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Prepared for Ryan Nishad for personal use only.

Main Teachings
Best believers are ready to sacrifice for Islam
1. Major Teachings Of Hadiths Refers to spiritual and financial Jihad
Strive by doing social work
1.1. Major Teachings Of Hadiths
Companions financially contributed to Tabuk
Hadith 1 Hadith 8
Main Teachings Main Teachings
Islam is based on sincerity Martyr are also people who die practising Islam
Strong belief in Tawhid Allah rewards people who are obedient to Him
Be sincere to Islam and people Implementation
Respect and care for everyone Muslims can engage in other types of Jihad
Implementation Fulfill rights of humans and Allah
Sincere to Allah and Quran by following Sharia Hadith 9
Sincerity to the Prophet was shown by his Main Teachings
Companions when they stood by him. Earn from lawful means
Hadith 2 Respect is earned by doing hard work
Main Teachings Implementation
Have concern for others around us Stay away from corruption and bribery
This is part of our faith Be self-sufficient and grateful
Implementation All Prophets earned by doing hard work
Countries giving refuge to people Hadith 10
Give Zakaat to help people Main Teachings
Think good about each other Human rights are as important as the Rights of
Hadith 3 Allah
Main Teachings Should help people vulnerable to society
Every Muslim should be kind Implementation
Should talk good and be hospitable Be aware of the needs of people and fulfill them
Implementation Abu Bakr used to help an old widow
Not curse or backbite Hadith 11
Be calm during conflicts and try to solve them Main Teachings
Abu Talha fed his hungry guests though he barely Great reward for people who care for orphans
had food and this was appreciated by Allah Reminds people to be kind and just to orphans
Hadith 4 Implementation
Main Teachings Provide financial assistance and food to orphans
Islam is a simple religion Prophet(pbuh) was always kind to orphans
For Paradise, one has to follow basic rules Hadith 12
Implementation Main Teachings
Practise 5 pillars Highlights responsibilities of rulers
Be mindful of Haram and Halal Tells them to treat people with love
Hadith 5 Implementation
Main Teachings Remember Allah has all authority
Always look for ease of people
Give examples of charity to follow in daily life
Worship includes acts of kindness too He (pbuh) would listen to the problems of people
Implementation Hadith 13
Perform actions with the intention of helping Main Teachings
others Read the Quran and implement it
Prophet (pbuh) used to share meals with poor The Quran keeps Muslims from going astray
Hadith 6 Implementation
Main Teachings Read the Quran daily with meaning
Prevent others from evil Perform tarawih for recitation of the Quran
Not doing this is the weakest response Hadith 14
Implementation Main Teachings
Correct social evils such as reporting theft Principles of business transactions
Make people aware or the wrong Be kind and fair in dealings
He (pbuh) prevented Meccans from wrong acts Implementation
Hadith 7 Not take too much profit or interest

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This document is authorised for personal use only by Ryan Nishad at undefined on 08/05/24.

Return money on time Alignment with reason, common sense, and natural
Khadija married Prophet(pbuh) for his honesty laws
Hadith 15 Shouldn’t accuse the Prophet's family or companions
Main Teachings No excessive praise for specific individuals or tribes
Muslims to be kind and merciful No severe punishments for minor offenses
Allah rewards people who have these traits No exaggerated rewards for insignificant deeds
Implementation Non-fabricated reports or admissions of fabrication by
Do small acts of kindness the narrator
Prophet(pbuh) forgave Quraish An unbroken chain of narrators
Hadith 16 Narrators should be:
Main Teachings Trustworthy
Declare Muslims as one brotherhood Pious
Muslims should support each other Knowledgable
Implementation Have good memory
Help Muslims in war-torn countries Of mature age
Ansars helped Muhajirs in 622 AD Muslim
Hadith 17 Mentally stable
Main Teachings Direct interaction between narrators and individuals
Being modest brings peace sharing the hadith
Be respectful of society Higher qualifications of the narrator increase the
Implementation authority of hadith
Not be extremist or liberal Approved or Hasan Hadith
Prophet(pbuh) never spoke loudly Similar to Authentic hadith
Appreciate Allah’s blessings The only difference was that some narrators had
Hadith 18 defective memory
Main Teachings Weak or Zae’ef Hadith
Be humble as pride leads to hell If any narrator in the chain was known to be a liar or
True faith makes people close to Allah have a bad memory
Implementation If he had not met the person he was supposed to be
Not be arrogant by following Prophet(pbuh) narrating from
Iblis was thrown out due to his pride Fabricated Hadith
Hadith 19 When a saying or action was attributed to the Prophet
Main Teachings that he had not said or done, the hadith was said to be
The right path is tough but leads to Paradise fabricated.
Wrong path is easy but leads to Hell
Implementation 2.2. Compilation of Hadith
Reject all types of attractions that lead to hell
Quraish bribed the Prophet (pbuh) but he rejected By companions
it People were demanding hadiths
Hadith 20 Many companions started to spread his hadith
Main Teachings Abu Huraira narrated 5374 hadith
Allah does not look at the worldly status of people Abdullah Bin Umar narrated 2630
Allah only cares about our intentions and deeds Anas Bin Malik narrated 2286
Implementation Hazrat Ayesha narrated 2210
Actions based on sincerity, not for false praises By Successors of Companions
Bilal was appointed as muezzin for his faith Compiled hadiths in journals called Suhuf
Orally transmitted from teachers to students

