Sex Recession Challenges and Threats For The Econo

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Jurnal Ilmiah MIZANI Vol. 10. No.

02, 2023 P-ISSN: 2355-5173

E-ISSN: 2656-9477

Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Raden Fatah

Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Raden Fatah

Wasti Indah Haryani Daulay

Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Raden Fatah

Received: 10-08-2023 Revised: 15-12-2023 Accepted: 16-12-2023 Published On: 25-12-2023

Abstract: The term "sex recession" refers to a decline in the willingness to engage in sexual intercourse and,
consequently, a reluctance to marry and have offspring. This phenomenon is prevalent in many developed
countries, leading to a notable decrease in birth rates and a slowed regeneration process. The long-term
impacts of sex recession extend beyond demographic shifts and pose challenges to economic dynamics. As
population declines, there is a gradual reduction in consumer needs, resulting in diminished purchasing
power and imbalances in supply and demand. This economic passivity poses a significant threat to future
economic sustainability. This study employs a phenomenological approach and conducts a comprehensive
literature review to explore the multifaceted implications of the sex recession phenomenon. The findings
highlight the potential long-term challenges and threats to economic development, emphasizing the
urgency of research in this domain to inform strategic interventions and policy decisions.

Keywords: Sex Recession; population; economy.

Abstrak: Istilah sex recession dimaknai dengan berkurangnya kemauan untuk melakukan hubungan seksual,
atau bahkan ketidak inginan manusia untuk melakukan pernikahan dan mempunyai keturunan. Sex recession
banyak terjadi dinegara maju dan tentu saja memiliki dampak pada penurunan angka kelahiran pada suatu
Negara dan regenerasi menjadi lambat. Jika hal tersebut terus terjadi jelas akan berdampak juga pada
perekonomian. Lambat laun tingkat kebutuhan semakin menurun dikarenakan minimnya populasi, daya beli
masyarakat semakin rendah dan terkait pada permintaan dan penawaran yang tidak seimbang sehingga
aktifitas ekonomi menjadi pasif. hal ini, menjadi tantangan dan ancaman ekonomi masa depan. Oleh karena
itu perluh adanya penelitian terkait hal tersebut, supaya akan menjadi kehati-hatian bagi pelaku sex recession.
Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi, telaah pustaka dengan pencarian data dan informasi
secara online terkait fenomena Sex Recession. Dari pendekatan tersebut didapatkan bahwa Sex Recession
memiliki dampak jangka panjang terutama pada perekonomian, secara tidak langsung terjadinya resesi seks
menjadi tantangan dan ancaman perkembangan ekonomi suatu Negara, jauh ke depan Negara tersebut pun
akan terancam dengan resesi ekonomi, karena adanya pengurangan pelaku ekonomi.

Kata Kunci: Sex Recession; populasi; ekonomi

Copy Right (c) 2023: Lusiana,

Jurnal Ilmiah Mizani: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi, dan Keagamaan
Published by Faculty of Sharia, State Islamic University of Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Jurnal Ilmiah Mizani: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi dan Keagamaan | 292

Vol. 10, No. 02, 2023 Implementing Accessibility Principles in Alternative Dispute Resolution
P-ISSN: 2355-5173 E-ISSN: 2656-9477 for Sharia Economic Disputes in Indonesia

Introduction threats to the future economy if this sex

Sexual Life Crisis or "sexual problem" is recession continues to occur it will be a
a term that can be used to describe a challenge and threat especially in the
situation where there is a significant decline economic sector. Population decline is the
in sexual activity or sexual interest of a biggest impact of the sex recession6 . The
person or group, unwillingness to marry and decline in population results in a decrease in
have children1, which is then referred to as a the number of workers, a decrease in
sex recession. One of the biggest impacts will production such as expertise, skills and
be the decline in population, the lack of birth various labor that is needed for economic
rate will slow down the movement of the growth7 . Then it also affects people's
economy between demand and supply to be consumption, the fewer people, the lower
unbalanced2 . Even if this continues to the consumptive rate. Furthermore, in the
happen, it can have an impact on the demographic structure, the slow
economic activity of the State. sex recession regeneration and productive age is
is currently attacking the world, many decreasing8 . Some of these things are a
developed countries are experiencing its challenge for humans as well as a challenge
impact including; Japan, the decline in sexual for the country in the economic field9 .
activity so that the number of experiencing a Therefore, there is a need for solutions,
population crisis, namely a very drastic policies for adjustments in dealing with these
decline in the birth rate. As a result, many phenomena.
schools are closed due to lack of students3 . This paper is made to find out and
United States; also experiencing birth rates, analyze a solution if the sex recession
in previous years the normal birth rate was phenomenon continues to occur, then
3.33 people, since 2021 it has decreased very humans will experience a big impact as well
drastically by 2.51 people4 . South Korea; the as the state, especially in the economic field.
4B or Four No's association, namely; no Therefore, the paper will answer three
dating, no sex, no marriage, and no child- questions, including: (a) What are the factors
rearing (radical feminist group), a decade ago that cause sex recession? (b) How does sex
around 47% of single women stated that recession become a challenge and threat to
marriage was necessary. However, since 2018 the future economy? (c) What are the
it has become 22.4%5. implications of sex recession for the future
This study related to the sex recession economy? From these questions it becomes a
is more likely to discuss the challenges and way for the author to see the sex recession

