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Vast Imperium, Bold Travellers

Traveller Conversions for Big Eyes, Small Mouth (Second Ed.)

by Christopher Thrash

Traveller, the premiere science-fiction roleplaying game, has been through many
incarnations in its 24-year history (at least five -- arguably more than any other major
roleplaying game). Each version has tried to strike a balance between realism,
completeness, and playability. Yet it is also easy for referees and players to become
overwhelmed by detail, and lose the sense of adventure and fun that is the heart of a good
Traveller game. What is needed is a fast, rules-light version of Traveller.
Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM) from Guardians of Order is a universal roleplaying
system, simple yet comprehensive and tremendously versatile. Now in its second edition,
it is a natural choice for running fast-paced Traveller adventures with a light touch.
This article outlines the basics of converting a Traveller campaign to BESM, from
character creation to equipment and starships. It concentrates on classic Traveller
(primarily Books 1-3 and Supplement 4), but the process can be readily extended to later
versions. A copy of Big Eyes, Small Mouth (2nd Ed.) is required, but only minimal
familiarity is assumed.
In BESM terms, Traveller is generally a space-opera campaign set in the far future, with
moderate power levels and (mostly) realistic attributes.

Character Conversions
There are essentially two approaches to creating Traveller characters to use in a BESM
game. The first is to take a character generated using Traveller rules and translate the
statistics to BESM. The second is to create the character using BESM rules, but within
the character-generation framework provided by Traveller (particularly service and term
restrictions). Either method is valid; this article, however, focuses on straight

Converting Characteristics to Stats

BESM is based on the Tri-Stat System, which represents characters' basic abilities using
(surprise!) three statistics: Body, Mind, and Soul. These roughly correspond to the
following Traveller characteristics.
Body: Strength, Dexterity, Endurance
Mind: Intelligence, Education
Soul: Social Status, Psionic Strength, Charisma [Vargr, or TNE]
The Soul stat is the most nebulous. It represents spirit, presence, and will-power, which
are not directly related to characteristics in Traveller. Social Status is included here
because many social attributes in BESM are Soul-based. Selecting the level of Soul stat
for a Traveller character is a matter of judgment, based on character concept.
For Body and Mind, take an average of the applicable characteristics and compare them
to this chart. (For a simpler alternative, divide the Traveller characteristic by 1.5 and
round toward 4.)

Traveller BESM
1 0
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 3
6 3
7 4
8 5
9 5
A 6
B 7
C 8
D 9
E 10
F 10
If there are major differences among Strength, Dexterity, and Endurance, it may make
more sense to base the Body stat on the highest of these three characteristics and then
take the Not So Fast, Not So Strong, Not So Tough, or Awkward defects as appropriate.
Alternatively, the Damn Healthy! attribute could represent a high Endurance.
Most Human characters should limit themselves to normal attributes. Special attributes
are appropriate for technological devices (mecha, in the broadest sense), alien species,
and psionic abilities.
Skill Conversions
Most Traveller skills can be converted on a one-for-one basis to BESM. Skill ranges are
compatible, and there is no need for "0-level" skills (BESM assumes that skill level 1
already represents a significant investment). Suggested equivalents are shown in the Skill
Conversion Table. Where more than one Traveller skill relates to a single BESM skill,
either take the highest skill level or add skill levels together. BESM makes extensive use
of specializations; it is sometimes more appropriate to convert a second, similar skill into
an additional specialization than to combine skill levels.
Note also that BESM does not have an "influence"-type skill covering the Bribery-
Carousing-Instruction-Liaison skill cluster in Traveller. In the table, these skills have
been equated to the Art of Distraction and Aura of Command attributes. Another
approach is to introduce an Influence skill, with appropriate specializations.
Jack-of-All-Trades skill has been linked here to the Mechanical Genius attribute; Divine
Relationship (representing favorable luck) is another possibility. Referees are encouraged
to use their imagination.

