American Literature Syllabus

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New Hope Academy

Survey of American Literature Syllabus 2023-2024

Instructor: Rob Brant

Objectives: This course is designed to expose 10-12 grade High School Students
with a thorough overview of American Literature from beginnings to the start of
the Twentieth Century. Because much of the early literature is non-fiction, there
are many opportunities to analyze historical and informational texts. We will
examine literature through a critical lens, studying authentic samples of work in an
effort to increase skills, comprehension, and application of literary devices. A
further objective of the class is to be able to put works into a historical context and
be able to analyze style and genre in the proper setting. We will also dedicate a
portion of the class time to practicing writing/speaking skills in a variety of
formats (argumentative, narrative, and expository) in order to progress as
communicators, especially looking towards standardized testing and post-
secondary experiences.

Text(s): We will be using Harcourt's Elements of Literature Fifth Course as a

foundation text throughout the year. You will be assigned your own textbook
for class. You will not have to carry it around, however. Various other texts
and materials will be available and distributes as the curriculum dictates.

Class will be utilizing google classroom to organize and edit learning materials.
The only acceptable way to turn in work is through the classroom feature. If you
would prefer hard copies of materials like worksheets and packets let me know. I
will ask you to organize a three-ring binder if you take this option

Grading Evaluation and Behavioral Expectation:

Students will be awarded a daily point value from 0-5 that will be based on class
preparedness, appropriate use of class time, and assignment completion. Students
will receive a comprehensive grade for attendance, performance, behavior,
preparedness, and work completion. Students are expected to complete all work as
assigned based on ability. This class is about enjoying, learning and challenging
you in the process.

Grading Scale: A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D= 60-69, F=59 or below

Missed Work Policy: Students will receive full credit when they make up work
for an excused absence. Students have x+2 days to make up work all work. "X"
refers to the amount of days missed. Students receive half credit when they make
up work for an unexcused absence. The work is due the day after they receive it
from the teacher. Students cannot earn or make up work participation points when
their absence is unexcused.

Student Responsibilities:
It is your responsibility to come to class prepared each day and ready to work.
Common courtesy and respect for everyone in class is expected. Mockery and
disrespect will not be tolerated.

Research Paper:
During third quarter, all students will be required to write an in depth I\1LA
argumentative research paper on the topic of their choice as discussed and
approved by the instructor. The topic will need to be explored in depth and be
typed in appropriate format, citing appropriate research through the use of
appropriate quotations, and include a complete and correct bibliography.

If the instructor suspects that a paper or assignment was plagiarized, research will
be conducted to locate the original piece of work. When the original is located the
student, instructor, and educational director will conference regarding the
authenticity of the work. A phone call will be made home to parent/guardian prior
to the conference. The student will be offered the chance to redo the assignment
for half credit. If plagiarism occurs a second time, a grade of F will be issued for
the current grading period.

This syllabus may be revised as necessary and without notice.

I understand the goals and expectations of this course and am aware that I need to
have acquired all materials indicated by the end of the first week of school. A
failure to do so will result in lowered participation points.

Student Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Parent/Guardian Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

If you or your parent/guardian needs to contact me about anything at all in regards to this class I can be reached at I check often!

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