I read that lengthy article the Prophet wrote about your wedding, you know. It sounded
really great. They compared it with my wedding with Asti."

"Ah," Something shifts in Potter's eyes. Draco ignores the thought that Potter might be
jealous at the mention of his own wedding with Astoria. "Okay, let's start with that... perfect,"
Potter sighs. "She was supportive of my choices, and I was supportive of hers even when she
didn't have time for me, always having trainings in different countries even before we got

Draco frowns. He doesn't know that behind their picture-perfect-looking story lies neglect
and abandonment. Draco is starting to understand Potter.

She should have stayed by his side. It's what Potter needed the most, after what the man went
through. After having the heaviest responsibility to kill a madman with Potter barely an adult,
he needed someone whom he could trust and share intimate moments with, he needed more
than his friends. Draco couldn't imagine what Potter felt at that time, having to hear everyone
envy them, him, while they didn't know the whole story. And here Draco is, calling their
relationship perfect.

"But you still married her?"

Potter shrugs. "I got tired of Molly always asking us when we're going to marry. It's set in
stone, everyone around me says, and we had Jamie."

"You had more children with her."

Happiness takes over Potter's eyes. He looks like the same boy Draco saw back in Hogwarts,
innocent and hopeful. "I did. I love children. I love our kids. I don't regret anything," Potter
slowly pulls Draco tighter and leans his head on the blonde's shoulder. Draco, filled with
sympathy for Potter, begins to brush Potter's hair.

"Did she change, though? When you had your children?"

"I thought she would, I mean, I'm not asking her to settle or quit Quidditch for us, all I'm
asking is a little bit of her time, but she continues to train for the majority of the year, only
staying with us during summer and holidays," Potter chuckles humourlessly. "Lily knows
more about Molly than Gin."
"How did the kids react to that? Their mother always trains, and Merlin knows where."

"They got used to it. Lily barely asks for her anymore."

"How old is Lily?"


Draco suddenly feels a tight squeeze in his heart. He feels sad for Potter's children. They're so
young! He can't just imagine if that were the case for Scorpius. Even when Draco's busy at
the ministry back in France, he always makes sure to go home before Scorpius goes to sleep.
He doesn't want to make Scorpius feel his absence.

Draco can't help but feel disappointed in Weaslette. How can she do that? How can she just
leave her own children? And for what? For her career? Draco, of course, is not the one to
believe that women should stay at home to be homemakers. Weaslette, of all people, deserves
to play for the Holyhead Harpies. She's that good, Draco knows.

But she could've left more time for her family. Like, say, passing some seasons. Anything!
She can do anything for her family. Everything is possible.

How can she not love them and take care of them? Especially Lily. Lily needs a mother
figure in her life, she needs more than the Weasley Matriarch. She needs someone taking care
of her, all Potter's kids need someone other than him, since, admittedly, Potter's job asks too
much of him as well, so how can Potter be present in their kids' lives but not her?

"Did you ever talk to her again about how your kids need her? Especially Lily?"

"I did, of course, but nothing changed."

"Did you love her?"

"I still love her," Potter sounds a bit sad. Draco feels another tight squeeze in his chest. It
feels so painful to hear Potter loving someone like her. She doesn't deserve him. She doesn't
deserve her family. "But it's a lot less now."

"Because of her treatment of your kids?"

Potter hums. The man hugs Draco tighter and whispers, "And also because I caught her with
someone else."


Draco can't help but scream. He can't explain the anger currently coursing through his veins.
First, she abandons her kids because of her career, and now she's cheating on her husband,
who didn't do anything but provide for his family and take care of the kids she neglects?

That bitch!

How can she be such a bitch?!

Merlin, no wonder Potter is willing to ruin their marriage and leave her. Draco is not going to
blame Potter. He deserves to escape from her.

"Yeah, I saw them, but then when I confronted her, she told me I was losing my mind, that I
saw wrong, that they were just friends," Potter's hug tightened around him. Draco hugs him
back just as tight. Gosh. Poor Potter, carrying so much pain. "And I don't want to tell our kids
anything, I don't want them to think something's wrong between us, and I don't want our kids
to see her differently, she's still their mother, but sometimes, it's too much..."

"Merlin, Potter, I'm so sorry... I-just... you have to juggle with so many things, your kids,
your work, and ... I'm so sorry..."
Potter looks at him with a look Draco can't identify before leaning up to kiss Draco. Draco
doesn't have the heart to pull away from Potter's searing kiss.

"Potter," Draco says after pulling back when he feels Potter trying to push him on the couch.

Potter, fortunately, settles on caressing Draco's cheek. "You're very beautiful, Draco. More
beautiful than my wife. You know, you're so fitting to be someone's wife. You're so caring,
great with kids, you know how to satisfy a man, and you're so full of love, Draco, you're so


"You're very pretty. So fucking sexy. Your tight cunt services my cock better than my wife
ever could, you're better than her, Draco. So, so much better."

Draco bites his lower lip. He ought to be used to Potter's dirty talking, but today, his words
hold some other meanings. He doesn't understand why Potter's suddenly talking like this. As
if he wants Draco to replace his wife.

But that can't happen. That will never happen. He's a husband. He's still married, and unlike
Potter's wife, Astoria has been the most supportive and loyal to him. She doesn't deserve
what Draco's doing to her, and he ought to stop this now.

Potter may be entirely ready to leave his marriage, for good reasons though, but not Draco.
Draco can't leave Astoria and Scorpius. He doesn't want to. They are his family, and he will
never replace them with someone else.

"Potter, I'm still married-"

Potter doesn't let him finish. He pushes Draco back on the couch and fucks the blonde until
Draco is crying.

Potter hasn't bugged him for 2 days straight after their talk, and the man is noticeably absent
from the Ministry. His absence worries Draco, but not because he misses the man, no, it's just
that the timing is awful. Before Draco could lose his mind and demands Weasley or Granger
tell him where their best friend is, he overhears two aurors talking about how the head Auror
is out on a mission and will be Merlin's nowhere until next week.

Draco suddenly remembers Potter's kids. With both their parents busy, how are they faring?
Who is taking care of them? James and Albus are in Hogwarts, but how about Lily?

Before he can contemplate about it, Draco finds himself writing Scorpius subtly asking about
Al and his siblings.

Scorpius' response breaks his heart.

Al once told me they got used to his mother being famous. And Papa! Did you know that
the famous Ginny Potter is always away because she always has trainings? I don't get it
as well, but Al said he doesn't miss his mother that much, and they're used to it.

Besides, they have their dad, who is very cool. Harry Potter always takes care of them.
Papa! Al said Harry Potter always takes them on adventures! He even gave them his
magic map and invisibility cloak! How cool is that?! I really want to meet him, soon!
Maybe I can have a vacation some days at their house during the holidays?

Either way, I love you, Papa!

A few days later, just as Draco has assumed the man will be back, and before Draco can write
the man a letter, he feels the familiar magic on the paper he's clutching in his hand.

He immediately goes to Potter's place.

"You're... back." Draco blinks at the man, not sure why he feels... relieved to see the man
after a week. He dares not say that he feels gushy inside, he feels warm. Draco quickly
shakes the feeling off of him.

"Yeah," Potter smirks and pulls Draco by his waist, quickly pecking his lips. "Did you miss

Draco rolls his eyes. "No, why will I miss you?" Draco pushes Potter from him. "Anyway, I
heard from Scorpius that the famous Ginny Potter has no time for her own kids, but that
Albus is used to it."

"Did you write to Scorpius to confirm what I told you? Because you don't believe me?"

"No... no," Draco did, part of why he wrote to Scorpius. "I just want to know how Albus and
his siblings are faring having a mother like that, I can't just imagine, you know. How can she
just choose her Quidditch career over her own kids? I-i," Draco takes a shuddering breath. He
doesn't know why this affects him so much. "She's unbelievable. And how about Lily? Who's
taking care of her especially when you're at the field or-" Draco stops when he realizes
something. "Potter, who takes care of her when we're here and-"

Merlin. He suddenly feels guilty that he's stealing Potter's time from Lily.

As if reading his thoughts, Potter says, "Hey now, none of those thoughts now," Draco lets
Potter caress his cheeks. "Molly takes good care of her, alright? Lily loves her grandmother
and I'm sure Molly doesn't mind that much."
"But she should have a mother she can rely on, I know her grandmother takes good care of
her, but Lily needs someone who will focus on her. Doesn't Lily miss her mother?"

"You can directly ask Lily."

"Wha-" Draco blinks at Potter. "What do you mean?"

"Do you want to meet Lily? I'm sure she'll be happy to meet you."

Draco suddenly feels unsure. "I don't know, it's weird, isn't it weird?"

Potter tilts his head. "Weird? What do you mean?"

"Because... you know, we're doing... this..."

"She doesn't know that."


Potter sighs. "Fine. Let's not talk about my daughter anymore, baby," Potter suddenly backs
him against the wall. "You don't know how fucking horny I am right now, princess, I've been
wanking over you during the time I was away," Potter then leans forward and licks a strip
from the blonde's neck towards his earlobe, where he begins to nip. "I didn't think of my
wife, not even for a second, your tight cunt is enough to make me come, baby."