Skill Conversion Table

Traveller BESM Traveller BESM
Administration Bus. Mgmt. (Administration) Laser Weapons Gun Combat
Administration Military Sciences (Logistics) Leader Military Sciences
Air/Raft Piloting (Grav Vehicle) Leader Aura of Command
ATV Driving (Wheeled) Legal Law
Auto Rifle Gun Combat (Autofire) Liaison Cultural Arts
Auto Pistol Gun Combat (Pistol) Liaison Linguistics
Auto Weapons Gun Combat (Autofire) Liaison Aura of Command
Battle Dress Driving (Mecha) LTA Craft Piloting (LTA Craft)
Bayonet Melee Atk/Def (Polearm) Long Bow Archery (Bow)
Blade Melee Atk/Def (Knife) Mechanical Mechanics
Body Pistol Gun Combat (Pistol) Medical Medical
Brawling Unarmed Atk/Def Meson Weapons Heavy Weapons (Gunnery)
Melee Atk/Def (Improv.
Brawling Military Crossbow Archery (Crossbow)
Bribery Art of Distraction Naval Architect Mechanics (Aerospace)
Broadsword Melee Atk/Def (Sword) Navigation Navigation
Broker Bus. Mgmt. (Marketing) Pike Melee Atk/Def (Polearm)
Carbine Gun Combat (Rifle) Pilot Piloting (Spacecraft)
Carousing Art of Distraction Pistol/Handgun Gun Combat (Pistol)
Carousing Seduction Prop FW Aircraft Piloting (Light Airplane)
Combat Rifleman Gun Combat (Rifle) Prop FW Aircraft Piloting (Heavy Airplane)
Combat Physical Sciences
Architecture (Fortifications) Prospecting
Engineering (Geology)
Mechanics (Traps) Recon Stealth
Communications Recruiting Bus. Mgmt. (Recruiting)
Computer Computers Bow Combat (Crossbow)
Cudgel Melee Atk/Def (Baton/Club) Revolver Gun Combat (Pistol)
Cutlass Melee Atk/Def (Sword) Robot Operation Driving (Mecha)
Dagger Melee Atk/Def (Knife) Robotics Electronics (Robots)
Dagger Thrown Weapons (Blade) Screens not applicable
Demolitions Demolitions Ship Tactics Military Sciences (Tactics)
Electronics Electronics Ship's Boat Piloting (Space Plane)
Engineering Mechanics (Aerospace) Ship's Lasers Heavy Weapons (Gunnery)
Ship's Energy
Equestrian Riding Heavy Weapons (Gunnery)
FA Gunnery Heavy Weapons (Artillery) Ship's PAs Heavy Weapons (Gunnery)
Heavy Weapons
Fleet Tactics Military Sciences (Tactics) Ship's Missiles
Foil Melee Atk/Def (Sword) Short Bow Archery (Bow)
Forgery Forgery Shotgun Gun Combat (Rifle)
Forward Observer Heavy Weapons (Artillery) Small Watercraft Boating (Small Boats)
Gambling Gaming Spear Melee Atk/Def (Polearms)
Grav Belt Piloting (Grav Vehicle) Sporting Crossbow Archery (Crossbow)
Grav Vehicle Piloting (Grav Vehicle) Steward Cooking
Gravitics Mechanics (Aerospace) Streetwise Burglary
Ground Car Driving (Car) Streetwise Police Sciences
Gunnery Heavy Weapons (Gunnery) Streetwise Urban Tracking
Gunnery Heavy Weapons (Launchers) Submachinegun Gun Combat (Autofire)
Halberd Melee Atk/Def (Polearms) Submersible Boating (Submarines)
Physical Sciences
Heavy Weapons Heavy Weapons Survey
Helicopter Piloting (Helicopter) Survival Wilderness Survival
High Energy
Heavy Weapons (Gunnery) Sword Melee Atk/Def (Sword)
Hovercraft Boating (Hovercraft) Tactics Military Sciences (Tactics)
Hunting Animal Training Tracked Vehicle Driving (Tracked Vehicle)
Bus. Mgmt. (Small
Hunting Wilderness Tracking Trader
Instruction Aura of Command Watercraft Boating
Interrogation Interrogation Wheeled Vehicle Driving
Mechanical Genius Winged Craft Piloting
Jet FW Aircraft Piloting (Jet Fighter) Vaccsuit Controlled Breathing
Large Watercraft Boating (Large Ships) Zero-G Combat Acrobatics
Laser Carbine Gun Combat (Rifle) Zero-G Weapons Gun Combat
Laser Rifle Gun Combat (Rifle)

