M8506 (2008-N) - Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Double-Coated Tapes For Automobiles

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M8506 [2008-N] Nissan Engineering Standard Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Double-Coated Tapes for NES Automobiles 4, SCOPE ‘This Standard specifies pressure-sensitive double-coated adhesive tapes (hereafter referrad to as tho “double-coatod tape") for use in adhering automobile interior and exterior parts. Or material for use shall satisfy NES M0301 (Substance Use Restrictions), 2. CLASSIFICATION The double-coated tapes shall be divided into five classes as shown in Table 1 according fo the'r use, Tee as = or SET = Soe ee eras ee cu [2 [bara oye arena cocoa ee = east SS me Fa A Tans Op TST Pao PDE SOTO 3. DRAWING NOTATION In designating classification ofthe double-coated tapes on drawings, NES symbols shall be used in the following manner: Example: DAT-OO in NES M 8508-1998 shall bo used. 4, QUALITY 4.1 General conditions (1) The double-costed tape shall be a tape with adhosive ora film-tke adhesive uniformly coated over both sides of its cartier, wth a release paper on each side to provent the adhesive layers from sticking to each other, and shall be wound on a suitable core. (2) The double-coated tape shall be uniform in total langth, thickness, width, and characteristics, and free from detrimental defects as folds, flaws or the like to affect performance. (3) Dimensional tolerance on width ofthe release paper and the double-coated tape shall be +1 mm. The Sere iene Shes?” | snoarstiee [coke Se | REE [eiormaw | 8 Soe | Oe Tabs [igeces|iecese | SA veritas 20K San_| 10ornew | soornere | ioe voor -foz_|_ooe_| nue i 20K BIE [aa wrnee | 2aemce setemnrce | ——Thipeaaomam Be pome ] Tae i ee Tatra oe Table 2 (continued) M8506 [2008-N] wae [enone ittnwa ote ee ERPS [Reson | exanmarntoemnnne | sy rt = a eee eae Stra [sea Endurance] * 20% oe more of rial strenghn to be hel Se] eric | as ‘ v Bias sr herman ofr srg abe ha (esc were [Sher en Whermoectninaseraheeree | wargame [Om Sawn a ‘neg Note Gh Gass shallbe sto 180 poe! stena tig 5, TEST METHOD. 6.1 General conditions 5.1.1 State oftest place M8506 [2008-N] {As specified in the requirements of NES M 0084 (Test Methods for Adhesives and Sealants for Automobiles), 31, 5.1.2 Sampling method Required amount of the rolls shall be arbitrarily solected for the test and, after removing one or two of, ‘outside tape layers, be tested. 5.1.3 Adjustment of sample and specimen materials ‘Sample and specimen materials shall be kept in the standard state of 6.1.1 fora sulficient time before ‘undergoing test. 15.1.4 Types and surface treatment of sample and specimen materials Types and surface treatment of specimen materials shall in principle confirm to Table 3. When specified cthenvise, these mattors shall be agreod on botwoen the parties concamed. The types of specimen materials to be evaluated shall in principe be all those to be used on the factory lin, Type of test plane matarak Coated ste! late Poiyving chloride shects Table 3 Materials ‘SP120 with 0.65 - 0.8 mm thickness, ‘Specifies in NES M2020 (Cols Rolled Stoel ‘Sheet Strips for Auomobles) ‘Ae SpeoTed Wi NES M 7051 (PolpaiyT (Chloride Costed Fabric for Automobiles) atais shall be determined by agreament etoen parties concemmed. ‘As speciied in NES M TOES [Wing ‘Sheet Automotive), Detals shal be Getermined by agreement between parties coneommed, Surace keatmert Pretreatment in NES M0007 (Fost ‘Methods for Paints for Automobile Steel Sheet) 4.2.3 t be follated by panting as Soscifed in NES M 0007 4.4.4. Than, clean the specimen wit etnanol or isopropy alenhal before drying. Shall be cleaned with dry cloth ‘Sha be cleaned with dry oth Synthetic resins Those in use on ne production the or Formed ino fat pate from the same type of ‘mated Deals shall be determined by ‘Shall be cleaned with cy cioth ‘agroement between partes concemed '5:1.5 Pressing conditions in specimen preparation “The pressing conditions in specimon proparation shail be specified in each test item. 5.4.6 Specimen aging period The aging period starting from specimen preparation until testing and the aging period starting from completion of various durabilty tests until strength measurement shall be specified in each test item, 5.2 Test method for peel strength 5.2.4 Objective M8506 [2008-N] To determine adhesive strength by pesling the double-costed tape 5.2.2 Equipment (1) Tensile tester with constant temperature controlled chamber: one specified in lem 28 of NES M. 00864 (2) Peel test jg (only two types}: The loading ig has a mechanism capable of moving the substrate horizontally during peel strength test so that the double-coated tape can be peeled in the orpendicular direction against the substrate constantly. An example is shown in Figure 1 (3) Roller (1 kg, 2 kg) 5.2.3 Specimen preparation (1) Specimon matorial 1) Painted stoal sheet: Use the one specified in 5.1.4, which shall measure 5022 mm in width and 150 mm in fength 2) Tapo: Uso a tapo a east 25 mm wide and at least 150 mm long. The tape’s back side (opposite ror the bonding surface tothe painted stea sheet) shall have a 25Amthick PET fm affixed to reinforce the tape. (@) Bonding method 1) Allow the substrate and the tape to stand for at least 1 hour in an ambiont temperature speciid in each fst itm 2) Peal the release paper off the tape Donding surface, ighly affix the tape on the substrate so that te tape wl match the substrato along ther longitudinal centerines, then have the tape prossed one way using 2 specifed-ioad role (6) Aging period unti pee test Allow the tape-bonded spacimen to stand fora specified time in an ambient temperature specified in each test item (4) No.of test ‘Tho number of ests shall be thrae unless cthernise spocting in each test tom. 524 Test conditions (1) Test temperature: Temperature specified in ach test ter. (2) Peeling method: Perform pee! test by 180° peeling for Class 1 and 90" peeting for Cass 2 (8) Pul rate: 300 mm 5.2.5 Test procedure (1) Allow the specimen to stand for a predetermined time in an ambient temperature spectied in each test item Figure 1 nit men 7 suing CE susenute Test plate i Loading Bo AWA (2) Have @ painted steel substrate sheet clamped in the poeling ja (tensile tester clamp for Class 1 tape) (3) Have the tensile tester clamp ighty grip the specimen tape, (4) Run pee! test under the conditions specified in 5.2.4. and record the load used. (9) Check curve of load measured and take a range of stabilized loads