Something about Potter's words makes Draco wind his arms around Potter's neck and start
the kiss with the man.
Soon, Potter has him bent over the couch, his thrust calculated and hard. Draco is whining
and moaning at every delicious thrust he receives, quietly muttering, "More, please. More."

But their day is just starting.

It doesn't take much coaxing on Potter's side to have Draco finally meet Lily. All Potter told
him is that Lily is interested in the arts but doesn't have anyone to talk to about it since most
of the people she knows are more interested in Quidditch. But, Potter somehow heard from
somewhere that Draco himself is a great artist, and so Draco will be a great addition to Lily's
life if only to be her mentor. Draco was already nodding at Potter before the man could
further tell him what kind of drawings Lily loves doing.

And so, about a week later, with a lie thrown at Astoria about meeting an important person
once again, Draco finds himself sitting at a café in muggle London, nervously waiting for
Lily and Potter. It was Draco who suggested they meet outside the Wizarding World to
escape from any rumours or worse, the Daily Prophet articles. He doesn't know how to
explain this one to Astoria.

Beside him is a pouch containing his own art, which he wishes to share with Lily as well as
new art supplies he bought for the girl.


Draco looks up and sees Potter with an adorable red-head girl, slightly hiding herself behind
the man.

Oh. Draco feels soft and warmth inside him upon seeing her shy smile directed at him. She's
so adorable! How can the Weaslette be so heartless to neglect such a cute kid much more than
her own kid?
Draco gives her a bright smile, but it's controlled and careful. He doesn't want to scare the
girl. "Hello, Lily."

"Lils, darling, remember Draco? The one I've been telling you?"

Lily excitedly nods. "Yes! The prettiest man for you, Daddy and the one who will teach me to

Potter smiles but he's looking at Draco with a teasing look. "That's right."

"Potter," Draco says, aghast, despite the blush colouring his cheeks. Merlin, what is Potter
telling his kids? Prettiest man... what? If Lily tattles all the blasted words Potter's been telling
her to her mother? They're all done for.

"Can I sit with you, Draco?"

"Of course. Come sit here beside me," Draco excitedly pulls out his draw pads and shows
them to Lily who takes it with excited grabby hands and shining eyes, her brown eyes
flittering from one to another in a second trying to take it all in. "Uhm, I also bought you
supplies for when you draw... Potter, I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not. I'm sure Lily loves your surprise."

"I do! Thank you Draco!"

"Oh," Draco can't help but utter when Lily, with her small arms, gives Draco one of the
warmest hugs he has received in his whole life. Draco hugs her back. He feels for Lily.
"You're welcome Lily, darling."

Draco feels tears in his eyes. When he looks up, he sees Potter brightly smiling at them.
Is it so weird that, even with a short amount of time, he feels overprotective of Lily? That he
will not think twice about sacrificing his own life for her?

"I'll order us something," Potter says after a while and leaves them for a bit.

Draco thought it will be awkward with just them alone but they both fall into a comfortable
conversation when Lily says, "You know, I love drawing dragons! They look so majestic!
Uncle Charlie always tells me about them because he loves dragons as well. He works with
them. Someday, I always tell my Dad, that I want to work with dragons as well."

It's not lost on Draco that she hasn't mentioned the Weaslette. It's always her Dad, a glaring
sign that she's not close to her mother.

"You know, the meaning of my name is dragon, so I love dragons as well."


Draco hums. "In fact, I love drawing them as well," Draco then leafs through the pages until
he finds the drawing of a hungarian horntail he loves so much.

"Draco!" Lily's eyes are sparkling. She's already kneeling on the seat so she can have a
clearer look at his drawing. "This is so beautiful! How can you draw something as beautiful
as this? You're so talented."

"Darling, you can be as good as me. Even better than me!"

"Will you promise to teach me and be patient with me until I can draw something like this as
well? Please, Draco?"
"Of course! But first, would you like to know how to draw flowers?"

"I do! My name is after a flower."

"It is," Draco nods. "And it is a beautiful name."

"It was Dad who though of it. I have the same name as my grandmother."

"And I'm sure you're as beautiful as her. So, let's start?"

Draco initially teaches Lily just the basic steps but when he sees that Lily is a fast learner and
already knows the basic, he moves on to teaching her the technical stuff.

Potter comes back with their food. Draco and Lily are talking about different kinds of flowers
with Lily telling the blonde man about her grandma Molly's garden and Draco telling her
about the beautiful garden he has back in France. Draco looks up and sees the man sporting a
bright smile.

"Potter, what are you so smiley about?"

"Oh nothing, just the nice lady at the counter told me we look a beautiful family."

"Potter!" Draco blushes once again. He looks down and sees Lily focused on her drawing,
doing all the things Draco taught her. "And what did you tell her? You did deny it, right?"

"Of course not. What's there to deny? I even thanked her."

This man's audacity! Draco tries to swat him but the man only captures his hand in his and
drops a soft kiss on the back of his hand. Draco is about to burst right now.

"Draco, is this correct?"

Draco abruptly pulls his hand from Potter's grasp. He needs to calm his stupid, beating heart.
And Potter needs to stop smirking at him and looking at him as if he's more delicious than the
blueberry muffin on their table.

But most importantly, Draco needs to stop mulling about the thought of them being a family.

"I like you, Draco," Lily tells him after some time. Potter excuses himself once again.

Draco smiles back at her. His heart feels light. "I like you too, Lily, you're a very good kid."

He and Lily did not just bond over their artistic interests. Draco finds that Lily has so many
stories to tell him, she's a very talkative and energetic kid. Telling him about adventures and
curiously asking Draco about his work and Scorpius. Draco doesn't mind one bit. He tells her
his own stories as well and listens attentively to whatever she wants to tell him.

She pouts then. "Draco, I wish you were my mom instead."

"Lily, you can't say something like that, honey. Your mom, she's still your mother though, I'm
sure she loves you, although she's just busy right now."

Lily shouldn't be the one adjusting and accepting that her Mum can't be with her. Draco
somehow understands Lily but he also doesn't want her to have any rage in her heart.

She sighs and her coloring slows down a bit. Draco feels a squeeze in his heart. Her mother's
absence is obviously affecting her as well, contrary to what Potter knows. She's just probably
masking her feelings to Potter. "My mum is always busy. She's always busy playing
Quidditch. I don't know what's so good at Quidditch. Do you play Quidditch, Draco?"

"Hm, back then, your Dad and I, we were rivals, but I stop now that I have a..." Draco wants
to say "family" but Lily's sad eyes are too much, he doesn't want her to feel excluded, so he
says instead, "Scorpius."

"Dad stops as well but Mum can't stop though."

Draco suddenly feels the need to hex the hell out of Weaslette. He feels so enraged right now.
She doesn't have the right to make Lily feel sad. She doesn't have any right to be called a
mother or to even go near Lily.

"But I think if you're my mum, you will just be with us, with Dad, with me, Al and Jamie,
you will take care of us, and you will always teach me how to draw."

Draco doesn't know where her words are coming from but she's so young, she still probably
doesn't understand what she's saying. She probably just wants both her parents.

"Darling, I can't be your mother because you already have one, but I promise you, I will
always talk to you and teach you how to draw."

Draco feels relieved that Lily's beautiful smile finally comes back.

"And Dad's right, you're so pretty. You look like a Disney princess. You look like..." Her eyes
narrow a bit. Potter finally comes back with different flavours of ice cream. Draco thankfully
gets the chocolate chip flavour.

"Dad, who in the Disney princess does Draco look like?"

"He's more beatiful than a Disney princess, Lils."

"You're right, he's a queen!"

"What's a Disney princess?"

It seems that Draco just opens another door because Lily bursts into a loud gasp and then
she's excitedly telling him about stories of the princesses. Draco doesn't understand some of
them because she's stumbling over her words. He looks at Potter in confusion but the man
silently replies with, "Later."

"Dad! Can we watch the new Cinderella with Draco? Please!"

"Ask him."

"Draco! Can we please? Please go with us! Please, Draco!"

"Oh, of course, Lily."

Their day ends with them walking towards the apparition point, with each of their hands
holding Lily's hands, and Lily is swaying them. Sometimes she's jumping, not minding that
she's almost stumbling and close to scraping her knees if not for Draco and Potter supporting

"Lily, darling, calm down a bit." Surprisingly, it's Draco who said that.

"But I'm just so happy! This is the best day of my life, Draco."
Draco looks at Potter. "Is this okay? Won't she tell Molly or anyone? I mean, it's not wrong
but I don't want them to think of anything."

"Draco, baby, it's okay. She won't tell, okay? We already talked about this before we came to
meet you."

Draco nods. "Okay."

It feels like what they're doing is wrong, enough to keep it a secret from anyone else, but it's
not, right? He just wants to meet Lily.

"Bye Draco! Let's meet again soon!"

Draco smiles at her. "Bye, honey."

Only then when Potter and Lily apparate Draco realizes his mistake. They involve Lily in
their predicament, and he plays family with Potter the whole day.

However, Draco cannot just suddenly pull away. He can't disappoint Lily.

