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1) Solution: c)

𝐴5 =

𝐴4 =
Subtracting the 2 matrices gives you the matrix

The determinant of this matrix is 0.

2) Solution: a)
The vectors in the matrix given in b) do not form a basis as there are only 3 vectors
that are linearly independent. The other matrix has only one linearly independent

3) Solution: d)
The determinant of the matrix is 345.

4) Solution: a)
The rank of the matrix is 2 because there are only 2 linearly independent vectors.

5) Solution: b)
The matrix D obtained by multiplying the matrices CAB is
From the matrix D, the element 𝐷21 is 525.

6) Solution: b)
Substituting the value for a as 16, we get a system of equations which has a non-
trivial solution (infinitely many solutions).

7) Solution: d)
The eigenvalues of the given matrix are

The lowest eigenvalue is hence close to -5.

8) Solution: b)
From the given theorem that rank(AB) <= min(rank(A), rank(B)), the rank of the
matrix AB is 2.

9) Solution: c)
Multiplicity 2 means that 2 of the eigenvalues of the matrix are 7, (i.e.,) 𝜆1 = 𝜆2 = 7.
It is given that the trace of the matrix is 16. We know that the trace of the matrix is
sum of its eigenvalues, (i.e.,) T(A) = 𝜆1 + 𝜆2 + 𝜆3 = 16 => 𝜆3 = 2.
Determinant of a matrix is equal to the product of its eigenvalues => |𝐴| = 𝜆1 * 𝜆2 *
𝜆3 . Using this formula, the determinant obtained is 98.

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