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CAR 145 & CAR M


CAR 145 -147Q.

CAR M -154Q.

⦁ Components which are in satisfactory condition, released on a CA form

1 or equivalent marked in accordance with
⦁ CAR M subpart F
⦁ CAR 145 A.50
⦁ CAR 21 subpart Q
⦁ Either 1 or 2
REF. 145—46

⦁ In which block “remarks” on the CA form 1 some cases contain vital

airworthiness related information which may need appropriate and
necessary action
⦁ Block 10
⦁ Block 11
⦁ Block 13b
⦁ Block 12
REF 145.-47

⦁ The requirements of personal who perform specialized tasks such as

NDT, is defined in

⦁ AAC 1 of 2017
⦁ AAC 2 of 2017
⦁ AAC 8 of 2000
⦁ AAC 2 of 2016
REF 145- 26

⦁ The validity of the limited certification authorisation is

⦁ 24 months
⦁ 6 months
⦁ 3 months
⦁ 12 months
REF 145-30

⦁ Which department of the org. will need to access each situation

individually prior to the issuance of a one-off authorisation?
⦁ The accountable manager
⦁ Quality
⦁ Flight engineer

⦁ When issuing a one-off authorisation, which department of the

organization should verify required requirements
⦁ Accountable manager
⦁ Quality department
REF 145_31
⦁ For the issue of a limited certification authorisation, the commander
should hold
⦁ A valid ATPL
⦁ A valid CPL
⦁ Both
⦁ Either 1 or 2
REF 145 -29

⦁ Who establish and promote the safety and quality policy?

⦁ Quality manager
⦁ Accountable manager
⦁ Either 1 or 2
REF 145-69

⦁ Safety management system should be approved by
a) Quality manager
b) Manufacturer
⦁ as in 1) , given according rule 29D of a/c rules 1937
REF 145 – 69

⦁ who should be the responsible for monitoring the amendment of the

⦁ Quality manager
⦁ Accountable manager
⦁ As in 2) unless agreed by DGCA
⦁ As in 1) unless agreed by DGCA

11. MTCS
⦁ For the purpose of this CAR 145 , the competent authority shall be
⦁ For organisation having their principal place of business in
India .
⦁ As in (b) or any other organisation .

12 CAR 145 is applicable for :

⦁ Organisation involve in maintenance of CMP a/c
⦁ As in (a) or of a/c used for commercial air transport.
⦁ Component intended for fitment tthereto..

13. MTICS - Large a/c means :

⦁ Aeroplane with MTOM more than 5700 kg
⦁ Aeroplane with MTOM 5700kg
⦁ Multi engined helicopter
⦁ Both (a) & (c)

14. CMP helicopter means :

⦁ MTOM below 3175kg
⦁ MTOM of 3175kg
⦁ MTOM above 3175kg
⦁ None

15. MTCS : the smallest org. would only be involved with :

⦁ A limited no. of light a/c
⦁ As in (a) or a/c component
⦁ As in (b) & a/c used for CAT

16. Types of small org. for which CAR 145 approval may require are
⦁ Light a/c maintenance hangars
⦁ Component maintenance workshop
⦁ Both (a) & (b)

17. Full time for the purpose of CAR 145 means :

⦁ Not less than 37 hours per week except during vacation
⦁ Not more than 35 hours per week except during vacation
periods .
⦁ Not less than 35 hours per week except during vacation
periods .

18. The contracted quality monitoring org. or person has responsibility to

make minimum
⦁ 2visit / 12 months
⦁ 2 visit per month
⦁ 2 visit per 6 months

19. Approval recommendation report CA form -6 shall be used for

⦁ Grant of maintenance org. approval
⦁ Change of maintenance org. approval
⦁ Continuation of maintenance org. approval

20. Cat C component rating identifies
⦁ ATA 2200 chapter
⦁ ATA 2020 chapter
⦁ ATA 2002 chapter

21. 145.A.35 is :
⦁ Maintenance data
⦁ Certifying staff & support staff
⦁ Production planning
⦁ None

22. The accountable manager may be accountable manager for

⦁ More than 2 org.
⦁ More than 1 org.
⦁ None

23. Maintenance man – hour plan should be reviewed

⦁ At least in every 3 months
⦁ At least every day
⦁ At least in every 3 days

24. Significant deviation( man- hour plan) means

⦁ Not more than a 25% shortfall in available man hour plan
⦁ More than a 25% shortfall in available man hour plan

LEVEL 1 & 2

1. A CAR 145 Approved Maintenance Organization with CAT. B may carry out
1. on an uninstalled engine during base and line maintenance
2. NDT on products containing NDT procedure 3. Both (1)
& (2)

2. An organization shall appoint an accountable manager who shall

1. Demonstrate relevant knowledge & background of related aircraft
maintenance & working knowledge of CAR 145
2. Ensure that all the recovery resources are available to accomplish
3. Establish & promote the safety & quality policy
4. AS in (2) & (3) & demonstrate basic understanding of 145

3. NDT comes under class of 145 organizations

1. Specialized services 2. Normal services 3. Both
4. None

4. Internal audit of CAR 145 organization

1. Twice in a year 2. Once in two years 3. Twice in two
years 4. None

5. MTCS: Regarding CAR 145 organization

1. At least half of the staff performance employed to ensure organization
& stability
2. Contract staff being part time or full time should be made aware for
compliance within the organization procedure
specified in MOE
3. Contract means the person is employed by another organization &
contracted by that any to the maintenance
organization approved under CAR 145
4. All the above

6. Aircraft is grounded at location other than the main base or main line
maintenance due to non-availability of components with the
appropriate release certificate it is permissible to temporarily fit a component
without appropriate release certification for
maximum period of
1. 30 hrs 2. 15 hrs 3. 35 hrs
4. 50 hrs

7. Class A2 rating is
1. Base & Line maintenance of aero plane of 5700kg & below (piston

engine only)
2. Base maintenance of aero plane of 5700kg & below (Turbine engine
3. Line maintenance of aero plane of 5700kg & below (Turbine engine
4. Both (1) & (2)

8. For helicopter of less than 3175kg, based & line maintenance

1. Class A2 2. Class A1 3. Class A4 4. Class

9. CAR 145 issuance

1. Operation of Large Aircraft 2. Engaged in commercial operation
3. Both (1) & (2) 4. None

10. MTCS:
1. Organization with more than about 500 maintenance staff should
have a dedicated quality audit group
2. Organization with less than 500 staff should have dedicated quality
audit group
3. Max. 10 staff should have dedicated quality audit group

11. An organization having Max. 10 maintenance staff can carry out internal
1. Twice in a year 2. Once in two years 3. Twice in
two years 4. None

12. Independent audit CAR 145 sample check means

1. Sampling
2. Visual Inspection
3. To witness any relevant testing & visually inspect the product &
associated documentation 4. Both (1) & (2)

13. Issuance of C of A is rule _____ of 1937

1. 50 2. 30 3.55
4. 60

14. Private Aircraft of MTOM more than 5700 kg is

1. CAR 145 AMO 2. CAR 21 3. CAR M

15. Single engine helicopter used for commercial purpose is maintained by

1. CAR 145 AMO 2. CAR 21 3. CAR M

16. Independent Audit for small organization should be carried out

1. Twice in a year 2. Once in two years 3. Twice in two
years 4. None

17. Human Factors training procedure included in

1. Management 2. Maintenance Procedure 3.
Quality System procedure

1. Organization having > 500 maintenance staff should have a
dedicated Quality Audit group
2. Organization having < 500 maintenance staff should have a dedicated
Quality Audit group
3. Organization having > 500 maintenance staff can use any competent
personnel from one section /department

19. Quality system procedure of MOE is

1. Part 1 2. Part 2 3. Part 3
4. Part 4

20. For CAR 145 small organization

1. Accountable Manager may be line maintenance manager
2. Accountable Manager may be line maintenance Manager or work
shop manager
3. Accountable Manager may be Quality Manager or Work shop Manager

21. MTCS
1. When Accountable Manager is not the Chief Executive Officer, CEO
should be acceptable to DGCA
2. Accountable Manager may be Accountable Manager for one or more
3.Accountable Manager Need not required to have technical knowledge as
it is stated in MOE
4. All the above

22. Records pertaining to independent Audit & Quality Feedback system should
be carried for
1. 1 year 2. 2 years 3. 3 years
4. 6 months

23. The independent Audit CAR 145 the sample

1. Repeat assembly or testing under sample check identifies finding
2. To witness any relevant testing & visual inspection the product &
associated documentation
3. Disassembly, Reassembly & testing 4. To
access the knowledge of certifying staff

