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M2027 [2006-1] 11. SHAPE 11.4 Flatness ‘The flatness ofthe stool shoots shal be the value or less shown in Tablas 23-4 and 23-2 (Flatness in JI8.6 3302). Table 23-1 Flatness [in cose that cold-rolled orig: Figure 3 nal sheet is used) Tips claoeon aa [oer Thickness () Maximum astorsion (n) “Gaastaies by wave [aergaton] argon —n Tose man 5000 a a {ood min teeth | | ee asd min tolesr tan teoo | 1s 1 [6 “600m 2 [3 | 6 2 Remarks: 1 placed on. easured Flatness = (h- 1) ‘The flainess means a valua cbtained by deducting the naminal thickness of steel sheet the surtace plate trom the measured value of maximum dstorsion. I shall be fn the upper surface of the steel sheet (Figure 3) ‘Special fatness may be requested by agreement between the parties concemed, if spe- cifically necessary aries co For he colt shall be the reference standard, and determined by agreement between the neeened when it harmful for practical use. Tablo23-2 _Flatness (in case that hotrolled original sheet is used) Chasefeston ty orinal wath Trae me ee venvurien | spurs iwonoesnmae | we Tu 2 3.15 in less thn 400 “400min less ton 00 2 N2027 [2006-1] 11.2 Lateral banding ‘The value of lateral bending of the steel sheet shal be less than or equal to Tables 24-1 and 24-2 (the ‘maximum value of lateral bending in JIS G 3302), and the method of measuring shall conform to Figure 3 ‘Table 24-1 Maximum value of lateral bending in case that cold-olled original sheet is used) Classification by nominal width cbse then 2,000) 2000 Table 24-2 Maximum value of lateral bending (in case that hotolled original sheet is used) Unt: mm ‘Gassifeaion Sheet ‘Glacifcaton by narinaloneth [2.500 min, toes cal Less than 2,500 |** 4,000 min, Classification by nominal with than 4000 ds Tose than 620) 5 2 2 per any engin per any lengt {530'min. toes tan 1,000 4 6 30 laeoeo 41000 min. 3 = 2 Remarks: 1. It shall not be applied to abnormal areas of coil. 2. Special iolerances may be determined by agreement between the partes concerned, i ‘Specifically necessary. 2. N2027 [2006-1] 12. Test “The test method and test plece shall be in accordance with Table 25. Table 25 Test method and test place suze wets ae a Ezz oes wanes [ES aaa zai emmagreraee [cee IIS Z 2248 (Method of bend test i pieces far coat cone Benda tet jornaate oattecs [Pepatestnscs or met rn teaci ui siamese ont Eee ange enon Zing coating wera fst JIS G 3302 (Hot-dip zinc-coated [JIS G 3302 (Hot-dip zinc-coated SSNS peer heer soeeabe Sanaa ceorenn SHED epee ener ae ESE ERSTE can ‘Steel sheets shall satisty the requlrements for mechanical properties, coating properties and coating ‘eight, internal and surface defects, surface roughness, dimension, shape, etc. as specified in 3. 4. 5. 6.7.8. and 9 14, MARKING. ‘Type symbol, inspection number or manufacturing number, dimension, quantity or weight, and manufac- turers name or its abbreviation shall be marked on the approved steel sheets after inspection by an ep- propriate method, 415. MARKING METHOD OF SYMBOL ‘Symbols of steel sheet shall, as 2 rule, be indicated inthe order of type symbol (ceating property and ‘mechanical property classificabon), coating weight classfieation (GA only. Gl is specified mn eteal type: symbol), appearance classification, surface frish classification, thickness, width and length ‘Therefore, he order of each symbol s 2 follows. “ s7O0 - co a Go G--0 8 r7 OO ve + + ne Coltri G.Ony for Higntersien Target weltt cance Sura Carsten. Caateson immer pone! engin htettaen imamenfonby” maeton Houot® 1) Fomabity ©X)360 None MINAS? 4.0.8 Hone GN 2 gre VowNdgm! 40B ow GX ie J bese) K 5:0, BHT 3 However, the length of coll shall be incicated as C (feed length) or COIL (feed length). Example for symbo) ‘SF7E2-440 0:7 x 600 « 1,200 Alloyod hot-cipped zinc coating steel sheets (GA), zinc coating weight ‘of 45145 gim* or mora on each sido, for cold-rolled stool sheot sur faces 440 MPa for high worksbilty, non-chemical treatment, lubrica- tion, sheet thickness 0.7 mm, width 800 mm, foed length 1,309 mm, 2027 [2006-1] <(Non-atoyec) Hotcipec ne coating (Gi)> sev CLO) Oo oO ve v v Tergetwolune $:Crtyfr_ Gasscatin by Classfcaon by Imerpanel eufacotoamment bration None Nene Mn 40 gie¢:2 2 | grade Nc x (wr MN. 30 pmo 1 le base) MIN. 72 gm?:3. 