Optional: Converting Terms to Skill Points

BESM uses a point-based skill system, unlike Traveller's experience-based character-
generation system (measured in terms). Skill point costs are determined by how useful a
skill is in genre. If all characters are converted from Traveller using the table above, this
distinction can be safely ignored. When mixing converted and native BESM characters, it
may be necessary to set a skill-point total and adjust skill levels accordingly (using point
costs for the Space Opera genre, unless it's a highly unusual Traveller campaign). One
method is to use a combination of the Highly Skilled attribute and the UnSkilled defect,
as shown below. (This also allows Traveller characters to obtain skills that do not
normally appear there, such as Biological Sciences.)
Terms Age Attribute Skill Points Character Points
0 18 UnSkilled 2 0 [-2]
1 22 UnSkilled 1 10 [-1]
2 26 none 20 [0]
3 30 Highly Skilled 1 30 [1]
4 34 Highly Skilled 2 40 [2]
5 38 Highly Skilled 3 50 [3]
6 42 Highly Skilled 4 60 [4]
7 46 Highly Skilled 5 70 [5]
8 50 Highly Skilled 6 80 [6]

Sample Character
Captain Alexander Jamison
779C99; Age 38 (5 terms); Cr33,200
Dagger-1, Cutlass-1, Vacc Suit-1, Pilot-2, Body Pistol-1, SMG-1, Electronics-3.
Owns a type-A free trader, with 10 years' payments remaining.

Captain Alexander Jamison [35 points]

Body: 5 ([7+7+9]/3 = 7.7, rounded to 8 => 5)
Mind: 7 ([12+9]/2 = 10.5, rounded to 11 => 7)
Soul: 5 (9 => 5)

Normal Attributes
Damn Healthy! 1 [1]
Highly Skilled 3 [3]: {50} skill points.
Personal Gear 1 [1]

Special Attributes
Owns a Big Mecha 3.5 [14]: free trader Empress Nicole [67 mecha points]

Special Defects
Conditional Ownership (10 years remaining on mortgage) [-1]

Controlled Breathing (Holding Breath) 1 {1}
Electronics (Communications, Computers, Sensors) 3 {14}
Gaming (Gambling/Card Games, Roleplaying Games) 1 {3}
Piloting (Spacecraft) 2 {10}
Sleight of Hand (Card shark) 1 {2}
Gun Combat (Pistol, Autofire) 1 {6}
Melee Attack (Knife, Sword) 1 {5}
Melee Defense (Knife, Sword) 1 {5}
Thrown Weapons (Blades) 1 {4}
Derived Values
Attack Combat Value: 5
Defense Combat Value: 3
Health Points: 60
Energy Points: 60