24. Which of the following forms the part of MOE?

1. Safety & description of man power resources 2.
Shift/ Task hand over procedure
3. Control of man hour plan verses schedule maintenance work
4. Procedure for notification of maintenance data inaccuracies, &
ambiguity to the type of certificate holder
25. Duties & Responsibilities of Maintenance personnel given in which part of
1. Part 1 2. Part 2 3. Part 0
4. Part 4

26. Aircraft taking procedure, engine running procedure is given in which part of
1. Part 0 2. Part 2 3.
Part 3 4. Part 4

27. Production Planning includes

1. Scheduling the line maintenance work ahead to ensure that if does not
interfere with other work
2. During maintenance work organizing maintenance team & shifts &
provide all necessary support to the completion of
maintenance without undue time pressure
3. Consideration should be given man hour estimation preparation of
work hangar availability
4. All the above

28. CAR 145 is applicable for

1. Large Aircraft fitted with Turbine engine
2. Aero plane of MTOM >5700kg
3. Multi engine Helicopter 4.
AS in (2) & (3)

29. Private Aircraft of MTOM more than 5700 kg is maintained by

1. Sub part F CAR - M AMO 2. CAR 145 AMO 3. Sub part G CAR – M
AMO 4. AMO section – 2 Series – E

30. Open rating in case of CAT.A license is issued for all metal / composite
structure of Aircraft AUW less than
1. 5700kg 2. 3000 kg 3. 2000kg
4. 1000kg

31. Components of twin engine helicopter is maintained by

1. CAR M – Sub part F 2. CAR 145 3. CAR M – sub
part G 4. CAR sec-2 L –X

32. Single engine helicopter used for commercial purpose is maintained by

1. CAR M – Sub part F 2. CAR 145 3. CAR M – sub
part G 4. CAR sec-2 series E

33. Approval Schedule for maintenance organization is issued in CAR 145

1. CA FORM 2 2. CA FORM 3 3. CA FORM 4
4. CA FORM 6

34. In case of CAR 145 organizations, acceptance of nominated post holder is on
1. CA FORM 2 2. CA FORM 3 3. CA FORM 4 4. CA
35. In CAR 145 organization
1. The certifying staff shall ensure that compliance has been met & that all
work required by the customer has been accomplished during the
particular base maintenance check
2. The certifying staff shall ensure the compliance has been met as per direction
3. The certifying staff shall ensure that compliance has been met as per work
package approved by DGCA
4. AS in (2) & (3) DGCA may give concession if any work not carried out

36. An organization which is located in whole or in part, outside India will only
be granted
CAR – 145 approvals in respect of such location
1. If the DGCA, is satisfied that there is a need for such approval at that location
2. As in(1) & ensure compliance with CAR – 145
3. AS in (2) & alternatively, DGCA may accept an organization engaged in
repair & overhaul of major components of Aircraft like engine modules,
Landing gears, on the basis of approval granted by FAA OR JAA or an
authority acceptable to DGCA
4. Which is within the SAARC COUNTRIES

37. Who is responsible for establishing & promoting the safety & quality policy in
an organization having CAR – 145 approvals?
1. Quality Manager 2. Maintenance Manager 3. Accountable Manager 4.
All the above

38. In a CAR – 145 Approved Maintenance Organization maintenance man hour

plan should be based upon
1. The minimum maintenance workload needed for commercial viability
2. The maximum maintenance workload needed for line stations
3. The aircraft base maintenance only 4. All the above

39. Where a CAR – 145 organization choose to appoint managers for all or any
combination of the identified CAR – 145 functions because of the size of the
organization, these managers support to the Accountable Manager
1. Directly 2. Through base maintenance manager or line maintenance
3. Through workshop manager or Quality manager 4. Both (2) & (3) as

40. MTCS: Related to CAR – 145 Approved Organization

1. At least half the staff that performs maintenance should be permanent
employees to ensure organizational stability
2. Contract staff that performs maintenance should be made aware of
organization procedures specified in the MOE relevant to their duties
3. Contract staff means the person is employed by another organization &
contracted that organization to the CAR – 145 Approved Maintenance
Organization 4. All the above

41. Mark the “CLASS of NDT RATING” of an approved CAR – 145 Organization
1. Aircraft 2. Engine 3. Specialized
4. Components other than complete engines or APU

42. A CAR – 145 Approved Maintenance Organization with a class `C` rating may
carry out maintenance
1. on an installed component during base & line maintenance
2. At an Engine / APU maintenance Facility
3. Both 1 & 2, subject to a control procedure in MOE acceptable to DGCA

43. Aircraft taxy procedure given in __________ 145 exposition

1. Part 1 2. Part 2 3. Part 3 4. Part 4

44. Duties & Responsibilities of management person given in _____ 145 exposition
1. Part 1 2. Part 2 3. Part 3 4. Part 4

45. Minimum age of certifying staff is

1. 17 yrs 2. 18 yrs 3. 19 yrs 4. 20 yrs

46. Certifying staff is authorized by

1. DGCA 2. Authorization 3. Approval 4. None

47. Aircraft is grounded at a location other than main base for a maximum of
1. 25 Flight Hours 2. 30 Flight Hours 3. 50 Flight Hours 4. None

48. Which lower the flight safety & hazard seriously the flight safety?
1. Level 1 2. Level 2 3. Level 3 4. None

49. Duration of level 1 & level 2 finding in CAR145 as agreed by.

1. Sub - RAO 2. RAO 3. DGCA 4. DGCA (HQ)

50. Class A2 is for.

1. piston engine line and base maintenance of aircraft of 5700kg and below
2. turbine engine line and base maintenance of aircraft of 5700kg and below
3. helicopter line and base maintenance of below 3185kg.
4. none of the above

51. CAR145 is applicable to.

1. transport category aircraft
2. large aircraft above 5700 kg
3. aircraft above or below 5700kg and used for transportation
4. all the above

52. Accountable manager of an organization shall have.
1. appropriate understanding of technical knowledge
2. basic understanding of CAR145
3. both a & b.

53. Temporary fitment of a component in an aircraft without CRS for.

1. 25 flight hrs 2. 30 flight hrs 3. 50 flight hrs
4. As specified in MOE

54. Accountable manager is responsible for.

1. estabilising the safety 2. Demonstrate the basic understanding of CAR
3. avaiablity of resources 4. All of the above

55. independent audit for a line maintenance should be carried out.

1. once in two year 2. Twice in a year 3. Quarterly 4. None

56. Maintenance on uninstalled components of airframe shall be carried out

by ---------- organization.
1. Category A 2.Category B 3. Category C 4. Category D

57. DGCA form 3 is.

1. authorized release certificate 2. Airworthiness review certificate
3. approval certificate 4. Approval recommendation report

58. MTCS
1. Accountable manager may the chief executive officer
2. He may be the accountable manager for more than one organization
3. accountable manager may be identified in DGCA form 3.
4. all the above.

59. MTCS
1. In CAR 145 base maintenance manager, a line maintenance manager and
workshop manager
2. In small CAR 145 organization where anyone manager may also be
accountable manager as determined by DGCA
3. He or She also be a maintenance manager or workshop manager 4. All

60. The A/C continuing Airworthiness record shall consist of an

1. A/C log book, engine log book or module cards, propeller log book, log
cards for appropriate
2. A/c log book, propeller log book, log cards for appropriate
3. A/C log book, engine log book, log cards for appropriate 4. None

61. Commercial air transport shall ensure that the A/C tech log is retained for a
period of
1. 36 months 2. 24 months 3. 12 months 4. 18 months

62. Any A/C defect that hazard seriously the flight is rectified before
1. First Flight 2. After reaching to the main base 3. During major
servicing 4. None

63. When component is classified as non – serviceable, a copy of an

Airworthiness review certificate issued or extended for an A/C shall be sent to
state of registry within
1. 10 days 2. 7 days 3. 30 days 4. 60 days

64. For maintaining the A/C in a continued state of Airworthiness this procedure
stipulate in
1. CAR 145 2. CAR M 3. As per rules & regulation given in CAR 4. All

65. CAR 145 organization involved in

1. Operation of large A/C for Commercial Air Transport
2. Maintenance of Large Aircraft
3. Maintenance of Small Aircraft or A/C used for Commercial Air Transport

67. The responsibilities of Accountable Manager are

1. Ensure all resources available to accomplish maintenance in accordance with
145.A .05 to support the organization approval
2. Establish & promote safety & quality policy
3. Demonstrate the basic understanding of CAR 4. All the above

68. To ensure safety & quality policy is the responsibility of

1. QCM 2. AM 3. Work shop manager 4. Safety Manager

69. Person carry out control color contrast dye penetrant test in accordance with
1. DGCA specified standard 2. Equivalent standard recognized by DGCA
3. Holding BAMEL 4. All the above

70. For line maintenance carry out CAT A line station of an organization located
outside INDIA, the certifying staff are qualified in accordance with
1. DGCA requirements 2. National aviation regulation of state which line
station is based 3. None

71. MTCS
1. Component reach their certified life limit/ contain a non – repairable
defect are classified as unsalvageable
2. Unsalvageable are permitted to re- enter the component supply system after
certified life limit are extended or a repair solution has been approved according
to CAR 21
3. Both 1 & 2 4. Only 2 is correct

72. Organization provide maintenance instruction for the purpose of

1. How to carry out the particular maintenance task 2. Providing flying
3. Both 1 & 2 4. Only 2 is correct

73. New defect or incomplete maintenance work order identified during
maintenance shall brought to the attention of
1. A/C operator 2. Manufacturer 3. RAO 4. DGCA

74. During maintenance new defect or incomplete maintenance work brought to

the attention of
1. QCM 2. A/C operator 3. Regulatory authority of Manufacture 4.

