Huawei HSS9820 V900R009C01 Feature Description

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HSS9820V900R009C00 Feature


Issue V1.0

Date 2011-07-01


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HSS9820V900R009C00 Feature Description Internal


Contents ............................................................................................................................................. 3
1 MI5S000BSW00 HSS9820 V900R009 Basic Software ............................................................. 5
1.1 ICFD-B-010100 Support of Protocols.............................................................................................................. 5
1.1.1 ICFD-B-010110 Support of Diameter ..................................................................................................... 5
1.1.2 ICFD-B-010120 Support of Radius ........................................................................................................ 7
1.1.3 ICFD-B-010130 Support of SIGTRAN .................................................................................................. 8
1.1.4 ICFD-B-010140 Support of SCTP Multi-Homing ................................................................................ 10
1.2 ICFD-B-010200 Routing and Addressing ...................................................................................................... 11
1.2.1 ICFD-B-010210 Support of IMPI ......................................................................................................... 11
1.2.2 ICFD-B-010220 Support of IMPU ....................................................................................................... 12
1.3 ICFD-B-010300 Support of IP ....................................................................................................................... 14
1.3.1 ICFD-B-010310 Support of IPv4 Addresses ......................................................................................... 14
1.4 ICFD-B-010400 Operation and Maintenance ................................................................................................ 15
1.4.1 ICFD-B-010410 Device Management .................................................................................................. 15
1.4.2 ICFD-B-010420 Fault Management ..................................................................................................... 16
1.4.3 ICFD-B-010430 Configuration Management ....................................................................................... 17
1.4.4 ICFD-B-010440 Performance Management ......................................................................................... 17
1.4.5 ICFD-B-010450 Log Management ....................................................................................................... 18
1.5 ICFD-B-010500 Redundancy and Reliability ................................................................................................ 19
1.5.1 ICFD-B-010511 Automatic or Manual Switchover When a Board Fails .............................................. 19
1.5.2 ICFD-B-010520 Interface Redundancy ................................................................................................ 20
1.5.3 ICFD-B-010530 One Logic Interface Shared by Multiple Physical Network Adapters ....................... 22
1.5.4 ICFD-B-010540 One Physical Interface Shared by Multiple Logic Interfaces .................................... 23
1.5.5 ICFD-B-010550 Hard Disk Redundancy .............................................................................................. 24
1.6 ICFD-B-010600 Separated Deployment of the BE and FE............................................................................ 25
1.6.1 ICFD-B-010610 Support of Memory Data Management ..................................................................... 27
1.6.2 ICFD-B-010620 Distributed Design of Software Modules................................................................... 28
1.6.3 ICFD-B-010630 Support of Data Consistency Check .......................................................................... 29
1.6.4 ICFD-B-010640 Subscriber Data Distributed Across Multiple Clusters .............................................. 30
1.6.5 ICFD-B-010650 Automatic Load Balancing Among Modules ............................................................. 31
1.7 ICFD-B-010700 Multi-Level Data Backup and Recovery ............................................................................. 32

2 MI5SHSSBSW01 HSS9820 V900R009 HSS FE Basic Software .......................................... 34

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2.1 ICFD-B-020100 Routing and Addressing ...................................................................................................... 34
2.1.1 ICFD-B-020110 Support of One IMPI Associated with Multiple IMPUs ............................................ 34
2.1.2 ICFD-B-020120 Support of Implicit Registration ................................................................................ 35
2.2 ICFD-B-020200 Charging .............................................................................................................................. 36
2.2.1 ICFD-B-020210 Support of Charging Addresses ................................................................................. 36
2.3 ICFD-B-020300 Support of Protocol Interfaces ............................................................................................ 37
2.3.1 ICFD-B-020310 Support of the Cx Interface ........................................................................................ 37
2.3.2 ICFD-B-020320 Support of the Sh Interface ........................................................................................ 38
2.3.3 ICFD-B-020330 Support of the Gi Interface ........................................................................................ 38
2.3.4 ICFD-B-020340 Support of the Si Interface ......................................................................................... 39
2.3.5 ICFD-B-020350 Support of the MAP Interface .................................................................................... 40
2.4 ICFD-B-020400 Restriction and Barring ....................................................................................................... 41
2.4.1 ICFD-B-020410 Subscriber Barring ..................................................................................................... 41
2.4.2 ICFD-B-020420 Registration Restriction ............................................................................................. 42
2.5 ICFD-B-020500 Roaming and Interconnection ............................................................................................. 42
2.5.1 ICFD-B-020510 IMS Roaming Restriction .......................................................................................... 43
2.6 ICFD-B-020800 Enhanced Subscriber Tracing Function .............................................................................. 44

3 MI5SHBEBSW01 HSS9820 V900R009 HSS BE Basic Software.......................................... 46

3.1 ICFD-B-020600 Subscription Data Management Function ........................................................................... 46
3.1.1 ICFD-B-020610 Subscription ID Management .................................................................................... 46
3.1.2 ICFD-B-020620 Subscription Data Management ................................................................................. 47
3.1.3 ICFD-B-020630 Template Management ............................................................................................... 47
3.2 ICFD-B-020700 Support of HTTP/SIP Digest Authentication ...................................................................... 49

4 MI5SSLFBSW01 HSS9820 V900R009 SLF FE Basic Software ............................................ 51

4.1 ICFD-B-030100 Support of Protocol Interfaces ............................................................................................ 52
4.1.1 I CFD-B-030110 Support of the Dx Interface ....................................................................................... 52
4.1.2 I CFD-B-030120 Support of the Dh Interface ...................................................................................... 53

5 MI5SSBEBSW01 HSS9820 V900R009 SLF BE Basic Software............................................ 54

5.1 ICFD-B-030200 Subscription Data Management Function ........................................................................... 54
5.1.1 ICFD-B-030210 Subscription Management ......................................................................................... 54
5.2 ICFD-B-030221 Providing the MML Interface Between the SLF and the Provisioning System .................. 55

6 Optional Features ........................................................................................................................ 57

6.1 MI5S0PAUTH00 Premium Authentication .................................................................................................... 57
6.1.1 MI5S0PAUTH01 IMS AKA Authentication ......................................................................................... 57
6.1.2 MI5S0PAUTH02 Early AKA Authentication ....................................................................................... 60
6.1.3 MI5S0PAUTH03 Early IMS Authentication......................................................................................... 64
6.1.4 MI5S0PAUTH04 NASS Bundled Authentication................................................................................. 67
6.1.5 MI5S0PAUTH05 Trusted Access Authentication ................................................................................. 69
6.1.6 MI5S0PAUTH06 CAVE AKA Authentication ...................................................................................... 70
6.2 MI5S0TDSM000 Transparent Data Storage and Management ...................................................................... 72

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6.3 MI5S0TDSM001 Extra Transparent Data Storage and Management ............................................................ 74
6.4 MI5S0ROAMA00 Roaming Awareness ........................................................................................................ 75
6.4.1 MI5S0ROAMA01 PS/CS Location Information Retrieving ................................................................ 75
6.4.2 MI5S0ROAMA02 NASS State/Location Info Management ................................................................ 76
6.4.3 MI5S0ROAMA03 NASS Nomadism Control Management ................................................................ 76
6.5 MI5S0SMXSP00 Support HSS XML/SOAP interface for provisioning ....................................................... 77
6.6 MI5S0SMXSP01 Support SLF XML/SOAP interface for provisioning ........................................................ 78
6.7 MI5S000GNR00 Geographic Node Redundancy .......................................................................................... 79
6.8 MI5SSCSCFR00 CSCF Data Backup ............................................................................................................ 81
6.9 MI5S0SDETF00 Subscriber Data Export to Text File ................................................................................... 82
6.10 MI5SEIFCSM01 Extra IFC Data Storage and Management........................................................................ 83
6.11 MI5S0MTDPI00 Managing Transparent Data via Provisioning Interface ................................................... 84
6.12 MI5S0CAMEL00 IM-SSF CAMEL subscriber ........................................................................................... 85
6.13 MI5S00SPUI00 Shared Public User Identities ............................................................................................. 86
6.14 MI5S000PSI00 Public Service Identities ..................................................................................................... 87
6.15 MI5S000NTF00 Sh interface supports Notif-Eff featurefeature .................................................................. 90

7 Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 91

1 MI5S000BSW00 HSS9820 V900R009 Basic


1.1 ICFD-B-010100 Support of Protocols

1.1.1 ICFD-B-010110 Support of Diameter
The HSS9820 supports the DIAMETER protocol in compliance with the standards IETF RFC
3588, 3GPP TS 29.228, 3GPP TS 29.229, 3GPP TS 29.328, and 3GPP TS 29.329.

I. ICFD-B-010111 Support of Diameter over SCTP


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.

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IETF RFC 3588, 3GPP TS 29.228, 3GPP TS 29.229, 3GPP TS 29.328, and 3GPP TS 29.329


The HSS9820 can communicate with other devices through Diameter over SCTP.


 For carriers
This feature helps carriers meet diverse requirements for networking.
 For subscribers


The Diameter protocol is defined as the next-generation Authentication, Authorization and

Accounting (AAA) standard by the AAA working group of the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF). The Diameter protocol supports authentication, authorization, and accounting
of the mobile IP, NAS request, and mobile agent. Similar to the Radius protocol, the Diameter
protocol is implemented through Attribute-Value-Pair (AVP), namely, a triplet of
Attribute-Length-Value. The Diameter protocol is a future-proof AAA protocol tailored for
future communication systems.
The HSS9820 can communicate with other devices over the Cx and Sh interfaces, where the
messages are transmitted through Diameter over SCTP.


The HSS implements this feature in compliance with the standard protocol. The
implementation of this feature, however, requires the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no
special requirement for the peer NEs.

II. ICFD-B-010112 Support of Diameter over TCP


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.


IETF RFC 3588, 3GPP TS 29.228, 3GPP TS 29.229, 3GPP TS 29.328, and 3GPP TS 29.329


The HSS9820 can communicate with other devices through Diameter over TCP.

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 For carriers
This feature helps carriers meet diverse requirements for networking.
 For subscribers


The Diameter protocol is defined as the next-generation Authentication, Authorization and

Accounting (AAA) standard by the AAA working group of the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF). The Diameter protocol supports authentication, authorization, and accounting
of the mobile IP, NAS request, and mobile agent. Similar to the Radius protocol, the Diameter
protocol is implemented through Attribute-Value-Pair (AVP), namely, a triplet of
Attribute-Length-Value. The Diameter protocol is a future-proof AAA protocol tailored for
future communication systems.
The HSS9820 can communicate with other devices over the Cx and Sh interfaces, where the
messages are transmitted through Diameter over TCP.


The HSS implements this feature in compliance with the standard protocol. The
implementation of this feature, however, requires the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no
special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.1.2 ICFD-B-010120 Support of Radius

The HSS9820 supports the RADIUS protocol in compliance with the standards IETF RFC
2865 and 3GPP TS 29.061, and 3GPP 33.978.