3 46. DRAWING NOTATION ‘When steel sheet is identified in drawings, the type symbol of steel (mechanical propery classification), coating weight symbol (GA only) and thickness shall be indicated, However, iit is necessary to desig- nate the specifications of steel sheet, specification symbols may be indicated. If Is not necessary to designate the mechanical propery. generic symbols may be indicated, instead of the steel type symbol Example ‘SP785-340 10.9 Alloyed hotipped zie cata steal snaets (GA), Zinc coatrg waght ef 45/45 gm or more on cach sido for celdoted stech Shoot 340 Pa dass addod baking harderatlity, shoot thickness 0.9 mm. Nerrallyed hot dpped zin coating steel sheets, for cod roled original sets (for general processing use) Ere-coatng weght of 40/40 gi ormore, hexavalent chromium free treatment thiskness 12 mm SP72INC {1.2 47. REPORT |f the manufacturing process of the steel or any agreement between the partis concerned is changod, the manufacturer shall report it to the responsible sections of Material Department and Production Engi- ‘neering Division, and Matersal Engineering Department of Nissan Headquarters, and obtain an approval ‘advance. Moreover, after approval, the report shail be submitted to the part suppliers to which the ‘material is doivered. (The part cupplers chall submit a process change application to the quality assur ‘ance section ofthe related plants of Nicsan according o ANPP.) However, the part supplors chall submit a design chango application to Nissan's deeign eoction in charge according to ANPOP in the case ‘hat the part suppliers themselves intend to change material. 18, OTHERS “The type of shipment, weight, and inner and outer diameters of the coll, et2. shall be determined by ‘agreement between the patties concerned at each plant 10, NORMATIVE REFERENCES: JIS 63141-1998 is G 9302-1998 JIS H0407-1983, JIS Z:2261-1998 JIS 22201-1988 JIS 22248-1996 JIS 2 2204-1996 JIS 8 0610-1987 NES M 0140-1984 NES M 0158-1984 NES M 030-2005-1 NES M 5130-1986 JFSA 3011-1998 Cold-reduced carbon steel sheets and stips Hot-dip zine-coated steel sheets and coils [Methods of test for hot dip galvanized coatings [Method of tensile test for metallic materals ‘Test pieces for tensile test for metalic materials ‘Method of bend est for metalic materials Bend test pieces for metalic materials Definitions and designation of surface waviness. Salt Spray Testing ‘Methods of Compound Corrosicn Test ‘Substanco Use Restrictions Zine Phosphating for Paint Alloyed Zinc Coating on Steel Plates and Steel Stips for ‘Automobiles. 224 M2027 [2006-1] 20, APPLIED PART NUMBER, LIMITED PERIOD STANDARD This steel ype Is @ standard to be adopted as a replaoement of @ part for which the current RP/SP731, SP782 (1 1.0 mm) is berng adopied or of a part that has aready been developed. Do not apply this, Steel type to each part to be newly developed. Use the corresponding cold-rolled sieel sheet SP769 for each part to be newly developed. 20.1 Tension test ‘The tolerance of mechanical properties such as tensile strength, yield point, total elongation, etc. shall bein accordance with Table 26-1 For SP78, the test pieces for yield point, tensile strength and total elongation test shall be in the roling direction of JIS No.5. Table 26 Mechanical property tolerance for SP788 Unk: Yield point ‘ensile strength MPa, total elongation % Pron] Toe =a actrees es "yl Tol oat cannon Em" | estan | et | on ‘ rovmess| “eum | mgs] teem | amet | Ea IMM] tem RRO se = wae om [am | ee [ms | mie |e | ee | >) ee 202 Set classification For the classification by coating weight, use, eppearance (surface defects), surface finish and lubrica- tion, set the fllowing classifiction Table 27_ Set classification for SP788 Ter Tatng csstcabon | Synbat Dossinion Contig weaht ‘Senderd — [SERS eS [an 4s ame, mae 65am ste sex wed frasorebie pas pedieedn fe Savora Chcetoatonby we | For goers —_recoe ath art sprinter emraso of eros con ong soa Stas ‘Fapaaranen (Fa 5 mmc Normal 8 [peoted or at cassitcators exert "seer use Tirace ith Tamaiaatiaah |= [Sarees Re [Retearce ate] OF B10 pm Carr erisoresie nF |_| Gener entizaresve lbion sheuld be appedesiorges there 8 Lupsesion aon rowonal specteston Troarie wveanifin | J [nego atroant esot, oe. rinporenert ot dae Reanpra 203 Others ‘SP7E8 hall eatisty tho requirements of coating properties, dimension and shay fied in4., 8. and 9. Applicable cheot tuckness shall be t1.8 mm max. te for SP780 epeci- 28 M2027 [2006-1] ANNEX Purpose of revision in June 2006 [AS part of neads for environment, “hexavalent chromium free treatment” that has properties equivalent or more fo chromate treatment was newly established (SP710NC, SP720NC, SP730NC), as an atemativo treatment of chromate treatment that hed been used for surface treatment (chemical treatment) of non-alioyed hot-dipped zinc coating steel sheets (Gi) conventionally and was abolished. Accordingly, the properties of them ara specie. Purpose of revision in Noverber 2005 Description of “Materials specifed in this NES must conform to NES MO301 “Substance Use Restrictions was added at the beginning ofthe taxt. Normative Reference MM 0301-2005-1 For high-tension steel of 780 and 960 MPa classes, the following 3 types have become mainstream. Re- ‘garding the dual phase type out of the 3, approval ofthe material as been completed In Japan, U.S.A. and Europe. ay Table_Vereatity comparison of high-tension matarials by strengthening type ‘Acproval of material ap | Usa Tenes | APpiatiy to pats [Prespiatonevenghenngyes | O [+ [+ = ITIP oe =o 7 ‘buaiphase bre (ee7e5-760, 999) RAR 2 Further, RP783-780 and RP783-S60, which had been used 2s provisional standards heretofore, were regis- ‘ered regulary in the NES, because