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J Vet Intern Med 2011;25:846–855

A s s o c i a t i o n o f Ce r e b r o s p i n a l F l u i d A n a l y s i s Fi n d i n g s wi t h C l i n i c a l
S i g n s a n d O u t c o m e i n Ac u t e N o n a m b u l a t o r y T h o r a c o l u m b a r D i s c
D i s e a s e in Do g s
I. Srugo, I. Aroch, M.M. Christopher, O. Chai, L. Goralnik, T. Bdolah-Abram, and M.H. Shamir

Background: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pleocytosis recently was associated with the severity of neurologic signs in dogs with
intervertebral disc disease (IVDD).
Hypothesis/Objectives: To look for an association among CSF cell counts, total protein concentration, and severity of neu-
rologic signs at presentation with outcome in dogs with acute thoracolumbar IVDD. Our hypothesis was that CSF total
nucleated cell count (TNCC) and percentage cell types would be associated with the severity of spinal cord damage and there-
fore with both the presenting clinical signs and the prognosis of affected dogs.
Animals: Fifty-four dogs with acute nonambulatory thoracolumbar IVDD were evaluated.
Methods: Retrospective study. Signalment, neurologic grade, CSF TNCC, protein concentration, red blood cells count and
differential cell percentages, and short- and long-term outcomes were evaluated.
Results: CSF pleocytosis (45 cells/mL) was present in 54% of dogs and was positively associated with neurologic grade at
presentation and with postoperative time to regaining ambulation. Neutrophils were observed most frequently. The percentage
of CSF macrophages and macrophage to monocyte ratio were higher (P 5 .001, for both) in dogs presented without deep pain
sensation (DPS) that did not regain ambulation. Receiver operator characteristics curve analysis yielded a cut-off point of 13%
macrophages with a sensitivity and specificity of 100 and 83%, respectively, for prediction of a negative outcome.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: CSF pleocytosis is positively associated with the severity of spinal cord damage in
dogs with thoracolumbar IVDD. The percentage of CSF macrophages can be used as a prognostic indicator for regaining
ambulation in dogs that have lost DPS.
Key words: Canine; Intervertebral disc disease; Pleocytosis; Prognosis.

horacolumbar intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is

T a common cause of hind limb paresis and paralysis
in dogs.1 Treatment protocols vary from conservative
AUC area under the curve
treatment to decompressive surgery.1,2 Laminectomy fol- CSF cerebrospinal fluid
lowed by meticulous removal of the herniated disc is the DPS deep pain sensation
treatment of choice for nonambulatory dogs.2 The over- IVDD intervertebral disc disease
all success rates of decompressive surgery range from 60 MF:M macrophage to monocyte ratio
to 95%.1–3 Several prognostic factors for thoracolumbar OR odds ratios
IVDD were previously studied, including severity and ROC receiver operator characteristics
duration of clinical signs, site of disc extrusion, severity SE standard error
of spinal cord compression and inflammation, intra- TCC total cell count
medullary T2-weighted hyperintensity observed in TNCC total nucleated cell count
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), number of myelo-
graphic injections, use of corticosteroids, and duration of
anesthesia.3–8 However, the most reliable prognostic in-
dicator remains the presence or absence of deep pain tus is the most reliable prognostic indicator for recovery
sensation (DPS) at presentation.1,3,4,6 Although DPS sta- after spinal cord injury, the recovery rates of dogs pre-
sented with absence of DPS in cases of thoracolumbar
From the Department of Neurology (Srugo, Chai, Shamir), the disc herniation still vary between 0 and 76%.1,2,6,9 There-
Department of Small Animal Internal Medicine (Aroch), Veterinary fore, there is still a need for a more accurate prognostic
Teaching Hospital, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew tool to be used before surgical intervention in these dogs.
University of Jerusalem; the Department of Pathology, Microbiology Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) characteristics in dogs with
and Immunology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Davis IVDD were described previously as normal or mildly in-
California, Davis, CA (Christopher); Teaching Services Unit, flammatory.2,10 It has been suggested that CSF analysis
Faculty of Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
(Bdolah-Abram); and Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew
is unnecessary in those cases in which MRI findings sug-
University of Jerusalem, Israel (Goralnik). This work was performed gesting IVDD are obvious.11 However, in a recent study,
at Hebrew University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Koret School of moderate to marked CSF pleocytosis and high CSF pro-
Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. tein concentration were more commonly observed than
Corresponding author: Itay Srugo, Koret School of Veterinary was previously reported in dogs with type I disc disease,
Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, P.O. Box 12, Rehovot and paraplegic dogs with absent DPS had significantly
76100, Israel; e-mail:
higher CSF TNCC than those with DPS.12 This associa-
Submitted December 26, 2010; Revised April 3, 2011; Accepted
April 25, 2011.
tion between the severity of neurologic abnormality and
Copyright r 2011 by the American College of Veterinary Internal the total nucleated cell count (TNCC) in dogs with
Medicine IVDD might be useful for assessing the prognosis in
10.1111/j.1939-1676.2011.0739.x more severe cases. When DPS is lost, the recovery rate
CSF Analysis in Disc Disease 847

