Transformation Sentence

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English Language Academy

73, Ananda Road, kafrul Dhaka; Contact: 01711271690, 01781910148

Transformation Sentence
01. Change the sentences according to directions.
(a) No other girl in the class was as good as Tarin. (Comparative)
(b) She was an extraordinary child, (Negative)
(c) How attentive she was in reading and writing! (Assertive)
(d) Her parents liked her very much. (Negative)
(e) Everyone praised her. (Passive voice)
(f) She was very attentive to her study. (Exclamatory)
(g) Her mother was helped by Tarin in her free time. (Active voice)
(h) She always spoke the truth. (Passive voice)
(i) She was one of the most intelligent girls in the school. (Positive)
(j) She works hard to shine in life. (Imperative)
02. (a) Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory)
(b) People of all ages enjoy this game. (Passive voice)
(c) It is played all over the world. (Active voice)
(d) At present, it is the most popular game in our country. (Comparative)
(e) Cricket is costlier than most other games. (Superlative)
(f) Only two teams each consisting of eleven players play the game. (Negative)
(g) Two umpires conduct the game. (Passive voice]
(h) How thrilling and exciting the game is for the spectators! (Assertive)
(i) Bangladesh plays Test and develops its standard. (Imperative)
(j) We must try our best to improve its present position. (Negative sentence without changing
03. (a) Terrorism is a devastating phenomenon of the modern world. (Exclamatory)
(b) At present, it is called a challenge to fight against it. (Active voice)
(c) Everybody is now in the threat of violence. (Negative]
(d) Terrorism is more disastrous than anything. (Positive)
(e) It is one of the most corrosive problems of the modem world. (Comparative)
(f) No other radical element is so threatening as a terrorist. (Superlative)
(g) We should apply the existing law properly to punish the terrorists. [Imperative)
(h) By applying the law properly, we can get rid of it. (Negative)
(i) We have to create social awareness to fight against corruption. (Passive voice)
(j) We all should avoid the killers of mankind. (Imperative)
04. (a) In order to acquire knowledge, we should read books. (Imperative)
(b) Books introduce us to the domain of knowledge. (Passive voice)
(c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Negative]
(d) Books are the greatest friends. [Positive)
(e) Reading books is the noblest habit. (Comparative)
(f) Books give us pleasure. (Passive voice)
(g) Those who read books keep themselves plunged into the realm of knowledge. (Negative)
(h) To make a civilized society, nothing is so Important as reading books. (Superlative)
(i) People should be motivated to read more and more books. (Active voice)
(j) We must create social movement about reading books. (Imperative)
5. (a) People in general are attracted by glittering things. (Active voice)
(b) They are the lovers of surface. (Negative)
(c) They are concerned at the outer show of things and beings. (Active voice)
(d) Who does not know it? (Passive voice)
(e) Gold is one of the precious metals. (Positive) ,
(f) But there are some other metals looking like gold. (Negative)
(g) No sooner .do they fade than they lose their beauty. (Positive)
(h) Similarly, there are some people acting like the wise, (Negative)
(1) As soon as their real identity gets revealed, people leave them. (Comparative)
(j) We are very foolish believing in them. (Exclamatory)
English Language Academy
73, Ananda Road, kafrul Dhaka; Contact: 01711271690, 01781910148
Transformation Sentence
6. (a) No-other wealth is as precious as health. (Superlative)
(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Positive)
(c) A healthy man is an asset to his family. (Negative)
(d) Who does not want success in life? (Passive voice)
(e) We should make everybody conscious of health. (Imperative)
(f) Take care of your health. (Passive voice)
(g) Health can be improved by regular physical exercise and a balanced diet. (Active voice)
(h) The people are too poor to afford to take a balanced diet. (Negative)
(i) They are very concerned with the quantity of food. (Exclamatory)
(j) Everybody should know it that malnutrition cause’s weakness. (Passive voice)
7. (a) We can see the achievement of science everywhere. (Passive voice) ,
(b) The electricity lights both the streets and the houses. (Negative)
(c) The radio broadcasts news, songs and lectures. (Passive voice)
(d) We are absolutely delighted to go to the cinema in the evening. (Exclamatory]
(e) Computer is one of the most important inventions of modern science. (Positive)
(f) We should learn computer. (Imperative)
(g) Internet is as important as computer. (Comparative)
(h) It helps us to know about the world. (Passive voice)
(i) It is greater than all other inventions of modem science. (Superlative)
(j) The invention of computer is a very miraculous event. (Exclamatory]
8. (a) I am sure that man is the maker of his own fortune. (Negative)
(b) If he makes a proper use of his time, he is sure to prosper in life. (Imperative)
(c) Everybody knows it. (Passive voice)
(d) The lazy suffer miserably in the long run. (Exclamatory)
(e) To kill time is as harmful as to commit suicide. (Comparative)
(f) Our life is only a some total of hours, days and years. (Negative)
(g) Youth is the most valuable season of life. (Positive)
(h) In youth, mind is soft and it can be shaped easily. (Active voice)
(i) Unless you use the morning hours of life, you have to pay a heavy price afterwards.
