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Forensic Science International 310 (2020) 110254

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Dog-bite-related attacks: A new forensic approach

Fabrizio Iarussia,1, Luigi Cipollonib,1, Giuseppe Bertozzib , Luigi Sassob , Michela Ferrarab ,
Monica Salernoc, Giuseppe Tommaso Roberto Rubinoa , Francesca Magliettab ,
Armida Dinisib , Davide Albanoc , Valerio Iarussid , Cristoforo Pomarac,2 ,
Francesco Sessab,* ,2
Department of Emergency and Organ Transplants, Veterinary Section, University of Bari, Valenzano, Bari, Italy
Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Section of Legal Medicine, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy
Department of Medical, Surgical and Advanced Technologies "G.F. Ingrassia", University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Fundamentalist Veterinary Surgery, Small Animal Diseases Specialist, Foggia, Italy


Article history: Dog attacks today represent a health hazard considering that prevention strategies have not always been
Received 24 July 2019 successful. The identification of the dog that attacked the victim is necessary, considering the civil or
Received in revised form 4 March 2020 criminal consequences for the animal’s owner. An accurate scene analysis must be performed collecting a
Accepted 11 March 2020
series of important information.
Available online 14 March 2020
Forensic investigations in dog attacks involve different methods, such as the evaluating of the canine
Short Tandem Repeat (STR) typing in saliva traces on wounds or bite mark analysis, however, these
techniques cannot always be applied. The effort to find new methods to identify the dog that attacked the
Forensic science
Forensic pathology
victim represents a very interesting field for the forensic community.
Dog attacks This study aims to propose an innovative approach, based on the identification of the victim's profile in
Cattle genotyping the dog's mouth, using a buccal swab on the suspected aggressor dog, to find the victim’s genetic profile.
Dog identification In addition, a further goal of this study is to determine the persistence time of hexogen DNA in the dog’s
Short tandem repeat mouth to define a timeframe for performing this particular technique.
TGLA53 For this purpose, ten different dogs were used to aggressively bite a bovine sample (reference sample)
TGLA122 to simulate the victim. For each dog two buccal swabs were taken at different time intervals: 300 , 450 , 600 ,
900 , 1200 , 1500 , 1800 and 2400 . The typing of the swabs provided an interpretable profile after 450 while
traces of bovine profile were found until 1500 after the dog attack simulation.
These results could be improved using the human identification kit, which is more sensitive. In the light
of this experimental study, the forensic community should consider using this approach in real casework
studies with the aim of collecting new data, validating this technique for forensic use.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction court to exclude criminal causes and to identify the animal

involved in the aggression. In many countries, the law states that
Dog attacks today represent a health hazard considering that the dog’s owner is responsible for the consequences of the lesions
prevention strategies have not always been successful [1,2]. In caused by his/her animal. In dog attacks, a multidisciplinary
recent years, there has been an increasing number of hospital approach, including a detailed crime scene investigation, as well as
admissions due to dog attacks, many of which involving children, the study of the victim and the animal, is essential [4,5].
probably because they cannot understand a dog’s behavior thus An accurate scene analysis must be performed, collecting
causing aggressive reactions [3]. Experts could be called by the important information such as the age of the victim, the breed type
of the dog and finding possible witnesses. A careful inspection of
where the dog aggression took place is mandatory to collect all
evidence that can be potentially useful to associate the victim to
* Corresponding author at: Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine,
the animal and vice-versa [6–9].
University of Foggia Viale Pinto, 71122, Foggia, Italy.
E-mail address: (F. Sessa).
The classical pattern of a wound produced by a bite is called “a
These authors contributed equally to this work. hole-and-a-tear” [1,10]: the hole is produced by the canine of the
These authors shared last authorship. upper or lower dental arch of the dog, that the animal uses to anchor
0379-0738/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 F. Iarussi et al. / Forensic Science International 310 (2020) 110254