as peel sirength, except that 10, ‘mm each at the start and end of the load curve shall be excluded, (6) Observe how the specimen fails. M8506 [2008-N] 5.26 Report (1) Round off the average of the measurements to @ numeral of three significant digits, (2) Record the rosutt in N25 mm {kgQ25 mm. 2) Specimen's falure made shail be suffxed to a measurement, using a symbol from among those shown in Table 4. (When a failure other than specified therein occurs, give description of i.) Table 4 Sa Faluramede a Trsvacal soparaton of subaate apa ane we ing of resell eeparation and tape aire oF Frie oft coo 5.3 Test method for shear strength 5.31 Objective To determine adhesive strength by double-coated tape shearing 5.3.2 Equipment (1) Tenet tester with the constant temperature controlled chamber specifiad in NES M 0084, 28 (2) Roller (5 kg) 5.3.3 Proparation of specimens (1) Specimen material 1) Painted stae! shoot: Use the painted steel sheet specified in 5.1.4. The dimension shall be 80#2, fmm (with), and 7082 mm (in feng). 2) Tape: Class 1 specimen shall be 25 mm (wicth), 70 mm (in length) or more. Use the tape which is adhored with PET fim (25 lm) on the back side of tape (opposite side from the bonding side to the painted steel sheet). When taping something, bond it by extracting al from the edge of the test piece. Class 2 specimen shall be a 25 mm square tape affixed to a stainioss steel shat (SUS304) ‘measuring 3022 mm in width and 7022 mm in iength, and 1 mm in thickness. Make sure the tape surface bonded to the stainiess steel sheet is the tepe's back side (opposite from the bonding side to the painted stael sheet). When taping something, bond It by extracting air from the edge ofthe test piece. (2)Bonding method 1) Stand the adherend and the tape for 1.5 hours in an atomospheric temperature specified in each tostitom. 2) Adhere the sgecimen materials to meet the center lines of thelr major axes. The length of the ‘adhasion with the painted steel sheet shall be 25 mm. Then, press them nol to move the adhered sides, as specified in each test item. (Figure 2) (3) Aging period until testing ‘Allow the bonded specimen to stand in an atmospheric tomporature specifiad in cach test item for a specified ime. (4) No. of tosts Conduct the test three times unless otherwise specified in each test item. Figure 2 tase 1 aa cass 2 Paid tot nae M8506 [2008-N] 5.34 Test conditions (1) Test temperature: Temperature specified in each test item (2) Clamp move rate: 80 mmimin (however, 2 mmimin at 40°C) 5.3.5 Tost procedure: (1) Allow the specimen to stand for @ predetermined time in an ambient temperature specified in each testitem, (2) Align the specimen's longitudinal centerline with the tester clamp conterline, and have tester clamp Unit firmly grip both ends of specimen together with supports (3) Have the specimen pulled under specified conditions and record a maximum load at which the specimen fails. (4) Divide the maximum load by bonded area to calculate shear stress, (5) Observe how the specimen fas. 5.3.6 Report (1) Round off the average of the measurements to a numeral of three significant digits. (2) Record the result in kPa. {3) Specimen's failure mode shall be suffxed to a measurement, using a symbol from among those shown in Table 4. (When a failure othor than specified thorein occurs, give description of it) 15.4 Test methad for Lig pec! strength (applicable to Class 2 only) 5.44 Objective To determine double-coated tape's adhesive strength by peeling (This test shall be applicable to Class 2,No. 4,2, and 3 tapes.) 8.4.2 Equipment (1) The tensile tester with the constant ter M0084, (2) Roller (0.5 kg, 5 kg) 5.4.3 Spacimen preparation (1) Specimen material 1) Painted stee! sheet: Use the one as specified in 5.1.4, measuring 30 +2 mm in width and 702 mm in length, 2) Tape: Use the double-coated tape (25 mm x 25 mm) affixed to the L jg of stainless ste! (SUS204) as shown in Figuro 3. Make suro the tape’s back side (opposite from tho bonding surface to the stoc! shost) Is bondod to the Lig. When taping something, bond it by extracting alr from the edge of the tast piece. (2)Bonding metnod 1) Allow the substrate and the tape (as bonded lo the L jig) to stand for 1.6 rn an ambient temperature specified in each test item. 2) Lightly affix the painted steel shoat on the tape by hand so that the tape centerline is aligned with the painted shoot conteriine, and press it undor the condition specified in each test item so that the bonded surface wil not shit (Figure 3). (3) Aging period until testing Allow the bonded specimen to stand for a specified time in an ambiont temperature specified in each test item, (4) Number of tests Conduct the tests tee times unless othemwise specified in each test item. perature controlled chamber as specified in item 28 of NES Figure 3 0mm Painted stee!shost Tavs “pty Lig atone (Side view) : (Front view) Timm Lig (SUs304) Lig peel specimen 8506 [2008-N)] 5.4.4 Test conditions (1) Test temperature: A temperature specified in each tes fem. (2) Rate of clamp move: 200 mimi 5.4.5 Test procedure (1) Allow the specimen to stand fora specified time under an amblent temperature specified in each test item. (2) Match the specimen center with the tensile testor centerline, and have the paintedsheet and L jig ‘end firmly gripped by the tester clamp unit (3) Have the specimen pulled under specified conditions, and record @ maximum load under which the ‘specimen falls (4) Observe how the specimen fails. 5.46 Indication (1) Round of the average of tno measurements to a numeral of three significant cits. (2) Indicate the result in N/25 mm. (@) Specimen's failure mode shail be sufixed to @ measurement, using a symbol from among those shown in Table 4, (When a failure other than specified therein occurs, give description of i.) 5.5 Test method for shear holding 5.5.1 Objective To determine double-coated tape’s adhesion characteristics when load in shear direction is being ‘appliad continuously 6.5.2 Equipment (1) Constant temperature controlled chamber (2) Roller (5 ka) (8) Load (0.1, 0.2, 4,2, 4, and 6 kg) 5.5.3 Spocimen preparation Same as 5.3.3, 5.5.4 Test conditions (1) Test temperature: A temperature specified in each test item (2) Test load: A load specified in each test item 5.5.5 Test procedure (1) Attach the specimen to the holder and allow it to stand at a test ambient temperature under no foad for 15 hr. (2) Apply a specified load on the spacimen as shown in Figure 4. Make sure the load is applied uniformly over the entire painted width, (3) Record the aging poriod that has elapsed from load application until the specimen separates and falls. (Maximum time: 168 hr) (4) Observe how the specimen fails. 