(j) It is called the seedtime of life. (Active voice)
9. (a) Haji Mohammad Mohsin was more gracious than any other man in this subcontinent
(b) He was a very pious man. (Exclamatory)
(c) He received a vast property from his father and sister. (Passive voice)
(d) He did not misuse this wealth. (Passive voice)
(e) He is called a friend of humanity. (Active voice)
(f) He was a bachelor. (Negative)
(g) During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor, (Negative)
(h) He was very kind to the poor. (Negative without changing meaning.)
(i) As soon as a thief entered his room one day, he caught the thief. (Comparative)
(j) He released the thief without punishment. (Negative)
10. (a) Man is the best creation of God. (Comparative]
(b) We should do good deeds to others. (Imperative]
(c) Our life is not measured by months 01 years. (Active voice]
(d) Honest people lead a very happy life. (Exclamatory)
(e) It matters little if a man lives many years or not. (Negative]
(f) How happy we are on earth! (Assertive)
(g) So, we should not waste time in vain. (Passive voice)
(h) If we use time properly, we can be benefited. (Imperative)
(i) All men must die. (Negative)
(j) We cannot avoid death. (Passive voice]
English Language Academy
73, Ananda Road, kafrul Dhaka; Contact: 01711271690, 01781910148
Transformation Sentence
11. (a) Patriotism is nobler than most other virtues. (Positive)
(b) It is the greatest of all virtues in a man's life. (Comparative)
(c) It persuades a man to do everything just. (Negative)
(d) This quality highly motivates a man. (Passive voice]
(e) What an outstanding quality it is! (Assertive)
If) A man having patriotic zeal is called a patriot. (Active voice)
(g) A patriot fears only the Creator. (Negative)
(h) By paying taxes he obeys the law. (Active voice)
(i) He is respected by all. (Active voice]
(j) So, we should be patriots, (Imperative)
12. (a) Facebook is a common social network. (Negative)
(b) Now, it is being used all over the world. (Active voice)
(c) Nothing is so necessary as a smart phone. (Comparative)
(d) Every student has a smart phone. (Negative)
(e) Everybody likes social network. (Passive voice)
(f) Facebook is the best of all social networks. (Positive)
(g) It gives us only pleasure. (Negative)
(h) If you do not use it, you cannot keep pace with the modern world. (Imperative)
(i) We can get many new pieces of information by using it. (Negative)
(j) Would that I could open a Facebook account. (Exclamatory)
13. (a) Terrorism is a devastating phenomenon of the modem world. (Exclamatory)
(b) How alarmingly it is increasing at present! (Assertive)
(c) Nothing is as disastrous as terrorism. (Comparative)
(d) It is one of the most corrosive problems of the modern world. (Positive)
(e) A terrorist is hated by people. (Active voice) «
(f) Everybody is now in the threat of violence. (Negative)
(g) The government should apply laws properly to punish the terrorists. (Imperative)
(h) They should be brought to book. (Active voice)
(i) By applying the laws properly, we can get rid of terrorism. (Negative)
(j) What a miserable life a terrorist leads! (Assertive)
14. (a) Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. (Positive)
(b) Computer is a blessing on earth. (Negative)
(c) Computers can be classified according to their functions. (Active voice)
(d) Computers are nowadays being used in almost every sphere of life. (Active voice)
(e) We must learn how to use computer. (Imperative)
(f) Nothing is as necessary as it, (Comparative)
(g) It is the most used device in our life. (Comparative)
(h) It helps us a lot. (Passive voice)
(i) Because of its usefulness, it has become very popular. (Exclamatory)
(j) Without computer, we cannot imagine our modem life. (Passive voice)
15. (a) Haji Mohamrnad Mohsin was a kind man. (Negative)
(b) What a pious man he was! (Assertive)
(c) He loved men cordially. (Passive voice)
(d) He was more thoughtful than any other man. .(Superlative)
(e) He led a very simple life. (Exclamatory)
(f) He always helped the needy. (Passive voice)