2. History and Importance of Imam Malik Bin Anas and Imam Ahmed Bin Hanibal
were main compilers

Hadiths By Successors of Successors

Sahih Bukhari of Muhammad Ibn Ismail al Bukhari
Travelled collected 600,000 hadiths
2.1. Types of Hadiths Selected 7397 hadiths as authentic
Divided them into 97 books by subject
Authentic or Sahih Hadith Added commentary
Consistency with other authentic hadiths, Quran, Ijma, Sahih Muslim of Muslim ibn al Hajjaj
and basic Islamic principles Student of Imam Bukhari

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This document is authorised for personal use only by Ryan Nishad at undefined on 08/05/24.

Divided 12000 authentic hadiths into 54 books by Ayesha said “Life of Prophet(pbuh) is an example of
subjects Quran”
Sunan of Abu Daud It is used when the Quran is silent on a matter, e.g.
Student of Imam Hanibal inheritance given to the grandmother is not
Spent 20 years collecting hadiths mentioned in the Quran, but comes from Hadith
Chose 4800 authentic hadiths from 500,000 In Quran it is not told how to give Zakaat but hadith
Jami al Tirmizi of Tirmizi says “No charity tax is due on property less than 5
Student of Imam Bukhari Uqaiya and no charity tax is due on fewer than 5
Contains 3950 hadiths camels and no charity tax is due on fewer than 5
Divided by subject with critical reports wasq”
Included Hasan Hadiths
Sunan of Nasai contains 5750 hadiths Ijma
Sunan of ibn Majah contains 4000 hadiths Used when Quran and Hadith are silent on matter
Shia compilation of hadiths It can’t contradict Quran and Hadith
Al Kafi fi ilm al-din by Muhammad ibn Yaqab
Man la Yahduruhu al-fiqh by Muhammad Babuya
Used when all sources can’t solve a problem
TahzIib al ahkam by Muhammad al tusi
Qiyas use a ruling from Quran or Hadith
It can’t cancel the teachings of Quran and Hadith
2.3. Collection of Hadiths
Musnad 3. Rightly Guided Khalifas
Hadiths grouped by their second transmitter
E.g: Musnad of Abu Bakr
3.1. Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakr
Valuable for people who follow a specific person
Founder was Imam Hanibal
Ansars wanted to be caliph
Hadiths grouped by their subject
Abu Bakr said to elect a Quraish
Eg: Musunnaf of Zakaat
Ansars proposed 2 leaders
Founder was Imam Malik bin Anas
Hazrat Umar emphasized that there can only be 1
Sahih Sitta follow this technique
Umar pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr
2.4. Reliability of Hadith Later everyone pledged allegiance to him
Chosen as new Khalifa
Isnad Expedition to Syria
Chain of transmitters Prophet(pbuh) had ordered expedition to Syria
A perfect isnad starts from a companion Now Madinah was surrounded by hostile tribes
Transmitters should be honest Abu Bakr yet sent the army under Usama Bin Zaid
Should have met each other It was successful
Have good memory Refusal to pay Zakaat
Of the age that they understand hadith Many tribes refused to pay Zakaat
Matn Abu Bakr rejected this
Context of hadiths Attacked Muslims when army was in Syria
A perfect matn does not contradict Quran Prevented from entering Madinah
Not against common sense or facts When army arrived Abu Bakr attacked them
Not accuse companions or praise a tribe The tribes lost
Not promise high rewards for small deeds and vice Apostasy Movement against false prophets
versa Aswad Ansi
Be in Quraish dialect with no bad words Arose in Yemen
Hid his face by a veil
2.5. Hadiths used in Legal Thinking, and Killed by Persian Muslim Firoze
its relationship with the Qur’an, Ijma Leader of Banu Asad and Ghaftan
and Qiyas Khalid Bin Waleed fought him in 630 AD
Fled to Syria where he accepted Islam later
Hadith and Quran Musailma
They are 2nd primary source of Islamic Law From Banu Hanifa in Yamama
Used to copy Prophet(pbuh)

