UNIT 3 Lesson 4

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Course code- BA(JMC) 204


Unit -3 PR in Different Sectors
Lesson – 1 “Role of PR in Political Parties and Election Campaigns”
Role of PR in Political Parties and Election

• Political campaigns and parties now rely heavily on public relations

strategists to shape their image and communicate with the public.
• The diversification of media has contributed greatly to the popularity of
political PR and professional strategists cater to the segment.
• Politicians and political parties need to have a clean and positive image.
• One slip-up can lead to a major catastrophe.
• Negative perception in the public eye can affect them severely in the
elections, so they always make sure to be on their best behavior in the
• Today, political campaigns have extensive personnel dedicated to
ensuring the politician appears in the best light possible, whether in the
media or at public events.
• The PR team organises conferences, political debates, and other
relevant events for politicians and political organisations.
• They look for opportunities and events that a politician can attend to
build their reputation.
Role of PR in Political Parties and Election

• One major factor contributing to the rise of public relations in politics is the
increasing importance of social media in political communication.
• In the past, political campaigns primarily relied on traditional media, such as
television and newspapers, to reach voters.
• However, with the proliferation of social media platforms, campaigns can
now directly engage with voters and share their messages in real time.
• This shift has led to a greater emphasis on public relations strategies to
manage and control the narrative in the digital space.
Role of PR in Political Parties and Election

• Another factor driving the rise of public relations in politics is the increasing
complexity of the political landscape.
• With so much information available to voters and a constantly changing
political climate, it is more important than ever for campaigns to effectively
communicate their message and values to the public.
• Public relations professionals can help campaigns craft a coherent and
compelling narrative that resonates with voters.
Role of PR in Political Parties and Election
• While the use of campaign managers is not new, political parties and
politicians have started hiring PR consultants and branding and image
specialists to help transform physical as well as digital appearance of their
political outfits.
• Political branding is about how a political organisation or individual is
perceived overall by the public. It is broader than the product; whereas a
product has distinct functional parts such as a politician and policy, a brand
is intangible and psychological.
• A political brand is the overarching feeling, impression, association or
image the public has towards a politician, political organisation, or nation.
• Political branding helps the party or candidate to help change or maintain
reputation and support, create a feeling of identity with the party or its
candidates and create a trusting relationship between political elites and
• It helps political consumers understand more quickly what a party or
candidate is about; and distinguish a candidate or party from the
Need for a Political Marketing Strategy

• Political marketing strategy is about how parties, candidates and

governments think and plan in order to achieve their goals.
• It requires consideration of many different factors such as the
nature of the market, history, culture, governance, stakeholders,
competitors, resources and goals.
• It includes targeting, positioning strategies, attack and defence
strategies, sales and market orientations, populist strategies,
strategy and the environment, measuring and implementing
What is Political Market Research

• Political market research involves a wide range of qualitative

and quantitative, formal and informal methods for candidates,
parties and governments to understand the nature of the
political marketplace.
• Such market research is used to understand the attitudes,
behaviour, needs and wants of the public and other key
stakeholders and then inform decisions about strategy, creation
of the brand, policies, internal political marketing within
organisations, and communication of positions with the view to
inform, educate, persuade, change and reinforce existing
• Political market research (PMR) includes quantitative forms of
research such as polling, surveys, segmentation (including
voter profiling), big data (analytical and experimental
marketing); and qualitative forms such as focus groups, co-
creation and deliberative research; opposition, candidate and
policy research; and informal tools including global knowledge
transfer and use of public records and data.
Political PR Services

1. Media Monitoring
2. Content Development
3. Social Media Management
4. Event Planning Management
5. Crisis Communications and
6. Media Training

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