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University of Idaho Lesson Plan Name: Megan Augustin and Brittany Kienke Subject: English 11 Date: October 17,

2011 Topic: Introduction to Creative Writing

The big idea(s) or essential question(s) Writing an introduction using a prompt Understanding what makes a good introduction Formulating ideas and brainstorming State of Idaho and/or common core standards addressed: Goal 5.3: Acquire Skills for Sentence Structure o 11.LA.5.3.1: Apply correct and varied sentence types in writing Goal 5.4: Acquire Skills for Using Conventions o 11.LA5.4.1: Demonstrate control of conventions including subject/verb agreement, verb tense, parallel structure, and clauses o 11.LA.5.4.2: Demonstrate in writing the correct use of punctuation and capitalization Goal 4.1: Acquire Expressive (Narrative/Creative) Writing Skills o 11.LA.4.1.1: Write fictional, autobiographical, or biographical narratives that pace the presentation of action to accommodate changes in time and mood o 11.LA.4.1.2: Original creative works including prose and poetry Goal 3.1: Acquire Prewriting Skills o 11.LA.3.1.1: Generate ideas using a variety of strategies o 11.LA.3.1.5: Generate a piece of writing within a set period of time Goal 3.2: Acquire Skills for Generating a Draft o 11.LA.3.2.2 Sequence ideas in a cohesive meaningful order Objectives: TSWBAT Write a four-sentence introduction for a creative writing fiction piece Understand the criteria for a good introduction Formulate ideas from an image Brainstorm individually and as a group

Materials Paper and Pencil Projector and technology: Egg Timer Picture/ image for activator: one per student (attached) Stapler Activities/procedures (include anticipated time for each) Introduction/activator 1. Hand out the prompt picture (while other teacher talking) and ask students to take out a pencil and paper. 2. The class will get a description of what the assignment is (3-4 minutes):

a. Today we will be learning how to create an effective introduction when we are writing fiction b. Students will be receiving a picture c. Students will brainstorm for 3 minutes about the picture individually d. Remind students to be creative and that this brainstorming should be about a fictional story that they can write with inspiration from the picture e. Students will pick one group writer in the group and will create a 46 sentence introduction for the story (about 8 minutes) f. At the end we will share stories and figure out which ones are effective and why. Not every group will share (about 5 minutes) Class activities (what you/students will Class activities (why you will do them) do) 1. Give introduction (above) 1. This will allow the class to move 2. Have students take out a piece effortlessly without students of paper and a pencil. having to move in the middle of 3. Have students slip-write about class. This will allow students to general ideas about the picture understand their expectations so and what ideas the picture class can move smoothly inspires individually for 2 2. This will allow students to have a minutes. Be sure to set timer. transition. This transition lets 4. Have students talk to group (3-4 students know exactly what they students) members and create need to be doing and also that an introduction to a fiction piece they need to get started. that is about 4-6 (complete) 3. Slip writing individually will allow sentences long. Students should students to collect their thoughts be working quietly with group before working as a group. This and should be on task. The will make group work more teacher will be circulating during efficient and effective. the activity (about 8 minutes). 4. This will allow students to get a 5. Come back as a class and share bigger perspective on the stories. While sharing a story the introduction and they will be able class will provide feedback on to formulate an idea in a group. what they liked and didnt like 5. Coming back as a class will allow (about 5 minutes). Write ideas students to have even more on the board in two columns. perspectives and will allow one 6. Have students turn in paper as a student to speak to the class. group with brainstorming papers This will also allow the class to attached. understand what is an effective introduction and what is not effective. 6. This will allow all students to be assessed on individual work and on group work.

Closure/reminders Remind the class to turn in papers. Discuss what makes an effective introduction and conclude the ideas. Discuss the future fiction piece that they will be writing. Assessment (how you will know students met the objectives - include rubrics) Individual slip writing o Students should have a minimum of five ideas for maximum points. o The slip writing will be worth a total of 5 points (Rubric Attached). Group Work o Each student should be contributing ideas to the group actively. o All sentences should be complete. o Each group should have one copy of the four-six sentences to receive full credit. o Group work will be worth 10 points (Rubric Attached) Accommodations/differentiation Move students into heterogeneous groups (higher level with lower level) that would aid in their success. Students with learning disabilities or IEPs will receive extra help or prompts when the teacher is circulating the room, or the proper accommodation will be provided. Provide extra time for lower level students (they can turn in work the next day). Challenge upper level students to use more challenging vocabulary and challenge them to write more or expand on ideas. Reflection/evaluation (after lesson is taught)

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