their range of appication is expected to extend inthe future as well In addiion, RP grade, in which YP is of a narrow range regardless of sheet thickness and the sheet thickness is, also ofa narrow range, was Set 10 Improve ease of design and accuracy in enalysis. However, for cold-oled stool sheets of 780 MPa cass or higher, SP standard and RP standard were cumulated ito RP standard, because the existence ofthe two different standards has coused confusion. For high-tension steel sheets of 590 MPa class, the SP standard and the RP standerd wil be used continuously, but a study will be made by ‘he time of he next revsion to determine whether they should be cumulated into one or not. By tho wa tension etee! ei MPa class or higher, not only the material parts, the process capacity ofthe oress forring companies, and part charactristics should be investigated ‘before determining whether or not to adopt Based on the revision at this time, SP and RP can be dlasstid by coating type classifcation, cold and hot toll classification (cold or hot rolled) and strength classification as shown on tho tablo below. Strength ype CRON TST, ais "I SEESRPTSETSS ynasect | waoums | s0omps | wows | cate =m} cae |— see | see} ee | ee [At the time of incorporating these grades into NES, addition ofthe 4 regulations listed below was decided () Chemical composition (2) Adhesivenoss {@) Sheet thickness tolerance (4) High-speed deformation strength N2027 [2006-1] (1) Chemical compostion ‘ung fm) Figure Effect ofthe © content onthe spot weld peel strength of 980 MPa class steel sheet “The above figure shows the effet of change of C content in a steel sheet having S60 MPa cass stength on the spot weld peel stength. To increase street, Cis added to the uta hightension steel sheets of 280 IMPa class than quasi high-tension steel sheets. Its confirmed that the peel strength increases in accor- dance wit intease of sheet tickness in te range of less than 0.1% of C content, but tis recognized that ‘the poo strength does nt increasain accordance with increase of sheet thickness inthe range of more than 0.4% of C contont, Thereoro, now addon of standard fr the C content was decided. (2) Adhesiveness In order 0 prevert the omission of evaluation of compatBalty betwsen achesive used for various applications and a steel sheet, qualty-olated items to bo examined wore newy sot for each typo of adhesive. (9) Sheet thickness tolerance For hot-olled ste! sheels. the RP grade which had already been used was set tis time. The shes thick ness tolerance specified in the new standard is smallr than tat in tho SP standard, and therafoo & can be ‘expected thatthe smaller tolerance will contribute to @ reduction in pert performance variation. 2 M2027 [2006-1] (4) High-speed deformation srenath Provisions concerning high-speed detcrmation sirangth of 760 and 880 MPa class steel sheets were newly added this tine. It is known thatthe ratio of high-speed defornaton stength and static strength decreases accompanying wth in ‘ceac0 of eaticetrength. A high (Aiter revision) "Average costing weight by 3 point method on one side Minimum 72 g/m", maxi ‘mum 93 alr ‘Atthe same time, an “0” (alphabetic character [ou)) is to be added as a suffix because oil application is ‘normal condition for HOOD INR. However, the rules for adding suffixes have been changed as described below, because there is fear that the alphabetic character "O° might be confused with the numeric cher- acter “0” For special anticorrosive ol, no changes were made to the notation. (_———Symbor Before revision | Kfer revision Remake GI sieTsheat Woo ee 0 x (ke) Teas Oreee ene OUtoud None = CAseaTzeT | Wo ot ope stander steel sheo's might net be delved ormight be treated 2s materale subec to spacial contain regiane other than Japan and the region whore the Renauls Purchasing Departments located, caus th plato thekness tolerance for them has boon rosusod) 5) RP standara steel shoots should bo sed basicaly for naw vehicles manufactured in and afr Octcbor 2000. => currert modes, rowover SP standard teal shoots may bo replaced win > standard sie! sheets (RP standard stool sheets ste not be replaced wh SP standard steel sheets). 6) The poi at whieh the hiekness ofan 8 siancord fot oled steel sheet beng meast.red was changed to ‘any point 40 mm or mote inward fom side edges n Keeping with Renault standards Purpose of revision in June 2000 Revision content: “J Gnorganic kixicant coating)” was added to the classification by lubrication Solid lubricant coating (K) delivers excelent sicing performance during press forming but has poor adhe- Siveness, $0 2 steel type coated with high anticorresive lubricant (L) was added on the occasion of the revi- sion in March 2000 for portions that need to be adhered. Inorganic lubcicant coating was adopted to improve the press formabilty of portions difficult to oress-iorm and to further reduce costs, because inorganic lub cant coating is far Superior to high-lubrication anticorrosive ol in point of sliding