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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Facultad de Comunicación, Lingüística y Literatura

Carrera de Lingüística
Linguistic Research
Daneth López, Daniela Chipantiza
With the work you did with AntConc, take screenshots to evidence the different tools you
worked with (KWIC, Plot, Cluster, Ngram, etc.) Comment on what you can observe
regarding frequency, linguistic context, and any other interesting discoveries you may find.
To start using the application, we began with the word “word” because it appeared
frequently in the book. We noticed that this term is often preceded by an adjective or a preposition,
and typically followed by a verb or another preposition.
For a more technical use of the AntConc application, we used the verb “could” and limited
the context to only 4 tokens. The pattern we noticed is that to the right of this word, there is usually
an infinitive verb or a subject. To the left, there is typically a subject or the conjunction “but.”

However, when we examined ten random cases, we noticed that we had overlooked the
adverb “almost” appearing to the right of the verb.
For this analysis, we used only one corpus, a book. Therefore, if we want to compare the
context, it might not work as expected due to the limited scope of the data.

Plot tool
For this task, we used only one book, so we couldn’t utilize the Plot tool properly as it was
not possible to compare the results with other texts. If we want to know more about statistics in
the text or the percentage frequency of word usage, the Plot tool could be more useful. The results
show that the verb “could” is used frequently in this story.

File view
This tool is useful if you want a context about the word or expression that someone is
looking for. Interestingly, this tool is there to be as support of the other tools like the KWIC tool
and plot.
Cluster tool
For the cluster tool, we use the verb “could” and the most frequent cluster is “could see”
and the less common cluster is “Could add” This is the most interesting tool for us, we could find
the exact clusters that we are searching for and looking it under a specific context.
N-gram tool
The most frequent pattern is “in the”, but if we look for the largest range, the most common
pattern is “I don t know” and based on the book context is understandable why this is the most
common pattern. This tool helps find some different patterns that could appear in a corpus.

Collocate tool
The collocations tool allows you to identify words that frequently appear together in a corpus of
text. Collocations are words that tend to appear near other words more frequently than would be
expected by chance, which can reveal meaningful relationships between words. This tool lets us
identify using patterns in a corpus.
Word tool
This tool lets us generate a word list depending on the frequency at which it appears. And
we could identify the most common words in the corpus. In the book that we were working the
most common word was the determiner “the”.
This tool helps us to compare corpus and identify the keywords between them.
Keywords are calculated by comparing word frequencies in two different corpora.
The significance threshold and the statistical method used to identify keywords (e.g. chi-
square, log-likelihood) can be adjusted.

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