75. The authorized release certificate is

1. CA 1 2. CA 2 3. CA 34. CA 4

76. Airworthiness approval tag is identified as

1. CA 1 2. CA 2 3. CA 34. CA 4

77. MTCS about the organization record

1. Stored in a safe way with regard to fire, flood, theft
2. Computer back up disc , tape etc.., shall be stored in a different location
3. When an organization approved under this CAR 145 terminates all retained
maintenance record covering the last 2 years shall be distributed to the existing
owner / customer of the respective A/C
4. ALL the above

78. any condition of a/c or a/c component identified by organization that has
resulted or may result in an unsafe condition that hazard seriously the flight
safety shall report to
1. DGCA 2. Regulatory authority of the country of manufacturer
3. Manufacturer 4. None

79. Any occurrence in the organization shall report by the organization

1. in the manner established by the AMO
2.when the organization contracted the maintenance shall report to DGCA
3. within 72 hrs of organization identified the condition
4. all the above are correct

80. Minimum age of certifying staff

1. 18 years 2. 20 years 3. 21 years 4. None

81. Organistion shall have available and use the necessary equipment tool and
material to perform approved scope of work
1. where the manufacturer specify the particular tool or equipment the
organization shall use that tool/ equipment
2. Use alternate tooling/ equipment as approved by DGCA via procedure
specified in exposition
3. Both (a) and (b) 4. None

82. Certification Authorization issued by

1. Organizations Quality manager 2. DGCA 3. Accountable manager
4. None

83. Organisation shall maintain record of all certifying staff and support staff.
This record contain
1. Detail of any A/C maintenance license 2. All relevant training completed 3.
Scope of certification Authorisation 4. All the above

84. Organistion shall notify to DGCA, at the earliest opportunity when changes in
1. name of the organization 2.location of the organization
3.accountable manager 4.person nominated by accountable manager

85. Non compliance with CAR 145 requirements which lowers the safety
standard and hazard seriously the flight
1.Level I 2.Level II 3.Level III 4.Level IV

86. Incase of small maintenance organistion Class rating A2 is

1. Base and line maintenance of aeroplane of 5700 kg and below
2. Base and line maintenance of aeroplane of 5700 kg and above piston engine
3. Turbine engine aeroplane 4. None

87. According to CAR 145 all maintenance organistion preserved for the period
1. 2 year 2. 3 year 3.5 year 4. 10 year


1. CAR 145 is primarily based on

⦁ EASA 145
⦁ SARI 145
⦁ Both
⦁ None

2 CAR 145 issue 2 based on
⦁ EASA 145
⦁ SARI 145
⦁ (a) or (b)
⦁ (a) & (b)

Q3- The inspection carried out before flight to ensure that the a/c is fit
for intended flight is :
⦁ Re-inspection
b. Line maintenance
C. Pre – flight inspection
D. Either (a) or (c)

4- CMP aeroplane is :
⦁ Certificated for 19 seated passengers
Certificated upto 19 seated passengers
⦁ Certificated for more than 19 seated passengers
⦁ None

5- Maintenance that is carried out before flight to ensure that the a/c is fit
for intended flight :
⦁ Pre-flight maintenance
⦁ Line maintenance
⦁ Either (a) or (b)
⦁ None
6- Who may accept base maintenance task to be performed by a line
maintenance organisation for temporary occasional cases:
⦁ Accountable manager
⦁ Quality manager
⦁ Operator

7- CAR 145 approval may be required by :

⦁ Two quite different types of small org.
⦁ Three quite different types of small org.
⦁ None

8- In small org. who can assume the responsibilities of accountable
manager :
⦁ Maintenance engineer
⦁ Quality audit engineer
⦁ Either (a) or (b)

9-In small org. who issues the CRS:

⦁ Maintenance Engineer
⦁ Quality audit engineer
⦁ Either (a) or (b)
⦁ None

10- An application for issue or variation of CAR 145 or CAR M Subpart F or

Subpart G approval :
⦁ CA form 3
⦁ CA form 2
CA form 14
CA form 2 is only for CAR 145 org.
11- Rating & ATA chapter of hydraulic power is
⦁ C-14& 29
⦁ C-16 & 61
⦁ C-12 & 29
⦁ C-12 & 61

12- Rating & ATA chapter of Landing gear :

⦁ C-14 & 32
⦁ C-14& 35
⦁ C-16& 35
⦁ C-14& 61

13- Rating & ATA chapter of water ballast is

⦁ C21& 41
⦁ C-22& 84
⦁ C-14& 32

⦁ None

14- Who will responsible for ensuring that all maintenance required by
customer can be financed & carried out to the standard required by this CAR:
⦁ Accountable Manager
⦁ Quality Manager
⦁ Both (a) & (b)
⦁ None

15- MTICS:
⦁ Accountable Manager shall establish the safety & Quality
policy .
⦁ Accountable Manager shall promote the safety & quality policy .
⦁ Quality manager shall establish & promote the safety & quality
policy .

16- For base maintenance of CMP a/c , A/c type rated certifying staff
qualified as
⦁ Cat C
⦁ Cat B3
⦁ Either (a) or (b)

17- For a repetitive pre-flight AD’s who may issue limited certification
authorisation :
⦁ Operator
⦁ Organisation
⦁ Lessor
⦁ Lesse

18- IN case of one off authorisation , DGCA must be reported with in :

⦁ 7 days
⦁ 17 days
⦁ As in (b) of the issuance of such authorisation

19-In case of a/c base maintenance , the maintenance man – hour plan should

relate :
⦁ A/c hangar visit
⦁ a/c workshop visit
⦁ both (a) & (b)
⦁ None

20. An essential element of the quality system is

⦁ The independent audit
⦁ Audit
⦁ As in (a) and the quality feedback system
⦁ None of the above
Ref: 145-71

21. Which FAA advisory circular contains details of the PART 7 contents of
the MIOE.
⦁ FAA advisory circular 145-5A
⦁ FAA Advisory circular 145-7 a
⦁ FAA advisory circular 145-8A
⦁ FAA advisory circular 145-10a
Ref: 145-78

22. Standard parts used on an aircraft, engine, propeller or other aircraft

components when specified in the
⦁ Manufacturer's illustrated parts catalogue
⦁ Maintenance data
⦁ Both or either 1 or 2
⦁ Organization exposition
REF.145- 46

23. The certification authorisation of personal involved in NDT may be

renewed by QM for a maximum period
⦁ 6 months.
⦁ One year.
⦁ 24 months
⦁ 5 years
Ref: AAC 2 0f 2017

24. Who shall communicate details of defect to the operator’s supporting

maintenance org. with full details of the defect?

⦁ Accountable manager
⦁ Flight crew
⦁ Quality department
⦁ None
Ref : 145-31

25. Which types of components should not be classified as unsalvageable?

⦁ Components with non-repairable defects
⦁ Components that do not meet the design specifications
⦁ Components subjected to unacceptable, modification
⦁ Component for which maintenance records and/or
traceability to the manufacturer can be retrieved.