performance required for ross forming. Purpose of revision in May 2000 (1) The lower limit value ofr for SP781 and SP782 wore eliminated in considoraton of the actual produc tion capabilty ard delivery result values. (2) Of matenal subject to severe appearance control, the symbol "U" rforting the one side indication clae- Sifcation of severe contro! surface, which should be marked on an order code, was newly eet. <1 M2027 [2006-1] Here Is the annex of revision in March 2000. Purpose of revision As a measure to reduce the weights of vehicle bodies, the use of 590 MPa class. Figh-tension steel sheets being excellent at absorbing collision energy isin the prooass of increasing, and also thas been deodad in Japan to adopt an alloyed hot-dp zinc-coating steal shaet (GA) as a de facto standard of corrosion-esisting steel sheet for vohice bodies. n keeping with this decision, hotrolled GA sieel sheets with excellent coision energy absorbing performance were added as 2 new steel type. However the added steel type does not correspond to any steel types defined in Japan kon and Steel Federation ‘standards (JFS). In Europe, on the othor hand, non-aloyed hot dip zine-coating ctool sheets (GI) are widely used, and Renault also is in the process of switching to Gl on the occasion of a 12-year corrosion resistance {guarantee system. In order to show an synergistic effect win Ranaut, thas been decided to adopt Gi forall Vehicles manufactured in Europe. For these reasons, general symbols and new steel typos of cold-olled GI steel sheets were set for corrosion-resisting steel sheets to be procured in Europe. In addition, the Gl sieel ssheeis are a common standard with Renau, and notation method is in accordance with |SO standards, “The major contents of the revision are a¢ folows, (1) Setting of new generic symbols (SP760) (2) Addition of new sieel types (SP793-580, SP703-090) (3) Change of ciassication by plate thickness (4) Change of classification by appearance and application (G, A and 8) (5) Addition of classification (Q) of classification by sheet thickness contralto dimension classification ‘Supplementary explanation of the revision lems (1) Addltion of new steel types “The dual-phase (DP) type low yield ratio high-tension stee! sheet of §80 MPa class was newly adopted as 'SP793-580 10 aloyed hol-dip zino-coating stee! sheets (GA) whose original plate is hot-clled stael sheet |nadeition that a generic symbol (SP760) was nevly set for non-alloyed hot-dip zinc-coating hot-elled tee! sheets (Cl) whose original plate is cold rolled steel sheet and use is limited in Europe, and ‘SP703-520 of duak-phase (DP) type low yield ratio high-ension steel sheets of 590 MPa class was newly set This is explained together. (2) Change and addltion of mechanical properties (Lensile test) [Newly set for duat-phase (OP) type low yield ratio high-tension staal sheets (SP793-590) mentioned in “The grounds for the set ere 2s follows. 2) Yield point “The yield point was set so that it would be emailer than the etee! manufacturers’ production capabiity and the setting range (band: 165 MPa) for hot-roled dual-ghase (DP) type 680 MPa high-iension sieel sheets, Used to reduce damage sustaned in tne event of a collision by Total etongation ‘As. with the yils pobn, the total elongation was set based on the steel manufacturers’ production eapabi- ity and the setting range (band: 12%) for dual-phase (DP) typo 600 MPa high-tonsion steal sheets used to reduce damage sustained in the event ofa collision. Besides, the target of elongation was set following ‘the relationship between the conventional original sheet and steel sheet with suriace-reaiment for corre sion prevention. (0) High-speed deformation strength Either 590 MPa high-tensiton steel sheet was set at an equivalent level to the lower limit values for dual-phase (OP) type 590 MPa high-tension steel sheets usod to reduse damage sustained inthe event of a collision. High-speed deformation strength Target value: 730 MPa or more (Tensile speed at a cistorton rate of 1000/80) Besides, for characteristic values other than tensie test, the conventional standards were followed. M2027 [2006-1] Cutline ofthe standard for 590 MPa clase high-tonsion steel (cold-olod, hot-rollad, GA and Gi) Here are the general oullnes of the changes made this time to the standards for cold-olled, hot-rolled, GA ‘and Gl steal sheets. =) wane | GS, | Se, |S cadens | wtetes | SSO] cece [Suede ees men ates ste S oe, ieee Tapas Sua Gna | cis | SENSE | nomena | nosardaa “ senaztn aan | Sara OT ry ame SS (lortttlena | sriseswe | aves corse | Soarent, | cet pes waeme) ieormer) | (Sermere) Prapeasonar | Gedsee | sera | sostmtau'2 | nowancac2 | Nowandad’2 2 Goteenes ie) ow") Standarciza¥on i nol planned or he ne beng, bosauso ti ochrioaly mporeoe pro duce tis type ose. “2 Sizndardization isnot planned forthe time being, because this type of steel is expected to be ificult to press-form and applicable parts are vary limited, *2) This type of steel! was adopted as cold-rolled Gl stee! sheets used exclusively in Europe. A ‘generic symbol and a steel type symbol were newly set to distinguish from cther Gl steel sheets. 