decreases to approximately 50%13; however, it varies CSF Collection and Analysis

between 0 and 76%.1,2,6,9 It is therefore important to find
Cerebellomedullary CSF samples were collected with hypoder-
a prognostic indicator that will help differentiate between mal 1.5 in., 21 G needles into 2 sterile glass red top tubes and were
dogs that have a better chance to recover and those that analyzed within 10 minutes of collection. Total cell count (TCC)
have a poor prognosis. Although CSF analysis, including was determined with a hemocytometer, by counting all cells within
TNCC, protein concentration, and differential cell per- 10 large squares of the grid.17 Two 200 mL CSF aliquots (1 from
centages have been reported previously in dogs with each tube) were centrifuged in a cytospina (10 minutes at 800 rpm) in
IVDD,12,14 these parameters have yet to be tested as order to prepare each of the slides. Two glass slidesb were thus pre-
prognostic indicators in this condition. pared for morphologic evaluation and differential counts. One slide
Cerebellomedullary CSF analysis is routinely performed was stained with modified Wright’s stainc and the other with a quick
before myelography at the Hebrew University Veterinary Romanowsky stain.d The smears were re-evaluated blindly for the
purpose of the present study for CSF differential counts and the ra-
Teaching Hospital (HUVTH). We have observed moder-
tio between nucleated cells and RBC. Because the laboratory
ate to severe CSF pleocytosis in many dogs with IVDD, provides only the TCC, the TNCC and RBC counts were calculated
suggesting ongoing inflammation. The purpose of the pres- based on the ratio between nucleated cells and RBCs in the stained,
ent study was to characterize the cerebellomedullary CSF cytocentrifuged cytologic smears, by the mean ratio of at least 20
findings in dogs with acute, nonambulatory thoracolum- high-power fields. The CSF RBC count was calculated as TCC 
bar IVDD, and to evaluate their association with the mean percentage of RBCs in the stained smear.
presenting neurologic abnormalities and final outcome The percentage of each cell type (neutrophil, lymphocyte, mono-
after surgical intervention. We hypothesized that CSF cyte, and macrophage) was determined by manually counting 100
TNCC and the differential cell percentage would be asso- nucleated cells in both of the stained, cytocentrifuged CSF slides.
ciated with the severity of spinal cord damage and When o100 nucleated cells were present, the differential count was
based on all nucleated cells present in the smear. Differential counts
therefore with both the presenting clinical signs and the
were not done in samples with o40 nucleated cells, but other CSF
prognosis of affected dogs. results were included in the analyses.
Mononuclear CSF cells were classified as monocytes if their size
was small (20–50 mm), usually with a high nucleus to cytoplasm
Materials and Methods (N : C) ratio, and with none to mild or moderate discrete cytoplasmic
Study Design and Animals vacuolation, compared with macrophages (Fig 1A–C). Macro-
phages were defined as large mononuclear cells (450 mm) usually
The HUVTH medical records (2005–2009) were retrospectively with a lower N : C ratio than monocytes, lacy nuclear chromatin,
reviewed for dogs diagnosed with acute, nonambulatory, thoraco- and cytoplasm that was highly vacuolated or foamy, and sometimes
lumbar IVDD. The inclusion criteria were performance of CSF contained phagocytized debris or erythrophagia (Fig 1D–F).18
analysis, myelography, surgical confirmation of acute intervertebral Mononuclear CSF cells were classified as lymphocytes if smaller
disc herniation, and neurologic grades of 3–6 at presentation (see than monocytes (usually 10–15 mm), and in most cases their N : C
below for details). Dogs were excluded if (1) clinical signs were ratio was higher compared with monocytes. Their nucleus usually
present for 47 days before surgery in order to minimize the impact showed some heterochromasia compared with the lacy nuclear
the time lag on CSF characteristics and final outcome,12 (2) if signs chromatin pattern of monocytes, and their cytoplasm was smooth
of another, additional neurologic disorder were present, (3) if the and not as granular as that of monocytes. CSF total protein
episode of clinical signs began with pain that was treated conser- was measured by a turbidimetric method with an autoanalyzer.e
vatively before occurrence of the nonambulatory state, in order to The HUVTH laboratory reference interval for CSF protein concen-
avoid cases that could be considered ‘‘acute on chronic’’,12 and (4) if tration is o25 mg/dL.
the CSF samples were assessed to be iatrogenically contaminated
with blood, based on the combination of 4500 red blood cells
(RBC)/mL with the absence of erythrophagia.15,16 Statistical Analysis
The information retrieved from the medical records included
For the purpose of analyzing the association of signalment and
signalment (sex, age, breed), time from onset of clinical signs to
history with CSF characteristics, the dogs were divided into 2 breed
presentation, neurologic grade at presentation, prior drug adminis-
groups: chondrodystrophic (including miniature and standard Dachs-
tration (with emphasis on glucocorticosteroids), location of the disc
hunds, Pekingese, French Bulldog, Cocker Spaniel, Shih Tzu,
herniation, and time period from decompressive surgery to regain-
Maltese, Miniature Poodle, and Toy Poodle) and nonchondrodystro-
ing ambulation. Short- (30 days) and long-term (over 3 months)
phic breeds (all others). In addition, dogs were divided into 2 groups
follow-up evaluations were obtained either from the medical
based on presence or absence of prior steroid treatment. Dogs also
records or from telephone interviews with the owners.
were divided into 4 neurologic grade groups at presentation (as de-
scribed above, grades 3–6). For the analysis of CSF results, TNCC,
Neurologic Grade CSF protein concentration, and the percentages of each cell type were
considered as continuous variables. For analyses of the outcome, dogs
All dogs underwent neurologic examinations at presentation and were divided into 2 groups (successful and unsuccessful outcomes) at
on days 1, 2, 10, and 30 postoperatively. They were assigned a grade 30 days postoperatively and then again for long-term outcome (ie
with a 0–6 scale, based on severity of neurologic dysfunction end of the study). They also were divided into 5 groups based on time
(0, normal; 1, spinal hyperesthesia; 2, ambulatory paraparesis, lag from surgery to regaining ambulation: 1–5, 6–30, 31–100, 4100
ataxia or proprioceptive deficits; 3, nonambulatory paraparesis; 4, days, and failure to regain ambulation. For the purpose of describing
paraplegia; 5, paraplegia with urinary or fecal incontinence; and 6, pleocytosis, dogs were divided into 3 groups based on TNCC: normal
paraplegia with absence of DPS). The outcome was deemed (5 cells/mL), mild pleocytosis (45–20 cells/mL), and moderate to
successful if the dog regained ambulation and complete control severe pleocytosis (420 cells/mL).
of micturition (if the latter had been absent at presentation), even if The w2 test was used to compare neurologic grade at presentation
mild ataxia still was evident. with categorical CSF morphologic characteristics such as erythro-
848 Srugo et al