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This document is authorised for personal use only by Ryan Nishad at undefined on 08/05/24.

Distorted teachings of Quran Officials were selected on merit

Prophet(pbuh) called him an arch liar Strict standard for accounting of public money
Killed in Battle of Yamama by Muslims Non-Muslims were given freedom
Sajjah Each matter was handled according to Sharia
Arab Christian women from Banu Tamim
Married to Musailma 3.2. Caliph Hazrat Umar
After his death fled to Iraq and accepted Islam
Battle of Yamama Election
Against musailma Nominated by Abu Bakr and everyone accepted
Sent Ikrimah and told him to wait for Shurahbil Wars with Persians
Ikrimah fought and was defeated Rustom was sent by Persians to take revenge, Battle
Shurahbil was told to stay but he fought and was of Namraq took place and Muslims won
defeated Battle of Jasr
Khalid Bin Walid came and fought Persians under Bahman went to take revenge
Had to retreat Euphrated laid between the 2 armies
While front ranks fought Khalid attacked Musailma’s Abu Ubaid decided to cross the river
camp Horses went out of control as they had never seen
They fortified themselves in a garden Persian Elephants
Muslims climbed and fight started Ordered to cut howdahs to kill Persians
Musailma was killed by killer of Hazrat Hamza Elephants trampled so Muslim commanders died
Many Hafiz died resulting in compilation of Quran one by one
Expansion of Islamic Empire Bridge was also cut so Musana ordered to build
People in Bahrain, Oman, Mahrah, Yemen and the bridge thus they retreated
Hadramaut apostatized Islam thus Abu Bakr fought 6000 Muslims died
against them and took over Battle of Buwaib
Campaign against Persians Muslims sent to fight the Persians, who were
Persians helped apostasy movement under the rule of Mehran
In 633 an army under Khalid bin Waleed went to Persians were told to cross the river this time
Persians who chose to fought Jarir ibn Abdullah killed Mehran, so the Persians
In battle of chains Persians linked themselves with lost hope
chains for unity but it resulted in Muslims winning Muslims captured the bridge after the Persians
as they couldn’t fight or retreat fled
Persians went to Mazar where muslims won The entire Persian army was defeated, with many
They went to Walaja where Muslims again won Persians dying
Went to Ullies where Muslims won Battle of Qadsiya
Fled to Hira which was also captured Muslims camped at Qadsiya
Went to Anbar where the governor surrendered King was invited to Islam but he disrespected
En at tamer was also captured Stand-off of 3 months lasted
Campaign against Byzantines Rustum attacked while Saad led from bed
In 634 AD 7000 men gathered to fight the
3rd day Rustum was killed and Persians retreated
Byzantines who were plotting against Muslims
Battle of Jalula
They were divided into 4 corps under Shurahbil,
Persian King took refuge in fortified Jalula
Abu Ubaida, Amr bin Aas and Yazeed
Muslims laid a siege for 7 months
To secure front Khalid Bin Walid took over Syria
Persians launched an offensive
Then went to Basra with Shurahbil and Abu
Muslim commander Qaka pulled back
Ubaida. Romanus the leader accepted Islam so
A storm blew on Persians and they ran away
Byzantines locked themselves. Romanus let
Jalula was captured
Muslims in and Basra was captured
Battle of Nahwand
Byzantines gathered at Ajnadien. 40,000 Muslims
Persians were planning an attack
went there and won
So muslims marched to them at Nahwand
Marched to Damascus but retreated as Hazrat
Persians fortified in trenches
Abu Bakr had died
To get them out Nauman the commander ordered
Hazrat Abu Bakr died in 13 AH because of illness
the cavalry to attack and then at night the rest of
army would attack
Divided empire into province
Nauman died but Muslims continued
Each province had a governor who would lead prayer
Dark led Persians to their own death
administer justice and maintained law
The town surrendered
Governor had an Amil who would collect taxes

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This document is authorised for personal use only by Ryan Nishad at undefined on 08/05/24.