4) Standardization isnot planned forthe time boing, because it ie impossible to procure the mate: rial in Europe. ‘Standard for GI stoo! sheet used exclusively in Europe On the occasion of the establishment of a standard for Gl steel sheets used exclusively in Europe, the ge- eric symbol $760 was newly set to distinguish GI sieel sheets from SP710, S720 and SP730 used for some interior pars in Japan and covered by the current NES. 560 MPa high-tension steel is @ common standard with Renault, and its mechanical properties were writen with an ISO incication used at Renault. Further, Renault standards difer from NES in mindset on which the range of each mechanical property is specified, and as confusion 's supposed when mechanical properias ina Renault stancard and those in [NES are listed side by side in the same tabie of the text, mecharical property values were specified in tho ‘Annex. The newly standardized SP760-590 in the table below is a highvtension steel used exclusively in Europe. Tensile ctrength, Yield point: MPa, Total olongation: %, Shot thickness t: mm Geneic | Srengih | Steel type |Suppiement] Tensile | Yield poin | Total eboo- symbol |type symbel| symbol strength ‘gation josts20|1oste20| 40sts20 Gi ‘SP760__| $P760-590 | SP763520 |590 MPa low| 590 MPacr | 36010430 | 23 ormore (cole-rotes)| yeldrat0 OP) more @ stool shoot | stee: ‘Note {: Although the mechanical property values have been agreed upon with Renault, there is poss bility for blast furnace steel manufacturers in Europe not to be able to achieve the values, thu, 2 target value was also specified in parentheses. Note2: The high-speed deformation sirength was set at an equivalent level to the lower limit values for cold-rolled duel-phese (OP) type 580 MPa high-iension steel. M2027 [2006-1] Flowchart for the selection of 2 590 MPa class high-tension staal sheet Hare isthe selection flow that enginaers will follow when making a stucy to determine whether to adopt 590, MPa class high-tension steel ‘Star of study 'SP183-590 (Colaroled DF) “1 Yes 3P793-390 (Hotroled CADP) sp732.500 (Colavoted Ga.0P) Yeo sP153.500 (Cols-oten DP) “1 '8P253-580 (Hotoled DP) *2 No sp2ss.s00 (oeroled TRIP) 2 It formaity judged NG. Ist possi fg change the shape? 1) There is high chance to obtain DP steel considering procure” mont frm local stos| manu ‘Beurers at overseas Operation bases such asin Eup. Change USA etc ‘nape In addon, atcorrsive steel sheat (GAj can not be made of sP1s4590 TRIP steel, ang tneretre he (Cottoled TRIP) se of OP see! is recom monde M2027 [2006-1] Notandum in changing steo! typos “The following points should be kept in mind when no choice but to chango steal typos. (1) itis possible to chango from SP153-560 (cold-rolled DP) to SP154.580 (cold-rolled TRIP), since this ‘change does not accompany with dogradation in prose formabiity,yiold strongth, otc. (2) On the contrary, the change from SP154-600 (cold-roled TRIP) to SP13-500 (cold-rolled DP} needs {an agreoment Betwoon the parties concemed, because it accompanies come performance dogradation. Tho same goes for the change from SP254-660 (het rolled TRIP) to SP253-590 (hot-ralled DP). Other For SP793-690 that has been standardized ths time, the standard will be reviewed when enough production data has accumulated, because it has hardly ever been produced in quant. ‘The same goes for SP763-590. (6) Ackition of classification (Q) by sheet thickness contrel to dimension classification Specifications of "2" with an exacting thickness tolerance on the lower limit side were added tothe cles- sification by sheet thickness control from the viewpoint of opimal design Example: S781 {1.0 = 600 x COIL = From the tolerances on sheet thickness and sheet width in Table 17-2. i can be judged thet the lower-imit and upper-limit sheet thicknesses are 0.93 and 1.07 mm, respectively. The thickness tolerance on the thn side becomes tolerance -0.05 (Calculated using the formula in Table 17), because the tolerance becomes severe. Purpose of revision [As a measure (0 reduce the weights of vehicle bodies, a 590 MPa class high-tension steel sheet being ex- tcallent at absoxbing collision energy more than the conventional $80 MPa Class high-tension steel sheet is planned to be developed and adopted. Therefore, a new steel type was added to the slandard for GA steel ‘sheets, as with the standard for colc-olled high-tension steel sheets (M2032). However, the added steel type does rit correspond to any slee! types defined in Japan lion and Stee! Federation standards (JFS). “The major contents of he revision are as folows. () Addition of a new steel type (SP763-590) {2 Addition cf mechanical properties (tansile tast characteristic values) (@) New establishment of a high-speed ceformation strength standard ‘Supplementary explanation of the revision tems. (G1) Addition of a new stool type ‘The