5.8.6 Indication (1) Round off the average of the measurements lo a numeral of two significant digits (2) Record the result in ime (hr). (3) Spacimen's falure mose shail be suffixed to a measurement, using a symbol from amongthose shown in Table 4. (Whon a fallure olher than specified therein occurs, give description of it.) M8506 [2008-N] Figure 4 Class 1 Class 2 LLLILLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLELLL Painted steel >| Painted steo’__ shoot sheet Tepe +] He PET fm Tape 4 Stainless steel sheet (SUS204) + Weiaht a Weight 5.6 Test methad for Lig peel holding force (Applicable to Glass 2 only) 5.6.1 Objective To determine double-coated tape's adhesion charactoristcs when load in peel direction is being applied continuously 5.6.2 Equipment (1) Constant temperature controlled chamber (2) Roller (1, 5 ka) (3) Load (0.5, 2, 4 kg) 5.6.3 Spocimon proparation ‘Same as 5.4.3, 5.644 Test conditions (1) Test tormporature: A temparature spocified in each test tern (2) Test load: Load specified in each test Kern 5.65 Test procedure (1) Attach the specimen to the holder and allow the specimen to stand in @ test ambient temperature Under ne load for 1.5 hours. (2) Apply a specified load to the specimen as shown in Figure 5. Make sure the load is applied uniformly over the entice bonded wiath, (3) Record the intemal time that elapsed ftom load application until the specimen separates and falls (Maximum time: 168 n). (4) Obsorve how the specimon fas. 5.8.6 Report (1) Round off the average of the measurements to a numeral of two significant digits. (2) Record the rosultin time (hn). (3) Spocimon's failure mode shall be suffixed to a measurement, using @ code taken from among those shown in Table 4, (When a failure other than specified therein occurs, give @ description of ty M8506 [2008-N] Figure 5 Painted steel shest Holger "Tope Lig (Side view) ‘Weight (Front view) 5.7 Appearance test method 57.1 Objecive Visually examine for working property defects and adhesive strength that effect performance. 5.72 Test conditions Run the test under the standard conditione specified in 8.1.4 5.1. Procedure sat ramine te secon fr wndng unto, deformation dg neg) inuson ofcavites() Note ('): This implies formation of cavities between layers ofthe tape. 5.74 Report Record abservation status. 5.8 Tost mothod for storage stability 5.8.1 Objocive To examine dovble-coated tapes stably after long period storage 2 Eauipment (1) Constant temperature contralles chamber (2) Equipment specified in 52.2. (3) Tensie tester specified in 53.2. 5.8.3 Specimen proparation (1) Spacimen for appearance observation: Use a rat of specimen {2) Specimen for testing peel strength: Using double-coated tape specimens soo storage testing, prepare specimens according tothe method specified in 6.23, except tha he boring condition Shall be as shown in Table 5 Table 5 Classification <= Class 1 Condition Sa “Aimospherie temperature 20 Pressing load 2kg ‘Aging period fom aff unti test | 28hr | -10- 8506 [2008-N] {3) Shear strength specimen: Using double-coated tapes set for storage testing, prepare the specimens according to the method specified in 5.3.3. The bonding conditions shall conform to Table 6. Table 6 Glassiication |, Glass 2 eat Condition No.4 No.2 | Nod | Nod ‘Almaspherle temperature 236 = e © © Pressing load 2g) 5k © = ‘Aging period from affix uni test [24 hr = © © © 5.84 Test procedure (1) Storage condon: Temperature 40°C * Time 168 h (2) Appearance observation: Roam tamporature spaced in 8.1.1 (2). {8} Poo strength test Run te test under tre concions spacified in 92.4, except thal est temperate shall be 23°C (4) Shear strength tt: Run the test under the conditions specified in 6.9.4, excep that est temperature shall be 23°C 5.85 Test procedure (7) Stoo a rl of tho double-ceated tape undar the storage conditions speciid in 5.8.4 {2} Take tho tapo out ator competion of tne storage test and allow itto stand for 3 hours or more in the standard sate, thon implement th fllong 4) Appearance: Visually check by folowing the procedure speciied in 87 2} Poo strength: Record the result according tothe procedure specified in 52.5. 83) Shear strengn: Record the resuk according tote procedure spend in 8. 5.86 Report (1) Appearance: Record observation status. (2) Pool srongth: Record th resuit bythe method specified in 52.6 (3) Pool srengih: Record he resi by the methos specified in 53.6 5.9 Tost method for re-adhosion 594 Objective To detarmine ro-adhesion properties in axing the double-coated tope 5.92 Equipment ‘A so of ho poo strongth test equipment species in 5.2.2, (Pee est shall be performed by 180° poaling fr Cass 1 and 90° peeing for Cass 2.) 5.9 Specimen preparation Prepare specimens by the method specified in 5.2.3, excep that faiow the bonding conctions in Table 7 able oS Giassicaton Cassz Condition —Beosseeton | at Net [Neg | No [Not “Kmosphovie temperature 25C eee orerae ravesras| ee Pressing toad 2h ere re oe pape Piay peek 30 See Acing period womafixiotest | gumanypeal eee TT Te fe 5.94 Test conditions Secondary pec! strength: Follow the conditions specified in 5.2.4, except that test temperature shall be 28°C. 5.9.8 Test procedure (1) Primary poe!: Pec! the tape 30 seconds after affixing by hands. Visually chock whothar the tapa has been separated interfacially from the substrate. (2) Secondary peel strength: The tape sel fo primary poel test shall be re-used to prepare the peel Specimen by the method specified in 5.9.3. After 24 hours rest, test this specimen by the method specified in 5.2.5. 