I. ICFD-B-010121 Support of RADIUS over UDP


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.


IETF RFC 2865, 3GPP TS 29.061, and 3GPP 33.978


The HSS9820 can communicate with other devices through Radius over UDP.


 For carriers

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This feature helps carriers meet diverse requirements for networking.
 For subscribers


The Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (Radius) protocol, which is defined in
RFC2865 and RFC2866, is the most widely used AAA protocol. The Radius protocol supports
flexible authentication mechanisms, such as PAP, CHAP, and UNIX login. Because the
RADIUS protocol is easy to implement and extend, it is widely used in dial-up access, ADSL
access, IP phones, Virtual Private Dialup Networks (VPDN), and mobile phone prepaid
The HSS9820 can communicate with other devices over the Gi interface, where the messages
are transmitted through Radius over UDP.


The HSS implements this feature in compliance with the standard protocol. The
implementation of this feature, however, requires the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no
special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.1.3 ICFD-B-010130 Support of SIGTRAN

The HSS9820 supports the SIGTRAN protocol stack, including the M3UA layer, SCCP layer,
and TCAP layer.

I. ICFD-B-010131 Support of SIGTRAN over SCTP


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.


3GPP TS23.278 and 3GPP TS29.002


The HSS9820 can communicate with other devices through SIGTRAN over SCTP.


 For carriers
This feature helps carriers meet diverse requirements for networking.
 For subscribers

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SIGTRAN, which is defined by the SIGTRAN working group of the IETF, is a transport
control protocol used to carry PSTN signaling over IP. The SIGTRAN protocol supports
standard primitives to interface with PSTN signaling applications and uses a standard IP
transport protocol to meet transport requirements for PSTN signaling. It is widely used in
The HSS9820 can communicate with other devices over the Si and MAP interfaces, where the
messages are transmitted through SIGTRAN over SCTP.


The HSS implements this feature in compliance with the standard protocol. The
implementation of this feature, however, requires the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no
special requirement for the peer NEs.

II. ICFD-B-010132 Support of MAP


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.


3GPP TS23.278 and 3GPP TS29.002


The HSS9820 can communicate with other devices through MAP.


 For carriers
This feature helps carriers meet diverse requirements for networking.
 For subscribers


The HSS supports the MAP protocol, including MAP Phase 2+ protocol, MAP Phase 2
protocol, and MAP Phase 1 protocol.
The HSS9820 can communicate with other devices over the Si and MAP interfaces, where the
messages are transmitted through MAP.

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The HSS implements this feature in compliance with the standard protocol. The
implementation of this feature, however, requires the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no
special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.1.4 ICFD-B-010140 Support of SCTP Multi-Homing


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




In IP networking, the HSS9820 provides the SCTP multi-homing function, which improves
the reliability of the IP network.


 For carriers
This feature helps the carriers to improve the reliability of the IP network, ensure
uninterrupted service provisioning, and improve the customer satisfaction.
 For subscribers


In IP networking, the HSS9820 provides the SCTP multi-homing function, which allows two
source addresses and two destination addresses to be configured for two SCTP endpoints, that
is, the HSS and the peer device. The source addresses can be configured on the same board or
on different boards. Thus, multiple paths, which are assigned different priorities, are
established. The source addresses and destination addresses can be configured in different
network segments and used to connect different network devices. Thus, single-point failure is
eliminated from the SCTP association, and the reliability of the IP network is improved.


The HSS implements this feature in compliance with the standard protocol. The
implementation of this feature, however, requires the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no
special requirement for the peer NEs.

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1.2 ICFD-B-010200 Routing and Addressing
The HSS9820 implements the routing and addressing functions based on IMPI or IMPU.

1.2.1 ICFD-B-010210 Support of IMPI


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.


3GPP 23.228


The HSS9820 allows the carriers to configure multiple IP Multimedia Private Identities
(IMPIs) for each subscription.


 For carriers
This feature allows the carriers to make calls on different terminals by using the same
number. It also allows the mobile terminal and fixed terminal to be associated with the
same number.
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 supports the IMPI. One IMPI is associated with one physical UE and one
security context at the network side. Every IMS subscriber has one or more IMPIs. The IMPI
can be used for network registration and authentication, and it can be also used for subscriber
management and charging.


The HSS implements this feature in compliance with the standard protocol. There is no
special requirement for the peer NEs.

I. ICFD-B-010211 Support of the IMPI in NAI Format


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.

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RFC 2486


The HSS9820 supports the IMPI in Network Access Identifier (NAI) format defined in RFC


 For carriers
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 supports the IMPI in NAI format defined in RFC 2486.
nai = username / ( username "@" realm )
For example,


The HSS implements this feature in compliance with the standard protocol. There is no
special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.2.2 ICFD-B-010220 Support of IMPU

The HSS9820 supports the IMS Public User Identity (IMPU).
Every IMS subscriber has one or more IMPUs. The IMPU is the public user identity used to
communicate with other users. For example, the IMPU might be included on a business card.

I. ICFD-B-010221 Support of the IMPU in SIP URI Format


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.


RFC 3261

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The HSS9820 supports the IMPU in SIP Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) format defined in
RFC 3261.


 For carriers
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 supports the IMPU in SIP URI format defined in RFC 3261. The IMPU in SIP
URI format is as follows:
SIP-URI = "sip:" username"@"host:port
For example,


The HSS implements this feature in compliance with the standard protocol. There is no
special requirement for the peer NEs.

II. ICFD-B-010222 Support of the IMPU in E.164/TEL URI format


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.


RFC 3261


The HSS9820 supports the IMPU in E.164 or TEL URI format defined in RFC 3261.


 For carriers
 For subscribers

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The HSS9820 supports the IMPU in TEL URI format defined in RFC 3261.
telephone-uri = "tel:" telephone-subscriber
For example, tel: +8677998877.


The HSS implements this feature in compliance with the standard protocol. There is no
special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.3 ICFD-B-010300 Support of IP

The HSS9820 supports the access to the IMS network by using different IP addresses.

1.3.1 ICFD-B-010310 Support of IPv4 Addresses


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.


RFC 791


The HSS9820 supports the access to the IMS network by using the IPv4 addresses.


 For carriers
 For subscribers


The TCP/IP suite is the set of communications protocols used for the Internet. IP is in the
Internet layer and is one of the most important protocols in the TCP/IP suite. Internet Protocol
version 6 (IPv6) is used at present, and it has been used for over 30 years. IPv4 uses 32-bit
addresses, which limits the number of addresses to 4,294,967,295 (232-1).
The HSS9820 supports the access to the IMS network by using the IPv4 addresses.

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The HSS implements this feature in compliance with the standard protocol. There is no
special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.4 ICFD-B-010400 Operation and Maintenance

The HSS9820 adopts distributed architecture design and supports independent service
processing and data processing. The entire system can be divided into the service part (also
known as the front end or FE) and the data part (also known as the back end or BE). The FE
processes the service logic without storing any data. The BE stores subscriber data and
provides data services. The FE and the BE can be independently operated and maintained
through different BAMs.

1.4.1 ICFD-B-010410 Device Management

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006C03.


The HSS9820 consists of the FE and the BE. The system provides the device management
function to operate and maintain the FE and the BE independently.

 For carriers
Operation and maintenance functions of the FE and the BE comprise device management,
fault management, and configuration management. The improved device management
capability can help the carrier reduce the operation expenditure (OPEX).
 For subscribers

The HSS9820 supports independent service processing and data processing. The entire system
can be divided into the FE and the BE. The FE processes the service logic without storing any
data. The BE stores subscriber data and provides data services.
The system provides the device management function to operate and maintain the FE and the
BE independently. Device management involves software and hardware management, such
 Supporting board reset, switchover, and loading functions

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 Loading, activating, and deactivating software patches
 Providing running logs
The running logs help to identify the fault when a fault occurs.

The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.4.2 ICFD-B-010420 Fault Management

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006C03.


The HSS9820 provides alarm information output. It can report exceptions that occur during
the system running. The alarms can be output in two modes, that is, through the alarm
maintenance terminal or through the alarm box.

 For carriers
This feature enables the carrier to learn about the problems in the HSS9820 and take
preventive measures accordingly. Fault management provides details on the exceptions that
occur on the equipment and helps the carrier identify the fault cause. Then, the carrier can
rectify the fault or take preventive measures for the fault in time. Thus, the stability of the
system can be ensured.
 For subscribers

The FE and BE of the HSS9820 support fault detection and report of fault alarms.
The HSS9820 enables the carrier to implement the following alarm management operations:
 Query alarm information at any time, and specify alarm severity, alarm type, or alarm
time to query alarms.
 Conveniently learn about each alarm based on explanatory information contained in the
alarm. Then, the carrier can take corresponding measures to clear the alarm.
 Enable/disable alarm shielding manually.
When a fault occurs, the HSS9820 can report the alarm information to the maintenance
terminal or the alarm box. When an alarm is reported, the alarm box generates siren to remind
the maintenance personnel.

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The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.4.3 ICFD-B-010430 Configuration Management

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006C03.


The HSS9820 supports independent configuration management of the BE and FE.

 For carriers
This feature facilitates maintenance and helps the carrier to reduce the O&M cost.
 For subscribers

The HSS adopts distributed architecture of the FE and BE, which realizes independent service
processing and data processing. The FE and BE are connected to the OMS2600 over the IP
network. During routine maintenance, the FE and BE can be managed by the OMS2600

The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.4.4 ICFD-B-010440 Performance Management

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006C03.


The HSS9820 supports various activities of performance measurement and data collection
conducted through the performance management tool. This helps the carrier observe the

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operating status of the network flexibly and optimize the network based on the performance
measurement results.

 For carriers
This feature enables the carrier to collect performance measurement data, monitor the
operating status of the equipment, and optimize the network.
 For subscribers

Performance management refers to a series of measurement activities conducted on a device
and the ambient communication networks. The measurement activities include traffic
measurement, system resource measurement, signaling procedure measurement, and failure
cause measurement.
Performance management of the HSS9820 refers to the traffic measurement of the FE and BE,
involving link status, messages, message types, success ratio, and failure ratio.

The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.4.5 ICFD-B-010450 Log Management

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006C03.


The HSS9820 provides detailed log information about user operations and equipment

 For carriers
This feature provides the carrier with a means of checking and auditing the commands that
have been executed.
 For subscribers

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The HSS9820 provides detailed log information about user operations and equipment
The HSS9820 provides the following functions:
 Providing direct view of log information and explanation and analysis for non-viewable
 Filtering the debugging information in logs to facilitate fault identification

The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.5 ICFD-B-010500 Redundancy and Reliability

The HSS9820 adopts a high reliability design to avoid single-point failures. The reliability of
the system exceeds 99.999%.
The HSS9820 adopts the following redundancy mechanisms:
 Board redundancy
 Interface redundancy
 Support of multiple virtual IP addresses
 Support of multiple signaling links

1.5.1 ICFD-B-010511 Automatic or Manual

Switchover When a Board Fails

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006C03.