dual-phase (OP) type low yield ratio high-tansion stoo! sheet S?783.560 was newly adopted to al- loyad hot-cip zine-coating steel sheet made of original sheet of hot-olle steel sheet (GA). (2) Change and addition of mechanical properties (tensile test) ‘Mechanical properties were newly specified for dual phase (DP) type low yield ratio high-tonsion stool shoots (SP783-590) mentionod in (1) above. ‘The grounds for the set are as follone. a) Yield point ‘The yield point was newly eet basod on the stoo! manufacturore! production capabilty and sotting range (band: 105 MPa) forthe currant 440 MPa class high-tension steel shoete. ») Total elongation ‘As with the yield point, the otal elongation was ae based on the stee! manufacturers’ production capat ity, and setting range (band: 12%) for the current 440 MPa class high-iension steel sheets. Besides, for characteristic values other than tensile test the conventional standards were followed. @) Now setting of high-speed deformation strength ‘Atensie strength standard wes newy set for high-speed tensie tests as a substitute characteristic for the abilty to absorb calision energy. This strength standard was set based on the results ofa hich-speed tensile test conducted with a one-bar ‘method high-speed tensile tester inthe possession of the Material Research Divsion of General Re- search Insitute, ‘The querantee for high-speed deformation strength by steel manufacturers should be conducted as process approval fest. Although itis siated inthe main text of this Standard thal an evaluation method shall be specified separately should be set down forthe time being through consuftation between the Material Engineering Department and the steel manufacturers, To be more precise, the values measured by the Nissan's one-bar method high-speed tensile tester and the values measured by steel manufactur. es’ fest equipments should be compared by cross check and the values to be guaranteed by tha manu- facturers are determined according to need, 38 M2027 [2006-1] Cutline of the standard for $90 MPa ciass high-tension steel (cold-rolled, hotolled and GA) Here are the general outlines ofthe changes made this time to the standard for cold-rolled, hot-rolled, and GA Stel sheets Cold-olled steel sheet | Hot~ciled steet sheet | GA steel shes (Coxdraled | — ce ca Geel Ta at SPIseEeO wae cad New se SS | Nestea ; Toe T Duaterae OP) | soresaco | Sorasanee seasesso 3°703-590 ovyaito ype | cone crne | waneatgnyon | Uenrt's | Newirset FSS aE x = yee, Nowandard"3 | Nostndard-@ (Fe gael in) nchanged Tote *1) Theae Gro out oT Fe scope of ravi, Dacause Tay ave hat Henly developed Malena Tis tine. 2) Standerdzation is rot planned fr the te being, because tis techrically impossible to pro- duce this type of see *3) Standardization is not planned forthe time being, because this type of steel is expected to be ser ice sree “iy Traighigh cance peban —_Laa Besee anceres ect rmentffom loca steel manu- {acturers at overseas operation ‘bases euch as in Europa, USA ote In acto, anteorosive set sheet (GA) can notbe made of “TRIP steel, and therefore he Usa of DP sieol ences ‘SP153-690 (CoW-olled DP) “1 '8P264-590 (Hotrolled TRIP) 2 ‘coldolled Stel sheets with ry 'SP154.590 (Coisolles TRIP) Notandum in changing steel types The folowing points should be keot in mind when no choice but to change steel types. (1) tis possible to change from SP183-590 (cold-rolled DP) to SP154-590 (cold-rolled TRIP), since this change does not accompany with degradation in press format, yield strength, etc. (2) On the contrary, the change from SP 154-590 (colé-olled TRIP) to SP153-590 (cold-rolled DP) needs 2an agreement between the parties concerned, because it accompanies some performance degradation, ‘The same goes for the change from SP254-580 (notoled TRIP) to $P253-590 (hot-folled DP). other (1) AS low-priced version of SP783-580 standardized this time, there Is a great demand for the standardiza- tion of GA staal sheets (tentative slee! type symbol: SP7S3-590) of hot-olled original steel sheets. About this matter, a stucy will be made to determine vinether to develop and standardize them. (@) As atready stated in “Purpose of explanation’ athe baginning ofthis section, none of the materials nawly ‘Standardized this ime are covered by any of Japan Iron and Steel Federation standard (JFS) and they rave hardly ever been produced in quantity. M2027 [2006-1] Mechanical properties were eet thet crcumetances, and the total elongation currenty set might cause a problem such as cificlty in pross forming, et= For mechanical properias, therefore, the standard wll ba ‘vised one year later when encugh preduction data has accumulated. Here isthe annax when this Standard was revised in September 1998, Purpose of revision In keeping with the decision to adopt alloyed hot dip zinc-coatng steel sheets (GA) as de facto stan- dard of anticorrosive steel sheets for vehicle bodios, the provisions concoming GA in this Standard were reviewed drastically. ‘The major contants