DSS - Docx Questions

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DSS (Decision Support System) and ES (Expert System) are both types of computer-based information

systems that assist in decision-making. However, they differ in their underlying principles and

Decision Support System (DSS):

A DSS is designed to support decision-making processes by providing data analysis, modeling, and
simulation tools. It focuses on providing relevant information and analytical capabilities to users,
enabling them to make informed decisions. DSS typically incorporates various data sources and
analytical techniques to assist in solving complex problems.
Example: Consider a retail company that wants to optimize its inventory management. A DSS can
collect and analyze data on customer demand, sales trends, and inventory levels. It can then generate
forecasts and recommend optimal inventory levels to minimize stockouts and overstocking. The
system provides decision-makers with insights and recommendations based on data analysis.

Expert System (ES):

An ES is a computer program designed to mimic human expertise in a specific domain. It uses expert
knowledge and rules to solve complex problems and make decisions. ES typically incorporates a
knowledge base, an inference engine, and a user interface to interact with users and provide expert-
level advice.
Example: Imagine a medical expert system that assists doctors in diagnosing diseases. The system can
be programmed with a vast collection of medical knowledge, including symptoms, causes, and
treatment options for various illnesses. When a doctor enters patient symptoms into the system, it
uses its inference engine to match the symptoms with known patterns and make a diagnosis
recommendation based on the expert knowledge.

In summary, while both DSS and ES aim to assist in decision-making, DSS focuses on providing
analytical tools and data-driven insights, while ES relies on expert knowledge and rules to provide
advice and recommendations in a specific domain.

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