When a board of the HSS9820 fails, the other board that works with the faulty board in
load-sharing mode can take over the services of the faulty board after an automatic or manual
switchover is performed. Thus, the adverse impact caused by the board fault can be


 For carriers

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This feature enhances the system reliability and shortens the failure duration. Thus, it helps
the carrier improve customer satisfaction.
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 adopts 1+1 load-sharing redundancy mechanism. When a board of the
HSS9820 fails, the other board can take over the services of the faulty board after an
automatic or manual switchover is performed. Thus, the adverse impact caused by the board
fault can be minimized.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.5.2 ICFD-B-010520 Interface Redundancy

The HSS9820 provides two types of interfaces: physical interface and logical interface. Each
type of interfaces can work in active/standby mode.

I. ICFD-B-010521 Support of Multiple IP Addresses


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006C03.




The HSS9820 allows multiple IP addresses to be configured for one Gigabit physical network


 For carriers
This feature enhances the system reliability and shortens the failure duration. Thus, it helps
the carrier improve customer satisfaction.
 For subscribers

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The HSS9820 allows multiple IP addresses to be configured for one Gigabit physical network
adapter. In this way, multiple originating addresses and destination addresses can be
configured for an IP link. If one of the IP addresses configured for a link becomes unavailable,
the other IP addresses can be used for communication. Thus, the link is protected against
single-point failures, and the reliability of the IP network is improved.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. The implementation of this feature, however, requires
the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

II. ICFD-B-010522 Support of Multiple Signaling Links


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.




The HSS9820 allows multiple signaling links to be configured between the HSS9820 and the
peer NE.


 For carriers
This feature enhances the system reliability and shortens the failure duration. Thus, it helps
the carrier improve customer satisfaction.
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 allows multiple signaling links to be configured between the HSS9820 and the
peer NE. These links can work in load-sharing or active/standby mode. If a link between the
HSS and the peer NE fails, the other links can take over the services of the faulty link. Thus,
the system reliability is improved.

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The HSS is integrated with this feature. The implementation of this feature, however, requires
the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

III. ICFD-B-010523 GE Interface Redundancy


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




The HSS9820 supports redundancy of Gigabit Ethernet (GE) interfaces.


 For carriers
This feature enhances the system reliability and shortens the failure duration. Thus, it helps
the carrier improve customer satisfaction.
 For subscribers


The GE interfaces of the HSS9820 that are used to communicate with a peer NE work in
active/standby mode. If an active interface fails, the system can automatically switch the
services of the faulty interface to the standby interface after detecting the interface fault. In
this way, the system reliability is improved.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. The implementation of this feature, however, requires
the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.5.3 ICFD-B-010530 One Logic Interface Shared by

Multiple Physical Network Adapters

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.

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The HSS9820 allows multiple physical network adapters to share one logical interface.


 For carriers
This feature enhances the system reliability and shortens the failure duration. Thus, it helps
the carrier improve customer satisfaction.
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 allows multiple Gigabit physical network adapters to be configured with one IP
address. In this way, multiple physical paths can be set up for one logical link. If a network
adapter fails, the service processing of the logical link is not affected. Thus, the link is
protected against single-point failures, and the reliability of the IP network is improved.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. The implementation of this feature, however, requires
the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.5.4 ICFD-B-010540 One Physical Interface Shared

by Multiple Logic Interfaces

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.




The HSS9820 allows multiple logical interfaces to share one physical network adapter.

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 For carriers
This feature helps the carrier to implement flexible networking, and thus reduce the hardware
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 allows multiple IP addresses to be configured for one Gigabit physical network
adapter. In this way, multiple logical links can be set up over one physical path. Normally,
only one logical link is configured on a Gigabit physical network adapter for communication
with the peer NE. If the Gigabit physical network adapters are insufficient, multiple logical
links can be configured on a Gigabit physical network adapter.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. The implementation of this feature, however, requires
the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.5.5 ICFD-B-010550 Hard Disk Redundancy


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.




The HSS9820 supports the redundancy of the hard disk. The HSS9820 allows the hard disks
in a disk array to work in Raid 1+Raid 0 mode, thus enhancing the security of the backup data
and the reliability of the system.


 For carriers
This feature enhances the security of the subscriber data and the reliability of system. If an
exception occurs, the redundancy hard disk can be used to restore the data. In this way, the
adverse impact caused by the exception can be minimized. This feature helps the carrier
improve customer satisfaction.
 For subscribers

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The HSS9820 supports the redundancy of the hard disk. To secure the subscriber data, the
HSS backs up the subscriber data stored in the board memory to the disk array. The hard disks
in the disk array work in Raid 1+Raid 0 mode, thus enhancing the security of the backup data
and the reliability of the system.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.6 ICFD-B-010600 Separated Deployment of the BE and


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006.




The HSS9820 adopts independent service processing and data processing. The entire system
can be divided into the FE and BE. The FE processes the service logic without storing any
data. The BE stores subscriber data and provides data services.


 For carriers
The service layer is independent of the data layer. This improves the reliability and scalability
of the entire system and helps to achieve load sharing. The data layer implements the
redundancy function on its own without the support of any additional devices. This improves
network reliability and reduces cost. In addition, the separated deployment of the service and
data parts facilitates the HSS to incorporate with the HLR, thus helping to launch more
 For subscribers

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Logically, the HSS9820 consists of the HSS-BE and the HSS-FE, which implement
independent service processing and data processing.Independent service processing and
data processing

The FE and BE implement the following functions:

 The FE processes service logics. The HSS-FEs can work in active/standby mode or
load-sharing mode.
 The BE stores subscriber data. The BEs work in 1+1 mode to ensure reliable data storage
and efficient data reading and writing.
 The FE and BE communicate with each other over standard interfaces.
 The FE and BE support the seamless geographic redundancy.
 The FE and BE can be upgraded or expanded independently.
Separated deployment of the FE and BE has the following advantages:More flexible
The FE and BE can be deployed in different places. Thus, carriers can determine the
number and location of BEs and FEs based on the population distribution and
geographical conditions.
 Enhanced system compatibility
The BE provides standard and open data access interfaces, through which the third-party
equipment can access the HSS9820.
 Smooth evolution towards the unified subscriber center (USC)
 Flexible scalability and seamless upgrade capability


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

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1.6.1 ICFD-B-010610 Support of Memory Data


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006.




With the in-memory data management technology, the HSS stores all the subscriber data in
the memory, and the hard disks are used only for permanent storage. This technology enables
the HSS to feature in higher reliability and fast processing speed.


 For carriers
The in-memory data management technology prevents adverse impact on the system
reliability in the case of a hard disk fault. It facilitates the system to provide services stably
and thus helps the carrier improve customer satisfaction.
 For subscribers


The memory manages all the subscriber data stored in the HSS9820. The board memory
accomplishes the data query and data modification involved in service processing. The
external storage device (such as the disk array) of boards only provides permanent storage of
data. It is independent of service processing.
The in-memory data management provides the following advantages:
 The service processing is independent of the external data storage device. If the external
data storage device fails, the service processing is not adversely affected.
 Compared with the data management in the hard disk, the in-memory data management
features higher throughput and shorter time delay. It greatly enhances the system
performance, especially for large-capacity systems.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

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1.6.2 ICFD-B-010620 Distributed Design of Software


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006.




The HSS9820 adopts a distributed design for software modules. The distributed structure
allows multiple functional entities that are identical in a system to work in load-sharing mode
to implement a certain function. The most distinguished feature of the distributed structure is
resource sharing in the system. When a functional entity fails, the load of the faulty entity is
automatically switched over to other functional entities. Thus, the service provisioning of the
entire system is not adversely affected.


 For carriers
This feature enables the carrier to enhance the system reliability. It ensures uninterrupted
service provisioning and thus helps the carrier improve customer satisfaction.
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 adopts a distributed architecture. It logically consists of the following

functional layers:
 Service processing layer
 Data service layer
Each layer adopts a distributed structure, as shown in the following figure.

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The service processing layer consists of the HSS Signaling Function (HSCF) and the HSS
Control Function (HCF). This layer is also known as the front end (FE), which leads in
signaling messages and processes service logic.
The data service layer consists of the Data Routing Unit (DRU) and the Data Service Unit
(DSU). This layer is also known as the back end (BE), which stores subscriber data and
provides data service.
In addition, the HSS9820 adopts a highly reliable commercialized database management
system and a disk array to provide permanent storage of subscriber data. The hard disks of the
disk array adopt RAID technology and hot spare disks to ensure the security of subscriber
The distributed software architecture protects the system against single-point failures and
improves the system reliability.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.6.3 ICFD-B-010630 Support of Data Consistency Check


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006C03.




The HSS9820 provides the data consistency check to detect data inconsistency and
automatically synchronize the data to ensure data consistency.

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 For carriers
This feature ensures the correctness of subscriber data in the case of data restore, thus
ensuring the reliability of the system.
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 provides the data consistency check to detect data inconsistency and
automatically synchronize the data to ensure data consistency. The data consistency check
consists of the following:
 Data consistency check performed on the master and slave nodes of an HSS
 Data consistency check performed on the in-memory database and disk array of an HSS
 Data consistency check performed on the active and redundancy HSSs if the seamless
geographic redundancy solution is adopted


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.6.4 ICFD-B-010640 Subscriber Data Distributed Across

Multiple Clusters


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006C03.




The HSS9820 adopts distributed storage of subscriber data. The distributed structure allows
multiple functional entities that are identical in a system to work in load-sharing mode to
implement a certain function. The most distinguished feature of the distributed structure is
resource sharing in the system. When a functional entity fails, the load of the faulty entity is
automatically switched over to other functional entities. Thus, the service provisioning of the
entire system is not adversely affected.


 For carriers

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This feature secures the subscriber data and enables the carrier to enhance the system
reliability. It ensures uninterrupted service provisioning and thus helps the carrier improve
customer satisfaction.
 For subscribers


Subscriber data is important for carriers. In the HSS, the DSU stores the subscriber data and
works with the DRU to provide data services to the upper layer.
The HSS uses multiple DSU clusters to store subscriber data. The DSU clusters store
subscriber data based on the load-balancing strategy. All the DSU nodes in a DSU cluster
store the same subscriber data and work in load-sharing mode. A single-point failure of the
DSU does not affect service provisioning.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.6.5 ICFD-B-010650 Automatic Load Balancing Among



This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006.




During the running of the HSS, the load among boards may be unbalanced because different
boards process different services and the boards of the same type process different number of
service messages.
The HSS9820 adopts software technologies to implement automatic load balancing among the
boards of the same type. This improves the system stability and reliability.


 For carriers
This feature protects the system against faults caused by overloaded boards. This improves
the system reliability.
 For subscribers

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During the running of the HSS, the load among boards may be unbalanced because different
boards process different services and the boards of the same type process different number of
service messages.
The HSS9820 adopts software technologies to implement automatic load balancing among the
boards of the same type. This improves the system stability and reliability.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

1.7 ICFD-B-010700 Multi-Level Data Backup and


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006.




