Phonetics and Phonology

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Phonetics and phonology

1.- Select a transcription to work on; it can be transcriptions 1,2,3 or 4 (Transcriptions 1 and 2

are in week 5. Alice will appreciate it. She has to look for the white rabbit.🐇😉

2.- Divide into tonic units. Use your knowledge of phrases (clue: we speak in chunks not isolated
3.- Apply the phonological rules we have practiced (Aspiration, unreleasement, vowel
shortening, devoicing, nasalization, morphophonemic plural rule, syllabic consonants). in short,
make the broad thanscription into a narrow one

[ʃiˈfɛlt̚ ðə̌ t̚ ] [ʃi wəz ˈdəʊzɪ̃ŋ ˈɒf ]

[ən̩ həːd ˈd̥ ʒʌst̚ b̥ əˈgʌ̃n] [tʰəˈdr̥ im]
[ðət̚ ʃi wəz 'wɔːkʰɪŋ 'hæ̃ nd ɪn 'hæ̃ nd][ wɪð d̥ aɪnə]
[hə 'kʰæt̚ ]
[ʃi wəz 'seɪ̃ŋ tʰu ə] ['veri 'ɜ̃ːnəst̚ li ]
[ 'naʊ' d̥ aɪ̃nə ]
['tʰel̴ mi ðə 'tr̥ uːθ ]
[d̥ ɪdʒu' evə 'it̚ ə 'bæ̌ t̚ ]
[wẽn 'sʌd̥ nli ] ['θʌ̃mp̚ ]
['d̥ aʊ̃n ʃi' keɪ̃m][ ɒ̃n ə'hiːp̚ əv 'stʰɪks ] [n̩ 'liːvz ]
[ n̩ ðə 'fɔl̴ wəz 'əʊvə]

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