Fig 1. Cerebrospinal fluid monocytes and macrophages from dogs with thoracolumbar intervertebral disc herniation. (A–C) Monocytes,
with mild (B) to moderate (C) vacuolation. A small lymphocyte is also noted in (A). (D–F) Macrophages, with abundant vacuolation (D, E)
and occasionally with erythrophagia (F) (modified Wright’s stain).

phagia The nonparametric Mann-Whitney U- and Kruskal-Wallis from the study. Fifty-four dogs fulfilled all inclusion cri-
tests were used to compare neurologic grade at presentation with teria. They had a median age of 4 years (range, 1–11
quantitive CSF characteristics (ie protein concentration, TNCC, years), a median body weight of 9.8 kg (range, 3–34 kg),
differential cell percentages, and macrophage to monocyte ratio and included 29 males (6 castrated) and 25 females
[MF : M]). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to check for associa- (16 spayed). Chondrodystrophic dogs were most com-
tion of the time lag from onset of clinical signs to presentation,
mon (37/54, 68%), including Dachshunds (13/54, 24%),
breed, and presence of prior steroid treatment with all CSF charac-
teristics. The Mann-Whitney U-test was used to check for Pekingese (12/54, 22%), French Bulldog (8/54, 15%),
association of the outcome (30 days and long term) with CSF Cocker Spaniel, Shih Tzu, Maltese, and Poodle (1 each).
pleocytosis, CSF protein, TNCC, differential cell percentages, and There were 12 mixed breed dogs (22%). Glucocorticoids
MF : M. Fisher’s exact test was used to check for association of the were administered to 22 dogs (40%) before presentation,
outcome with presence of erythrophagia and neutrophil vacuolat- of which 10 were PO medicated and 12 were treated par-
ion. Receiver operator characteristics (ROC) curve analysis enterally (IM or IV). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
including area under the curve (AUC) and its standard error (SE) drugs (NSAIDs) were administered to 5 dogs (9%) be-
was performed for several measures, and to identify optimal cut-off fore presentation. Because of this low number, no
points, with their sensitivity and specificity, for predicting outcome. statistical analyses of the association of NSAIDs with
Selected optimal cut-off points were those with the least number of
CSF characteristics were made. The median time lag
misclassifications. These cut-off points were used to divide the dogs
into 2 categorical groups for each measure (ie TNCC, percentage of from onset of clinical signs to presentation in all dogs
macrophages and MF : M), those below, equal to, or above the cut- was 18 hours (range, 2–168 hours) and 12 hours in dogs
off point. The odds ratio (OR) for the outcome then was calculated without DPS (range, 2–48 hours). There was no signifi-
by Fisher’s exact test. All statistical tests were 2-tailed, and a P value cant difference in time lag between dogs presented with
.05 was considered statistically significant. Statistical analyses and without DPS.
were performed by statistical software.f