Wars with Byzantines

3.3. Caliph Hazrat Usman
Muslims went to Damascus and took over
Battle of Fihl Election
Maaz Bin Jabal was sent with 3 options for
Hazrat Umar nominated Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Usman,
Persians and they chose to fought
Zubair, Talha, Saad bin abi Waqas and Abdur Rehman
Khalid Bin Waleed drew the forces in and then
bin Auf for Caliph
launched an offensive thus Muslims won Abdur Rahman rejected it and Talha was not here
Battle of Yurmuk Decided that Abdur Rahman would choose
Heraculis ordered an attack on Muslims
Saad supporter Usman, Zubair supported Ali and
Muslims gave 3 options which were rejected
Usman while Usman and Ali supported each other
Battle started and Khalid Bin Waleed lured
Abdur Rehman consulted other people and Hazrat
Byzantines to rough terrain Usman was chosen as Khalifa
A storm also blew on them so they ran away Declared Khalifa on 4th Muharram 24 AH
Fall of Jerusalem
Causes of revolt against Hazrat Usman
Fortified as sacred to Jews and Christian
People took advantage of his soft nature
Seige was laid but citizens surrendered on Hypocrite Jews under Abdullah bin Saba rose and
condition that Hazrat Umar should come caused rift among Hazrat Ali and Usman. He was
Hazrat Umar walked in while walking camel exiled to Egypt where he rose to fame
People said “Islam has exalted all religions”
Rivalry between Arabs and Non-Arabs increased as
A treaty was signed
Arabs started to settle in their territories
Conquest of Egypt Prophet (pbuh) was a Hashemite while Usman was an
Amr Bin Aas started to conquer towns of Egypt Umayyad so Hashemite could not tolerate him
Fustat surrendered after 7 month of siege Charges against Hazrat Usman
King sent army to Alexandria and s siege started
He had appointed inefficient relatives as governors.
Heraclius died so Muslims intensified their attack
But his relatives were appointed only in 4 provinces. 1
and Alexandria was conquered of those was appointed by Hazrat Umar and the other
Martyrdom 2 were appointed in public interest.
Firoz a Persian slave complained to Hazrat Umar He did not exercise control over his companions but
about his a lot of taxes
he just trusted them and gave them liberty
His tax was 2 dirhams per diem
He had burnt the copies of Quran but the copies with
Umar said the amount was okay as he worked as a wrong dialect of Quran were only burnt
carpenter, painter and ironsmith He had lost the ring of Prophet (pbuh) intentionally but
Firoz struck Umar with a dagger while he was leading in reality it was lost while he was directing a
morning prayer
The wound was Fatal and he died in Dhul Hajjah 23 AH
He has changed the structure of Masjid-e-Nabawi but
Administration he just expanded it
Made Majlis-e-shura consisting of eminent Rebellion and death
companions. It was always consulted
In 656 AD some protesters entered Madinah
Judiciary was made and Qazis were introduced
Hazrat Ali acted as an intermediary and advised
Each province was placed under a wali who was the
Hazrat Usman to remove Abdullah and post Amr
military and religious head The protesters wanted Muhammad bin Abu Bakr as
Provinces divided into districts placed under amils their governor
Call them to Hajj and heard their complaints
Their wish was fulfilled
Received secret reports on officers
On their way back they found a slave with a letter by
Officials would send particulars of their property to
Usman ordering to kill some people
check if they are corrupt or not They went back and Hazrat Ali agreed to arbitrate
Established department of education, jails, police and Hazrat Usman agreed that it was his slave but
rejected that he sent the letter
New taxes were introduced
They besieged his house
Surplus was distributed among Muslims
He refused to fight and shed Muslim blood
Civilian were not allowed in cantonments After 50 days some rebels went in their house and
Arabs not allowed to buy property in territories struck a sword in his forehead
Non-Muslims were given freedom and old, poor and
His blood dropped on Surah Baqrah verse 137
disabled were exempted from paying Jizya
His wife lost her fingers saving him
Introduced pension
He died on 18th Dhul Hijjah 35 AH
Built towns and roads Administration
Followed steps of first 2 Khalifas

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This document is authorised for personal use only by Ryan Nishad at undefined on 08/05/24.