1 6
“Https://Health.Detik.Com/Berita- M Musahwi, M Z Anika, and P Pitriyani,
Detikhealth/d-6242243/Cegah-Resesi-Seks-Putin- “Fenomena Resesi Seks Di Indonesia (Studi
Beri-Hadiah-Rp-230-Juta-Ke-Ibu-Yang-Punya-10- Gender Tren ’Waithood’Pada Perempuan
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“Https://Www.Kompas.Tv/Bisnis/356377/Re Mesra Jukijaya Sinurat, “Analisis Faktor-
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onal/20230602132725-113-956949/Jepang- Dara Ayu Nova Dezianti dan Fina Hidayati,
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“Https://Www.Cnnindonesia.Com/Internasi Sains Dan Profesi Vol. 5 (2021): 151–58.
onal/20220823203145-134-838268/Kenapa- Dwi Sapto Bagaskoro, Fiqih Aditya
Sejumlah-Negara-Maju-Mengalami-Resesi- Alamsyah, and Surya Ramadhan, “Faktor-Faktor
Seks/2,” n.d. Yang Mempengaruhi Demografi: Fertilitas,
“Https://Www.Cnnindonesia.Com/Internasi Mortalitas Dan Migrasi (Literature Review
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Nurhani Fithriah, Vol. 10, No. 02, 2023
P-ISSN: 2355-5173 E-ISSN: 2656-9477

has challenges and threats for the future sex recession is a description of the decline in
economy, with the impact of the sex human interest in having children, which
recession that has challenges and threats for ultimately has an impact on the decline in the
the future economy, with the impact of the birth rate13 . Furthermore, another statement
sex recession that has been experienced in stated that the sex recession decreased
developed and developing countries. people's desire for marriage and having
This paper is based on data and children14 . From these statements, it is
phenomena that many developed countries understood that sex recession is a decrease
experience sex recession. This reality is an in human interest in marriage, sexuality and
important concern, especially for future then offspring or children. The phenomenon
economic development, where if a sex of sex recession is very common, especially in
recession with a continuous decline in developed and developing countries with
population numbers10 also results in a decline various factors and causes that can vary
in economic actors which will eventually lead between individuals and social groups15 ,
to new problems. Therefore, it is important including;
to know the causal factors, challenges and 1. Financial difficulties or shortages
threats posed then the impact of sex (economic problems), the increasing
recession. busyness of society and the demands of
increasing needs, many of these actors
Literature Review are more interested in not getting
Sex Recession married and having children and
Sex recession is a term used to prioritizing careers, or by reason of the
describe a significant decline in sexual activity high cost of child care and education16.
within a population or society11 . The term can 2. Increased use of technology and social
refer to a situation where there is a decrease media, spending more time in cyberspace
in the frequency of sexual intercourse, a and thus not being active in social life17.
decrease in sexual interest or satisfaction, or 3. Finding "fun" in other ways, many users
even a decrease in the number of individuals of gadged in this age they freely access
engaging in sexual intercourse12 . A sex ponography and others18.
recession cited in the Atlantic article states 4. Changes in consumption patterns, where
the decline in sexual activity experienced by many millennial easy generations are
a region that has a decreasing impact on the currently more focused on working to
birth rate. Another statement states that the meet their needs, because at this time