Chapter End Notes

I actually don't like any-Weasley bashing, because I love the Weasley family especially
Ginny and Ron, but this is very important to the story line T-T

Just as Draco promised, he goes out with Lily and Potter a few days later. Like Lily said, they
went to watch the new Cinderella film. Draco is so amazed at Muggles' technology. This film
is more interesting than moving photography. He hasn't seen anything as amazing as this in
the Wizarding World, and he was told a lot, especially when he's young, that Muggles are
inferior compared to them, but this Muggles' film is much cooler than a Wizarding World's
moving picture.

It's more alive and entertaining. It has a story line, vibrant colors, and voices!

"Potter, where are those voices coming from?" Draco asks, looking around them. "Is this
magic? Did wizards do this without the muggles knowing?"

Potter smiles at him, clearly amused. "No, it's technology. Magic is not involved. The voices
are incorporated in the film, they're there, the muggles have recorded the specific voices for
each character and mixed them in."

"That's... that's so amazing."

"It is."

Draco is like a little kid as he watches the film. He thinks he's more excited and amazed than
Lily as he watches the story of a poor maiden slaved at her own house because of her
stepmother and her step sisters. Draco tuts in his head. Clearly, the maiden's deceased father
picked the wrong woman to remarry.

A few minutes into the film, Draco wants to ask Potter if the muggles find a way to talk to
the animals in the Muggle World as well, because the voices of the animals are just so spot-
on. But when he faces Potter and says, "Potter-"
The man quickly pulls him in with a passionate kiss. Draco's eyes widen, his heart racing
against his chest. They're in a very public place, and Lily is with them.

Draco quickly pushes Potter away from him. Potter is smirking at him.

"I missed you, baby. I missed you so much."

"Potter- Lily is just there," Draco harshly whispers. "She might hear and see us, I don't want
to die at the hands of Weaslette yet."

"It's fine, she's focused on the film."

Draco looks around him and finds that the few people around them are very focused on the
film, so Draco does not fight Potter anymore when the man pulls his head to lean on his neck.
Draco watches the whole duration of the film cuddling with Potter. From time-to-time, Potter
gives him a peck on his lips or his forehead. Draco can only ignore what Potter is doing.

As soon as the film is over, Lily begs Potter to go to the zoo, a place for animals that Potter
explained to Draco, but her dad tells her that she still has to do her homework and that Potter
and Draco have some important stuff to do. Apparently, Lily goes to a muggle school for her
formative years of learning.

Potter and Draco having some important stuff to do is, of course, just a code for fucking.

As soon as Potter drops Lily off to her grandmother, he requests his presence in their nest,
where he quickly pushes Draco on the floor, vanishes his clothes, and fucks into him with
barely any preparation. Draco, fortunately, prepared himself for Potter earlier that day,
already knowing this was going to happen.

Potter smiles when he realizes what Draco did. Draco bites his lower lip at the feeling of
being pleased with him. Why is he pleased that he has satisfied Potter? "You prepared
yourself for me, doll? That's good to know."
"Don't be so absurd, Potter, I'm just—fuck!"

Potter grabs his neck and thrusts into him so hard that Draco honestly sees stars whenever
Potter's cock touches something so deep inside him. It feels so good!

"You're more beautiful than any princess, Draco, this pussy is tighter than anyone, I'm sure."

Draco moans against Potter's lips and tightens his legs around the man. "Fuck! Fuck yes!
Harder! Harder, please! Fuck me faster."

Potter finishes inside Draco's mouth. "Open your mouth."

Draco immediately follows. Potter pushes his fingers inside Draco's mouth and begins
fucking his mouth with his fingers. Draco chokes on Potter's fingers. "Do not ever let
anything spill from your mouth."

Draco nods and tries not to let any spill of cum from his mouth. Tears roll from his eyes. He
tries to beg Potter with his eyes, but the man is harsh and merciless. Finally, with Draco's jaw
aching so much, Potter finally pulls out. "Swallow it."

Draco nods and follows the man. Draco lays on the floor, panting and exhausted, but Potter
carries him to the couch.

"We're not yet done, honey, we're just starting."

Draco only grips the couch with his fingers while Potter raises his leg, inserts his hard cock in
Draco's hole, and slowly fucks him from behind.

A few days after, Draco goes to the zoo with Lily and Potter. Draco enjoys it so much that he
promptly forgets that this isn't his reality—this is a filthy fantasy spurred on by their
shameless infedility—and that he ignores Harry's kisses and the stares from the Muggles
around them. Draco is not sure if they're staring because they know he's a filthy sidepiece or
because they're both men. Draco doesn't know which is worse.

He also realizes, he can't distance himself from Lily anymore. He already loves Lily too
much to do that to her. He cares for her so much, and he doesn't think he himself will take it
too well. Just the idea of never seeing Lily again makes his heart ache so much.

But, he also realizes he can stop this situation from getting worse, and that is by not taking
this pretend family too far. He can just ignore Scorpius' wish of wanting to meet the great
Harry James Potter—and Draco does not know where Scorpius' wish is coming from or
whom triggered it, but he has an idea of whom, but he dares not ask—and pretend that Potter
telling him that he too wishes Draco could meet James and Albus means nothing.

But, Potter gives him a surprise by dampening his plan when Pottee sends him a message to
meet him and Lily once again. He should have been hinted that something was wrong when
Potter told him that he had a surprise for Draco he's going to love.

Draco really thought it's another Muggle place that Lily was so excited to tell him about, but
pure terror rocks his body and makes him root for his spot when he sees Scorpius'
unmistakable blonde hair sticking out amidst the mix of raven and red heads sitting on the
corner spot of the restaurant.

"Draco." It's Potter. Draco ignores him, still staring at Scorpius.

Scorpius finally looks up, and he smiles upon seeing Draco, his gray eyes sparkling. "Papa!"

Draco slowly walks over them, but Scorpius welcomes him with a tight hug and quickly pulls
him to where the Potters are waiting for them. Draco keeps on looking at his son. He knows
he's flushed in the face, but he doesn't know what to make of this.
This is... weird.

"Scorpius, what are you doing here?"

"Harry just excused us to Headmistress McGonagall, isn't he so cool, Papa? Harry Potter is
here! Harry!" Scorpius excitedly whispers, but he knows the prat can hear his son gushing.
Draco doesn't have the time to complain about how Saviour Potter, of course, can afford this
kind of treatment because Salazar, his son, is really here.


Draco's body trembles when Potter suddenly holds his hand in his. Not to be too obvious that
something is wrong in this set up, he slowly takes his hand from Potter's hold before Scorpius
tattles this to Astoria.

"I hope you're not mad that I didn't tell you my plan. It's for the kids. They really wanted to
go out, I guess Lily's been telling them our adventures."

Draco grits his teeth. Potter is an asshole. He's using the kids to make sure he doesn't react
negatively, because if he did, he'd be the bad guy in the kids' eyes. It's for the kids, Potter
said, but Draco knows that he's lying.

Draco throws Potter a subtle glare, which makes the Head Auror smirk, infuriating Draco
more. He takes a deep breath before looking at Lily, who has her big smile ready.

"Hi, Draco!"

"Hi, Lily!"

Lily giddily squeezes herself between her dad and the table just to get to Draco. The little girl
then hugs him tight, promptly pushing Scorpius to the side. Draco looks at Scorpius to gauge
his reaction, but his son is only smiling at them. He doesn't look weirded out that Lily just
happens to be very close to his father.

Draco's eyes then happen to travel towards Albus and James. Draco feels his face warming
up. The two boys are eagerly looking at him, as if Draco wasn't a former Death Eater who
also happens to be their Dad's former bully.

"Hi, James and Albus?"

James widely smiles. "Hey, Draco! Dad has been telling us about you."

Draco wants to hex Potter right there and then. He can literally hear his heart beating rapidly
against his chest. "R-really? He does?"

"Yep! Dad is telling us how nice you are to him and Lily, that you take good care of them,
like err—a good housewife?" James chuckles at his words. Draco awkwardly smiles back.

Draco doesn't miss the implication in those words. It must have only been a joke to James,
but Draco suddenly feels fear inside him. Salazar. Has he been acting like that whenever he's
with Potter and Lily?

Draco tries not to faint. All he wants to do is cover Scorpius' ears and pull him to leave the
Potters, but he can't—Draco can't. Not when he hears James' murmur of, "Like how Mum
should've been taking care of us."

The blonde then remembers the lives Potter's kids have to endure because of their supposed
mother. He feels for them. Draco wants to protect James and Albus from their own mother.
He wants to give these sweet boys all the things they were deprived of—all the love and care
they both deserve—and Draco wants to tell them it will be different from now on because
Draco is already here for them.

"Is it fine that we join you with Dad and Lily?"

Draco doesn't know what makes him suddenly want to hug James and Albus, so he does. If
only a little before awkwardly shuffling back. "It's fine, James, of course you can join us."

A quick glance at Potter tells him everything he needs to know—Potter has a plan, and it
involves their kids. But Draco does not care. Not when James and Albus are smiling at him,
tears glistening from their eyes. Draco feels his eyes glistening as well.

From the side, Scorpius is excitedly telling Potter all the places he wants to go.

