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University of Idaho Lesson Plan Name: Megan Augustin Subject: Career Pathways (11th and 12th grade) Date:

October 17, 2011 Topic: Finding a Career Path

The big idea(s) or essential question(s) What Career is Right for you? Is education necessary for my career choices? State of Idaho and/or common core standards addressed: Objectives (what the students will be able to do as a result of the lesson) TSWBAT Find a career that suits his or her abilities Understand the importance of education for finding a job Think critically about their abilities, likes and dislikes

Materials Computer Worksheet Pencil

Activities/procedures (include anticipated time for each)

Introduction/activator There will be a brief introduction with the use of an image. Class activities (what you/students will do) Class activities (why you will do them) 1. The teacher will give a short lecture 1. This will allow the students to have a using the one powerpoint slide to show short introduction and be able to importance of this lesson. understand why they are doing the 2. The teacher will hand out the student activity. worksheet. 2. This will allow the students to follow 3. The teacher will discuss the activity along while the teacher explains the briefly with students: activity. a. We will be working on finding 3. This will allow students to fully out what career is right for you understand the assignment and have a and we will be learning about that chance to ask questions career. 4. Circulating will help keep the students on b. The teacher will go over the task while the teacher is checking for worksheet and ask for questions. understanding. This also allows students c. Be sure to remind students that to ask questions and work individually. the survey is not 100 percent 5. This will give students a transition, which accurate and that results may vary can help them to focus more on the end based on mood. discussion, i. Ex: Computers 6. This will allow the students to get more d. Remind students that this is options and more understanding for other intended to be a guide and if their career possibilities. ideal job is not listed dont be

upset. e. Remind students to answer questions thoughtfully and for the person they are at this point in time, not for the person they want to become. Let students know that if they answer honestly they will get the best results. 4. The students will go to their computer and start working while the teacher circulates 5. The students will complete the worksheet and return to their desks. 6. The class will discuss the questions and see what students chose for their career. Closure/reminders Reminders of upcoming assignments, due dates, and other reminders from Mrs. Stafford. Assessment (how you will know students met the objectives - include rubrics) Students will be graded on completion of the assignment and effort put in. The worksheet will be worth a total of 10 points.

Timeline: Introduction: 5-10 minutes Activity: 20-25 minutes Conclusion/discussion: 10 minutes

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