26. In the case of base maintenance of aircraft other than complex motor-
powered aircraft have certified staff qualified as category
⦁ B1, B2, B3 and assisted by Category C
⦁ B1, B2, B3
⦁ C and assisted by support staff as B1, B2, B3
⦁ Either (b) or (C)
Ref: 145-20

27. Typical tasks permitted after appropriate task training to be carried out
by the
⦁ Category A personal (CAR 66.A.20(a)
⦁ Category B2 personal (CAR66. A.20(3)(b)
⦁ Category B3 personal
⦁ BOTH (a) & (b)

✓ LEVEL - 3

⦁ Fuel tank safety training according to CAR 145 Maintenance

organization is effective to large aeroplane defined as –
⦁ maximum type certified passenger capacity of 30 or more
⦁ a maximum certified payload capacity of 7500 lbs (3402 kg) cargo

⦁ MTOM above 5700 kg
⦁ Either (a) or (b)
Ref: 145-109

In fuel tank safety training, the content of phase 1 should include
⦁ Typically examples Of FTS defects and TC Holder repair data
⦁ The description of concept Of FTS CDCCL
⦁ Some examples of maintenance instructions
⦁ None
Ref: 145-110

3. ∙ Personnel of the CAR-145 approved maintenance organization

required to plan, perform, supervise, inspect and certify the
maintenance of aircraft and fuel system components has received
⦁ Phase 1
⦁ Phase 2
⦁ Phase 1+ phase 2 + Continuation training
⦁ Either (A) or (b)

4. MOE should cover main parts

⦁ The management MOE covering the parts specified earlier and
Contracted operator procedures and paperwork.
⦁ The SMM (safety management manual) should be issued as a specific
manual and be integrated within the MOE.
⦁ As in (A) and the quality system procedures including the
methods of qualifying mechanics, inspection, certifying staff and
quality audit personnel.
⦁ All of the above

⦁ The organization shall establish a SMS that Shall meet the
requirements contained in CAR section 1 series c Part II
⦁ The MOE not integrated SMSM (Safety management system
⦁ as in (A) And its approved/acceptable as state in rule 29C a/c rule
⦁ When issuing a one-off authorisation, the quality department of the
organisation should not verify required requirements.

6. Reference of CAR series L part X & series L part XIV have been deleted ,
there procedures are now covered in :
⦁ Subpart C of CAR66
⦁ Subpart B of CAR 66
⦁ AAC 2of 2017
⦁ Both (a) & (c)
7. Storage facilities for serviceable a/c component should be clean , well
ventilated & maintained at a constant dry temperature to minimise the
effects of :
⦁ Corrosion
⦁ Damage
⦁ Condensation
⦁ None

8. Who may carry out and /or control colour contrast dye penetrant
⦁ Cat B1
⦁ Cat B3
⦁ Cat B2
⦁ Either (a) or (b)
9- For base maintenance of a/c other than CMP a/c, type rated certifying staff
may be
⦁ Qualified in Cat C
⦁ Qualified in Cat B1, B2, B3
⦁ Either (a) or (b)
⦁ None

🌟 CAR-M 🌟

Level 1 & 2

1.Existing aircraft and approved organisation shall demonstrate

compliance with………………of provocation
⦁ Three months
⦁ Six months
⦁ One year. Ref page 18
⦁ Two year

⦁ Who is responsible for airworthy of aircraft

⦁ Owner
⦁ Operator. 21
⦁ Flight crew
⦁ All

⦁ The maintenance of aircraft is performed in accordance with

approved maintenance program as specified in
⦁ M.A.301
⦁ M.A.302. 21
⦁ M.A.304
⦁ M.A.305

⦁ Pre-flight inspection must be carried out by

⦁ Pilot or another qualified person
⦁ Approved maintenance organisation. 21
⦁ CAR 66 certifying staff
⦁ None

⦁ When the operator is not continuing airworthiness management

organisation approved itself than the operator shall establish a
written contract in accordance with………. With such organisation
⦁ Appendix 1
⦁ Appendix 2

⦁ Appendix 3. 22
⦁ Appendix 4

⦁ Other than complexmoterPower aircraftused for limited

operations……….is responsible for the ensuring that no flight takes
place unless the condition defined are met
⦁ Owner
⦁ Operator
⦁ 23
⦁ None

⦁ Which section and series operator produce SMS manual

⦁ CAR section-1 series -C part 1
⦁ CAR section-1 series- D part 23
⦁ CAR section-2 series- C part 1
⦁ CAR section-2 series- D part 1

⦁ Commercial ATO refers to ………… to certified in accordance dgcq

⦁ Operator
⦁ Flying training organisationref page 25
⦁ Owner
⦁ None

⦁ The accomplishment of modification and repair in accordance with

⦁ M.A.301
⦁ M.A .302
⦁ M.A.304. Ref. Page 30
⦁ M.A.305

⦁ For……….. and /or inspection,for all complex moter powered aircraft

used by air operator certified in accordance with schedule 11 of
aircraft stablishment of an embodiment policy
⦁ Modification repair
⦁ Mondatarymodification
⦁ Non mondatary modification. Ref.page30
⦁ None

⦁ Where the task are contracted of other organisation how there

accomplishment to the quality system of point
⦁ M.A.710
⦁ M.A.715
⦁ M.A.712. 31
⦁ None

⦁ The training standard for personal performing the pre-flight

inspection should be described in the…………….
⦁ Technical logbook ref page 31
⦁ Both
⦁ None

⦁ When ever possible deferred defect rectification should be known to

⦁ Operator
⦁ Pilot/ flight crew. Ref page 31
⦁ Owner
⦁ None

⦁ When ever maintenance check cannot be performed within the

required time limit/it’s postponement is allowed in accordance with a
⦁ Acceptable by DGCA
⦁ Approved by DGCA
⦁ Agreed by DGCA. 32
⦁ None

⦁ The aircraft maintenance program and any subsequent amendment

Shall be
⦁ Acceptable by DGCA
⦁ Agreedby DGCA
⦁ Approved by DGCA. 33
⦁ None

⦁ For complex moter powered aircraft the maintenance program is

based on
⦁ Maintenance steering group logic
⦁ Condition monitoring. Ref page 34
⦁ Both
⦁ None

⦁ Aircraft maintenance program either comply with

⦁ Minimum inspection programme
⦁ Non mandatory service information. Ref page. 34
⦁ Both
⦁ None
⦁ AMP reviewed by the person who performs the airworthiness reviewe
of the aircraft accordance with point
⦁ M.A.710(ga)
⦁ M.A.712. Ref page 35
⦁ M.A.715
⦁ M.A.701

⦁ The AMP shall be reviewedatlist

⦁ 3 year
⦁ 2 year
⦁ 1 year. Ref 35
⦁ 4 year

⦁ Owner shall be amend maintenance program as

⦁ Agreed by DGCA
⦁ Approved by DGCA
⦁ Acceptable by DGCA
⦁ None. Ref page 35

21). which CAR specified thetechnical requirment to be complied by org.

a) CAR M subpart F
b) CAR 145
c) CAR M
d) none
(ref. pg. no. 12 pera 2)

22). MTICS
complex moter powerd a/c means.
a) a tilt rotor a/c
b) an aeroplane with MTOM 5700kg and above
c) a helicopter with MTOM 3150kg and above
d) a) and b) both are correct
(ref. M.3 defination point b.a)

23) who are responsible for pre flight inspection.
a) pilot in command
b) AME
c) operator
d) both a) and b) are correct
( ref. MA 201 point d)

24) the operator shall establish and follow SMS as per

a) CAR section 1 series E part 1
b) CAR section 1 series C part 1
c) CAR section 2 series E part 1
d) CAR section 2 series C part 1
(ref. MA.201 point k )

25) For a/c other then commercial operation including limited operation, is
maintenance by a maintenance org. required.
a) no, for other than complex
b) yes, for other than complex
c) yes, for complex motor powered by a CAR- M subpart F org.
d) as in (a) and yes, for complex motor powered by a CAR 145 org.
(ref. GM 201 last pt. )

26) who is responsible for continuing a/w of a/c

a) AME

b) operator
c) owner
d) none
(ref. MA.201 (a) )

27) No flight takes place unless.

a) a/c is maintained in a/w condition
b) C of A remains valid
c) both A and B are correct
d) C of R remains vaild
(ref. MA.201 A)

28) the pre flight inspection must be carried out by whom.

a) pilot
b) qualified person
c) approved maintenance org.
d) all are correct
(ref. MA.201 a)

29) for other then complex motor powered a/c the CAMO is approved in.
a) CAR M subpart F
b) CAR 145

c) CAR M subpart F or CAR-145

d) none
(ref. MA.201 ponit H)

30) For other then complex motor powered a/c the owner shall manage the
continuing a/w of a/c under it is own responsibility and establish a limited
contract for the deplovment of the maintenance program with.
a) an approved CAMO
b) in the case of cat. 2 light a/c or CAR 145 or MA subpart F
c) only CAR 145
d) only CAR M subpart F
(ref. MA.201 point 3 )