After eating, Potter brings them to places as requested by Scorpius. To a big aquarium, Potter
tells them. Confirming his assumption that Potter has made sure that his kids will be living
part-muggles as well as the familiarity in his kids' eyes, James and Albus, nevertheless, still
take the time to explain everything to Scorpius. Draco smiles wide, seeing his son enjoying
the day. Scorpius can't stop asking questions, and Potter answers them all with a gentle smile.

"You're lucky, you have a great husband," a muggle woman suddenly says beside him as
Draco stands from the back while he stares at Potter and the kids giggling over a shark.

"Oh, no, you're mistaken, he's not my husband, he's just a friend."

The woman nods in understanding, patting his shoulder. "It's fine. I understand."

"What? Understand what?"

"The society is not as understanding, so you have to keep it a secret, but it's very obvious,
you know."

"Obvious? Uhm, what do you mean by obvious? I don't-"

"Your eyes, they tell. They hold so much love for your husband and your kids," the woman
tilts her head. "Where did you adopt them, by the way? Your kids look so much like you two,
that's insane!"

"You don't understand, it's—they're—"


Draco blinks. It's not Scorpius' voice calling him. It's much smaller and has a higher pitch.

But why is she calling him Papa?

The woman smiles and bids them goodbye, telling Lily she has a good father in the form of
Draco, Lily smiles wide and replies, "I do!"

As soon as the woman leaves them, Draco faces Lily, he's ready to ask her what possibly
came to mind to lie like that to that woman. Sure, they will never meet that woman again, but
he wants to know why.

"Draco? I'm sorry that I called you Papa. I don't know what came over me, I guess I'm just so
happy today, and then I heard the woman saying that we are your kids, and I was so happy to
hear that! Then there's Scorpius calling you Papa, and I just got jealous because you're so
nice to us and just like our mom, but-"

Oh, the poor girl is already crying. Draco immediately kneels before her and wipes her tears.
"Lily, it's fine. I'm not mad."

"I'm sorry, Draco."

"You can call me Papa."

Lily suddenly stops crying. She then looks at Draco with a hopeful expression. "Really?"


"Papa!" Lily hugs him tight. She's so happy. "Papa, can we please buy a cotton candy?"

"Honey, didn't you just finish that cake? Scorp even let you have his, you can't have too much
sugar. You'll have a hard time sleeping later. Besides, you have to take care of your teeth, too
much sugar will make your teeth quickly rot, and you don't want that now, do you?"

Lily pouts. "Hm, fine. Let's just watch the seal, please?"

"Let's call your Dad and your brothers first."

Crap. What's Draco doing?

It's a fun day. The only thing Draco is nervous about is Scorpius telling this day to Astoria,
and Astoria knows everything about them. He knows Scorpius. He always tells her

Except for Potter. Because Scorpius' revelation never came. Or it did, but Scorpius only
wrote to Draco about Potter.

The next few days, Draco waits, with anxiety slowly filling him, for Scorpius' next letter. His
son's letters arrived one morning. Draco ignores the letter he got for a moment to hyperfocus
on his wife's reaction as she reads through their son's letter to her.
Astoria folds the letter with a smile. Draco bites his inner cheek. Does she not think it's weird
that he's having a family day with Potter and his kids?

"What does it say?"

"The usual. His adventures with Albus and his classes. Why?"


So Scorpius, for some reason, decided not to write about their date. Draco doesn't know why.
He doesn't know who told Scorpius to keep it a secret, and he doesn't intend to press the
matter anymore. Scorpius is a very smart kid, he has his reasons, and if Draco starts
investigating this, in only a matter of time, Scorpius will know everything, and that's
something Draco can't live with.

So with no one calling them out on their family date that one time, Harry continues to excuse
their kids to a very enthusiastic Headmistress McGonagall, and they continue to have their
family dates at places Scorpius and Lily suggest.

And then Draco starts receiving letters from Lily and Albus. Lily, as usual, is so chatty in the
letters, excitedly telling her 'Papa' the toys bought for her and how she wants to play with
Draco very soon.

Albus, at first, only writes a letter profusely thanking Draco for taking care of his dad and
them. Draco thought that was it, but then Albus sends him another letter, shyly asking him
about his Potions assignment after hearing from Scorpius that he's a prodigee in Potions.
Draco, of course, replies back with an answer to the best of his knowledge, even citing all the
references and suggesting some books he can read to have more knowledge of the topic.

Draco must have given Albus the best answer because Albus replies back with his utmost
gratitude, telling the blonde that he actually got the highest mark in Potions because of
Draco, much to the former Slytherin's delight; he can't help writing, "I'm so proud of you, Al.
So proud of you!"

Since then, Draco has become Albus' mentor in Potions. Hence, every time they have their
family dates, aside from Lily hoarding his attention, pulling her 'Papa' everywhere she wants
to, Albus is also there right beside him, badgering him on and on about Potions and soon,
about his questions about other subjects as well. Thank Merlin Scorpius is always busy
asking Potter about his adventures in Hogwarts or else, Draco will have three excited kids
wanting his attention.

James, on the other hand, is a surprise. It takes a bit of time before he and James start talking
on their own. Sure, James is always with them, but the teenage boy has a life of his own,
always wanting to separate from them and wander on his own.

He's a curious child, a bit of a troublemaker, but his heart is so full of love, and he's
protective of his siblings and Scorpius, he's so much like his Dad.

The first time Draco receives a letter from James, he has to re-check if the letter was indeed
sent by James. It's a simple thank you from the boy, much like Albus had sent him but less
wordy. Then, James surprises him again by writing to him about how his day had gone. It's a
normal, harmless letter, but it reminded him so much of the letters he receives from Scorpius,
his own son.

It weirds him out, initially, shocks him to his core, but nevertheless, Draco welcomes the
letter and accepts James' stories wholeheartedly, replying back with equal enthusiasm. It
becomes a normal thing between Draco and James that soon, Draco has the privilege of
meeting the real James Sirius Potter, Potter's sweetest and most thoughtful eldest son.

"What did you think about it?" Potter asks when Draco shares his exchange of letters with his
kids. He's currently straddling Potter on the couch.

"To be honest, the first time I received the letters from the kids, especially the one from
James, it weirded me and I was very confused, but now that I get to talk to them more, it's-"
Draco caresses Potter's hands, gripping his hips. "I'm happy, you know, that they're telling me
this stuff, I think they trust me."
Potter picks up his hand and kisses the back of it. "They do, love. They do, especially Jamie,
he's not someone who shares personal things about him with people he doesn't care about.
You know, I think he writes more letters to you than he does to me."

Draco giggles a bit. It makes him happy to no end to know that Potter's kids liked him to the
point of sharing their lives to him. He's glad they found him to be trustworthy.

Suddenly, a thought occurs to him.

"Do you think Jamie, Al and Lily, write to Ginny... to their mother as well?"

Merlin, Draco does not know why he's asking this. Of course they do! Ginny is still their
mother. That thought hurts Draco... for some reasons. He suddenly feels very selfish. He
wants the letters to be exclusive to him and Potter's kids. He doesn't want to share those with
Ginny, she doesn't deserve it.

"Maybe," Potter shrugs. "I don't know, Gin and I do not talk such things, in fact, we haven't
talked much in the last few weeks, but they probably do out of courtesy, she's still their

Draco can't help the frown on his face. "I know."

Potter leans in to kiss him. "Don't worry, love. Even if they give her letters, I know for a fact
that they love and care for you more than they do for Gin."

Draco smiles a bit. He sure hopes so.

Every time he and Potter meet, they do not just have sex anymore. They talk about their kids.
"What did he tell you?"

Draco has his back leaning on Potter's shoulder while the man has his arms around his waist.
They've been talking about James for the past hour. James' letters start to get so personal that
he even shares with Draco his attraction to a certain Ravenclaw boy.

"Jamie's telling me about how cute he finds him. I think it's cute though, that Jamie's starting
to get a crush but the Ravenclaw doesn't like him. I think they're a bit of rivals."

Potter chuckles. "It's always like with the Potters. We always fall for someone who doesn't
want us, but we're just so charming they can't help wanting us back."

Right. Draco's not sure if that is applicable to him as well.

"But it's just so unfair that he tells you these things! You know what he tells me? Aside from
the fact that he's asking if he can have more allowance every other day, he also asks me about
you and Lily, telling me I should take care of you two," Potter shakes his head. Draco
chuckles. "I swear, he cares for you more than he cares for me."

Draco's smile returns. "Maybe I'm his favorite now?"

Potter smiles and slowly leans in. Draco immediately kisses back. In the back of his mind, he
knows this is wrong, but it's been a while since he stopped listening to that voice. "I can't
blame him. My kids, they really liked you, Draco, especially Lily, she really adores her Papa
so much."

Draco's heart feels light and happy. No one will be able to stop him from loving and caring
for Potter's kids as if they're his own. Even if it's Ginny Potter.
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Months have passed since they started their... deal. A lot has changed. Not only are their kids
tight-knit closer now that the Potter siblings have adopted Scorpius as their brother as well,
but Draco is more comfortable with Potter now.