Held conferences with Walis and Ameers to hear their Hazrat Ali ordered his army to not fall into this trap but
complaints they refused
Allowed Arabs to buy land in territories The matter was taken to arbitration
Cantonments were extended Kharijites
Canals and dams were built These people were involved in revolt against Hazrat
Increased allowance of people by 25% Usman and his murder
They fought with Hazrat Ali at Siffin but responded to
3.4. Caliph Hazrat Ali Muawiyas call
On way back they insisted Hazrat Ali to attack when he
Election refused 12000 men distanced
After 4 days the rebels decided to leave These people believed in killing unbelievers and
Before leaving they offered the office of Khalifa to recognized first 2 khalifas only
Hazrat Ali who rejected it Arbitration
Then they offered to ansars who also rejected and Abu Musa Ashari represented Hazrat Ali while Amr
Talha and Zubair did the same Bin Aas was from Muawaiya’s side
They gave an ultimatum They agreed that both should be deposed
Muslims assembled and leader of Egyptians said they But Amr bin Aas player foul and only agreed with
wanted a brave, pious and close companion of Hazrat Ali to be deposed
Propeht(pbuh) as Khalifa Thus everyone prepared for a second war
Hazrat Ali only this criteria so he took over the office Battle of Nahrawan
on 25th Dhul Hijjah 35 AH On his way to attack Muawiya Hazrat Ali went to
Change of Governors Nahrawan to deal with Kharijites
Suhail Bin Hanif was appointed in Syria, Saad bin All kharijites were killed except a few who escaped
Ubadah in Egypt, Ummara Bin Sahab in Kufa, Usama Fall of Egypt
bin Hanif in Basra and Abdullah bin Abbas in Yemen Hazrat Ali wanted to move against Muawiya but his
However Muawiya, governor of Syria refused to step forces deserted him
down. In meantime, Muawiya ordered Amr bin Aas to
Battle of Camel conquer Egypt
Umayyads in Syria under Muawiya were asking to Decided that Muawiya would rule over Syria and Egypt
avenge midst of Hazrat Usman while Hazart Ali over rest of empire
People in Makkah also joined Martyrdom
Hazrat Ali rejected to punish the assassins as he had Kharijites decided to kill Hazrat Ali
no evidence or peace in Empire Abdur Rehman ibn Muljim was selected On 18th
Talha and Zubair seeing this approached Hazrat Ramadan 40 AH Muljim attacked Hazrat Ali with a
Ayesha and they raised an army against Hazrat Ali poisonous sword while he was leading morning prayer
Both armies met at Basra in Kufa
Hazrat Ali sent a message to Hazrat Ayesha He died on 21st Ramadan
explaining his reasons His son Hasan killed Muljim next day
They both negotiated Administration
Hypocrites from both sides started the battle Followed first 3 Khalifas
Talha and Zubair were killed The capital was moved to Kufa
Hazrat Ayesha’s camel was brought down thus the
battle was stopped and she was escorted back by
Muhammad bin Abu Bakr
4. Articles of Faith
Battle of Siffin
Syria under Muawiya didn’t allege to Hazrat Ali 4.1. Allah
Muawiya displayed blood-stained clothes of Hazrat
Usman in mosques Allah is one and supreme
He even accused Hazrat Ali of being an accomplice in Quran says “He is Allah the one and only”
this murder
He displayed Talha and Zubair as Martyrs Allah has no family nor He has any help
Soon this propaganda took over Iraq and Iran Quran says “no son has he begotten nor has he a partner
Hazrat Ali wrote to Muawiya asking him to allege to in his dominion”
him or face war If there was any help the world would be a mess
Muawiya asked to avenge the death of Hazrat Usman Allah’s power is beyond human thinking
Thus both armies met at Siffin Quran says “no vision can grasp him”
Muawiya was losing so he ordered his first rank to He has control over everything.
fasten Quran to their lances He can see what is hidden in minds and hearts

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This document is authorised for personal use only by Ryan Nishad at undefined on 08/05/24.