(g) He spent money lavishly for education to educate the poor students. (Negative)
(h) No other man in the subcontinent was so, kind as Mohsin. (Comparative)
(i) His kindness was known to all. (Active voice)
(j) He was one of the kindest men of the world, (Positive)
English Language Academy
73, Ananda Road, kafrul Dhaka; Contact: 01711271690, 01781910148
Transformation Sentence
16. (a) Corruption is one of the worst evils. (Positive)
(b) A corrupt man can do anything against morality. (Negative)
(c) People hate a corrupt man. (Passive voice)
(d) We should hate him. (Imperative)
(e)The man who takes bribe is worse than the devil. (Positive)
(f) We are still affected by this' evil. (Active voice)
(g) No other person is as hated as a corrupt man. (Superlative)
(h) Bangladesh will be free from this evil. (Imperative)
(i) Everybody avoids a corrupt man. (Negative)
(j) A corrupt man leads a very unhappy life. (Exclamatory)
17. (a) How instantly Internet works just with the click of a mouse! [Assertive]
(b) We should learn how to use Internet. (Imperative)
(c) Its functions are smooth and rapid. (Negative)
(d) Internet is more powerful than any other communication tool in modern life. (Superlative)
(e) Many educational institutions are greatly benefited through the use of Internet.
(f) A student can visit all the renowned libraries of the world without going there. (Passive voice)
(g) It plays an effective role in the field of trade and commerce. (Exclamatory)
(h) E-commerce has become one of the most popular topics to the customers. (Positive)
(i) It helps the customers to buy or choose anything without going to market. (Passive voice)
(j) What an amazing milestone it is in the modem world of communication! (Assertive)
18. (a) Very few conquerors of the world were so great as Taimur. (Superlative)
(b) The province of a powerful prince was once attacked by young Taimur. (Active voice)
(c) As soon as he entered the kingdom of the prince, he captured a large village.
(d) The army killed Taimur’s all soldiers. (Passive voice)
(e) He disguised himself as a poor traveller to survive. (Passive voice)
(f) As soon as he came to a house, he asked for something to eat. (Negative)
(g) There lived a very old woman in the house. (Exclamatory)
(h) The woman became sympathetic to see Taimur. (Negative)
(i) The food was very hot. (Exclamatory)
(j) Taimur was too hungry to wait. (Negative)
19. (a) Do you know Mother Teresa? (Passive voice)
(b) She is respected by everybody. (Active voice)
(c) She is one of the greatest persons of the world. (Positive)
(d) She was very kind to the needy and the Ill-fated. (Negative)
(e) She believes that charity is greater than any other virtue. (Superlative)
(f) Actually, no other person was so noble as she. (Comparative)
(g) Mother Teresa was a very passionate woman. (Exclamatory)
(h) She helped the helpless. (Passive voice)
(i) Nirmal Friday' was set up by her at Kolkata. (Active voice)
(j) We should know about the charity of Mother Teresa. (Imperative)
20. (a) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox's Bazar. (Passive voice)
(b) As soon as I reached there, my friend received me. (Comparative)
(c) 1 accepted the invitation. (Passive voice)
(d) At the time of my reaching there, my friend received me very cordially. (Exclamatory)
(e) I was very excited to see the beach. (Exclamatory)
(f) It is the largest beach in the world. (Positive)
(g) It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. (Comparative)
(h) It is called the pleasure seekers' paradise. (Active voice)
(i) The scenery of Cox's Bazar is more beautiful than a painted picture. (Positive)
(j) If I could visit the beach (Assertive)
English Language Academy
73, Ananda Road, kafrul Dhaka; Contact: 01711271690, 01781910148
Transformation Sentence
21. (a) We are grateful to the freedom fighters. (Negative)
(b) Their contribution is greater than any other thing. (Positive)
(c) The freedom fighters who died in the Liberation War are called martyrs. (Active voice)
(d) The National Memorial has been built with a view to paying tribute to their memories.