31) AMP and any subsequent amendments shall be approved by.

a) operator
b) manufecture
d) RAO
(ref. MA.302 B )

32) commercial ATO refers to

a) flying training org.
b) AOC
c) both a and b
d) none
(ref. GM.201 F)

33) when the continuing a/w of the a/c is managed by a CAMO is approved in
accordance with
a) section A subpart G of CAR M
b) section B , subpart G of CAR M
c) section A , subpart F
d) both B and C are correct
(ref. MA302 E)

34) when a l,imited contract bitween rhe owner and org. the a/c maintenance
program and it is amenments may be approvd through
a) direct approved procedure
b) indirect approved procedure
c) CAR subpart G
d) all are correct
(ref. MA301 E)

35) in that case of indirect approvel procedure shall be establish by the CAMO as
part of CAME shall be approved by
a) MOE
b) RAO
d) operator
(ref. MA302 E)

36) the training standerd for pre flight inspection should be discribed in.
a) MOE
b) a/c manual
d) A and B both
(ref. MA301 1)

37) AMP shall be approved by .

b) manufecture
c) operator
d) none
(ref. MA302 B)

38) the MIP for cat. 1 light aeroplanes and cat 1 TMG must be reviewed
a) annualy
b) 6 month
c) 100 hr interval
d) 50 hr interval
(ref. MA 302 (1) )

39) initial operators maintenance programe is based upon

a) maintenance planing document
b) maintenance review board
c) maintenance data
d) all are correct
(ref.AMC MA302 D)

40) AMP shall be reviewed

a) every 2 years
b) 6 month
c) at least annualy
d) at least half yearly
(ref. AMC MA 302 B)

41) AMP shall either comply with
a) maintenance recomendation
b) service bulettins
c) MIP
d) TMG
(ref. MA302H)

42) The AMP shall include

a) all the mandatory continuing a/w requirements.
b) ADs
c) a/w limitation section
d) all are correct
(ref. MA302 H)

43) the AMP shall be reviewed at leasr annuly by.

a) the person who performs a/w review of a/c
b) by MA subpart G org. in these case when maintenance program review is not
performed inconjection with an a/w review
c) both A and B
d) only B
(ref. MA 302 H 5 )

44) MIP for cat 1 air ballons not involved in

a) commercial operation
b) non commercial operation
c) continuing operation
d) all are correct
(ref. AMC MA302 pg.59)

45) for cat 1 light aeroplanes and cat 1 TMG a tolerance of
a) 1 Month
b) 3 month
c) 1 weak
d) 6 month
(ref. MA302 1)

46) ADs issued by

a) DGCA in any particular case in indian civil registered a/c
b) state of design of an a/c
c) both A and B
d) only B is correct
(ref. MA303 2)
47) "ALS" stands for
a) a/w lesse section
b) a/w local state
c) a/w limitation section
d) a/w limitation state
(ref. MA302H)

48) "TCDS" stands for

a) type certificate document section
b) type certificate data section
c) type certificate data sheet
d) type certificate data services
(ref. MA302 H 3)

49) "time in service" must be recorded
a) at least 12 month
b) at least 36 month
c) until next sheduled maintenance
d) none
(ref. MA305 H 3)

50) AD must be retained for

a) at least 12 month
b) at least 36 month A
c) until next seheduled maintenance
d( none
(ref. MA305 H )

51. aircraft maintenance programme and any subsequent amendments shall

be described in
⦁ All of the above

52.For the level 1 finding, in case of subpart G, the period for corrective
action is
⦁ 10 days
⦁ 7 days
⦁ 30 days
⦁ None

53.For the level 2 finding , in case of subpart G, the period for corrective
action is

⦁ 7 days
⦁ 15 days
⦁ 30 days
⦁ 3 days

54.Computer system should be updated at least

⦁ Within 24 days
⦁ CA Within 48 hours
⦁ Within 24 hours
⦁ Within 48 days
55.The CAMO issued ARC on the
⦁ CA form 14a
⦁ CA form 15a
⦁ CA form 15b
⦁ form 15c
Ref :M-157

56. a copy of ARC is issued is sent to DGCA within

⦁ 7 days
⦁ 10 days
⦁ 24 hours
⦁ 3 days

57. The AMP should be reviewed at least

⦁ Monthly
⦁ Quarterly
⦁ Annually
⦁ Every 3 years Ref:M-37

58. The record of airworthiness review staff is made on

⦁ CA form 13

⦁ CA form 6
⦁ CA form 2
⦁ CA form 4

59. The ARC is made on

⦁ CA form 15a
⦁ CA form 15b
⦁ Either a or b
⦁ None

60. The approved service life is expressed in

⦁ Calendar time
⦁ Flight hours
⦁ Landing or cycles
⦁ All of the above
Ref :M-85


Q1. Which rule stipulates the conditions necessary for a C of A to remaining

in force i.e. to keep the aircraft in a
state of continued airworthiness
a)50 b)50A c)50B d)None



⦁ Specify certain technical requirements to be complied by organizations and
personnel involved in the maintenance of aircraft and aeronautical
products, parts and appliances
⦁ Applicable to all operators of Indian registered aircraft irrespective of
whether such aircraft are maintained by their own organization or by
other AMO.
⦁ The applicability will include private operators (General Aviation), flying
training institutes ,state governments etc.,
⦁ All of the above

Q3. Organization engaged in the maintenance of a/c and a/c component shall
be approved in accordance with

a)Rule 133A
b)Rule 133B
c)Rule 133C
d)Either a or b or c

Q4. CAR M issued under the provision of

c)As in A +provide common technical standard &guideline for continued a/w of
a/c its component
d)As in B+ provide common technical standard &guideline for
continued a/w of a/c its component Ref:M-12

Q5. DGCA shall be the competent authority for

⦁ oversight of the continuing airworthiness of individual aircraft and the issue
of airworthiness certificates

⦁ for the oversight of a maintenance organization

⦁ for the oversight of a continuing airworthiness management organization

⦁ All of the above


Q6. Light a/c means

⦁ An airplane, sailplane or powered sailplane with MTOW less than
1000 kg that is not classified as complex motor-powered

⦁ balloon with a maximum design lifting gas or hot air volume of not
more than 3400 m3 for hot air balloons, 1050 m3 for gas
balloons, 300 m3 for tethered gas balloons;
⦁ airship designed for not more than two occupants and a maximum
design lifting gas or hot air volume of not more than 2500 m3
for hot air airships and 1000 m3 for gas airships
⦁ All of the above

Q8. Organizations and personnel involved in the continuing airworthiness of

aircraft and components, including maintenance, shall comply with the
provisions of

⦁ CAR 145

⦁ requirements for licensing of aircraft maintenance personnel, as appropriate.

⦁ All of the above


Q9. Who is responsible for the continuing a/w of the a/c ?
⦁ Operator

⦁ Owner

d) Accountable manager

Q10. Owner is responsible for the

⦁ aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition

⦁ operational and emergency equipment fitted is correctly installed and

⦁ airworthiness certificate remains valid and maintenance of the aircraft is
performed in accordance with the approved maintenance programme
⦁ All of the above

Q11. When the aircraft is leased, the responsibilities of the owner are
transferred to the
⦁ Leese

⦁ Operator

⦁ Either a or b
⦁ None of the above

Q12. Responsibility for the satisfactory accomplishment of the pre-flight

inspection is

⦁ Operator in case of commercial air transport

⦁ Either a or b
⦁ Both a and b

Q13. MTCS about pre flight inspection

⦁ Pre flight inspection must be carried out by the pilot or another qualified
⦁ Need not be carried out by an approved maintenance organisation or by
DGCA Licensed Engineer.
⦁ In the case of commercial air transport, the operator shall be responsible

⦁ All of the above


Q14. ‘Maintenance’ means

⦁ any one or combination of overhaul, repair, inspection, replacement,
modification or defect rectification of an aircraft or component
⦁ Except pre-flight inspection

⦁ Both a and b
⦁ Only a is correct

Q15. In the case of commercial air transport the operator is

responsible for the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft it operates
and shall:
⦁ be approved, as part of the AOC/AOC issued by DGCA, pursuant to M.A.
Subpart G for the aircraft it operates
⦁ be approved in accordance with CAR-145 or contract such an organization

⦁ both a and b is correct

⦁ none of the above

Q16. When an operator is required by DGCA to hold a certificate
for commercial operations, other than for commercial air transport,
it shall:
⦁ appropriately approved, pursuant to M.A. Subpart G, for the management of
the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft it operates or contract such
an organization