The HSS9820 adopts the multi-level data backup and recovery mechanism.


 For carriers
This feature enhances the system reliability. It adopts the multi-level data backup and
recovery mechanism to ensure the security of subscriber data. In case of an unexpected failure,
this feature allows the subscriber data to be restored immediately to avoid further loss.
 For subscribers


The HSS adopts the multi-level data backup and recovery mechanism. This mechanism
enables subscriber data to be stored in different physical data storage devices, thus ensuring
the security of subscriber data.

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The multi-level data backup comprises:
 Level-1 backup
 The subscriber data is stored in the memory of different boards. Multiple boards form a
cluster. Each cluster is configured with master and slave nodes. The data of the master
node is synchronized to the slave node on a real-time basis.
 Level-2 backup
The subscriber data stored in the board memory is backed up to the local hard disk of the
board. Two local hard disks work in RAID 1 mode.
 Level-3 backup
The subscriber data stored in the board memory is backed up to the disk array. The hard
disks of the disk array work in RAID mode. Hot spare disks are configured for the hard
The data can be restored in the following ways:
 By using the data stored in the other nodes in the same cluster
 By using the data stored in the local hard disk
 By using the data stored in the disk array


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

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2 MI5SHSSBSW01 HSS9820 V900R009 HSS
FE Basic Software

2.1 ICFD-B-020100 Routing and Addressing

The HSS9820 stores the addressing and routing information of IMS subscribers and delivers
the information upon request.

2.1.1 ICFD-B-020110 Support of One IMPI Associated with

Multiple IMPUs


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




TheHSS9820 allows an IMPI to be associated with multiple IMPUs. Thus, a UE can be

registered by using multiple IMPUs.


 For carriers
This feature facilitates the deployment of the multi-MSISDN service and helps the
carriers to attract more subscribers and improve competitive edge.
 For subscribers
Subscribers can use different identities to register different services.

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One IMPI identifies one UE, and an IMPU identifies the public number used by other users to
contact the user. If the MSISDN of a mobile user is +8613812345678, the IMPI of the user is
associated with IMPU1 +8613812345678 (in TEL URI format). If the user wants to access the
IMS network through the UE, the user can apply for IMPU2
(in SIP URI format). In this way, the IMPI of the user is associated with two IMPUs.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

2.1.2 ICFD-B-020120 Support of Implicit Registration


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




The HSS9820 allows the carriers to set an implicit registration set (IRS) for multiple IMPUs.
If one IMPU in the IRS is registered, the other IMPUs in the IRS are registered automatically.


 For carriers
This feature facilitates the deployment of new services and helps the carriers improve
competitive edge.
 For subscribers
This feature facilitates the registration of subscribers and allows the subscriber to use
services conveniently.

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In the HSS9820, an IRS consists of multiple IMPUs or PUSIs. If one IMPU or PUSI in the
IRS is registered on the HSS, the other IMPUs or PUSIs in the IRS are registered
automatically. Assume that an IMPI is associated with two IMPUs (namely, in SIP URI format and tel:+86779988667 in TEL URI format) and the
two IMPUs belong to the same IRS. If tel:+86779988667 is registered,
is registered automatically and can be used for setting up session.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

2.2 ICFD-B-020200 Charging

2.2.1 ICFD-B-020210 Support of Charging Addresses


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




The HSS9820 supports the IMS charging schemes defined in 3GPP. It stores the charging
address information for subscribers.


 For carriers
This feature enables the carriers to specify different types of charging addresses to
different types of users.
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 allows the carriers to user different types of charging addresses: Primary Event
Charging Function Name (PECF), Secondary Event Charging Function Name (SECF),
Primary Charging Collection Function Name (PCCF), and Secondary Charging Collection
Function Name (PCCF).

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The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

2.3 ICFD-B-020300 Support of Protocol Interfaces

The HSS9820 provides the following interfaces:
 Cx interface between the I-CSCF or S-CSCF and the HSS
 Sh interface between the AS and the HSS
 Si interface between the IM-SSF and the HSS
 Gi interface between the GGSN and the HSS
 MAP interface between the HLR and the HSS

2.3.1 ICFD-B-020310 Support of the Cx Interface


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.


3GPP TS29 228 and 3GPP TS29 229


The HSS9820 can communicate with the I-CSCF or S-CSCF over the Cx interface.


 For carriers
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 can implement the procedures such as initial registration, deregistration,
authentication, and LIR/LIA in cooperation with the I-CSCF or S-CSCF over the Cx interface.

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The HSS is integrated with this feature. The implementation of this feature, however, requires
the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

2.3.2 ICFD-B-020320 Support of the Sh Interface


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.


3GPP TS29.328 and 3GPP TS 29.329


The HSS9820 can communicate with various types of ASs over the Sh interface.


 For carriers
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 can communicate with the AS over the Sh interface. The Sh interface allows
the AS to request for or subscribe to the subscription data from the HSS and store the service
data to the HSS. It also allows the HSS to deliver the message that notifies the data change to
the AS.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. The implementation of this feature, however, requires
the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

2.3.3 ICFD-B-020330 Support of the Gi Interface


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.

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3GPP TS 33.978


The HSS9820 can communicate with the GGSN over the Gi interface.


 For carriers
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 can communicate with the GGSN over the Gi interface. Through the Gi
interface, the GGSN stores the IP addresses, which are allocated to the UMTS subscribers in
the PS domain, in the HSS. The GGSN and the HSS implement the Early IMS Security of


The HSS is integrated with this feature. The implementation of this feature, however, requires
the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

2.3.4 ICFD-B-020340 Support of the Si Interface


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.


3GPP TS23.278


The HSS9820 can communicate with the IM-SSF over the Si interface.


 For carriers

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 For subscribers


The HSS9820 can communicate with the IM-SSF over the Si interface. Through the Si
interface, the IM-SSF requests the CAMEL data from the HSS and the HSS sends the data
change notification to the IM-SSF.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. The implementation of this feature, however, requires
the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

2.3.5 ICFD-B-020350 Support of the MAP Interface

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.

3GPP TS29.002

The HSS9820 can serve as the VLR that obtains the authentication vector and the subscriber
location information in the PS/CS domain from the HLR.

 For carriers
 For subscribers

The HSS9820 can communicate with the HLR through the MAP protocol and obtain the
authentication data, status, and location information of the subscribers in the CS or PS

The HSS is integrated with this feature. The implementation of this feature, however, requires
the cooperation of the peer NEs. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

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2.4 ICFD-B-020400 Restriction and Barring
The HSS9820 supports the registration restriction and subscriber barring, that is, the HSS9820
allows the carriers to set the registration and barring status of subscribers and to check the
registration and barring status of subscribers during the registration.
 Registration restriction: This feature allows the carrier to prevent a subscriber from being
registered with the network. Only the authorized subscribers can be registered
 Subscriber barring: This feature allows the carrier to prevent a subscriber from using
IMS services. Only the subscribers who are not barred can use the IMS services.

2.4.1 ICFD-B-020410 Subscriber Barring


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




The HSS9820 supports the subscriber barring.


 For carriers
The feature expands the business scope for the carrier and increases service benefits.
 For subscribers
This feature allows a subscriber to bar calls in different ways.


The information about subscriber barring status is configured on the provisioning system and
is stored in the HSS. The HSS delivers the service code and status information to the S-CSCF
that serves the subscriber. Then, the S-CSCF implements the call barring function. After a
subscriber is barred, the subscriber cannot be registered with the network of the carrier. The
subscriber can be registered with the network only after the subscriber is not barred.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

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2.4.2 ICFD-B-020420 Registration Restriction


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




The HSS9820 supports registration restriction.


 For carriers
The feature expands the business scope for the carrier.
 For subscribers


The registration restriction feature enables the carrier to restrict a subscriber from being
registered with the IMS network. Only the authorized subscriber can be registered with the


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

2.5 ICFD-B-020500 Roaming and Interconnection

The HSS9820 allows the carriers to check the roaming restriction of a subscriber.
During a registration procedure, the HSS9820 checks whether the subscriber can roam in the
IMS network based on the IMS roaming address list subscribed by the subscriber. This
facilitates the carrier to flexibly deploy services in different areas.

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2.5.1 ICFD-B-020510 IMS Roaming Restriction


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




The roaming restriction feature allows carriers to configure data and perform operations on
the HSS to restrict the roaming range for subscribers. This feature helps the carrier manage
subscriber mobility.


 For carriers
The feature allows the carrier to flexibly control the roaming range of subscribers and to
implement service control of different subscribers. This facilitates the customization and
provision of service packages.
 For subscribers
The feature allows the subscriber to select services based on the actual requirement and
helps subscriber spare unnecessary service charge.


The HSS9820 supports the IMS roaming restriction function that allows the carriers to specify
the IMS networks to which an IMS subscriber can or cannot roam. The HSS stores the
roaming address list and roaming restriction information of subscribers. The HSS can verify
whether a subscriber has the roaming rights by comparing the roaming information stored in
the HSS and that sent from the visited network.

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The following describes the roaming restriction process in which the registration is rejected
because the subscriber is not authorized to roam.
1. A subscriber originates a registration request in the visited network.
2. After the P-CSCF receives the registration request, it forwards the request to the I-CSCF
of the home network.
3. The I-CSCF sends the HSS a User Authorization Request (UAR) message requesting the
4. The HSS queries the roaming right information of the subscriber from the local database.
5. The HSS compares the roaming right information stored in the local database with the
roaming address list contained in the UAR message. If the subscriber is not allowed to
roam, the HSS sends a User Authorization Answer (UAA) message, indicating that the
roaming is not allowed to the I-CSCF.
6. The I-CSCF returns a message indicating that the registration is rejected to the P-CSCF
in the visited network.
7. The P-CSCF returns a message indicating that the registration is rejected to the
The HSS9820 allows the carrier to set roaming restriction rules in a template. After
subscribers subscribe to the template, the carrier can modify the roaming restriction rules for
the subscribers in batches by modifying the roaming restriction rules in the template. This
facilitates the management of the roaming restriction rules of subscribers. The carriers can set
the roaming restriction rules for a subscriber or for all the subscribers managed by an NE.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

2.6 ICFD-B-020800 Enhanced Subscriber Tracing


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.



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The HSS9820 supports the signaling message tracing over an interface, at a certain peer end,
over a connection or for a specified subscriber.


 For carriers
This HSS9820 provides carriers with powerful signaling tracing functions, which
facilities the identification of problems and retrieval of information on a regular basis.
 For subscribers


The HSS consists of the Front End (FE) and the Back End (BE).
The FE provides the signaling tracing function.
The BE provides the FE with the data required for processing services.



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3 MI5SHBEBSW01 HSS9820 V900R009 HSS
BE Basic Software

3.1 ICFD-B-020600 Subscription Data Management

The HSS9820 supports the basic functions of subscription management and subscription data

3.1.1 ICFD-B-020610 Subscription ID Management


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




The HSS9820 supports the subscription ID management.