Surah Ikhlas says “there is none like Him” Some major prophets are Nuh, Ibrahim, Isa, Ishaq,
Muslims should follow His commands Yaqoob, Yusuf, Musa, Daud and Suleman.
Results in reward in this world and the next. The chain started from Adam and ended at Muhammad
(pbuh). Quran says “He is messenger of Allah and seal of
4.2. Angels Prophets”

Angels are heavenly beings with the duty to serve Allah 4.5. Predestination and Decree
Quran says “He does send down His angels with the
inspiration of His command” Everything good or bad comes from Allah
They are not daughters or deities of Allah Predestination means fixing a limit, the Quran says “We
They have no free will like jinns and humans have created everything in measure and proportion”
It is a sin to ask their help Everything is decided by Allah as the Quran says “He
Angels come to earth to help people knows what is behind before and after Him”
Some angels are: Our gender and date of birth and death are predestined
Rizwan ruling over Heaven and Malik over Hell but our actions are not
Kiramann Katibin write our deeds as Quran says “Over Hazrat Ali asked a man to take care of his camel and
you are appointed angels to protect you kind and saddle. He ran away with the saddle and Ali could not give
honourable writing everything down” him 50 dirhams. Ali saw his own saddle at the market. The
Munkir and Nakir question the dead man had sold it for 50 dirhams.
Hazrat Izrael takes people’s souls Allah had destined 50 dirhams for man but what mattered
Hazrat Israfel will blow the trumpet on Last Day was how he earned it
Hazrat Mikael controls nature
Hazrat Jibrael chief of angels brought down 4.6. Life after Death
revelations and divine books, Quran says “The Lord of
Spirit has come down with it” Life on earth is temporary and we all will die
Quran says “It is righteousness to believe in Allah and the
4.3. Revealed Books Last Day”
First phase of life after death is the state of Barzakh
Different apostles were sent with Divine Books It is a life of grave which is temporary
They were for a specific time and people Life after Day of Judgement is eternal
Their message was the same as Quran but people Quran says “One day the earth would be changed to a
changed those books new earth so would the heavens”
Quran says “They change their place” Everyone will die and then resurrected
Some Divine Books are: Then will be accountable for their actions
Zaboor of Hazrat Daud Quran says “No injustices would be done that day”
Torah revealed to Hazrat Musa Inmates of hand heaven will be given their accounts on
Quran says “And before this was Book of Moses as a the right hand and inmates of hell on left
guide and mercy” No relations would matter that day
Bible revealed to Hazrat Isa Own body parts would witness against people
Quran says “We sent him the gospel: therein was It is a physical experience
guidance and light and confirmation of Law”
Quran revealed to Prophet Muhammad(PBUH)
It is the last divine message for everyone 5. Pillars of Faith
It says “This is the Book in it is guidance”
5.1. Shahada, Declaration of Faith
4.4. Prophets
Shahada is “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah
Prophets are people who receives Allah’s revelation who is one, who has no partners and I bear witness that
Quran says “We sent for every people and apostle” Muhammad is His servant and apostle”
Prophets guided people and spread Allah’s message The first part talks about Tawhid, oneness of Allah
They are honest and dedicated who faced a lot of He has authority over everything as Quran says “He has
persecution e.g. Ibrahim was thrown in fire power to dispose all affairs”
Allah also helps them e.g. He split sea for Musa He doesn’t have any family or help, Surah Ikhlas says “He
They were granted miracles too e.g. Isa was born without is Allah one and only”
a father and could cure the blind We should only worship Allah
Quran says “We make no distinction between one and The second part talks about Prophet(PBUH)
another of His Messengers”

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This document is authorised for personal use only by Ryan Nishad at undefined on 08/05/24.