Equipment Conversions
BESM does not encourage detailed accounting for personal possessions, either monetary
costs or encumbrance. Equipment statistics are simple and fairly generic. Most weapons
can be used directly as written; these and other simple items are covered under the
Personal Gear attribute. More complicated objects -- battledress, robots, vehicles,
spacecraft -- are designed under the mecha creation rules, and obtained using the Own a
Big Mecha attribute (alternatively: Servant or Flunkies, for combatant and non-combatant
robot companions, respectively).
Some examples of conversions are listed below. All point costs here are "mecha points"
under the Own a Big Mecha attribute; small items are also rated "major" or "minor" for
the Personal Gear attribute:
Reflec Armor [4 points, minor item]: Light Armour 6 [6], Hidden, Optimized (Laser),
Partial Armour [-2]. Stops 12 points vs. lasers only.
Grav Belt [5 points, major item]: Heavy Armour 1 [4], Flight 2 [8], Extra Endurance 4
(ten weeks between recharges) [4], Fully Exposed [-2], Mutual Damage [-2], No Arms [-
2], No Ground Movement [-2], Not So Tough [-2], Reduced Armour [-1].
Battledress [20 points]: Heavy Armour 2 [8], Extra Endurance 1 [1], Super Strength 1
[3], Toughness 1 [4], Accessories 3 (radio, laser comm, comm scrambler, inertial
compass, map box, sensor detectors) [3], Life Support 2 [2], Stealth 2 [2], Mutual
Damage [-2], Reduced Capacity [-1]. With Grav Belt [+8 points]: Flight 2 [8].
ATV [20 points]: Accessories 2 (radio, INS/GPS, winch) [2], Heavy Armour 1 [4], Extra
Capacity 3 (8 passengers) [3], Extra Endurance 2 (days) [2], Ground Speed 2 [4], Life
Support 2 [2], Toughness 1 [4], Awkward Size 3 [-3], No Arms [-2].
Air/Raft [20 points]: Accessories 1 (radio) [1], Heavy Armour 1 [4], Extra Capacity 2 (3
passengers, 4 tonnes cargo) [2], Extra Endurance 4 (ten weeks between recharges;
oxygen supply only) [4], Flight 2 [8], Life Support 2 [2], Space Flight 1 [2], Toughness 1
[4], Awkward Size 2 [-2], No Arms [-2], No Ground Movement [-2], Partially Exposed [-
Prospecting Buggy [20 points]: Accessories 1 (radio) [1], Heavy Armour 1 [4], Extra
Capacity 2 (3 passengers, 4 tonnes cargo) [2], Extra Endurance 1 (24 hours) [1], Flight 2
[8], Life Support 2 [2], Sensors 1 (1,000 km, scientific) [2], Space Flight 1 [2],
Toughness 1 [4], Awkward Size 2 [-2], No Arms [-2], No Ground Movement [-2].
G-Carrier [20 points]: Accessories 2 (radio, radar/laser detector, INS/GPS) [2], Heavy
Armour 1 [4], Extra Capacity 3 (9 passengers, 5 tonnes cargo) [2], Extra Endurance 2
(days) [4], Flight 2 [8], Life Support 2 [2], Space Flight 1 [2], Toughness 1 [4], Awkward
Size 3 [-3], No Arms [-2], No Ground Movement [-2].

Spacecraft Conversions
Converting spacecraft from Traveller to BESM, using the mecha creation rules, is not an
exact science. The following template system is not definitive, but is one way to make
conversions simple and self-consistent. The idea is that vessels of a given size and type
have similar attributes, which are defined in a table. Referees can then adjust the
attributes of individual vessels as required to achieve the desired results.
In order to convert a Traveller vessel using this system, begin by selecting the
appropriate basic template, either starship or nonstarship:
Basic Nonstarship Template [32 points]: Accessories 2 (2x radio, laser comm) [2],
Heavy Armour 5 [20], Extra Endurance 3 [3], Life Support 2 [2], Sensors 3 (10,000 km)
[3], Space Flight 4 [8], No Arms [-2], No Ground Movement [-2], Poor Maneuverability
1 [-1], Start-Up Time (minutes) [-1].
Basic Starship Template [36 points]: Accessories 2 (2x radio, laser comm) [2], Heavy
Armour 5 [20], Extra Endurance 3 [3], Life Support 2 [2], Sensors 5 (1,000,000 km) [5],
Space Flight 4 [8], Star Flight 1 [2], No Arms [-2], No Ground Movement [-2], Poor
Maneuverability 1 [-1], Start-Up Time (minutes) [-1].
Next, select a base Size (and associated attributes) from the table. Add these to the list
provided by the basic template:
Size Displacement Points Awkward Size Toughness Crew Extra Capacity
1 10-30 tons [+9] 3 [-3] +60 [12] 1 [0] 0 [0]
2 30-100 tons [+10] 4 [-4] +70 [14] 2 [-1] 1 [1]
3 100-300 tons [+12] 4 [-4] +80 [16] 3-6 [-2] 2 [2]
4 300-1,000 tons [+14] 5 [-5] +90 [18] 7-10 [-2] 3 [3]
5 1,000-3,000 tons [+16] 5 [-5] +100 [20] 11-20 [-3] 4 [4]
6 3,000-5,000 tons [+17] 6 [-6] +110 [22] 21-40 [-3] 4 [4]
Finally, customize the design by adjusting attributes (e.g., Extra Capacity, Heavy
Armour, Crew Requirement) or adding options such as weapons, subordinate craft, or
additional maneuverability. Note that BESM rates cargo capacity in metric tonnes, rather
than Traveller's displacement tons.

