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Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering

International Journal of
Pavement Research and Technology
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Assessment of the properties of bricks made from stone dust and

molten plastic for building and pedestrian pavement
J.O. Akinyele*, S.K. Oyelakin
Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

Received 1 September 2020; received in revised form 29 December 2020; accepted 31 December 2020; available online 19 January 2021


The importance of bricks and the need to conserve the environment has led to the use of different types of waste material to replace either cement, clay
or sand in the production of bricks. This study has looked into the use of molten plastic to replace Ce ment in sandcrete bricks. Molten plastic was mixed
with stone dust at ratio 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4 by weight. Each sample was designated as P 1, P2, P3 and P4 respectively. The brick samples were subjected to
mechanical and water absorption tests. An investigation was conducted on the bricks microstructures. Results showed that sample P 1 is good for building,
facial bricks, pedestrian and light traffic pavement under moderate weathering conditions according to ASTM C67, while sample P2 is okay for building
bricks only under non-severe weathering condition. The remaining two bricks samples did not perform well under any conditions. The microstructural
analysis revealed the effects of micro-voids sizes on the properties of the bricks

Keywords: Brick; Stone dust; Molten Plastic; Sandcrete; Microstructures

Introduction bricks are the product of clay (clay bricks), cement and sand-based
(Sandcrete). In recent times, different materials are now been used
The world environment is been daily confronted with the or added to clay and sand to make a different variety of building
management of some hydrocarbon by-product such as plastic bricks. Among such materials are fly ash, agricultural waste ash,
(polythene) waste. This material is composed of various elements slag, granulated plastics and many more.
such as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, chlorine and sulphur. Akinyele and Toriola [3] used crushed plastic waste with fine
Plastic has a high molecular weight and each molecule can have aggregate in sandcrete bricks. The work involved mixing the
thousands of atom [1]. The chemical composition of plastic has crushed plastic with cement and replacing sand (fine aggregate) at
made the breaking down of this material to be very difficult, hence; 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 100%. Compressive, flexural and water
it is non-biodegradable. Efforts are been put in place all over the absorption test were conducted on the bricks. The results showed
world for the proper management of this material. But this cannot that the bricks mixed with 5% replacement of sand with plastic
be said in most developing countries of the world, where these performed better than all other mixes, which included the control,
non-biodegradable wastes are not been properly managed, such the strength of the control sample was 13.15 N/mm2 while that of
waste products are found in water drains after use, the blocked the 5% replacement was 14.85 N/mm2 at the end of 28 days test.
drains has led to flooding in some places, while these plastics The control also absorbs water more than the 5% plastic brick. The
eventually end up in the marine environment. work concluded that waste crushed plastic could be used in
Studies have been carried out to reverse this trend especially in sandcrete bricks at a maximum of 5% replacement of sand.
the use of this waste material for engineering purposes. The Roy el at. [4] investigated cement-gold tailing bricks; the work
protection of the environment has prompted many researchers into concluded that the bricks with 20% cement at 14 days of curing
the use of waste materials for brick production [2]. The use of gave the most reliable result when mixed with gold mill tailings at
bricks as a building material is very popular all over the world; different proportion. Cost analysis was carried out and it revealed
that cement-tailing bricks were more expensive than the normal
soil-tailing bricks.
* Corresponding author Akinyele et al [5,6] investigated waste plastic and glass powder
E-mail address: (J.O. Akinyele). as materials in burnt (fired bricks), these waste materials were
Peer review under responsibility of Chinese Society of Pavement added to clay bricks at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5%, and fired in a kiln at a
Engineering. temperature of 800°C for over 3 hours. Engineering tests were
ISSN: 1997-1400 DOI:
Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering. Production and hosting by Springer Nature
772 J.O. Akinyele and S.K. Oyelakin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 14 (2021) 771-777