So comfortable that everything happening between them is so normal to Draco. Draco

initiating the kiss? Very normal. Draco staying with Potter after being fucked hard that he
can't force his body to stand up and walk back home so he lies to his wife? Nothing wrong
with that. Draco exerting all his energy to take care of Potter's kids and Scorpius, and not
hiding his smile whenever he hears Lily influencing her brothers and Scorpius to call Draco
their Papa and Scorpius to call Harry his Dad? As expected from him.

The voice in his head putting some sense in him has been long gone since Draco can't
remember exactly when. He doesn't second guess anymore if he should go to his and Potter's
love nest anymore, Potter doesn't need to give him a paper containing the coordinates of their

Not anymore, because it's theirs. It's not locked to Draco anymore, Potter modifies the charm
so only he and Draco will have access to it. They just know they need to spend time every
day in their love nest.

Honestly, Draco can't remember a life anymore where he isn't meeting Potter. A life without
Potter's touches and compliments sounds so alien to Draco. It's like that's happened in another

He also can't remember anymore when was the last time he had a proper love-making
experience with his wife without his imagination floating to think of Harry's hard muscles
against his instead of his wife's supple body.

All that's in Draco's head right now is Potter and their kids—Jamie, Al, Scorp and Lily. His
Salazar, even the goal of being the Minister of Magic is lost in his head. In fact, the thing that
started this all, their deal, is at the back of Draco's mind. All he knows is that he's doing this
with Potter because it's what he's expected to... It's what he wants to do... part of his very
normal life. He doesn't expect anything in return anymore. He doesn't want to have anything

He's just so content in life with having this. Only this.

Draco blinks his thoughts away from Potter when he hears the charm he puts on the roast
beef he's cooking for him go off. Another normal thing he adds to his life. Cooking for Potter.

He's started it ever since he realized Potter's always at the Ministry's cafeteria when he's not
inviting Draco to eat with him in a muggle part of London. Then Draco realizes it's because,
of course, Potter doesn't have a wife to cook for him because Ginny Potter is too busy for
that, apparently.

Draco hangs back a little by the door to stare at Potter, who's busy with his papers. He's such
a hard-working man.

"Hey, love," Potter smiles at him. "What brought you here?" The man asks, although his
sparkling eyes settle on the packed lunch he has in hand.

"I brought you your lunch," Draco says, letting Potter pull him onto his lap. "I cooked it."

"I know you did because you're my good wife," Potter takes Draco's hand, not wrapped
around his neck, to smother it with kisses. "I shall eat whatever my beautiful wife cooks for
me, don't want to let any of your efforts for me go to waste."

Draco suddenly remembers all the efforts he put in to master cooking for Potter. All the
burns, spilled oils, and desperate trials and failures he had to endure.
"I just... just want to make sure you eat well, Potter, because I know how important your role
is in the Wizarding World."

"I wish I could do the same for you, my love."

"But you do, Potter, at our home."

Potter always cooks for him, even though he is reminded of his childhood life. His childhood
life, which makes Draco go feral and murderous the first time he hears it. How dare those
muggles abuse someone as important as Harry Potter?

But Potter cooks for him still because he's Draco Malfoy, Potter said, and that's how
important Draco is to him.

"Besides, there's no need for you to do that. I cooked a lot so we can eat together, here in your
office, so let me go just-"

"Sit here on my lap. We can eat like this, princess."

So they do.

"Potter," Draco chuckles when he feels Potter's growing boner between his cheeks. "We're
still eating."

"Sorry, can't help it. Also, how many times have I told you by now to call me Harry?"

"Sorry, Harry."
Potter hums and grips Draco's waist, forcing the blonde to grind on his lap. "Can I have my
dessert later?"

"Here? But your secretary—"

"Won't bother us. I don't have a schedule today. I can fuck your tight cunt all day here in my
office, it will not be the first time it'll happen anyway,"

Draco flushes when he's reminded of the first time Harry fucked him in his office, where
Potter bent him over his table and fucked Draco rough and hard until the blonde was crying
for mercy, but the Head Auror didn't stop, he only spread Draco's legs more and thrust harder.
Draco couldn't help the shameless squeals spilling from his lips.

Harry, at that time, obviously didn't have a plan on stopping, but they had to because the man
had a meeting scheduled. Even so, when the man was talking to his secretary through their
intercom, Harry wouldn't stop shagging him, Draco had to bite his lower lip until it bled to
stop his filthy moans. Even so, Draco's still sure Harry's secretary knew Draco was in Harry's
office, getting the fuck of his life.

And though Harry comforted him by saying, "Don't worry, she probably didn't hear you.
Even if she did, she's bound by the secrecy."

That didn't comfort him at all. It only made things worse for him that since then, he hadn't
looked at her ever again, ashamed to see her judging him, which he deserved anyway.

Draco is brought out of his memory when he feels Potter's lips on his nape. "And I know how
much your cunt is longing to serve my dick. I know you want to fuck here as well, right?"

Potter has him flipped on the table as soon as they're done eating, the Head Auror's hands
eager and burning against his already flushed bare skin. Everywhere his fingertips brush—or
more appropriately grip, leaves Draco with a tingling feeling that has him desperately
wishing Harry would enter him soon.
And at the time, Potter, still fully clothed and sitting on his swivel chair, with his head buried
between Draco's leg has the blonde already gasping—begging Harry to fuck him already. But
the man doesn't heed him, too focused on smelling his inner thigh and licking his thick thighs
wrapping his head.

"Wonder what you look like with a tight little skirt on."

That makes Draco pause from writhing underneath Potter's touches as he lets the image
assuage his mind. Thinking: Him? With a skirt on? For Potter. Can he do it? Should he do it?

"Skirt?" Draco whispers.

Potter stands up, and Draco sees his maniacal grin, no doubt in his mind, he already has
Draco with a sinful skirt on. "Yeah, it will look very pretty on you, I'm sure. You have long
smooth beautiful legs, it will please me to see you wearing skirts and dresses, you know."

But Draco is a man. A husband. "But—"

"It will look better on you than it did on Gin, you know."

At the mention of Potter's wife, a burning desire to please the man and wear those clothes
he'd wish to see him in rises in him. The Head Auror doesn't say anything more and goes
back to eating Draco. But the blonde, despite his head being briddled with Harry's tongue
frantically licking his rim, is already planning how to discreetly buy those pretty little skirts.

They fuck all day long in Harry's office. And when it's time to go back to their home, Draco
excuses himself from Astoria with a lie about being busy in the Ministry. Sweet Astoria says
nothing. And so, after giving himself to Harry in his office at their home, Draco lets Harry
wrap him in his big, muscled arms.

Days turn into weeks and Draco still hasn't found the strength to buy himself clothes. He can
just borrow—steal—clothes from his wife's wardrobe. But, Astoria is too smart and
conscious of her things to not notice that her own husband has stolen her favorite skirt to put
on a show for a man.

Besides, some of her clothes are suited for his taste, and Draco doesn't think they're suited for
Harry's taste. Draco wants something more him... more of what Harry will love to see...
more... alluring.

But before that happens, Potter surprises him with something so special.

This is the most special and thoughtful thing anyone has done for me.

Draco thinks as his slender fingers trace the moving dragon tattoo on one of Harry's pecs. On
his left chest. The dragon roars and breathes fire, seemingly greeting him.

"This... Harry, this is..."

"You loved it?"

"It's beautiful, Harry."

"It's for you," Potter holds his wrist and places his palm on it. "I want you to know that I had
this put here because my heart belongs to you."


Potter smirks at the reaction on his face. "I'm also thinking of putting your initial on my
middle finger, just so people will know who it belongs to."
Draco gulps, the image of Harry finger fucking him with his initials tattooed on his middle
finger is so hot.

"Put one on me as well," Draco says, his heart is full and overwhelmed, and he realizes he
must be making some rushed decisions, but he does not care.

"What do you want?"

"Something to remind me of you."

"An antler?" Astoria says from beside him. Draco quickly pulls down his shirt to hide his
tattoo from his wife, not wanting anyone to see it but Potter.

Focused on staring and tracing his newly tattooed rib, Draco hasn't realized that Astoria has
come back.

"Astoria, what are you doing here?"

Astoria chuckles and looks confused for a moment before shaking her head and walking
towards Draco, pecking him on the lips. "This is my room, you know."

"I-i know, I mean, I thought you're going to meet with Daphne?"

"I forgot something," she says as she walks towards her vanity mirror, opens the drawer, and
pulls out a box. "My gift to her."
Draco nods and sits down on the bed, not thinking of doing anything. To his fear, Astoria sits
beside him as well. Draco bites his inner cheek when he feels an uncomfortable feeling in
him. He shouldn't be feeling like this. This is his wife. But why does Astoria feel like a
stranger to him as time goes by? He feels so uncomfortable with her, especially when she
gets near him. He wants to push her away, or anything to distance himself from her.

"So why antler?"


"Why did you tattoo an antler on your rib?"

"I don't know. I think it's cool, you know? Antlers?"