 For carriers
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 supports the subscription ID management, which involves:

 Adding subscription IDs
 Deleting subscription IDs
 Modifying subscription IDs
 Querying subscription IDs

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The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

3.1.2 ICFD-B-020620 Subscription Data Management


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




The HSS9820 supports the subscription data management.


 For carriers
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 supports the subscription data management, which involves:

 Adding subscription data
 Deleting subscription data
 Modifying subscription data
 Querying subscription data
 Exporting subscription data in real time or regularly


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

3.1.3 ICFD-B-020630 Template Management


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.

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The HSS allows the carrier to configure common service templates to achieve efficient


 For carriers
This feature simplifies the operation for defining subscriptions and in turn improves the
operation efficiency.
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 supports the template management. Template management involves the
following templates:
 Charge address template
 Roaming address template
 NASS nomadic address template
 IMPU template
 PUSI template
 IFC template
 Service profile template
 AKA authentication template
 CSCF capacity template
The HSS allows the carriers to define subscriptions through a template. This simplifies the
subscription definition operations on the provisioning system. After subscribers are provided
with a template, the carriers can modify the attributes for all the subscribers by modifying the
attribute in the template. This greatly simplifies the O&M operations and in turn improves
operation efficiency.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

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3.2 ICFD-B-020700 Support of HTTP/SIP Digest

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




The HSS9820 supports the HTTP/SIP Digest authentication scheme that uses the user name
and password for authentication.


 For carriers
The HTTP/SIP Digest authentication scheme allows UEs that do not support the IMS
AKA or Early IMS authentication scheme to access the IMS network.
 For subscribers


The parameters used for authentication are as follows:

 Digest= MD5(HA1+":"+RAND+":"+HA2)
The parameters are described as follows:

Name Description
realm Specifies the network that performs the authentication.
Method Specifies the message type. Here, this parameter is set to
Digest-URI Indicates the Request-URI in the REGISTER message,
that is, the host name of S-CSCF.
username Specifies the user name.
password Specifies the user password.

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Figure 3-1 Procedure of the HTTP/SIP Digest authentication


Register Register


selection Register


Calculate the HA1



Unauthorised (RAND)
Unauthorised (RAND)
Calculate the Digest based
on the RAND, HA1, and HA2
(Digest) UAA






The procedure of the HTTP/SIP Digest authentication is as follows:

1. The UE initiates a SIP registration request.
2. After receiving the registration request, the P-CSCF sends the request to the I-CSCF.
3. The I-CSCF obtains the capability set of the subscriber from the HSS, identifies the
S-CSCF serving the subscriber based on the capability set, and then sends the
registration request to the S-CSCF.
4. The S-CSCF sends a multimedia authentication request (MAR) message to the HSS to
request the authentication information.
5. After receiving the MAR message, the HSS calculates the HA1 based on the parameters
Digest-Realm, User Name, and Password.

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6. The parameter Digest-Realm is contained in the MAR message, and the parameters User
Name and Password are obtained from the database based on the IMPI.
7. The HSS sends a multimedia authentication answer (MAA) message containing the HA1
to the S-CSCF.
8. The S-CSCF stores the HA1 and generates a RAND number.
9. The S-CSCF passes the RANDom number to the UE through the I-CSCF and P-CSCF.
10. The UE calculates the HA1 and HA2 and then the Digest based on the RAND, HA1, and
HA2. Then, it passes the Digest to the S-CSCF through the I-CSCF and P-CSCF.
11. The S-CSCF calculates the HA2 and then the Digest based on the RAND, HA1, and
HA2. Then, it compares the Digest with the Digest calculated by the UE. The
authentication passes if the Digest calculated by the S-CSCF is the same as the Digest
calculated by the UE.
12. The S-CSCF passes a message indicating authentication success to the UE through the



4 MI5SSLFBSW01 HSS9820 V900R009 SLF

FE Basic Software

The Subscription Locator Function (SLF) is an independent NE in the IMS network. It stores
the mapping between the subscription ID (which can be IMPI, IMPU, IMSI, MSISDN,
PISI, WPUSI, and DPUSI) and the HSS address. It can be integrated with the HSS or
deployed separately. The HSS9820 can provide the SLF function in the IMS network defined
in the 3GPP.
The HSS9820 provides the following basic functions that are applicable to the SLF: basic
protocol support, subscription data management, and service provisioning through the SOAP
The SLF works in re-direct mode. The following figure shows how the SLF finds the
mapping HSS.

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Home Network




3. SLF database


1. After the I-CSCF receives a REGISTER request, it sends a request to the SLF to query
the location of the user's subscription data.
2. The I-CSCF sends a DX_SLF_QUERY to the SLF and includes as parameter the user
identity which is stated in the REGISTER request.
3. The SLF looks up its database for the queried user identity.
4. The SLF answers with the HSS host name in which the user's subscription data can be
5. The I-CSCF can proceed by querying the appropriate HSS.
Huawei SLF can be integrated with the HSS or separately deployed. It is recommended to
deploy the SLF separately to ensure high reliability because the SLF is usually configured
with a large-capacity database to manage the mapping between the subscription IDs and the
HSS IDs of the entire network.

4.1 ICFD-B-030100 Support of Protocol Interfaces

The HSS9820 provides the following interfaces:
 Dx interface between the I-CSCF/S-CSCF and the SLF
 Dh interface between the AS and the SLF

4.1.1 I CFD-B-030110 Support of the Dx Interface


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.

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3GPP TS29.228 and 3GPP TS 29 328


The HSS9820 supports the Dx interface.


 For carriers
 For subscribers


The SLF communicates with the I-CSCF or S-CSCF over the Dx interface. Diameter/SCTP
and Diameter/TCP are used as the transport protocols. The SLF provides the HSS address to
the I-CSCF or S-CSCF.


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

4.1.2 I CFD-B-030120 Support of the Dh Interface


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.


3GPP TS29.328 and 3GPP TS 29 329


The HSS9820 supports the Dh interface.


 For carriers
 For subscribers

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The SLF communicates with the AS over the Dh interface. Diameter/SCTP and
Diameter/TCP are used as the transport protocols. The SLF provides the HSS address to the


The HSS is integrated with this feature. There is no special requirement for the peer NEs.

5 MI5SSBEBSW01 HSS9820 V900R009 SLF

BE Basic Software

5.1 ICFD-B-030200 Subscription Data Management

5.1.1 ICFD-B-030210 Subscription Management


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.



The BE can store the SLF data.

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 For carriers
Carriers can deploy multiple HSSs on the network. This function improves networking
 For subscribers


The BE can store the following SLF-related data:

 Relationship between the IMPIs and the HSSs
 Relationship between the IMPUs and the HSSs
 Relationship between the IMSIs or MSISDNs and the HSSs
The BE also provides MML commands to maintain these relationships. Thus, the HSS can be
correctly located for each subscriber.



5.2 ICFD-B-030221 Providing the MML Interface

Between the SLF and the Provisioning System

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.




The BE provides an MML interface to achieve communication between the SLF and the
provisioning system.


 For carriers
This feature facilitates subscriber data management.

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 For subscribers


The BE provides an MML interface to achieve communication between the SLF and the
provisioning system. This interface facilitates subscriber data management and future


The BE implements this feature in compliance with standard protocols. There is no special
requirement for other NEs.

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HSS9820V900R009C00 Feature Description Internal

6 Optional Features

6.1 MI5S0PAUTH00 Premium Authentication

The premium authentication provides the following authentication functions:
 IMS Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) Authentication
It is an authentication scheme defined in the 3GPP. It allows IMS subscribers to access
the IMS network.
 Early AKA Authentication (EAA) Authentication
It allows the GSM or UMTS subscribers whose authentication data is stored in the HLR
to access the IMS network without changing the authentication data in the SIM or USIM
card when both the HSS and the HLR are deployed on the IMS network.
 Early IMS Authentication (EIA) Authentication
It allows PS subscribers who do not support the IMS AKA authentication scheme to
access the IMS network and thus allowing the IMS network to be compatible with the PS
 NASS Bundled Authentication (NBA) Authentication
It allows fixed network subscribers to access the IMS network through the NASS.
 Trusted Access Authentication (TAA) Authentication
It allows PVS subscribers to access the IMS network without being authenticated.
 CAVE AKA Authentication (CAA) Authentication
It allows soft terminals such as CDMA and Onekey subscribers to access the IMS

6.1.1 MI5S0PAUTH01 IMS AKA Authentication


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.



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The HSS9820 supports the IMS AKA authentication scheme defined in 3GPP TS33.203. This
mechanism can be used for mutual authentication between the IMS network and the UE.


 For carriers
The IMS AKA authentication scheme allows the IMS UEs to access the IMS network.
 For subscribers


The authentication vectors are generated by the HSS, which comprise:

 RAND (Random Number)
 XRES (Expected User Response)
 CK (Cipher Key)
 IK (Integrity Key)
 AUTN (Authentication Token)
Table 6-1 describes the authentication vectors.

Table 6-1 Authentication vectors

Authentication Description
RAND It is provided by the network to a UE. The UE uses the RAND to
calculate the authentication response parameter User Response (RES)
and security parameters IK and CK. The RAND has 16 bytes.
XRES It is the expected response of the network to a UE authentication
request. The XRES is compared with the RES to determine whether the
authentication is successful. The XRES has 4 to 16 bytes.
CK It is used to encrypt the signaling data that is considered to be
confidential, that is, the logical channel, thus securing the data access.
The CK has 16 bytes.
IK It secures the integrity of the signaling data. The IK has 16 bytes.
AUTN It provides information to a UE. Thus, the UE can authenticate a
network. The AUTN has 16 bytes.

Before an IMS subscriber uses the IP multimedia services, ensure that:

 At least one IMPU is registered.
 The IMPI passes the authentication at the IMS application layer.

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The home network authenticates an IMS subscriber during the initial registration of the
Figure 6-1 shows the IMS AKA authentication process.

Figure 6-1 IMS AKA authentication process


Register Register UAR
S-CSCF selection Register

Vector selection

(IMPI, RES) Register


The IMS AKA authentication procedure is as follows:

1. The UE originates a Register request.
2. The Proxy-Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) receives the request and then
forwards it to the Interrogating-Call Session Control Function (I-CSCF).
3. The I-CSCF obtains the capability set of the subscriber from the HSS, identifies the
S-CSCF serving the subscriber based on the capability set, and then sends the
registration request to the S-CSCF.
4. If the S-CSCF does not have valid authentication vectors, the S-CSCF sends a request for
authentication vectors to the HSS. The request contains the required number (m) of
authentication vectors, where m is at least one and at most five. If the S-CSCF has valid
authentication vectors, the S-CSCF proceeds with 11).
5. On receiving the request from the S-CSCF, the HSS sends the authentication vectors to
the S-CSCF.