conducted on the fired bricks to determine its strength, water of the authors' knowledge.
absorption and microstructural analysis were also carried out. The Some school of thought believes that if the indiscriminate
work concluded that 5% glass waste and 1% of plastic waste could dumping and non-recycling of plastics and other non-
be used in fired bricks. biodegradable materials should continue without control, there
In another work, Malhotra and Tehri [7] developed bricks from will be more plastics in the oceans of the world more than fishes
granulated blast furnace slag. Hydrated lime was mix with slag, by the year 2050 [21]. This thought has provoked and motivated
and the mixture was added to Bardarpur sand. These bricks were the research into finding another means of recycling this plastic
cured at room temperature for 28 days after which they were tested waste.
for compressive strength in saturated conditions. The study This research aims to investigate the use of plastic as binder and
concluded that good quality bricks could be made from slag-lime stone dust as the aggregate in the production of sand bricks. This
mixture and sand. plastic waste was used to replace Ordinary Portland Cement in
Poon et al [8] used recycled aggregates from construction to sandcrete bricks, the plastic was fired to a molten state under
produce concrete bricks and paving blocks. Tests were carried out controlled environmental conditions before the addition of the
to determine the properties of these bricks, the results revealed that stone dust to the mixture. Compressive, flexural, water absorption
coarse and fine aggregate can be replaced by used recycled and abrasion tests were carried out on the brick sample.
aggregate between 25 and 50% level; any value above this result
will lead to a reduction in strength. Kumar [9] produce brick and Research methodology
hollow blocks by using fly ash together with calcined
phosphogypsum and mineral lime, the percentage of fly ash used 2.1. Materials
was between 60-90%, calcined phosphogypsum was between 5-
30%, while mineral lime was also between 5-30%. The brick and The plastic used in this research were waste plastic bags
blocks were cured at room temperature in sulphate solution, the (polyethene) with an average density of 940 kg/m3, this was
study revealed that the bricks and hollow blocks had sufficient obtained from street wastes and dustbins, these waste plastic
strength for their use in the construction industry. products were washed and dried to remove any form of impurities.
Li and Lin [10] mixed class C fly ash with water to produce The fine aggregate material used was stone dust with an average
compacted bricks, tests such as compressive strength, modulus of density of 1680 kg/m3, with particles distribution ranging between
rupture, freeze-thaw resistance and water absorption were carried 4.5 mm and 150 microns sieve size. This was obtained from a
out on the bricks. The result obtained showed that compacted quarry; both materials were collected within the vicinity of
bricks with fly ash had higher strength than ordinary bricks, but Abeokuta, southwestern Nigeria.
the freeze-thaw resistance was very low. Copper mine tailing was Stone dust has been proofed to be an alternative to fine aggregate
mixed with different amount of ordinary portland cement by or river sand both in the production of bricks and concrete. It is a
Morchhale et al [11], the compressive strength of the bricks and by-product of quarry activities, which if not well utilized may
water absorptions were tested, the results from the two test showed serve as waste. Stone dust is commonly used in the production of
that the copper mine tailing-cement bricks conform to the sandcrete bricks (Bricks made from cement and sand) in this part
minimum standard required for bricks by the Indian Standard (IS). of the world. This research has used it as an alternative to sand.
Cicek and Tanrverdi [12] used class F fly ash, sand and hydrated
lime to produce lightweight bricks, the bricks were subjected to 2.2. Mixing of brick material
different conditions so that the variation in the result was studied,
the optimum raw material composition was found to be 20% sand,
The composite material used in the production of the bricks were
12% hydrated lime and 68% fly ash. The study concluded that
batched by weighing, the design mix ratio used in the course of
good quality lightweight bricks can be produced from fly Ash.
this research was 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4, the bricks were designated
Turgut and Algin [13] investigated the use of wood sawdust and
as P1, P2, P3 and P4 respectively. For every 50 kg of plastic waste,
limestone powder with Portland cement in the production of
equivalent 50 kg weight of stone dust was used for brick P 1, this
lightweight bricks, the brick samples were prepared by mixing all
procedure was used for an equivalent weight of plastic and stone
these components at different proportion and the mixture was
dust for all the other brick samples (P1 = 50:50, P2 = 33.4:66.6,
compacted in a mould for 4 hours under controlled pressures. The
P3= 25:75, P4= 20:80 ). Water was not used in the mixing of the
28 days curing at room temperature was done and later dried in a
bricks since the melted plastic served as the binding agent in place
ventilated oven at 105°C for 24 hours. Compressive and flexural
of the conventional cement. The dimension adopted in this work
strength tests, water absorption and ultrasonic pulse velocity of the
for the brick size was 150 x 100 x 50 mm.
bricks were carried out. The result revealed that the bricks
The laboratory pyrolysis plants where there was adequate control
containing these mixtures did not exhibit a sudden brittle fracture
over temperature, air and pressure was to be used for the melting
beyond the failure loads; this led to high-level energy absorption
of the plastic waste, but the non-availability of this equipment
capacity and reduced unit weight when compared with regular
resulted in the use of a modified pyrolysis plant.
The weighed plastic materials were placed in the modified
The use of cotton waste, limestone powder and cement was
pyrolysis barrel that has been designed for this purpose. The plastic
investigated by Algin and Turgut [14].Waste glass powder,
waste bags were placed and fired inside the modified drum at a
limestone powder and cement were also used to make bricks by
temperature above 450°C. At an average of 45 minutes under
Turgut [15-17]. All these results revealed that the investigated
normal atmospheric pressure. A gas burner was used during the
waste materials are very good in the production of bricks.
firing to control the intensity of the fire. The waste bags were
The use of plastic and rubber crumbs as binders in asphalts have
allowed to melt into a molten form before the addition of stone
been investigated by many researchers [18-20] but there is almost
dust into the firing barrel and stirred, the paste-like material was
no literature for it use as binders in bricks and concrete to the best
mixed thoroughly with a trowel, shovel and a rod before it hardens.
J.O. Akinyele and S.K. Oyelakin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 14 (2021) 771-777 773