Tells us to follow his sunnah as Quran says “He who obeys Delayed Prayers are offered if a person miss a prayer due
the messenger obeys Allah” to valid reason
He guided us and helped us not go astray A person can combine 2 prayers too
He is the last prophet as Quran says “But he is the While travelling a person may shorten the rakaats to 2 for
messenger of Allah and Seal of Prophets” 15 days
Friday prayers are performed in congregation before
5.2. Prayers Zuhr. It contains a sermon and 2 rakaats
2 Rakaat of eid prayer are also offered on eids
Importance A person may also pray in congregation at a mosque
Firstmost thing to be accountable of A person may also privately pray to Allah
Prophet(PBUH) said “Prayer is key to paradise”
Spiritually cleanses us as Quran says “prayer restrains 5.3. Fasting
from shameful and unjust deeds”
Makes people punctual and humble Importance
Strengthen belief in Allah as hadith says “You should Fasting is done in month Ramadan
worship Allah as if you see Him” Muslims don’t eat or drink
Makes people realize they need Allah Hadith says “Allah says: Fasting is for me and I shall
Major part of faith as Hadith says “What stands compensate it"
between a man and a disbeliever is the abandonment Refrain from evil and make us close to Allah as a
of prayer hadith says “Fasting is a shield and protection from
Conditions fire and committing sins”
Should be clean as Quran says “Allah doesn’t accept Reward for deeds are increased as hadith says
prayers without purification “During Ramadan provisions of believers are
2 types of impurities are: increased”
Hads-e-Asghar caused by answering call of nature Makes us sympathetic towards poor people
or vomiting Healthy for our body
Hads-e-Akbar is caused by marital relations,
Menstruation, childbirth and alcohol Method and Condition
A person can clean himself by: Hours of fasting are from dawn till sunset
Performing wudhuh before prayer People have a meal before fajr
First mouth is rinsed and then water is sniffed into Not eat, drink, lie and have martial relations
nostrils. Next face is washed and arms up to the Break fast during Maghrib
elbow. Ears are cleaned and head is wiped. Lastly Pray Tarawih at night
feet are washed. In last odd nights worship as Quran was revealed
Wudhuh becomes ineffective due to state of Hads- Women in period of childbirth and pregnancy are
e-Asghar, Hads-e-Akbar, sleeping and fainting. exempted
To clean Hads-e-Akbar, Ghusl is performed in Sick, old, abnormal and travelers are exempted
which whole body is cleaned A person who is exempted may feed a person twice
If water is not available a person can perform daily for each fast or give grain
Tayummum Women who miss fast due to menstruation and people
Bodies should be covered who got ill while fasting may fast later
Facing Qiblah and have intention to pray A person who intentionally broke his fast will have to
Method fast for 60 days continuously or feed 60 people twice
Hands down side niyat is offered daily for each fast or give Sadaqah
Allahu Akbar is recited with hands with ear Prohibited on eids and 11, 12 and 13 Dhul Hijjah
Qiyam starts in which Sana, Tasmiya, Tawaaz, Surah
Fatihah and some verses are recited 5.4. Zakaat
Bowing down “Glory to my Lord the great” is recited
thrice Importance
Stand up and recite Tasmi and Tehmid Portion of a man’s wealth given to poor
Prostate twice and recite “Glory to my lord, the most Prophet (pbuh) said “it should be collected from the
High” thrice well to do and given to the poor”
Perform 2nd Rakaat Mentioned 32 times in Quran mostly with prayer
After Sajdah sit and recite tashhud and durud if there “establish regular prayer and give regular charity”
are only 2 rakaats. If there are more than 2 only recite Cleanses a person’s wealth as prophet(pbuh) said
tashhud. On last rakaat recite both “Allah has enjoined Zakkat on you so rest of your
Do salaam wealth may be cleansed”
Fulfills needs ofpoor

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This document is authorised for personal use only by Ryan Nishad at undefined on 08/05/24.