the tissues, while the tear is due to the shaking of the dog’s head. This replacement for a victim, a single large piece of bovine meat was
typical lesion is associated with various types of lesions, including used, dividing it into several samples of about two hundred grams.
punctiform “V”-shaped holes, abrasions, lacerations of the skin and Written informed consent forms were obtained from all dog owners.
soft tissues penetrating wounds and bone fractures [11]. All experimental procedures were performed in strict accordance
Fatal dog attacks are rare, and usually involve innocent people, with the international regulation on animal welfare (EU Directive
such as children or the elderly and death is secondary to 2010/63/EU for animal experiments) and were approved by the
decapitation, massive bleeding, asphyxia, or air embolism [12–14]. Scientific Committee of the University of Foggia.
To date, the most used methods to identify an offending dog are Before the experiment, bovine DNA was extracted from two
odontological analysis of bite marks and DNA analysis. samples (designated E1 and E2) in order to collect the reference
Odontological analysis can exclude various breed types of dogs profiles of the control. The complete genotyping is reported in the
and recognize the breed type of the offending dog, as the shape of supplementary file (Figs. S1–S3).
the bite mark characterizes each breed type. Inter-canine distances To simulate the aggression, each dog bit into the beef sample for
are variable depending on the breed type of the dog, thus their five minutes, to ensure a tightening action with the canines and
measurement can be useful to identify the suspected animal tearing with the molars as would happen in a real attack.
[15,16]. For this purpose an approach using 3D processing/ At the end of each "attack", two upper and lower dento-gingival
modelling software has been described that demonstrates the swabs were performed, both on the buccal and mesial part, with
correspondence between the dog's dental arches and the wound particular attention to the region of canines and incisors. For each
[17]. It is essential to note that this kind of analysis can be used dog, the samplings were repeated at different time intervals: 300 ,
effectively when two dogs are very different under this criterion. 450 , 600 , 900 , 1200 , 1500 , 1800 and 2400 . During the time between the
Contrariwise, other evidence must be collected. simulation of the aggression and the application of the swab, the
The DNA method is based on the search for the canine profile, animal was monitored to record any behavior that could have
typing the so-called microsatellites or Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) compromised the test. Particularly, the dog was maintained in
at the wound site [18,19]. Indeed, the most used DNA technique water and food deprivation.
consists in the extraction of STRs from saliva traces of the offender At the end of each test time, a total of 10 samples for the upper
dog on the victim’s wound [20]. This practice has proved to be a valid jaw (u.j.) and 10 samples for the lower jaw (l.j.) were obtained. Each
support in the identification of attacking dogs, but has several one was identified by a specific code and frozen at 20  C
limitations. When a dog attack occurs, the time between the accident immediately after collection. At the end of the experiment 160
and sample collection is very variable, passing from several tens of samples were obtained (20  8 tested time).
minutes to hours. Moreover, the first thing to do is the rescue The experimental model is illustrated in Fig. 1.
operation: during this phase, the use of several medications on the
victim’s tissue could erase the dog’s biological traces. Another 2.2. DNA extraction and quantitative analysis of DNA
method that could be used to identify the dog is the genetic analysis
of dog hairs: it has been described that a direct amplification of the DNA extraction from the two kinds of samples (portion of beef
hair can be used for this purpose [21]. tissue for control samples and canine buccal swabs) was
This study proposes an innovative approach, based on the performed using the QIAamp1 DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden,
identification of the victim's profile in the dog's mouth, using a Germany), following protocols for the extraction of DNA from
buccal swab on the suspected aggressor dog, to find the victim’s tissue and from buccal swabs. DNA was then eluted into 30 mL of
genetic profile. In addition, a further goal of this study is to AE buffer. To monitor reagent contamination a negative control
determine the persistence time of hexogen DNA in the dog’s mouth was also tested. Obtained samples were frozen and stored at 20 
to define a timeframe for performing this particular technique. C before being processed for the subsequent phases.
QubitTM ds DNA HS assay kit (InvitrogenTM, Thermo Scientific
2. Materials and methods Inc., USA) and QubitTM 3.0 fluorometer were used to quantify DNA
isolated from the samples following the manufacturer’s recom-
2.1. Experimental model mended protocol.

Ten different dog types were enrolled for this study: two German 2.3. Bovine meat typing
Shepherds, two Italian Mastiffs, two Bull Terriers, two Rottweilers,
and two mongrels. In agreement with the owners, the dogs were To obtain the genetic profile, the co-amplification Stock-
selected for their aptitude to bite deeply into rubber toys. As a MarksTM for Cattle Genotyping Kit (Catalog number: 4307480,

Fig. 1. The experimental model: ten dogs bit a bovine meat sample for 5 min; after the established period of time, two swabs were obtained from two different anatomical
regions of the mouth.
F. Iarussi et al. / Forensic Science International 310 (2020) 110254 3