Musahwi, Anika, and Pitriyani, n.d.
“FENOMENA RESESI SEKS DI INDONESIA (Studi Jason N. Houle and Michael T. Light, “The
Gender Tren ’Waithood’Pada Perempuan Harder They Fall? Sex and Race/Ethnic Specific
Milenial).” Suicide Rates in the U.S. Foreclosure Crisis,” Social
Ibnu Elmi Acmad Slamat Pelu et al., “Sex Science and Medicine, 2017,
Recession Phenomenon from the Perspective
Maqashid Sharia Based on Objectives Marriage Muhkamat Anwar, “Green Economy
Law in Indonesia,” Al-Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum Sebagai Strategi Dalam Menangani Masalah
Islam, 2022, Ekonomi Dan Multilateral,” Jurnal Pajak Dan
Robert Bozick, “Is There Really a Sex Keuangan Negara (PKN), 2022,
Recession? Period and Cohort Effects on Sexual
Inactivity Among American Men, 2006–2019,” Roida Pakpahan, “Analisa Pengaruh
American Journal of Men’s Health, 2021, Implementasi Artificial Intelligence Dalam Kehidupan Manusia,” Journal of Information
System, Informatics and Computing, 2021.
“Https://Lifestyle.Sindonews.Com/Read/1013605/ Pandega Abyan Zumarsyah, “Sejarah
166/4-Negara-Yang-Mengalami-Resesi-Seks- Kecerdasan Buatan Atau Artificial Intelligence
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Vol. 10, No. 02, 2023 Implementing Accessibility Principles in Alternative Dispute Resolution
P-ISSN: 2355-5173 E-ISSN: 2656-9477 for Sharia Economic Disputes in Indonesia

they develop buying needs not based on goals and maximize the overall welfare of
needs but for happiness (satisfaction). society. On the future economic
Several studies have shown a development of the forecast that can be
downward trend in sexual activity in considered are: First, sustainable economic
developed and developing countries, and this development, efforts to achieve this, it is
is characterized by fewer recorded marriages necessary to consider social and
and declining birth rates, but not all countries environmental factors. Second, the industrial
experience this, which varies based on social, revolution, technological advances will be
cultural and economic factors in each more advanced and continue to change the
country. way of working, especially in the economic
sector or the transformation of the work
Economy sector; including the industrial revolution 5.0,
Predictions about the future economy the sophistication of artificial intelligence
are very difficult to make with absolute that can automate human work23 . Third,
accuracy. Economies are influenced by a changes in the global market, globalization
variety of complex and often unpredictable and economic integration between countries
factors, including technological change, continue, new economic powers will emerge,
global market dynamics, government shifts in economic growth satisfaction also
policies, demographic changes, as well as have a considerable influence. Fourth,
unexpected events such as financial crises or increasing economic inequality, income and
natural disasters19. Economics is the wealth inequality will continue to be a global
understanding of how people allocate limited issue, the occurrence of unbalanced supply
resources to fulfill their needs and wants20. In and demand will also continue to occur.
a broader scope, economics also includes the These future economic forecasts may change
study of the production, distribution, and based on various unpredictable factors,
consumption of goods and services. therefore, wisdom and prudence are
Economics as a tool and method of analysis required.
to explain and predict economic phenomena,
especially in the future. In addition, The Dynamics of Sex Recession Challenges
economics is also concerned with social and and Threats
political issues, such as income inequality, A recession is a period when overall
poverty, sustainable development, and economic activity has decreased drastically,
public policy21. as well as the sex recession where there is a
The primary goals of economics are to sex recession or sex recession decrease in the
achieve economic efficiency, social welfare, number of marriages as well as a lack of
sustainable economic growth, and stability. interest or human activity to have sexual
Through an understanding of economic intercourse so that the birth rate has also
mechanisms22, economic policies can be decreased24. From this, various challenges
designed and implemented to promote these and threats will arise as a result of the sex