Neurologic Grades at Presentation

The distribution of dogs based on neurologic grade at
Signalment and Medical History presentation was as follows: grade 3, 9 dogs (17%); grade
4, 23 dogs (42%); grade 5, 6 dogs (11%), and grade 6, 16
Acute nonambulatory thoracolumbar IVDD was di-
dogs (30%).
agnosed in 61 dogs that presented within 7 days from the
onset of clinical signs, in which CSF analysis and myelo-
graphy were performed. All dogs were treated by
CSF Analysis
decompressive surgery by hemilaminectomy as described
previously2 and acute disc herniation was confirmed dur- Abnormally increased CSF TNCC was present in 29 of
ing surgery. CSF samples from 7 dogs had iatrogenic 54 dogs (54%), of which 15 (28%) had mild pleocytosis
blood contamination and these dogs thus were excluded and 14 (26%) had marked pleocytosis. The median
CSF Analysis in Disc Disease 849

Table 1. Neurological grade at presentation and cerebrospinal fluid total nucleated cells in 54 dogs with nonambu-
latory thoracolumbar intervertebral disc disease.
Cerebrospinal Fluid TNCC Level

Number of Dogs (%)

Neurologic Signs at Presentation Neurologic Grade o5 cells/mL 45 and 20 cells/mL 420 cell/mL Number of Dogs
Nonambulatory paraparesis 3 5 (55.6%) 3 (33.3%) 1 (11.1%) 9
Paraplegia 4 12 (52.2%) 9 (39.1%) 2 (8.7%) 23
Paraplegia with urinary incontinence 5 3 (50%) 2 (33.3%) 1 (16.7%) 6
Paraplegia with absence of DPS 6 5 (31.3%) 1 (6.3%) 10 (62.5%) 16
Total 25 (46.3%) 15 (27.8%) 14 (25.9%) 54

DPC, deep pain sensation; TNCC, total nucleated cell count.

TNCC of all dogs was 6 cells/mL (range, 0–104). The me- Dogs that did not receive glucocorticoids before pre-
dian RBC count of all dogs was 0 cells/mL (range, 0– sentation (n 5 32) had a significantly (P 5 .05) higher
2,522). Sixteen of 54 dogs (30%) had o40 cells in CSF percentage of neutrophils in CSF compared with gluco-
smears, and differential counts were obtained in 38/54 corticoid treated dogs (n 5 22) (medians, 60 and 42%,
dogs (70%). Neutrophils were the most common cell respectively). Other CSF results, and the outcome, were
type in 29/38 dogs (76%) (median, 60% neutrophils; not influenced by glucocorticoid treatment. There was no
range, 0–85%). Monocytes were the most common cell association of route of glucocorticoid administration
type in 7/38 dogs (19%) (median, 23.5% monocytes; with any of the CSF characteristics.
range, 5–95%). Lymphocytes and macrophages were CSF characteristics of dogs in each neurologic grade at
the most common cell types in 1/38 dogs (2.5%), each presentation were tabulated (Tables 1 and 2). Dogs with
(medians 12 and 1.5%, respectively; ranges, 0–52 and 0– absent DPS at presentation (neurologic grade 6) had sig-
40, respectively). The median MF : M was 0 (range, 0–3). nificantly (P 5 .003) higher TNCC (median, 35 cells/mL;
CSF protein was measured in 25/54 dogs (46%), with a range, 0–104 cells/mL) compared with dogs with
median concentration of 4.2 mg/dL (range, 0–228.5 mg/ neurologic grades of 3–5 (median, 4.5 cells/mL; range, 0–
dL). Increased CSF protein was present in 4/25 dogs 29 cells/mL). The percentage of CSF macrophages
(16%), with a median concentration of 38.8 mg/dL was significantly (P 5 .0002) higher in dogs presented
(range, 26–228.5 mg/dL). with neurologic grade 6 (median, 8%; range, 0–40%)

Table 2. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis findings and neurologic grade severity at presentation in 54 dogs with acute,
nonambulatory thoracolumbar intervertebral disc disease.
Neurologic Signs at Presentation CSF Protein TNCC RBC Neu Lym Mon MF MF :
(neurological grade) (mg/dL) (cells/mL) (cells/mL) (%) (%) (%) (%) M ratio
Nonambulatory paraparesis (grade 3) (9 dogs)
Mean 36.87 7.79 57.88 68.33 11.00 20.50 0.17 0.01
Median 4.20 5.00 0.00 67.00 11.00 22.00 0.00 0.00
Range 0–228.5 0–23 0–490 59–82 3–18 6–30 0–1 0–0.05
n 7 9 9 6 6 6 6 6
Paraplegia (grade 4) (23 dogs)
Mean 11.50 6.32 9.55 29.13 15.73 40.87 0.93 0.04
Median 6.50 4.00 0.00 23.00 17.00 42.00 0.00 0.00
Range 0–33.5 0–28.8 0–148.8 0–62 3–30 5–95 0–4 0–0.44
n 7 23 23 15 15 15 15 15
Paraplegia with urinary incontinence (grade 5) (6 dogs)
Mean 1.26 7.08 13.92 57.67 10.33 26.33 5.67 0.16
Median 0.00 4.50 15.86 60.00 7.00 27.00 6.00 0.15
Range 0–6.3 0–21 0–32 53–60 4–20 25–27 2–9 .00
n 5 6 6 3 3 3 3 3
Paraplegia with absence of DPS (grade 6) (16 dogs)
Mean 17.05 43.30 186.83 56.86 13.07 19.43 11.00 0.84
Median 17.05 35.00w 11.80 63.50 9.00 16.00 8.00w 0.58w
Range 0–44 0–104 0–2522 14–85 0–52 5–60 0–40 0–3
n 6 16 16 14 14 14 14 14