Applied Biosystems, Europe BV) was used. The amplification considering that in the bovine kit there are no reference standards
primer mix for the StockMarks1 for Cattle contains 11 primer sets: (allelic ladder) unlike the human kit used in forensic investigations
all investigated loci are dinucleotide repeats. Dinucleotide repeats where reference standards are provided. The differentiation
give specific stutter patterns: for this reason, in order to define the between the various STRs is based on their molecular weight
reference profile, the criteria of the consensus method were and the respective dye Label. The DNA profile of the reference
applied [22]; moreover, the electropherogram interpretation was sample (bovine meat) used in this experiment is reported in the
obtained following the kit’s user guide suggestions reported in the supplementary file, indicating the molecular weights obtained for
section "Interpretation of results". each marker. A univocal complete profile was obtained from both
The control DNA provided by the kit, the reference sample samples analyzed (E1 and E2), and was used as a reference sample.
(bovine meat) and all swabs obtained in this experimental work, Subsequently, DNA extraction was performed on the buccal
were amplified. In addition, following the manufacturer’s recom- swabs. The box plot analysis was applied to present the data about
mended protocol, all samples were standardized to a concentra- DNA concentrations. The values of DNA concentrations are
tion of 5 ng/mL (samples need to be at a concentration between summarized in the supplementary file (Fig. S4), under the criteria
110 ng/mL). For each PCR run, a negative control was amplified, in of the sampled anatomical region. No statistical differences were
order to verify the absence of exogenous contamination. reported in the box plot analysis, comparing the data obtained
The PCR reaction master mix was used in an Eppendorf1 sampling the u.j. and l.j. (one-way ANOVA [F = 2.48, p = 0.11]).
Mastercycler1 gradient thermal cycler (Eppendorf, Hamburg, The complete genotyping is reported in the supplementary file
Germany), according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. (Figs. S1– S3).
The amplified product was analyzed in a 10 mL reaction volume The concentration data are compared and summarized in Fig. 2,
that consisted of 1 mL amplified product plus 9 mL formamide/ evaluating interval time between the bite on the meat and
GeneScan TM 500 LIZTM dye size standard (Applied Biosystem) sampling: the trend suggests a lower level of DNA for longer times
mixture, using capillary electrophoresis on an ABI Prism1 3130 between bite and sampling.
genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystems Inc., Foster City, CA, USA) - an In the supplementary files, the electropherograms obtained for
automated capillary electrophoresis system based on fluorescence two swabs collected after bite with two different interval times:
- and data were analyzed using the GeneMapper Analysis Software 450 and 1200 are summarized. After the amplification and runs, the
version 4.0. The DNA profiles obtained were analyzed using an electropherograms obtained were compared with the reference
analytical threshold of 50 RFU. At the end of the analysis, 160 swab profile evaluating the ratio between detected and expected alleles
profiles, 2 reference profiles obtained from bovine meat, 16 blank (Fig. 3). The ratio calculation is made dividing the number of
extraction profiles, 16 negative PCR profiles, and 16 reference detected alleles by the number of expected for each swab: the
profiles were obtained and analyzed. Considering the negative number of expected alleles is always the same (all alleles of the
results obtained from all swabs performed after 2400 , they were reference sample, 20 alleles), while the detected amount is related
used as negative controls. to the time between the bite and sampling.
As shown in Fig. 3, the complete profile of the reference sample
2.4. Statistical analysis was obtained after 30 min (98.5% for u.j.; 99.5% for l.j.). The ratio
percentage decreased in an inversely proportional manner,
Descriptive analyses were performed using frequency percen- comparing the interval of time between the bite and sampling:
tages (total number of alleles observed/total number of alleles the more time passed, the lower the number of alleles detected.
expected). Data were analyzed with the software package SPSS 22.0 The data obtained were statistically significant (one-way ANOVA [F
for Windows. The one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) was used to = 115.24, p = 2.94  106]).
determine any statistically significant differences among the groups. After 45 min, 86% of the alleles were detected for samples
obtained from the u.j. and 86.5% for the l.j. After 60 min, the
3. Results percentage was 73% for the u.j. and 74.5% for the l.j. Moreover, the
percentage went down after 900 (54% for the u.j. and 58% for the l.j.)
The first step of the proposed experimental model was the and 1200 (44% for the u.j. and 33% for the l.j.). In the supplementary
typing of the bovine meat used as the reference sample, file were reported a profile obtained after 450 and another one

Fig. 2. The box plot analysis on the DNA concentrations obtained at the established times showing that the DNA concentrations diminished over time.
4 F. Iarussi et al. / Forensic Science International 310 (2020) 110254

Fig. 3. This graph shows the ratio percentage of detected/expected alleles with error bar; the data were divided under the criteria of the anatomical region swabbed.