Establishes brotherhood and decreases jealousy Ihram is worn during hajj and Umrah. Ihram for men is
Decreases financial disparity and hoarding 2 white sheets wrapped from the navel to knees and
Rate of Zakaat around arms. For women, it is daily clothes but not
On cash 2.5% touching their face. Restrictions:
On 93.75 grams of gold and 656.25 grams of silver Covering face and head for men
1/5th of produce of mine Using scented things
1/10 from natural land produce and 1/20 from Cutting hair and nails
irrigated land produce Violence
On articles exceeding 200 dirhams Tawaf means walking around the Kabah anti-
For every 40 sheep 1 goat clockwise. Types of tawaf are
On every 40 cattle 2-year-old calf Tawaf-e-ziyarat is an obligatory component of hajj
On every 5 camels a goat performed on 10th ,11th or 12th Dhul Hijjah
Distribution Tawaf-e-Qudoom performed while entering Kabah
Given to Tawaf-e-Wida is performed while leaving Kabah
People who can’t give zakat Tawaf-e-Umra is performed for Umra
Person who administer zakaat Any other tawaf is Tawaf-e-Nafl
People in debt and need Mina is a plain between Arafat and Madinah
Converts in need Muzdailifah is plain between Mina and Arafat
Not given to Arafat is 9 miles from Makkah. Stay here is obligatory
Descendants of Prophet(pbuh) during Hajj
Parent or children Safa and Marwa are 2 hills where Hazrat Hajra ran to
Non-Muslims find water for her baby Ismail. Climbing these 2 hills
As a salary shows maternal love and is known as Sayi
Out of Haram money 3 pillars: Jamarat-ul-Uqba, Jamarat-ul-Wusta and
Jamarat-al-Sughra are 3 places where satan tried to
5.5. Hajj stop Ibrahim and he was stoned. Muslims do the same
called rami
Importance Method
Takes place from 9th Dhul Hijjah till 13th Dhul Hijjah On the 8th Dhul Hijjah Muslims wear Ihram and go to
Quran says “pilgrimage thereto is a duty me owe to Mina
Allah those who can afford the journey” On the 9th Dhul Hijjah, they offer fajr at Mina and
Covers both financial sacrifice and physical Ibadat leave for Arafat. Asr and Zuhr are prayed together
It is a spiritual experience which heals a person Allah and then they leave for Muzdalifah. Maghrib and Isha
forgives the person who performs hajj as a Hadith are prayed together and 49 pebbles for rami are
says “an accepted hajj has no reward than paradise” collected
Hajj also has communal benefits as all Muslims from On the 10th Dhul Hijjah, they go back to Mina 7
all walks of life and gather pebbles are thrown at Jamarat-ul-iqbal. Heads are
People get to know about each other’s problems shaved and sacrifice is done. Sayi is also performed.
People could find business ventures Leaves for Mina. Tawaf Ziyarat is also performed
Not performing hajj if you can is a great sin On 11th, 12th and 13th rami is done and tawaf-e-wida
Terms associated with Hajj is performed
Kabah is the holiest place for Muslims and is house of
Allah as said in the Quran. There are several circles
around it 6. Jihad
Masjid-e-Haram includes Kabah, Well of Zam Zam,
station if Ibrahim and Hatim. Jihad is every action in which a form of struggle occurs in
The City of Makkah is the second circle and its the name of Allah
violence is prohibited There are 5 types of Jihad:
Hazrat Adam fixed Haram’s boundary Jihad against one’s self means fighting un-Islamic
From Mawaqis a person can’t enter without Ihram desires in one. It is regarded as one of the greatest
Hajr-e-Aswad is placed in the southeast of Kabah and jihad
was received by Hazrat Ismail from Jibrael. Kissing this Jihad of tongue is to uphold the truth and speak
stone shows obedience to Allah against any injustice. When a man asked which jihad is
Muqam-e-Ibrahim is the Stone in which Hazrat better Prophet(pbuh) said “A word of truth spoken in
Ibrahim stood while praying. It is mandatory to pray 2 front of an oppressive ruler”
Rakats behind this station. It has an impression of Jihad by the knowledge is to study about Islam and
Ibrahim’s feet and stone got soft when he stood on it write about it. Hadith says “ink of a scholar is holier
than blood of a martyr”

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This document is authorised for personal use only by Ryan Nishad at undefined on 08/05/24.

Jihad by hand is jihad of action e.g. giving charity or Become compulsory when the ideology and lives
helping poor. Prophet(pbuh) said “A person whose feet of Muslims are under threat.
become dust ridden because of striving in way of Allah The rules of Jihad are to not kill civilians, old,
will never be touched by flames of hell” women, children and animals. To not destroy trees
Jihad by sword or places of worship and to treat prisoners fairly
It is fighting in way of Allah
Quran says “fight in way of Allah those who fight

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This document is authorised for personal use only by Ryan Nishad at undefined on 08/05/24.

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