5.9.6 Report (1) Record the status of tape separatation from the substrate in primary poe! (2) Record pee! strength after secondary adhesion by the method spociied in 6.2.8, me M8506 [2008-N] 5.10 Test method for adhesive property (Applicable to Class 2 oniy.) 5.10.1 Objective To check double-coated tape profile folowability on the affixed area 8.10.2 Equipment (1) Constant temperature controtied chamber (2) Transparent acrylic plate: 2 pieces (200 mm long x 60 mm wide x 5 me thick) (3) Polyester film spacer: 4 pieces (40 mm long x 20 mm wide x 12 um thick) (4) Roller (5 kg) 5.10.8 Specimen preparation (1) Using the 5 kg roller, affix the doubie-coated tape specimen {min, of 160 mm long x 25 mm wide) Jn the middle of the upper acrylic plate, Make sure the bonded tape surface is opposite from the surface to be evaluated. (2) On the lower acrylic plate, sat four spacers at 20 mm spacing. Fix the spacers’ ends using cone-side coated tape (Figure 6) 5.40.4 Test conditions Following the conditions specified in Table 8, bond the upper and lower acrylic plates, and measure bonded area after elapse ofthe specitiod aging period. “Table 8 Classification Cass2 Condition Class? [Wot Noa No3 [Nod Test temparature = SC. 23°C 5c 5c Pressing load, Big) = ‘ e ‘Aging period from affix to : 30 see a observation i 24 he iat = 5.10.5 Test procedure (1) Allow tho upper and lower acrylic plates prepared in 5.10.3 to stand in the test ambient tomperature for 1 hour oF more (2) Under the consitions specified in 5.10.4, stack the upper and lower acrylic plates and affix them using the roller (Figure 7) {8) After elapse of the specified interval (30 seconds , 4 hours), measure the bonded areas from the bottom of the lower acryic plate. (4) As regards tho bonded areas, calculate a wet area ratio of each spacer interval by the following formula: ___ Observed bonded area (rn ane. 25 ri (tape width) x 20 mm (spacer intervaly 5.10.6 Report (1) Round off the average of the wet area ratios at all spacor intervals to integral digit (2) Record the result in %. Figuro 8 Figura 7 Urver piste a Dobe: View rom ne baton of ane one plo Bonded sea 2 M8506 [2008-N] 5.11 Test method for adhesive strength immediately after affixing 5.44.1 Objective To check doublo-coated tape's adhesive strength immediatoy after affixing 5.11.2 Equipment (1) Peel strength test: Equipment specified in §.2.2. (2) Lig peel holding tost: Equipmont spocified in 5.6.2. 5.11.3 Specimen preparation (1) Poel strength specimen: Prepare according to the test method specified in 5.2.3, excopt that the ‘specimen bonding cancitions shall be as specified in Table 9. Table 9 (Classification aaa Class 2 Concition No.1 | No.2 | No.3 | No@ ‘Atmospheric temperature so | ac fe © © © Pressing load 1g) 1g © © © © Aging period from afixtotest | 30sec | S392 |e e © © (2) Specimens for L jig pee! holding force test: Prepare according to the method specified in 5.6.3, ‘except thatthe specimen bonding conditions shall be as specified in Table 10, Table 10 Classification ae Glass 2 Condition Not [ No2 | Nos | Nod ‘Atmospheric temperature = ase | © © Pressing load = tke |e © © ‘Aging period from affix to test : 30sec |e © © 5.11.4 Test conditions (1) Peo! strength test: Folow tho conditions specified in 5.2.4, except that test temperatures shall be 188 specified in Table 11 Table 11 ‘Classification Giass.2 1 Condition ee Not_[ No2 | Nos | Nod SC Gpacimen: Test aC. Testtemperature 129°C specimen: Test at23°c. | a fa oi (2) Ljig poo! holding force test: Test at lost tomporatures and test load specified in Table 12. Table 12 Classification a Class 2 Condition Not | No2 | Nos | Nod Test temperature ac fe © © Load i 20K | © © 5.11.8 Test procedure (1) Pool stongth test: Conduct by tho procodure specified in 52.5, (2) Ljig pool holding force test: Conduct by the procedure specified in 5.6.5 5.11.6 Report (1) Pool stronath test: Record tho rosuit according to the metiod specified in 5.2.6. (2) L jig peel holding force tost: Record the result according to the method specified in 5.6.6 -13- M8506 [2008-N] {5.12 Test method for room temperature adhesive strength 5.12.1 Objective To determine double-coated tape's adhesive strongth at room temperature 5.12.2 Equipment (1) Peal strength test: Some piscas of equipment specified in 6.2.2 (2) Shear strength: Some pieoas of equipment specified in 5.3.2 (3) Liig peel strength: Some pieces of equipment specified in 5.4.2 (4) Shear holding force: Some pieces of equipment specified in 5.5.2 (6) Ljig peel holding forca: Some pieces of equipment specified in 5.6.2 5.12.3 Specimen preparation (1) Peel strength spocimen: Prepare according to the method specified in 6.2.3, except that the ‘specimen bonding conditions shall be as spocified in Table 13. Table 13 ‘Giassiication Class Condition ee Not [Nez | Ned [Nod ‘Aimospheria tamperature 20 © = “ = Pressing load —__ 2 kg = = © < ‘Aging period fam affix Test 2a hr = = a < (@) Shear strength spacimen: Prepare according to the method specified in 5.3.3, except thai the ‘specimen bonding conditions shall be as specified in Table 14. Table 14 Classication Glass Condition iene Ned Ne3_[ Not ‘Atmosphere temporalure ZC © eee tse Pressing iosd, 2 ig = ‘ < ‘Aging period from affix to test 24 hr = - “@) Lj pee! strength specimens Prepare according tothe method speciiod in 543, excent that ho specimen bonding conditions shall be as specified in Table 15. Table 15 aici CasaREATION | — Saas y Gass Consiton a ‘Aemospherie WADSTaTUE 5 230 © © = “Pressing load z = FSreS SEE “Aging poviod fom aft teat < resi RES specified in 5.5.3, except thal the — (4) Shear holding Torce specimen: Prepare according tothe math specimen bonding conditions shall be as specifi in Tablo 14. (8) Lig peel holding force specimen: Prepare accomding to the method specified in 5.6.3, except that the specimen bonding conditions shell be as specified in Table 15. 5.12.4 Test procedure (1) Pee! strongth tost: Tost under the conditions specified in 5.2.4, except that test temperature shall be 23°C. (2) Shear strength test: Test under the conditions specified in 5.3.4, except that test temperature shall be 23°C, (3) Liig peel strength test: Test under the conditions specifiod in 54.4, except that test temperature shall be 23°C. (4) Shear holding force tast: Test attest temperature and under shear holding load, specified in Table 16. (©) ig peel holding force test: Test a test temperature and under peel holding load, spaced in rae ronle16 REET TG TE condion a ae AinespnORS pS | TE |e 7 a < shear hlira oad oat | 1oka.4 [RE [onan | Tig peel hoidng Toad Taig tig [_< tee ace a4 M8506 [2008-N] 5.12.5 Test procedure (1) Peel strength test: Follow the method specified in 5.2.5. (2) Shear strength: Follow the method specified in 5.3.5. (3) Liig peel strength: Follow the method specified in 5.4.5. (4) Shear holding force: Follow the method specified in 5.55. (6) Lig pee! holding force: Follow the method specified in 5.6.5. 