Space Flight 4 is standard for maneuver drives in classic Traveller. Variations in
maneuver-drive performance are covered by increased maneuverability, rather than the
Space Flight attribute. Vessels using reaction drives (either low-tech or from other
versions of Traveller) may have lower levels of Space Flight.

Drive Number Maneuver Jump Points

1 Poor Maneuverability 1 Star Flight 1 [0]
2 none Star Flight 2 [+1]
3 Maneuver Bonus 1 Star Flight 3 [+2]
4 Maneuver Bonus 2 Star Flight 4 [+3]
5 Maneuver Bonus 3 Star Flight 5 [+4]
6 Maneuver Bonus 4 Star Flight 6 [+5]
Streamlining [16 points]: Flight 4 [16], Water Movement 1 [2], Noisy [-2].
Weapons options require some explanation. BESM assumes that most weapons are in
flexible mounts and fired by the pilot. Turret weapons require the Different Gunner
attribute (for each turret or battery), to allow them to fire independently. The first weapon
of any type costs the full amount (usually 20 points). Alternate weapons (either mounted
in separate turrets or of a different type than the first) cost significantly less; a gunner
cannot fire more than one alternate weapon in a single turn. Additional weapons of the
same type in the same turret count as multiple attacks, but still at reduced cost.
Sandcasters, if present, are represented by the Force Field attribute (limited: only vs.
lasers); it is up to the referee to determine how many sand launchers are "enough" for a
vessel of a given size.
Ranges are given here based on unmodified BESM. Reproducing Traveller weapon
ranges exactly is prohibitively expensive, and probably pointless: all weapons would
have to receive an equivalent increase. Instead, the weapons are rated according to their
relative range. If desired, the referee can either multiply all space-combat ranges by
10,000 (i.e., Long Range becomes 1,000,000 km rather than 100 km), or increase the
factor for multiple levels of Long Range from 2 to 10 (i.e., Long Range x2 becomes
1,000 km rather than 200 km).
Turrets [5 points each]: Different Gunner [+5].
Sandcasters [4 points]: Force Field (self only, 30 points) [6], Limited Force Field (lasers
only) [-2]
Beam Laser [20 points]: 60 points, Accurate, Long Range (100 km), Slow
Pulse Laser [20 points]: 60 points, Autofire, Long Range (100 km), Slow
Mining Laser [20 points]: 60 points, Autofire
Missile Rack [20 points]: 90 points, Area Effect, Limited Shots (3), Slow Missiles can
extend their range, by adding one level of Stoppable for each level of Long Range.
Each additional weapon, same turret [12 points]: Mecha Weapon [2], Multiple Mecha
Attacks +1 [+10]
Each alternate weapon [2 points]: Mecha Weapon [2]
Fixed Mount [-4 points per weapon, minimum 2 points]: same as above, with the Fixed
weapon defect.