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6. The S-CSCF selects an authentication vector and sends an Auth_Challenge message to
the I-CSCF. The message contains the IMPI, RAND, AUTN, IK, and CK. The S-CSCF
also stores the RAND for use in case of a synchronization failure.
7. The I-CSCF forwards the Auth_Challenge message to the P-CSCF.
8. On receiving the Auth_Challenge message, the P-CSCF stores the IK and CK and
removes them from the message and forwards the message containing the IMPI, RAND,
and AUTN to the UE.
9. Upon receiving the Auth_Challenge message, the UE obtains the AUTN and calculates
the MAC and XMAC. The XMAC is calculated based on the KI and RAND. Then, the
UE checks whether the XMAC is the same as the MAC and whether the SQN is within
the correct range.

If both checks are successful, the UE completes the authentication towards the network. If the checks
fail, the UE re-initiates a registration procedure and does not proceed with the subsequent operations.

10. The UE uses RES and some other parameters to calculate an authentication response.
This response is put into the Authorization header and sent back to the P-CSCF.
11. On receiving the authentication response, the P-CSCF forwards the authentication
response to the I-CSCF. The I-CSCF obtains the address of the S-CSCF serving the
subscriber, and then sends the authentication response to the S-CSCF.
12. On receiving the authentication response, the S-CSCF checks whether the expected
XRES is the same as the received authentication response.
13. If the check is successful, the UE passes the authentication and the IMPU is registered in
the S-CSCF.
14. If the check fails, the UE fails to pass the authentication. The S-CSCF rejects the request
by sending a 403 Forbidden response to the UE and does not proceed with the
subsequent operations.
15. The S-CSCF sends an SAR message to the HSS. Then, the HSS updates the registration
state of the UE.
16. The S-CSCF sends an OK message indicating authentication success to the UE through
the I-CSCF and P-CSCF.



6.1.2 MI5S0PAUTH02 Early AKA Authentication


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.



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The HSS9820 supports the SIM/USIM authentication scheme that uses the SIM or USIM card
for authentication.


 For carriers
The SIM/USIM authentication scheme allows the GSM or UMTS subscribers to access
the IMS network without changing the authentication data in the SIM or USIM card. The
scheme does not require authentication data to be added again on the IMS network. This
helps prevent repetitive definition of subscribers and decrease the difficulty in BOSS
 For subscribers


On a network that connects to the HSS and the HLR, the data of different subscribers is saved
on the HSS and HLR. The HSS saves only the data of IMS subscribers, such as the IMPIs and
IMPUs of GSM or UMTS subscribers, whereas the HLR saves only the data of PS or CS
subscribers, such as the IMSI, MSISDN, and authentication data.
When a PS or CS subscriber sends a registration request to the IMS network, the HSS
requests the HLR for authentication vectors and then forwards the vectors to the S-CSCF.
This requires that the HSS be able to find the corresponding IMSI of the PS or CS subscriber
based on the IMPI or IMPU and to send a Mobile Application Part (MAP) request to the HLR
for authentication vectors.
The HLR responds with authentication vectors in triplets in the GSM network and in quintets
in the UMTS network. This scheme is termed Early AKA authentication.
Figure 6-2 shows the Early AKA authentication process.

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Figure 6-2 Early AKA authentication process

Visited Network Home Network



S-CSCF selection


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The Early AKA authentication process is as follows:
1. The UE sends a registration request to the P-CSCF.
2. On receiving the registration request, the P-CSCF forwards the request to the I-CSCF.
3. The I-CSCF obtains the address of the S-CSCF from the HSS and then forwards the
registration request to the S-CSCF.
4. On receiving the request, the S-CSCF sends an MAR message to the HSS.
5. Based on Authentication-Scheme AVP in the MAR message, the HSS determines that the
Early AKA authentication is used. Then, it detects the IMSI based on the IMPI and sends
the HLR a MAP_SAI_REQ message to request for authentication vectors.
6. The HLR sends the authentication vectors to the HSS through a MAP_SAI_RSP
7. The HSS sends the obtained authentication vectors to the S-CSCF through an MAA

The MAA message can carry only authentication quintets.

 If the HLR returns the authentication triplets, the HSS converts the triplets into quintets and then
sends the quintets to the S-CSCF through the MAA message.
 If the HLR returns the authentication quintets, the HSS directly sends the quintets to the S-CSCF
through the MAA message.

8. Based on the principle of First In First Out, the S-CSCF selects one authentication vector
to send an authentication request to the I-CSCF.
9. The I-CSCF forwards the authentication request to the P-CSCF.
10. On receiving the request, the P-CSCF saves the IK and CK, and then sends the request to
the UE.
11. On receiving the request, the UE uses the AUTN to authenticate the IMS network. (The
UE calculates the Expected Message Authentication Code (MAC) based on the AUTN
and calculates the XMAC based on the KI and RAND. Then, the UE checks the
consistency between XMAC and MAC and checks the validity of the SQN. )

 If the XMAC and MAC are consistent and the SQN is valid, the UE completes the authentication of
the IMS network.
 If the HLR returns the authentication triplets, the value of the AUTN is 0. In this case, this step is
 If the check on XMAC, MAC, and SQN fails, the UE initiates the registration procedure again
without proceeding with the following steps.

12. After the network passes the authentication, the UE calculates the RES by using the
RAND and sends the RES to the P-CSCF through the registration request.
13. On receiving the RES, the P-CSCF forwards it to the I-CSCF. The I-CSCF obtains the
address of the S-CSCF from the HSS and then forwards the RES to the S-CSCF.
14. On receiving the RES, the S-CSCF checks whether the XRES is the same as the received
RES. If the XRES and the RES are the same, the UE passes the authentication.
15. The S-CSCF sends a message to the UE indicating successful authentication.

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6.1.3 MI5S0PAUTH03 Early IMS Authentication


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R003.




The HSS9820 supports the Early IMS authentication scheme defined in 3GPP TS33.978.


 For carriers
The Early IMS authentication scheme allows subscribers who do not support the IMS
AKA authentication scheme to access the IMS network.
 For subscribers


In the Early IMS authentication scheme, the HSS associates an IMPI with an IP address
allocated by the GGSN. On receiving the PDP Context Activation Request from the UE, the
GGSN allocates an IP address to the UE and sends the IP address, MSISDN, and IMSI to the
HSS over the Gi interface. On receiving the IP address, MSISDN, and IMSI, the HSS
searches for an associated IMPI based on the association between the IMSI/MSISDN and the
IMPI, and then binds the IP address to the IMPI. The GGSN notifies the HSS of the change or
deactivation of the PDP Context, so that the HSS can update the stored IP address.
On receiving the SIP Register request or some other SIP request of a certain IMPU, the
S-CSCF checks whether the IP address in the SIP header is the same as that stored in the HSS.
Based on the check result, the S-CSCF determines whether to complete the authentication.
In the Early IMS authentication scheme, the GGSN can prohibit the UE from using the IP
address allocated during procedures other than PDP context activation to send IP packets. This
helps eliminate the security threat of IP spoofing. The P-CSCF can check whether the IP
address in the SIP header is the same as the IP address in the IP packet header. If the two IP
addresses are different, the P-CSCF adds the IP address in the IP packet header to the
received parameter of the SIP header. This helps prevent the network address transmission
(NAT) between the GGSN and P-CSCF.

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The Early IMS authentication scheme prevents an attacker from using his/her own IP address
and forging the IMS user identity of another person to access the IMS network. It also
prevents the attacker from forging an IP address, thus eliminating the security threats.

Figure 6-3 Early IMS authentication process


PDP Context
Activation Request
Request Start
PDP Context Request Answer
Activation Accept
SIP Register
GGSN checks for IP
address spoofing
SIP Register
Check source IP address
against SIP "via" field
SIP Register
retrieve associated IP address
Check "received" IP
address against HSS
stored IP


The functions of the I-CSCF in the Early IMS authentication are the same as those in other
authentication schemes. Therefore, the process related to the I-CSCF is not shown in Figure
The Early IMS authentication process is as follows:
1. The UE sends a PDP Context Activation Request to the GGSN.
2. The GGSN allocates an IP address to the UE and then sends an Accounting-Request
START message to the HSS. The message carries the allocated IP address, MSISDN, and
3. On receiving the Accounting-Request START message, the HSS searches for an
associated IMPI based on the association between the IMSI/MSISDN and the IMPI, and
then binds the IP address to the IMPI.
4. After the IP address is bound to the IMPI, the HSS sends an Accounting-Request Answer
message to the GGSN.

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5. The GGSN sends a PDP Context Activation Accept message to the UE. The message
carries the allocated IP address.
6. The UE sends a SIP Register request to the GGSN. In the message, the parameter sent-by
of the via field contains the IP address, and from contains the IMPU of the subscriber.
 The GGSN checks whether the IP address contained in the IP packet header is the
same as the address allocated during the PDP context activation. If the two IP addresses
are different, the SIP Register request is rejected.
If the two IP addresses are the same, the authentication proceeds.
7. The GGSN forwards the SIP Register request to the P-CSCF.
 The P-CSCF checks whether the IP address in the IP packet header is the same as
that contained in sent-by. If the two IP addresses are different, the P-CSCF adds the
parameter received to the via field. In addition, received is set to the IP address that is
contained in the IP packet header.
If the two IP addresses are the same, the authentication proceeds.
8. The P-CSCF sends the SIP Register request to the I-CSCF.
9. The I-CSCF obtains the address of the S-CSCF from the HSS and then forwards the
registration request to the S-CSCF.
10. The S-CSCF sends an MAR message to the HSS. The message contains the IMPU. In
addition, Authentication-Scheme AVP is set to Early-IMS-Security. This enables the HSS
to authenticate the subscriber by using the Early IMS authentication. Using the IMPI, the
HSS searches for the stored IP address, which is then added to an MAA message. The IP
address is the one allocated during the PDP context activation.
11. The HSS sends the MAA message to the S-CSCF. The message contains the IP address.
12. The S-CSCF checks whether the via field in the SIP Register request received in step 9
contains received.
If received is contained, the S-CSCF checks whether the IP address in received is the
same as that stored in the HSS.
− If the two IP addresses are different, the S-CSCF sends Forbidden (a response of
failed authentication) to the UE.
− If the two IP addresses are the same, the S-CSCF sends OK (a response of successful
authentication) to the UE.
If received is not contained, the S-CSCF checks whether the IP address in sent-by is the
same as that stored in the HSS.
− If the two IP addresses are different, the S-CSCF sends Forbidden (a response of
failed authentication) to the UE.
− If the two IP addresses are the same, the S-CSCF sends OK (a response of successful
authentication) to the UE.



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6.1.4 MI5S0PAUTH04 NASS Bundled Authentication


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.




The HSS9820 supports the NASS Bundled authentication scheme defined in TISPAN ETSI
TS 183 033. The NASS Bundled authentication scheme is applicable to the scenario where a
fixed network subscriber accesses the IMS network through the NASS.