"Yes, but I was expecting you'd tattoo a dragon or," her lips turn into a coy smile. "Or maybe
my name, maybe? But antler? Does it remind you of something because I can't remember you
telling me—"

"It doesn't!" Draco sighs. "Sorry, Asti, it doesn't remind me of anything. Just some random
thing, really, I just find it cool, really. The tattoo artist let me see these bunches of images,
and it was the first thing that caught my eye, just that, really, nothing of importance."

"Hm, okay, so are you planning to get more? You didn't tell me that you'd get one, though."

"Sorry, Asti, it's a rush decision. I wanted to back out when I saw the needles, so maybe I
won't be getting more. Just this."

"Hm, alright," Astoria winds her arms around him, but Draco pulls back a little.

"Aren't you supposed to meet Daphne? You'll be late, and I know how Daphne loathes late
"You're right. I have to go. You're okay here alone, right? You don't have any schedule for

"I probably don't have. I'll firecall you if I have."

"Alright. Bye, Draco. I love you." She pecks him again and gracefully exits their room, not
minding that her husband hasn't replied yet.

Draco doesn't bother to reply. It feels alien saying it to her now since it's been a while since
he has told her he loves her. Draco can't honestly remember the last time he's been genuinely
intimate with her, always telling her he's busy, and Astoria, being the good wife that she is, is
always so understanding of him.

Well, anyway, Draco stands back once again to face the mirror when he's sure Astoria has
finally left to admire his new tattoo. The artist is good, it looks beautiful against his skin.
Draco smiles a little as he remembers how Harry worships it as soon as they get home.

Beautiful. That's what Harry calls it. Just like Draco, he said.

With Harry in his mind, and before his consciousness and the still sane side of him can talk
him out of what he's planning, Draco has already picked up his wand, modifying his features
to those of a woman's.

Lifting the dark-tinted shades on his nosebridge, Draco feels drops of sweat from his
eyebrows and his dampened scalp, despite the harsh blow of cool air coming from the
muggle contraption somewhere beside him. He's glad that he has his shades on, despite the
fact that he's at a shop in a Muggle world and there's nil chance of anyone recognizing him
with his changed features.

He's also glad that he has his eyes covered, or else, these random muggles will see the crazed
look he has in his eyes. He's not so sure if he has, but he feels so panicked inside that it's
impossible that his eyes don't project what he feels.
He didn't feel this earlier. And his determination did not change even when he entered the
shop. He only feels the bile rising when he's in front of the many skimpy feminine clothes,
and there's this pressure in him to decide what to choose.

For a moment, his sanity finally clocks in, and he thinks: What am I doing here? I am a
pureblood husband. I have a wife. Why am I doing this? For a man who's obviously trying to
change my life. Don't I respect myself anymore?

But his internal battle stops when he feels a soft touch on his arm. A smiling attendant is
suddenly beside him.

"Hello, I can't help but see that you look like you are having a hard time choosing for
yourself. Do you need some assistance, Ma'am?"


"Are you planning to surprise your husband?"

Draco feels warmth spreading all over his face, quickly spreading down his body. "Uhm...

"Is it your first time to buy yourself a lingerie? It's perfectly normal if that's the case," Draco
is left speechless for a while. The muggle takes that as her chance to continue talking. "You
know, ma'am, you're very beautiful, so it won't be very difficult to look for the one that suits
you, but does your husband have any preference?"

Almost immediately, all his sane thoughts are locked away once again in the very depths of
his mind. Not sure when it will open again—or it will be opened again.
"Well, m-my husband wants to see me in skirts and dresses—but I also like to buy some of
these if that's okay?" Draco quickly says when she looks like she's about to assist the blonde
towards the skirts and dresses.

Of course, it's okay. Her face lights up at the mention of 'buy', she looks like she just hit the
jackpot, and she probably did. Suddenly, she's more accommodating and chatty—she's good
at marketing and praising him, Draco will give her that. He's so entertained with her that by
the time he's exited the shop, Draco has bought four skirts falling mid-thighs paired with
equally revealing tops, six dresses—two of them summer dresses and one hugging his body
like a second skin— and two lingeries. He's also bought three panties for himself.

Now where is he going to hide these? Draco thinks.

In the end, Draco puts it in a box, securing it so that only he can open it and charm it to look
like a normal inscopicoius-looking box, putting it under the many boxes he has in his

Now the only thing he needs to do is think of the perfect time to surprise the Head Auror.

Astoria serves it to him on a golden platter with an invitation to their family weekend
getaway. Draco is quick to turn the invite down, telling her some random bullshit about
ministry and talking to very important people.

"Are you sure you want to attend some boring meetings rather than come with me? Daph and
my parents miss you, you know," Astoria says, preparing to leave with her packed
sandwiches, which Draco helped prepare. She has a mid-length purple velvety dress on. She
looks beautiful and regal in it.

Draco smiles at her and helps to clasp her necklace around her neck. "Tell them my regards,
I'm sorry, Asti. If this isn't just important, you know I'm going to come with you, right? I
wouldn't want to miss it."
"I know," she says, turning to him with a soft smile of her own. Cupping his cheeks, she leans
in and pulls him down a little to stick their foreheads together. "Besides, this is going to be
finished soon, right? And soon you'll be back to being my doting husband."

"Why? Am I not your doting husband anymore?"

"You still are, but just too busy, but I know that soon will change because the election is
coming, and I know you're going to win."

Draco only hums, too busy to vanish his thoughts about the election to reply to her. He
doesn't want to think about the election, there are so many things to unpack from that.

"Where's your husband, Asti?"

"Busy." Astoria tries to keep her reply at a minimum, she doesn't want to have this
conversation with her older sister at great lengths when she's had the same conversations with
her many times in the past and they didn't always end well.

"Right. Busy. Draco Malfoy is, of course, always busy."

Astoria says she won't fight with her anymore, but she can't just ignore the contempt in her

"He is. He's busy being the future Minister, not that you'll understand," she says, giving
Daphne a sickeningly sweet smile. Astoria is not the one to look down on people, but she
can't help but mock Daphne's husband. An eye for an eye.
"At least I have my husband here with me," Daphne says with a sarcastic smile of her own,
looking at her husband, who's helping their parents. "Where's yours?"

Astoria sighs. "Draco is supposed to be your friend, what are you trying to imply?"

Imply is a strong word for what Daphne is doing. He's lying, she explicitly said. You can't
trust him.

"Right, he used to be my friend; that's why I'm telling you this," Daphne puts down the plate
she has in her hand to focus on her. "Do you know that he used to lie to us, telling us he's had
some bullshit potions project for extra grades, but in truth, he's chasing Potter and his friends
to mock them?"

"So what you're saying is that he's with Head Auror Potter right at this moment?" Astoria
says with a giggle. She can't stress enough how ridiculous

"No," Daphne rolls her eyes. "What I'm saying is that it's been too easy for him to lie to us.
His friends, if that's what he considered us. Draco is still the "

"No, Draco is not the same haughty boy in school, he's now a noble and trustworthy man, on
his way to be the new Minister of Magic. He's a changed man, Daph,"

'I changed him,' are the words left unsaid.

"He's my husband and I trust him. If he says he's meeting important people for his Ministry
position, then I believe him."

"Fine but don't come crying at me when his lies blow in your face, I already warned you
many times."

"He's not cheating on me, Daph."

"No, that's not what I'm saying," Daphne shrugs. "But he's also definitely not saying the truth,
he can't be too busy many times, don't see him as a perfect man, Asti because he's not, he's
far from it."

"Daph, you're not too close with him and I am, you don't know him the way I do, so you don't
have the right to judge him because of his pasts," Astoria sighs. "And I know you haven't
been his fan since we started, you don't like him for me but look at us, we've been together
for 12 years now and he hasn't changed since then. You don't know him."

She feels the need to fight for her husband, someone who's not here to defend himself, but
Daphne looks so confident that she finds herself unable to look for words to defend Draco.

"Don't be a complacent, pureblooded wife, it won't be good for you."

Daphne leaves her.

The next day, in Astoria's hand is a crumpled letter with the note:

Wondering where your husband is? Don't bother. He's with me, sated and exhausted
after entertaining me. His big ass looks very sexy in his pretty little skirt, you know.
Your pureblood husband is a slut. But only for me.

Astoria's trust is starting to crumble.

Chapter End Notes

Draco is crazy by now... 🙂

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

While Astoria is busy with her weekend getaway with her family, her good husband, Draco
Malfoy, on the other hand, is on his way to another place which he calls his other home with
carefully folded clothes in his large pouch.

The blonde smiles when the floo address welcomes him like its master, like it always does.

Potter is not yet home. The Head Auror is busy with the rising issue of the murders of
teenage girls—twice happening within the day and another body found the next day. The
Acting Minister guesses there's a serial killer on the loose, so he's pressing the DMLE
department to do something about it before the Prophet turns the news into an ugly political
character assassination and smears the Acting Minister's name with dirt.

It's a surprise, actually, that the filthy liars in Prophet hadn't done that yet, writing only facts
about the murders thus far.

It's probably because they are scared of smearing the Savior's name as well.

It'll be a long week, if not a month, he told Draco yesterday before they parted ways.