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; DPS, deep pain sensation; Lym, lymphocytes; Mon, monocytes; MF, macrophages; Neu, neutrophils; RBC, red
blood cells; TNCC, total nucleated cell count.
Statistically significant (P  .05) from all other groups.
850 Srugo et al

compared with those presented with grades 3–5 (median, to regain ambulation within 30 days postoperatively (me-
0%; range, 0–9%). The MF : M ratio also was signifi- dian, 45 cells/mL; range, 0–104 cells/mL). The percentage
cantly (P 5 .0003) higher in dogs with neurologic grade 6 of neutrophils and macrophages were significantly (P 5
(median, 0.58; range, 0–3) compared with dogs with .016 and P o .0001, respectively) lower in dogs that
grades 3–5 (median, 0; range, 0–0.44). Erythrophagia regained ambulation within 30 days postoperatively
was observed in CSF from 5 dogs (9%) and was signifi- (median 48%; range, 0–82; median, 0%; range, 0–6%,
cantly (P 5 .016) associated with high neurologic grade respectively) compared with dogs that failed to regain
(all 5 dogs presented with grades 5 or 6). ambulation within 30 days postoperatively (median,
There were no significant differences in CSF protein 67%; range, 28–85; median, 9%; range, 0–40%, respec-
concentration among different neurologic grades at tively). The MF : M ratio was significantly (P o .0001)
presentation, or between dogs with and without DPS lower in dogs that regained ambulation within 30 days
at presentation. postoperatively (median, 0; range, 0–0.4) compared with
dogs that failed to regain ambulation within 30 days (me-
dian, 0.7; range, 0–3). CSF protein concentration was
significantly (P 5 .04) lower in dogs that regained ambu-
Dogs were followed until they regained ambulation, or lation within 30 days postoperatively (median, 2.4 mg/
for at least 3 months (range, 3–12 months) when the out- dL; range, 0–228 mg/dL) compared with dogs that failed
come was less favorable. Successful outcome was to regain ambulation within 30 days postoperatively (me-
documented in 47/54 dogs (87%). Ambulation was re- dian, 19.5 mg/dL; range, 2.6–44 mg/dL). When testing
gained within 5 days postoperatively in 21 dogs (39%), the outcome at the end of the study period, dogs that
within 6–30 days in 19 dogs (35%), within 31–100 days in have regained ambulation had significantly (P 5 .004)
5 dogs (9%), and after 4100 days in 2 dogs (4%). All lower TNCC (median, 5 cells/mL; range, 0–96 cells/mL)
dogs with neurologic grades 3–5 at presentation recov- compared with those having a negative outcome
ered. The outcome was negative in 7 dogs (13%), all of (median, 50 cells/mL; range, 0–104 cells/mL). The percent-
which had neurologic grade 6 at presentation. Five of age of macrophages and the MF : M ratio were
these 7 dogs were euthanized at their owners’ request significantly (P o .0001, for both) lower in dogs that
owing to lack of, or insufficient, improvement (30–120 had regained ambulation at the end of the study period
days postoperatively). (median 0%; range, 0–12%; median, 0; range, 0–0.7, re-
spectively) compared with those that had a negative
outcome (median, 15.5%; range, 9–40%; median, 1.7;
CSF Results and Outcome
range, 0–3, respectively). CSF protein concentration also
CSF characteristics and their association with out- was significantly (P 5 .01) lower in dogs that regained
come are presented in Tables 3 and 4. Dogs that ambulation (median, 2.6 mg/dL; range, 0–228 mg/dL)
regained ambulation within 30 days postoperatively had compared with dogs that failed to regain ambulation
significantly (P 5 .004) lower TNCC (median, 4.5 cells/ (median, 20.6 mg/dL; range, 14.6–44 mg/dL). A signifi-
mL; range, 0–30 cells/mL) compared with dogs that failed cant trend of increase in time lag from surgery

