PART I OFF WEEK 17 - Carillo - Marlon - Torres - Ariana - Pacherres - Manuel

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English IV

(AC-S17) Week 17 - Final Assignment: A

cover letter (Part 1)


Marlon Chayani Carrillo Jose Manuel Pacherres

Leonardo Puicon

Code U21246245 Code U21209730

Ariana Cristell Torres Chacon

Code U21231092
Good afternoon teacher, my name is Ariana Cristell Torres Chacón.

Good afternoon teacher, my name is José Manuel Pacherres Puicón.

Good afternoon teacher, my name is Marlon Chayani Carrillo Leonardo.

Chiclayo City, July 11, 2023

Dear College Scholarship Committee:

Receive a cordial and warm greeting. My name is Ariana Cristell Torres Chacon and I

am 19 years old. I am currently studying the fifth cycle of the Law degree at the

Technological University of Peru with a general average of 18. I decided to study Law,

because it is a career with a great field of work in its various branches. Also, because it

gives me the knowledge and the opportunity to make decisions based on issues of social

injustice and inequality. I would like to help and defend when there are cases where

people is rights are violated. I can’t and shouldn’t be indifferent to it since this is seen

every day. I know that I can change this scenario by doing things the right way. I want to

be known for being a person who really pursues her career with love.

In classes, I have always stood out for being a responsible, committed, participative,

outstanding student and with a great desire to study. I currently have a large number of

certificates of participation in various topics related to my career. I was also going to carry

out pre-professional practices at the "Descentralized Anti-Corruption Public Prosecutor's

Office". What is more, I also have a certificate in basic "Computing". I know that these
little experiences will definitely set me on the right track to achieve a successful life. I am

aware that I should keep trying harder to gain more experience.

My goals for the future are oriented to be a successful criminal lawyer, to continue

studying to specialize more in my field and in other branches of Law; and to have his

own law firm. Probably, with time I will continue to have more goals than I am willing to

achieve, and maybe I could even have my own business.

In my free time I like to exercise, listen to music and dance. I currently belong to the

"Rayo Lambayecano" volleyball academy, so my trainings are on weekends as well as

my competitions. What is more, I always try to take care of my diet, in order to be free of

harmful diseases. Health is paramount.

My person wants to be part of this prestigious University, given that lately I have had

serious economic problems that have prevented me from making the tuition payments in

the corresponding terms. In view of this, I see myself in the need to formally request

before you a full scholarship to continue studying my beloved law career. Likewise, I

have all the necessary requirements and the requested average to receive one of the

scholarships as established in its academic regulations, so I hope that my application is


If I am assigned, I assure you that I will do my best and I will always leave the name of

this University high.

Sincerely, Ariana Cristell Torres Chacon.

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