2.3. Moulding

Metal moulds were used for the bricks, before placing the
mixture into the moulds, the sides of the moulds were oiled for
easy removal of bricks. The mixture was then poured into the
mould in layers and compacted using a tamping rod, the surface
was finished using a trowel. The cooling and de-moulding of the
brick were carried out 24 hours after casting. Fig. 1 showed some
sample of the bricks after the cooling process.

2.4. Compressive strength test

(a) (b)
To determine the load-bearing strength of the brick samples, the
compressive test was carried out using a Universal Testing Fig. 1. Brick samples (a) P1 and (b) P2.
Machine (UTM). The procedure followed was based on ASTM
C67 [22]. The load-bearing surface of the compressive testing
machine was clean from any dirt; the brick was placed on its face
having the 150 mm x 100 mm area sitting on the loading surface.
The axis of the specimen was carefully aligned with the centre of
the lower pressure plate of the compression-testing machine. The
upper-pressure plate was gradually lowered until it gets to the brick.
The load was applied without shock and increased gradually until
the specimen was crushed. Three samples per brick specimen were
tested and the average strength from the three tests per brick types
was obtained for the individual brick sample. Compressive
strength is the most reliable mechanical test in the determination
of the load-bearing capacity of any engineering material.
The compressive strength was determined using Eq. (1) below.
𝑃= (1)
Fig. 2. Abrasion test on brick samples.
where, F = failure load (N); A=cross sectional area (mm2).
process using an abrasive disc. The abrasion method adopted was
2.5. Flexural strength test
the grinding method according to DIN 52108 [23].
The abrasion resistance was determined by measuring the groove
Like the compressive strength test, flexural strength was carried
length and depth formed on the surface of the specimen by a
out according to the ASTM C67 [22], the three points loading was
rotating disc at a constant speed of 140 cycle /min. The brick
adopted. The brick was simply supported on rollers at both ends of
samples were weight before and after the test to determine weight
the brick. The brick was marked at the centre for proper alignment
loss. The final thickness of the tested wearied surface was taken to
of the load, the point load was then lowered on to the top of the
determine wear depth for each number investigated. Fig. 2 showed
brick after which the load were gradually increased until failure of
abrasion activity.
the brick samples, three samples were replicated for each brick and
the average results were recorded for the individual specimen.
2.7. Water absorption test
The flexural strength of the bricks was expressed as the modulus
of rupture fb was calculated to the nearest 0.05 MPa. The flexural
or modulus of elasticity was obtained from Eq. (2), while shear The purpose of this test method is to provide a means for
stress generated during the test was obtained using Eq. (3) below. comparing relative water absorption tendencies between bricks
with different mix proportions. These specimens were air-dried
𝑓𝑏 = (2) and weighed, this weight was noted as the dry weight (W1) of the
𝑏𝑑 2
bricks, and the bricks were then immersed in water at room
𝜏𝑥𝑦 = (3) temperature of 25± 2°C for 24 hours. The bricks were then
removed from the water and wiped with a dry cloth. The bricks
where, b = measured width in cm of the brick; d = measured depth were then weight and this was noted as the wet weight (W2) of the
in cm of the brick; L = length in cm of the span on which the brick brick. ASTM C67 [22].
was supported and; I = Moment of inertial; τxy = shear stress of 𝑊2 −𝑊1
the material; a = area under consideration; y = depth of neutral 𝑤𝑎𝑡e𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(%) = 𝑥 100 (4)
axis; P = maximum failure load in kN applied to the brick.
2.8. SEM analysis
2.6. Abrasion test
The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to
Abrasion is the process of scuffing, scratching, wearing down, investigate the microstructures of the brick samples, this test is to
marring, or rubbing away. It is normally imposed in a controlled determine the voids space and cracks within the bricks. Fragments
774 J.O. Akinyele and S.K. Oyelakin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 14 (2021) 771-777