(e) A freedom fighter is the greatest son of the soil. (Comparative)
(f) We got our independence for their sacrifice. (Negative)
(g) They fought very bravely and snatched the red sun of independence. (Exclamatory)
(h) Though their weapons were ordinary, they had much courage in their mind. (Negative)
(i) Their contribution is as valuable as heaven. (Comparative)
(j) The government has taken some steps to improve their condition. (Passive voice)
22. (a) Strategy is the most important thing in the examination. (Comparative)
(b) Any answer in the exam should not be elaborated. (Active voice)
(c) He should read the question paper carefully when he gets It. (Imperative)
(d) At first glance, the questions may seem, difficult. (Negative)
(e) A student should attempt to answer all the questions to get good marks. (Passive voice)
(f) If an examinee answers all the questions, the examiner becomes glad to see that. (Negative
(g) But, it is better than not answering at all. (Positive)
(h) It is really sensible. (Exclamatory)
(i) The examinee should not waste time by elaborating the answer. (Passive voice)
(j) By following this process, you can make a good result in an examination. (Negative)
23. (a) People want success in life more than anything. (Positive)
(b) It is very difficult. (Exclamatory)
(c) Being industrious, everyone can prosper in life. (Negative)
(d) The idle always lag behind. (Negative)
(e) We should work hard to earn money. (Imperative)
(f) We have to work hard to improve our lot. (Imperative)
(g) The light of prosperity can be seen by a .hard-working person. (Active voice)
(h) Women should work as much as men. (Comparative)
(i) We should remember that industry is the key to success. (Passive voice)
(j) An idle man leads a very miserable life. (Exclamatory)
24. (a) We should read books to gain knowledge. (Imperative)
(b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Passive voice)
(c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Passive voice)
(d) By reading books, we can enrich our minds. (Negative)
(e) Books are the greatest friends. (Positive)
(f) They give us both knowledge and pleasure. (Negative)
(g) No other friend is as useful as a book in time of danger. (Comparative)
(h) Some books are very interesting. (Exclamatory)
(i) We can build up a developed society by reading books. (Negative)
(j) If you read books, you can remove the darkness of ignorance. (Imperative)
25. (a) There was an old man who was only 80 years old. (Negative)
(b) He was very poor. (Exclamatory)
(c)' He was one of the best cap makers with palm leaves. (Positive)
(d) He sold them in the neighboring market. (Voice change)
(e) He maintained his family with his poor income. (Passive voice)
(f) He bought necessary things from the market. (Voice)
(g) The market was far from his house. (Negative)
(h) How industrious he was! (Assertive)
(i) He was too tired to walk. (Negative)
(j) As soon as he sat under the tree, he fell asleep. (Comparative)
English Language Academy
73, Ananda Road, kafrul Dhaka; Contact: 01711271690, 01781910148
Transformation Sentence
26. (a) We should read books to acquire knowledge. (Imperative)
(b) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Passive voice)
(c) The books of great writers contain noble thoughts and great ideas. (Passive voice)
(d) By reading good books, we can enrich our mind. (Negative)
(e) Reading books is a very good habit. (Exclamatory)
(f) Reading books is better than any other habit. (Superlative)
(g) More and more books should be read. (Active voice)
(h) No other thing is as interesting as reading books. (Comparative)
(i) Reading good books is no less significant than a new discovery. (Positive)
(j) Very few friends are as great as a good book. (Superlative)
27. (a) William Wordsworth is one of the most well-known poets in English literature. (Positive)
(b) He was the second of his father's five sons. (Negative)
(c) His birthplace was very beautiful. (Exclamatory)
(d) As soon as he became eight years old, his mother died, (Comparative)
(e) In the same year, he was sent to the Grammar School of Hawks head for education. (Active voice)
(f) He was only 13 years old when his father died, (Negative)
(g) Fundamental education was given to him at the school. (Active voice)
(h) If I were born at his age! (Assertive)
(i) The readers called for a new edition of his famous book "The Lyrical Ballads" in 1800.
