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Grammar Review: Conditionals (type 1, and 2)

► Conditional Type 1
Form: If + subject + present simple ... , subject + future simple future simple = will + infinitive verb
- If I get my bac this year, I will fast 3 days to thank God. ‫ فسأصوم ثالثة أيام شكرا ً هلل‬،‫إذا حصلت على الباكلوريا هذا العام‬
- If you help me today, I’ll help you tomorrow ً ‫إن ساعدت َني اليوم فسأساعدك غدا‬ I’ll = I will
Use: We use conditional type 1 for: a possible situation in the future ; actions that are possible to happen in
the future ; predicting a likely result in the future (if the condition happen)

► Conditional Type 2
Form: If + subject + past simple ... , would + verb (infintive) (would or could or might)
- If I had a lot of money, I would help the poor and needy people. ‫لو كان ل َدي الكثير من المال لَساعدت الفقراء والمحتاجين‬
- If I were you, I would forgive him. ‫لو كنت مكانك لَ َسا َمحته‬ (But I’m not you ; this is unreal)
Use: We use conditional type 2 for: hypothtical or unlikely situations, unreal or improbable situations now or
in the future, things which are unreal (not true / not possible) in the present or future

Exercise A: Match the numbers with the letters to get meaningful conditional sentences:
1. If I were a millionaire, a. if I finish early.
2. I’ll visit you tomorrow b. I would donate generously for the needy people
3. If you don’t go to bed early, c. you won’t succeed. ( won’t = will not ‫) لَن‬
4. If you don’t work hard, d. you will miss the 07:00 train.

Exercise B: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense

(conditional 1): 1. If I (finish) ……………………………… early, I will call you.
2. If you don’t hurry up, you (not/ catch) ……………………………… the 7:00 train.
3. She will know the answer, if she (try) …………… understand.
(conditional 2): 4. If I (be) …………………………. rich, I would help the needy.
5. He (buy) ………………….…………………….. a house if he had a good job.

Exercise C: Complete these sentences as susggested:

1- A father to his son: "If you get your BAC this year, I ……………………………..……………………………"
2- If it is sunny tomorrow, I …………………..…………………………………………..………………………
3- If you keep smoking, you ………………………..……………………………
4- If I were a millionaire, I ……………………………………………..…………
5- If I were a bird, I …………………………………………………………………
6- I want to call Ali to congratulate him on his success but I don’t have his phone number.
 If I …………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………

Let’s study this situation: The conditional sentence:

I’m now at the book fair in Casablanca. I want to If I had enough money, I would buy this book
buy a book, but I don’t have enough money to ُ ‫لو أ َّن عندي ما يكفي مِ َن المال الَشت ََري‬
‫ت هذا الكتاب‬
buy it. (I can’t buy it)
ً ‫ أريد أن أشتري كتابا‬.‫أنا اآلن في معرض الكتاب بالدار البيضاء‬ If I had enough money, I could buy this book
)‫ (ال يمكنني شرا ُءه‬.‫لكن ليس لدي ما ٌل كافٍ حتى أشتريه‬ ُ ‫لو أ َّن عندي ما يكفي مِ َن المال الستطع‬
‫ت شرا َء هذا الكتاب‬

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