5.12.6 Report (1) Pee! strength test: Rocord the result according to the method specified in 5.2.6, (2) Shear strenath: Record the result according to the method specified in 6.3.6. @) Liig peel strength: Record the result according to the method specified in 5.46. (4) Shear holding force: Record the result according to the method specified in 5.5.6 (6) Liig peel holding force: Record the result according to the method specified in 6.6.8 5.13 Test mothod for high tomporature adhesive strongth 5.19.1 Objective ‘To determine adhesive strength of the double-coated tap 5.13.2 Equipment ‘Same as 6.12.2 5.13.8 Specimen preparation Same as 5.12.3, 5.13.4 Test conditions (1) Peet sirengih test: Test under the conditions specified in 52.4, except that the test temperature shall be as specified in Table 17. (2) Shear strength test: Test under the conditions specified in 6.2.4, except that the test temperature shall be as specified in Table 17. (3) Lig pect strenath test: Test under the conditions epacified in 6.2.4, except that the test ‘temperature shall be as specified in Table 17. (# Shear oting force tes Tea at he tet emperatures and under in est loads spcifd in Table (5) Lig peel holding force test: Test atthe test temperatures and under the test loads specified in Table 17. Table 17 ‘Classification Class? a Class1 |} — Condition Nat No.2 No.3 No.4 irae Bonding io Tevel surfaces of body: 80°C Hire epee atatete ecto Bonding fo vertical surfaces af body: 80°C ‘Shear holding load Dike |The. 2k9 | tha. 2h. 44g | 1hg,2kg ‘ Lig pee! holding load Oka, 2kg eine ae 5.13.5 Test procedure (1) Peal strength test: After aging the specimen 1.5 h attest tomperature, test under the conditions specified in 5.13.4, (2) Shear strength test: Ater aging the specimen 1.5 h at test temperature, test under the conditions specified in 5.13.4 (3) Lig peel strength test: After aging the specimen 1.5 h at test temperature, test under the conditions specified in 5.13.4. (4) Shoar peo! holding force test: After aging the specimen 1.5 h under no load and at test temperature, test under the conditions specified in 5.134. (5) Ljig peel holding force test: Afler aging the specimen 1.5 h under no load and attest temperature, {esi under the conditions specified in 5.13.4 5.13.6 Report Same as 5.12.6 215. M8506 [2008-N] 5.14 Tost mothod for low temperature adhesive strength 5.14.1 Odjoctive “To determine double-coated tape's adhesive strength at low temperature 5.14.2 Equipment (4) Shear strength test: Some pieces of equipment specified in 5.3.2. (2) Lj pec! strength test: Some pieces of equipment specified in 5.4.2, 1.14.3 Spacimon proparation (1) Shear strangth: Same as 5.12.3, (2) (2) Ljig pool strength: Same as 6.12.3. (3) 5.144 Test conditions (1) Shear strength tet: Test temperature of 40°C and clamp move rate of 2 mmimin, {2) fig peel strength test Test temperalure of 40°C and clamp move rate of 200 mmimin 5.14.5 Test procedure (1) Shear strength test: After aging the epecimen 1.5 hat test temperature, test under the test Conditions specified In 6.14.4 (2) Ljig poo! strongth test: Ater aging the specimon 1.5 hat tost temperature, test under the test conditions speciied in 6.14.4 5.146 Test procedure (1) Shear strength: Follow the method specified in 5.3.5. {2) Liig peel strength: Folow the methad specified in 5.4.5. 7 Report (1) Shear stronath: Record the result according to the mothod specified in 5.3.6. (2) Lig peo! strenath: Record the result according o the method specified in 5.4.6 5.18 Tensile strength of double-coated tape (applicable to Class 2 only) 5.18.1 Objecive To determine double-coated tape's 5.18.2 Equipment (1) Tensile tester: Ono specified in item 28 of NES M 0084 (2) Dumbbol cutter: JIS No. 3 typo 5.18.3 Specimen preparation (7) Specimen shail be cut out from a roll or sheet of double-coated adhesive tape with a dumbbell cutter (JIS No. 3 ype} (2) Put gauge marks 20mmapart on the siraight face in the middle of a dumbbell specimen, which shall be used as the specimen. (3) Using a thickness gauge, moasure the specimon thickness between the Gauge marks on it (4) The numberof the specimens shall be three. 5.18.4 Test conditions (1) Test temperature: 23°C {2) Pat rate: 500 mmvimin 5.185 Test procadure (1) Allow the specimen to stand for 1.5 hin the test ambient temperature. {2} Havo the specimen grioped properly in the ciamp unt so that the specimen will not sutfer distortion, tear-off by anpping, or othor failures during test. At this time, the gap between the clamp jaws shall be 50 mm. (@) Perform tensile test under the conditions specified in 5.15.4, and record the load sex! and resultant elongation betwoen the gauge marks that is observed at rupture. (4) Based on the load and elongation atthe time of rupture, calculate tensile strength and elongation at rupture by the following formula: nsile strength Load at rupture ‘Gloss Sesion area of specimen's aight Tea Gauge distance st rupture nal distance between gauge marks sop ag) Rupture strength = (Pa) Minvarostevat ciel Tnlial distance between gauge marks 5.15.6 Report (1) Round off the averages of rupture strenath and rupture olongation values to numerals of three significant digits, (2) Record the result in kPa for rupture strength and % for rupture elongation 18 M8506 [2008-N] ‘5.18 Test method for double-coated tape shear stress relaxation (applicable to Class 2 only) 5.16.1 Objective To determine double-coated tape shear stress relaxation 5.18.2 Equipment Ast ofthe shear strength test equipment specified in 5.3.2 5.16.3 Specimen preparation ‘Same as the specimen preparation method specified in 5.3.3. 5.16.4 Tost conditions Tost temperature: 40°C, 0°C, 23°C, 80°C Test me: 30 min. or more 5.165 Test procedure (1) Allow the specimen to stand at atest ambient temperature for 4.8 hours. (2) Align the specimen's longitudinal canton vith that ofthe tensile testr clamp, and have the tester clamp firmly grip the specimen ends together with its carer. (8) Give the specimen a shearing displacement equivalent ois thickness (shearing displacement = 1) ata pul rate of 2 mm/min, Hold tht displacement for 30 min. (Figur 8) (4) Record the load 1, 2, 3,5, 10, 20, and 30 minutos after applying tho shoar dleplacomont load (6) The load at elapse of each time (after application ofthe shear displacement load shall be converted to shear relaxation modulus G() by the following formula: Load at time () TTape area * Shear strain (kPa) ‘Shear relaxation modulus Gt) (6) Measure shear rolaxation modulus at each test temperature 6.16.6 Report (1) Record the shear relaxation modulus by @ numeral of three significant digits. (2) Rocord tho rosultin kPa (katiem). (3) Report with a graph in which relaxation modulus (kPa) Is plotted as the ordinate and the time after shear displacement loading as the abscissa (Figure 8). Figure 8 Figure 9 ease sn x : TY 5 vety en £ aes pan | NK i ei71| [eairensaeennni® a i 10? so! 107 ‘Shea test epocimon Timon) a7 M8506 [2008-N] 5.17 Heat aging test 5.7.1 Objective To check aging of adhesive strength of the double-coated tape used in high-temperature environments 5.17.2 Equipment (1) Constant temperature controlled chamber (2) Peal strongth test: Some pieces of equipment specified in 5.2.2, (G) Shoar strength test: Some pioces of equipment specified in 5.3.2. 