The acting minister is hammering the DMLE to catch the serial killer since he's running for
minister as well and didn't want to ruin his chances of winning. Harry said he doesn't believe
there is a serial killer, and the cases are isolated issues. Nevertheless, it'll be a very busy night
for Harry, but the man promises him that he will still make sure he gets to meet Draco.

So before that happens, Draco wants to give the man some motivation. Something that they
will both remember the next few weeks they have to be separated for a while.
The blonde then goes to the loo. He stares at the mirror for some time and sees nothing but
determination and excitement in his eyes. One thing is for sure: He's doing this.

He wonders, what will Potter like more? The dark green sultry dress or the baby pink mini
skirt paired with a white spaghetti-strap top leaves his lean-mucled stomach exposed and
ready to be ogled by the man.

He supposes, as he combs his blonde hair, the skirt-top combination will highlight the
innocence he's lost a long time ago, while the dress screams out desire, passion, and wildness
—a promise of a steamy night.

In the end, Draco chooses the dress. Draco smiles as he stares at his reflection in the mirror
and caresses the dress, admiring its softness.

Its dark color brings out the paleness and softness of the blonde's glowing skin. The top part
of the dress hugs his body in all the right places, with its thin shoulder straps complementing
his beautiful collar bones. The lower part is a bit flared out, a bit loose and flowy, stopping
only mid-thighs, highlighting his long legs that look like they can go on for miles. It has a
small slit, just the right measure to show a bit of his shaved legs in an inviting yet innocent

Satisfied, Draco turns around. Now his back is facing the mirror. The thin straps on his back
are criss-crossed, exposing his back muscles, which scoop down to his lower back. Draco
tries leaning forward, for a little, and he smiles when the dress rises up, almost exposing his
ass. Almost.

A tease, Harry will surely say.

Spraying the bottle of perfume Harry loves, Draco returns to the living room.

He longingly looks at the bedroom. Despite the fact that this has become his home, he never
sets foot in the bedroom since Harry used to say they would never use it because only lovers
fuck in there. Draco wonders if Harry's words will change by now. Draco wants Harry to fuck
him in the bedroom.
With a sigh, he turns his head towards the door and thinks to himself whether he should wait
there instead, kneeling with his head bowed down. He stops himself, he doesn't want to dirty
his dress.

He stays put on the couch instead, crossing his legs, quite thankful for the looseness of the
dress, and letting his hands grip the couch. Not a minute later, the front door opens, and in
comes the head Auror.

Draco can't keep the smile off of his face when he sees that he renders the man speechless
and mouth wide open, a first in a while since he's seen the man in such a state since the new
Harry Potter seems always cool and collected.

The blonde shyly bites his lower lip, and when he sees the man's eyes swallowing his whole
existence, the latter's eyes darken. He hears Potter growling when Draco inadvertently flutters
his already dilated eyes.


"Har–" Whatever Draco has to say gets lost in the loud stomps of the Head Auror's combat
boots against the tiled floor as the man rapidly walks to where the blonde is.

There's not a word that leaves the man's mouth as he faces Draco, but rather, he kneels down,
forces Draco's legs to spread for him, and then his head enters Draco's dress. The blonde's
body feels flushed at the sight. It looks so fucking hot how Potter's head vanishes just like

But then the man's head comes back into the open, not even a second later. Draco notes,
feeling smug, how wide the man's eyes are under his glasses.

"Fuck. Panties?!"
It's a last-minute decision, and Draco is very glad that he followed his instinct, seeing the
man's heated stare almost melting him. Potter doesn't wait for his reply, and swiftly delves
back inside his dress. The blonde thought the man was going to rip his panties since the man
was more than ready to devour him earlier.

But Potter simply lifts Draco's lower body and pulls him until Draco can feel the harsh, warm
panting against his twitching, clothed hole. Draco hears the man growl, but contrary to what
he shows, Harry merely moves the soft cotton fabric of Draco's panties with gentleness.

It shocks Draco that when Harry's lips finally attach to his hole, he can barely make a sound.
Probably offended at the lack of reaction, Harry grips his inner thighs and leans in closer, his
tongue unforgiving as it twists and curls inside Draco.

Draco's body and toes twist and curl as well, and he can only squeal, louder and at a higher
pitch the deeper Harry's tongue reaches inside him. "Ah! Ah—Harry! Y-yes there! Ah!
Harry! Ah!"

Draco's gasps are what fill the room for a few minutes, his breath hitching each time Harry
leans back for a bit, and his mouth starts sucking on Draco's sensitive hole before coming
back in to lick his insides once again.

"Fu—Ah! Harry!" He continues to squeal.

The blonde doesn't know where to put his trembling legs. Should he keep them spread out so
Potter will have more skin to devour, or should he wrap his legs tight around Potter's head to
keep him there while Draco writhes against his tongue? Both are very appealing. But in the
end, with warm tears rolling down his cheeks, Draco puts both his legs on the former
Gryffindor's shoulders, making sure that the sole of his foot pushes onto Harry's back,
shoving the man towards him more as if Draco thusting his ass onto Harry's mouth is not

When he falls onto the couch when Harry suddenly nips his inner thigh, Draco involuntarily
holds onto his untidy hair, and he, unfortunately, looks down as well.
Big mistake. Draco thought seeing Harry between his legs was hot, but something about
seeing Harry's head under his dress... It's more taboo, more filthy seeing from him—a
pureblood husband ruining himself for another man.

Draco quickly closes his eyes, not wanting to come just yet. He just opens them again when
he feels Harry's thick fingers against his lips. Harry doesn't have to say anything, Draco has
his lips wrapped around them, sucking. He only stops when Harry pulls his fingers away.

"Ah!" The blonde's moans turn up a notch when Harry begins to finger him as well. The
man's fingers are fast thrusting in and out of him, and soon, Draco finally comes.

Without so much of a, "Fuck!" Draco comes, leaving dark patches on his dress.

Draco tears up a little. He comes without Potter touching his cock. He comes with just Potter
fingering him. He's turning into a slut. Into Potter's exclusive slut, if he isn't yet.

He doesn't have much time to think about this because Potter has finally come up, sweaty and
crimson red in the face, but nevertheless he looks very satisfied. The man doesn't give him
any space to do anything, simply grabs Draco's face, forcefully pulling him forward, and
smirks at his face, his eyes shining in delight.

"You look so beautiful," Draco's eyes flutter shut, feeling Harry's calloused fingers against his
soft cheeks. "So good to ruin. Next time, you should wear lipstick as well."


Harry sears his lips with a rough kiss that Draco can only try to kiss back even when he feels
breathless at Harry's lips and tight hand around his neck, but try as he might, he ends up just
opening his mouth, leaving Harry to do what he pleases with his tongue and lips.

"Wrap your hands around me."

Draco nods, quick to follow whatever Harry wants. The Head Auror then grips his thighs and
easily picks him up, forcing Draco's legs to wrap around his waist, without breaking their

"Shit, easy access," Harry whispers against his lips.

With Harry distracting him with his lips on his neck, Draco still hears the unmistakable sound
of Harry's trouzers being zipped down. Then Draco feels the familiar shape of Harry's big
dick against his panties.

With a firm, hard slap on his plump ass loudly echoing in the room, Harry easily tears
Draco's panties, raises his dress, and sheathes his dick inside Draco.

Draco bites his lower lip, feeling Harry's big cock inside him. Harry has fucked him so many
times that Draco can't remember each one anymore, but he still doesn't get used to it, he still
feels the pain of being stretched.

But Harry doesn't know this, blindly thrusting inside the blonde. Draco lets him be.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Draco moans against Harry's lips while staring at him while the latter
pounds into him.

"Harry—Ah!—please," Draco whines not sure what he wants as well, but Harry takes a wild
guess, and then his thrusts get firmer, the sounds of skins hitting against each other getting
louder, no doubt leaving red marks on his pale skin.

If only a mirror is present, Draco knows he will see a shameless reflection of them together—
Draco's shaved legs around Potter's waist with a green dress bunched around his own waist,
while getting fucked.
Draco buries his face in Harry's neck, his hips moving up and down to meet the man's thrusts.

A few minutes later, Harry walks them towards the kitchen counter, still bouncing Draco on
his cock. He then puts Draco down, raises one of his legs, and continues to fuck him with the
same vigor.

Draco smiles at Harry while he gives sweet pecks on the man's face, despite the loud moans
of, "Ah!" and squeals of "Yes!" spilling from his lips whenever Harry grazes his prostate.

"Want to fucking breed your stupid cunt," Harry growls.

Draco nods. "W-want that, yes."

Harry pulls out before either of them can come. He pushes Draco onto the kitchen counter
and kneels before him, Harry's lips attaching to his gaping hole once again.

Suddenly, Harry's muggle phone rings. To Draco's knowledge, only a handful of people have
it, Granger-Weasley and the Weasleys. It can be any of them.

Draco wishes it was Weasley rather than Granger-Weasley because she's too smart not to
notice anything. Or worse,


Of course, it's Ginny Potter.

Draco looks down and sees Harry smirking at him. Draco thought he's going to stop, but
Harry only goes back to eating him out.
"Honey, what are you doing?" Ginny's voice sounds soft, different from what Draco usually
hears from her when she's doing an interview. Her tone is Harry Potter-exclusive, for her
husband only.

