Jay Contest 2

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As the curtain opens you see the back walls are covered with a backdrop that makes it look

like you are

atop a snowy mountain next to a cliff that drops out to mist, the ground is covered with snow and there
are 5 large jagged rocks scattered around, a wintery mist fills the air, (if its raining) snow begins to fall
from the sky.

You all suddenly hear a voice echoing from the speakers:

Narrator: We now return with the Adventures of Shadeclaw, on the last episode our hero began his climb
to the top of Mount Artic to learn the secret to stopping the demon king from achieving his full power,
but now he wanders the cold mountains alone.

You all see Boss step in from the left of the stage, he is wearing a black cloak a bit tattered, fingerless
gloves and a black mask that covers his mouth, the only thing that breaks his dark aesthetic is a orange
headband he is wearing, he wanders leaving footprints in the snow as he jumps over one of the large
rocks and sits on it, he slowly pulls his mask down and says.

Shadeclaw: This damm mountain it looks all the same, i been walking for hours... but i can't take too long
of a break, i need to stop the demon king at all costs...

Shadeclaw looks around confused before springing to his feet still on top of the rock.

Shadeclaw: I can sense you, how long have you been following me?

A echoing laugh can be heard emanating from a spot 20 feet away from Shadeclaw, this thick light gray
smoke explodes out, as from within you see a shape, and as the smoke subsides you see Titanic a large
smile on his face, wearing a blue blazer with snowflakes and ice spike design on it, and also wearing blue
devil horns.

Demon King: Very astute of you Shadeclaw, they don't call you the alert hero for nothing, but no matter,
even with you finding me, this is where you perish hahahahaha.

Shadeclaw: Demon King! I have clashed with you many times before, do not think this is different.

Shadeclaw launches a blast of dark energy but the Demon King jumps out of the way fully dodging it, as
he lands a powerfull beam of ice is shot towards Shadeclaw but he throws himself to the ground in just
the last moment, with the rock that he was on getting completely frozen.

Demon King: I see your very hasty for a battle old friend.

Shadeclaw: Don't you dare call me a friend, its because of you my village is goneeee.

He charges towards the Demon King swinging his claws with incredible speed the Demon King tries to
weave between them but starts getting hit, as he blasts Shadeclaw back with a icicle.

Shadeclaw: See i told you, i defeated you many times before, this time is not different.

Demon King: Hahahahah, this is where your wrong Shadeclaw, since our last clash i have gotten a new
power, behold, Secret Demon art, hell's clones.

As four clones of the Demon King appear surrounding Shadeclaw they all begin to blast him with icicles,
he dodges some but gets blasted with others as they begin to approach and run around him, striking
with punches and kicks, Shadeclaw shoots off a spike of ice hitting one of the Demons but the clone
simply disappears and them quickly a new one appears. Shadeclaw stands in the middle of the circle of
Demon Kings injured and panting heavily, he glances around looking for a opportunity.

Demon King: As you can see this technique is unbeatable, accept your deafeat Shadeclaw, if you kneel to
me i'll spare your life, with you by my side nothing will ever dare oppose me.

Shadeclaw: You take me for a fool Demon?, I'll never join you.

Shadeclaw quickly sharpens his claws and charges up dark energy between them in the form of a orb, he
spins around launching it against one of the Demon Kings behind him, the orb shoots out at incredible
speed slamming against the Demon, snow is kicked up into the air, but as the snow settles you see the
Demon King holding back the orb in his hands, while he smiles.

Demon King: INCREDIBLE Shadeclaw, i never expected less of the hero that vowed to protect the world,
but even if you discovered my real body i can easily deflect this attack. your done for.

The Demon King launches the orb back towards Shadeclaw laughting maniaclly as he does so, Shadeclaw
gives a smirk as he hops onto the air and uses its claw to pierce the orb, he quickly twists it and pulls
back, as he does the orb breaks into pieces that fly out slamming against all the Demon Kings, making all
the clones disappear and the real Demon King flying back slamming against one of the rocks. as
Shadeclaw lands he gives a large grin and a dark look to the Demon King as he starts to walk towards

Shadeclaw: Your right, i vowed to protect this world, so a can never lose to bastards like you.

His claw charges with energy as it turns metal like and he slashes the Demon King that explodes into
snow. As Shadeclaw stands in the snow panting heavily a voice echoes throught the mountain

Demon King: You may have bested me again Shadeclaw but i will achieve my full power and when i do,
the entire world will know the terror your village faced that day.

Shadeclaw grits his teeth and cluches his bandana, as a single tear falls from his eye. he removes his
bandana and stares towards it.

Shadeclaw: I made a promise that no one would ever suffer like you did, i will stop him.

Shadeclaw puts his bandana back on and rushes off towards the distance disappearing of the left of the
stage. The curtain close

Narrator: Will Shadeclaw make it to the top of the mountain and find a way to stop the Demon King from
achieving full power, will the Demon King and his dark forces be able to stop our hero, find out in the
next episode of Adventures of Shadeclaw.

The curtains slightly open as Jay, Boss, and Titanic step out and bow.

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