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Test your English

1. Where __________ you from?

A) is
B) am
C) be
D) are

2. I __________ up at 8 o’clock every morning.

A) getting
B) are
C) get
D) am

3. __________ down and be quiet, please!

A) Sit
B) Seat
C) Be
D) Sitting

4. There were only a few __________ at the party.

A) person
B) persons
C) people
D) peoples

5. __________ sister lives in Italy.

A) Mine
B) Me
C) My
D) May

6. __________ English people love fish and chips.

A) The
B) –
C) A
D) An

7. Do you want to come to the disco with __________ ?

A) me
B) I
C) my
D) mine

8. Read this sign here, not __________ one over there!

A) these
B) those
C) that
D) this

9. When __________ Julia come back from her holidays?

A) do
B) is
C) are
D) does

10.__________ are lots of beautiful places in England.

A) This
B) There
C) It
D) They

11.How __________ money have we got?

A) many
B) few
C) much
D) more

12.__________ English is better than mine.

A) She
B) Her
C) Is
D) They

13.His parents are __________.

A) at home
B) in home
C) on house
D) home

14.I hate __________ to get up early.

A) have
B) had
C) must
D) having

15.The teacher doesn’t __________ us homework every day.

A) give
B) giving
C) gives
D) to give

16. __________ is your favorite food?

A) How
B) Which
C) What
D) Which one

17.I come __________ England to improve my English.

A) in
B) at
C) into
D) to

18.You __________ all go to London next weekend.

A) are
B) have
C) can
D) need

19.We __________ really impressed by Big Ben.

A) was
B) would
C) be
D) were

20.We had a rugby tournament and unfortunately our team came _______.
A) at the end
B) last
C) bottom
D) out

21.I cried when my friend __________.

A) gone
B) leaved
C) leave
D) left

22. Andy __________ to go to the cinema tonight.

A) will
B) shall
C) is going
D) can
23. I don’t __________ watch TV.
A) never
B) often
C) sometimes
D) occasionally

24. I love your coat! It is __________ than mine.

A) more nice
B) nicest
C) nicer
D) more nice

25. What a terrible day! This is the __________ day of my life!

A) worst
B) worse
C) most worse
D) worser

26. Never __________ such a beautiful sunset!

A) did I see
B) saw I
C) have I seen
D) I have seen

27. __________ at the moment, I think, I’ll go out for a walk.

A) As it doesn’t rain
B) As it isn’t raining
C) Because it doesn’t rain
D) So it isn’t raining

28. __________ probably go swimming this afternoon.

A) We are
B) We must
C) We will
D) We have to

29. I’d __________ go to bed than watch the late night film, I’m quite tired
this evening.
A) rather
B) rather not
C) prefer
D) like
30. We need to go to the supermarket as there is only __________ milk
A) a bit
B) a small
C) a few
D) a little

31. The shop __________ for an hour when they arrived.

A) is closed
B) was been closed
C) had been closed
D) has been closed

32. If it rains, we __________ have the barbeque.

A) Wouldn’t
B) Don’t
C) Won’t
D) Aren’t

33. I __________ at home when my friend came to see me.

A) am not
B) have not been
C) had not been
D) was not

34. If you are under 18 you __________ to buy alcohol in England.

A) aren’t allowed
B) shouldn’t
C) oughtn’t
D) don’t have to

35. We bought some sweets __________ on our journey.

A) for taking
B) for take
C) to taking
D) to take

36. I __________ popcorn! It's my favorite snack.

A) am loving
B) love
C) love to eat
D) loathe
37. 'In a fortnight' means: __________
A) the day after tomorrow
B) the week before last
C) 2 weeks from now
D) a while ago

38. If you ______ pick them up from their house, they would like to come.
A) Can
B) Will
C) Could
D) Are going to

39. The pizza __________ to perfection. We ate too much in the Italian
restaurant that night.
A) cooked
B) has been cooking
C) was cooking
D) was cooked

40. Alex __________ come to Dartmoor with us on Saturday, but he's not
sure yet.
A) might
B) may not
C) will
D) wants

41. I would like to give you the job when you finish school, but do you
think __________ enough work experience by then?
A) you are having
B) you have got
C) you will have had
D) you do have

42. __________ I start a full time job I would like to travel the world.
A) Until
B) Although
C) Since
D) Before

43. I fell off a ladder a few years ago and I have been scared of heights ever
__________ .
A) after
B) therefore
C) since
D) onwards

44. If the manager's team had lost, he __________ resigned.

A) would
B) would have
C) would have been
D) would to

45. I think we should go on holiday to Spain, __________ you have a

better idea.
A) until
B) unless
C) if
D) for

46. We have only been staying in Exmouth __________ Friday.

A) for
B) since
C) from
D) on

47. I was excited about going to America to see my cousin, as I

__________ him for fifteen years.
A) had not seen
B) did not see
C) have not been seeing
D) would see

48. 'If you work hard, you will pass all your exams!', I __________.
A) will be told
B) told
C) have told
D) was told

49. I __________ to live in Scotland, but now I live in Germany.

A) use
B) used
C) using
D) am
50. My friend promised __________ me that evening.
A) phoning me
B) phone
C) to phone
D) he phone

51. I asked __________.

A) who the idea was to
B) to whom the idea was
C) whose idea it was
D) who the idea belonged

52. He went to the garage __________.

A) for repairing his car
B) to have his car repaired
C) to make his car repaired
D) his car to be repairing

53. 'You were driving too fast __________ you?', said the policeman.
A) did
B) didn't
C) weren't
D) wasn't

54. It __________ cold last night because the ground is icy.

A) could have been
B) must be
C) has been
D) must have been

55. She was very sporty when she was younger, maybe she __________ a
famous athlete.
A) should have been
B) would
C) will become
D) could have been

56. I worked all last summer, but I wish I __________ gone on holiday
A) Could
B) Will
C) Had
D) Have

57. When I passed my driving test I was over the __________.

A) moon
B) stars
C) sun
D) horizon

58. Where on __________ did you put your keys?

A) land
B) earth
C) purpose
D) world

59. I like him because he makes me __________.

A) laughing
B) to laugh
C) laugh
D) laughs

60. You shouldn't wear those dirty shoes in the house! __________
A) Get them out!
B) Put them off!
C) Take them away!
D) Take them off!

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