of the bricks were cut into a small size of 5mm x 10 mm, and and pedestrian bricks because of its low compressive strength
mounted on the SEM stub, electron beam from the microscope was when compared to the usage. Both bricks P3 and P4 did not qualify
focused on the polished surface of the bricks, and this allows the for any of the conditions recommended by the ASTM standard.
evidence of the microstructural composition of the bricks to be
revealed. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)-based high- 3.2. Flexural strength and shear stress test
resolution images came from scanning electron microscopy
machine VEGA3 TESCAN, located in the Engineering Laboratory The flexural strength or modulus of rupture is the reaction of
of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. engineering materials to external load before the rupturing of the
material. This involved the development of both compressive,
Results and discussions tensile and shear stresses in the material. Flexural stresses (bending
stress or modulus of rupture) will develop in response to an
3.1. Compressive strength test external load. Normally in reinforced concrete section, the
reinforcement will first respond to this eternal load through the
Results from Fig. 3 showed that the compressive strength of development of internal flexural stresses, when the loading
sample P1 was the highest at 17.78 N/mm2, followed by P2 at 9.91 continues, the surrounding concrete elements will join in the
N/mm2; samples P3 and P4 have 6.50 N/mm2 and 5.64 N/mm2 resistance of the load. This phenomenon will continue until the
respectively. The more stone dust that was added to the plastic, the reinforcement reaches it stress-strain limits first before the
less compressive strength was obtained. This phenomenon can be concrete will reach its limits since steel is more ductile than
attributed to the reduction in the bond strength within the brick concrete [25].
mixtures as a result of the increased in the amount of stone dust in In this research, the brick samples used did not contain
the samples, at this saturated point the stone dust was acting as an reinforcements, hence the brick material was subjected to direct
impurity instead of aggregate material. The plastic being the binder stress-strain condition, but the ability to resist the external load was
losses its binding ability when more dust was added to the mix. depended on both the plastic and stone dust materials with the
This result is in agreement with previous research work where bonds holding the two materials together.
plastic was used to replace aggregate in sandcrete bricks [3], the The flexural test results from Fig. 4 showed that sample P 1 has
more plastic waste added to the sandcrete, the less compressive the highest value of 11.57 N/mm2, while samples P2, P3, P4 has
strength obtained. The same condition was applicable in the 10.73 N/mm2, 10.27 N/mm2 and 10.19 N/mm2 respectively. The
mixture of plastic and glass in fired bricks [5,6]. gradual reduction in flexural strength as the number of stone dust
The compressive strength obtained by [3] for bricks made from increases in the samples can be attributed to the reduction in bond
cement without plastic was 13.15 N/mm2. This value is small when strength within the brick materials as more stone dust were added,
compared to the 17.78 N/mm2 obtained for P1 in this experiment. this confirmed the pattern of the result obtained during the
These brick results can be classified according to the technical compressive strength test. These results are however very close to
report of the Brick Industry Association [24], which was also based
on ASTM C67 [22] designations. The brick classification in Table
1 showed that sample P1 can be used for building and facing bricks
Compressive strength