ofthe revision ere 9s follows. (1) New setting of high-tension grade (2) Standardization of the weights of coatings to be adopted inthe future @) Betting of classification concerning specific safety guideline corresponding to conventional dula-stee! and surface proverties as major anticorrasive stze! sheets. (4) Revision of tolerances on mechanical properties in connection wah the revision of Japan Iron and Sieel Federation standards (JFS). Besides, fr nomaloyed hat zhe-oaing steal sheets (GI) the conventional standard was fo lowed ‘Supplementary explanation ofthe revision items (1) New setting of high-tension grade ‘Since only @ mild steel sheet grade was set as a strength class in the conventional standard, steel types with tensile strength of 340, 370, 390 and 440 MPa class were added this time. Note, however, that 370 MPa class was set as 2 provisional grace, since 370 MPa class sieel had poor markeiabilly, and consid eration has been given so that I can be Used as ever as dura-sieel only when an order for it has been placed, Furthermore, a grade equivalent to SP761-40 (general-purpose coktolled high-tension steel of 440 Ma class) was newly set for cost reduction and weight saving in the future, although there were no ‘equivalent grades in dura-stee! in the past (On the other hand, 270 and 350 MPa class steel sheets were newly adopted as baking-hardened stee! sheets (50 called BH stee! sheets). '590 MPa class high-strength high-tension steel was excluded from the scope of revision, since itis stl ‘under development. (@ Standardization of the weights of coatings 1o be adopted inthe future ‘The minimum weight of coating to be adopted in the future was set at 45 g/m In consideration of mar- ketabilty to sacure the equivalent anticorosive performance to dura-steel. A minimum weight of 30 gm? was also set for future cost reduction. {@) Setting of casstication concerning epecife safety guideline corresponding o conventional du-stal and surface properties as major antcorosive sical shoots. ‘Sotting of elasstication concerning specife safety guideline corresponding to conventional dula-stool and surface properties as major antcorosive sical shoot. Athough only the peel resistance due to bending ard the corosion resistance by calt spray tact had boon ‘specified in the corvertional standard, th folowing tome wore addod as performance tame fe bo ex- amined whon adopting a major anticorrosive steal sheet fr vehicle bodies. () Powdoring resistance (2) Chipping reietance {© Chemical treatment {@)Eloctodeposition coating (Ges pn resistance and eraiering property) {© Corrosion resistance of uncoated steel sheet {© Corrosion resistance of outer euriece (Scab rust resisance) ‘Asx, the folowing surface propertyrelated classficaons were adopted. Classification by appearance (surface defeci): Severe classifications (6 ard O) were added. {© Classification by surface nish: High clear fish (M) wes added. {@) Classification by lubrication: Special anicorrsive cil (Land K) was added 37 M2027 [2006-1] (@ Revision of tolerances on mechanical properties in connection withthe revision of Japan Iron and Stee! Federation standards (JFS) ‘The range of total elongation among a mechanical property was as large as 10% in the conventional standard, and narrowing the ranga was a major problam ‘Thoreforo, the range (for cold rolled mild steel sheet type) specified in the NES was changod this ime to keep stop withthe revision of Japan Iron and Stool Federation standard. NES steeliyre | JFSsteel yee | Standard range: Remarks New ois sP7e9 Jac2TOG 2 10 __|Lewer in wes raised by sP7e1 1Ae270D e 0p P72 JACRTOE é 10 __| Unpertimit towered and low its raised by one SP765 JACaTOF é 30___| pointeacn to reduce the SPTEs *AC2506 é 30 eaaaes SP7E5 JAG2TOH 10 70 ‘Aging property was incorporated into the Standard this time, because there were no provisions about iin the ‘conventional standard, Items that became subjects of discussion during deliveraion (1) Review of grade system and symbols For the high-tension grade newiy set th me for GA series steel sheets, the symbol "(tensile strength) was adopted to maintain consistency with the symbols used in other NES concerning steel sheets. Also, ‘hare was a need to set cifferent symbols from the symbols of conventional standards and Gl series 10 make clear the ciferences between symbols, because the mechanical properties of md steel shosts covered by convertional standards were changed. For Gi series steel sheets, no changes were made to the conventional symbol system to avoid confusion, because the conventional standards were not ro- Viewed. As 2 consequence, consistency of symbol system between GA series and Gl series was lost in ‘some dagree, Dut was decided to make the symbol systems consistent on the occasion ofa revision after symbols have become avaliable. (2) Provision of performance “The conventional dura-stool standard epocified that provisions of performanco should bo applied only at the time of approval for a manufacturing