⦁ appropriately approved in accordance with M.A. Subpart F or CAR-145, or

contract such organization
⦁ Ensure that responsibility of owner is satisfied

⦁ All of the above


Q17. MTCS about occurrence reporting

⦁ The person or organization report to DGCA, any identified condition of an
aircraft or component which endangers flight safety.
⦁ Reports shall be made in a manner established by the DGCA
Reports shall be made as soon as practicable, but in any case within 72
hours of identification of such condition
d) All the above

Q18. The aircraft continuing airworthiness and the serviceability

of both operational and emergency equipment shall be ensured by
⦁ accomplishment of pre-flight inspections

⦁ accomplishment of modifications and repairs

⦁ accomplishment of airworthiness directive, measures mandated by DGCAA

⦁ All the above


Q20. When the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft is managed by CAMO,

the aircraft maintenance programme and its amendments may be approved
through an indirect approval procedure, provided the amendments are
submitted to DGCA local office
⦁ at least 15 days before their affectivity

⦁ At least 30 days before their effectivity

⦁ As in a and the procedure is documented

⦁ As in b and the procedure is documented

Q21. Damage shall be assessed and modifications and repairs carried out
using data approved By

⦁ CAR -21/ EASA Part 21/ FAA Part 21 design organization

⦁ Either a or b as appropriate
⦁ Only a is correct

Q22. At the completion of any maintenance, CRS shall be entered in the

aircraft continuing airworthiness records a) As soon as practicable
⦁ As in a and in no event more than 15 days after the day of maintenance
⦁ As in a and in no event more than 30 days after the day of maintenance
⦁ Within 72 hours of the completion of maintenance action

Q23. The aircraft continuing airworthiness records shall contain the current
status of

⦁ airworthiness directives and measures mandated by the DGCA

⦁ modifications and repairs

⦁ service life limited components and list of deferred maintenance

⦁ All the above are correct


Q24. An owner or operator shall ensure that a system has been established to
⦁ all detailed maintenance records in respect of the aircraft and any life-limited
component fitted thereto, at least 36 months after the aircraft or
component was permanently withdrawn from service
⦁ the total time and flight cycles as appropriate, of the aircraft and all life-
limited components, at least 12 months after the aircraft or component
has been permanently withdrawn from service
⦁ the current status of AD’s applicable to the aircraft and components, at least
12 months after the aircraft or component has been permanently
withdrawn from service
⦁ All the above are correct
Ref :M-65

Q25. MTCS about operator technical log system

⦁ used by commercial air transport operator

⦁ technical log system and any subsequent amendment shall be approved by

⦁ aircraft technical log is retained for 36 months after the date of the last entry

⦁ All of the above


Q26. Aircraft technical log system consists of

⦁ information about each flight, necessary to ensure continued flight safety

⦁ current aircraft CRS

⦁ deferred defects rectifications that affect the operation of the aircraft

⦁ All of the above


Q27. MTCS about Transfer of aircraft continuing airworthiness records

⦁ when an aircraft is permanently transferred from one owner or operator to
another, continuing airworthiness records and, operator's technical log is also
⦁ when owner contracts the continuing airworthiness management tasks to a
CAMO, continuing airworthiness records are transferred to the organization
time periods prescribed for the retention of records shall continue to apply to
the new owner, operator
d) All the above are correct

Q28. According to CAR M, applicable maintenance data is

a) any applicable requirement, procedure, standard or information issued

by the competent authority, b) any applicable AD’s
⦁ applicable instructions for continuing airworthiness, issued by type
certificate holders
⦁ All the above are correct

Q29. MTCS about a/c defect

⦁ Any aircraft defect that hazards seriously the flight safety shall be rectified
before further flight

⦁ Any aircraft defect that would not hazard seriously the flight safety shall
be rectified as soon as practicable, after the date the aircraft defect was
first identified and time limit given in maintenance data c) Only a
is correct
d) Both a and b is correct

Q30. Any defect not rectified before flight shall be recorded in

⦁ A/c maintenance record system

⦁ operator's technical log system

⦁ Maintenance organization manual

⦁ Either a or b as applicable

Q31. Approved MEL as mandated by the DGCA is used by

⦁ Pilot


⦁ Pilot and AME

⦁ None of the above

Q32. No component shall be fitted to the a/c unless it has appropriately

released to service on
⦁ CA form 1

⦁ CA form 2

⦁ CA form 3

⦁ CA form 1 or equivalent

Q33. Material being either raw material or consumable

material shall only be used on an aircraft or a component
⦁ when the aircraft or component manufacturer states so in relevant
maintenance data
⦁ As in a or as specified in CAR -145

⦁ As in b or as specified in CAR section 2

⦁ None of the above is correct

Q34. The maintenance of components shall be performed by

maintenance organisations appropriately approved in accordance with
⦁ Section A, Subpart F of CAR-M

⦁ CAR 145

⦁ Either a or b
⦁ Only b is correct

⦁ Installed service life shall exceed the approved service life

⦁ Installed service life shall not exceed the approved service life
⦁ Installed service life shall have no relation with approved service life

⦁ None


Q36. A component shall be considered unserviceable

⦁ expiry of the service life limit as defined in the maintenance program

⦁ non-compliance with the applicable airworthiness directives and other

continued airworthiness requirement mandated by DGCA;
⦁ evidence of defects or malfunctions

⦁ involvement in an incident or accident likely to affect its serviceability

⦁ All of the above


⦁ Components which have reached their certified life limit or contain a non-
repairable defect shall be classified as unsalvageable
⦁ As in a and shall not be permitted to re-enter the component supply
⦁ As in a and shall be re- enter to the system when certified life limits have
been extended or a repair solution has been approved according to
⦁ All of the above


Q39. According to CAR M, Maintenance organization manual contain at least

⦁ statement signed by the accountable manager and list of certifying staff with
their scope of approval
⦁ maintenance organization manual amendment procedure

⦁ list of locations where maintenance is carried out

⦁ All of the above


⦁ LEVEL-2 & 3

1. Common technical standards and guidelines for continued airworthiness of an

aircraft and it’s components are provided by
a) CAR M subpart G
b) CAR M
c) As in ( 1) and is issued under the provisions of rule 134 of aircraft rules 1937
d) As in (2) and is issued under the provisions of the rules 133A of aircraft
rules 1937
REF. M-12

2.In the case of Category 1 Light aircraft not involved in commercial operations,
limited contract between the owner and the Continuing airworthiness
management organization should cover the
⦁ a) AMP will be based on the MIP in case of category 1 aircraft
⦁ b) As in (1), does not go below the requirements of the Minimum
Inspection Programme.
⦁ c) Does not customised to the particular aircraft type, configuration and
⦁ d) All of the above are correct

REF. M-28

a) After maintenance of components while installed or temporarily removed
from a category 1 light aircraft not used in commercial air transport is not
eligible to issuance of CA form1.
b) Service life limit is specified in AMP but not in AD's
c) Component removal from and installing on aircraft is considered to be aircraft
maintenance and not components maintenance.

D) None

⦁ a) The MOM and it’s amendments shall be approved by DGCA regional office
⦁ b) As in(1) , for the approval of minor amendments, submitted to DGCA
local office at least 15 days before their effectivity and the procedure is
documented .
⦁ c) Fabrication of parts , modification kits etc. for onward supply and/or sale
may be conducted under M.A subpart F Approval.
⦁ d) All of the above


5. The CAME include –

a) The list of approved AMP
b) As in (1) , scope of work
c) Corporate commitment by the CAMO, signed by airworthiness review staff
d) All of above

REF ..M-119

6. For the balloons the airworthiness review staff shall have
a) At least 5years experience in continuing airworthiness ,and
b) As in(1), an appropriate licence in compliance with CAR M
⦁ c) A position within the approved organization with appropriate
⦁ d) All of the above

REF …. M-124

7. For aircraft used by air operator in accordance with schedule XI , the licence of
airworthiness review staff is in
a) Category B1 or B2
b) Category B3
c) Category C
d) Any one of the above

REF …M-125

a) General familiarization for the airworthiness review staff could be imparted
by CAR-147org, by manufacturer, any other organization accepted by the DGCA
b) The application for airworthiness review staff is CA form 4
c) For the aircraft of 2370 MTOM the Minimum experience for
airworthiness review staff is 5years
d) None

REF M-124

9. MTICS regarding reliability Programme

a) For complex moter powered aircraft , when the maintenance Programme is
based on maintenance steering group logic or on condition monitoring, the AMP
shall include a reliability Programme.
b) Reliability Programme need not be developed for aircraft not considered
CMPA or that contain overhaul time period for all significant aircraft system
c) Reliability Programme provide an appropriate means of monitoring the
effectiveness of AMP.
d) None of above