Sample Nonstarships
Subordinate craft simply add their points to the mecha point cost of the parent vessel.
Fighter [100 points]: Basic Nonstarship [32], Size 1 (10 tons) [9], Streamlining [16],
Beam Laser (fixed) [16], 2x Missile Racks (additional gunner) [19], Sensors 4 (100,000
km) [+1], Maneuver Bonus 4 [+5], Extra Capacity 1 (1 gunner) [1], Stealth 1 [1].
Launch [60 points]: Basic Nonstarship [32], Size 1 (20 tons) [9], Awkward Size 4 [-1],
Streamlining [16], Crew 1 (2 crew) [-1], Extra Capacity 4 (13 passengers or 65 tonnes
cargo) [4], Unique Feature (folding seats) [1].
Ship's Boat [62 points]: Basic Nonstarship [32], Size 1 (30 tons) [9], Awkward Size 4 [-
1], Streamlining [16], Maneuver Bonus 1 [+2], Crew 1 (2 crew) [-1], Extra Capacity 4
(20 passengers or 100 tonnes cargo) [4], Unique Feature (folding seats) [1].

Sample Starships
Scout/Courier [96 points]: Basic Starship [36], Size 2 (100 tons) [10], Streamlining [16],
remove Poor Maneuverability [+1], Air/Raft [20], Extra Capacity 3 (4 staterooms, 15
tonnes cargo) [+2], Sensors 6 (1,000,000 km, scientific) [+2], Star Flight 2 [+1], Stealth 2
[2], Turret [5], Unique Feature (can use unrefined LHyd) [1].
Seeker [108 points]: Basic Starship [36], Size 2 (100 tons) [10], Streamlining [16],
remove Poor Maneuverability [+1], Prospecting Buggy [20], Extra Capacity 4 (2
staterooms, 100 tonnes cargo) [+3], Mining Laser [12], Sensors 6 (1,000,000 km,
scientific) [+2], Star Flight 2 [+1], Stealth 1 [1], Turret [5], Unique Feature (can use
unrefined LHyd) [1]. Star Flight 2 requires giving up 50 tons of cargo to LHyd tankage.
Free Trader [67 points]: Basic Starship [36], Size 3 (200 tons) [12], Streamlining [16],
Extra Capacity 5 (10 staterooms, 20 low berths, 410 tonnes cargo) [+3].
Yacht [153 points]: Basic Starship [36], Size 3 (200 tons) [12], Accessories 3 (luxury
fittings) [+1], Extra Capacity 4 (14 staterooms, 55 tonnes cargo) [+2], Air/Raft [20], ATV
[20], Ship's Boat [62].
Subsidized Merchant [128 points]: Basic Starship [36], Size 4 (400 tons) [14],
Streamlining [16], Extra Capacity 5 (13 staterooms, 9 low berths, 1,000 tonnes cargo)
[+2], Launch [60].
Patrol Cruiser [250 points]: Basic Starship [36], Size 4 (400 tons) [14], Streamlining [16],
Extra Capacity 5 (24 staterooms, 4 low berths, 250 tonnes cargo) [+2], Maneuver Bonus
+2 [3], Sensors 6 [+1], Star Flight 3 [+4], Stealth 2 [2], 4x Turrets [20], 2x3 Beam Lasers
[44], 2x3 Missile Racks [26], G-Carrier [20], Ship's Boat [62].
Subsidized Liner [116 points]: Basic Starship [36], Size 4 (600 tons) [14], Extra Capacity
5 (30 staterooms, 20 low berths, 645 tonnes cargo) [+2], Star Flight 3 [+4], Launch [60].

For more information on BESM and the Tri-Stat System, see:
Rumor has it that in April, Guardians of Order will release a "Fast Play Rules" version of
BESM, similar in intent to SJ Games' GURPS Lite.
For a different, less serious approach to rules-light Traveller, try:

Many thanks to David L. Pulver, for pointing out where to begin. Any wrong turns since
then are, of course, no one's fault but my own.

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