Nefo Indra Nizar and Achmad Nur Sholeh, Pendidikan Nonformal, 2020,
“Peran Ekonomi Digital Terhadap Ketahanan Dan
Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Selama Pandemi COVID- Nizar and Sholeh, “Peran Ekonomi Digital
19,” Jurnal Madani: Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, Terhadap Ketahanan Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
Dan Humaniora, 2021, Selama Pandemi COVID-19.”
23 Muhammad Dahria, “Kecerdasan Buatan (
Suparmono, Pengantar Ekonomika Makro Artificial Intelligence ),” Artificial Intelligence,
(Yogyakarta: UUP-AMP YKPN, 2004). 2014.
21 24
Ahmad Hariyadi and Dwi Novaria Iskandar Iskandar and Rahmayanti
Misidawati, “Pengenalan Pendidikan Ekonomi Rahmayanti, “Pengaruh Gaya Hidup, Kelompok
Islam Kepada Generasi Muda: Upaya Peningkatan Teman Sebaya, Dan Literasi Ekonomi Terhadap
Mutu Ekonomi Masa Depan,” Aksara: Jurnal Ilmu Perilaku Konsumsi,” JURNAL ILMU MANAJEMEN

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Nurhani Fithriah, Vol. 10, No. 02, 2023
P-ISSN: 2355-5173 E-ISSN: 2656-9477

recession, including: activities of the community as well as the

1) Population decline, population decline economy of the State25 . Therefore, the
will be a scourge for economic government and society must make efforts
development because it has negative to understand, contribute to the
impacts, including; decreased labor development of policies and programs for
force, decreased consumption and stable marriage, healthy sexual relationships
demographic inequality. and support for those who want to have
2) Population aging, the share of the children.
population especially in the elderly will
tend to increase, this will be a challenge Method
in the sustainability of the pension This type of research uses a qualitative
system and health costs will increase. approach, with natural conditions. The object
3) Fiscal, if this sex recession occurs by not of this research is the phenomenon of sex
wanting to have children automatically recession which has threats and challenges
results in the State's fiscal burden, to the future of the economy26. Researchers
especially on economic actors, health and will analyze by describing the phenomena
also education, fewer will pay taxes that occur. The approach used in this
causing a fiscal deficit and imbalance in research is descriptive qualitative, the data
the State budget. sources used are primary and secondary data
4) Labor imbalance, an imbalance between sources. Primary data used is the
labor and market demand, certain phenomenon of sex recession experienced in
industries and sectors will have difficulty developed and developing countries
finding qualified employees, but other associated with future economic
sectors may experience a surplus of development. While the secondary data is in
labor. the form of articles, journals, books and other
5) Decrease in consumption and demand, a scientific works related to the research
small population causes the level of conducted by the author. Data collection in
needs to also decrease, such as a lack of this research uses library research and also
purchasing power due to fewer collects data through internet media
consumption actors. searches such as information regarding sex
6) Social and demographic imbalances, recession cases, related articles or journals.
obviously the sex recession will affect the using qualitative descriptive analysis with the
social and demographic structure of aim of seeing the factors that cause this sex
society, impacting intergenerational recession to occur, as well as how sex
relationships, social support, and overall recession has challenges and threats for
family dynamics. These imbalances can future economic development. The data
result in complex social challenges and analysis used in this research is descriptive
changes in patterns of social life qualitative, namely by describing the data
The dynamics of the threats and that has been obtained as clearly as possible,
challenges of the sex recession are clearly both primary data associated with secondary
very impactful in various sectors, but the data that is closely related to the research. As
major impact will be on the economic observational data through social media and

DAN BISNIS, 2018, Hasbiansyah O, “Metodelogi Penelitian Komunikasi Fenomenologi: KOnsepsi, Pedoman
“Https://Www.Google.Com/Search?Q=rese Dan Contoh Penelitian,” Mediator, 2008; Tari
si+seks+dan+ekonomi&biw=695&bih=532&sxsrf= Budayanti Usop, “Kajian Literatur Metodologi
APwXEddlHxxSbXd8jLY0K7rB9wx4lVV0Rg%3A16 Penelitian Fenomenologi Dan Etnografi,”
86328981136&ei=lVaDZIKaB9v14- Https://Www.Researchgate.Net/Publication/33065
JgGHd0JBTwQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=resesi+sek AN_FENOMENOLOGI_DAN_ETNOGRAFI, 2016.
s+dan+ekonomi&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6L,” n.d.