obtained after 1200 (Figs. S4–S6) are reported. After 150 min, only to obtain a complete dog profile in all cases, thus it is not always
the alleles related to the TGLA53 and TGLA122 loci were detected, possible to demonstrate the involvement of the animal in the
obtaining 20% for the u.j. and 18% for the l.j. No peaks were detected aggression.
for all loci in all samples collected in the time intervals after 150 It is important to note that biological traces of domestic animals
min. No statistical differences were reported comparing the data on human skin are frequently found, as interactions with dogs are
obtained sampling the u.j. and the l.j. (one-way ANOVA [F = 0.002, p frequent in everyday life, especially if the victim is a dog owner.
= 0.96]). This situation could be very complex to analyze for the forensic
team in the reconstruction of the crime scene.
4. Discussion For these reasons, the efforts to find new methods to identify
aggressor dogs represents a very interesting field for the forensic
Dog attacks and dog-pack attacks represent a hazard for public community. The research of canine STRs on wounds in dog attacks
health both because of the severe injuries caused and, in some does not always represent a successful procedure, because of
cases, because of fatalities [2,8]. Moreover, even if every nation different factors. After a dog attack, first aid workers operate before
tries to reduce the phenomenon by introducing new laws, they do the intervention of the forensic team, treating the wound with
not always produce a reduction in dog attacks and dog-bite– antiseptics, which alter dog residues.
related fatalities [8]. It has been described that dog attacks are In this experimental study, meat was used to mimic the object
frequently related to the patterns of animal behavior [1,10]. The of the dog’s aggression. Indeed, for obvious reasons, it was not
defense of territory, the role of hunger, environmental stimuli, and possible to use human subjects to simulate a victim. Two buccal
social interaction, represent different important aspects involved swabs were taken from each animal in order to define the latency
in dog attacks. Moreover, the high-pitched cries, rapid movements, time of bovine DNA (simulating the victim) in the dog's mouth
and strategy of defense of the victim can be considered as usual (simulating the aggressor). Moreover, in this experimental model
factors involved in the animal attacks [9,13]. Furthermore, the we investigated if the anatomical region of the dog’s mouth could
gravity of damages generated by dog attacks is related to the be related with the successful rate of detection of exogenous DNA.
vulnerability of the victim: it is clear that when an attack affects As previously discussed, the DNA concentration obtained
the elderly, young children and disabled persons, it could be fatal decreased over time: indeed, the largest quantity of DNA was
for the victim [9,23,24]. obtained in the samples collected at 300 and 450 after the bites,
Animal DNA represents a new type of evidence and the while only traces of cattle DNA, unsuitable for identification, were
potential applications are very wide-ranging. Animal DNA has found after 1200 and 1500 ’. No data were obtained at 1800 and 2400 .
been used to match canine saliva recovered from a murder victim These data were confirmed analyzing the ratio of the detected/
to an attack dog (individual DNA profiling). Canine DNA analysis of expected alleles: our results demonstrate an inverse correlation
STR markers has become an effective tool in forensic investigations between the time interval after the bite and DNA sampling.
allowing the guilty dog identification [25–27]. Moreover, in this study the DNA concentration was measured
Furthermore, Eichmann et al. suggested looking to canine through a no species-specific test: therefore, the concentration
STRs, not just on a victim’s wound, but also on gauzes used to goes down because at high interval times the bovine DNA was not
wrap the injuries [28]. They describe that of fifty-two cases of detected, reducing the DNA concentration values. These results
fatal attacks, the complete profile of the dog was obtained only in show that this novel approach can represent an evolution of
fifteen, regardless of the sampling method used (wounds or previous ones, because it overcomes the previous bias, despite the
gauze). The limitation of this approach is related to the difficulty study limitations.
F. Iarussi et al. / Forensic Science International 310 (2020) 110254 5

The major limitation of the discussed experimental model is Declaration of Competing Interest
related to the use of beef samples for the test. Firstly, the research
in the analysis of bovine microsatellites is not as advanced as that The authors declare no conflict of interest.
for forensic human identification [29]. If this choice represents a
limit for the experimental work, it could, on the other hand, be Acknowledgements
considered an advantage in real casework. The results of the
present study could be improved using the human identification We wish to thank the Scientific Bureau of the University of
kit, obtaining a complete profile at more than 450 . In our results, the Catania for language support.
meat DNA traces were detected until 1500 , even if only the shorter
loci were amplified. In consideration of the limitation of the kit Appendix A. Supplementary data
used to obtain the profile, it could be thought that in real casework
the use of the human identification kit could obtain genetic profiles Supplementary material related to this article can be found,
from minimal DNA traces, increasing the time between the attack in the online version, at
and sampling to obtain a positive result. sciint.2020.110254.
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