under severe weathering conditions, because of its compressive 20

strength that is higher than the recommended 17.20 N/mm2.
However, it cannot be used for pedestrian and light traffic under

severe weathering condition because it must attain a strength of

48.3 N/mm2 to qualify for this grade. Nevertheless, it can be used
effectively for the pedestrian and light traffic pavement when the 5
weathering condition is moderate.
The brick sample P2 will qualify for building brick if there is no 0
weathering conditioning in the area where it has to be used, this is P1 P2 P3 P4
because the 9.91 N/mm2 compressive strength attained is greater Series1 17.78 9.91 6.5 5.64
than the 8.2 N/mm2 recommended for a building brick under no
weathering condition. However, it cannot be used for both facing
Fig. 3. Compressive strength test.
Table 1
Classification of bricks to ASTM standard [26-28].
Brick grade ASTM Compressive strength Cold water absorption Volume abrasion loss, max.
designation (N/mm2) (%) (cm3)
C62 (Building brick) SW 17.20 - -
MW 15.29 - -
NW 8.60 - -
C216 (Facing bricks) SW 17.20 - -
MW 15.20 - -
C 902 (Pedestrian and light SX   1.7(Ty I)
traffic bricks) MX 17.20 17.00 2.7(Ty II)
NX 17.20 No. Limit 4.0(Ty III)
SW/SX=, Severe weathering, MW/MX= is moderate weathering, NW/NX= no weathering.
J.O. Akinyele and S.K. Oyelakin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 14 (2021) 771-777 775

each other when compared to the compressive strength results; the brick, less stone dust was lost. The other samples weight loss
this outcome has revealed that there were very strong tensile or were reducing as more stone dust was added in proportion. P 4 had
bending stresses generated on each brick samples during the the second least weight loss of 100 g despite having the highest
flexural test. The shear stress results from Table 2 also followed abrasion volume of 28.35 cm3, this can be attributed to the
the same pattern with sample P1 having the highest value. The lightweight of the materials lost during the abrasion test, which
bending stress is the ability of the materials to resist bending due consist mainly stone dust.
to the effect of the external load. During this period, shear cracks
are developed from the area of the brick with the highest bending 3.4. Structural efficiency and density
stress, it is when the bending stress values for each material was
exceeded that the brick material will fail or rupture. The shear The structural efficiency is the ratio of the compressive strength
stresses arise from the shear force generated in the brick materials to the density of the bricks, the brick density depends on the
during the application of external load, this action will results in compactness of the brick samples and the number of voids presents
opposing forces acting within the material, the stress generated within the materials, while the compressive strength depending on
during this process caused the development of shear cracks. the material properties and the type of bond that exists within the
material. The result from Table 2 revealed that the structural
3.3. Abrasion test results efficiency of brick sample P1 was the highest at 1.27 x 103m, while
the lowest was that of P4 at 0.34 x 103m. The difference between
The material strength, types of aggregates used, binding sample P1 and P2 efficiency was about 57%.
materials, surface finish and exposure condition affect the abrasion The efficiency of material will predict the endurance level of the
resistance of engineering materials. [29,30]. The abrasion volume bricks under sustained load over a very long period and it is used
in this work increased as the volume of stone dust used in the to predict the lightweight nature of the material in supporting a
bricks were increasing, correspondingly both the compressive and heavy load.
flexural strength was decreasing. The volume of stone dust used The density of the brick samples increased as more stone dust
and the strength of the bricks have a very strong influence on the was added to the bricks. Sample P1 had an average density of
abrasion of the samples. This phenomenon implies that the bonds 14,000 kg/m3 while P2, P3, and P4 had 16,400 kg/m3, 16,600 kg/m3
between the brick materials were decreasing as the number of and 16,700 kg/m3 respectively. The low density in sample P1 could
stone dust used in the samples were increasing. The results from be attributed to the high volume of molten plastic that was present
Table 2 showed that brick samples P1 and P2 has 0.64 and 1.75 cm3 in the bricks since the density of plastic was low when compared
volume abrasion loss respectively, these two values are within the with that of stone dust. It was observed that the densities of bricks
range recommended for pedestrian pavement and light traffic P2, P3 and P4 were very close despite the increase in the amount of
conditions for grade type I bricks by ATSM C 902 [25]. stone dust being added to each sample. This could be attributed to
The weight loss during the test was measured at the end of the the large voids that were formed in each sample as evident in the
test; the weight lost by samples were 50 g, 200 g, 160 g and 100 g SEM images. The more the stone dust added, the larger the voids
by P1, P2, P3, and P4 respectively. Brick sample P1 has the lowest and crack widths created within the brick samples.
weight loss; this can be attributed to the strong bond in the brick
sample which was as a result of the amount of plastic present in 3.5. Cold water absorption