296 | Jurnal Ilmiah Mizani: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi dan Keagamaan

Vol. 10, No. 02, 2023 Implementing Accessibility Principles in Alternative Dispute Resolution
P-ISSN: 2355-5173 E-ISSN: 2656-9477 for Sharia Economic Disputes in Indonesia

some phenomena that occur globally will be resesi-

studied properly in the form of descriptions, seks-
then linked to all supporting data that has yak-
been obtained. After being described clearly, pendu
deductive conclusions will be drawn, namely duk
describing in general then producing
conclusions. Thus the results obtained from Decrea High cost of In the United h
se in marriage. States, ttps://
the research will be easily understood and marria ge Increased women tend www.c
understood by the reader. rate/un consumptio n to live alone nbcind
willing and spending. longer onesia.
Results and Discussion ness to Increased because they com/n
marry responsibilit y prioritize their ews/20
Factors Causing the Sex Recession and greater careers over 211206
The phenomenon of sex recession is financial building a 104616
shaking developed and developing countries, obligations. family. Most -4-
especially in Asia. Sex recession refers to a established 29688
men 20 years 3/kron
person who is not in the mood to get
and older do ologi-
married, have sexual intercourse and have not want to resesi-
children27. Then, this event has an impact on have sexual seks-
the decline in the population of a country, intercourse serang
because of the state of decline in marriage -as-ini-
rates and reluctance to have sex. The keladi
unwillingness, delay can be influenced by nya
various factors, including; social factors,
cultural factors, and the individual himself28. Unwilli Children will NUISSP data h
Table.1. Sex recession cases that occurred in ngness, involve in South ttps://
various countries delayin g significant Korea shows www.c
having costs, that many nnindo
childre n. maintenanc e women are nesia.c
Challenges and
Sex costs, not interested om/int
Threats to the
Recessi Narrative Source education in sex and ernasi
on costs and refuse to have onal/2
fulfillment of children. 02208
No Reproductiv e Nearly 30% of h other China's Covid 232031
desire/r costs; fertility Japanese men ttps:// consumptive 19 has 45-134-
educed treatments don't have www.c goods. discouraged 83826
desire etc. sex, citing nnindo Inheritance women from 8/kena
for sex Consideratio n work fatigue. nesia.c (legacy) having pa-
of financial Singapore om/int planning. A children, and sejuml
responsibiliti government ernasi decrease in the cost of ah-
es for both allows women onal/2 taxpayers. And childcare and negara
family and to freeze their 02306 the biggest is education has -maju-
children. eggs. 021327 the skyrocketed menga
Flexibility in 25-113- demographi c lami-
allocating 95694 shift. resesi-
personal 9/jepa seks/2
expenses. ng-
Focus on gelont
personal and orkan- The table above explains that the sex
career rp370- recession experienced by several developed
developmen t. t-demi- and developing countries if it continues to

Howard J. Wall, “Sex and the Business Protection Expenditures on Adult Mortality: A
Cycle,” Applied Economics, 2023, Longitudinal Analysis of 5565 Brazilian Municipalities,” The Lancet Global Health, 2019,
Thomas Hone et al., “Effect of Economic
Recession and Impact of Health and Social

Jurnal Ilmiah Mizani: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi dan Keagamaan | 297

Nurhani Fithriah, Vol. 10, No. 02, 2023
P-ISSN: 2355-5173 E-ISSN: 2656-9477

occur will have a negative impact on Of these factors, there are many others, but
economic and social aspects, these two it needs to be understood that these factors
aspects are very important. Productive are individualized and vary according to
humans will decrease and have an impact on specific conditions and circumstances.
the economic sector29. Economic activities
become passive, people tend to live alone. Sex recession poses challenge and threat to
Demographic shifts caused by the sex future economy
recession will also change the pattern of Declining interest in sex, marriage, and
demand in the market. In Japan, the having children can have future economic
perpetrators of the sex recession are the implications. The following are some of the
younger generation, who do not want to challenges and threats that can arise; first, a
have children. So the effort made by Japan is decline in economic growth and labor market
to support young people to have children by changes; this can have an impact on the
spending USD 25 billion or around 370 longterm decline in economic activity or on
trillion30. China is hit by a birth rate crisis due the future economy of a country. A decline in
to the refusal of women not to have children, population due to low birth rates will reduce
the number of babies born from 2018 is only the labor force or economic actors,
around 32,500 people31. threatening productivity and economic
Sex recession, as previously described, growth. Second, demographic imbalance; i.e.
is the reluctance to engage in sexual regeneration becomes slow, the number of
intercourse, a decline, a delay in getting elderly becomes dominant over the number
married and having children. This of younger generations, this can lead to an
phenomenon occurs in developed and increase in social burdens such as; health
developing countries with various factors pension costs and social security. Third, fiscal
and consequences including: First, changes in deficits, the lack of population can lead to
people's views on marriage and the concept fiscal deficits. Fourth, changes in supply and
of family; this perception arises because they demand and changes in social structure; lack
understand that marriage costs money, then of population, fewer family members result
married life will have a large financial in reduced purchasing value, the need for
responsibility. Second, after observing that goods and services becomes less this makes
the perpetrators of sex recession are people supply and demand in the market
who have education, live in urban areas and unbalanced.
live in the modern era whose lives are side by The sex recession has the greatest
side with technological sophistication, then impact on population as well as the problems
there is a change in life patterns; busy with being faced by some countries experiencing
high mobility, work pressure, career sex recession, addressing the challenges and
advancement and education, thus reducing threats of population decline to economic
time and energy not to get married and have development can involve various aspects and
children or postpone it. Third, technology strategies, namely: First, encouraging
and social media; technology changes social population growth through policies that
patterns, namely a reduction in interest in support families and increased birth rates.
social interaction. Third, physical and mental Second, increasing labor force participation
health factors; high stress levels, economic through policies that support the increased
pressure, depression and excessive anxiety. participation of women and groups