Table 3. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis findings and outcome of 54 dogs with acute, nonambulatory thoracolumbar
intervertebral disc disease.
Outcome CSF Protein (mg/dL) TNCC (cells/mL) RBC (cells/mL) Neu (%) Lym (%) Mon (%) MF (%) MF : M ratio
At 30 days postoperative
Negative (14 dogs)
Median 19.5w 45.0w 20.0w 67.0w 7.0 15.0 9.0w 0.7w
Range 2.6–44 0–104 0–2522 28–85 0–20 5–60 0–40 0–3
n 5 14 14 13 13 13 13 13
Positive (40 dogs)
Median 2.4 4.5 0.0 48.0 15.0 28.0 0.0 0.0
Range 0–228.5 0–30 0–490 0–82 0–52 0–95 0–6 0–0.4
n 20 40 40 25 25 25 25 25
At the end of study
Negative (7 dogs)
Median 20.6w 50.0w 10.9 63.5 5.5 11.5 15.5w 1.7w
Range 14.6–44 0–104 0–182 30–85 0–20 5–20 9–40 0–3
n 4 7 7 6 6 6 6 6
Positive (47 dogs)
Median 2.6 5.0 0.0 59.5 13.0 26.5 0.0 0.0
Range 0–228.5 0–96 0–2522 0–82 0–52 0–95 0 12 0–0.7
n 21 47 47 32 32 32 32 32

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; Lym, lymphocytes; Mon, monocytes; MF, macrophages; Neu, neutrophils; RBC, red blood cells; TNCC, total
nucleated cell count.
Statistically significant (P  .05) from the other subgroup within the outcome group.
CSF Analysis in Disc Disease 851

Table 4. Number of cerebrospinal total nucleated cells and outcome at 30 days postsurgery and at the end of the study
in dogs with acute, nonambulatory thoracolumbar intervertebral disc disease.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Total Nucleated Cell Count Level

Normal Mildly Increased Moderately to Markedly

Outcome (o5 cells/mL) n (%) (45 and 20 cells/mL) n (%) Increased (420 cell/mL) n (%)
At 30 days postoperative
Negative 3 (12.0%) 1 (6.7%) 10 (71.4%)
Positive 22 (88.0%) 14 (93.3%) 4 (28.6%)
At the end of study
Negative 1 (4.0%) 0 (0%) 6 (42.9%)
Positive 24 (96.0%) 15 (100%) 8 (57.1%)

to regaining ambulation was observed with higher pared with those with an MF : M ratio 4 0.64 (CI 95%,
TNCC (P o .001), higher percentage of macrophages 2–43; P o.01).
(P o .001), and higher MF : M ratio (P o .001) (w2 trend The CSF characteristics of dogs without DPS and their
test; Table 5). outcomes were tabulated (Table 6). Such dogs that later
ROC analysis of TNCC yielded an AUC of 0.821 (SE, regained ambulation had a significantly lower percentage
0.121; Fig 2A) with an optimal cut-off point for predic- of CSF macrophages (P 5 .001) and MF : M ratio (P 5
tion of a negative long-term outcome of 23.3 cells/mL, .001) compared with those presented with absent DPS
corresponding to a sensitivity and specificity of 89 and that failed to regain ambulation.
85%, respectively. Dogs with TNCC  23.3 cells/mL were
50-fold more likely to regain ambulation compared with Discussion
those with TNCC 4 23.3 cells/mL (CI 95%, 5–500; P o
.01). An ROC curve for percentage of macrophages as a Acute intervertebral disc herniation is considered the
predictive value of a negative long-term outcome had an most common cause of spinal cord injury in dogs.19 The
AUC of 0.92 (SE, 0.011; Fig 2B) with an optimal cut-off results of the present study demonstrate that routine CSF
point of 13%, corresponding to a sensitivity and specific- analysis yields useful prognostic findings in dogs with
ity of 100 and 83%, respectively. ROC analysis of acute nonambulatory thoracolumbar disc herniation.
MF : M ratio as a predictive value of a negative long- Specifically, the positive association between time to am-
term outcome had an AUC of 0.95 (SE, 0.08; Fig 2C) bulation and TNCC, percentage of CSF macrophages,
with an optimal cut-off point of 0.64, corresponding to a and MF : M ratio might potentially aid clinicians in
sensitivity and specificity of 97 and 100%, respectively. estimating the postoperative recovery period and the
Dogs with a MF : M ratio 0.64 were 7-fold more value of by other therapeutic modalities such as physio-
likely to have a successful long-term outcome com- therapy. The present findings are particularly relevant

Table 5. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis findings and time to regain of ambulation of 47 dogs with acute, nonambulatory
thoracolumbar intervertebral disc disease and positive outcomes.
Time to Regain of CSF Protein TNCC RBC Neu Lym Mon MF MF :
Ambulation (mg/dL) (cells/mL) (cells/mL) (%) (%) (%) (%) M ratio
1–5 days (21 dogs)
Median 5.25 3.00 0 59.00 15.00 25.00 0.00 0.00
Range 0–228 0–11 0–490 0–82 0–30 0–70 0–4 0–0.4
n 12 21 21 11 11 11 11 11
6–30 days (19 dogs)
Median 0 7.00 0 45.00 17.00 29.00 0.00 0.00
Range 0–33.5 1–30 0–149 4–62 0–52 0–95 0–6 0–0.2
n 8 19 19 14 14 14 14 14
31–100 days (5 dogs)
Median 2.6 15.40 31.8 60.00 8.00 20.00 4.00 0.29
Range 2.6–2.6 2–96 13–64 28–77 4–20 14–60 0–9 0–0.5
n 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Above 100 days (2 dogs)
Median — 79.00 1261 69.00 7.00 14.50 9.50 0.64
Range — 78, 80 0, 2522 67, 71 4, 10 12, 17 7, 12 0.6–0.7
n 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; Lym, lymphocytes; Mon, monocytes; MF, macrophages; Neu, neutrophils; RBC, red blood cells; TNCC, total
nucleated cell count.
852 Srugo et al