The brick samples were immersed in water at room temperature

Flexural Strength (N/mm2)

for 24 hours, the weight of the samples before and after immersion
was determined, and the percentage difference in the result are
11.5 showed in Table 2. Sample P1 has 1.67% water absorbed rate at the
end of 24 hours. The ASTM C62 [26] recommendation in Table 1
11 did not place a limit to water absorption for both building and
10.5 facing bricks, but place 11% and 17% for pedestrian and light
traffic bricks for severe and medium weathering respectively. The
10 result in Table 2 showed that the brick samples performed well in
9.5 the water absorption test judging by the ASTM C62 [26] standard.
P1 P2 P3 P4 The sample P4 high water absorption over other samples can be
Series1 11.57 10.73 10.27 10.19 related to the very high amount stone dust present in it, this sample
has more stone dust than others do, and the dust has high affinity
for water more than the plastic that is insoluble in water. The more
Fig. 4. Flexural strength test.
the stone dust added to the bricks, the more water it can absorb.
When this result was compared with bricks made from cement, the
Table 2 result for sandcrete brick was 16.96%, according to Akinyele and
Test results for all brick samples. Toriola [3]. It can be inferred that brick made with plastic binder
Brick Density Structural Shear Abrasion Coldwater has low water absorption than brick samples made with cement.
samples (kg/m3) efficiency stress (cm3) absorption
(x 103 m) (N/mm2) (%) 3.6. SEM analysis
P1 14,000 1.27 7.71 0.64 1.67
P2 16,400 0.67 7.15 1.75 4.05 The microstructures in Figs. 5-7 showed the size of micro-voids,
P3 16,600 0.39 6.91 24.32 8.10 and micro-cracks formed within the brick samples, Fig. 5 showed
P4 16,700 0.34 6.82 28.35 10.40 the microstructures of sample P1, the average area of the micro-
776 J.O. Akinyele and S.K. Oyelakin / International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 14 (2021) 771-777

sample confirmed the high volume of abrasion loss. The cracks

are a potential weak point for bonding in the bricks, hence this
contributed to the strength properties of each brick sample.


This study has looked into the mechanical and physical test on
plastic bricks, made from mainly stone dust and molten plastic that
served as the binder. The results revealed that brick samples P1 has
the highest compressive strength, this value qualified it for both
building and facing bricks under severe weathering conditions.
Sample P1 also qualified for pedestrian and light traffic pavement
under medium weathering condition. Brick P2 is qualified for
building bricks under a non-severe weathering condition based on
the recommendation of ASTM C62. The other two samples (P3 and
P4) could not be classified due to their low strength properties. The
Fig. 5. Microstructure for brick P1. cold water absorption test revealed that all the bricks performed
well based on the code recommendations.
Abrasion test results also showed that samples P1 and P2 are
within the ASTM C902 recommendation for abrasiveness. Brick
sample P1 and P2 showed good endurance ability under sustained
load through the structural efficiency analysis. The SEM analysis
revealed the sizes of micro-cracks and voids in the brick samples,
which showed the reason why the bricks have different structural
properties and varying densities. This research can conclude that
the use of molten plastic as a binder in bricks at a maximum of 33%
with stone dust is good for building bricks and pedestrian traffic
pavements. Although the limitation of this research is the inability
to control the toxic gases that are likely to have been emitted
during the burning of the plastic waste, efforts are been made to
control these toxic gases in subsequent research by using the
pyrolysis plants.
Fig. 6. Microstructure for P3.

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