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Adwalk Discussion Guide Date: _________ Time: _________ Location: ______________ Name of respondent: __________________________________ GREETING / INTRODUCTION (5 min)

Hi and welcome. I am very glad that you were able to come meet with us today. We are here to do a number of things and I think you will find this encounter fun and interesting. Let me start by explaining a few things. I don't work alone. In fact, one of my coworkers may pop in the room from time to time. He/she is sitting in the next room listening to our conversation. This really helps me out in case I forget something. Although we do work together, its nicer for you and I to be able to talk one on one. It lets us have more of a conversation together. I am also videotaping our conversation. This frees me up from taking many notes. Lets see. Do you recall being asked some rather unusual questions when you were contacted on the phone? Well I hope you will take this as a compliment. We worked very hard to locate expressive and articulate people like you. I want to urge you to speak your mind freely. And, to be open-minded at the same time. I am not interested in anyone elses viewpoint here, only your point of view. Please don't speak for anyone other than yourself. And, along the way, you may at one point think one thing and then find yourself changing your mind or feeling differently. That is completely OK with me. I want you to be reassured that I don't work for any of the companies we may discuss today. So, if you don't especially appreciate something or if something doesn't work for you, you won't hurt my feelings. I am equally interested in hearing the good and the bad, what's working and not working, so please let me know exactly how you feel.


Lets start by telling me what is going on here in Delhi. What are some of your favorite things to do? Where do you hang out? Where are the hot spots? What clubs are really big right now? Restaurants? Okay, lets talk about some specific JEWELLERY brands. Talk to me a little bit about what options are out there for you. that you are familiar with. Asmi, tanishq, ddamas, PP jewelers, geetanjali that are your favorites. Asmi , tanishq that youve discovered lately. that youve heard people talking about. Ddmas, tanishq that youre curious to try. What are people talking about? Jewellery with antique designs Stone studed jewellery like polki, kundan Solitaires in diamonds What is hot? Antique sets are in gold Big solitaire ear pieces and rings What have you noticed? I have noticed that lot of designer jewellery is in today. People are going more towards diamond as compared to before , reason could be less difference between gold and diamond. What is new? online shopping option? I dont prefer online option . I like to see product and want to try it before makin any decision. Jewellery is actually big expense so online could be a risky., What have you heard about?

Whats Brand A JEWELLERY all about? How about Brand B JEWELLERY ? Brand C JEWELLERY ? Brand D JEWELLERY ? How is that different from what Tanishq Jewellery are saying to you? Take a moment and think about all the different thoughts that come to mind when I mention these names? What are they? Take a moment and jot down an exhaustive list for me of all the sources you have for learning about what is happening, what is new, and what is going on with JEWELLERY PROBE WITH : What others ? Keep going.


Great. You seem to really know whats out there. Lets switch gears here for a moment. Lets pretend that you go to a party. At this party, you meet people who are wearing (Brand A Jewellery), (Captain Brand B Jewellery) and Tanshiq Jewellery. Now I want you to imagine that you have a conversation with each of them. Explain to me what each conversation is like. Lets start with Brand A Jewellery... What do they look like? How old are they? Male or female ? How does the conversation start? Who struck it up ? What is your conversation about ? How do they introduce themselves ? What is their personality ? What are they into ? Why did they come to the party? What do you like most about them ? What is their taste like ? What is their style ? What are the best things about them ? What are the worst things ? What is their dark side/dirty little secret ? What is something that most people dont know about them ? [TRY WITH DIFFERENT BRANDS....] REVIEW AND DISCUSS Which person did you like best ?

What did you like about them ? What if anything would you change about him/her ?


Imagine that in my hands, I am holding Tansihq Shape? What is it made of? What colors do you see? How heavy / light is it? How does it feel? Texture? What images do you see here? Whats written on the pack? Do a quick sketch for me Packaging designs are designed to bring across a mood, convey a feeling, present an identity, offer an expectation. They are just different ways of thinking and feeling about a particular brand. Based on what you have visualized, What is Tanishq telling you here ? What is it saying to you about Tanishq ? What is Tanishq telling you about themselves here ? What is the message here ? Where does it connect for you ? At what level does it not connect for you? What other brands have a similar image to the one conveyed here? Great. Now Im going to show you the Tanishq pack. The pack might not be exactly like your current image of what this brand is like. They may be quite different, or they may be somewhat the same. Either way is okay. In fact, you may or may not have seen some of them before. And that doesnt really matter to me. Whether youve seen it or not, I am really curious to hear about your response, and the kinds of things you take away from this as you see it today. Promise me, you will be open and receptive. As they are presented to you, I want you to be curious and attentive and interested. Be attuned to what you connect with, what involves you. I really want you to take it all in. As we go through them, I will be very interested in hearing what you think and feel about what you see. Again, I am just interested in your response to these, and not what others may think. I am interested in what it communicates about this brand to you. Let your mind do with it what it wants. Take it all in and see what it feels like. Are you ready? Be open. Keep an open mind.


Now, thinking about what you see here, take a moment to think about what it says. Give yourself a moment to reflect. What are you feeling as you look at it ? Take a moment to think about your connections to it, the emotions, thoughts and associations that flash through your mind as you view this pack. I am going to throw out a few questions as before just to get you going. And as I go through them, just tell me your response. However you respond is fine by me. There are no right answers here. Just tell me whatever thoughts come to mind as I go through these. OK ? Thinking about what you are seeing here, whats the first thing that comes to your mind ? What is the first thing that you notice? What does Tanishq want you to know about it at first sight ? Nomenclature: What does Tanishq mean? How does that relate to you? What would be another name for Tanishq ? Tell me about how you approach finding about this brand just by the pack. What do you know about this brand based on just the packaging? What is the most important thing you are looking for? MAROON I want to first talk to you about the black. If you could touch this white, what would it feel like? What if you could taste it? What does the white add to this logo? What does it say about Tanishq? What other things come to mind when you look at this color? What else do you associate it with?

