Poem 2

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In a land where ancient forests grow,

Where rivers twist and mountains glow,

A story lives in whispered lore,
Of times long past and days of yore.

The sky above, a canvas wide,

With hues of dusk and dawn applied.
The sun and moon, they chase the day,
In endless dance, a grand ballet.

Beneath the canopy so green,

A world of wonder, yet unseen.
The forest floor, a realm of shade,
Where light and dark in balance played.

Through verdant woods, a maiden fair,

With golden locks and eyes that dare,
To seek the secrets nature keeps,
In hollows deep where silence sleeps.

Her name was Liora, bright and bold,

A heart of fire, a spirit old.
She wandered far from village gate,
To find her fate, her destined state.

One day amidst the ancient trees,

She heard a whisper in the breeze.
A voice so soft, yet clear as glass,
That spoke of legends from the past.

"Seek the stream where starlight falls,

Beyond the hills, through twilight halls.
There lies the path to wisdom’s door,
To realms unseen and something more."

With courage set, she took the trail,

Through glens and groves, through misty veil.
She crossed the bridge of ancient stone,
To lands where light and shadows moan.

She found the stream where starlight danced,

In silver glow, her heart entranced.
She followed it to forest’s end,
To mountains high, where spirits blend.

Upon the peak, a temple stood,

Crafted from the ancient wood.
Its doors adorned with runes of gold,
A story waiting to be told.

Within its walls, the air was still,

A silence deep, a shivering thrill.
She walked the halls with bated breath,
Each step a whisper, each moment deft.

At center stood a crystal pool,

With waters clear and depths so cool.
Liora knelt and gazed within,
To see reflections pure and thin.

In waters deep, a vision formed,

Of ancient times and lands transformed.
She saw the rise and fall of kings,
The birth of stars, the spread of wings.

A dragon fierce with scales of night,

And eyes that gleamed with inner light.
It spoke to her in tones profound,
Of truths and secrets, all unbound.

"Liora, child of earth and sky,

In you the ancient powers lie.
You’ve sought the truth, you’ve found your way,
Now heed the words I speak today.

The world is more than what you see,

A tapestry of mystery.
The magic flows in every vein,
In every joy, in every pain.

Embrace the power, trust your heart,

In every end, there’s a new start.
The wisdom gained, the love you give,
Will guide you as you learn to live."

With that, the vision slowly faded,

Leaving Liora, unabated.
She felt the power surge within,
A newfound strength, a second skin.

She left the temple, journeyed back,

Through twilight halls and forest track.
Her heart alight with wisdom's glow,
A gift from stars, from long ago.

She shared her tales with those she met,

Of magic's bond and fate's duet.
Her village flourished, bright and free,
With love and wisdom, unity.

And so, the land where forests grow,

Where rivers twist and mountains glow,
Held stories old and futures bright,
In every dawn and every night.

In Liora’s name, the legends told,

Of courage true and spirits bold.
A legacy of love and lore,
Forevermore, forevermore.

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