"I'm eating," As if to prove his point, Harry licks his rim to the base of his cock. Draco covers
his mouth. "Sorry, Gin. Do you want to talk later then?"

"Hm," Ginny seems to be thinking. "Do you mind that we continue this call while you're

Harry pulls back from eating out Draco's ass. "Of course not, honey."

Honey. Draco feels a pang in his chest. Hearing Harry call Ginny that is painful.

"Alright, I just called to ask about the kids. They forgot to send me letters last week. I'm a bit

Draco smiles a bit. Good. Leave her with nothing. On the other hand, Draco receives letters
from them almost every day.

But it confuses Draco, Ginny doesn't seem like the neglectful mother Harry makes her out to
be. She sounds genuinely worried for her kids.

"They're okay, Gin, don't worry about them, they probably just had so much work on their
plates. Don't worry, I'll tell them to write you as soon as they can."

"Thanks, Harry," Ginny sighs. "I miss you and the kids."

Draco bites his lower lip. Why is she saying things like this? This isn't Ginny Potter. She
should be the neglectful wife and mother, right? She's the bitch who cheated on her husband,
so why does she sound so fond right now?
It takes a bit of time before Harry replies, too busy sucking on Draco's bollocks and playing
with his hole, but he still says, "Hm, I miss you too, Gin."

Draco frowns. Why is Harry saying that? He glares at Harry, but the man is only smirking at
him. Coming down from the counter, Draco pushes Harry to lean on the kitchen counter and
kneels before the Head Auror.

"It's hard for me right now, Harry, without seeing you and the kids," Draco swallows Harry's
cock. He doesn't want to hear the bitch. He doesn't want Harry to talk to her. He wants Harry
to focus on him. "But you understand that I have to do this, right?"

Harry only hums. Draco smirks when he looks up and sees Harry, with his head thrown back
and his hips deftly moving to thrust into Draco's mouth. The blonde can almost take Harry's
whole cock now, unlike the first time he sucked Harry, Draco rarely chokes anymore. Months
of blowing Harry's monster cock have stretched his mouth and lips, and he's gotten used to it.

Not used. He's learned to love it. He loves it so much that he can't live without having to suck
for a week. The same way he loves getting fucked in the ass.

Ginny Potter continues to ramble in the background, about her training and games, Draco
hears some of her words, but he tunes her out, focused on sliding Harry's cock in his mouth.
He pulls out after some time with a louder pop than he intends because Ginny asks. "What's

"I'm drinking wine."

"Oh," Ginny continues rambling again.

Draco rolls his eyes and begins to swirl his tongue around Harry's tip, not minding how
loudly he's slurping Harry's cock. The man doesn't look like he cares as well, but Draco hears
his deep voice replying to Ginny from time to time.
"Gwenog just told me I should play for another conference game, that means I'll have to be
away for another 3 months or so next year," Ginny sighs. "Do you think I should do it?"

Draco looks up at Harry, who's already looking back at him as well. Draco smirks and slowly
opens his mouth, his tongue lolling for Harry like a bitch in heat.

"Yeah, you do that." Harry begins to slap his dick on Draco's tongue and lips, then he enters
his cock in Draco's mouth, roughly fucking his inner cheek with only half of Harry's cock,
and forces it to pop out from Draco's lips. Draco feels his jaw and cheeks starting to hurt, but
he doesn't say anything. Harry has done this for some time.

"Shit." Harry groans.


"Hm? Nothing, because I remember you telling the kids you'd soon quit."

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry, I really am, I don't want this to happen as well," Ginny sighs
again. "That's why I'm asking you."

"Why? You're not going to listen to me anyway."

"Harry, it's not like that."

Draco spits on Harry's cock and begins stroking him fast, using both his hands because he
can't wrap and satisfy Harry using only one. The blonde then runs his tongue along the
underside of Harry's shaft, tongue flicking Harry's ribbed edges before coming back to swirl
his desperate tongue on Harry's tip.
He loves Harry's taste so much. With Draco's eyes diluted, the blonde sucks on the Head
Auror's bollocks.

Harry sighs, caressing Draco's blond locks. "Then what is it like?"

"Of course I listen to you. You're my husband, so of course I will listen to you. I'll do
whatever you want me to do, Harry, that's how much I love you."

Draco releases Harry's bollocks, and with his eyes fixed on Harry, he slowly swallows
Harry's cock once again. But a hand on his locks stops him, and then Harry just shoves his
cock inside Draco's mouth, pushing it until Draco's nose bumps onto Harry's pubic hair.

Harry curses out loud.

"Harry... please listen to me."

Draco chokes, tears quickly streaming down his face, but Harry won't let him go. With a
pinch on Harry's thigh, the man finally pulls out. Draco does his best to cough as quietly as
he can. Harry groans. "Shit."

"Harry, please," Ginny is saying, her voice sad and pleading. "Please understand me."

Harry grips Draco's blonde locks and forces his cock inside Draco again. Draco tries his best
to deep-throat Harry without choking, but he can't. The man is too much for him. "I always
understand you! Fucking hell."

He's so big!

"But you just said earlier that I should do it."

Harry makes Draco stop, puts him down on the kitchen counter, and quickly moves on top of
Draco, raising his hands over his head.


"What?" Ginny sounds so confused, like she can't believe her own husband will be that
indifferent to her.

Harry spreads Draco's legs and slowly enters him. Draco covers his mouth to stop his moans
from spilling.

"Whatever. Do whatever you want." Harry scoffs one last time and clicks something on his
phone. Then, with a kiss on Draco's lips, he begins fucking Draco.

Ginny continues to plead for her husband. "Harry, Harry please hear me out, you're not mad,
are you? You just told me earlier that I should do the conference. It'll be the last time, I

Harry doesn't reply, focused on fucking Draco. Draco holds on tight to Harry, gripping him
closer to him, not wanting to let go of Harry.

"Harry, please talk to me. Don't be like this, honey."

Draco wants to scoff. Ginny is not an idiot. How can she hear the loud sounds of skin
slapping and not get the hint that her husband is fucking someone else.

But then he realized why.

The microphone is off. Draco wants to turn it on for Ginny to hear what her husband is doing
to him. His brain knows he shouldn't be doing this, but he can't stop the lust manipulating his
body, his actions, he's so turned on at this!
Words of, 'I'm fucking someone else's husband, and I love it!' 'Harry is fucking me while on a
call with Ginny' echo in his brain. Draco doesn't give a fuck anymore as he pushes Harry's
head so he can kiss him, just as Ginny says, "I love you, Harry," sounding tearful.

Tears from overwhelming pleasure and nearing orgasm continue to stream from Draco's face.

Draco throws his head back when Harry makes a particularly hard thrust. It feels so good!

"Feel free to moan, baby." Harry whispers to him.

"Fuck yes! Ah! Ah! Ah! Harry!"

In the background, Ginny continues to plead with Harry to listen to her, saying how much she
needs to be at another conference, before maybe, finally quitting permanently.

She sounds like she's on the verge of crying. Draco, too, is on the verge of crying with
Harry's cock assaulting his prostate. "Oh fuck, Harry! Harry! Fuck!"

"You love that? Love that breeding your tight pussy?"

"Yes, oh yes! Harry, please kiss me, please."

Draco smiles against Harry's lips. Harry listens to him. Too bad he can't say the same for

He wants Ginny to hear his loud moans. He wants Ginny Potter, a hero, celebrated Quidditch
player currently at the top of her field, to know that he, Draco Malfoy, former Death Eater is
being fucked hard by her husband while she's Merlin knows where crying for his attention.
He wants Ginny to know that her husband wants Draco more than her. He wants Ginny to
know all the things Harry had told him—that he's more beautiful and sexier than her. A better
wife and mother.

He stops his hand from turning on the microphone. He's soon to reveal their secret. Harry is
busy breeding him.

Finally, the call ends, and Harry flips their position. Draco is more than eager to ride Harry.
"Fuck! Harry! Don't pull out! Come inside me! Come inside me!" Draco squeals when Harry
grips his hips hard and pistols his cock inside him. "Harder, harder, please, please! Merlin!
I'm coming!"

They both come with their bodies trembling.

"Fuck." Draco pants on their kitchen counter, his legs still shaking from the intensity of their
fuck, with Harry's cum slowly trickling from his gaping and twitching hole.

"We're not yet done," Harry smiles.

Draco smiles back, still breathless. "I know. We have all day to ourselves."

Harry then carries him to the living room, where he lays Draco on the couch, forces him to
spread his legs, and begins playing with his puffy hole.

Draco winds his arms around Harry, placing his chin on his shoulder, and closes his eyes a
bit, wanting to take a breather for a while before Harry takes him again.

"Taste your cunt."

Draco gets a hold of the man's wrist and licks his forefingers, giving Harry the most lustful
stare he can muster before slowly pushing the thick fingers inside his mouth, his tongue
slowly twisting and his lips sucking.
They can both loudly hear how his wet tongue serves Harry's cum-covered forefingers.

The blonde gives him a fond smile, despite Harry's thick fingers in his mouth.

He doesn't regret anything.

Chapter End Notes

Straight outta porn 🙂

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