10. If the owner has contracted to an organization in accordance with M.A 201(I)
(1) , for development of AMP , this organization is responsible for developing and
proposing to owner a maintenance Programme which
a) Justifies any deviations from the recommendation issued by the design
b) As in (1) , indicates the whether the maintenance Programme is based
on the MIP
c) Is permitted to go below the requirements of MIP
d) All of the above

REF M-45

11. The aircraft continuing airworthiness record shall contains the current
a) Status of AD and measures mandated by DGCA
b) As in (1) , also include list of deferred maintenance
c) As in (2) but does not include the mass and balance report
d) All of the above


12. For the experience of personal requirements, for CAR M subpart F

⦁ a) 5 years aviation experience of which at least 2 years should be practical
maintenance experience
⦁ b) As in (1) , the training course should be as a minimum at a level equivalent
to CAR 66 level 2 .
⦁ c) Could be imparted by the CAR 147 organization, by the manufacturer
or by any other organization accepted to DGCA
⦁ d) ..All of above
REF.. M_ 98

a) It is not eligible to issuance of CA form 1 is for the maintenance of a
component while installed or temporarily removed from a category 1 light a/c
not used in commercial air transport.
b) As in (1), also not eligible for the overhaul of components other than
engine and propeller
c) The approved service life is expressed in calendar time, flight hours ,landing or
cycles as appropriate.
d) None

REF..M- 85

14. MTCS

a) Airworthiness review staff shall be identified by listing each person in CAME
together with their authorization no
b) As in (1), the records of airworthiness review staff shall include the copy
of authorization and basic education and also continuation training
c) As in (2), the records shall be retained until three years after the airworthiness
review staff have left the organization.
d) All of the above

REF..M- 125

a) The procedure for modification and repair has been described in AAC 1 of
b) Damage shall be assessed and modification and repair carried out using data
approved by DGCA or CAR 21 /EASA part21/ FAA part 21 design organization
c) The section 3 of tech log contain any necessary maintenance support
information that the aircraft commander needs to know.
d) Section 3 of tech log contain the Provisions should be made for a CRS
following rectification of a deferred defect


16. Procedures should be defined by -------------- describing the decision process

for the status of unserviceable components.
a) Manufacturer or TC holder
b) Organization
c) As in (1), the procedure should identify the role and responsibilities of the
d) As in (2), the procedure should identify the traceability of decision.

REF..M- 95

17. In the unforeseen cases, in case of CAR M subpart F org, the one off
authorization is issued to
a) To a person of contracted org holding type qualification on aircraft of similar
technology, construction and system; or
b) To a person with not less than 5 years maintenance experience and holding a
ICAO AME licence.
c) As in (1), all such cases must be reported to DGCA within 7 days after the
issuing such certification authorization
d) All of the above
REF..M- 101

18. For the purpose of CAR M. ,a document equivalent to CA form 1 may be:
a) EASA form 1or FAA form 8130-3
b) As in (1), a release document issued by an organization under the terms
of a bilateral agreement signed by DGCA
c) Airworthiness release document issued by the DGCA of an aircraft for new
components shall be acceptable for installation on type of aircraft for which TC is
accepted by DGCA.
d) All of the above

REF M-82

19. MTICS regarding-- material and consumable material shall only be used when
the manufacturer States so In relevant maintenance data or as specified in CAR
a) CA form 1 or equivalent should not be issued for such material
b) The material specifications is normally identified in the data except in the case
agreed by DGCA.
c) When using such material, it shall be ensure that the CDCCL has been
d) All of the above

REF..M- 84

20. MTCS regarding service life limited components

A) At the end of approved service life, the components must be removed from
the aircraft for maintenance
B) As in(1) , the approved service life limit specified in AMP and AD, except
in the case of unsalvageable components
C) As in(2) , the approved service life limited components shall not exceed the
Installed service life


21. The maintenance organization approved in accordance section A subpart F

may maintain any aircraft or components for which it is approved at location
specified in
a) Approval certificate and MOM
b) As in (1), the ARC is issued by such organization for the category 1 light
aircraft not involved in commercial operations .

⦁ c) For the fabrication of specified parts for minor repair and modification,
need not of subpart F Approval .
⦁ d) All of the above


22. Any aircraft defect – MTICS

a) Only authorized certifying staff can decide, using the maintenance data , which
is hazard defect.
b) Shall be rectified as soon as possible, after the date of the aircraft defects was
first identified and within any limits specified in maintenance data or the MEL
c) Any defect not rectified before flight shall be recorded either in aircraft
maintenance record system or in operator’s tech log as applicable
d) All deferred defect should be known to the PIC / flight crew , after the
completion of flight.

23. The limited certification authorization is issued to commander who hold a
a) CPL or ATPL, or
b) As in (1), a national equivalent acceptable to competent authority
c) Country's national regulations Compliance with ICAO annex 1
d) All the above

REF..M- 100

24. Any person or organization performing maintenance shall

a. . Use the methods, techniques , standard and instructions specified in
maintenance data
b.. As in (1), ensure that the risk of multiple errors during maintenance and
the risk of errors being reported in identical maintenance tasks are
c.. Ensure that an error capturing method is implemented before the start of any
critical maintenance task
d.. All of the above

REF. .M- 74

25. MTCS

a) aircraft technical log system contain the current CRS in section 2
b) As in (1), aircraft technical log system containpre flight inspection in
section 3
c) The operator tech log shall retained for 36 months after the aircraft/
components withdraw from use
d) All of the above

⦁ LEVEL -3

⦁ 1. MTICS
⦁ a) details of current modifications and repairs to the aircraft, engine(s),
propeller(s) and any other component vital to flight safety, at least 12 months
after they have been permanently withdrawn from service.
⦁ b) The status should also specify which part of a multi-part directive has
been accomplished and the method, where a choice is available in the AD.
⦁ c) The person responsible for the management of continuing
airworthiness tasks pursuant to M.A. Subpart G (CAMO) , shall control the
records as detailed in this paragraph and present the records to DGCA
upon request.
⦁ D) None.


⦁ 2. MTICS
⦁ A) The current status of AD should identify the applicable AD including
revision or amendment numbers.
⦁ B) The AD status includes the date when the AD was accomplished.
⦁ C) The provision should be made for a CRS of rectification of the differed
defects, contained in section 4 of tech log.
⦁ D) Both A& c


⦁ 3. MTICS
⦁ A) Each entry shall be made as soon as practicable but in no case more than
30 day after the day of action
⦁ B) The prefight inspection signature contained in section 3.

⦁ C) The aircraft continuing a/w records shall contain the current status of Ads.
⦁ D) None

⦁ 4. MTICS

⦁ A) The aircraft continuing airworthiness records shall contain the current

mass and balance report.
⦁ B) The records of the time in service of a component subjected to a
service life limit, preserved for a period of at least 12 months after they
have been permanently withdrawn from service.
⦁ C) The person responsible for the management of continuing airworthiness
tasks pursuant to M.A. Subpart B shall present the records to DGCA upon
⦁ D) Procedure for a modification and repairs has been described in AAC 1 of

(Ref: M-65)

⦁ 5. DGCA shall be the competent authority in respect of the CAR M

⦁ A) for the oversight of the continuing airworthiness of individual aircraft
and the Issue of airworthiness review certificates.
⦁ B) As in (a) for the approval of maintenance programmes for aircraft
registered in India.
⦁ C) For the oversight of a continuing a/w management organisation as
specified in M.A. subpart F.
⦁ D) All of the above

(Ref: M-16)

⦁ 6. MTCS
⦁ A) A gas balloons of hot air volume not more than 1050m3 is considered as
category 1 light aircraft.
⦁ B) The provisions of this CAR M related to commercial air transport are
applicable to licensed air carriers as defined by Rule 133A of the Aircraft
Rules 1937.