Anwar, “Green Economy Sebagai sesi+seks+dan+ekonomi&biw=695&bih=532&sxs
Strategi Dalam Menangani Masalah Ekonomi Dan rf=APwXEddlHxxSbXd8jLY0K7rB9wx4lVV0Rg%3A
Multilateral.” 1686328981136&ei=lVaDZIKaB9v14-
“Https://Www.Okezone.Com/Tag/Resesi-Seks-Di- JgGHd0JBTwQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=resesi+sek
Jepang,” n.d. s+dan+ekonomi&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6L.”

298 | Jurnal Ilmiah Mizani: Wacana Hukum, Ekonomi dan Keagamaan

Vol. 10, No. 02, 2023 Implementing Accessibility Principles in Alternative Dispute Resolution
P-ISSN: 2355-5173 E-ISSN: 2656-9477 for Sharia Economic Disputes in Indonesia

previously excluded from the labor force. open for studies in the education, social,
Third, increasing understanding and technological and other sectors. This paper
awareness related to marriage, as well as emphasizes that the sex recession needs
understanding the ownership of children, so special attention for the community and also
as to experience an increase in the quality of the government, to provide policies, and
life Fourth; supporting migration policies. solutions to avoid the sex recession and
economic threats. Thus this paper has
Implications of the Sex Recession for the contributed knowledge that the future of the
Future Economy economy has several challenges and threats,
The implications of a sex recession on so it needs a way out to minimize these
the future economy may vary depending on a challenges and threats. This research shows
number of factors. Some of the possible that sex recession poses challenges and
implications are; threats to future economies, with population
1) Consumption and demand, this can lead decline and demographic gaps can lead to
to a lonely economy and solo economy, economic recession, which is a significant
less consumption with less demand for decline in the economic activity of a country
housing so that it is low budget. Then the or region, characterized by and decrease in
development of industry 5.0 which consumer demand. Contributing factors
resulted in many humans now making include a decline in household consumption,
friends with obots so that they do not a drop in business investment, or disruptions
need consumptive needs to fulfill their in international trade. If synchronized, sex
needs. recession can have an impact from these
2) Sluggish economic growth; declining things. However, there needs to be further
purchasing power, especially in property research related to this phenomenon, there
such as residences and vehicles. needs to be scientific collaboration,
Population decline and the especially between economics and family
domographic divide, pose a considerable science, how sex recession and economic
threat to economic growth, the decline in recession, as well as the causes and effects
interest in not marrying and having children caused for social and economic
has an impact on economic actors that will be development.
few in the future, unemployment will
increase and the reduction of workers if this Reference
continues to occur will result in economic Anwar, Muhkamat. “Green Economy Sebagai
rece. Strategi Dalam Menangani Masalah
Ekonomi Dan Multilateral.” Jurnal Pajak Dan
Conclussion Keuangan Negara (PKN), 2022.
The term sex recession is not only used
Bozick, Robert. “Is There Really a Sex Recession?
for the economy, but nowadays it is also used Period and Cohort Effects on Sexual
for the decline in sexual activity. Sex Inactivity Among American Men, 2006–
recession is also understood as the extreme 2019.” American Journal of Men’s Health,
unwillingness of people to marry and have 2021.
offspring. The result is a decline in population
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