(Passive voice)
(j) This book brought a huge name and fame in his life. (Exclamatory)
28. (a) Mr. Rahim is one of the best teachers. (Comparative)
(b) He is older than I. (Positive)
(c) He teaches his students to be good citizens. (Passive voice)
(d) He tries his best to teach them morality. (Negative)
(e) He becomes very happy when the students achieve good results in public examinations.
(f) No other person is as sincere as Mr. Rahim. (Superlative)
(g) He is the best teacher in our area. (Positive)
(h) He discovers the latent talent of his students. (Imperative)
(i) He goes to class taking preparation. (Negative)
(j) All the students respect him very much. (Passive voice)
29. (a) Everybody wants to succeed in life. (Negative)
(b) Do you know it? (Passive voice)
(c) An industrious man is one of the happiest men. (Comparative)
(d) Hard work is needed for success. (Active voice)
(e) A life with an assignment is an actual life. (Negative)
(f) One can receive any reward by working hard. (Negative)
(g) We should work hard to achieve success. (Imperative)
(h) A successful man is very happy. (Exclamatory)
(i) No other man is as happy as a successful man. (Superlative)
(j) A hard-working man is healthier than an idle man. (Positive)
30. (a) Do you know the story of Ruplal? (Passive voice)
(b) He wanted to live alone in the jungle. (Negative)
(c) The place was too beautiful to describe in a word. (Negative)
(d) The village people were very quarrelsome. (Exclamatory)
(e) He hated the villagers. (Negative)
(f) So, he collected his things. (Passive voice)
(g) Ruplal made a nice little nut for himself in the jungle. (Passive voice)
(h) How happy I am now! (Assertive)
(i) My jungle hut is one of the most peaceful places in the world. (Positive)
(j) That night, as soon as Ruplal fell asleep, he heard a noise. (Comparative)
English Language Academy
73, Ananda Road, kafrul Dhaka; Contact: 01711271690, 01781910148
Transformation Sentence
31. (a) Bangladesh is a low-lying country. (Negative)
(b) Every year natural disasters visit us. (Passive voice)
(c) Flood is one of the most dangerous natural disasters. (Comparative)
(d) We should save Dhaka for safe life. (Imperative)
(e) People living in the high land can escape flood. (Negative)
(f) Crops are damaged by this flood. (Active voice)
(g) Do you know the consequence of Tsunami? (Passive voice)
(h) The recent flood was very devastating. (Exclamatory)
(i) Bangladesh is in the active earthquake zone. (Negative)
(j) Dhaka is the most risky city in the earthquake zone. (Positive)
32. (a) Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science. (Positive]
(b) It was not invented overnight. (Active voice)
(c) Scientists spent many years to invent television. (Passive voice) .
(d) Nowadays, almost every family has a television set. (Negative)
(e) Television is watched by the people of all ages. (Active voice)
(f) The programmes telecast by television are very interesting, (Exclamatory)
(g) Television should telecast educative programmes. (Passive voice)
(h) If you watch television, you can learn many things. (Imperative]
(i) People spend their free time by watching television. (Negative)
(j) Very few things are so useful as television. (Superlative)
33. (a) A flower is a very glowing gift of nature. (Exclamatory)
(b) Doesn't it symbolize love and beauty? (Passive voice)
(c) Flowers are used on different occasions. (Active voice)
(d) We present flower to our nearest and dearest persons. (Passive voice)
(e) Very few gifts are as precious as a flower. (Comparative)
(f) The rose is the best of all flowers. (Positive)
(g) We love it very much for its sweet scent and beauty. (Negative)'
(h) It is lovelier than all other flowers. (Superlative)
(i) The rose is a very nice flower. (Exclamatory)
(j) As the demand for flowers is increasing day by day, we should cultivate flower on
commercial basis. (Imperative)
34. (a) Madhusudan Dutt was a very popular poet. (Exclamatory)
(b) He was one of the greatest dramatists in Bangla literature. (Positive)
(c) What a sophisticated Hindu family he belonged to! (Assertive)
(d) He was known as Madhusudan. (Active voice)
(e) He was recognised by his teachers as a precious child. (Active voice)
(f) He thought that he was born on the wrong side of the planet. (Negative)
(g) He also thought that his society was unable to appreciate his intellect. (Negative)
(h) Again, he believed that only the West would be more receptive to his creative genius. (Negative)
(i) He was a very ardent follower of Lord Byron. (Exclamatory)
(j) As soon as he went to Europe, he started composing poems. (Comparative)
35. (a) The students should study regularly to make a good result. (Imperative)
(b) But most of our students are inattentive to their studies. (Negative)
(c) They waste their valuable time idly. (Passive voice)
(d) Wasting time Is harmful for them. (Negative)
(e) By repeating this activity, they make a very poor result. (Exclamatory)
(f) They are more hateful than most other persons. (Positive)
(g) They are treated badly even by their family members. (Active voice)
(n) By studying regularly, a student can overcome his problems. (Negative)
(i) No other student in the class is as bad as a failed student. (Superlative)
(j) So, a student should be aware of studying regularly and attentively to do well in the exarr.