 For carriers
The NASS Bundled authentication scheme enables subscribers to access the IMS
network through the NASS to enjoy the various services.
 For subscribers


In the NASS Bundled authentication scheme, the parameter Line ID is used to authenticate
subscribers. Line ID stores location information and identifies the location that the subscriber
can access. The subscriber can access the IMS network from multiple locations as one IMPI
can associate with multiple Line IDs on the HSS.
Figure 6-4 shows the NASS Bundled authentication process.

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Figure 6-4 NASS Bundled authentication process



CLF Query(IP address)

CLF Response(Location info)

P-Access-Network- UAR
Info=Location info

S-CSCF selection
Info=Location info
(User identity)

User profile check

(Location info)
location info

For a fixed network subscriber, the association between the IMPI and the Line ID is
configured on the HSS. The Line ID includes the number of the access port and the identity of
the access equipment. It uniquely identifies a fixed network UE. After a UE passes the
authentication of the NASS and obtains an IP address, the Connectivity Session Location and
Repository Function (CLF) stores the association between the Line ID and the allocated IP
The NASS Bundled authentication process is as follows:
1. The UE sends an IMS registration request to the P-CSCF. The request carries the IP
address of the UE.
2. The P-CSCF requests the CLF for the Line ID of the UE.
3. The P-CSCF adds the Line ID to the P-Access-Network-Info field in the registration
request and then sends the request to the I-CSCF.
4. The I-CSCF obtains the address of the S-CSCF from the HSS and then forwards the
registration request to the S-CSCF.
5. On receiving the request, the S-CSCF saves the Line ID contained in the
P-Access-Network-Info field.
6. The S-CSCF sends an MAR message to the HSS for the NASS Bundled authentication
information, that is, the Line ID configured in advance.

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7. On receiving the MAR message, the HSS detects all the Line IDs associated with the
IMPI and then sends an MAA message to the S-CSCF. The MAA message carries the
Line IDs.
 The S-CSCF compares the Line ID sent from the P-CSCF with the Line IDs sent
from the HSS. If the Line ID sent from the P-CSCF matches one of the Line IDs sent
from the HSS, the authentication is successful.
If the Line ID sent from the P-CSCF does not match any of the Line IDs sent from the
HSS, the registration is rejected.



6.1.5 MI5S0PAUTH05 Trusted Access Authentication


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006.




The HSS9820 provides the trusted access authentication scheme, which allows certain
subscribers to access the IMS network without being authenticated.


 For carriers
This feature simplifies the session flow, and thus improves the performance of the entire
 For subscribers


When a subscriber accesses the IMS network from a trusted location, the HSS does not
authenticate the subscriber. This can simplify the service procedure.


This feature is applicable only when the PVS solution is adopted.

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6.1.6 MI5S0PAUTH06 CAVE AKA Authentication


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R008.


3GPP2 SS0127-0


The CAVE AKA authentication scheme allows UEs such as CDMA terminals and Onekey
soft terminals to access the IMS network.


 For carriers
The CAVE AKA authentication scheme allows CDMA and Onekey subscribers to access the
IMS network to enjoy services. This enriches the access mode of the IMS network.
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 adopts the CAVE AKA authentication scheme when the following requirements
are met:
 The UEs support the CAVE AKA authentication.
 The shared secret data (SSD) of the removable user identity modules (R-UIM) is
consistent with the SSD of the HLR/AC.
 The HSS9820 supports the CAVE AKA authentication.
The CDMA subscribers must meet the following requirements:
 The CDMA subscribers are defined in the HSS9820.
 The authentication function of the CDMA subscribers is enabled in the HLR on the
CDMA network and the subscribers are provided with the voice privacy (VP) service
and signaling message encryption (SME) service.

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Figure 6-5 CAVE AKA authentication process

The CAVE AKA authentication process is as follows:

1. The UE sends a Register message to the P-CSCF.
2. The P-CSCF forwards the Register message to the I-CSCF.
3. The I-CSCF sends a user authorization request (UAR) message to the HSS, requesting
the information about the S-CSCF that serves the subscriber.
4. The HSS responds to the I-CSCF with a user authorization answer (UAA) message,
which carries the domain name or the capability set of the S-CSCF that serves the subscriber.
5. The I-CSCF assigns an S-CSCF and sends a Register message to the S-CSCF.
6. The S-CSCF sends a multimedia authentication request (MAR) message to the HSS to
request the authentication data.
7. The HSS sends an Authentication data message to the HLR/AC to obtain the
authentication data RANDU, AUTHU, SMEKEY, and CDMAPLCM.
8. The HSS generates the AKA_KEY based on the authentication data and calculates the
authentication quintuplets (AUTN, RAND_AKA, XRES, CK, and IK). Then the HSS sends a
multimedia authentication answer (MAA) message to the S-CSCF. The MAA message carries
the authentication quintuplets.
9. The S-CSCF sends a 401 message to the I-CSCF to authenticate the UE. The 401
message carries the authentication data AUTN, RAND_AKA, CK, and IK. The S-CSCF
reserves the authentication data XRES to compare the value of XRES and the value of the
RES that is carried in the authentication response to be sent from the UE.
10. The I-CSCF forwards the 401 message to the P-CSCF.
11. The P-CSCF forwards the 401 message to the UE.

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12. The UE calculates the RES based on the KEYSM stored on the UE and the unique
random variable (RANDU) carried in the message and then sends a Register message to the
13. The P-CSCF forwards the Register message to the I-CSCF.
14. The I-CSCF sends a UAR message to the HSS, requesting the information about the
S-CSCF that serves the subscriber.
15. The HSS responds to the I-CSCF with a UAA message, which carries the domain name
or the capability set of the S-CSCF that serves the subscriber.
16. The I-CSCF assigns an S-CSCF and sends a Register message to the S-CSCF.
17. The S-CSCF compares the value of the RES carried in the Register message and the
value of the XRES stored in the S-CSCF. If the value is the same, the S-CSCF sends a server
assignment request (SAR) message to the HSS, requesting the HSS to change the registration
status of the UE to Registered.
18. The HSS sends a server assignment answer (SAA) message to the S-CSCF. The SAA
message carries the user profile of the UE.
19. The S-CSCF saves the user profile and responds to the I-CSCF with a 200 OK message.
20. The I-CSCF forwards the 200 OK message to the P-CSCF.
21. The P-CSCF forwards the 200 OK message to the UE.


The UE must support the CAVE AKA authentication.

6.2 MI5S0TDSM000 Transparent Data Storage and


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R003.


3GPP 29.328 and 3GPP 29.329


The HSS9820 supports the AS-invoked subscription procedure through the Sh interface that
complies with 3GPP TS 29.328 and 3GPP TS 29.329. The HSS can notify the AS of changes
in data to which the AS has previously subscribed.
In addition, the HSS9820 supports the repository data management performed by the AS
through the Sh interface that complies with 3GPP TS 29.328 and 3GPP TS 29.329. Through

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the Sh interface, the AS can add the repository data of a specified subscriber to the HSS, and
read, update, or delete the repository data stored in the HSS.


 For carriers
The subscriber data increases with the diversity of AS services. The development trend
of the AS is to obtain and subscribe to the subscriber data from the HSS. This also
facilitates the deployment of new services.
This feature allows the HSS to store the subscriber data for the AS. Thus, the AS does
not need to store any subscriber data and the HSS can efficiently function as the
subscriber data center. This accelerates the deployment of new services.
 For subscribers


The Sh interface supported by the HSS complies with 3GPP TS 29.328 V5.7.0 and 3GPP TS
29.329 V7.5.0. The following types of data can be modified or subscribed to through the Sh
 Charging information
This feature enables the HSS9820 to perform the following functions:
 Supporting the operations, such as addition, update, deletion, and subscription of alias
repository data, performed by the AS
 Supporting the subscription of 64 repository data records for a specified subscriber,
allowing the size of each record to reach 15 KB
 Implementing permission-based management for the AS
In HSS9820 V900R006, the Sh interface is enhanced to:
 Support alias repository data.
 Support the subscription of 64 repository data records for a specified subscriber,
allowing the size of each record to reach 15 KB.

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6.3 MI5S0TDSM001 Extra Transparent Data Storage and


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R008.


3GPP 29.328 and 3GPP 29.329


This feature provides enhanced repository data storage and management based on the feature
numbered MI5S0TDSM000.


 For carriers
Carriers can provide more space for repository data storage, which facilitates service
 For subscribers


By default, the HSS assigns a space of 5K bytes for repository data storage for each IMPU.
When the repository data of a subscriber exceeds 5K bytes, the subscriber needs to pay for the
extra fee. This feature enables the HSS to provide larger space to store repository data of each



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6.4 MI5S0ROAMA00 Roaming Awareness
6.4.1 MI5S0ROAMA01 PS/CS Location Information


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.




The HSS9820 supports the obtaining of location information of a PS or CS subscriber from

the HLR on the existing network. The HSS9820 sends the location information to the AS over
the Sh interface.


 For carriers
With the convergence of the IMS network and GSM/UMTS network, the IMS network
frequently requests the GSM/UMTS network for subscriber information. The HSS9820
supports the retrieving of subscriber information from the HLR. The HSS9820 sends the
subscriber information to the AS over the Sh interface. This facilitates the deployment of
new services.
 For subscribers


When the AS requests the HSS for the location information of a PS or CS subscriber, the
HSS9820 obtains the location information from the HLR through the
MAP-AnyTimeInterrogation message and forwards the location information to the AS.



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6.4.2 MI5S0ROAMA02 NASS State/Location Info


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.




The HSS9820 supports the NASS state and location information management. The HSS sends
the NASS state or location information to the AS over the Sh interface.


 For carriers
This feature provides the AS with various types of information and facilitates the
deployment of new services.
 For subscribers


During the UE registration or deregistration process, the HSS9820 obtains the location
information of a NASS subscriber and sets the registration status of the subscriber. Over the
Sh interface, the HSS sends the state and location information of the subscriber to the AS.



6.4.3 MI5S0ROAMA03 NASS Nomadism Control



This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.



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The HSS9820 supports the NASS nomadism control management so that carriers can control
the accessing of the IMS network by the fixed network subscribers. That is, the HSS9820
supports the setting of black and white lists in the nomadism address list.


 For carriers
This feature allows carriers to control the accessing of the IMS network by the fixed
network subscribers, thus enhancing the access control capability of carriers and
mobilizing the fixed network subscribers.
 For subscribers


The HSS stores the nomadism address list and the nomadism authority information of the
When a subscriber registers the location, the registration message carries the access address
information of the fixed network. The HSS compares the reference information and
nomadism information in the subscription data with the address information in the message to
verify the nomadism authority of the subscriber. Meanwhile, the HSS updates the nomadism
status and dynamic nomadism location information of the subscriber.
When the access network cannot report the location information of the subscriber to the IMS
network, the IMS network can provide the location service for subscribers based on the
location information specified upon subscription. Such location information is called
reference location information. The IMS network can implement the NASS nomadism control
over a subscriber based on the reference location information.
When the HSS checks the NASS nomadism authority of a subscriber, it matches the reference
location information and then the nomadism template information.