5.17.3 Specimen preparation (1) Peel strength spocimen: Prepare according to the method specified in 6.2.3, except that the ‘specimen bonding conditions in Table 13 shall bo followed. (2) Shear strength specimen: Prepare according to the mathod specified in 5.9.9, except that the ‘specimen bonding conditions in Table 14 shall be followed. 5.17.4 Test conditions (1) Heat aging conditions: 90°C x 188 h (2) Peel strength test’ Specimans that underwent the hest aging test shall be tested under the Conditions specified in 5.2.4, except that test temperature shall be 23°C. (3) Shear strength test: Specimens that underwent the heat aging test shal be tostod undor tho Conditions specified in 5.3.4, except that test temperature shall be 23°C. 5.17.5 Test procedure (1) With peel and shear specimens placed in the constant temperature controlled chamber, perform the heat aging test under the conditions specifiad in 5.17.4 (1) (2) After compotion of tho heat aging test, allow the specimens to stand in the standard state for 24 hours. (3) Peel strength tost: Conduct test according to the method specified in §.2.5. (4) Shear strength test: Conduct test according to the method specified in 5.3.5. 5.17.6 Report (1) Peel strength test: Record the result according to the method specified in 5.2.6. (2) Shear strength test: Record the result according to the mathod specified in 5.3.6 5.18 Humidity resistance test (applicable to Class 1) 5.18.1 Objective To chock aging of adhesive strongth ofthe double-costed tape used under high-temperature, high-humidity environments. 18.2 Equipment (1) Constant temperature and humidity controled chamber (2) Peo! strongth tost: Some pieces of equipment specified in 6.2.2 (@) Shear strongth tost: Soma piaces of equipment specified in 5.3.2, 5.18.3 Specimen preparation (1) Pool strength specimen: Prepare according to the mothod specified in 5.2.3, except that the sspociman banding conditions in Table 13 shall be folowed. (2) Peal strength specimen: Prepare according to the mathod specified in 5.3.3, except that the ‘specimen bonding conditions in Table 14 shall be followed. 5.18.4 Test conditions (1) Humicity resistance test conditions: 50°C * 95% RH x 168 h {2} Peel strength test: Specimens that underwent the humidity resistance test shall be tested under the conditions specified in 6.2.4, excopt that the test temperature shall be 23°C. (3) Shear strength test: Specimons that underwent the humidity resistance test shal be tested under the conditions specified in 5.3.4, except that the tost tomporature shall be 23°C. 5.18.5 Test procedure (7) With peel and shear specimen placed in a constant temperature and humidity controlled chamber, perform the humidity resisiance test under the conditions specified in 5.18.4 (1). (2) Allow specimens that undenvent the humisity test to stand in the standard state for 24 hours, @) Poo! strength tost: Tost undar the conditions specified in 5.2.5. (4) Shear strength test: Test under tho conditions specified in 6.3.5. 18 M8506 [2008-N] 5.18.6 Regot (1) Pee! strength test: Record the result according to the method specified in 5.2.6. (2) Shear strength test: Record the result according to the method specified in 5.3.6. 5.19 Warm water resistance test (apolicable to Class 2 only) 5.19.1 Objective To check double-coated tapes’s change in adhesive sirength due to effects of water 5.19.2 Equipment (1) Warm water bath (2) Pes! strength test: Some pieces of equipment specified in 6.2.2, () Shear strongth test: Some piaces of equipment specified in 5.3.2 5.19.3 Specimen preparation (1) Pest strength spocimon: Propare according to the method specified in 6.2.3, except that the specimen bonding consitions in Tablo 13 shall be followed, (2) Shear strength specimen: Prepare according to the method specified in 5.3.3, excep! that the specimen bonding concitions in Table 14 shall be followed, 5.19.4 Test conditions (1) Immersion conditions: Warm water 40°C x 188 h (2) Pee! sirength test: Specimens that underwent the immersion test shall be tasted under the Contitions specified in 5.2.4, except that the test temperature shall be 23°C. (3) Shear strength test: Specimens that underwent the immersion test shall be tested under the conditions specified in 5.3.4, except that the test temperature shall be 23°C. 5.19.5 Test procedure (1) Peel and shear spacimens shall undergo the warm water test under the concitions specified in 5.19.4 (1), (2) Alter completion of the warm water test, allow the specimens to stand in the standard conaition for 24 hours, (3) Peal strength test: Test according to the method specified in 5.2.5 (4) Shear strength test: Test according to the method specified in 5.3.5. 6.19.6 Roport (1) Peal strength test: Record the result according to the mathod spacifiad In 6.2.8. (2) Shear strength test: Record the result according to the method specified i 5.3.6. ‘5.20 Chemical resistance test method (applicable to Class 2 only) 5.20.1 Objective ‘To check double-coated tape's change in adhesive strength due to effects of chemicals, 5.20.2 Chemicals and equipment (1) Gasoline: Gasoline specified in NES M 5067 (2) Wax romover: One agreed on between parties concorned (3) Pool strangth tost: Some pioces of equipment specified in 6.2.2 (4) Shear strength tast: Some pieces of equipment specified in 5.3.2. 5.20.3 Specimen preparation (1) Peel strength specimen: Prepare according to the method specified in 6.2.3, except that the specimen boning conditions in Tablo 13 shall be followad. (2) Shear strength specimen: Prepare according to the method specified in §.3.3, except thatthe specimen bending conditions in Table 14 shall be followed, 5.20.4 Test condivons (1) Chemical-immersion conditions: Gasoline ~ Immersion temperature 23°C x immersion time 30 min wax remover Immersion temperature 23°C x Immersion time 1h (2) Peel strength test: Specimens that underwent the chemical-immersion test shall be tested under the conditions specified in 6.2.4, except that the test temperature shall be 23°C. {3) Shear strength test: Specimens that underwont the chomical immersion tost shall bo tested under the conditions specified in 5.3.4, except thatthe test temperature shall be 23°C. 19 M8506 [2008-N] 5.20.5 Test procedure (1) Peo! and shear specimens shall be immersed in each chemical under the conditions specified in 5.20.4 (1). (2) Ater complotion of the chemical-immarsion tos, take out the specimens and wipe with a dry cloth, then allow to stand at the standard condition for 24 hours. (3) Peel strength test: Test according to the method specified in 5.25. (4) Shoar strength test: Test according to the method specified in 5.3.5, 5.20.6 Report (1) Peel strength test: Record the result according to the method specified in 6.2.6. (2) Shear strength tost: Record the result according to the method specified in 6.3.6. 