English Language Academy
73, Ananda Road, kafrul Dhaka; Contact: 01711271690, 01781910148
Transformation Sentence
36. (a) Haji Mohammad Mohsin was the kindest man. (Positive)
(b) He received vast property from his father and sister. (Passive voice)
(c) He was unmarried. (Negative)
(d) During his lifetime, he spent money lavishly to help the poor. (Negative)
(e) As soon as a thief entered his room, Mohsin woke up. (Comparative)
(f) The thief began to cry very loudly when he saw Mohsin. (Exclamatory)
(g) The thief was caught. (Active voice)
(h) How needy the thief was! (Assertive)
(i) He gave the thief some food and money. (Passive voice)
(j) Mohsin was one of the best philanthropists in the world. (Positive)
37. (a) Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man's life. (Positive)
(b) It ennobles one's character and gives one high position in society. (Passive voice)
(c) A truthful person is loved and respected by all. (Active voice)
(d) A truthful person fears only Allah. (Negative)
(e) He Is brave and optimistic. (Negative)
(f) What a happy life he leads! (Assertive)
(g) His mental courage is really unbelievable. (Exclamatory)
(h) On the other hand, a liar is the most despicable person in society. (Comparative)
(i) Very few things are so destructive as the habit of telling lie. (Superlative)
(j) You should always avoid a liar. (Imperative)
38. (a) Cox's Bazar is the longest beach in the world. (Positive)
(b) It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. (Comparative)
(c) It is called pleasure-seekers' paradise. (Active voice)
(d) In no other season, the number of tourists is as great as in summer. (Superlative)
(e) Tourists from home and abroad visit this beautiful beach. (Passive voice)
(f) How charming is the scenery of Cox's Bazar! (Assertive)
(g) Only the harsh people can avoid this beauty. (Negative)
(h) Would that I could visit this place. (Exclamatory)
(i) We must develop this tourist spot more for the sake of our economy. (Negative)
()) You should visit this beach to widen your heart. (Imperative)
39. (a) Traffic jam is one of the most frustrating problems in Dhaka city. (Comparative)
(b) This problem has taken a very serious turn in Dhaka city. (Negative)
(c} Overpopulation and numerous vehicles have created this problem. (Passive voice)
(d) Moreover, traffic rules are not strictly followed by the drivers. (Active voice)
(e) They ignore traffic rules. (Negative)
(f) Sometimes traffic jam is very painful. (Exclamatory)
(g) Very few things are so harmful for our economy as traffic jam. (Superlative)
(h) What an economic loss traffic jam causes every day! (Assertive)
(i) However, this problem can be solved by adopting some measures. (Active voice)
(j).The government should solve this problem. (Imperative)
40. (a) Student life is the most important period of life. (Positive)
(b) No other thing is as important for a student as study. (Superlative)
(c) As the future hope of a nation, students should equip themselves with proper education
and good character. (Passive voice)
(d) Every valuable moment of their life should be utilized by them. (Active voice)
(e) They should always finish their work in time. (Negative)
(f) How important it Is for them acquiring the qualities to become good citizens!
(g) Being engaged in social service is very important for them. (Exclamatory)
(h) In social context, their service is as important as any reasonable sector. (Comparative)
(i) Students are undoubtedly great assets to any nation. (Negative)
(j) They should prepare themselves properly. (Imperative)

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