6.5 MI5S0SMXSP00 Support HSS XML/SOAP interface

for provisioning

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R008.

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RFC 4227


The HSS provides the subscriber management function through the XML and SOAP


 For carriers
This feature enables the HSS9820 to provide the subscriber management function through the
XML and SOAP interfaces.
 For subscribers


The PGW of the HSS provides the XML and SOAP interfaces through which the provisioning
system can access the DS node. In addition, the PGW automatically converts the requests in
XML or SOAP format to the DS-related operations.
The service provisioning management includes the following:
 MML port configuration
 Subscription notification configuration
 File synchronization
 PGW flow control management
 System HLRSN
 SOAP access control
 Redundancy transmission configuration



6.6 MI5S0SMXSP01 Support SLF XML/SOAP interface

for provisioning

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R008.

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RFC 4227


The SLF provides the subscriber management function through the XML and SOAP


 For carriers
This feature enables the SLF to provide the subscriber management function through the
XML and SOAP interfaces.
 For subscribers


The PGW of the SLF provides the XML and SOAP interfaces through which the provisioning
system can access the DS node. In addition, the PGW automatically converts the requests in
XML or SOAP format to the DS-related operations.
The service provisioning management includes the following:
 MML port configuration
 Subscription notification configuration
 File synchronization
 PGW flow control management
 System HLRSN
 SOAP access control
 Redundancy transmission configuration



6.7 MI5S000GNR00 Geographic Node Redundancy


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006.

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The HSS9820 supports the geographic node redundancy solution, which allows the active
HSS and the redundancy HSS to be deployed in different geographical locations. In addition,
the FE and the BE can be separately deployed. When the subscriber data in the active HSS is
updated, the updated data is sent to the redundancy HSS in real time. Thus, data
synchronization between the active and redundancy HSSs is ensured. The HSS also provides
the periodic data consistency check function to ensure data consistency between the active
and redundancy HSSs.


 For carriers
The HSS adopting the geographic node redundancy solution has higher reliability and
security. This reduces the CAPEX and OPEX of carriers and improves their
 For subscribers


The HSS9820 supports two types of geographic node redundancy solutions:

 1+1 mated redundancy solution
In this solution, the FE and the BE are integrated. Two HSSs working in
active/redundancy mode implement data synchronization over the data layer. The active
HSS processes all the services whereas the redundancy HSS does not process services in
normal conditions.
 1+1 load-sharing redundancy solution
In this solution, the FE and the BE are integrated. Two HSSs working in load sharing
mode implement data synchronization over the data layer. The two HSSs process
services simultaneously, and each HSS backs up the data of the other.
The geographic node redundancy solutions supported by the HSS9820 have the following
 Using dedicated IP channels to automatically synchronize dynamic and static data
between the active and redundancy HSSs in real time
 Providing the data consistency check function to ensure data consistency
 Supporting automatic switchover between the active HSS and redundancy HSS, which
ensures uninterrupted services



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6.8 MI5SSCSCFR00 CSCF Data Backup

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006.




The HSS9820 can work with Huawei CSCF to provide the geographic redundancy solution.


 For carriers
The network reliability is strengthened.
 For subscribers


To achieve geographic redundancy, Huawei CSCF sends certain part of dynamic data to the
HSS for storage through the Cx interface, and retrieves the data stored in the HSS after the
switchover. This ensures that the services are not interrupted during the switchover.
The HSS9820 backs up the redundancy data and sends the data to the S-CSCF upon request.
The redundancy data contains the Path and Contact header fields defined during the
registration. The S-CSCF sends an SAR message to download from or upload to the HSS the
redundancy data through the Cx interface. The following figure shows the related message

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User already registered in S-CSCF1

L1 3. LIR(Restore_User)

4. LIA(Capabilities, Server-Name)

5. INVITE (Restore)
6. SAR

7. SAA
User profile

Standard processing procedure

9. 200 OK
10. 200 OK (service-route)
11. 200 OK


The HSS works with Huawei CSCF to implement this feature.

6.9 MI5S0SDETF00 Subscriber Data Export to Text File


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R008.




This feature enables the HSS9820 to export subscriber data and save the save to a text file.

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 For carriers
− Implementing anti-fraud function of the provisioning system.
− Analyzing services used by subscribers for service promotion analysis and subscriber
increase analysis
− Querying subscriber data.
− Backing up subscriber data on a third-party device.
− Importing and exporting subscriber data during migration.
 For subscribers


Data export tasks can be created on the Huawei Operation & Maintenance System. When the DTL
process detects that a data export task needs to be executed, it queries the physical database to
obtain the required data and then save the data in a text file. During data import and export
processes, the progress of the task can be queried on the Huawei Operation & Maintenance



6.10 MI5SEIFCSM01 Extra IFC Data Storage and


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.




The HSS9820 can store additional iFC data for a specified subscriber.


 For carriers
This feature assists the carrier in providing more third-party services for subscribers.

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 For subscribers


The HSS allows a maximum of 255 iFC records to be defined for an IMPU. By default, each
subscriber is provided with 3.5-KB space for storing the iFC data. If the space is insufficient,
the HSS can provide more space after the subscriber pays additional storage fee. The HSS is
enhanced to allow more iFC records to be defined for an IMPU.



6.11 MI5S0MTDPI00 Managing Transparent Data via

Provisioning Interface

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.




The HSS9820 supports the management of transparent data over the service provisioning
interface. The transparent data includes both ordinary transparent data and alias transparent
data. The AS can obtain the transparent data from the HSS over the Sh interface.


 For carriers
The HSS9820 provides a service provisioning interface for transparent data management.
This facilitates data check and collection of statistics in the BOSS by allowing carriers to
query and change transparent data at any time.
 For subscribers


The AS stores the transparent data and alias transparent data in the HSS. The AS defines the
data and the HSS only stores the data.

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The HSS provides the service provisioning interface and Sh interface for maintenance
operations on the data, such as adding, modifying, and deleting the transparent or alias
transparent data. This enhances the management modes of transparent data.



6.12 MI5S0CAMEL00 IM-SSF CAMEL subscriber


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006.




The HSS9820 supports the subscription and delivery of the CAMEL data, thus helping to
provide IN services over the IMS network.


 For carriers
This feature helps to provide more IN services for IMS subscribers.
 For subscribers


The HSS supports the subscription and management of the CAMEL data such as O-IM-CSI
and VT-IM-CSI. It sends the CAMEL data to the IM-SSF through the Si interface and
facilitates the IMS network to implement IN services. The MAP-based Si interface complies
with 3GPP TS 23.278 and 3GPP TS 29.002. The following figure shows the interfaces
between the HSS and other MEs.

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gsmSCF The gsmSCF is not involved in
this procedure.



Si interface (MAP)
HSS Register_

Cx interface (DIAMETER) ISC interface

Mobile S-CSCF
Station SIP

The message flow is as follows:

1. When receiving a third-party registration request of a subscriber from the S-CSCF, the
IM-SSF sends an MAP message to the HSS through the Si interface, requesting to
subscribe to the CAMEL data of the subscriber.
2. After receiving the request from the IM-SSF, the HSS returns the required CAMEL data
to the IM-SSF. If the CAMEL data of the subscriber is updated, the HSS sends the
updated CAMEL data to the corresponding IM-SSF automatically.



6.13 MI5S00SPUI00 Shared Public User Identities


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R001.




The HSS supports the shared IMS Public User Identity (IMPU).

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 For carriers
This feature allows subscribers to use services such as car phone, through various
terminals of the same user identity.
 For subscribers


On the HSS, a shared IMPU must be associated with all IMPIs in the IMS subscription.
Figure 6-6 shows the association between a shared IMPU and IMPIs.

Figure 6-6 Association between a shared IMPU and IMPIs

IMPU 2 can be associated with both IMPI 1 and IMPI 2.



6.14 MI5S000PSI00 Public Service Identities


This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R005.

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The IMS network supports various services such as presence, chat, and messaging. The Public
Service Identity (PSI) identifies the services that are provided by the AS.


 For carriers
This feature enables carriers to introduce on the IMS system various value-added
services provided by the third parties. This helps the carriers to widen the subscriber base
and increase revenues.
 For subscribers
This feature allows subscribers to enjoy various value-added services.


The PSI user identities include the Private Service Identity (PISI) and the Public Service
Identity (PUSI).
Figure 6-7 shows the association between PISIs and PUSIs.

Figure 6-7 Association between PISIs and PUSIs

PISI: Private Service Identity PUSI: Public Service Identity

IRS: Implicitly Registered Set AS: Application Server

The PISI has the following characteristics:

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 The PISI is allocated by carriers.
 The PISI is the permanent subscriber data. It is stored in the HSS and the S-CSCF.
 The PISI contains charging address information but no authentication information.
 One PISI can be associated with multiple PUSIs.
 The PISI uses the NAI format.
NAI format: username + @ + domain name
For example,
The PUSI has the following characteristics:
 The PUSI belongs to an AS.
 The PUSIs are classified into two types, namely, wildcard PSI (WPUSI) and distinct
− A WPSI contains wildcards, for example, as!.*! It can be or
− A DPUSI does not contain wildcards, for example,
 The PUSI is the permanent subscriber data. It is stored in the HSS and the S-CSCF.
 The attributes of the PUSI include the barring status and the IRS ID.
 The PUSI and IMPU share the same service profile data.
 The PUSIs of the same PSI subscriber can be added to the same implicitly registered set;
however, the implicitly registered set formed by the PUSIs does not have a default PUSI.
 One PUSI can map one AS address or none.
 The service profile associated with one PUSI cannot be shared by other PUSIs.
 The PUSI uses the SIP URI or TEL URI format.
SIP URI format: sip: + user information + @ + host
Here, host can be a domain name, an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address. For example,
TEL URI format: tel: + number
Here, number can be a global number or a local number.
If a global number is used, prefix the character + in the global number. For example,
If a local number is used, the PUSI must contain the parameter phone-context, which
indicates the area to which the number belongs. For example,



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6.15 MI5S000NTF00 Sh interface supports Notif-Eff

This feature is provided by the HSS9820 from V900R006.




The HSS9820 supports the Notif-Eff feature defined in 3GPP TS29.328.


 For carriers
This feature improves the performance of the Sh interface and in turn improves the
service performance of the entire network.
 For subscribers


The HSS can deliver multiple repository data entries to the AS through one message over the Sh

The HSS supports Notif-Eff feature of the following messages: UDR/UDA, SNR/SNA, and
For details on the service procedure, see 3GPP TS 29.328 v8.2.0.


The implementation of this feature requires the cooperation of the AS.

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7 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviations Expansion
IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem
HSS Home Subscriber Server
CSCF Call Session Control Function
I-CSCF Interrogating-CSCF
IMPI IP Multimedia Private Identity
IMPU IP Multimedia Public Identity
O-IM-CSI Originating IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information
T-IM-CSI Terminating IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information
IM-SSF IP Multimedia Service Switching Function

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