⦁ C) The aircraft classified as an aeroplane with MTOM 5700 kg , is considered
as light aircraft.
⦁ D) PIC or Operator, in case of Air operator certified in accordance schedule xi
of a/c rules 1937 shall be responsible for the accomplishment of the pre-flight

(Ref: M-16)

7. Organisations and personnel involved in the continuing airworthiness of

aircraft and components, including maintenance, shall comply with the
provisions of
⦁ A) CAR M
⦁ B) CAR M, CAR 145 Or Section 2 series M Or CAR66
⦁ C) CAR M, CAR 145 Or Section 2 series L Or CAR66
⦁ D) CAR M and CAR 145 only

(Ref: M-18)

⦁ 8. MTICS
⦁ A) sufficiency of hanger space to carry out planned maintenance should be
demonstrated by the preparation of a projected a/c hanger visit plan relative to
AMP. (94)
⦁ B) the facilities and environment condition required for inspection and
maintenance, in respect of balloon and airship should be defined in MOM.
⦁ C) For the approval of any amendments in the MOM shall be submitted
to the DGCA local office at least 30 days before their effectivity.
⦁ D) Both A& B

⦁ 9. MTICS
⦁ A) M.A subpart F org to qualify for the issue or continuation of an
approval for the maintenance of other than complex motorpowered a/c
and component to be installed therein used by air operator certified in
accordance with schedule XI of a/c rules 1937

⦁ B) CA form 2 (appendix IX) is apply for approval of M.A subpart F org
⦁ C) The agreement by DGCA for the fabrication of parts by approved
maintenance org should be formalised through the approval of a detailed
procedure in the MOM.
⦁ D) None

⦁ 10. MTCS A) C14 type rating maintenance org may carry out maintenance of
landing gear

⦁ B) As in A) and the approved data necessary to fabricate the part are
those approved either by DGCA, TC holder, CAR21design org approved
holder, or STC holder
⦁ C) Fabrication of parts, modification kits etc for onward supply and/or sale
may be conducted under a M.A subpart F approval
⦁ D) All of the above

(ref: M-92)

11. MTCS
A) The AMP details should be reviewed at least annually.
B) As in A) repetitive maintenance tasks derived from, modification and
repair should be incorporated into the approved maintenance programme.
C) Some approved AMP, not developed from the MRB process, utilise reliability
programme. such reliability programme should be considered as a part of ADs
D) All of the above

(Ref M- 37)

A) Reliability programme should be developed for the AMP based upon

maintenance steering group (MRB)logic or those that include condition
monitored components or that do not contain overhaul time periods for all
significant system component.

B) Reliability programme need not be developed for a/c considered as

complex motor-powered a/c or that contain overhaul time periods for all
significant system components.

C) The purpose of the reliability programme is to ensure that the AMP tasks are
effective and their periodicity is adequate.

D) The maintenance programme shall not be less restrictive than the minimum
inspection programme.
(Ref M-43)

13. MTCS
A) If maintenance programme is going to approved by the DGCA, the owner
needs to provide to DGCA, the justification for the deviations from the design
holder recommendations.
⦁ B) As in A), The content of the declared (by owner) maintenance programme
cannot be initially challenged either by DGCA, the contracted CAMO, or the
contracted maintenance organisation.
⦁ C) Minimum inspection programme for category 1 aeroplanes involved
in commercial operation to be performed every annual /100 hours
interval, whichever comes first.
⦁ D) All of the above

(Ref M-47)

A) The person or organisation maintaining an aircraft shall ensure that all
applicable maintenance data is current and readily available for use when
B) In the absence of maintenance and inspection standards published by the
organisation responsible for the type design, maintenance personnel should
refer to the relevant aircraft airworthiness standards and procedures published
or used as guidance by the DGCA
C) any applicable requirement, procedure, standard or information issued
by manufacturer
D) none

(Ref M-72)

15. MTCS
A) Installed service life limited components shall not exceed the approved
service life limit as specified in the approved overhaul manual.
B) Component removal from and installation on an aircraft is considered to be
aircraft maintenance and not component maintenance.
C) Standard parts shall only be fitted to an aircraft or a component when the
maintenance data specifies the particular standard part
D) Both B & C

16. MTICS A) Any defect not rectified before flight shall be recorded in the a/c
maintenance Record system or a/c tech log.

B) the rectification time of any a/c defect specified in maintenance data and MEL
C) all deferred defect should be made known to the pilot/flight crew, whenever,
possible prior to their arrival at the a/c
D) the training standard for personnel performing the pre-flight inspection
should be described in AMP.
(Ref-M 80)

17. MTICS___ The system of assessment should be in operation to support the

continuing airworthiness of an a/c provide for
A) Significant incident and defect
B) Repetitive incident and defects
C) Deferred And carried forward defects
D) Schedule removal and system performance

(Ref M_ 32)

18. MTCS
A) When an organisation maintains a component for use by the same org, CA
form 1 may not be necessary depending upon the org`s internal release
procedure defined in MOM.
B) The components which have reached their certified life limit or contain a non-
repairable defect shall be classified as unsalvageable components.
C) As in B) and shall not be permitted to re-enter the components supply
system, unless certified life limits have been extended or a repair solution
has been approved according to M.A 304.
D) All of the above

(Ref-M 105)

A) For the approval of any minor amendment in MOM, submitted to DGCA
local office at least 30 days before their effectivity and procedure is
B) The MOE provides an outline of the format of an acceptable maintenance org
manual for larger org with more than 10 maintenance staff, depend upon the
complexity of the org.
C) The approved data necessary to fabricate the part are those approved either
by DGCA, TC holder, CAR21design org approval holder, or STC holder.
D) None

(Ref: M-93)

20. MTCS
A) Section 2 of the aircraft tech. log should contain the provision made for a
CRS Following rectification of a defect.
B) Section 3 should be designed so that one copy of each page remain on
the aircraft and one other copy may be retained on the ground until the
completion of the flight which it relates.
C) A permanent transfer does not generally include the dry lease out of an
aircraft when they duration of lease agreement is more than 6 months.
D) The records of the time in service of a component subjected to a service life
limit, preserved for a period of at least 12 months after they have been
permanently withdrawn from service.

(Ref: M-69

21. Common technical standards and guidelines for continued airworthiness

of an aircraft and it’s components are provided by
⦁ CAR M subpart G


⦁ As in ( 1) and is issued under the provisions of rule 134 of aircraft rules 1937

⦁ As in (2) and is issued under the provisions of the rules 133A of aircraft
rules 1937 REF. M-12

22.In the case of Category 1 Light aircraft not involved in commercial

operations, limited contract between the owner and the Continuing
airworthiness management organization should cover the
⦁ AMP will be based on the MIP in case of category 1 aircraft

⦁ As in (1), does not go below the requirements of the Minimum

Inspection Programme.

⦁ Does not customised to the particular aircraft type, configuration and

operation d) All of the above are correct
REF. M-28

⦁ After maintenance of components while installed or temporarily removed
from a category 1 light aircraft not used in commercial air transport is not
eligible to issuance of CA form1.
⦁ Service life limit is specified in AMP but not in AD's
⦁ Component removal from and installing on aircraft is considered to be
aircraft maintenance and not components maintenance.

D) None
24. MTCS
⦁ The MOM and it’s amendments shall be approved by DGCA regional office
⦁ As in(1) , for the approval of minor amendments, submitted to DGCA
local office at least 15 days before their effectivity and the procedure is
documented .
⦁ Fabrication of parts , modification kits etc. for onward supply and/or sale
may be conducted under M.A subpart F Approval.
⦁ All of the above

25. The CAME include –
⦁ The list of approved AMP

⦁ As in (1) , scope of work

⦁ Corporate commitment by the CAMO, signed by airworthiness review staff d)

All of above

REF ..M-119
26. For the balloons the airworthiness review staff shall have
⦁ At least 5years experience in continuing airworthiness ,and

⦁ As in(1), an appropriate licence in compliance with CAR M

⦁ A position within the approved organization with appropriate

responsibly d) All of the above
REF …. M-124

27. For aircraft used by air operator in accordance with schedule XI , the
licence of airworthiness review staff is in a) Category B1 or B2
⦁ Category B3

⦁ Category C

⦁ Any one of the above

REF …M-125

⦁ General familiarization for the airworthiness review staff could be imparted
by CAR-147org, by manufacturer, any other organization accepted by the
⦁ The application for airworthiness review staff is CA form 4

⦁ For the aircraft of 2370 MTOM the Minimum experience for

airworthiness review staff is 5years d) None

REF M-124

29. MTICS regarding reliability Programme

⦁ For complex moter powered aircraft , when the maintenance Programme is
based on maintenance steering group logic or on condition monitoring, the AMP
shall include a reliability Programme.
⦁ Reliability Programme need not be developed for aircraft not considered
CMPA or that contain overhaul time period for all significant aircraft system

⦁ Reliability Programme provide an appropriate means of monitoring the
effectiveness of AMP. d) None of above

30. If the owner has contracted to an organization in accordance with M.A
201(I) (1) , for development of AMP , this organization is responsible for
developing and proposing to owner a maintenance Programme which
⦁ Justifies any deviations from the recommendation issued by the design
⦁ As in (1) , indicates the whether the maintenance Programme is based
on the MIP
⦁ Is permitted to go below the requirements of MIP

⦁ All of the above

REF M-45

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