21 Weathering resistance test method (applicable to Class 2 only) 21.4 Objective To chack double-coated tape’s change in adhesive strength due to their weatherability 5.21.2 Equipment (1) Sunshine weather-o-meter (2) Lig peel stronath test: Some pieces of equipment specified in 5.4.2 (3) Shear strongth fast: A set of some piaces of equipment specified in 5.3.2 5.21.3 Test specimon (1) Lig pee! strength specimen: Prepare according to the method specified in 5.4.3, except that the specimen bonding conditions in Table 15 shall be folowed. (2) Shear strength specimen: Prepare according to the mothod specified in 5.3.3, except that the specimen bonding conditions in Table 14 shall be followed. 5.21.4 Test conditions (1) Woathorabilty test conditions: Using Sunshine Weather-o-meter, run accelerated weatherabiiy lest under the conditions specified in Table 18. (2) Lig poet strength test: Specimens that underwent the weatherabiliy test shall be tested under the conditions specified in 5.4.4, except that the test temperature shali be 23°C. (8) Shear strength test: Specimens that underwent the woatherablity test shail be tostod under the Conditions specified in 5.3.4, except that the test tomperature shall be 23°C. Table 18 ‘THiack panal temperature [C) ‘Spray cycle Spa Rae a aT] “Test time (h 5.21.5 Test procedure (1) Attach L jig peel and shear specimens in the Sunshine Weather-c-meter adjusted to the conditions specified in 5.21.4 (1), as illustrated in Figure 10, and run the weatherabilty tas. (2) Alter complotion of the weatherabily test, allow the specimens to stand in the standard condition for 24 hours. (3) Liig peel strength test: Test according to the method specified in 5.4.5. (4) Shear strength test: Test according to the method specified in 5.3.5. 7,000. ‘igure 10 cat sl surkttaren Se | i \ Stes so stot /\ | seeegpomtome eases anos Tepe Tere opel epsran so secon 20 M8506 [2008-N] 5.21.6 Report (1) Lig pest strength test: Record the result according to the method specified in 5.4.6. (2) Shear strength test: Record the result according to the method spectied in 6.3.6 5.22 Staining test method 5.22.1 Objective To check double-coated tape's characteristics of staining parts or painted surfaces 5.22.2 Equipment Constant temperature controled chamber 5.22.3 Specimen (1) Test materials 1) Paintod stee! sheot: Use material specified in 5.1.4. The specimen shall measure 150 mm in length and 50 mm in width. Paint color shall be agreed on between the parties concemed. 2) Polyvinylchoride coated fabrics: Use material specified in §.1.4. The specimen shall measure 100 mm in tangth and 25 mam in width. 3) Vinyl sheet: Use material specified in 6.1.4. The specimen shall measure 100 mm in length and 25 mm in width 4) Synthetic resin: Use the fiat shest specified in 5.1.4 or a product. The specimen shall measure 4100 mm in length and 25 mm in width, (2) Bonding method Using the double-coated tape, bond @ component material (polyvinylchroride coated fabrics, vin ‘sheet, synthetic resin) on the painted stee! sheet atts middle, Follow the bonding conditions as, specified in Table 14. 8.22.4 Test conditions Heat conditions: 90°C x 168 h 5.22.5 Test procedure (1) Sot the specimen to the heat test under the conullons specified in 5.22.4 (2) After completion ofthe heat test, allow the specimen to stand in the standard condition for 24 hours. (3) Check the surface on which the double-coated tape was affixed and its surrounds for calor change, stains, ot. 5.22.8 Report Record any staining ofthe surface on which the doubla-coated tape was affixed and its surrounds. ae M8506 [2008-N] ANNEX 41, Revision objectives (2007) In order fo deal wih increased inquires cancaming the appliction types ofthe double-coate tapes that have been increasingly adopted, applicable parts have been aad, ‘Complete ranitonto Sl un hae boon made and erore euch as inorret dearttone and emission have boon correcta, 2. Major revision points 1) The folloedng ems have been added. tothe appllcation example Class 2No- 2: Gamish, Fisher Clase 2 No, Sige sunveor 2) Completion ransiton to SI unis * Jun. 27,2006: The year revison number of NES MO301-2006-1 was indicated 41. Revision objectives “Te orginal tancarde were eetabiches fn 1979 and thee broad revsions were implomentod to rotect the Increase Inthe numberof parts thal make use of coubl-coaled adhesive tapes (Hereinafter refered to a3 "éouble~costed tape") and tast 20 after adhesion has been added, 5) Room temp ashesion parformance 1) 90° peel strength testing ‘A.O" peel strength tostng that makos it possible to detct bachosion strength with a greater level of sensi 1p Test for shearing and Lig peal hoking force test “Tests fr shearing hoing force and peel nokding force are important evakston calogoie forthe adhesion stongt of eube-coated tape. Accortng tothe former NES, a load ‘must be appli fo ono pain, 2nd YESINO ludgment as ‘Smployed asta determine whetrerthe epeded time was in addition othe load weight ofthe former NES, this met’ includes an upper load west, making possible o evaluate the limits of eapaives regarding al pes of nlang fovea Especialy ‘th te Class 2 2ilem, fe shearing input acting on tho Seuble-conted tape dus tothe mcting’s Neat expansion anes 1 110 1001000 ‘ontraction was found tobe a major case of peling. For this Mabtanence Tie h) reason, lass 2, No2 fem stipulated that 3 starr toad weights. Based fn ho 3 standard leads, stipulated tata holing force dagram Should be created fem ihe peaing time foreach ad, ‘making passibi to wvatiao the pesing suenghy of tne ouble-coate tp. (Fgura 2 shows an exareie of high temperature shearing holding force.) 