process. However, the items to be applied at the tme of approval for a manufacturing process wore limited to ease of conversion troatmant and ate of electrodopostion coating from the viewpoint of quelty assurence for production. For other performence related items, the determination ofthe practical test frequency was lef tothe discretion of parties concerned. (9) Surface finish For high cleat finish (M), we had no other choice but to adopt different standards from Japan Iron and ‘Steel Federation standards from the view point of performance guarantee atthe time of substation from urate bl we wil coninue a study to fd a may to harmonize them wih Jepen ron and Stel Fed eration standards. (@) Surface treatment For pats diffeut to form, suggestions about the classification of high lubricant coatings were recelved from blast furnace steel manufacturers. It was decided, however, not to classify them, since it daflacts from major point of global siandardization, 38. M2027 [2006-1] Here isthe annex when this Standard was revised in 1995, Purpose of revision “This Standard, which had been partelly revised in 1982, was revised again this time in keeping with the general revision of relevant NES standards The combinations of property and weight of coatings, surface treatment (chemical treatment specifica: tions), etc. were removed from this Standard from the viewpoint of reduction in the number of steel lypes, because they are not used current. On the occasion of the general revision of steel sheet standards including M2020, special consideration, ‘consistency of composition of texts, standard numbers and symbols among the standarcs was consid- ered as much as possible ‘At adoption ofthis Standard, ‘This Standard was establshed as standard thai can take charge on promoting the consolidation of steel types, as described in the “Supplementary explanation of each item ‘background to the setting of target Values” shown below. As of the date of enforcement of tis Standard. however, stgel sheets based on conventional standards of agreement between the partes conoered are stil n Use. ‘Therefore, fo ensure the functioning of pars manufactured fiom such stael sheets, the steel manufac turers should not change any steel manufacturing processes or conditions without careful consideration At the start of using this Standaro, therefore, both each department of Nissan and the steel manufactur fers should strictly Rold by the actvties in the “15. Report section of iis Standard. ‘Supplementary explanation cf each iter Section 2_Steol sheet specications and symbol system ‘As standards have been revised drastically this time, a new standard system (SP standard system: ‘means the term ‘stool plate") was adopted to make clear the switching from the conventional standard ‘system (NP standard systern). Also, considering the diversification of value-added st rated in this Standard was presented in Ket ‘Section 3. Classification by mechanical property (Including provisions concerning mechanical properties) 4. About standard numbers by the classification by mechanical proporty For roasone of manufacturing method, hot-dip zino-coating steal sheets (including alloyed hot-cip Zinc-coating steel shoots) use original shoots thet are different from commercially available cold-rolled (or hot rolled) steel sheets. However, each 3 steel types of cold-rolled steel sheets (NES M2020) and hot-relled mild cteel sheets (NES M2021) were set in combination of classification by formabilty and name in standards to maintein ‘consistency of steel type name. Although the last digit ofa standerd number was essigned fo classification by formatilty for products Using cold-clled steel sheets 2s original sheets, the numeral ! was assigned to steel sheets for general use, the numeral 2to steel sheets for drewning end the numeral 3 to steel sheets for deep drewning As a result of this, the standard numbers were reversed in relation to the conventional ones, but priority was given to consistency with cold-rolled mid steels (NES M2020) Also, for steel sheets using hot-rolled stee! sheets as orginal sheets, the numeral 6 was assigned to steel sheets for general use, the numeral 7 fo sieel sheets for crawning and the numeral 6 fo steet sheets for deep drawning by reasons of code system, although it was desirable to assion the last dit of a standard number to classification by formabiliy as withthe standard for hot rolled steel sheets (NES M2021). [Note that a steel type presumed to be used for original sheets does not always match with that used acualiy for orignal sheets by reasons of standard system, 2. About mechanical properties For mechanical properties, numerical values were set based on the same ideas as with NES M2020 (Cold-lied steal plates and steel strips for automobiles), ec. in consideration of moves toward the fu- {ure establishment of standards for steel sheets and strips for automobiles | chests, the symbol system that can be desig- 20.

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