WHITE and MAROON How do these colors work together? What do they bring to each other? What is the mood of the color pallette? What is the attitude suggested by this pallette? I want you to imagine a place where everything is in these three colors. Where are you? What is it like? What are the people like that are there? What is their attitude? What do they value? Would you like to go there? Tell me more about that.

I want you to look at the way these words are written. Look at the style of the letters. What does this typeface suggest to you? If you saw this typeface somewhere else, what would it be used for? What does it tell you about what you are going to have? What does Tanishq promise you about what you your experience will be like?

What role does the corporate logo play in your perceptions about Tanishq? What does it tell you about what you are going to have? What does it tell you about what you think your experience will be like?

PACK / SHAPE What does the shape of the logo say to you about Tanishq? or What does Pie give resemblance to? What other things do you associate with this shape? Tell me about the design of the pack. How does this connect with your image of Tanishq? How would you redesign the pack to connect more with your image of Tanishq? What on this pack is the most Tanishq? Talk to me about the power mark Tata on this pack? What is it saying about Tanishq? Does this power mark helps in giving brand assurance? How do you feel when you are holding this pack in your hand ? Should it have a velvet touch from inside, outside or both?

What is missing on this pack? What would you like to see that you dont see now? Now take a step back and look at the entire pack. How does that fit with how you feel about Tanishq? What is Tanishq telling you here ? What is it saying to you about Tanishq ? What is Tanishq telling you about themselves here ? What is the message here ? Where does it connect for you ? How does this feel like Tanishq ? Could a different brand display it the same way ? What other brand feels similar to Tanishq? In its packaging ? In the way its speaking to you here ?


Let me tell you what we are going to do now which I think you will enjoy. Im going to show you the logo of the Tanishq brand.


Now, thinking about what you see here, take a moment to think about what it says. Give yourself a moment to reflect. What are you feeling as you look at it ? Take a moment to think about your connections to it, the emotions, thoughts and associations that flash through your mind as you view this logo. Please go to a fresh page. I am going to throw out a few questions as before just to get you going. And as I go through them, just jot down your response. Dont worry about keeping them in order or editing anything out. However you respond is fine by me. There are no right answers here. Just write down whatever thoughts come to mind as I go through these. OK ?

Take a moment and get a feeling for this.

What are the first words that come to mind when you see this ? What is the personality that comes through here ? give me three or four words that capture the personality this projects. what kind of feeling does it inspire ? Based on what you are seeing, what kind of experience is being promised here ? What values or qualities come through here ? What brands or stores does this remind you of ? What do you know about a purchase or a product that comes with this logo on it ? How would it be different from a similar product with another logo on it. What makes it soTanishq ? What other things does it remind you of? What about the font of the logo? Now I want you to close your eyes and imagine stepping INTO the logo. Take a moment and imagine what it is like in there. Now tell me about it. Where are you? What does it look like? What does it smell like? What do you hear Imagine there is another person there. Who is this person? Describe this person to me. How old is this person? Male or female? What is this persons name? What is this person doing? Who else is there with you? Tell me about them. What else do you see? Tell me more about that. When you leave the world inside the logo, you can bring two things back with you. You can bring a souvenir and a feeling. Look around and select something. What will you bring back? What does it look like? What feeling will you bring back when you leave the logo?

What feels right for Tanishq ? In what ways does it feel right ? Where does this logo disconnect with the world of the Tanishq ? What doesnt feel appropriate ? In what ways does it feel wrong? What here does not currently fit with how you feel about Tanishq ? How does this make you feel ? How is this different than how Tanishq makes you feel ?

Now that we have explored the logo, I want to talk about how you would change it. How would you draw the logo to make it more your image of Tanishq? What would you add? What would you take away? What colors would you use? Tell me about that. What does that tell you about Tanishq ?

Id like to switch gears a bit and get you to think a little differently. Imagine you have planned a get-together and someone shows up with this gift box. First tell me about the person that brought the box? Who is this person? Describe this person for me. What are this persons values like? What is this persons family like? Tell me about your relationship with this person. What do you like best about this person? What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see this person with this gift box?

Imagine a person delivers this gift box addressed to you at home. When you answer the door, whats your reaction? What will you do with the package? What do you expect to find? How is that different from what you hope to find? What kind of mood is suggested by the package? How do you feel? Who sent it? What is your reaction to the person (people) who have sent it?


What can you expect from a Tanishq Jewellery? What would you automatically know about it? How do you distinguish between a Tanishq Jewellery and another one? What are some typical characteristics? What did you wish they would offer that they dont? What do you wish they had more of? What new kind of jewellery could they come up with? How would you describe the kind of person who would find Tanishq Jewellery appealing? How do you visualize the person?

Tell me about this persons style, personality, priorities. Where does it connect for you? Where would be a perfect place to wear a jewellery? Daily? (Accessory) Special Function/Party At work Place? Get-togethers with family and friends? At Do you think they have been designed with your lifestyle in mind? Tell me about that. In what ways do the jewellery fit with how youve always seen Tansihq What doesnt feel appropriate for Tanishq? Imagine that you were a photographer, and had been commissioned to shoot a campaign for these Jewelleries to match their mood. Try to visualize it as closely as possible. Money is no obstacle. Where would you shoot it Indoors? Outdoors? What props might you use? Who would you get to wear the jewellery? What is the mood? What is the attitude? [PROBE FOR DETAILS]

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