8) High tomp achosiv pertormance 1) Tesing temperature "Ting info conaderation tho maximum temperatures found inthe marks or he applicable pats. has been tented tha the fast lemperalure shal be 80°C for Cass 4 and parts tobe adheted to a horizontal sue ofa votile body, and 80°C fora part tobe achered tothe verteal surface af a vehicle body 8) 80" pee strength est “The 0° poe strencthtesthas been nety adopted ta increase achesive soneitvty and tho existing Ll pee strength {est has been sirnnate Ina manner sinar fo evakiatng adhwsion room lemperahse Fez o2a- M8506 [2008-N] Ii) Test for shearing and ig peel hong force test ‘figh cad fas been aide to the exsing load weighs specie inthe former NES inorder to determine the exes! holding capaaty nthe came way tne room tomparature adhesion strength was condctad, in ort to evalvte the adhesin Fong farce of couble-ceaed tape we prepared a hakng force graph from a 3 stander ype of load testes if shown in Figura 2 whvch i partly help for evaluating te shearing hang foros of Class 2 No.2 tems 17) Tape carer portornance (Double-coated tape to be applied ie the exterior rat has been specified as a Class 2 lem features a constuction tat reduces the peaing strengin of he adhesive suraca by absorbing and relaxing put flor tw concemed pat wih is Carror material (Acyic foam or polyethylene are most commonly used). Accoringly, th folowing test ems have bees ‘aoded 2 ascerain the mechanical havatorisies and sts relaxation craraclacstcs of tw carer material, I) Tense test | ‘This test has bean added to measure tenste rpture strength anc rupture elongation at 23°C. The testdata shal be used as reference data 1 Shoating strossrlavaton This tst has been added to detomine shesring relaxation module rato after applying constant shearing sain (= \dSplacement equivalent to to cknoss ofthe tapa), and maasuring reduction of sess due o aging. The data sha be usod as a olerence value Measurements shal be taken under the fur temperature contions of 0", 0°, 25°C and 80°C to measure tomporature dependence at gach shearing relauaton modulus rate. The ata that has been ‘bianed shal be used a the basic data for making a specifed rate predictions forthe shearing puts of achesive Surtces ragarding the comparative evaluations of reaxation characoriss, as well as the heal elated slongation anc _hrirkage proporios of parts and othe cla features exstrg amongst mati, 8) Heat and acing resistance properias |} Taking info eonsiaration the maxcmum tamperature and eth sinar factor for parts released inthe mark, the heat aging constons have been determines tobe 80° X 163 in The adhesive capabiies after boing subjectes to heat acing shall be evaluated with th 90° pool strength test and tha shearing strength test. whe the Lig poe! stength test specified to be conducted inte former NES has been doled. 9) Humiaty resistance I) Inthe former NES, the huriéty resistance tes was specified to be conducted on te double-costad achesive tape to ‘be applies to the exterior. However, only Clas 1 shal be conducted because as been detemrined Int the warn water resistance can be subsites for the hum test. 1) Sina the hurl resistance conatbons must be In accordance wth the NES M 0084, the conions have been determined tobe 50°C X 95% or eater X 168 h 10) Warm water resistance 1) Sie the warm water rsistanee conditions must be in acsorgence wth NES M 0084, the conitans have basn ‘etermined tobe 40°C X 166, 3) The achesivenassfllouing immersion in warm watec hae boon determined tobe evaluated by coruting the 90° ee! stangt test and te shoarng stengih tot 11) Coemial resistance ‘)Acoordg othe former NES, i was stipulated thatthe chemical sistance test mustbe conducted using 7 fps of Chomcai. However, In tis revision evaluston folowing nmersion i ho harshest gasoina and wax removers has been established as he chemical rosistonco test met. The testng of additonal chanical should bs conductod as necessary §) The chemical immersion condifons hae bean determined to be 25°C X 30 min fer gasoline and at 23°C X 1h for wax ii) Adhesive capsbities aor being subject ta immersion inthe chemicals sl be conducted to evaluate the 90° pec! ‘Srongih tas and te shearing Seng es. 12) Weathering resistance 1) For Class 2, Nos. and 2 that are deemed necessary to meet bw weathering requirements. However, the weeteing ‘lstance tet has bean deterrsned tobe crea bacause ofthe fact tat tyes other than tho aboversebonad ae ‘ot afeced significant by lint. 1) Aeanrang othe former NES, the wearing resistanca using a Sunshine Weather-O-Meter was requted tobe ‘conducted and to oot wss aio to bo concuctod under natural exposure. ft has since been datarinod thal only the {estusing a Sunshine Weather O-meter must bs conductnd bacause has been proven tha thers ia ose relatonship between the tests. u)For the adhesiveness ater tie wastharing rsisence tos ithas been determined ta conduct te 90° pee strength {est and shesring strength test. 49) Oer ters, Ins rvision, the folowing test kems have bean ont from te folowing the former NES. 1) Elongated adhesive propertos...The tot has boa” aiming because prediction fs possible based onthe results of ‘he peel strength ost, shesrng Srength tet as well ac hearing holding feco tos Heat resistance properbes.. Because the double-coaled tape is exenpt From exposure to heat (140°C X 20min in the curent process, he tast has Boon elminatod |i) Art repulsicn stenth . The test has been elminated because predicon s possible base on he resus ofthe Lia pel hoksing force test and the 90° pea strength immediately afer the tape has been atfzad to a surtsce, Iv) Combustaty..Due ta the fact nat at the current time coinbustbly ofimeriar pars can be avatated in pieces, the single mombo fst for combust evaluation fr doukie-costad taps has beon omit, 3.3.3 Quality “The quality of dovble-coatod tpe has been determined based onthe actual value of combined performance of the doutle-coated tape and coating, which meet the market standard and part test requirements, as wel se an analysis ofinput ‘ales. However, since there Is not suftcient understanding of pat input conoaming Class 2, No.3 products (wow fesener Usage), tho roqumorts havo boon determined based onthe qualty ofthe quay ofthe doubie-coaled tape and coatings ‘at have been proven the market. M8506 [2008-N] 3.3.4 Material that Is subject to the test ‘Newor types of coating euth ae now eroselnk or new crosslink fondo coating vary amongst the sting caaings ane ‘mange! the supairs agar fo tai material composition. This, couble- coated taps fems ang thei adhoswve Imachanieme sso ifr wit aach typeof coating spectieston employes. Fors reason, as a ganeral rue, al iypes of ‘ouble-coated tape combinations 1a be adasted fer producton lines ae realad as material hat mus be ested,

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