Fig 2. Receiver operator characteristic curves of several cerebrospinal fluid characteristics as predictors of a successful outcome in dogs with
acute nonambulatory thoracolumbar disc herniation. (A) Total nucleated cell count; (B) percentage of macrophages; (C) macrophage to
monocyte ratio. AUC, area under the curve; SE, standard error.

for dogs with thoracolumbar IVDD that present with the final lesion often markedly exceeds the damage
absence of DPS, in which the percentage of CSF macro- observed early in the disease course.22 This spread of dam-
phages and the MF : M had prognostic value. To the best age through the spinal cord over time is considered
of our knowledge, this is the first description of a poten- secondary injury, and includes ischemia, excitatory amino
tially useful prognostic indicator in dogs with acute acid toxicity, free radical formation, release of proteases,
thoracolumbar IVDD that are presented with neurologic energy depletion, and inflammation.22 The inflammatory
Grade 6. mechanisms and progression of inflammation over time
The frequency of occurrence of neutrophils in the CSF have been well documented in animal models of SCI.21–24
of most dogs in this study was in agreement with previous Our results also suggest that macrophages have an im-
findings in dogs and human patients with acute spinal portant role in the pathophysiology of acute spinal cord
cord injury.14,20 In rodent models of spinal cord injury, injury: their percentage was higher with increasing sever-
neutrophils appear at the primary lesion 3–6 hours post- ity of spinal cord injury and in dogs with a negative
injury, peak at 12–24 hours, and decline within 5 days.21 outcome, and macrophages were more frequently ob-
The predominance of lymphocytes reported in the CSF served in dogs without DPS. Macrophages in injured
of dogs in a previous study of chronic and acute- spinal cord are derived from blood-borne monocytes and
on-chronic IVDD suggests the initial neutrophilic in- resident microglia.22,25 Microglial cells are activated and
flammation may evolve to a more lymphocytic transform into macrophages within minutes after initia-
inflammation later in the course of disease.12 The patho- tion of spinal cord microenvironmental disturbances.26
physiology of IVDD includes the initial trauma as well as Blood-borne monocytes have been shown to infiltrate the
secondary injury, which can result in further tissue lesion site 2 days after acute spinal cord injury in rats,
damage and should always be considered part of the dis- peak at 5–7 days from the insult, and persist at the lesion
ease.2,22 Although the initial damage to the spinal cord is site for several months.22,23,26 Macrophages participate
induced by contusion and compression, the severity of in the removal of injured tissue debris, and release

Table 6. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis findings and the outcome in 16 dogs with acute thoracolumbar intervertebral
disc disease with absence of deep pain sensation at presentation.
CSF Protein TNCC RBC Neu Lym Mon MF MF :
Outcome (mg/dL) (cells/mL) (cells/mL) (%) (%) (%) (%) M ratio
Negative (7 dogs)
Mean 24.93 54.88 44.41 61.17 7.33 12.33 20.00 1.73
Median 20.55 50.00 10.85 63.50 5.50 11.50 15.50 1.65
Range 14.6–44 0–104 0–182 30–85 0–20 5–20 9–40 0.69–3
n 4.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Positive (9 dogs)
Mean 1.30 34.29 297.59 53.63 17.38 24.75 4.25 0.24
Median 1.30 15.40 12.75 63.50 11.00 18.50 3.00 0.07
Range 0–2.6 0–96 0–2522 14–77 4–52 12–60 0–12 0–0.71
n 2.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00
P value1 0.133 0.351 1.000 0.491 0.108 0.059 0.001 0.001

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; Lym, lymphocytes; Mon, monocytes; MF, macrophages; Neu, neutrophils; RBC, red blood cells; TNCC, total
nucleated cell count.
P value of comparison of dogs with positive and negative outcomes.
CSF Analysis in Disc Disease 853

protective cytokines that promote neuronal regenera- recovery, and the additional calculations involved. How-
tion, wound healing, and tissue repair.27,28 Macrophages ever, the examination of a large number of fields in the
also promote axonal loss through release of pro-inflam- smears helped reduce this error, and the TNCC results
matory cytokines and proteases, reactive oxygen species, and their positive association with neurologic grade were
and nitric oxide formation.25,26,29 Invasion of macro- in agreement with previous studies of dogs with IVDD.12
phages into the lesion site is promoted by disruption of Second, CSF contamination with RBCs is a frequent
the blood-spinal cord barrier and by proinflammatory problem when analyzing CSF, and has led to the exclu-
cytokines released from the injured spinal cord pa- sion of several samples in this study. The cut-off of
renchyma.22,26,30 We assume that the number of macro- 500 RBCs/mL is more restricted compared with previous
phages at the lesion site in the spinal cord is reflected by similar studies12,14 and the additional requirement of
their number in the CSF. It is thus that the high percent- observing erythrophagia helped ensure that when RBCs
age of CSF macrophages in of dogs presented with were present in high numbers, there was cytologic evi-
neurologic grade 6 is positively associated with the dence for noniatrogenic hemorrhage. Furthermore,
severity of the damage. presence of up to 13,200 RBC/mL does not appear to sig-
The MF : M ratio also appeared to be a good predictor nificantly affect the CSF protein concentration or
of outcome in dogs presenting without DPS, consistent TNCC, such that the inclusion of the samples with hem-
with the transformation of monocytes into macrophages in orrhage did not likely affect these other CSF results.15,31
response to tissue injury. Differentiation of monocytes and Third, all CSF samples in this study were collected from
macrophages in CSF cytologic analysis is routine;18 how- the cerebellomedullary cistern. Lumbar samples are more
ever, to our knowledge, a ratio has not been determined sensitive for detection of abnormalities at the thoraco-
previously. A CSF MF : M ratio would be expected to be lumbar area compared with cerebellomedullary cistern
a more sensitive indicator of spinal cord injury than the samples because of the caudal flow of CSF.10,32 This
percentage of macrophages or monocytes alone if macro- might explain the relatively low median TNCC and per-
phages are primarily derived from resident CSF centage of cases showing abnormal TNCC observed in
monocytes, whose percentage then would decrease concur- the present study (54%) compared with the those in a
rent with the increase in macrophages. Although there is previous study (61%), in which lumbar samples were
some inherent subjectivity involved in evaluating cell mor- used.12 Thus, the present results might underestimate
phology (ie in differentiating macrophages from CSF changes in dogs with thoracolumbar IVDD, and
monocytes), the use of defined criteria whereas the CSF the prognostic value of our findings might have been un-
smears were reassessed for the purpose of this study helped derestimated as well. Finally, the number of CSF samples
limit variation in this study. Our results suggest the available for protein measurement limited the conclu-
MF : M ratio has prognostic value and therefore warrants sions that can be drawn from this parameter. The median
further study in a larger number of dogs with acute IVDD. CSF protein concentration in the severe cases of IVDD
Inclusion and exclusion criteria in the present study in our study was lower compared with a previous study,12
(eg restriction of IVDD location to the thoracolumbar and although protein was increased in dogs without
area, inclusion of relatively acute cases, and exclusion of DPS, the difference was not significant. Nevertheless,
cases with CSF iatrogenic blood contamination) were significantly higher protein concentration was recorded
designed to gain, as much as possible, a clinically homo- in dogs with negative outcomes, suggesting that CSF
genous population such that CSF findings were more protein might be a useful preoperative prognostic indica-
likely to be related to the clinical disease findings and tor of the outcome in dogs with acute thoracolumbar
outcome. Dogs were included in the study only if the time IVDD, and should thus be further studied.
lag from onset of clinical signs to presentation was o7 The significantly higher TNCC in CSF from Grade 6
days because time from onset of neurologic signs to sur- dogs compared with grades 3–5 and the insignificant
gical decompression is known to influence the prognosis difference among grades 3–5 was consistent with the
of dogs with IVDD that present without DPS.4,6 Fur- more severe inflammation expected in severe IVDD cases
thermore, as noted above, a previous study found CSF and also was in agreement with a previous study in which
lymphocytic pleocytosis from 7 days onward after the the relationship between the severity of the neurologic
initial cord insult, suggesting chronic changes at this later signs in IVDD and the degree of CSF pleocytosis was not
stage.12 In contrast with a previous study that has re- linear. Using a cutoff of 23 cells/mL, TNCC was a sensi-
ported that lymphocytes predominate in CSF samples of tive and specific predictor of outcome (ie regaining
chondrodystrophic dogs with IVDD,12 the percentage of ambulation) in the present study. However, unlike the
neutrophils in the present study was significantly higher MF : M ratio, the TNCC appeared to provide little ad-
in these breeds. The present results show that the TNCC, vantage over assessment of the prognosis based solely on
percentage of macrophages, and MF : M ratio were not neurologic grade, because all dogs with grades 3–5 even-
associated with breed type (ie chondrodystrophic or non- tually recovered. ROC analysis of only grade 6 dogs may
chondrodystrophic). have been warranted, but was precluded by the small
There are several limitations in the sampling and anal- number of dogs. Future large-scale studies should exam-
ysis of CSF in this study. First, the estimation of TNCC ine the association of TNCC and outcome in this
and RBC count, based on evaluation of cytocentrifuged subgroup of dogs.
preparations, likely introduced some error into the re- This study had 2 general limitations. First, its retro-
sults because of uneven cell distribution, variable cell spective design limited the available data and thus
854 Srugo et al

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